Dieing Five
111 episodes
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Creator: Dieing Five
Full cast Adventure Longform Audio RPG
Dive into Dieing Five, an actual play podcast telling a grounded fantasy story full of dramatic twists, gut busting jokes, and moments that might just break your heart! New episodes every Wednesday, as well as the occasional bonus one shot, behind the scenes discussion, and full season recaps. As always, thanks for listening.
Format: Audio RPG
RPG system: Pathfinder
Continuity: Longform
Writing: Improvised
Voices: Full cast
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Maturity: Young adult
Content warnings: / Mental illness
Country of origin: United States
Completion status: Partial
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Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500
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S3E32: Those Who Walk In Death
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party goes to speak with Verus, while Magnis stays behind to help the Androids. Are they walking into a trap? Why is Grim trying to kill the Androids? Will Verus and Renastiere come to blows again? Sudden deaths, cold waters, and Godzilla Phosphorus await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party and Magnis learn even more from Serra, as well as getting the Codex and Apparatus fixed. What are the Codex and Apparatus capable of now that they're repaired? Will the information Serra shares send the party into a spiral of existential dread? Will the party agree to help the Androids? Rain soaked worries, skinny dipping, and the secrets of the worlds creation await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party and Magnis talk with Serra about the world's creation. What secrets does she know? Can she be trusted? Will the party keep up the lie that Diego is an android, or come clean? Crew quandaries, telepathic bathroom breaks, and a village of androids await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party and Magnis head into the islands watery depths towards a strange light. What dangers lurk in the murky waters? Are there any androffan left on the island? Why are there psychopomps here? Magical domes, erased truths, and a lot of butterflies await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 14 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The Penumbra sets out towards the third and final island. On the way, Biyula gives a sermon on Sansemel. A divine Phosphorus and Diego are all too familiar with. Will they learn anything new from Biyula's sermon? Is Aimon having a crisis of faith? What dangers will be faced on the way to the island? Uncomfortable conversations, inattentive listeners, and a very nervous giant await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 07 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party, with the help of the newly found Codex, takes a look around the bunker in an attempt to uncover its many secrets. How exactly do the tubes containing the Kobolds and Xulgath work? What capabilities does the Codex have? What are they going to tell Hulok? Agonizing installs, painful truths, and the death of an immortal being await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party finally comes face to face with the Sting. Though things get tense as the party discovers the wickedness at the core of the cult. Is the Sting an individual, or a group? Why have they been amassing so much blightburn crystal? How is there another thoughtmaw? Righteous fury, musical magic, and the greatest counterspell of all time await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party, Magnis, Hulok, and Moon come to blows with the Xulgath and their leader, the Thoughtmaw. Can Hulok convince her people to rebel? Will Diego run ahead and be forced to fight alone? What lies behind the entrance to the cradle? Acidic dangers, telepathic quips, and a very unfortunate nat one await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party plus Magnis sneak into the mines to free Hulok's people and get to the bottom of what's going on with the cult. Will their infiltration be cut short? Will they be forced to take Moon with them? Will Phosphorus finally get a chance to blow something up? Clutch spells, big booms, and some new theme music await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500
Once Aimon finishes his meditative prayer, the Penumbra heads out to the second sky island that supposedly holds the Codex. What dangers await them on the island? What even is the Codex? Did Aimon get a response from the Old One? Elven visions, failed expertise, and a strange ally await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party returns to outpost one to regroup. And after talking things over, they have a plan. Pray! Will any of their prayers be answered? Will they tell the crew anything about what they’ve learned? What does it take to get a God's attention? Golden dust, thunderous alarms, and the naming of those who have no name await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500
Our party and Magnis find themselves in a strange situation after sleeping in Mic's hut. Though whether they're in danger remains to be seen. Where has Mic taken them? How long have they been asleep? Can Mic be trusted? Ritualistic recoveries, startling revelations, and a sane Mic await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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S3E20: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500
As the party prepares to set out in search of the two remaining sky islands, another ship finally comes into port. What sorts of folks are on the new ship? Will Diego get along with their captain? Does Renastiere have the courage to tell Thres how he feels about her? Space lizards, romantic gestures, and a quick snooze await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party and crew take a breather after going toe to toe with an ancient dragon. Now all that's left to do is strip the corpse of its adamantine. Will they have room for all the adamantine? What can the hammer do now that it's powered up? Where is Magnis going to be sleeping on the Penumbra? Caustic craters, dinosaur helpers, and a glass heart await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The sudden emergence of a dangerous creature has the party's backs against the wall. But through Diego's quick thinking, they just might make it out alive. What is this dangerous creature? What tricks does Diego have up his sleeve? Will those tricks end up costing him his life? Broken glass, blightburn blasts, and a few broken boats await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party and Magnis head into the bunker, looking for answers to what the Androids were doing on the island. What mysteries await them within the bunker? Will they be able to piece things together? Who's catching blightburn sickness this time? Broken machines, pristine corpses, and a lot of fire damage await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S3E16: Knowing Is Half The Battle
Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500
With the ritual now complete, the party and Magnis head to the bunker. On the way there, the group discusses what they know about the Magin and the Androids. Why is Magnis really looking into the Androids? Does he know more about the Magin than he's letting on? What strange Androffan tech will the bunker hold? Attempted friendships, shared secrets, and a quick swim await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S3E15: Through Fire And Flames
Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500
After speaking with the Ravdah, everyone agrees to give the ritual a shot. Though the Ravdah warns that fire elementals will come flocking once it begins. Will the party be able to hold them off? What sorts of elementals will be drawn out of the Inferno? Will the ritual even work? Screaming teeth, flaming birds, and a dangerous hug await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party learns from Magnis that there may be Magin agents on the island. Though they'll have much bigger problems if Renastiere can't talk down an aggressive dinosaur. What's got the dino acting out? Will the Magin make an appearance? Can Magnis be trusted? Lost families, planer protecters, and a mysterious monk await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S3E13: Give Me A Home, Where The Dinosaurs Roam
Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The Penumbra arrives at the first island! Though all sorts of fire fueled dangers await them. How will they combat the fire? Is the island home to any Androids? Can Renastiere talk to Dinosaurs? Ship wrecks, fire foxes, and a very paranoid man await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The first ever Penumbra talent show begins, with every member of the crew signed up to display their skills. What talents will everyone show off? Will Diego regret making Renastiere, Phosphorus, and Aimon the judges? What island will they set off to find first? Shot shoulders, apathetic hosts, and forgiven debt await you on the episode of Dieing Five!
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S3E11: With A Little Help From My Friends
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party returns to the Penumbra to discuss their findings with the crew and plan their next move. Which island will they head to first? How has Archy been doing during his time off? Does the party finally have a way to pay the crew? Alcoholic tendencies, aggressive vaccinations, and a quarter life crisis await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500
Our party finally opens the "door" Zenod found. Though what they find beyond it only leaves them with more questions. Why is Aimon's and the lantern's magic responding to the "door"? Where is the party and their crew headed next? What is really going on with the Androids? Dangerous crystals, familiar materials, and a handful of corpses await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500
Our party comes face to face with the biggest and baddest of Zenod's constructs. Though their battle with it only marks the beginning of their journey into places no mortals have gone before. Will the group be able to best the construct? Will they finally find the "door" Zenod spoke of? What awaits them beyond it if they do? Destructive swaps, cannon arms, and an unexpected key await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party follows in Zenod's footsteps, attempting to find the "door" he spoke of. Though his clockwork constructs continue to cause problems. Will they be able to find the "door"? What will installing the skyshard Zenod left behind into Archy do? What has the constructs acting so aggressively? Grieving crew mates, ice caverns, and an enemy that stands no chance await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party forges ahead through a strange blizzard in the hopes of finding Zenod. Though what awaits them isn't exactly good news. Will they find Zenod? What's going on with the blizzard? How are they going to pay the crew? Spare parts, solemn discoveries, and a final farewell await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0500
The party speaks with Bogg, getting a lead on where Zenod may be. And after some time spent bonding with the crew, the Penumbra sets out to find him. What lead has Bogg given the party to follow? Is he even someone they can trust? Will Phosphorus figure out what Mic's deal is? Relationship advice, stabbed thighs, and alcoholism await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0600
After a debate filled distraction, the Penumbra arrives at outpost one. Though this is only the first stop of the party's expedition into the sky islands. Will their reception at the outpost be warm or cold? What sorts of strange folks live so far from Lokly? Will they be able to pick up Zenod's trail? Verbal hostilities, forgotten books, and a mutiny await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 28 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0600
With everyone hired, our party is finally ready for the Penumbra's maiden voyage. Though the crew is mostly untested. How will all the new faces get along? Will everyone show up to their first day on the job? What sorts of adventures await in the sky islands? Soulful deaths, homeless hobgoblins, and a worried mother await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 21 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0600
Our party has several days of interviewing potential crew members ahead of them. One of which will spark a bit of unease within Diego and Phosphorus. What has them on edge? Who will the party decide to hire? Are all the interviewees really who they claim to be? Disastrous rituals, dwarven heretics, and cold blooded murder await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0600
With Phosphorus out of prison, our party finally has a chance to catch up and reconnect. Though matters quickly turn to their very own skyfaring vessel, and their need for a crew to man it. What sorts of folks will they end up interviewing? Who will be the captain? Why did Phosphorus commit his string of fire fueled crimes? Corrupted governments, surprising spells, and dwarven takeout await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0600
Our party reunites in Lokly, the last remaining dwarven sky hold, after three years spent apart. Though once again, Phosphorus needs to be bailed out of prison. What did he do to land himself behind bars? What will it take to get him his freedom? What's everyone been up to during their time spent apart? New companions, flying ships, and a lost arm await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600
GM Jack recounts all the important events, details, and revelations of Season 2.
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Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600
Join us for another wacky oneshot where Klonk, Ted, Gus, and Kelvin attempt the greatest heist of all time!
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Wed, 17 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600
GM Jack and the guys discuss all things season 2! Everything from favorite moments, most hated villains, hardest fought battles, and much more.
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Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600
As the dust begins to settle, our party gets busy taking stock of all that's been lost over the past few days. How many died due to Shintami's hubris? What was Umbra's final act of sentience? Will The Great Ostas and Diego ever get along? Future plans, family reunions, and the final words of a loved one await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E42: For A Shrouded City, For A Lost Son
Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600
Shintami has been dealt with, though while Wakuzana may be safe, our party is far from it. They face down an unholy union of vampire and dragon. Will everyone make it out alive? Or has the party's luck finally run out? Holy lights, old feuds, and some much needed allies await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E41: Countdown To Destruction
Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600
As Shintami puts the finishing touches on his ritual, the party rushes to stop him. Their climactic clash will determine the fate of Wakuzana. Can they put a stop to the ritual? Will Diego get revenge for Akagi? Will Peter get revenge for Sulfur? Icy deaths, prickly brains, and a self destructive sacrifice await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Our party faces off with a group of Kari, all in the hopes of saving Kite. But a handful of horrifying revelations leave everyone shaken. Can the party fight their way to Kite? Will he survive? What horrid acts has Shintami committed? Mercy kills, guardian angels, and a lack of skin await you in this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Wakuzana's leaders formulate a plan to pierce the black curtain, while the party keeps Shintami busy by "agreeing" to trade Renastiere for Kite. Will Shintami catch on to the party's deceit? Can the might of Wakuzana's strongest find a way through the curtain? What is Shintami's ultimate goal? Tense negotiations, special gifts, and a harry halfling await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Wander tells our party of the secrets she's found in Shintami's book. But they'll soon find they have much bigger problems upon returning to Wakuzana. What state is the city in? Has Shintami made his move in the party's absence? Could the secret's Wander found hold the key to stopping him? Magical barriers, hostage situations, and a pot of stew await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Diego, Aimon, & Renastiere fight for their lives as Peter prepares to let loose his most dangerous bomb yet. Will Diego, Aimon, & Renastiere survive their encounter with Umbra? Can Peter escape his own bombs blast? Will the party's reunion go up in flames? Lashing tails, reset codes, and a daring dive await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Peter puts the finishing touches on his bomb while the rest of the party frantically search for him. Will they be in time to save him? Does Peter intend to go out with a bang? What unknown dangers lurk in the shadows? Bug buddies, flying lizards, and a rash decision await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E35: The Darkness Stared Back
Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0600
We jump back a bit in time to go through Peter & Umbra's infiltration of the Akio estate. What horrors lie in wait for them? How does Peter end up in the Shadowveil? Is Umbra really dead? Magic potions, strange machines, and a fate worse then death await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Anzai approaches Aimon, Renastiere, and Diego with dire news. News that sends everyone scrambling to safety. Has their cover been blown? What is Shintami truly up to? Was Peter and Umbra's infiltration a success? Costume changes, temporary blindness, and some very bad news await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500
After finishing things up at the Hall of Divines, Aimon & Renastiere meet up with Diego for an evening trip to the Coliseum where they hope to spy on Shintami Akio. What will they learn from this outing? Can they keep their cover, or will Shintami see right through them? Powdered wigs, divine hugs, and some finance bros await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 25 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Aimon & Renastiere sit down with the Sarmens to warn them of the danger they're in. Meanwhile, Diego attempts to salvage his date and Peter & Umbra prepare for the infiltration. How will the Sarmens take the news? Can Diego manage to turn things around? What wild plan has Peter cooked up? Wise words, delicious kabobs, and the smell of platinum await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 18 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party gets to work preparing for the ball, with all manner of preparations under way. Will Diego's double date go up in flames? Can everyone secure entry into the ball? What's going on with Umbra's new red eye'd mode? Fake names, smelly beards, and a necklace stew await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E30: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Wed, 11 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party heads south in hopes of finally disposing of the Vetalarana. But even if they manage to do so, the danger to Wakuzana is far from over. Will there be any interruptions during their travels? Does the Vetalarana have any more tricks up their sleeve? Will Diego make it back in time for his date? Red eyes, funeral rites, and a moral conundrum await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 04 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0500
After defeating the Vetalarana, our party scrambles to find their new body. But the sudden discovery that someone close to the party isn't who they say they are threatens to ruin everything. Will our party find the new body in time? Who has been lying to the party? And why? Fields of corn, piles of ash, and a shocking discovery await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E28: Knocking On Death's Door
Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party heads to investigate a suspicious crypt closing near the crop fields south of Wakuzana. What has caused this sudden closure? Does it have anything to do with either Vampire bloodline our party is currently hunting? How much death awaits them in the crypts below? Stone scales, impaled chests, and a broken angel await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E27: Places To Be, People To See
Wed, 20 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party prepares for the Water Lily Ball, with everyone heading off on their own to make connections, scout out locations, and track down leads. How will everyone gain entry to the Ball? What secrets do the Akio family harbor? Can Diego find a date? Orcish nobles, sparing matches, and a cocktail await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 13 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party heads to Faxin's hideout in search for clues, unaware Diego was there the night before. And Naito finally gets back to the party on his plan. Will Diego's ruse be uncovered? Can the party find any leads that Diego missed? What exactly does Naito need done? Magical necklaces, part time jobs, and a pathological liar await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 06 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Aimon talks with Rit about the Magin before the party heads back home. Though a scorned Diego ends up on a night time adventure all by himself. What information does Rit have for Aimon? Can Diego make it home safe? Will the party find out about his late night escapades? Inner darkness, political secrets, and a magic sack await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 30 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0500
As things at Yatha's Boots & Shoes wind down, the party heads to the Arcane Assembly. There, a new ally awaits them. Who is this mysterious new ally? What information can they share with the party? Can they be trusted? Loud snores, deceptive charity, and a glowing tail await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 23 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party heads to Yatha's Boots & Shoes in the hopes of finding the missing student and teacher. But what awaits them there will be a surprise to everyone. Sleepy halflings, flamethrowers, and a mispronounced word await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E22: Rituals & Reconnaissance
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party gets to work hunting down the Arcane Assembly's missing student and teacher. And Umbra starts to get the urge to leave the catacombs. How will Umbra fair in the outside world? Where are the missing student and teacher? More importantly, why are they missing in the first place? Shoe shops, ice rats, and hyperfixation await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Aimon and Anzai run into some puddle troubles on their way back to sanctuary. And Renastiere still needs to talk to Naito. How does Naito know Renastiere is undead? Does he truly wish to help, or does he have ulterior motives? Will Aimon be done in by a puddle? Parental reunions, black souls, and a fangirling servant await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 02 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Faxin, the ratfolk assassin, has been captured! With his plans thwarted, the party looks to get as much information out of him as possible. Who does he work for? Is he the only one after Naito's life? Was Naito his only mark? Meat cleavers, failed subterfuge, and a strange puddle await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0500
An arrow through the neck has put Naito on deaths door, as our party scrambles to save him. Though that's easier said then done with a skilled assassin determined to end his life. Can the assassin confirm the kill? Or will the party be able to put a stop to his plans? Skulking shadows, thunderous disturbances, and a lack of sight await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Aimon, Renastiere, & Peter head to the Arcane Assembly to meet with Irdel about an undead problem. While Diego stays behind at Kites in case he needs to stall Naito. What problems are the Arcane Assembly having? Are they related to the Vetalarana? Surely Diego and one of the most important nobles in the city will get along, right? Diplomatic immunity, guard college, and a shiny beetle await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party reconvenes at Kite's manor as they formulate a plan. They now know that a Vetalarana and a highly skilled assassin are making moves within Wakuzana. Can Kite offer the party the resources they need? Who should the party warn about the assassin and vampire? Or should they warn anyone at all? Meeting the parents, drug withdrawal, and some lizard playtime await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E16: Do Android Rats Dream Of Metal Cheese?
Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party has found evidence that an ancient vampire bloodline may be operating within Wakuzana. And Umbra begins to form a moral compass, of sorts. How big a threat could this ancient vampire be? Can Renastieres order be of any help? Will the party impart a decent set of morales on Umbra? Bible studies, fun uncles, and the concept of love await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E15: High Stakes Interrogation
Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party has managed to take one of the vampire spawn alive. Now it's time to see what kind of answers they can get out of them. Like who created them? Why did they attack Sanctuary? Does it have anything to do with the Androids? Consumed corpses, bottled spirits, and a bald woman await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0500
After downtime, the party has finally cracked the code on the sphere. But a vampiric attack on sanctuary draws their attention elsewhere. Why are vampires coming after sanctuary? Can the party fend off the attack? What is the sphere's function? Broken windows, angry ghosts, and a stake to the heart await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The Barghest and Hag have been defeated. Now our party can freely follow the android tablet. The only question is, what awaits them at the end of this journey? Will they finally get some answers regarding the androids? Or will they end up even more confused then before? Stone walls, magic capes, and a lack of flair await you on this of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 07 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party has tracked down the Barghest and Hag with the help of Vasco. Now, a confrontation looms in their cavernous lair. Will Vasco's vengeance put the party at risk? Can they defeat the fiendish pair before they escape to hell? What has become of the three missing vineyard workers? Broken hearts, frightened fiends, and some tiny daggers await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The party has managed to defeat a fiendish ambush on the vineyard. But such a blatant attack has everyone worried about Marce and the rest of the vineyard workers traveling back alone. Can they get them to Wakuzana safely? Is Vasco even willing to wait for the party to do so? Will the Barghest have escaped by the time they return? Heartfelt confessions, unexpected teamwork, and a horse wearing a top hat await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 24 May 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The party has managed to kill a fiendish spy before it could escape. But as they settle in for the night, danger lurks just around the corner. Can they make it through the night? Will their plan go up in flames? Can they keep all the workers safe? Mid-battle bickering, flaming dogs, and a deadly Renastiere await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 17 May 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The tablet has sputtered out, its signal blocked by some unknown magic. But a man's scream has the party forgetting about the tablet and rushing to his defense. Can they reach him in time? What caused his scream in the first place? And what's blocking the tablet's signal? Old acquaintances, cheek kisses, and a secret revealed await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S2E8: A Magician Never Reveals Their Sources
Wed, 10 May 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Peter has finished cracking the code on the android tablet, resulting in a brand new lead. Though as the party prepares to reunite, they have no clue that Raiji will not be joining them. Where has he gone? What are the tablets functions? And who is the strange man awaiting them at Raiji's manor? Magic tricks, blue goo, and a new "friend" await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Coocoo and his golems have been defeated. Now all that remains is for the party to further explore his underground lab. What new horrors await them? Was Coocoo really behind all the demon dust? Is the powdered drug even actually demon dust? Tossing corpses, creepy coffins, and some android tech await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 26 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0500
Our party regroups after splitting up to search Ishi's home. In the dump, a strange hatch appears to lead further underground. Are Ishi and Baba waiting for them below? What's going on with the dead body on top of the hatch? Will the party finally get to the bottom of this demon dust business? Infected arms, horrifying chickens, and a fellow alchemist await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 19 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0500
After a nights rest, the party heads to their meeting with Ishi. But a crime scene involving bloodied eyes and Wakuzana's secret police threatens to pull them off course. What went down at this crime scene? Is Ishi really who he claims to be? Will he see through the party's ruse? Lock picking rats, barrels of drugs, and an alcohol soaked Peter await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 12 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The no holds bar cage match between Raiji and Anzai begins! But an unexpected V.I.P. room brawl threatens to send the party's plan out the window. What's going down in the V.I.P. room? Will any demon dust dealers make an appearance? Has Raiji finally met his match? Drug runners, confused guards, and a TKO await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 05 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The party finally has a solid lead on demon dust. A doctor operating out of Ward 8's northwest neighborhoods seems to be supplying it to their patiences. Are they making the demon dust themselves? What kind of doctor gives drugs to their clients? Why was someone spying on the party? Risky bets, elven alcohol, and a cage match await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 29 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0500
The party gets to work hunting down leads on demon dust dealers. Though in a city as big as Wakuzana, that's easier said than done. Who is making all this demon dust? Are they aware of what it's doing to people? What even is it doing to people? Nat-20 sniffs, prophetic verses, and a rooftop chase await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 22 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0500
After months spent apart the party is finally forming up again, as they begin looking into a recent string of drug related incidents. What have they each gotten up to during their time apart? Do they have any leads on whoever/whatever was behind the black crystal? Why is everyone bleeding from their eyes? Frog friends, name changes, and a LOT of jewelry await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 15 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0500
GM Jack recounts all the important events, details, and revelations of Season 1.
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Wed, 08 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Join us for this wacky oneshot that follows a group of bandits fighting for survival in the harsh environment of the Ikoi Rainforest. When all seems lost, a surprise discovery might just save them from their own incompetence. That is, if their pet snake doesn't eat them first. Rowboat kindling, sanitization standards, and a bag of wind await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 01 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0600
It's time to get to the bottom of what's been going on in Kwoi while the party's been away. And a final confrontation is coming, the only question is, with who? Kuhara? The hooded man? Both? Neither? Halfling infiltrations, somber endings, and an invitation await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Our party has barely made it out of the strange complex alive. But their return to Kwoi might not go as smoothly as they think. What awaits them back in the city? Did Tajima and the scouts make it back in time? Who was on the other side of the black crystal? Missing limps, old friends, and a blossoming bromance await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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S1E27: Self Destructive Tendencies
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Aimon's close to losing it after discovering the fate of Kubo. But an even more startling discovery may just put the whole party in grave danger. Can the boys put down Kubo for good? What else awaits them in this horrid place? Will they make it out with their lives? Magic keyboards, hidden rooms, and an Ipad baby await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 08 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0600
The party begins to explore the strange complex they've teleported into. But more questions than answers await them. What horrid creatures stalk its halls? Why is it here? Who built it? Blood drinking plants, medical malpractice, and an unsettling discovery await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 01 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0600
As the festival winds down, our party gets a chance to partake in some of the more somber night time activities. But a surprise visitor threatens to derail everything. Who is this surprise visitor? What do they want? And why are they so fixated on Aimon? Stories of love, pyrotechnics, and a paranoid rat await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 25 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0600
Our party returns to Kwoi victorious! And with a city wide festival only a day away, it's finally time for some relaxation. What festival games will the party take part in? Will everything go according to plan? Who let Phosphorus sneak off on his own again? Russian kick dancing, new tattoos, and lizard steroids await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 18 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0600
The bandit ambush has begun! And it looks like their strongest force is attacking the front engine, which just so happens to be where our party is set to defend. Can they keep Kix & the engine safe? Will any lives be lost in the fighting? Will the hooded man make an appearance? Bad attempts at flirting, big bombs, and a harpoon gun await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 11 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0600
The party has apprehended an undercover bandit, and prepares to interrogate her. The information she holds could be the difference between victory and defeat in the coming battle. What is the bandits plan of attack? Have they managed to do anything with the skyshard they stole? Can the party even get any information out of her in the first place? Talks of morality, bad acting, and a snitch await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 04 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0600
After defeating a Krooth and its hatchling, the party sets out to rid the Basin of any remaining monstrosities. And then the important decision of whether or not to bring Bando along has to be addressed. Is bringing him worth the risk? Will they make it to the randevu spot in time? What does Krooth meat taste like? Heated debates, nervous goblins, and a mole await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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S1E20: After Awhile, Crocodile
Wed, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0600
After surviving an ambush, our party continues to make their way towards Bando. But someone, or something, has been hunting down Bando's crocodiles. What could possibly be taking out all these crocs? A more capable predator, or are much more nefarious powers at play here? Does the party even have time to help Bando? Sword fishing, alchemical adjustments, and a monsoon await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 21 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0600
Our party heads east out of Kwoi in search of Bando, a werecrocodile and old friend of Ikon's. But an ambush along the way threatens to derail the party's plans. What has been stalking them as they move through the forest? Does it know where they're headed? Will our party even make it through the night? Centipede snacks, invisible villains, and some stolen blood await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 14 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0600
The Jaydoon Elves hold a celebration in honor of our party's completion of the Keeper's Trial! And after being served fruit that holds the souls of dead elves, our party finally returns to Kwoi. But what state is the city in after their month spent away? Are the woodsmen and river bandits still a problem? How has the assembly hall faired without their resident bomb expert? Shifty lizards, heartfelt reunions, and ego death await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 07 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0600
Our party enters the deepest, darkest part of Aimon's soul for stage three of the Keeper's Trial. Where the guilt he feels for slaughtering his old crew must be faced. Aimon has his three friends by his side to help him, but will they be enough? Can he finally begin the long process of forgiving himself? Or will he join his crew in a watery grave? Magic wielding corpses, medic Phosphorus, and a forest dragon await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 30 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0600
After fighting their way into a treetop hideout, our party must now defend it. But after capturing their boggard assailants and returning to Saynoo, a decision must be made on what to do with them. Do they try to set the boggards on a new path, or tie up loose ends? Will the party even get a say in their fate? What lies ahead of them in stage three? Idealogical disagreements, broken ankles, and a high as hell sunflower await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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S1E15: For Whom The Toad Croaks
Wed, 23 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0600
Saynoo finally lays it all out on the table, but even he might not know as much as he has let on. And with stage one of the Keeper's Trial complete, stage two waits just around the corner. But what does the forest have in store for our party? What dangers lurk within stage two? Will the perpetrator of the mandragora attacks be revealed? Deaf toads, invisible foxes, and a toast await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 16 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0600
Our party tackles the first stage of the Keeper's Trial, a deep dive into Aimon's soul. But a trip through his past holds many memories Aimon would rather forget. Who was he before ending up in Kwoi? What really happened to his old crew? And why does he hate his magic so much? Past mentors, silhouette shadow clones, and a heart to heart await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 09 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0600
Our party of three has now become a party of four! After sparing exercises and a tour of the village, an injured elf hints at dangers lurking in the woods. But who, or what, caused his injuries? And why do the elves keep insisting it is none of their concern? What does the first step of the Keeper's Trial entail? Duels of paint, alcoholic overdoses, and a sexy water lady await you on this episode of Dieing Five!
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Wed, 02 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0500
A traveling merchant hires our party to escort them to the Jaydoon Elves. But little do they know, this trip will reveal a dark past within one of them. But whose dark past is it? Will the elves greet them with hostility, or reverence? What secrets does this strange merchant hold? New party members, giant beetles, and a singing sunflower await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 26 Oct 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After returning to town empty handed, our party is faced with a grim truth. But there is little time for mourning, as danger lurks closer to Kwoi's walls than ever before. In the graveyards, to be exact. What new horrors must our party face? Will they make it in time to save another life? Is there any connection to Kubo? Big payouts, burnt corpses, and a grieving mother await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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S1E10: Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Wed, 19 Oct 2022 08:00:00 -0500
Our party and their three new scout friends face down whatever unknown danger lies around this suspicious tree. But will they all make it out alive? What do these strange creatures have to do with Kubo, if anything? Are the bandits involved? Shattered shields, blood soaked fur, and a bit of magical bark await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After rescuing Tobi and returning him to town, our party prepares to head deeper into the rainforest than ever before. All in the hopes of finding the final missing child, Kubo. But what awaits them in the untamed canopies? A clash with more bandits? Or something even worse? PTSD, secret hand signs, and a suspicious tree await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 05 Oct 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After Kubo's trail runs cold, our party turns their attention towards finding Tobi, the oldest of the missing children. But will they be in time to save him from the clutches of a vile creature? And even if they are, what condition will they find Tobi in? Fingernail extensions, hungry snakes, and a magical retcon await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 28 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After gathering as much information as possible, our party heads south to finally start getting to the bottom of whats going on here. But will they be in time? Or will the missing children slip through their fingers? Gunshots, dead bandits, and milky white ooze await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 21 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After five days of downtime spent healing, working, and writing, our party is tasked with getting to the bottom of three missing kids. Detective hats are on, as they get to work gathering clues. Dark pasts, transforming children, and an out of breath Aimon await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 14 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0500
Our party is headed to the rice fields, tasked with tracking down some missing crops. But when Phosphorus is the only one capable of communicating with the culprit, all previous planning goes out the window. Poorly cooked rice, magical tantrums, and a good smack await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Wed, 07 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0500
After making it back to town, our party continues to make connections and find more work. But will a run in with the guards derail their plans? Undercover cops, sexual misunderstandings, and out of control magic await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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S1E3: 9 Lives Means More Research
Sun, 28 Aug 2022 05:00:00 -0500
After agreeing to escort Prykkys, a catfolk researcher, through the rainforest, our party comes face to face with the woodsmen they've heard so much about. Wet fur, magic candles, and not so sexy plant men await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Sat, 27 Aug 2022 19:00:00 -0500
After returning to town, our party sets about finding more work, eventually agreeing to look into a wanted man's whereabouts. Mercenary types, a racist, and non-phosphorus based explosions await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Sat, 27 Aug 2022 12:00:00 -0500
And so it begins! After being sent out on a routine supply run, our party quickly learns that there is no such thing as routine in the life of an adventurer. Monkey arson, plant babies, and magical misunderstandings await you on this episode of Dieing Five.
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Sat, 27 Aug 2022 11:00:00 -0500
GM Jack gives a basic rundown of how Pathfinder Second Edition is played, a brief explanation on any home brew and variant rules being used, and a couple quick points on the campaigns setting, Aelleos.
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