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The Accounts Of Eden


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Saving Silvia (WUS #36 - B side)

Sun, 01 Sep 2024 21:00:00 GMT

Eugene does what he can to save a friend.

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Distant Dishes for Distant Relatives (KCC #2)

Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:00:00 GMT

Wedding bells are ringing in the kingdom of Poubella. For most, this is a happy occasion, but for those in the kitchen, it is not. Those bells foretell madness and high expectations. Chef Croissant must call on his Chef D'elite to prepare for the feast.

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Duels and Deals (WUS #36)

Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:11:46 GMT

Inar and his steed depart from their duel with Fenris and return to Omni-Repair. Logan and Eugene battle the demi-god Egar. Inar regains his faculties and takes Volk with him to aid his companions. While all this transpires Oz, Sabine, and Izbei track down the invisible poisoner.

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Refined Chaos (WUS #35)

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:28:00 GMT

Things escalate quickly when Eugene tells Fenris where the Fang is. The Dead Wolf makes his way to NightVeil. Meurita warns Izbei of the approaching.

The party scrambles to to deal with the ensuing chaos.

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So Much Plot! (WUS#34)

Wed, 01 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT

The party finds the Fang of Fenrir. It is hidden in a secret room under the mansion of the head of the guild. Izbei is overcome with grief when she sees the artifact attached to her long lost uncle. He is being kept alive by powerful magic. Eugene's pact sphere tries to kill him. Delta team tries to come up with a plan to protect the artifact but things are never simple in NightVeil. --- Support this podcast:

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So Many Strange Things ( WUS#33)

Mon, 01 Apr 2024 12:58:00 GMT

The party drops of their parcel with the "authorities" and receives instructions on how to find and speak with someone who knows the location of the Fang of Fenrir.

When they find this individual he reveals so much more than they expected.

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One Small Step into the Muck (WUS#32)

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:39:00 GMT

The party makes their way into the Citrine Tabby's hideout and immediately leaves to complete a favor for a favor. If they are successful the leader of the Tabby's will set up a meeting with Kob, the Guilds highest authority. The party quickly discovers how troublesome favors can be.

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Wed, 14 Feb 2024 18:39:00 GMT

The party heads into the sewers of NightVeil to find more than just the entrance of the Thieves Guild.

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The Black Hand of Greed (WUS #30)

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 20:20:00 GMT

After some time waiting Delta Team finally gets a lead on the Fang of Fenrir. It comes in the form of a letter from Fuine, an ally long thought to be dead. The information in the letter leads them on a quest to gain access to the Thieves Guild.

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Wizards, Owlbear, and Murder Oh My! (WUS #29)

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 15:34:08 GMT

The party continues their adventures separately and reunite at Omni -Repair to wait for their next mission.

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Machinations of Gnomes and Nature (Short Story)

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:00:00 GMT

Deep in the Foret de Jeune Arbre tensions are high as Mineral town is faced with a choice. Stop destroying the forest or else.

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Split the Party (WUS #28)

Mon, 29 May 2023 18:08:38 GMT

After the terrifying fight in and out of Ginger's Ale house the party decides to take some time away from the city. Ozmitt heads to Loackeran while Inar tries to find the best place to acquire bounties. Once they return the group sets out to find the nearest portal to Stormspire. They arrive in the windy and wet city where Izbei was born and just under their feet is Thorbin home of the Storm Tribe. Oz and Izbei visit Ibzebi's family while Sabine partners with Logan to see his mother. Eugene returns to OmniRepair to find Volk sleeping in his usual spot. While catching up about past debts and poor choices they both fight wildly across the guild hall. They only stop after Eugene agrees to help Volk with something in the Wishbone District. As the sun sets across the world everyone thinks about choices they will need to make soon.

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A few good Menus (KCC#1)

Sat, 31 Dec 2022 05:00:23 GMT

Deep underground is the  kingdom of Poubelle. Today there is a special ceremony taking place in Castle Crepe. Special occasions call for special meals. The soon to be king has summoned an elite group of chefs to make a meal worthy of his coronation. This is there story. 

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"A Friendly Bargain" (WUS #27-B side)

Sat, 10 Dec 2022 18:13:21 GMT

After the fight in and outside of Ginger's Ale House Eugene decides to meet in secret with Fenrus. He uses what means he has to contact the elusive  wizard and when he finally arrives at the secluded and verdant abode a warm cup of tea is waiting for him.  In this cabin in the woods the two practitioners of magic discuss a potential collaboration. The consequences of this talk will echo far and wide in the world for many years to come. 

Artist Credit: Jongendon

This episode is special becuase it was down outside of the main campaign and the players did not get to hear it. Up until now it was a secret that Eugen and I had . It is one of my favorite moments in my Dnd career.

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Owlsbears in the Ale House (WUS #27)

Thu, 01 Dec 2022 22:34:40 GMT

Our story continues at Ginger's Ale House. It is here that Delta Team discovers many new wonderous foods. Just as everyone gets settled and Ficstar begins to discuss their plan for luring Fenrus into a trap owlbears burst in. They begin a viscous assault as large vines burst through the floor covering all of the exits.  Each member jumps into action taking the fight to their enemies. Eugene does his best to blow the door open with fiery magic.  Just as the fight seems to be going in their favor supernatural wolves appear and turn the tides.  Logan suddenly finds himself at the bottom of a bear pile while Eugene and Ficstar are being devoured by wolves.  Izbei, Sabine and Oz work together to stabilize the situation and Inar bulldozes the blocked exit. Rushing through splinters and ash the first thing he sees are Firbolg druids with white hair and blues eyes. Knowing they are servants of Fenrus he immediately goes to put them down.  The grave keepers Reaper and Tomba appear and help. As the combat ends Delta teams learns a bit more about what the graves keepers have been doing and after a tense exchange everyone agrees to meet later. Oz gather's the Firbolgs bodies and begins to leave the area with Inar. Izbei, Logan, and Eugene agree to head to StormSpire at the next most convenient time.  While Izebi and Logan figure out the best way to get to StormSpire Eugen calls on Fenrus and arranges a meeting.  What plans does Eguene have and why didn't he tell his friends?

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Changing Clothes and Alliances (WUS #26)

Sun, 27 Nov 2022 20:51:13 GMT

Ficstar decides to treat everyone to a nice dinner to celebrate their return and agrees that at dinner they will begin to devise a plan to stop Fenrus. Izbei and Sabine head to COG in the Guilds District while Oz, Logan and Inar head to the Merchants District. Each group falls into their own adventure while Eugene stays behind and learns dark truths about the city. These revelations have a heavy impact of Eugene. When everyone returns dressed to the nines they head out to Ginger's Ale House. It is here that they discover a wealth of options for food and drink. Inar is even able to find mead made from his hometown in the Verdant Valley. It is almost as if they have everything one could desire. Everyone is enjoying their time, everyone except for Eugene. As everyone gets settled Ficstar begins to lay out what is known and what needs to be done to stop Fenrus. In the midst of their conversation Izbei and Oz hear a loud roar come from outside. Before anyone can react three large owlbears come crashing through the front door.

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Delta Team's Triumphant Return (WUS #25)

Sun, 20 Nov 2022 01:08:56 GMT

Delta Team regroups after the encounter with Fenrus. They pay Enzo for the repairs and discuss their next course of action.  Oz and Eugene head toward the Archives in search of an artifact that will protect them from scrying magic. Everyone else heads back to Omi-Repair. There they discover that Volk accepted the blood debt for Eugene's magical mistake with the Thieves' Guild.  Ficstar returns and is updated on everything that happened at De Vida Manor. Realizing that fate put Delta Team in Fenrus' way more than once, he decides to include them in the plan to take down the evil wizard. Volk calls Oz and Euegne back.  Finally after all this time our Heroes will start to work together to take down Fenrus for good. 

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And the Storm's Blessing Rolled In

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 11:54:46 GMT

This is the tale of how one of our great heroes (Logan Stormblessed) found his way to the grand wooden table where our story began. Witness the power of a Storm Tribe barbarian as he enters the cursed city of NightVeil and learns what happens to those who come unprepared.  "Trust in your own strength and see how far it gets you."

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And Before them Stood a Monster (WUS #24)

Sun, 06 Nov 2022 16:08:50 GMT

After barely escaping the collapse of De Vida manor our party finds themselves face to face with the masked mage responsible for much of their misfortune. Without any discussion Logan tries to put Fenrus down with one mighty blow. Seeing the shock through the cracked mask makes Logan smile as the rest of Delta team rushed to support him. With relentless attacks from all sides Fenrus summoned his supernatural powers and tried to transform everyone into animals.  Izbei's after for shapfiting magic gave her the power to  shield herself form the spell.  Fenus retrieved Refle's body and Mira. Sending both away to somewhere else. He then gave everyone back their natural form.  Through the sounds of people crying, roaring flames, and heavy armored footfalls the group agreed to move what would be an intense conversation to Enzo's tavern.  In Izbei's room at the tavern everyone sat and began to ask Fenrus a number of questions.  He assured them that he did not want to kill if he didn't have to. His answers were dismissive and short. He seemed to intentionally on say what he had to and nothing more. At some point he did reveal his intentions which as expected were heavy and consequential.  After all was said and done deals were made and Delta Team knew what the mage was after. Fenrus left. A moment passed and Logan went to say one last thing to Fenrus. He was surprised as he opened the door to find the mage still present and finishing the signs for a nasty looking spell.  Moments later everyone fell to the floor while Fenrus began to search for the pact sphere he knew Delta team had.  Through sheer force of will several members were able to break free from the magic holding them. As Izbei and Eugene distracted Fenrus Ozmitt rushed out the door clutching the pact sphere.  Oz wasted no time and after jumping off the second floor of the tavern he quickly stashed the pact sphere in the pocket of a fleeing patron. Noteing details about his appearance so he could track the boy later.  Fenrus tried to followed Oz but too many possibilities kept him from choosing the same path Oz did. As the magic faded form the rest of the party, each member of Delta Team began to wrestle with the revelations they had just discovered.  

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The Horror of House De Vida - Finale (WUS #23)

Sun, 23 Oct 2022 22:33:22 GMT

Our party makes their way down into the research lab of De Vida manor.  It is hear where they discover the haunting truth about the children and their "caretaker".  Oz brings his spirit back to shed light on a few remaining mysteries only to find that he knew quite little. Shortly after they discover the last key they need and a not about a bomb attached to it. They make it out by the skin of their teeth and take only a moment to rest. Wasting no time they open the door to to the ballroom and are greeted with small fanfare and a few celebratory illusions. The room in front of them is empty until Mira and Refle make themselves visible on a balcony far away.   Refle offers them the same "prize" as before: get out or die. 

Delta team refuses both and a fight ensues between our heroes, the children, and Gruprup. The demonic frog's onslaught is relentless but the team's skills and determination push the fight in their favor. Once the children realize their defeat is immanent, Mira runs to a room and in the farthest corner to flips a switch. The chains woven into the ceiling begin to retract. Pulling on the entire structure as they recoil  back to the room Mira ran to.  Seeing only one way to save his sister Refle pulls his pact sphere from his chest and shoves it into Logan's coat.  Logan catches it and the boy. He tries to put the sphere back but cannot. Mira screams at everyone to run as the house begins to collapse. Oz grabs Mira and through her kicking and screams bolts for the door. Thinking quickly Izbei turn into a horse. Sabine and Eugene leap onto Izbei's back as she gallops at full speed. Inar pushes Oz out of the door just as the beams of the entry threshold give way.  The party is safe.

Through the rolling rocks, splintering boards, and people crying for help Oz and Inar hear Mira whisper "Papa is here.". Instantly turning into a cloud of smoke and dashing towards a hooded figure. The figure kneels down with open arms revealing a wooden mask with the symbols of everything elves hold dear. 

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Short Story - Egar, The First Berserker

Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:14:57 GMT

Logan StormBlessed is a member of the Storm Tribe. You will often hear him speak of his people with admiration and reverence.  They are a proud people, who believe that with enough strength one can accomplish anything. They also believe that how one obtains strength is just as important as how much one gains, but each members version of that belief is unique. Even the gods they worship do not share the same view on how to obtain power. 

This is a story about the second son of Reghar, and how he became a legend. 

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The Horror of House De Vida - Part 3 (WUS #22)

Sun, 02 Oct 2022 18:25:29 GMT

Now isolated Inar attempts to find a way out from his new predicament. While he searches Mira comes to talk with him. It isn't long before Refle looses patience and threatens Inar while also  showing him the way out.  Inar tries to convince the children he and Delta team are here to help them. Sadly, his council falls on deaf ears. Inar leaves and finds himself in the entrance hall of House De Vida quickly spotting  Izebi and Sabine. Events take a turn for the worse as the children attack Inar trying to push him off a balcony. The sounds of the ensuing battle are heard by the other members of the team. Ozmitt, Logan, and Eugene rush into to help just as the children are making their escape. This leaves the party with amply time to devise a new plan. Based on the knowledge they have it seems wise to continue to play the "game" the children have set up. Venturing further into the manor the party finds traps, treasure, and a set of research notes. The notes describe a set of experiments performed on the children with the main goal of halting the ageing process. Advancing further they find an ominous set of stairs leading down. Logan is convinced they will find the evil scientist who performed the experiments there. As all who do evil do so under ground.

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The Horror of House De Vida - Part 2 (WUS #21)

Sun, 25 Sep 2022 17:50:57 GMT

Our heroes continue to venture further into the mansion where they find nothing but darkness. Someone or something has obscured their path forward.  Before they have time to formulate a solid plan they are attacked by nightmarish creatures.  After dispelling the darkness they discover they are in a children's play room and find some clues about Fenris.  Continuing forward they find them selves trapped in a similar scenario. As the darkness recedes they find them selves in a dinning room with an odd choice of guests. Not wanting to visit the darkness a third time Oz and Eugene try to climb up to an elevated walk way. As they almost reach the top of their rope they are greeted by a crossbow held by a Drow boy.  The boy is Refle and he seems to think this is all a game. He warns them to get back down and not cheat anymore.  A small argument ensues and Mira pulls Refle away from the party. Everyone climbs up and tries to follow them but another magic barrier stops all but Inar form entering. On the other side Inar sees the children throwing large hunks of something to a shadowy silhouette. Each time it hops to catch its food. When it lands the whole room shakes. 

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The Horror of House De Vida - Part 1 (WUS #20)

Sun, 11 Sep 2022 21:08:32 GMT

Following the incident of the near fatal fall of Inar and Eugene the party decides to look for information in and out of the mansion. While they look for clues they discover several children's drawing which paint an unsettling picture of events involving  two Drow children. The grounds appear abandoned, evidence Inar collects suggests everyone left in a hurry. During this time Izbei notices a small girl hiding and tries to befriend her. With Oz and Sabine's help she is successful. The girl (Mira) seems frightened of something and they party is able to get very little information from her. She speaks of a mysterious man she calls Papa and her brother Refle.  Logan moves ahead to investigate the garden of the estate. Its here he discovers a dead body.  When he returns to warn his friends Mira disappears without a trace. Stifling their fear and concern for Mira the party moves to look for more clues. Ozmitt demonstrates a new power which helps them collect more information. Izbei follows suit with a new power of her own. The party does one more search of the area collecting more drawings. Something terrible happened or is happening here and everyone is determined to stop it and help the children.  Satisfied that the search is complete they move into the manor. Inside Delta team discovers a grandiose display of wealth decimated by time. As they venture further in they discover a barrier at the threshold of a door. Oz, Logan, and Inar enter first and as Sabine goes to join them she discovers she can't. Separated from their friends Euegene, Sabine, and Izbei try everything to reach them, but all they hear is silence. 

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Mr. Funny Shoes (WUS #19)

Sun, 28 Aug 2022 22:50:53 GMT

After receiving their reward from past adventures the party decides to help Inar in his quest for better armor. Logan leads the team to the Fowl Anvil where SnowGar (the owner) agrees to their lucrative proposal. From there the party decides to investigate some rumors about a savage attack on the neighboring Lake town. Its there that they bump into Nilo Nara (Commander of the Hornets) and determine that Nantuk were responsible for the attack. Logan announces his strong desire to help and Nilo convinces him not to do anything hasty. He promises Delta team can help solve this mystery once he's had more time to collect information. After tending to the sick and injured Oz, Izbei, and Eugene learn about some strange events that happen just before the attack. It is likely that Fenrus was involved in some way but many things are still unclear. With this new information the party returns to the Harpy's Base (Rise of Claws) to collect their paper work for entering De Vida Manor. They do so and enter the estate. The atmosphere is tense while the party tries to enter the mansion they come to a disturbing revelation. The are not alone. Someone or thing else is with them and it is not friendly. 

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The Cadash Slashed All Over NightVeil

Tue, 09 Aug 2022 23:17:36 GMT

This is the tale of how one of our great heroes (Sabine Cadash) found her way to the grand wooden table where our story began.  It has everything a good adventure should: money, death, booze, but most importantly battle axes and babes.

Note: This was one of my first attempt at recording the podcast. Volume and audio quality may not be the best. 

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What's in the Box! (WUS #18)

Sun, 24 Jul 2022 18:51:56 GMT

Having survived an attack from someone who could potentially be a god. The party returns to their base in Mole Hole to recuperate. In the morning a half-orc named Bido stops by to deliver a letter. He mistakes Inar for Gaunim (which never happens to him again). The party makes their way back to Omi-Repair. Outside of it is a boy named Reaper, who is there to act as an intermediary for Grimm. The party updates Reaper and enters the base to find it empty. Volk and Ficstar are no where to be found which is unusual but the party has returned to claim a prized box which should contain spoils from another adventure. A quick search turns up nothing. This prompts the party to investigate and learn a bit more about their new jobs and the owner of this guild.  Logan uses  his memory to switch the location of the Anything Room to Ficstar's private office. In the surprisingly lavish and well kept room are a number of discoveries that paint an interesting picture about the guild's owner. Unfortunately it leaves the party with more questions than answers as they return. Still not having found the box, Inar contacts Volk and discovers the means to summon the box. Inside they find their treasures and a note from the Grand Archivist (Stylus Kettleborn).

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When Lightening Strikes Thrice (WUS #17)

Sun, 17 Jul 2022 16:53:52 GMT

The party ventures back to Molehole following Logan to the secret temple of monks from The Way Forward. He brings their leader (Omg) the requested proof the Nantook.  Logan is rewarded with a piece of his tribes history and one of their powerful artifacts. As Delta Team is making future plans with the monks and  for themselves a typhoon of wind and thunder crashes through the  temple. Standing in the center of it all is a man who is a mountain of muscle. His white hair and blues eyes thrash wildly looking for something. That something is Logan StormBlessed. Before anyone has a moment to think the unknown man rushes to Logan, grabs him, and dashes out of the temple. It is clear his intentions are violent as he leaps from the mouth of the cave locked in combat with Logan. They demolish twelve floors of housing before finally crashing to the ground. As the rest of Delta team rushes to Logan's aid Serendipity smiles on Logan. Breaking through what was left of the house is Sabine. She is caught up on recent events as Gaunim is empowered by his god (Branseal) but at a cost. The rest of the party dives down to Logan's aid (except for Izbei who takes the stairs). During the fight Logan recognizes this individual from his people's legends. It is Egar the second son of their god and the manifestation of anger's strength. Something causes this Egar to run and and the party collects themselves and decides what to do. Eugene and Izbei are visited by the consequences of previous decisions and everyone returns to their home base to decide what to do next.  

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To Auntie's House We go! (WUS #16)

Sun, 10 Jul 2022 23:39:57 GMT

The party departs for Loakeran forest to help Oz with a personal matter. On the way they face a great many dangers and enjoy simple adventures. After 9 long days of travel they finally reach Muckneck Bog the domain of Auntie the witch. It is here that they learn more about Oz's past. Auntie gives each of them an ominous tip after the party proves themselves worthy. The party heads back to NightVeil hoping to see the return of Sabine. 

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The Price of Paper (WUS EP #15)

Mon, 04 Jul 2022 13:44:14 GMT

Oz and Gaunim return and describe an encounter with an old lady and the creepy manor they found in EverGarden.  The party agrees that they should investigate more and end up in a tavern called the Smiling Lark. Messing with the ivy in the tavern leads to a chance meeting with a half orc who fills the party in about current events and the history of the manor and the family that lived there (De Vida).  The owners of the tavern Finch and Canary offer Delta Team some side work which they turn down. Returning to the manor the party finds themselves on the wrong side of the law. Logan distracts the law while the party tries to enter the manor. Overcoming magical wards protecting the gate the party is able to enter.  Eugene uses magical means to confirm that the pact spheres they are looking for is somewhere in the manor. 

Logan evades the his pursuers only to fall into the magical clutches of Quill, captain of the Harpies. Their brief exchange sets up a rivalry that will last a life time. Quill returns with Logan to the manor and attempts to evict them from the property. Tensions get worse as Quill threatens the party and Gaunim loses his temper at the gross misuse of authority.  Eugene follows Quill to fill out the paper work necessary to get them into De Vida Manor.  Returning to the base Logan sees some of the furniture has been upgraded but he begins to pack his things. After an emotional conversation everyone agrees to take a trip to help Ozmitt with personal business. 

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A Journey to the Garden where the Evermore ivy grows (WUS EP #14)

Wed, 11 May 2022 13:47:11 GMT

The party stumbles in on a meeting between Volk and the GrimmLocks. After some rough housing and malicious verbal exchanges the party learns more about the mercenary groups work and Volk's bad habits. Ficstar appears to give them their next job. Apparently the matriarch of the second noble family of NightVeil (the De Vida) has lost an important pearl necklace and one of her servants saw the thieves in action. It was likely the Jade Nimbee faction of the thieves guild whose base is located in a place called EverGarden.

The party decides to go shopping before traveling to this new location. Izbei buys potions from a sleepy dwarf. Eugene visits Silvia. Logan finds his way to a temple of the Way Forward looking for artifacts of his people. Oz and Gaunim make for Evergarden by way of the Quill district.  They find what they are looking for De Vida manor. It is a scary sight. 

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"Swooping is Bad" (WUS EP #13)

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:55:16 GMT

Detla teams does not receive a heroes welcome at the great forest of Loackeran. After a vicious battle they encounter a strange cat like spirit and follow it into the woods. Eventually Oz begins to ask the spirit things only a Firbolg could about the state of the forest. It reveals itself to be the supreme spirit of nature, a god amongst Oz's people. Their conversation turns sour and the spirit gives Oz what feels like an ultimatum as it leaves. Knowing the spirit never does anything without purpose Oz begins to investigate the area with the rest of Delta team.

Deep in the territory of Sud-Arbre several clues are discovered that begin to unravel the mysteries of the masked assailant who killed Gramp Nastar and the insect like creatures known as the Nantuke. Wanting to find out more the party discusses their next move. 

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The Story of Life and Death (WUS EP #12)

Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:12:37 GMT

The party returns to OmniRepair to check on Volk. They find Grim there and he offers the party a job like no other. Learning more about the GraveKeepers, Pacts Spheres, and the mysterious figure Fenris.  Just as Grimm leaves, the party is given another job. The job is to deliver a baby to the forest of Loakeran. With little explanation as to why. Sabine leaves to help her family but promises she will be back (Sabine's Summer Adventures). And so Delta Team make there was forward minus a friend. 

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The Dirge of Darvex

Sat, 08 Jan 2022 17:35:31 GMT

This short story takes place in far in the north east of the continent. There is a forest there where few live. Deep in the forest tragedy strikes and we are accompany the only one to witness it and live.  

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Delta's R &R (WUS EP #11)

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 14:02:52 GMT

Each member of Delta team returns to omni-repair with new experiences and power to aid them in their next mission. Excited to start a new adventure they greet Volk who seems to have had a rough time recently. Volk fights his hangover to retrieve personal effects form the party to create a better way of communication when the team is away. Afterwards he snuffs everyone's enthusiasm by telling them there are currently no new missions and everyone will get a few days off. Ganim and Sabine retreat to the Blue Rose in Azure Haven for a bath and some storytelling. Oz attempts to make it back to their shack in MoleHole but is stopped when someone tries to steal a piece of his tunic. Login seizes this opportunity to get even stronger and travels to the Lutalilly Bar in search of magic weapons to enhance is abilities even more. Izbei searches for information about the GraveKeepers and her family, specifically her uncle. Using her wits she finds a way to meet the GraveKeeper Tomba. --- Support this podcast:

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Time to Train (WUS EP #10)

Thu, 25 Nov 2021 16:27:37 GMT

After returning the children to their families the party returns to Omni-Repair to find a strange man speaking with Ficstar. Grimm Smudds causes some friction with the party before leaving. Ficstar lets everyone know that he has secured training for some and fate has found training for other members of the party. Each member gets a bit of personal training from some odd individuals with some unique personalities. In the end everyone comes out a bit stronger.  --- Support this podcast:

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Dancing with Death (WUS EP#9)

Sun, 14 Nov 2021 02:42:43 GMT

The party fights with Dollmaker and his creations. After the battle Izbei is haunted by the little girl who has followed her since she entered NightVeil. Her presence evokes raw emotion as the girl forces visions of Izbei's missing uncle into her mind.  The party does their best to help but nothing seems to affect the girl and no one but Izbei can see her. As they prepare to find the children Serendipity smiles on them and the children return as if recalled by magic. With a little persuasion and some cheese the party takes the children in tow and heads back victorious. 

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The poor Toy Maker (WUS EP#8)

Wed, 27 Oct 2021 22:31:11 GMT

Detla team almost walks right into more traps but lucky Logan and Izbei slap some sense into them. After carful planning and strategic assessment they enter the supposed house of Francis Dollmaker. There they find out a bit more about the toy maker and his tragic story. Venturing further down they find the gnome and his workshop. Does diplomacy win out or is a fight inevitable?

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Home of the Dollmaker (WUS EP#7)

Sun, 17 Oct 2021 21:29:49 GMT

The party continues to search the "haunted" house to find what they are looking for ( a spoon). Getting the information they need they travel further into the Undercity crossing the Bannerless district. There they find circular doors bored into the wall of stone. One stands out faintly smelling of incense with colorful chalk murals. What could be inside?

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Where have all the Children gone? (WUS#6)

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:06:44 GMT

There's no rest for the wicked. As soon as they learn a little more about the mysterious murderer they get another job to help out an old friend of the guild. Kids are going missing in MoleHole and not for any of the usual reasons. 

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To Each Their Own (WUS#5)

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 23:06:20 GMT

The Delta Team uses some down time to explore NightVeil and discover some things about themselves

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Things to Fear down Here (WUS#4)

Sat, 03 Jul 2021 22:24:25 GMT

The party is attacked by strange creatures. What happens next is horrific. 

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Here there be Goblins (WUS#3)

Wed, 09 Jun 2021 00:05:56 GMT

Delta team heads to Milk and Honey Farms to look for a missing person. 

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The Tale of Blackwater

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 20:28:29 GMT

This was a character I wanted to play in a friends campaign. I voice acted his back story.  I want to post it here to help anyone who is trying to do the same thing. I have been thinking about writing some short stories about him. 

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Somewhere Out There (#2)

Sun, 11 Apr 2021 23:34:59 GMT

Delta Team gets their first mission. 

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Stars Burn Brightest Together (WUS Campaign EP#1)

Wed, 07 Apr 2021 22:08:53 GMT

A motley crew meets for the first time inside the halls of the Omni-Repair Guild in NightVeil

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Sabine's Summer Adventure

Mon, 05 Apr 2021 23:51:08 GMT

Sabine and her pals from the Golden Company take a much need vacation to drink and tell stories.  --- Support this podcast:

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A Wolf in Ember Rot

Sun, 04 Apr 2021 19:29:11 GMT

Opening short story for a DnD campaign involving an elf who wants to kill the Gods. 

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