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An Old World Legend - Dresden Files in 1723 Historical Fiction Roleplay


Leveraging the Dresden Files Accelerated roleplaying game, this is currently set in 1723, Colonial times of the British Colony in New York. The goal of the podcast is to roleplay and visit key historical events adding supernatural fiction and influence along the way. We utilize the FATE system, collaborative campaign design, and a very roleplay centric style to tell our story. Players and Storyteller/GM are decades long friends and experienced role-players, gamers, and fun lovers.

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Episode 5 - Angry is as Angry Does...

Sun, 16 May 2021 11:41:36 +0000

After a long hiatus where real life intruded on our podcast - WE ARE BACK! Our heroes after being spiritually mauled by the aggressive spirit in the grove have stumbled back to their boarding house to investigate and come to realization that they are under duress! The story moves forward as they search for their missing father and become enmeshed in Old World Supernatural politics.

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Episode 4 - The Grove

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 03:28:03 +0000

Our Heroes have pushed their way into a dark grove on the outskirts of colonial New York. Coming face to face with a malevolent entity, a cursed grove and a mixture of magics from native American shamanism to European Hermetics ...the plot thickens as Kitty, Alarec, and Elias find their way through Colonial History.

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Episode 3 - New York 1723

Mon, 08 Mar 2021 17:17:33 +0000

After technical difficulties in Episode 2 we do a recap for our listeners and then our heroes are summoned before the powerful Madam Kovax, they learn of the supernatural organization and secrets in 1723 New York and the mystery around Heinrich's disappearance deepens.

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Episode 1 - Arrival Colonial New York

Sat, 06 Feb 2021 15:10:42 +0000

Our Protagonists arrive aboard the HMS Greyhound into the British Colony of New York 1723. The White Council Apprentices with their oathbound Fey chaperone embark upon the investigation to find their estranged father and Wizard Master Heinrich Kemmler. Our story begins!!!

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Session 0 Part 2 - Character Creation

Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:24:40 +0000

In our 2nd session we go over collaborative character creation and develop the heroes and protagonists of our story and wrap up our first session 0.

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Session 0 Part 1 - Campaign Overview

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:32:44 +0000

In this Session 0 Part 1 we talk through the Dresden Files Accelerated Collaborative campaign and character creation process and what we want out of our supernatural historical fiction story.

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