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Seasons of Skyrend

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Seasons of Skyrend is a custom 5th edition D&D adventure that focuses on the stories of our characters as they try to survive in the world around them. The year is 164 A.T. The fifth age has been marked by recovery and rebuilding efforts since a great global catastrophe commonly referred to as The Turn. Cities fell, rivers were rerouted, and mountains came crashing down as whole continents were shaken to the bedrock. Our story begins in the city of Karami on the central peninsula on the continent of Carricar. Karami fared better than most cities after The Turn. Like most of the continent, Karami lies in a state of perpetual autumn. Because of where it lies, the city also has much more night than day. Our story begins in The Bard’s Rest, a tavern on the west side of the city. From there, the adventures that will define the fifth age lie ahead. Where we go from there all depends on the choices our players make.

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Bk. 04 Ch. 78 - Staying or Leaving

Thu, 22 Feb 2024 20:00:00 +0000

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Bk. 04 Ch. 77 - Living Land

Thu, 08 Feb 2024 20:00:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 77

Deep within Veraphlox’s home, Cade has left a workshop containing the living land necessary for him to inhabit a new body. The mere existence of this workshop is a guarded secret, one which Veraphlox has faithfully kept. After such a long time traveling within the party, Cade is ready to step out on his own. This freedom would allow him to resume his efforts, but his powers could prove useful in the upcoming fight against Levesque.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 76 - A New Rebirth

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 11:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 76 

The Lightning Phoenix egg, rescued from The Golden Moon Pirates, is ready to be hatched. With sufficient power, it can be born in a more mature state. The creature will still need to acclimate to their abilities, but Veraphlox’s help should give them an edge. Beyond helping to hatch the Lightning Phoenix, Veraphlox may prove helpful in even more ways. They have already opened up their home, but that is only the beginning.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 75 - Negotiations with Veraphlox

Thu, 25 May 2023 11:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 75 

Veraphlox, a powerful blue dragon, has made their home in the fractured land of Selistia. The surrounding area is covered with clouds, concealing sporadic lightning storms. Thunder is frequently heard rolling and cracking throughout the region. With luck, they will provide assistance to Finnigan and the others. While a dragon’s wrath may be legendary, their hospitality can be practically invaluable.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 74 - The Fractured Land of Selistia

Thu, 09 Mar 2023 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 74 

Asturias Chase, using her connections within The Bent Bow, has received word on the location of a powerful blue dragon: Veraphlox. Some hunters within the guild seek the thrill of hunting the dragon, though none have ever been successful. Even though they are incredibly dangerous, Veraphlox may be Finnigan’s best bet at hatching his lightning phoenix egg…provided everyone survives the encounter.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 73 - Leaving Carricar

Thu, 23 Feb 2023 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 73 

Kapras, for all of its charms, is far from the end of the road for our heroes. The temptation to stay can’t outweigh the need to stop Lavesque and save Agnetai. There is no telling what the demigod has planned if he can overthrow his divine father. But first, Finnigan wants to take a detour to visit a lightning creature. He has options, but they all lead away from Carricar and into the unknown.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 72 - Kapras Reunions

Thu, 02 Feb 2023 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 72 

Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis turn their attention to Kapras now that The Regal Splendor is airworthy once again. It’s by no means a short flight, but the journey itself is of little concern compared to what awaits them in the small seaside town. They have had more than their share of incidents, but it may be the friendlier reunions that cause the most concern.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 71 - Picking Up the Pieces

Thu, 26 Jan 2023 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 71 

The Golden Moon pirates have fled, but not before taking their frustration out on the airship. Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan rush to help their allies and repair what they can. Ulwan and Felicity were able to prevent the worst from happening, but there is much to be done before everyone is ready to take to the skies. Even so, simply getting into the air won’t mean that everything (and everyone) is okay.





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Bk. 04 Ch. 70 - Changing the Deal

Thu, 08 Dec 2022 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 70 

The Golden Moon pirates have defeated the lightning phoenix and seek to claim its egg as their own. Once Finnigan, Darvin, and Arannis realize what’s at stake, they decide that they must intervene. Goldbeard and her sisters are unlikely to let their prize go without a fight, but they aren’t quite at full strength after the battle with the phoenix. Even so, they might have a dirty trick or two up their sleeves.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 69 - A New Bargain

Thu, 24 Nov 2022 12:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 69 

With the capture of The Golden Moon pirates, Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis are faced with a tough decision: what now? The Regal Splendor is hardly built for keeping prisoners, and the pirates can be quite charming when they aren’t trying to loot the ship. There is a long way to go, and the pirates are far from the only danger in the skies.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 68 - Aerial Ambush

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 12:01:00 +0000

High above the frozen landscapes of southern Carricar, in the perpetual night, The Regal Splendor is under attack. Swooping in on large winged creatures, a small gang of pirates begins an assault. Who they are and what they want is unknown, but that clarity will have to wait. If Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis can’t stop them soon, it will put everyone on the ship in danger.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 67 - Alone in the Sky

Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:01:00 +0000

After facing down Malcias and General Nils, the city of La Berra is somewhat less than grateful. For the most part, they were not ready for bloodshed to be brought to their city. They certainly weren’t anticipating the god of the dead to walk through their streets. All of this has left them wary of our heroes, who must now decide on a new path forward.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 66 - The Cost of Success

Thu, 13 Oct 2022 11:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 66 

The Way of Obligate Mortality is determined to see their plans through to the end, no matter the cost. As the rooftop battle seems to take a turn for the worse, sacrifices must be made to assure survival in the midst of success. General Nils Verages is putting it all on the line to correct the mistakes of the past, but even that may not be enough to get what he really wants from Darvin.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 65 - A Rooftop Clash

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 11:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 65 

Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan have come face to face with General Nils Verages and his Way of Obligate Mortality followers. Here, on the roof of the Koram church, an eery ritual circle has been formed. Huge skeletal fingers made of stone rise up at the perimeter of a runic circle. The purpose of this circle is unknown, but Nils is determined to see his plan through.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 64 - General Nils Verages

Thu, 29 Sep 2022 11:01:20 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 64 

The Way of Obligate Mortality employs several obscure, and often macabre, tactics to pursue their own goals. This is reflected in how they alter their own bodies, but the truth of how far they are willing to go remains unknown. General Nils Verages and his followers seem overly preoccupied with Darvin’s role in their plans. When Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan finally get a chance to confront him, they may finally have a chance to discover why.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 63 - Stubborn Obstacles

Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:01:35 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 63 

After defeating Malcias, Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis decided it was time to turn their attention to General Nils Verages and The Way of Obligate Mortality. Other than knowing that they act with more zeal and disregard for life, their true goals remain unknown. The pursuit leads our heroes upwards, first to a room lined with occupied coffins. However, their way is quickly blocked b Nils’ forces.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 62 - Pinned Down

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 11:01:31 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 62 

Pursuing Malcias through the church brought our heroes to a lab where Darvin was able to reclaim much of his stolen leg. Though it was far from intact, it was able to regain its mobility after some small modifications. With Malcias still beyond reach, the party began searching a nearby room that seemed unnaturally dark. However, it seemed to be the only path available to Malcias. When further searching turned up nothing, they were in for an unpleasant surprise.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 61 - Following Footsteps

Thu, 08 Sep 2022 11:01:23 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 61 

Thanks to Tonk’s music and Ingrid’s blizzard, Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan managed to get out of the thick of the battle. However, the distraction also allowed Malcias and General Nils to hide deeper within the church. After a violent encounter, some time to plan and recover is appreciated, but haste will still be needed in order to put an end to Malcias and whatever scheme General Nils has in mind. As they disperse deeper into the church, our heroes will need to think on their feet if they hope to find them.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 60 - Clearing the Hall

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 11:01:48 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 60 

The fight against Malcias and his devout followers rages on. He is joined by skilled fighters and dedicated citizens alike, though they do not all share the same combat expertise. Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis must try to overcome their numbers before reinforcements can arrive. Malcias believes that his monks and the people of La Berra will rush to his aid, but he may find help harder to find than hoped.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 59 - Facing the Devout

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 11:01:16 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 59 

Indeed, Malcias has a great deal of information on The Way of Obligate Mortality, and he views their path as profane. However, he is far more concerned with rooting out those with information than with sharing what he knows. When Darvin and Arannis refuse to help, the pretence of politeness fades. As each side realizes the other will be of no help, Finnigan makes his presence known, calling out to challenge Malcias. A challenge which, undoubtedly, will be answered.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 58 - The Hidden Threat

Thu, 18 Aug 2022 11:01:11 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 58 

The city of La Berra may be new to Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan, but that doesn’t mean it is without allies. Iskra Maldon, the Ice Genasi and reformed member of The Conscription, is more than happy to lend a hand so long as it is in secret. There are new dangers brewing within the church that require her to act with caution. Even so, Iskra can only provide partial information. To know anything for certain, a more direct approach may be needed.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 57 - A New Way

Thu, 11 Aug 2022 11:01:37 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 57 

The journey aboard The Regal Splendor to the city of La Berra has nearly come to an end. The cold and the dark are ever present, with the conditions being the harshest above decks. Within the ship, the party travels in relative comfort. During the journey, everyone has a chance to grow closer and open up, particularly Finnigan Tempest. His time before joining with everyone had its own twists and turns, which could impact the mission against Malcias.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 56 - To the Skies

Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:01:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 56 

Taking to the skies aboard The Regal Splendor, the party begins their journey south to La Berra. The city lies far to the south of Earl, the last major city in Carricar before reaching the icy southern shores. Thanks to the airship, the journey should be rather uneventful, and it affords everyone time to share what they learned in Earl and to plan for the dangers to come. Malcias is undoubtedly a dangerous foe, but he is hardly the only danger that lies ahead.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 55 - Regal Splendor

Thu, 28 Jul 2022 11:01:23 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 55 

The negotiations with the leaders of Earl came to a peaceful resolution. As part of the Bulb training, Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis spent time growing their bonds with various people in the city and their own traveling party. Friendships were forged and tokens of gratitude exchanged. Some, perhaps, would aide them in the future. As their stay in Earl comes to a close, there is one last surprise that will bring their adventure to new heights.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 54 - At the Table

Thu, 14 Jul 2022 11:01:25 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 54 

In the highest floor of the tower that is the city of Earl, church and guild leaders gather to discuss the future of the city. The Antideans wish to depower the central column, but Arannis, Darvin, and Finnigan want to propose a more subtle method for undoing the eccentricities of Earl Earl. Colyubara and The Servitors may be on their side, but the rest of the city’s leadership will need to be convinced of the proper way forward.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 53 - The Guilds of Earl

Thu, 07 Jul 2022 11:01:59 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 53 

Rather than continuing on with his original plan to depower the central column, Antideus has agreed to convene a meeting of the city’s major guilds. The Antideans still seek to return to a simpler time, but they also understand the benefits of decentralizing control of such a powerful magic source. Antideus has agreed to give Arannis, Darvin, and Finnigan until the following day before the city’s guild leaders all meet. This will give everyone time to rest, but it could also give them time to tip the scales.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 52 - Renegotiations

Thu, 30 Jun 2022 11:01:55 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 52 

While attempting to alter the magic effects coming from the bulb, a small group of guards came charging in with a few of the party’s allies hot on their tails. Asturias, Samudio, Ulwan, and Rystos wanted to make sure nothing terrible would when dealing with such powerful magic. Unfortunately, disabling one effect won’t be enough to ensure the safety of the city. There are still plenty of others who have different agendas.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 51 - The Secrets of The Bulb

Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:01:07 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 51

In the city of Earl, beneath the Wine Down Room, Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan have located the magical bulb responsible for all of the magical effects throughout the city. Rather than risk turning it off, the party wants to disable only certain effects. The bulb chamber is covered in mysterious runes and, perhaps, their meaning holds a key to the nature of the bulbs.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 50 - Retreat's Advance

Thu, 16 Jun 2022 11:01:13 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 50 

As Retreat and the other Changelings continue to advance upwards into the city, their goal appears to be simple: collect any of their remaining brainwashed kin and take them back to The Green House. The E.D.U. guards are in disarray and the citizens don’t know what to make of their misbehaving leaders. Condivus and the Antideans see this chaos as a unique opportunity to enact their own plans, but their lack of concern regarding the consequences is concerning to say the least.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 49 - Unleashing the Earls

Thu, 09 Jun 2022 11:01:04 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 49

Defending Retreat from the guards was a success, and now it is just a matter of time before their memories are spread to the vast majority of Earl Earl Changelings in the city. The instructions to help destroy the system will no doubt be of assistance, but it is unlikely that the guards will simply allow this to happen. One rogue Earl Earl is a problem, and that danger only increases as their numbers grow.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 48 - Assault in the Lab

Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:01:53 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 48 

With Retreated hooked up to a prime memory crystal, they only need time in order to transmit their sense of selfhood to the other sleeping Earl Earls. Unfortunately, these actions have drawn the attention of others within The Green House. Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis must safeguard the Changeling in order to save all of the others, but the E.D.U. guards have a few tricks of their own up their sleeves.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 47 - Back to the Lab

Thu, 26 May 2022 11:01:12 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 47 

Deprogramming Retreat, one of the many Changelings who believed themself to be Earl Earl, was an intense process, but their cooperation could make saving the others a much faster process. If the party can gain access to the lab below the city, then they might be able to find a way to use this magic in their favor. However, it will require Retreat to place a great deal of trust in them and in some experimental methods.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 46 - Deprogramming

Thu, 19 May 2022 11:01:33 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 46 

Capturing an Earl Earl may have been simple enough, but freeing them the various magical effects on them is no simple task. Like all of the other Earl Earls in the city, they believe their identity to be true. The longer they have been under this delusion, the harder it will be for them to accept the truth. Even if the party can overcome the physical side, the mental and emotional aspects are sure to be even more difficult.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 45 - The Kidnapping of Earl

Thu, 12 May 2022 11:01:52 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 45 

After an intriguing meeting with The Antideans, Darvin, Finnigan, and Arannis decided to join their ranks, if only in name. The implants and transplants are off the table for now. Instead, it's time to focus on more pressing matters: the kidnapping of an Earl Earl. Finding one may be easy enough, but the matters of where to take him and how to get him there need to be resolved. With some determination and a bit of luck, they just might be able to pull it off.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 44 - The Antideans

Thu, 05 May 2022 11:01:06 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 44 

Several levels in the city of Earl may be condemned, but they are by no means unoccupied. While exploring the city in search of information, Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan come across a group in the midst of a plot in an old derelict building. It's not clear what they're planning, but their cooperation could be valuable in the coming days. The city's cracks have begun to show, and many are looking for ways to take advantage of that.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 43 - Potential Allies

Thu, 28 Apr 2022 11:01:39 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 43 

When spying on Earl Earl and his coterie isn't enough, the party must decide how to approach him without making too much of a scene. Between the masks and the fog, and several other aspects, the city has certainly changed. Presumably, Earl Earl would have the best insight into those changes, but it is rare that those in power would prove so transparent. If the Earl is a dead end, then maybe there are others in the city who can share.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 42 - The Many Faces of Earl

Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:01:24 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 42 

The reveal of Haanslow's true identity is a shock to all, but what they have planned could be even more of a surprise. Finnigan, Darvin, and Arannis don't have too much time decide whether or not they should help them out. The city of Earl is just ahead and they still aren't entirely sure what to expect. Several years have passed since their last visit and, especially with the real Earl Earl dead, who knows what might have changed.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 41 - Returning to Earl

Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:01:01 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 41 

The road south from Honey Hollow is long, dark, and cold. The memory of The Looming Toom is fresh in everyone's minds, particularly Finnigan's, and the darkness is not helping. But, after an uneventful journey, the city of Earl finally appears in the distance. The party takes one final moment to prepare, knowing what they want to do once inside, yet it seems that trouble could begin before they even make it inside.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 40 - A Looming Threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2022 11:01:28 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 40 

Defeating just two Vestiges and eliminating the threat of the teleportation box was a draining experience. The creatures that The Looming Toom can bring to bear wield abilities more dangerous than any we have ever faced. If a single pair can be that dangerous, it's hard to imagine what will happen once The Looming Toom arrives. There's no telling how long we have until then, but now is a time for rest and reflection. And, until they arrive, there are plenty of other pressing matters at hand.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 39 - Closing the Box

Thu, 31 Mar 2022 12:01:36 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 39 

Finnigan's escape from The Hollow took the combined efforts of the group. Witnessing first-hand even a fraction of The Looming Toom's power has left Finnigan mentally scarred. If there were any doubts as to the need to destroy the teleportation box, they have certainly been removed now. But, eliminating this threat is more dangerous than they can imagine, and Finnigan isn't the only one who can emerge from within.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 38 - A Looming Danger

Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:01:31 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 38 

Lianna, the halfling god, has come to the ruins of Honey Hollow to mourn and vent her frustrations. The teleportation box provided a quick exit during the attack, but it also lead to so much loss. Arannis and Darvin played their part in the city's destruction, and Lianna is willing to give them a chance to make amends. Destroying the magic in the box shouldn't be too difficult, but even the simplest of plans can go awry.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 37 - Explorations

Thu, 17 Mar 2022 12:01:06 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 37 

Lianna, the halfling god, mourns in the wreckage of Honey Hollow. The city was once a home for numerous orcs and halflings, but The Conscription brought their form of divine peace to the citizens in the wake of The Withering. Now, the city is all but abandoned; the empty homes and spaces a mere shadow of what they once were. As the party seeks rest, the shadows of the fallen city emerge.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 36 - The Glow of Honey Hollow

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 12:01:10 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 36 

The journey continues as Finnigan, Darvin, and Arannis travel south into the Winter Band with their allies. The sky turns dark and the ocean branch freezes as they leave the sun behind and the temperatures drop. The last time the party was here, they were fleeing Honey Hollow in the middle of Dealing with The Conscription. And now, approaching the hollowed city, a new light appears...






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Bk. 04 Ch. 35 - The Tamani Captive

Thu, 03 Mar 2022 12:01:41 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 35

Although the battle against The Tides of Fortune, the Uroleth, and the hunters is over, there are still matters to settle. Asturias Chase, the human-bear Tamani, could prove to be a valuable captive. After everything that's happened, perhaps she can provide some answers. But even if she plays along for now, deciding what to do with her in the long run could prove to be an even trickier situation.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 34 - Uroleth and Rumen

Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:01:07 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 34

Taking the fight from the ship to the ground below, things only seem to get worse. New enemies appear from the trees and the Uroleth above proves that it is never alone in a fight. One side wants to kidnap, while the other wants to consume. Our heroes need to put it all on the line to save their friends. Even then, will it be enough to win the battle on both fronts?






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Bk. 04 Ch. 33 - A New Kind of Enemy

Thu, 17 Feb 2022 12:01:56 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 33

Before fleeing the ship with the unconscious Captain Edmundsen, Lymmons gave the command to unleash a frightening creature. The dark, mucous-covered creature with rows of sharp teeth emerged from the ship and took to the air. It's tendrils lash out at both sides of the conflict as it looks for its next meal. The party still wants to save their friends, but they should worry about saving themselves as well.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 32 - Turning the Tides

Thu, 10 Feb 2022 12:01:04 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 32 - 

The battle aboard The Tides of Fortune rages on as Captain Edmundsen's crew pulls out all the stops. This trespass cannot be allowed to continue, but the intruders may be too powerful to contain. Sam, Carolina, and Seth are still in danger of being taken away by the ospreys. As each side gets more desperate, the danger grows and grows until, perhaps, something even worse is unleashed.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 31 - Aboard The Tides of Fortune

Thu, 03 Feb 2022 12:01:17 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 31

It is time to take the fight to The Tides of Fortune! Launching themselves onto the deck, the party stares down the dangerous crew. Meanwhile, swarms of ospreys carry away Sam, Carolina, and Seth. Finnigan, Arannis, and Darvin must work quickly if they are to survive aboard the ship and save all of their friends. Captain Edmundsen and his crew won't give up without a fight, and the good captain is more than prepared.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 30 - Surprise Dangers

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:01:52 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 30 

The Tides of Fortune and her crew sail above on the ocean branch. Drunken and boisterous singing can be heard from crew and ship alike while canons shoot fireworks dangerously close to the party below. Captain Edmundsen, an adventurer of great renown and influential member of The Glamour, is surely here for more than just a party. His true motives, however, may not be known until it's too late.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 29 - Pushing the Divine

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:01:55 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 29

Finding a way to pass the time can be invaluable while on the road. While Rystos does need to educate Arannis and Darvin on the divine rules, even he can grow weary of that. It is far more entertaining to spend time on interactive pursuits. With no chance of collateral damage (outside of the party), the empty road makes for a fine place to get in some hands-on training.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 28 - New Rules

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 12:01:34 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 28

As the party's time in Caravel finally comes to a close, it's time to decide what lies ahead and who will be joining us. The journey is sure to be a long one, and Rystos knows just how to pass the time: lessons! His lessons aren't just about skills but about rules as well. The gods have their own rules, but there are also some that they all stand behind.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 27 - Return to Typh's Looking Glass

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:01:15 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 27

With all of the recent developments, perhaps it would be better to share knowledge. Contacting all of the gods would prove difficult, but Typh's Looking Glass provides a unique opportunity. With the ability to connect with multiple gods, it may be the groups best bet for warning the gods and asking for assistance. However, there are no guarantees that the gods will provide aid without a cost...or even come to a consensus....






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Bk. 04 Ch. 26 - Morning Arrangements

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:01:15 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 26

It would seem that our time in Caravel is drawing to a close. Except, of course, for the unexpected reappearance of Darvin's ebony kangaroo: Pouch-It. Finding more of Ikiri within, it also seems to be growing more intelligent. Darvin must decide how to handle this situation before any final arrangements can be made to leave the city. Unless, somehow, we get distracted again...






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Outtakes 021 - No Matter what I Roll, it's a 1

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 12:01:45 +0000

Outtakes 021

As a holiday treat, we're giving everyone a taste of our outtakes! These chapters are typically only available to our Patreon Patrons, but 'tis the season!

Just like our other outtakes, this audio is content that was cut from previously released chapters. These outtakes come from the beginning of Book III, and we hit a bunch of fun notes. Get a peek behind the scene's at Darvin's abilities and witness the birth of what may as well be our podcast slogan! As always, please don't consider this content canonical, no matter how great it is!

These outtakes are from Bk. 03 Ch. 03-07, dating back to January 2020.  We'd love to hear your feedback!





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Bk. 04 Ch. 25 - Lynn's Secrets

Thu, 16 Dec 2021 12:01:02 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 25

With Lynn Jarvis captured and Orizaba the Wise ruling Caravel, the party had hoped their worries were behind them. However, shortly after leaving The Contract House they overhear a pair of guards demanding tithes to the new ruler of the city: The God of Rebellion. No matter how this started, it has to be stopped. And with Lynn at their mercy, what is to be his ultimate fate?






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Bk. 04 Ch. 24 - Orizaba the Wise

Thu, 09 Dec 2021 12:01:32 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 24

Deep in The Contract House, the party formally meets Orizaba the Wise. She has taken on an extravagant humanoid form so that she may pass the time playing  an antique piano. Though she is no longer in her massive dragon form, she still carries herself with all the confidence of her true self. Sloan sits bloodied in a chair, but Orizaba is clearly the higher priority. Depending on her allegiances, she could either be a formidable ally or a terrifying foe.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 23 - The Counting Room

Thu, 02 Dec 2021 12:01:33 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 23

Finally, after fighting their way through guards, traps, and anti-magic, the party comes face to face with Lynn Jarvis. The real Lynn Jarvis. From within his cage, he controls the city of Caravel. The wealth of the city lies behind him, and the forces of The Bard's Rebellion stand before him. Still, he remains calm and confident. Though just one man, he can still strike fear into a city.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 22 - Contract House Deals

Thu, 25 Nov 2021 12:01:14 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 22

The trapped hallway may not be much of a concern, but there is plenty of worry to go around. Finnigan is under the floor with Cerul, trying to save an ally from the jaws of a dragon. Even if Sloan's life can be saved, there are other forces at work within The Contract House. Lynn Jarvis is close, but he is unlikely to give up without a good reason.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 21 - Trapped in Combat

Thu, 18 Nov 2021 12:01:53 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 21

Pressing deeper into The Contract House, it was decided that the direct route was the best way forward. Rather than chasing an illusion, the party takes the path through the throne room to the counting room. Unfortunately, the very first door along the way is trapped. The hallway beyond is bathed in anti-magic fields and protected by a group of guards who have given them the choice to turn back or be fired upon. But the threat is only the beginning.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 20 - Pressing Forward

Thu, 11 Nov 2021 12:01:24 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 20

With the forces at the gate no longer a concern, it's time to dive into The Contract House itself. The gate remains shut, and unknown dangers could await on the other side. It's far from an insurmountable obstacle, but caution should be advised. The spoils of the first fight could be of value so long as they are used wisely. There's no telling what awaits inside.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 19 - Battle at the Gate

Thu, 04 Nov 2021 11:01:21 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 19

Lynn Jarvis has made his offer of conditional peace, but with so many strings attached it is hard to imagine anyone will take it. His gathered forces protect the gate into The Contract House and stand ready to fight back the crowd. The farmers and the athletes have joined with the rebellion forces while street youths cause distractions elsewhere in the city. Even with all of the help, a victory here is far from assured.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 18 - Morning Preparations

Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:01:06 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 18

As a new day breaks in Caravel, the time to move on The Contract House draws ever nearer. Lynn Jarvis cannot be allowed to prepare too much. New alliances have been forged to combat his cruel policies. Even if they prove only to be temporary, they could mean the difference between victory and defeat. With planning, determination, and a little bit of luck, Caravel may know peace once more.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 17 - New Allies

Thu, 21 Oct 2021 11:01:49 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 17

Taking out Lynn Jarvis and negating the influence The Silver Purse has in Caravel, the party seeks assistance around the city. Darvin and Arannis focus on getting support from the Sporting Association, whose athletes and fighters could provide invaluable physical assistance. Meanwhile, Finnigan seeks out help from a hawk in the streets of Caravel. Every ally counts in the coming fight against Lynn Jarvis' forces.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 16 - Gathering Support

Thu, 14 Oct 2021 11:01:49 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 16

Rather than take on The Contract House by themselves, the party seeks out support in and around Caravel. There are plenty of avenues for additional support, but time is of the essence. Lynn Jarvis will certainly put efforts in motion after the first assault. In order to save time, decisions need to be made. Some support may need to be sacrificed, or perhaps it's time to entrust some tasks to the rest of the party.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 15 - Change of Plans

Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:01:16 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 15

The guards of The Contract House turned out to be unexpectedly well-trained, leaving our party in a bit of a bind: they can press on and maintain some element of surprise, or they can retreat to solidify their forces. Both options have their risks and rewards, but a decision must be made before more forces arrive. The future of Caravel, and the lives of its citizens, lies in the balance. The city faces redemption, but the people must be willing to fight for it.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 14 - The Parlour

Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:01:58 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 14

In the Contract House of Caravel, Lynn Jarvis made no secret of his power and control within the city. He is doing what he believes is necessary. Darvin, Arannis, and Finnigan have decided that delaying would give him too much time to prepare. Seeking an alternative means to Lynn, they begin a circuitous route through the stronghold. However, the resistance they find may be giving them second thoughts.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 13 - The Contract House

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:01:38 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 13

The Silver Purse could not answer questions about the recent economic turn here in Caravel, but they were able to point the way to Lynn Jarvis. The local merchant guild leader has taken up residence in The Contract House after the incident in Vermillion. Without elven leadership, the city needed a steadying hand. The progression from guiding to dictating was short for Lynn and he seems comfortable in his new role. Perhaps all he needs is a little divine intervention....






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Bk. 04 Ch. 12 - Seeking Answers

Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:01:43 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 12

After a scrape in the Church of Rebellion, it's time to get a better idea of how Caravel changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. Signs point to The Silver Purse as the cause, but why would the merchant guild do such a thing? And how could they? The answers won't be found in the church, but there are plenty of places to start asking questions.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 11 - A Rebellious Fight

Thu, 09 Sep 2021 11:01:47 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 11

In the city of Caravel, a Church of Rebellion has taken root to spread the teachings of the new god. However, they are hesitant to accept Arannis as the god that he is. Carmella Hodges demands proof and she's not about to make it easy. When the situation takes a turn for the worse, it may take more than words to convince her and the rest of the church.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 10 - Return to Caravel

Thu, 02 Sep 2021 11:01:26 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 10

The road south will bring many opportunities for new adventures, but we must first pass through some old memories. Leaving The Duke's Lament behind, the party finds themselves approaching the city of Caravel. The home of The Stained Court and obscene prices isn't quite what it used to be. Even without entering the city, some dire changes are quite obvious. But with so much to do, how deeply involved can The Bard's Rebellion get?






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Bk. 04 Ch. 09 - Helping the Duke

Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:01:19 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 09

A new day dawns in The Duke's Lament, and there is much to do. Before we can hit the head and continue the journey south, Duke Everheart needs assistance. The Withering has been affecting him so much and for so long that the tavern has fallen into deep disrepair. Healing the Duke comes first, but that is only the beginning.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 08 - Pop Quiz

Thu, 19 Aug 2021 11:01:53 +0000

Arannis and Darvin have made some progress in their divine lessons, but it is only the beginning. They both have a long way to go if they want to reach their potential. Duke Everheart patiently waits through the night, anticipating freedom from The Withering. He has been suffering for a long time and one more night won't hurt him. But when morning comes, everyone is in for a surprise.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 07 - The Divine Touch

Thu, 12 Aug 2021 19:01:44 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 07

After removing all of the lingering effects of The Withering from Cerul, it would seem that Rystos' lessons may be useful after all. Arannis and Darvin still have a long way to go, but it's a start. Returning to The Duke's Lament, the party has some time to unwind before enjoying a peaceful night. Their new traveling companions want to show off as well, but not everything can go as planned.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 06 - A New Lesson

Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:01:10 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 06

Finnigan and Rystos may have burst onto the scene in wildly different manners, but perhaps they can learn to work together. After all, both have much to reveal. As the party seeks rest and refreshments in The Duke's Lament, they must also face some of their own shortcomings. Arannis' divine magic is proving difficult to control, so maybe what the party really needs is a teacher.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 05 - An Unexpected Test

Thu, 29 Jul 2021 19:01:26 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 05

Dangerous plant creatures burst through the ground to assault the party as they travel to a well-known roadside tavern: The Duke's Lament. Terrifying creatures bloom from enormous stalks, but it's an eerie laughter from below the ground that is the most disturbing. As the battle rages on, young Mahogany returns with a new allies in the form of a tiefling and drake team whose true goals are yet to be revealed.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 04 - A Growing Problem

Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:00:56 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 04

Striking out from the capital, the party heads south towards Earl and La Berra. There is a lot of ground to cover, and the party has undergone some changes. Though they have said goodbye to their Denouement allies, they have gained several faces both new and old. Samudio, happy to be on the road again, is already angling to make a quick stop to enjoy some pleasures of the roadside. The road, however, can often be a path to new troubles.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 03 - Our Own Path

Thu, 15 Jul 2021 11:00:23 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 03

The Church of Rebellion has successfully endorsed the power grab of the giants, lead by Elder Gar'Shen. On top of that, they seem to have attracted the attention of several individuals. As the founders of the church return from the Holy Hall of Tren'Ga, they are faced with a new group with their own desires. But it is the plans of older compatriots that will turn them on a new path.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 02 - A Giant Favor

Thu, 08 Jul 2021 11:00:41 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 02

Killing a king and creating a new church has a way of drawing attention. That sort of ambition and influence can be seen as a threat or as a tool, and it doesn't take long before other parties try to wield it for themselves. When confronted with such a situation, by faces new and familiar, the newfound Church of Rebellion must decide to what extent they will allow themselves to be used.






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Bk. 04 Ch. 01 - Church of Rebellion

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Bk. 04 Ch. 01

Welcome to Book IV!

A dead king. A fallen palace. A new god. With the capital city of Vermillion reeling from recent events, the citizens are in desperate need of stability. Arannis, the newly self-proclaimed God of Rebellion must decide what to do with his new power. Darvin, Veil, and Iolana must find their paths forward. New allies can come from unlikely places, but new enemies could be lurking anywhere.

Join us as we set off on a new adventure in the world of Skyrend!






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Q&A - Questions of Skyrend 2

Thu, 20 May 2021 11:00:00 +0000



The cast comes to the table to answer some questions directly from YOU, our wonderful Skyfriends! Our second ever Q&A session covers everything from the very beginning up through our third Interlude game. We do our best to stay on topic, but don't be surprised if we get off-topic. It was fantastic to explore so many questions from everyone! Thanks to everyone who made this possible.




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Interlude 3 - The Glamour: New Directions

Thu, 22 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Welcome back to The Glamour!


This interlude takes place between Books III & IV and features our D&D-based minigame called "The Glamour" by our very own Scott Blake.


Join us as we take on the roles of our ambitious and greedy members of The Glamour as they seek personal gain on a global scale. The impact they can have is immeasurable...and not necessarily for the best.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 71 - Loose Threads, Part II

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

One way or another, the struggle to save those affected by The Withering ends here and now. The threads of so many hang in the balance. No mortal body can hold them for long, but Arannis will push his to the limit to save as many as possible. It's the exciting conclusion of Book III that will leave the world forever changed.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 70 - Loose Threads, Part I

Thu, 01 Apr 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The Vermillion Bulb represents the last hope for the survival of countless creatures. As the gods and their children struggle against The Withering, the members of The Bard's Rebellion prepare to put everything on the line. Darvin, Iolana, Veil, and Arannis must find a way to save as many souls as possible. The task will demand difficult choices and pain beyond the physical. With so many lives in their hands, will they be able to succeed?




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Bk. 03 Ch. 69 - The Vermillion Bulb

Thu, 25 Mar 2021 11:00:00 +0000

Deep in the heart of the palace, the royal family's private vault is set ablaze. As the flames grow and consume the past, the party seeks out another fire. The massive Bulb they have been told lies beneath the palace is the last hope for putting a stop to The Withering. As powerful as the Bulb may be, it is equally dangerous. Harnessing such power before cost Veil an arm. This time, it could take even more.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 68 - Fiery Justice

Thu, 18 Mar 2021 11:00:00 +0000

While Veil and King Aldabas fight for dominance within Huracan's body, the rest of the party needs to deal with Lt. General Raz'Ai, a fire giant who will protect the king no matter the cost. The royal family's private vault is littered with mementos, but it is hardly a treasure vault. If the party wants to save Iolana's father, they must win. If they want to save everyone, they must press even further.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 67 - The Exchange

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Within the royal family's private vault, King Aldabas and Richard Landan are hastily working to enact the king's plan. Veil, Arannis, Darvin, and Iolana have to act now to prevent them from doing something terrible. With Huracan still yet to be seen, there's no telling what the king has up his sleeve. Whatever it may be, he needs to be stopped.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 66 - Prelude to the Fall

Thu, 04 Mar 2021 12:00:00 +0000

King Aldabas has been dropped into an escape tunnel by his attendant, Richard Landan, as the battle against the giant El'Brus continues. As he continues to flood the rooms and bring in aquatic dangers, the party needs to decide if they can afford to leave the fight early to pursue the king. Either option is dangerous, and there's no telling what awaits at the bottom of that hole.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 65 - Royal Ambush

Thu, 25 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Having snuck into the king's chambers, the time has come to act. The party tries to hide among the Withered statues of elven royalty, hoping to catch King Aldabas and his attendants off guard. Once the action begins, there's no turning back. At a minimum, they are committing treason. The king is well protected, but the element of surprise may be in the party's favor.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 64 - A Steamy Situation

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

After setting up a distraction in the underground cells, the Darvin, Veil, Arannis, Iolana and the crew emerge back onto the main floor only to find a surprise guest. They'll need to act quickly so as not to reveal their true intentions in the palace. It is vital they make it to the king without raising any sort of alarm, but the path isn't always clear.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 63 - Surgical Strike

Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Within the cells beneath the capital's palace, the party tries their hands at improvised surgery. Unsurprisingly, it is no easy task. When their elemental patients cry out, the guards get suspicious. Luvah, the lizardfolk guard the party bribed to get into the cell, has to balance the value of that bribe against his duties. When the time comes, the party will need to think quickly.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 62 - The Royal Dungeon

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:00:00 +0000

King Aldabas has delivered his speech, announcing a new era on the horizon for the citizens of Carricar. What role Iolana's father is meant to play in all this is unknown, though it surely can't be for his own benefit. But first, the party wants to set up a distraction to make their attack on the king a little easier. The palace's dungeon is holding some special guests, and they could be quite helpful with the right motivation.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 61 - The Announcement

Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Kenny the Mace and his entourage are looking to get into the palace. Surely the wealth and influence he has built up in Caravel have earned them entry. But this isn't the real Kenneth Mason. Arannis, Darvin, Veil, and Iolana are doing their best to play their parts, but they'll need more than a bit of luck to get in. With the king's announcement drawing nearer, they don't have time for failure.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 60 - Assemble the Crew

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

In The Denouement guild house, bumps in the night are not uncommon, but some late-night visitors have more surprises than anyone can imagine. When morning comes, it will be time to head to the palace. The question of method of infiltration still hangs in the air and, given the heightened security for the king's announcement, force seems like an unwise decision.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 59 - The Night Before

Thu, 14 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

On the eve of their most brazen assault, The Bard's Rebellion draws ever closer to their goals in the capital. While the freedom of Iolana's father, Huracan, is forefront in everyone's mind, it is not the only concern. Trying to find a restful night shouldn't be too difficult, but they will need to stay focused on their goals.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 58 - Battle in the Orc Borough

Thu, 07 Jan 2021 12:00:00 +0000

Maintaining secrecy while passing through the orc borough of Vermillion turns out to be more of a challenge than expected. The closer the party gets to the center of the city, the more suspicious and reactionary the guards become. No matter what happens, they can't afford to give the king any reason to be aware of their presence.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 57 - Sneaking into the Capital

Thu, 31 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

When the party arrives at the capital, they decide that they need to keep a low profile until it is time to make their move. A Denouement passage makes for the easiest way to enter undetected, but that is only the start of it. In a city as vast as Vermillion, the odds of moving unseen are terribly low, and making plans on the fly carries dangers all their own.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 56 - In the Guildhouse

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Tonight, The Denouement guildhouse in Caravel hosts a pair of tamani along with our heroes. As Arannis, Darvin, Veil, and Iolana get the opportunity to learn more about Samudio's past, they must also deal with the fallout of the assassination and the city-wide search for Sam. Knowing that they are pressed for time to get to the capital, they will need to plan, and act, swiftly.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 55 - The Chapel of Alithea

Thu, 17 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The Chapel of Alithea honors Typh, the shapechanger god. With some time to kill, Veil pays the chapel a visit. Whether they are looking for answers or assistance, the chapel seems a more viable option than anything previously available. While they have some time to reflect on who they are and what they want, the Denouement assassins seek to carry out the contract on Iona and free Samudio.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 54 - Facing Facts

Thu, 10 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The hit on Iona Sintoram is scheduled to go down tonight, and that means our heroes have the day to themselves. What could be a day of relaxation or preparation soon turns to a day of revelation. The truths of the past and of personal motivations are brought to light, and they aren't exactly comfortable. The consequences of action, and inaction, can't be avoided forever.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 53 - A Dark Deal

Thu, 03 Dec 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Iona Sintoram is willing to negotiate for Sam's freedom, but she desires more than just gold. As a member of The Conscription, with a Grimm Pendant of her own, she knows how useful Darvin's flesh can be. Our heroes must balance their morals against their friendship with Sam to find a way of sealing the deal.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 52 - The Shrewd Patron

Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The party has found their old tamani friend, Samudio, fighting in The Stained Court of Caravel. While the fights there tend to be non-lethal, they still doubt that he is there of his own choosing. Trying to keep a low profile, they look focus on legal options to retrieve their friend. The easiest way to do that would be through Sam's patron, but she may be after more than they are willing to pay.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 51 - Fun in Caravel

Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Caravel is the closest major city to Vermillion, but it has very little in common with the capitol of Carricar. The trade city has much to offer in terms of distractions, including the relatively new fighting pit: The Stained Court. With a final chance to unwind before turning to the capitol, what our heroes find may cut the relaxation short.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 50 - A Journey in the Dark

Thu, 12 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The escape from Honey Hollow went better than anticipated, but the journey north is by no means safe. The ocean branches have brought new obstacles to the region, adding to the old, and there is the ever-present darkness that looms in The Winter Belt. Trouble can come from anywhere, and it will take a keen eye to stay ahead.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 49 - A Dark Escape

Thu, 05 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000

With Cregan out of the picture, the party looks to the threats still awaiting outside, and above, the fair city of Honey Hollow. Thorn is worried that they may not be able to hold the remaining forces at bay without help, especially with those phoenixes waiting to wreak havoc. With the flying horses provided by Gossrym, surely our heroes stand a chance out there.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 48 - Ambushing The Conscription

Thu, 29 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Veil's carefully planned ambush is ready to be put into action against Cregan and his Conscription forces. Captain Thorn has been able to lend some assistance, but it may not be enough. The Conscription has been known to use Grimm Pendant's to keep death at bay, and Cregan has no problem with overkill when the situation arises.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 47 - A Cold Plan

Thu, 22 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The Conscription has arrived above Honey Hollow, and they are being overly direct in regards to their purpose. The city must hand over those afflicted by The Withering to receive Koram's grace or face utter destruction at the hands (and wings) of a small and powerful force. The options for a safe escape are few, but something must be done soon.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 46 - Fulfilling a Bargain

Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With the events in Honey Hollow wrapping up more smoothly than anticipated, the party is looking to make an easy exit into the darkness outside. It seems the last thing to do before leaving is to get Gossrym to make good on his end of the deal. The Monstrosity God has pledged to give wings to the party's horses. Surely, that will be the last hurdle before leaving. Surely.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 45 - Fun in Sweet William's

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

If you go to Honey Hollow, you need to visit Sweet William's! The music, the company, and (of course) the mead can't be beat. It's the perfect place to unwind and catch up with friends, new and old. Darvin, Arannis, and Iolana do their best to rest before taking advantage of their temporary truce with Gossrym. But even when they try to relax, there's always the chance for complications.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 44 - Studying and Notes

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 11:00:00 +0000

It's study time in Honey Hollow! Lianna and Gossrym combine their divine wisdom to help the party, who are looking for more unorthodox solutions to Withering. Meanwhile, Darvin, Arannis, and Iolana try to return the favor by providing their own insights. And no study night would be complete without a chance to unwind.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 43 - An Interesting Deal

Thu, 24 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Inside Honey Hollow, Arannis, Darvin, Veil, and Iolana find time to prepare for the second leg of their journey. The city has changed over the years, but many familiar faces still abound...some welcome, some less so. Still, there are plenty of intriguing possibilities around. It's just a matter of being bold enough to take advantage of them.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 42 - A Divine Reunion

Thu, 17 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

After sending away their allies, the party needs to find a way to the capitol city of Vermillion. With the ocean branching into the air all over, travel by sea has become much less reliable. They are weeks, if not months, away by conventional means. But, perhaps the unconventional will provide a shortcut. If they're lucky, it may even be safe.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 41 - Different Paths

Thu, 10 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Iskra and Ingrid have been subdued, with Iskra primed for a friendly interrogation. Her knowledge of- and ability to get close to- Malcias could be invaluable. Princess Collett, Felicity, and Tonk Maggle have been freed, and everyone must figure out where to go from here. The dangers ahead are great, perhaps too great for some.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 40 - Unexpected Allies

Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The battle with Iskra Maldon and Ingrid Madeiras rages on as the pair of genasi raise the stakes, with poor Felicity paying a hefty price for their cruelty. Their belief in the ways of The Conscription, along with their Grimm Pendants, encourage them to fight even when outmatched. If not stopped here, who knows what they might be capable of once they unite with Jefferson Steely and Ezzabith.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 39 - Surprises in the Woods

Thu, 27 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Darvin, Veil, Iolana, and Arannis have retreated to the woods outside of Kapras for some privacy and time to plan their next move. Their sense of security, however, slowly dissolves as they are met with one surprise after another. Even a pleasant surprise can hide a darker truth, but ample time is not always given to properly address it.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 38 - Anxious Escapes

Thu, 20 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Running from one complication often leads to another, and there's no way of knowing which is more terrifying until you face them. Darvin, Iolana, Arannis, and Veil need to find a way off Terrencia without drawing too much attention to themselves. They look to Kapras for safety, but none are prepared for what awaits them there.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 37 - Breaking Down

Thu, 13 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The efforts to eliminate Ikiri the Ageless reveal some unexpected, and dangerous, consequences. Whatever Mistress Sengal was doing with the blue flame and the body within, this was not part of the plan. The party must find a way to deal with this new danger without losing anyone to Ikiri's raging outbursts. Facing such an unkillable foe will require creative means, to say the least.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 36 - A Close Shave

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Mistress Sengal's magical laboratory becomes a deadly place as the conflict with Ikiri the Ageless heats up. As unkillable as she claims him to be, that won't stop our heroes from trying  to snuff him out. Ikiri may not be much of a physical threat, but the dangers that emerge during the conflict may be too much to bear.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 35 - Hungry Flames

Thu, 30 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Even the best-laid plans can go awry, so the dangers of a hasty one can't be underestimated. But if there is going to be a time to turn against a wealthy patron, there are few better options than a place where they feel unquestionably safe. Presumed safety, however, can be one of the most dangerous assumptions when you turn out to be wrong....




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Bk. 03 Ch. 34 - Bargaining Betrayal

Thu, 23 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Between Ikiri's offer to use Mistress Sengal's blue flame to acquire Em and Mavic's enticement to lure Mistress Sengal away from Ikiri, the party is left with some very high-stakes options. Decisions of this scale can't be made easily or without careful consideration. With very few assurances either way, it's more a matter of acceptable risk.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 33 - Music and Discoveries

Thu, 16 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Finally on Terrencia, with Earl Earl's fate sealed, it's time to get down to business. Arannis' connection to Ikiri the Ageless was enough to get them here, but he will certainly have demands of his own. Can Arannis keep him occupied while the others seek out the flute containing Iolana's father? Are they ready for drastic measures? And what's this compromise Ikiri has in mind...?




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Bk. 03 Ch. 32 - Riding the Branch

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

On The Glamour's floating island of Terrencia, the party hopes to find answers. Iolana's father, Huracan, was captured by Mistress Sengal while they were in The Grayscape, and Arannis' connection with Ikiri should allow them to get close enough. But with the ocean now stretching in branches across the sky, drastic measures will be needed to navigate to the island.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 31 - Retrieving a Body

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The precocious river otter claims to be Vice Count Olesia, but Makura and The Scale Force want solid proof they can use to confront Ezzabith. While Arannis, Veil, Darvin, and Iolana wait for a return message from Ikiri, they don't have much else to do. Plus, it gives them all a chance to better understand the kind of abilities The Scale Force wields.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 30 - Meeting the Vice Count

Thu, 25 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The Conscription, whoever and wherever they may be, are an unexpected complication. While Darvin does not want to see his stolen leg misused, tracking down Iolana's father is still a priority. The Scale Force have offered to assist, but they want a chat with the Vice Count first. Ezzabith keeps here secreted away, supposedly out of concern, but the truth of the matter may be far more bizarre than expected.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 29 - The Conscription

Thu, 18 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

After a rough encounter with Ezzabith, everyone needs some time to recover and plan ahead. Time has passed in Kapras and things aren't exactly the same. With some new faces hanging out in The Blue Crab Tavern, the party may have some new opportunities (and dangers) ahead of them. But for as long as they've been absent, they can't exactly afford to waste time.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 28 - A New Boss in Town

Thu, 11 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Emerging from The Well of Departure, we find Kapras, and the world, changed in ways unexpected. With so much to do, it's difficult to decide where to begin. Starting with The Driftwood House might be a good idea, but who even knows what leadership looks like thanks to The Withering. Hopefully everyone can just stay calm enough to keep out of trouble.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 27 - The Well of Departure

Thu, 04 Jun 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Beneath the city of Kapras, Darvin, Iolana, and Arannis, along with the rescued Veil, must prepare themselves to face whatever changes await for them above. But first, they have some time to decompress from the ordeal in Koram's Realm. There's no way of knowing what lies on the other side of the locked door, but it is the only way forward.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 26 - An Untimely Return

Thu, 28 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With Veil recovered and the exit back to The Grayscape just a short distance away, it seems very little could stand in our way of leaving Koram's Realm...but a demigod just might do the trick. Cade Mandeville, the child of Rubillo and demigod of the land, doesn't take kindly to trespassers, and the toll he charges could be more than anyone is willing to pay.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 25 - No Free Exit

Thu, 21 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

For the first time in far too long, everyone is together once again. There is little time for a proper reunion, however, as Churlit Az and his gang of souls are still in pursuit. The party must hurry to an exit and return to The Grayscape before anyone catches up to them. But just because the party has a plan, that doesn't necessarily mean they have the time.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 24 - Deaths from the Past

Thu, 14 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Darvin, Iolana, and Arannis, with no small amount of help from Veil, have sent many souls to Koram's Realm. Some joined their own gods but others remained for one reason or another. Churlit Az has gathered a number of them to confront their killers. The grim reminders of the past emerge unexpectedly, for unknown reasons, forcing our heroes to face some difficult truths.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 23 - A Hard-headed Obstacle

Thu, 07 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Veil and their allies face off against the giant stone creature, Barowski. Having claimed this portion of The Outlands as his own, he will not permit strangers to pass unless, of course, they pay a price. There are enough prices to be paid and consequences to be dealt with to go around, especially when the past creeps ever closer.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 22 - Souls in Danger

Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Exploring The Outlands of Koram's Realm is a dangerous task for both the living and the dead. Finding Veil may be the priority, but there are still opportunities to provide aid or ignore those in need. Unlike the living, souls face destruction should they fall. And despite some underhanded tricks, the experience may still prove illuminating.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 21 - Attempting to Cross

Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Passing back into The Grayscape is no simple task. Veil and friends must pass into The Outlands to find a mysterious cave. Their way is blocked by a river of damned souls, to say nothing of the denizens of The Outlands. With the possibility of crossing back into the realm of the living so close at hand, everyone needs to be extra careful or Veil will never make it out alive.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 20 - Searching The Citadel

Thu, 16 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Facing the gates of Koram's Citadel, Veil and their new friends must do what they can to find a way in and somehow make it to Koram without attracting the wrong kind of attention. Veil and Koram have been at odds from a distance, but it will take a face-to-face confrontation to get what they really want: a way out.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 19 - Into Koram's Realm

Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

With the tethers ready, it's time to head into Koram's Realm. It is a place of the dead, not meant for the living, with dangers beyond comprehension. But, it is also Veil's last known whereabouts. How they managed to survive all this time is a mystery, and the toll unknown.


Thanks to Wes Otis & Plate Mail Games for use of the track "Bard Performance 2" available at




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Bk. 03 Ch. 18 - The Cost of Connection

Thu, 02 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000

Journeying between The Grayscape and Koram's Realm isn't exactly safe, but The Hollow Queen has offered her assistance for the return journey. Attuning to the tethers will ensure the party returns together to The Tangled Alcove. But this is no ordinary process, and the cost could be more than any imagined.


Thanks to Wes Otis & Plate Mail Games for use of the track "Bard Performance 2" available at




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Bk. 03 Ch. 17 - Facing The Barren

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The Grayscape, despite the death of Pathox, is not as damaged as may have been thought. In fact, there seem to be creatures and a city of sorts. In The Tangled Alcove, the party meets The Hollow Queen. Her offer of assistance comes at a price: the party must find and destroy some of The Barren to claim their cores, which she can use to help with the journey back from Koram's Realm. But The Barren are far from defenseless....




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Bk. 03 Ch. 16 - The Tangled Alcove

Thu, 19 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000

The Grayscape: it's been so long since Arannis and Darvin last set foot there, and now they must go in willingly. The death of Pathox had a dramatic effect on it, so there's no telling what, or who, they can expect to find. While the party goes searching for a way to Veil, they must leave a part of themselves behind. How safe that is...only time will tell




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Outtakes 011 - A Quantity of Rabbits

Sun, 15 Mar 2020 20:30:20 +0000

It's our 3rd birthday! We're finally out of our terrible twos and we have a present for all of our Skyfriends out there: free access to this month's Patreon outtakes chapter. If you enjoy these outtakes, you can head over to our Patreon to donate and gain access to even more goodies. Thanks again for all of your support in making 3 years fly right by!




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Bk. 03 Ch. 15 - Dangerous Portals

Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000

As creatures from The Grayscape invade Kapras, Ezzabith and the other forces in the city do what they can to stop these unknown creatures...including the returned Veil. Even Arannis' mother, Commander Boughfall, is joining in on the fight. But some dangers may take precedence over others, and some tasks may be more difficult than initially thought.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 14 - Fear in Kapras

Thu, 05 Mar 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Returning to Kapras in search of the portal to the Grayscape, the party is shocked to find Veil attacking a winged tiger creature as the town is overrun with intruders. The safe return of their friend has been a priority ever since they were lost, and now it seems as if they are within reach...if not for the giant dragon claw now pinning them to the ground.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 13 - Yours to Refuse

Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Despite everything the island of Terrencia has to offer, and the warnings they've received, the party just can't help but seek out new complications. There are so many opportunities, but they each come with a cost, and that may just be too much. But no matter what they decide, there are still plenty of people who need them back on the mainland.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 12 - Opening Up

Thu, 20 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Terrencia, The Glamour Island, has amenities to please the wealthiest of guests. For those not accustomed to such luxuries, it is still an excellent place to grow closer with their companions. While everyone catches their breath, Darvin and Arannis take advantage of the time to get to know their new friend, Iolana.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 11 - A Gift for Veil

Thu, 13 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

After Darvin, Arannis, and Iolana finally arrived on the island, they reunited with a friendly face. The gift for Veil may be tempting, but they must also deal with the problems right in front of them. And when the island's security finds them where they don't belong, it'll take everyone working together to come out of it alive.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 10 - To the Island

Thu, 06 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Ikiri the Ageless has an offer for his new favorite musician, strings and all. Those in The Glamour are not accustomed to being denied what they want, and Ikiri is willing to offer whatever takes to grant his heart's desire. With the world suffering from The Withering, does the party even have time to entertain his offer?




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Bk. 03 Ch. 09 - A Glamourous Deal

Thu, 30 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

In a time of crisis, people must come together to take decisive action. The fate of half the world lies in the hands of a small group gathered in a small town. But, can they stay focused long enough to make progress, or will they be distracted by more personal matters?




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Bk. 03 Ch. 08 - The Meeting

Thu, 23 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

The meeting to discuss the Withering begins, and the efforts to find a unified direction strain under the expectations and goals of those assembled. The pressures of trying to keep it all together may be too much for Count Vera and Countess Irena. It won't be possible to please everyone, but it might be possible to keep everything from falling apart.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 07 - Personal Preparations

Thu, 16 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

Before Count Vera and Countess Irena's meeting about The Withering begins, Arannis, Iolana, and Darvin each have some business to conclude. There are deals, missions, and limbs to sort out. The party will need to remain strong, whether that be emotionally, mentally, or physically. And then, they still must face the gathered powers at the meeting.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 06 - A Leg to Stand On

Thu, 09 Jan 2020 12:00:00 +0000

As Iolana opens up about her mission and her intentions, Arannis and Darvin's patience wears thin. Veil's disappearance, along with their guilt over The Withering, has not left the pair in the most agreeable of moods. Outside, the town prepares for the formal meetings on how to address this global phenomenon.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 05 - Divine Leverage

Thu, 26 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Brumble's presence looms over the town of Kapras as they have come to hear the apologies from Arannis and, perhaps, Darvin. Besides the god of plants, more and more powerful people are arriving. With The Glamour and Ezzabith in town, the god may be the biggest concern, but they certainly aren't the only concern.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 04 - Where We are Now

Thu, 19 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

It's a waiting game as Arannis seeks to apologize to god he just recently learned he wronged. Meanwhile, Darvin is just trying to keep it together. Of course, just because they are waiting, it doesn't mean that everyone else is just standing around too. There's plenty of room for faces new and old to stir things up!




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Bk. 03 Ch. 03 - Trisecting the Issues

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

With Darvin in pieces, though somehow not dead, everyone must act quickly to make the best of the situation. The plant creatures are acting particularly aggressive and seem to be focused on hurting, if not outright killing our heroes, but is that all there really is to it? And while Iolana appears to have a connection to Veil, will she prove to be as reliable a companion?




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Bk. 03 Ch. 02 - Entanglements

Thu, 05 Dec 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Life in the world after Pathox isn't easy. As half the world Withers, others act on their own agendas. That includes a new and mysterious face...Iolana. Whatever her interest in Veil might be, it seems like no one is in a rush to help her. Of course, she isn't the only one seeking answers. While other forces move to help Darvin and Arannis, there may be those with less forgiving positions.




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Bk. 03 Ch. 01 - Coping Mechanisms

Thu, 28 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

Welcome to Book III!

In the weeks that followed the death of Pathox and the disappearance of Veil, Darvin and Arannis have found themselves stuck in the small port town of Kapras. The world is trying, and failing, to cope with The Withering. Despite all that has and will be lost, those remaining try to continue on. It's no simple thing to deal with the consequences, which is why some try to avoid it altogether.




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Q&A - Questions of Skyrend 01

Thu, 05 Sep 2019 07:00:00 +0000


The cast comes to the table to answer some questions directly from YOU, our wonderful Skyfriends!  Our first ever Q&A session covers topics from before launch all the way to the end of our second Interlude game.  It was great to hear from so many fans.  If you like it, send us your Q's so we can get you some A's.  Thanks to everyone who made this possible.




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Interlude 2 - The Glamour: On the Move

Thu, 01 Aug 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Welcome back to The Glamour!  This interlude takes place between Books 2 & 3 and features our D&D-based minigame called "The Glamour" by Scott Blake.  We all step away from our normal characters to take on the roles of our greedy members of The Glamour as they try to benefit from the recent changes to the world, especially The Withering.




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Bk. 02 Ch. 58 - After I'm Gone

Thu, 11 Jul 2019 07:00:00 +0000

All battles must end. No matter how dire the situation, or the consequences, a final blow must be struck. With Veil searching The Grayscape for a way out, Darvin at death's door, and Arannis facing down the god of chaos himself, the time for decisive action is now. What happens? More importantly, what happens next?




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Bk. 02 Bonus 1 - Q&A Announcement

Thu, 04 Jul 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Join us for a current state of the podcast announcement all about Book II, an upcoming Q&A, Book III, and substantial relocation effort.  All of the details are right here in less than 6 minutes.  Give it a listen, and then hit us with your questions!




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Bk. 02 Ch. 57 - Return to The Grayscape

Thu, 27 Jun 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Leopold was a dangerous man before his conversion into a chaos mage.  Now, he is practically terrifying.  Meanwhile, Patches is trying to negotiate some kind of deal, if only there weren't so many distractions.  What kind of deals are our heroes willing to make in order to save their skin and their souls?




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Bk. 02 Ch. 56 - Fighting the Chaos

Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:00:00 +0000

The battle against the chaos-empowered Leopold continues, with the party growing more certain of Patches' true identity.  The elven boy continues to watch, but could grow impatient at any time.  Darvin, Arannis, and Veil must fight against the growing chaos and do their best to keep their injured Tamani friend safe.




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Bk. 02 Ch. 55 - Leopold's Laughter

Thu, 13 Jun 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Arannis, Darvin, and Veil scramble to get ahead of Leopold and his gang in a battle that has gone from bad to worse.  Catching a break means little when the tables can quickly turn the other way.  Leopold and his gang are willing to give their all for victory...and perhaps even more....




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Bk. 02 Ch. 54 - Tearing Apart

Thu, 06 Jun 2019 07:00:00 +0000

As the battle against Leopold and his gang begins, the party comes to realize that this will be no easy fight.  They will do whatever it takes to claim their goals, while Patches watches on with amusement.  Even though they've been hired to claim Brumble's Mantle, Leopold has a much more personal score to settle.




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Bk. 02 Ch. 53 - A Confrontation in Kapras

Thu, 30 May 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Veil, Darvin, Arannis, and Samudio dig their heels in for what could be the fight of their lives.  The hired muscle standing across from them is deadlier than they appear, and their leader seems to have a history with Sam.  Will our heroes be able to stand up against these foes, and will their true target do anything to interfere?




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Bk. 02 Ch. 52 - Farewell to the Frost Swamp

Thu, 23 May 2019 07:00:00 +0000

The Frost Swamp seems to be in better condition than when our heroes first arrived, but they aren't quite done yet.  Veil looks to help the grung better prepare, Arannis looks for some way to help, and Darvin stay out of trouble.




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Bk. 02 Ch. 51 - Following Orders

Thu, 16 May 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Even with the bulb extinguished and the magical blanket created, the party isn't out of the woods yet.  The eldest grung have passed unexpectedly, arousing suspicions.  There's more to be done if this village is to be saved.




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Bk. 02 Ch. 50 - Veil's Sacrifice

Thu, 09 May 2019 07:00:00 +0000

With Brumble's Mantle charged, it's time to see if the party can put it to use.  Well...most of the party.  When duties conflict, a choice must be made.  And when the cost of success (or failure) is unknown, it requires bravery.


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Bk. 02 Ch. 49 - Measuring Success

Thu, 02 May 2019 07:00:00 +0000

No matter what happens in the birthing pools, Darvin will need to make a hard choice once he returns to the village.  Dusty, along with Alana and Jerso, have strict orders to deliver Koram's peace to the grung of The Frost Swamps.  With his friends on one side and his god on the other, Darvin must find the right path for himself.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 48 - The Bulb in the Birthing Pool

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Arannis, Veil, and a reluctant Darvin venture into the aging grung temple that houses their birthing pools.  Somewhere below, a magical bulb is slowly bringing a fatal condition to the grung of The Frost Swamps.  With the aid of Brumble's Mantle, they hope to drain the bulb of its magical power.  It's a simple plan, but that doesn't mean it will be easy.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 47 - Negotiating with the Grung

Thu, 18 Apr 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Entering into The Frost Swamps, the party is quickly confronted by a squad of adolescent grung.  They are tasked with protecting the village while the older generations do their best to fight their malignant condition and try to lead productive lives.  Arannis and Veil know that they need to find some solution if they are to save the grung from the peace that Koram's followers wish to bring.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 46 - The Duty of a Monk

Thu, 11 Apr 2019 07:00:00 +0000

The path to The Frost Swamp grows colder and darker...and ever more perilous.  Saving the Grung village from their deadly condition is a noble cause, but simply making it to them will be a challenge of its own.  Darvin's affiliation to his monastery is no secret, but sometimes he must choose between the goals of the party and the will of his god.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 45 - Inspector General Ezzabith

Thu, 04 Apr 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Ezzabith.  Inspector General to the King.  Black Dragon.  Below the city of Crobat, the party finds themselves on the receiving end of an interrogation from a demanding duo.  Ezzabith and Churlit Az make it their business to get answers as they see fit.  With all that could potentially be relayed back to the capitol and the king, our heroes will have to find a way to tread lightly.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 44 - Searching for Answers

Thu, 28 Mar 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Research continues in the trees of Crobat, but those aren't the only answers being sought in the city.  While Darvin and Veil seek out supplies, Arannis decides it is time to pay another visit to his mother, Commander Boughfall.  Sometimes, the answers we seek are not always the answers we want.  And sometimes...sometimes we're not the only ones with questions.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 43 - Research in Crobat

Thu, 21 Mar 2019 07:00:00 +0000

The city of Crobat lies somewhere in a cold, dim forest.  Luckily, Baron Misha knows the way...even if it has been over 160 years since they were there last.  Arannis knows his mother lives there, but it seems his family also has ties to magical research.  Will he be able to focus on the mission at hand, or will familial matters interfere?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 42 - A Search for Closure

Thu, 14 Mar 2019 07:00:00 +0000

Baron Misha, the citizen of Bristol Shores, wants nothing more than to find the last remaining bodies of their fallen subjects.  Once that task is complete, they would be more than happy to assist our adventurers.  The only problem is that they aren't sure exactly where the bodies are.  Maybe with a little help, they can lay them to rest and help Darvin, Veil, and Arannis get their hands on Brumble's Mantle.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 41 - The Citizen of Bristol Shores

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 08:00:00 +0000

The party enters the demolished Bristol Shores to find it empty, with the exception of one elf dangling at the end of their rope. They dangle precariously over a group of skull crabs on the beach, devoutly hoping for help to come along. Veil, Arannis, and Darvin may be able to gain a new ally if they can save the elf in time as they begin their search for powerful artifact.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 40 - Questions and Decisions

Thu, 28 Feb 2019 08:00:00 +0000

It is time for the party to face Barofax for the hard-fought right to seek answers to their questions.  The god of celestials has an untold wealth of knowledge at their disposal for those who have proven worthy.  Darvin, Arannis, and Veil have much they wish to know, possibly more than they have earned, and more than they bargained for....

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Bk. 02 Ch. 39 - Splitting the Future

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 08:00:00 +0000

The trial of the future brings an array of challenges before the party.  They must face not one, but three, gods of monstrosities.  The Gossryms each have their own agenda, and they are by no means entirely pleasant.  Veil, Darvin, and Arannis will need to keep themselves safe without breaking their own moral rules if they want to earn the celestial's knowledge.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 38 - A Slow Step into the Present

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 08:00:00 +0000

With the trial of the past behind them, the party heads into the trial of the present.  They face a challenge that slows everything down as they race to save an old friend, but they begin to discover that not everything in these trials is exactly what they expected.  Can they complete the trial while staying true to their own morals?  The celestials will be the judge of that.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 37 - Starting the Trials

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 08:00:00 +0000

As the party gets ready to begin the trials, they must come to terms with the myriad of rules set in place by the celestials.  The more they learn, the more they come to understand how little they truly know of this process.  But their ignorance is no reason to put off what they came all this way for.  The knowledge they could earn is worth far too much to turn back now.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 36 - Tying up Loose Ends

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000

With the confrontation behind them, Veil, Darvin, and Arannis simply need to wrap things up in Veil's memories before heading back out into the temple.  For Veil, leaving may not be as simple as just saying good-bye.  There is much left to do back in the real world, and time was not standing still for those in the temple.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 35 - A Battle in Memories

Thu, 24 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000

Perseverance's final mission is not as easy to complete as Veil had hoped.  Losing the element of surprise, and facing a tougher target than expected, the party will need to hope for the best.  Patches isn't alone, and he keeps dangerous company.  Veil, Arannis, and Darvin have a difficult fight ahead of them, but the biggest danger may lie behind an unforeseen offer....

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Bk. 02 Ch. 34 - Planning Ahead

Thu, 17 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000

Exploring the memories of Veil's childhood leads the party through the boroughs of Vermillion.  They have a time, they have a location, and they have a target.  But if their assumptions are true, then there must be more to the small elven boy than they ever knew.  With less than a day to go, just how will they prepare to face this possibly deadly target?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 33 - The Dive

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000

A feeling of betrayal and loss follows Veil as they turn their back on those they believed to be friends.  While a new and friendly face tries to lift their spirits, the rest of the party must decide what to do next.  Can they get what they want and win back the trust of their friend, or will they simply have to soldier on?  Sometimes a creative solution can require risking even more.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 32 - An Impossible Choice

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000

Veil, Darvin, and Arannis hit the countryside again as they finally head to The Temple of St. Fallaron.  There's plenty of time for fun and to get to know their new horses along the way.  The knowledge they seek at the temple is extremely valuable and extremely dangerous.   Such information does not come cheap, and someone will need to decide if it's a price they are willing to pay.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 31 - Returning to Kapras

Thu, 27 Dec 2018 08:00:00 +0000

It's a magical shopping time as the party returns to Kapras!  Patches has promised each of them an item of their choice for the return of Tayne's Mask and he has quite the selection.  Darvin, Arannis, and Veil also find a surprise waiting for them on a bulletin board, but maybe it's not as bad as it seems?  They don't plan on spending much time in Kapras, but they do get the chance to make some new friends.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 30 - Negotiating the Aftermath

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Tayne may be gone, but he left behind even more questions...and the body of a young boy.  With a group of strangers fast approaching, what will Darvin, Veil, and Arannis do?  They have what they came for, but the dead chaos mage's home could hold more secrets.  And is the party in any condition to keep these strangers at bay?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 29 - Face to Face with Tayne

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Despite all his power, Tayne seems mostly to be left alone.  He just doesn't take kindly to those who would trespass, neither do his centinid friends.  With the very ground pulled from beneath their feet, and Veil robbed of their sight, can the party overcome this servant of Pathox before his power destroys them?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 28 - Encountering Tayne

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Arriving at Tayne's home, the party must decide just how they want to confront this chaos mage.  Between his unpredictable magic, the unknown rune, and whatever other surprises may be lying in wait, they have their work cut out for them.  Veil, Darvin, and Arannis will need to stay on their toes if they want to overpower Tayne and take his mask back to Patches for their reward.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 27 - A Walk along the Beach

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:00:00 +0000

The party enjoys a peaceful walk along the beach as they make their way to Tayne, a chaos mage who destroyed one of Patches' close friends.  Knowing that he has a connection to the chaos mages who attacked them in Karami, they fear the worst.  But, that doesn't mean there isn't time on the journey unwind a little.  They'll need it.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 26 - Dealing with Elves

Thu, 22 Nov 2018 08:00:00 +0000

The feast to honor Ulwanir is in full swing, even if certain faces are missing.  Annika and Earl Earl are each excited to meet their god, though for very different reasons.  And Ulwanir is pleased to see them as well.  The god has been known to make deals in the past, but will Arannis and Darvin be so bold as to make another bargain?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 25 - Prelude to a Party

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 08:00:00 +0000

The town of Kapras is preparing for a feast to honor Ulwanir's visit.  The party has upheld their bargain to protect Earl Earl, but that doesn't mean they are entirely safe from the God of Elves.  Besides, her presence opens up certain opportunities for enterprising individuals.  Find out if Arannis, Veil, and Darvin can keep the peace while new wheels are set into motion.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 24 - Ship in Distress

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 08:00:00 +0000

With the island behind them, The Gunner's Daughter has stumbled upon a damaged ship in the open seas.  Dippel sends all available hands to search for valuables and survivors, if any.  This may be their last chance at treasure before reaching shore.  What will they find aboard this sinking ship, and what brought about this unfortunate fate?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 23 - The Pull of the Tide

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Darvin, Arannis, and Veil are back on The Gunner's Daughter, but leaving The Moaning Islands won't be as easy as they hoped.  The sahuagin are using the tide to pull them back, mirroring the fate of Annika's ship all those years ago.  Everyone will need to be quick on their feet if they want to avoid a watery grave in the massive whirlpool.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 22 - Escaping the Island

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 07:00:00 +0000

As the party seeks a way off The Moaning Islands, they must deal with the remaining dangers.  They find themselves in a precarious position as the sahuagin regroup in hopes of retaining Kervish for their dark purposes.  Find out if Arannis, Darvin, and Veil can overcome the natural (and unnatural) dangers before it's too late.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 21 - Kervish and the Water Wall

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Veil, Arannis, and Darvin make their way deeper into the tunnels in search of Kervish.  Even with the help of Annika, Dippel, and Samudio, they must be careful with the Sahuagin around.  This island is their home and they are more than willing to protect it and fight for what is theirs, for WHO is theirs.  Kervish has been in their custody for a long time, and their hold on him is more than just skin deep.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 20 - Deeper into the Tunnels

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Back in the tunnels, the party now seeks to save Kervish rather than stop him.  Unfortunately, the closer they get to him, the more they have to deal with the Sahuagin who claim the area as their home.  The Sahuagin are fierce warriors who know how to present more than just a physical threat.  With Annika, their new ally, by their side, the party presses ahead.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 19 - Exploring the Island

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Deciding the tunnels could be too dangerous, Arannis, Veil, and Darvin venture east along the shore to explore for clues about the missing ship and its treasure.  Will they be able to find something, anything that can point them in the right direction?  There's much about the island they do not know, and learning isn't without its pitfalls.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 18 - Kervish and the Ritual

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 07:00:00 +0000

There is much to explore on The Moaning Islands as the party searches for treasure with XO Dipple.  No one knows exactly what's on the island, and they know even less about what's inside it.  As they search the inlets and caves for any sign of treasure or the lost ship, they are surprised to discover that they are not alone.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 17 - From Ship to Shore

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Aboard The Gunner's Daughter, our party gets the opportunity to enjoy some fresh sea air.  They also get the opportunity to go searching for some treasure, as long as they can convince Captain Mahaly of their abilities. There's a lot of open water between the ship and the shore, but no one ever said that water was empty....

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Bk. 02 Ch. 16 - The Boats of BorGess

Thu, 13 Sep 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Arriving in the city of BorGess in search of passage to the northern coast, the party wastes little time in finding a tavern. The cargo inspections at the dock are painfully slow, leaving many ships anchored offshore. After chatting with the locals, Darvin and Arannis head to the dock to make a deal. Meanwhile, Veil escorts Earl Earl on a shopping spree.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 15 - The Road to BorGess

Thu, 06 Sep 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With Karami behind them once again, our party ventures north in search of a ship. The journey to The Temple of St. Fallaron is shortest by sea, but they have to find a port first. While on the road to BorGess, they meet another group who appears to be down on their luck. But, it seems these strangers are more interested in helping themselves.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 14 - A New Mayor in Town

Thu, 30 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000

164 A.T. is coming to an end, and everyone gets a chance to reflect, celebrate, and learn to move forward.  The new year brings change and revelry throughout the city, even for the jugglers.  Darvin, Arannis, and Veil lend their support to the mayoral election so that they can finally look beyond the city walls.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 13 - Recovering from Chaos

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With the Chaos Mages defeated, it's time to recover and look ahead.  The Bard's Rebellion is no longer a movement, it's a government.  And the party is looking for ways to shift that responsibility.  They can rest peacefully knowing their deeds will live on in the new democracy, but there are just a few loose ends to tie up first.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 12 - In the Name of Koram

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The power and unpredictability of the Chaos Mages is proving too much for the forces of The Bard's Rebellion, but that doesn't mean the party is ready to give up.  With an unconscious Veil at the mercy of the enemy, Darvin and Arannis must use every ounce of determination they have left to stand against their foes.  The fate of the city hangs in the balance, and the time for holding back has passed.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 11 - Chaos at the Royal House

Thu, 09 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The Chaos Mages roam the streets of Karami, seeking to spread their gospel, but it is only a matter of time before they turn their attention to the Royal House and the leaders of The Bard's Rebellion.  No one knows for certain what to expect from them, and that makes them even more of a threat.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 10 - A Deal at Swordpoint

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The blessings of Pathox can set anyone on a new path or encourage them to act without their usual measure of reserve.  Colston pursues his goal with new vigor and Veil is the one who will have to answer to him.  Power struggles are not limited to the physical: sometimes it is simply a battle of wills.  Veil has never been one to give up easily, but what will they do when their foe is equally immovable?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 09 - Spreading Chaos

Thu, 26 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The followers of Pathox have arrived in Karami, and they seek to spread their gospel whether the citizens want them to or not.  How will Darvin and Arannis handle the situation while Veil is incapacitated under the city gate?  They must act quickly and decisively if they are to keep some amount of control over the situation.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 08 - A Knock at the Gate

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With Major Asa and his Lieutenants now within the city, and their forces keeping the city forces busy elsewhere, it is up to Veil, Darvin, Arannis, and even the tiny Sir Carl Luminous to prevent this assault from getting out of control.  If they give it their all, they have a chance to come out on top.  But...who knocks on an open gate...?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 07 - Battle at the Gates

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The battle with the Royal Army rages on at the western gates of Karami.  With negotiations out of the picture, keeping them on the outside is imperative.  The Kobold Air Squadron is keeping the pressure on the forces of The Bard's Rebellion, but can Darvin, Arannis, and Veil push them out before the ground troops find a way in?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 06 - Negotiations

Thu, 05 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With the threat of the Royal Army at the city gate, it is up to Darvin, Veil, and Arannis to figure out how they will defend their ideals.  They don't know the strength of the forces coming to meet them, and they aren't necessarily eager for a fight.  Can they gather any extra support before it's too late?  And just how much can they negotiate with the army before words are no longer enough?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 05 - Being Heard

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 07:00:00 +0000

There is power in a voice, but only if it is heard.  With rumor of the Royal Army being on their way, each whisper has potential value.  But few seldom speak completely freely.  The power of a voice is in how it expresses a desire.  There is no guarantee that those desires go fulfilled, and there are certainly ramifications either way.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 04 - Justifications

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 07:00:00 +0000

As Veil allows themself to be held captive in the holding cells of the Royal House, Arannis and Darvin must defend against a different kind of threat.  Not all opposition is out for blood, some is merely out for results.  After all they've done, they must find a way to reconcile their ideology and methods without resorting to bloodshed.

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Bk. 02 Ch. 03 - Feybrook's Fate

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 07:00:00 +0000

As the situation with Colonel Feybrook changes, so too must our heroes' tactics.  His unwavering loyalty to the crown and his followers gives him the strength to fight, but not all warriors thirst for battle.  Given the chance, he would prefer negotiations.  When not given that chance, he is ready to give his all in service.  How will Veil, Darvin, and Arannis bring this matter to a close?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 02 - Fighting Feybrook

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 07:00:00 +0000

In the trees off the Stone Pass, the party decides to confront the retired Colonel Feybrook.  The resistance he leads is dangerous, and they could be even more dangerous once the Royal Army arrives.  Feybrook may be retired, but he's still ready to show just how it is he survived for so long.  Given the choice, just how much is either side willing to sacrifice?

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Bk. 02 Ch. 01 - Maintaining Control

Thu, 31 May 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Welcome to Book 2!  And thank you all for making this possible!


With the success of the Bard's Rebellion behind them, Darvin, Arannis, and Veil turn their attention to keeping and strengthening what they've earned.  They can't do it alone, and not everyone is eager to help this fledgling government.  But if they want a lasting freedom from the crown in Karami, they must be willing to overcome new challenges.

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Interlude 1 - The Glamour

Thu, 17 May 2018 07:00:00 +0000

Welcome to The Glamour!  This interlude takes place between Books 1 & 2 and features a D&D-based minigame called "The Glamour" by Scott Blake, made specifically for our podcast.  Members of The Glamour make their moves in secret in order to benefit themselves with little care for what is generally considered right or legal.  Find out what happens as everyone steps away from our normal roles in this very special chapter.

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Ch. 059 - Aftermath of Rebellion, Part 2

Thu, 03 May 2018 07:00:00 +0000

It's time for Darvin, Arannis, and Veil to face the consequences of their actions.  As they wrap up their meetings with influential members of the city, they must look ahead to the future...whether they want to or not.  Find out what final surprises await them in the last chapter of Seasons of Skyrend: Book 1.

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Ch. 058 - Aftermath of Rebellion, Part 1

Thu, 26 Apr 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With Count Valence dead and the city of Karami in their control, the Bard's Rebellion must decide what to do with it all.  Not everyone wanted this change, and it will take the support of some influential people to make sure the city stays in one piece.


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 057 - The Bard's Rebellion, Part 2

Thu, 19 Apr 2018 07:00:00 +0000

In the throne room of The Royal House, Darvin, Arannis, and Veil square off against Count Valence and his personal guard.  Victory is so close, but it seems the party is losing their footing.  What surprises await as they desperately fight for victory in the name of the Rebellion?


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 056 - The Bard's Rebellion, Part 1

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With all of the preparation finally out of the way, our heroes are ready to kick off The Bard's Rebellion!  Will the guards be able to stand up to their might?  Will Count Valence have enough protection by his side?  And with all that preparation, will our heroes truly be ready for what lies ahead?


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 055 - Prelude to Rebellion

Thu, 05 Apr 2018 07:00:00 +0000

With the last of their forces recruited, the party readies themselves for the assault on the Royal House.  But before they do, Darvin must attend to a family matter, Veil must make some final preparations, and Arannis must try to find some truth.


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 054 - Growing Forces

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 07:00:00 +0000

The movement is well under way, and our heroes need support.  Karami's west side has plenty of people ready to fight, but will they be able to join under a single banner?  The plan is ambitious, to say the least, and it's going to take a lot to keep their potential allies from in line.


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 053 - The Path to Freedom

Thu, 22 Mar 2018 07:00:00 +0000

As Darvin, Veil, and Arannis reacquaint themselves with Karami, they must also decide how to kill Count Valence so as to avoid Marasca's retribution.  They find the west side of Karami to be far more lawless than before but maybe, just maybe, they can use that to their advantage.


Don't forget about our birthday giveaway!  You still have time to enter for your chance to win free dice or a custom dice tray!  Listen, or head to Twitter, for all the details.

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Ch. 052 - Returning to Karami

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 07:00:00 +0000

It's time for the party to return to Karami.  They have a special task from Marasca that they can't put off any longer.  After all they've been through, they must finally face the consequences of their actions.  Yes, they have changed but the city has as well.  Find out what awaits them as make their way back home.


Also, this chapter marks one year of podcasting for the crew!  We have a special birthday giveaway for our faithful listeners.  Listen for the details at the start of the chapter.  Trust us, you'll want in on this one.

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Ch. 051 - The Lost Chapter

Thu, 08 Mar 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Uh oh!  We had some technical difficulties and lost a whole recording session!  Luckily, we were able to recreate some of that magic for you.  As Darvin, Veil, and Arannis get ready to leave Honey Hollow for a second time, they have a difficult journey ahead of them.  Find out what happens, and don't forget to stick around for after the chapter for some great outtakes.

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Ch. 050 - The Conversation

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 08:00:00 +0000

After deciding to wait out in Honey Hollow for a short while, Arannis, Darvin, and Veil find themselves experiencing the city in new ways.  There are a lot of familiar faces, some who definitely have plans for the party.  But, at the end of the day, they will have to make these decisions for themselves.  Find out how the party deals with the pressures being put upon them.

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Ch. 049 - Five Weeks

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Reuniting Brizandene with his cousin is just one part in our adventurer's tour back through the region.  And as much fun as it would be to spend time with a bunch of dragons, they have other matters that demand their attention.  Between Lorraine, Earl Earl, and the infirmed Halfling woman, they need to stay focused.

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Ch. 048 - Vizcarra Satisfied

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Feeding a dragon is not as easy as anyone planned.  The problem is that food big enough for a dragon tends to fight back.  The simple cave is proving more dangerous than expected, but will they tough it out in order to help a new friend?  And who knows, maybe he won't be the only one to walk away from the cave with a treat.

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Ch. 047 - The Hungry Dragon

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 08:00:00 +0000

With the dark business outside of Honey Hollow settled...for now...our adventurers head off into the snow to fulfill a promise a promise to a friend.  But Vizcarra isn't quite feeling ready to reunite with his cousin.  He only asks a simple favor, one that Darvin, Arannis, and Veil are more than capable of fulfilling.

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Ch. 046 - Shouting in the Dark

Thu, 01 Feb 2018 08:00:00 +0000

With the Giant Territory behind them, the ever-growing party turns north to help out their new dragon companion.  But they aren't the only ones with an agenda.  The darkness hides threats both physical and mental...and perhaps moral.  When you look past the external dangers, will you be ready to face those from within?

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Ch. 045 - Going Downhill

Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0000

"When children are bad, loathsome and vile,

Children are hunted by merciless foes,

Who tear off your limbs and spill out your bile,

Filling the streets with their poor mothers’ woes.

The Tamani come,

Two into one.

The man and the beast:

Together they feast"

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Ch. 044 - Return of the Bone Thief

Thu, 18 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Getting Vizcarra out of the frozen Lake Magen was a trial in and of itself, but getting away is a problem all its own.  The Bone Thief is bigger and hungrier than ever and Gossrym is ready to let him feed.  Can Darvin, Arannis, and Veil protect everyone...or will they need someone to protect them?

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Ch. 043 - Escaping the Ice

Thu, 11 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0000

Having found Vizcarra, our adventurers must now find a way to safely free him.  The dangers of the Centinids below the ice and the god above have not been forgotten, but they are both quite real. And still the question remains: just how do you get a dragon out of a frozen lake?

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Ch. 042 - Into the Ice

Thu, 04 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0000

With Gossrym and his creatures on top of the lake, the party has escaped into the ice. With luck, they will find both Vizcarra and a way out. The path through the frozen lake is unclear, but they must press on. And, of course, they have to hope the dragon views them as friends.

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Ch. 041 - Up, Up Vangfeld Peaks

Thu, 28 Dec 2017 08:00:00 +0000

The Giants claim that Vangfeld Peaks are cursed, but that doesn't stop Veil, Darvin, and Arannis from continuing on their mission to free Brizandene's cousin.  Getting to the top of a mountain is hardly easy, especially with a couple wagons.  What dangers await our party as they make their way to the lake, nestled high among the peaks?

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Ch. 040 - To the Mountains

Thu, 21 Dec 2017 08:00:00 +0000

It's time for everyone to head north, and to see a lake about a dragon.  The new company isn't exactly a welcome addition either.  But fate is a tricky thing, if you believe in it.  The dragon Vizcarra is still weeks away and the road promises to have some turns along the way.  How will the party make the best of this interesting new situation?

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Ch. 039 - The Cost

Thu, 14 Dec 2017 08:00:00 +0000

Ulwanir has come to see to Elven matters, but Arannis, Veil, and Darvin have other ideas.  Needless to say, it is a tense situation.  Surely there is something they can do or say to safely escape, but that doesn't mean they will like the terms of the agreement.  Even if they don't like her, the God of Elves isn't unreasonable.  They just need to give an answer.

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Ch. 038 - An Unexpected Escalation

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 08:00:00 +0000

As the secrets of Earl begin to unfold around our adventurers, the scale of the situation begins to come into focus.  There is still much to be done if they want to put an end to everything and plenty of people who do not want to see them succeed.  As Veil, Darvin, and Arannis put their lives on the line to stop it, they must contend with powers beyond their capabilities.

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Ch. 037 - Too Many Earls

Thu, 30 Nov 2017 08:00:00 +0000

Darvin, Arannis, and Veil have come face to face to face with even more Earls, but the truth behind their being does not make for a pleasant visit.  How far are they willing to go to help Count Duchess with their request now that they know the cause?  And can they find the Earl behind it all?  With so many Earls around, and no way to tell them apart, it won't be easy.

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Ch. 036 - A Dark Workshop

Thu, 23 Nov 2017 08:00:00 +0000

As Darvin seeks to help Count Duchess with their request, Arannis must try to figure out how to assist Mira.  The mysterious Elven woman seemed to speak from a position of power, but just who is she?  Focusing on the task from Count Duchess, the party delves into secrets of the city and the Earl himself.  Once uncovered, there may be no going back.

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Ch. 035 - The Generosity of Earl

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:00:00 +0000

With the victors of the Royal Playground decided, Earl Earl is ready to express his generosity.  As Arannis, Darvin, and Veil settle into the comforts of royalty, they start getting ready for their next adventure.  But it seems like they may be needed in the city for a little longer.  Deeper concerns are brought to the surface, and they may be the only ones who can help.

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Ch. 034 - Deep Sleep

Thu, 09 Nov 2017 08:00:00 +0000

The Royal Playground has taken its toll on everyone, but it's not quite over yet.  There is one last room before anyone can claim a prize, and it is deceptively simple.  Who will be able to keep their eyes open and on the task at hand?  More than one person is ready to bend the rules to gain an advantage, but only one can come out on top.

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Ch. 033 - Hot Feet

Thu, 02 Nov 2017 07:00:00 +0000

Things are heating up in the Royal Playground as everyone starts to realize that even games can be serious.  Our players are determined to show the Earls they can come out victorious.  The Royal Playground fun continues as everyone scrambles to stay out of danger and in the lead.

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Ch. 032 - A Race and a Dip

Thu, 26 Oct 2017 07:00:00 +0000

The Royal Playground is quickly proving to be fun and dangerous, but not without its charm.  Like any good playground, there is much to play with.  Curious participants can even enjoy some special toys made to increase the fun.  Darvin, Veil, and Arannis could sure use a good time, and Earl Earl is practically beside himself with joy.

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Ch. 031 - Into the Royal Playground

Thu, 19 Oct 2017 07:00:00 +0000

Earl Earl, the Earl of Earl, is a fun-loving Elf who knows how to unwind.  He has an entire Royal Playground beneath the palace and wants to share that experience with our adventurers.  With nothing but his word, everyone prepares to take a dive into the unknown.  It's time to find out what this "Play Date" is all about.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 030 - Getting to Know Earl

Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:00:00 +0000

Earl is strange, in more ways than one.  Darvin, Arannis, and Veil get the chance to meet the head of the city.  They are more than happy to entertain their new guests.  This is a welcome change of pace for the party considering recent events.  It promises to be an entirely new experience, because no one has fun like royalty.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 029 - Welcome to Earl

Thu, 05 Oct 2017 07:00:00 +0000

The walls of Earl stand before the party, and Veil is eager to get inside.  Once they drop off their Honey Hollow assignment, the city's comforts will be ready for them.  There is a lot for the party to see and do in Earl if they're up for it.  It could be nice to relax in a city with no agenda.  But even though everything is new to them, they can't help but notice an oddity or two.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 028 - A Night in Gerions Village

Thu, 28 Sep 2017 07:00:00 +0000

Our adventurers look for a place to rest, needing some amount of refuge after coming face to face with Koram. Luckily, a small village is nearby.  All they need to do is keep their heads low long enough to recover. That should be simple enough...right?

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Bk. 01 Ch. 027 - The Grayscape

Fri, 22 Sep 2017 02:59:20 +0000

What awaits our adventurers as they lie in the snow?  The ordeal with the Centinids saw them fall one...after another......after another.  When their best efforts aren't enough, they may be forced to face an even more difficult situation.  With so much hanging in the balance, they can't afford another failure without facing a terrible consequence.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 026 - Blood in the Snow

Thu, 14 Sep 2017 07:00:00 +0000

With the trial behind them, our adventurers turn their attention elsewhere.  The road brings a simplicity that can't be found in a city.  But, that doesn't always translate to safety.  They have a long way to go before reaching Earl, and the road offers no guarantees.  They must face the dangers before them, whatever they may be.


Hello listeners!  Our @Cast4Change campaign is nearly over.  Remember, you have until September 15, 2017 to enter.  Get out there and be kind to someone.  Thank you all so much for doing your part.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 025 - Court of Compromise

Thu, 07 Sep 2017 07:00:00 +0000

As the trial proceeds, Kara is surprised to see an old work acquaintance, and she is not afraid of the truth.  Meanwhile, Darvin is trying to make the best of a bad situation.  As the trial comes to a close, what compromises will people be willing to make?  And what does the justice system have in store for Veil?


Hello listeners!  This is our second week of the @Cast4Change campaign.  Remember, you have until September 15, 2017 to enter.  Get out there and be kind to someone.  Thank you all so much for doing your part.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 024 - Arannis the Lawyer

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:30:00 +0000

And so begins the trial of Kara Frostfall.  The legal system in Honey Hollow sure has a lot of flexibility, but such is the Halfling way.  Who will speak for Kara, and who will speak against her?  There is a lot of truth that still hasn't been revealed and a surprise or two that no one may be ready for.


Hello listeners!  This chapter is also our kick-off for the @Cast4Change campaign.  We are encouraging people everywhere to make the world a better place, one good deed at a time.  Check out our intro for all the instructions, and find more info on our Twitter page.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 023 - Veiled Truths

Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:00:00 +0000

As the days leading up to the trial draw to a close, Veil, Darvin, and Arannis decide they should do something about the group stuck outside.  That comes with its own dangers.  And before anyone is officially charged, everyone frantically searches for information, secrets, or an edge.  It looks like Veil is the prime suspect, but maybe they have something up their sleeve.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 022 - Building a Case

Thu, 17 Aug 2017 09:00:00 +0000

The investigation into Cortland Fortenberry's death continues, and some facts are starting to come into the light.  Some "facts" are truer than others, but all of them are useful...from a certain point of view.  It all depends on who's in charge of the narrative.  Meanwhile, a new situation is brewing outside of the city.  With everything going on inside the city, will anyone even bother with it?

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Bk. 01 Ch. 021 - Lockdown

Thu, 10 Aug 2017 04:00:00 +0000

Decisions need to be made, and they need to be made quickly.  Captain Thorn has already discovered Cortland's body and is quickly closing down Honey Hollow.  If our adventurers aren't careful, they will be stuck in the city until the matter is resolved.  They don't have many people they can turn to for help, but they are not alone.  What will they do?

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Bk. 01 Ch. 020 - Cortland's Fate

Thu, 03 Aug 2017 07:00:05 +0000

Under the snow in Honey Hollow, Veil and Darvin work diligently to fulfill their duties. Cortland and Mayapple are unaware of the forces working against them, but their fates are not yet sealed. On a lighter note, Arannis is all set to perform at Sweet William's and has even made friends with a local musician. Good for him.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 019 - You Must be Quite Ill

Thu, 27 Jul 2017 07:00:23 +0000

The party has agreed to help out an old Half-Dragon named Brizandene, but they have some business to attend to in Honey Hollow first. Veil is eager to finish up their assignment. Meanwhile, Darvin and Arannis find it difficult to remain idle. Each tries to find some semblance of their old routine within the city.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 018 - The City Under the Snow

Wed, 19 Jul 2017 03:31:42 +0000

It's been a long trek, but our adventurers have finally made it to Honey Hollow. Veil may have an ulterior motive, but Arannis and Darvin have the luxury of getting to know the city. Honey Hollow is open to travelers, and is always willing to accept a helping hand.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 017 - Biggs and the Gang

Thu, 13 Jul 2017 07:00:22 +0000

Biggs has big plans for Darvin, Veil, and Arannis, but first they need to accept the deal being offered. Darvin is doing his best to earn their trust while also trying to make sure he and his companions can get back on the road safely. Can he play along long enough to get them all out safely?

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Bk. 01 Ch. 016 - The Bone Thief of Medullary Hill

Thu, 06 Jul 2017 07:00:59 +0000

While attempting to leave Medullary Hill, a new visitor arrives. It is not here for conversation. And then there's the whole issue with the Skeleton Prince. Biggs is trying to set up a deal for safe passage despite the rest of the group's willingness to leave. Let's find out who had the right idea.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 015 - The Goblin and the Sacrifice

Thu, 29 Jun 2017 07:00:28 +0000

The road south to the city of Honey Hollow has more dangers than just the cold. Join us as we meet new acquaintances and make a stop in Medullary Hill. If they just pay a toll, they can keep moving along. If only it were that simple.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 014 - After the Butterflies

Thu, 22 Jun 2017 07:00:29 +0000

In the wake of the butterfly incident with the shrine to Gossrym, our adventurers are ready to hit the road. Sniffins was waiting by the wagons, but Samudio was nowhere to be seen. They must find their friend and prepare for the bitter cold weather of the south.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 013 - Butterfly Time

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:01:49 +0000

While helping Old Barberry prepare for their annual Butterfly Festival, the locals started showing strange signs of lepidopterism. Darvin and Arannis have been unknowingly tempting fate, but what will happen to them? And what of the townsfolk?

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Bk. 01 Ch. 012 - Welcome to Old Barberry

Thu, 08 Jun 2017 05:31:18 +0000

With Fort Barberry and the troubles of Karami behind them, the simple town of Old Barberry seems like a good place to unwind and prepare for the long journey south. Maybe they can even get into some of the butterfly fun with the locals.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 011 - Is it Really a Lie

Thu, 01 Jun 2017 07:05:47 +0000

Count Valence has sent a messenger to spread word of the criminal activities of Arannis and Darvin. His first stop is in Fort Barberry, where Veil is trying their best to stop that message. Fair warning: things get worse before they get better.

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Bk. 01 Ch. 010 - Out of Karami

Thu, 25 May 2017 07:02:18 +0000

Karami is feeling less safe by the minute, and now it looks like The Bard's Rest is in danger. Veil and Arannis try to help their employer as Darvin makes his way out of the city. Will they all be able to make it out safely? And will the road be any less dangerous?





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Bk. 01 Ch. 009 - The Morning After

Thu, 18 May 2017 07:02:47 +0000

Darvin is out of jail, but now what? Breaking Darvin out of the Royal House left a trail of dead bodies. Count Valence is not one to let such actions go unpursued. How long will our heroes be safe within the city?





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Bk. 01 Ch. 008 - Jailbreak

Thu, 11 May 2017 05:40:34 +0000

It looks like Darvin is in a spot of trouble. Will Veil and Arannis do anything to help the young monk? Do they even care about what happens to him? One way or another, they will help decide the fate of Master Darvin.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 007 - Fierce Eyes and a Gagged Mouth

Thu, 04 May 2017 07:07:00 +0000

After the events with Hizerni at the Temple of Koram, people are starting to take an interest in our heroes. Living up to those expectations can be a challenge, especially if those expectations don't live up to reality.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 006 - There's No Need to Say Goodbye

Thu, 27 Apr 2017 08:20:21 +0000

Back in the city proper, the party meets a nice, old man named Hizerni. Arannis, Veil, and Darvin decide to help him out when they notice he's not having the best day. Let's just say, it gets away from them.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 005 - Hunters and Hunted

Thu, 20 Apr 2017 14:24:37 +0000

The owl hunt continues as Lord Robin's birthday party comes to an end. Not everything goes as planned, so there is some quick thinking that will need to get done. We'll see how Darvin, Veil, and Arannis handle a party that gets out of hand.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 004 - Lord Robin's Birthday

Thu, 13 Apr 2017 14:34:43 +0000

With the character introductions out of the way, we are ready to begin our adventure. In this chapter, Darvin, Veil, and Arannis head into the woods for some highbrow camping. However, their reasons for doing so do not necessarily align.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 003 - Introducing Master Darvin

Thu, 06 Apr 2017 15:23:22 +0000

This is the third chapter in our inaugural trilogy. In this chapter, we are introduced to Master Darvin Grimm, the Human Monk. These first three chapters serve as an introduction to our characters. They are best thought of as a supplemental to the main story which begins with chapter 4. In these first three chapters, each player answers some fairly basic questions regarding their character’s background. We set this up so that everyone could have a basic understanding of the characters before jumping into the action. As part of the survey, each player also describes a smaller quest they performed that involved another player before the start of our story. That is to say, they describe how they thought it went. Each character introduction ends with us playing out that impromptu quest to discover what really happened.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 002 - Introducing Grey the Great

Thu, 30 Mar 2017 14:33:41 +0000

This is the second chapter in our inaugural trilogy. In this chapter, we are introduced to Arannis Grey, the Half-Elf Bard. These first three chapters serve as an introduction to our characters. They are best thought of as a supplemental to the main story which begins with chapter 4. In these first three chapters, each player answers some fairly basic questions regarding their character’s background. We set this up so that everyone could have a basic understanding of the characters before jumping into the action. As part of the survey, each player also describes a smaller quest they performed that involved another player before the start of our story. That is to say, they describe how they thought it went. Each character introduction ends with us playing out that impromptu quest to discover what really happened.





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Bk. 01 Ch. 001 - Introducing Veil

Tue, 14 Mar 2017 00:00:00 +0000

This is the first chapter in our inaugural trilogy. In this chapter, we are introduced to Veil, the Changeling Rogue. These first three chapters serve as an introduction to our characters. They are best thought of as a supplemental to the main story which begins with chapter 4. In these first three chapters, each player answers some fairly basic questions regarding their character’s background. We set this up so that everyone could have a basic understanding of the characters before jumping into the action. As part of the survey, each player also describes a smaller quest they performed that involved another player before the start of our story. That is to say, they describe how they thought it went. Each character introduction ends with us playing out that impromptu quest to discover what really happened.





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