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MMMM - Magical Melody Murder Mystery

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Creator: adamerwin


Magical Melody Murder Mystery is a improv role playing story told using the G.U.R.P.S. tabletop game system.





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MMMM Ep 5- Trouble

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 13:41:41 -0600

When your dead you don’t have to worry about stuff like traffic and gaining weight. But that’s about it for positives. And what a terrible first day of school too. It only took three hours of both our times for everything to go to shit. But it’ll be ok. We got like three totally capable people on the job and I know they’ll succeed. Let's hope that the rest of the truth they have to find out about the world they live in doesn’t get them killed too.

MMMM Ep 4 - Seeing things

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 13:39:42 -0600

Cotton whisper shows up again much to fates chagrin. I told her from second one when we made him that no one would like him or even take him seriously. Cotton whisper was originally going to be made of raspberry and blueberry components. But we ran out of those in July making one giant grandfather clock prop that we both agreed was a useless time sink. His mana usage was made so streamlined for his floating ability. That we forgot to give him a brain.

MMMM Ep 3 - Preps, Posers, and the Goths they adore

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 13:36:08 -0600

A standing off between the only two types of people in the world. Goths and preps. On the goths side, we have a low-key smart sense of social presence, Americana aestheticised teenage dread, and a performing arts major. And on the preps mantle we got - HOO HA - sports and a complete misunderstanding of the value of a dollar between all of them. Hunter is a pretty cool guy though. Just don’t date him. He’s got beautiful eyes but nothing going on behind them.

MMMM Ep 2 - Late for school

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 13:31:21 -0600

Acantha. She's like the only goth in town who’s not a complete poser.

Ruth Ruthless. A washed-up pit fighter with an unkept gambling habit.

And then there was Marley. A pretty like unmemorable high school junior and they would like to keep it that way.

MMMM Ep 1 - setup

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 12:40:00 -0600

Hey~ Hey~, so like this whole episode’s deal is about explaining the game their playing. If like 30 minutes is too tl;dr for you I’ll give you the basics. 3 players and 1 game master using the G.U.R.P.S system are going to pretend to be magical girls. I know but like don’t even pretend that’s the worst thing you’ve heard of. Like today even. The dice system is basically the opposite dnd. Low numbers good, high numbers bad. Got it?