Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.


35 episodes

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There’s no way to plan for being alone. There’s no way to plan for what comes next. This is a story about what happens when the world goes dark, and everyone else is gone.

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Teaser - A Voice in the Dark

Wed, 19 Jul 2017 15:26:59 -0300

Wind from the future.

Episode 1 coming 7/26; new episodes every other Wednesday.

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Episode 1: Awakening

Wed, 26 Jul 2017 11:47:03 -0300

The discovery of a world both changed and unchanged. Greater and stranger changes begin to reveal themselves, rising into a crescendo.

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Interlude: The Fall

Tue, 01 Aug 2017 23:33:56 -0300

I have my secrets. This is one of them.

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Episode 2: Alarm

Wed, 09 Aug 2017 11:28:02 -0300

Darkness falls for the first time. Some painful truths are confronted and worrying facts are revealed. And as it turns out, there's always more to lose.

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Interlude: The Push

Wed, 16 Aug 2017 16:22:01 -0300

I remember sunrise, how it used to be.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend!)

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Episode 3: Apprehension

Wed, 23 Aug 2017 17:07:05 -0300

Patterns begin to emerge. The darkness begins to feed. Sanity begins to fray. And one very basic assumption might be very incorrect.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find this and enjoy it too.)


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Interlude: The Tide

Wed, 30 Aug 2017 15:07:41 -0300

I know I was lucky. I know that. But you said we would go back.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Episode 4: Agitation

Wed, 06 Sep 2017 16:52:54 -0300

Dawn comes later and night comes sooner. Tethers to the past are found and troubling secrets begin to reveal themselves. And first contact - of a kind - is made.

Music featured in this episode is by Stellardrone.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Interlude: Somnambulist

Wed, 13 Sep 2017 15:10:49 -0300

What scared you so bad? What did you know? What was building inside you then, waiting to tear itself free and reshape the world?

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Episode 5: Arrival

Wed, 20 Sep 2017 20:55:08 -0300

Things can get so much worse than you ever would have believed. You don't plan for them. You just make it, if you can. You survive.

Music in this episode is by Stellardrone. Special thanks to The Conet Project.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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First Shard

Wed, 11 Oct 2017 12:08:57 -0300

"She needs the signal. The signal is all she has. Without the signal, there's no direction. Without the signal, she's adrift. Without the signal, she's lost."

Music featured in this episode is by Stellardrone and Kai Engel.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Episode 6: Accusation

Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:10:29 -0300

An escape is made. The walls close in. The air whispers. Rage begins to emerge. Answers are desperately sought for - and possibly begin to reveal themselves. And of course, it's always possible that none of this matters.

Music featured in this episode is by Stellardrone.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Episode 7: Anger

Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:26:42 -0300

When surrounded by darkness, whispering shadows, and taunting signals in the static, sometimes the only thing left to do is burn it to the ground.

Music featured in this episode is by Deltamorphon. Special thanks to the Conet Project.

(enjoying Gone? please rate/review/recommend! helps other people find and enjoy it too.)

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Bonus episode: Behind the Scenes #1

Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:49:26 -0300

This month I'm giving all listeners a taste of some of the bonus content exclusively available to Patreon supporters going forward. Yay. Here's some rambling about the road thus far and what the future might bring.

Support Gone:

Music by Deltamorphon.

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Episode 8: Abandon

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 21:09:30 -0400

A lot of things can break. Windows, dishes, doors. Lives. Hearts. Minds.

Music featured is by Stellardrone. Special thanks to the Conet Project.

(Enjoying Gone? Please rate/review/subscribe/share! And there's always Patreon:

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Episode 9: Anguish

Wed, 29 Nov 2017 17:43:59 -0400

A final option is removed from the table. 

(Major MAJOR content warning for suicide.)

Music featured is by Kai Engel. Special thanks to the Conet Project.

(Enjoying Gone? Please rate/review/subscribe/share! And there's always Patreon:

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Episode 10: Aftermath

Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:05:22 -0400

Life after death doesn't mean what it was always supposed to mean. Stock is taken. Determinations and decisions are made. Direction is found. No goodbyes are said.

Music featured is by Kai Engel. Special thanks to the Conet Project.

(Enjoying Gone? Please rate/review/subscribe/share! And there's always Patreon:

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Episode 11: Apocalypse

Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:30:01 -0400

A revealing, an ending - of a kind - and possibly a beginning.

Music featured is by Ketsa and Kai Engel. Special thanks to the Conet Project.

(Enjoying Gone? Please rate/review/subscribe/share! And support Gone's creator on Patreon:

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Season 2: Teaser

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:01:40 -0300

I am still here.

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Season 2: Update!

Thu, 13 Sep 2018 16:35:07 -0300

Here's a bit of an explanation for where (the heck) season 2 is, why it hasn't showed up yet, what kind of timeframe I'm dealing with, and some of what you can expect when it does happen. 

Thanks again for all your support, everyone. It really does mean a lot. 

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Season 2: Further update!

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 15:16:03 -0400

In the interest of transparency, some new info regarding where the second season stands, why it's not in your ears right now, and what the future looks like. 

(Again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support, folks. Y'all are amazing.)

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Mon, 21 Feb 2022 16:57:39 -0400

Season 2 coming May 2022. For real this time.

For more information:

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from the future

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:52:35 -0400

From episode 2, season 2. More to come. Watch this space.


Support Gone and get early/extra content on Patreon

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Season 2 is coming May 3rd

Wed, 30 Mar 2022 14:43:58 -0300

everything is changing

First two episodes drop May 3rd. Patreon supporters get the first three episodes May 1st.


Music: "Messier 45" by Stellardrone

Support GONE and its creator on Patreon

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2x01: Blockage

Tue, 03 May 2022 14:26:35 -0300

In which a long silence is broken, and the rules begin to change in new and astonishing ways.

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Jessica Finn

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x02: Blackout

Tue, 03 May 2022 14:28:08 -0300

In which developments are processed, an uncomfortable conversation is had, and an old friend - or the next best thing to them - reappears.

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x03: Bottleneck

Tue, 17 May 2022 18:29:20 -0300

In which assertive moves are undertaken, unsettling possibilities are considered, and startling discoveries are made.

(CW for explicit discussion of suicide)

Read the transcript here

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x04 Breakthrough

Tue, 31 May 2022 18:50:50 -0300

In which frightening implications are reassessed and a final attempt is made -- and so is a connection. Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Jessica Finn

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x05: Bearing

Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:23:23 -0300

In which frustrating conversations are had and vital plans are made... and a new voice is heard. 

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine, Jessica Finn, and Gretchen Jones

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x06: Bitterness

Wed, 29 Jun 2022 01:03:32 -0300

In which there is a reunion that no one could have wished for, which only raises more questions... and much more doubt. 

(GONE will be taking a short mid-season break after this, returning on August 2nd!)

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Gretchen Jones

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon and get episodes early!

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2x07: Borderlands

Tue, 02 Aug 2022 21:22:54 -0300

In which frustrations and tensions rise in isolation, and an unexpected meeting sparks fresh determination. 

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voice by Sunny Moraine

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon!

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2x08: Burdens

Tue, 16 Aug 2022 12:52:41 -0300

In which reconnection is made, a new possibility is suggested, and ghosts wander the dark.

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Gretchen Jones

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon!

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2x09: Breakage

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:23:18 -0300

In which a final confrontation is had, answers are demanded, and the question of the meaning of choice is internally debated--and such debates never end satisfyingly. 

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Jessica Finn

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon!

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2x10: Betrayal

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:23:03 -0300

In which we arrive, and see what's become of the world.

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Gretchen Jones

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon!

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2x11: Beginnings

Wed, 19 Oct 2022 00:52:39 -0300

In which there is an ending, of a kind. Of course, nothing ever really ends. 

Writing, editing, and production by Sunny Moraine

Voices by Sunny Moraine and Jessica Finn

Theme is "Highway to the Stars" by Kai Engel, with remixing by Sunny Moraine. Other music is "Messier 45" by Stellardrone

Read the episode transcript here

Support GONE on Patreon!

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