Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.


A collection of links to different podcasting resources.

General resources

RSS Feed reader:
A quick tool to let you see RSS feed contents in a browser.

How to Make Waves:
A collection of interviews with UK podcast creators and lessons learned.

The AudioFiction Namespace:
An attempt to better define how fiction podcasts can be interpreted in apps.

A collection of different aspects of podcast manufacture.


Production, Development and Scripting Handbooks:
Various resources from Atypical Artists.


How to launch a fiction podcast:
Advice from a very clever genius who has seen many podcast launches.

Podcast Promo Spreadsheet:
Collection of people who are interested in promo swaps.

How to write podcast press releases:
Elena Fernández Collins' guide to press releases.

Database of podcast newsletters:
A collection of places you could possibly submit your press release.

Podcast Launch Cheklist:
Make a copy for yourself and tick it off as you go.

Podcast Feed Drops:
Key parties, but for podcasts.


Crowdfunding FAQ:
As above.

Fable & Folly Patreon Growth Suggestions:
A case study of how to grow a Patreon.

Voice acting

Voice Acting Opportunities Spreadsheet:
Someone's spreadsheet of places for voice actors.