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Animorphs Aloud


A non-profit fan production of the Scholastic book series, The Animorphs, complete with character voices and special effects!

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S15E14 - The Escape - Chapter 14

Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S15E13 - The Escape - Chapter 13

Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:41:18 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Red tailed hawk sound effect from Videvo. Gun sound effect from and (Yes, I cheated by mixing a handgun sound with that of a rifle to make it sound "boom"-ier.)

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S15E12 - The Escape - Chapter 12

Sat, 14 Sep 2024 11:02:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S15E11 - The Escape - Chapter 11

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Siren sound effect from:

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S15E10 - The Escape - Chapter 10

Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S15E9 - The Escape - Chapter 9

Sun, 08 Sep 2024 11:01:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S15E8 - The Escape - Chapter 8

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 11:06:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I know this is "air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow" levels of petty, but it really bothers me that the book states it only took half an hour to fly out to the island that's 20 miles offshore. Google says that the average seagull flies 30mph at BEST, and that's with a good tailwind, which doesn't seem applicable here given how the book also made special note of how calm the ocean was.

...Yes, I do need to get a life, why do you ask?

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S15E7 - The Escape - Chapter 7

Wed, 04 Sep 2024 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hawk sound effect from Videvo.

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S15E6 - The Escape - Chapter 6

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

What's this? Three Animorphs Aloud episodes in a row? It must be Christmas! Lol, don't get used to it though, after this I'll be going back to the every other day schedule again. But thanks again for your patience with the delays of this past month!

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S15E5 - The Escape - Chapter 5

Sun, 01 Sep 2024 11:20:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Here you guys go, another chapter already! To make up for the delay of this past week!

(Random side note, but I really like how the color scheme of this book's AA cover turned out! I think it's my favorite color combo so far.)

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S15E4 - The Escape - Chapter 4

Sat, 31 Aug 2024 21:42:54 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

So sorry for the delay everyone! It was deadline week for my other audiobook, so I'm afraid that it had to take precedence these last couple days. But I don't have any audiobooks lined up for the next few weeks at least, so there shouldn't be any more delays for this book (barring Acts of God or laptop deaths....oh, gosh, I hope I didn't just jinx myself!)

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S15E3 - The Escape - Chapter 3

Mon, 26 Aug 2024 11:19:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S15E2 - The Escape - Chapter 2

Thu, 22 Aug 2024 11:50:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I was trying to find an actual parrot squawk to use, but all the clips had too much background noise, or weren't the right sound. But funnily enough, I DID find one clip that was of someone recording a parrot at a restaurant entrance, just like in this chapter! The bird was saying, "C'mon in!" (I didn't use it, but I'll link it!)

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S15E1 - The Escape - Chapter 1

Mon, 19 Aug 2024 11:34:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Escape, part 15 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Finding out that your mother is host to Visser One is hard enough. But now that she's back on Earth, Marco is not only going to have to face her again, but he may also have to fight her...and he might not be ready for that.

Thanks for listening! Don't forget to support the official Animorphs audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: I'm also now on Instagram: @renagail_narrator! You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

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S14E28 - The Unknown (complete)

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 11:16:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 14, The Unknown (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Cassie and the others have discovered that Yeerks are infesting horses in order to infiltrate the infamous Zone 91. That doesn't seem like a high priority at first...but the stakes here may be bigger than they know.

Thanks for listening! Don't forget to support the official Animorphs audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

And you can find my very first published written work here! (It's only a short story in an anthology, but I'm still so proud of it.) I'm currently working on the audiobook for this, it will coming out soon!

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S14E27 - The Unknown - Chapter 27

Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:10:00 -0000

Chapter 27, the final chapter of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E26 - The Unknown - Chapter 26

Mon, 12 Aug 2024 11:35:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Tiger sound effect from: Wolf sound effect from Videvo.

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S14E25 - The Unknown - Chapter 25

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Bear and Hawk sound effects from Videvo.

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S14E24 - The Unknown - Chapter 24

Tue, 06 Aug 2024 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

What do you guys think? If audiobook narration doesn't work out, do I have a future in corny amusement park ride voices?

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S14E23 - The Unknown - Chapter 23

Sun, 04 Aug 2024 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E22 - The Unknown - Chapter 22

Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:04:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry for the delay on this one. It's deadline time for my pro audiobook! Also, I've been REALLY sick this past week. Like, had to visit the ER sick. Thankfully, I'm a lot better now. I can't guarantee that the last few chapters won't be slightly delayed as well - but I'll do my best!

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S14E21 - The Unknown - Chapter 21

Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:41:39 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E20 - The Unknown - Chapter 20

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:04:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Horse sound effect from:

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S14E19 - The Unknown - Chapter 19

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Horse sound effect from:

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S14E18 - The Unknown - Chapter 18

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 11:05:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Horse sound effects are from Videvo,, and

If only you could hear how many tries it took me to say "speech synthesizers" correctly! I thought I was NEVER going to be able to get it! It took a solid two minutes to get those couple two-second lines out! And then! I realized when editing that I'd mispronounced it one of those times, and had to go back and say it AGAIN! XD

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S14E17 - The Unknown - Chapter 17

Sun, 21 Jul 2024 11:23:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

So. much. thoughtspeak. this chapter.... It's times like this I really wish I could apply the thoughtspeak to multiple sections at once rather than one at a time.

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S14E16 - The Unknown - Chapter 16

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:20:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Horse whinny effect is from Videvo.

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S14E15 - The Unknown - Chapter 15

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:50:15 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

(Please excuse my cringe attempt at being a trumpet at the chapter's start. I know it's not great, but the other version was worse, so oh, well.)

Sound effects from:

Thanks for your patience, everyone. I'm back at home now, and I'll try to keep updating as regularly as I can; but be aware I am still working on my next pro audiobook (DOSA Files, if anyone wants to look it up!) and that will need to be my priority for the next 5-ish weeks.

Thanks for listening!

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S14E14 - The Unknown - Chapter 14

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:30:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Horse whinny sound effect from Videvo.

The next couple of chapters will be a little delayed, I'm afraid. I'm currently traveling for my grandpa's funeral. ;_; Updates will resume as soon as I can!

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S14E13 - The Unknown - Chapter 13

Tue, 09 Jul 2024 11:06:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The hardest thing about any audiobook is having to do character voices without dialogue tags! Yes, having done so many Animorphs books now, it wasn't TOO hard to guess who might be saying what, but I can't always be completely sure. I should listen to the official book of this one and see what Sisi did!

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S14E12 - The Unknown - Chapter 12

Sun, 07 Jul 2024 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E11 - The Unknown - Chapter 11

Fri, 05 Jul 2024 11:11:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E10 - The Unknown - Chapter 10

Wed, 03 Jul 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E9 - The Unknown - Chapter 9

Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:01:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Holy smokes, we've reached 100,000 listens across all the Animorphs Aloud episodes! Thank you so much to all those who have enjoyed my interpretation of these books!

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S14E8 - The Unknown - Chapter 8

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Gun cocking sound effect from:

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S14E7 - The Unknown - Chapter 7

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:00:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E6 - The Unknown - Chapter 6

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:54:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I think this might be the longest we've gone in any book before a character uses thoughtspeak! Wow.

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S14E5 - The Unknown - Chapter 5

Sun, 23 Jun 2024 11:34:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E4 - The Unknown - Chapter 4

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E3 - The Unknown - Chapter 3

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 11:03:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S14E2 - The Unknown - Chapter 2

Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dracon beam sound effect combo of:

I'm trying to figure out how to I ought to modify the sound when it's a ship firing versus a handheld weapon. None of the tweaks I've tried so far sound right yet, because there's only so much you can do to modify a sound before it loses quality. Maybe I'll just leave it, but I know it would be cooler if I can manage it!

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S14E1 - The Unknown - Chapter 1

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:05:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Unknown, part 14 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Cassie and the others have discovered that Yeerks are infesting horses in order to infiltrate the infamous Zone 91. That doesn't seem like a high priority at first...but the stakes here may be bigger than they know.

Thanks for listening! Don't forget to support the official Animorphs audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

And you can find my very first published written work here! (It's only a short story in an anthology, but I'm still so proud of it.) I'm also working on the audiobook for this, it will coming out the end of this summer.

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S13E28 - The Change (complete)

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:12:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 13, The Change (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Tobias has been trapped as a red-tailed hawk for some time now. And he's made his peace with it. But he'd give anything to be human again...wouldn't he?

Don't forget to support the official audiobooks!

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Blue Sky:



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S13E27 - The Change - Chapter 27

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:28:00 -0000

Chapter 27, the final chapter of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I know this chapter is really, really short, which would normally mean that I would post more than one, but I can't because a) it's the last chapter, and b) I'm in the middle of a big audiobook contract (yay!) and that means much less time for fun fan readings. As it is now, I should be able to keep my regular posting schedule here, but that might change as the deadline gets closer.

Thanks for listening!

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S13E26 - The Change - Chapter 26

Sun, 09 Jun 2024 11:10:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E25 - The Change - Chapter 25

Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:18:00 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E24 - The Change - Chapter 24

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 11:11:00 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I don't know why AppleGrant couldn't just say that Ax had acquired a wolf morph off-page, rather than make him vanish at the last scene and have Jake somehow managing to do a double-morph in less than 30 seconds and magically appear in place with Cassie. Yes, those kind of things bother me. I thought about fixing it, but couldn't remember if that would cause future continuity issues. Oh, well.

(Actually, it probably would have made even more sense if Ax had been the one in bird morph giving directions. But then we wouldn't have had that nice moment when you realize how good Tobias is at three-dimensional navigation compared to Jake. Ax, with all his spaceship-flying experience, probably wouldn't have struggled.)

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S13E23 - The Change - Chapter 23

Mon, 03 Jun 2024 11:06:00 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E22 - The Change - Chapter 22

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 11:23:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E21 - The Change - Chapter 21

Thu, 30 May 2024 11:20:00 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E20 - The Change - Chapter 20

Tue, 28 May 2024 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Helicopter sound effect from:

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S13E19 - The Change - Chapter 19

Sun, 26 May 2024 11:06:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Helicopter sound effect from:

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S13E18 - The Change - Chapter 18

Fri, 24 May 2024 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E17 - The Change - Chapter 17

Wed, 22 May 2024 11:24:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Bobcat sound effect from

Fun fact, did you know that bobcats have some of the freakiest sounds ever? If I'd had this sound back in Megamorphs 1, I might have used it for the Veleek! It might show up again in a future book if I need it for a Visser Three morph.

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S13E16 - The Change - Chapter 16

Mon, 20 May 2024 11:28:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E15 - The Change - Chapter 15

Sat, 18 May 2024 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E14 - The Change - Chapter 14

Thu, 16 May 2024 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E13 - The Change - Chapter 13

Tue, 14 May 2024 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E12 - The Change - Chapter 12

Sun, 12 May 2024 11:34:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sound effects from:

Shotgun -

Red-tailed Hawk - Videvo

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S13E11 - The Change - Chapter 11

Fri, 10 May 2024 15:14:24 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Shotgun sound effect from:

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S13E10 - The Change - Chapter 10

Wed, 08 May 2024 11:03:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E9 - The Change - Chapter 9

Mon, 06 May 2024 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

It's hilarious yet painful every time, to make Marco sing so poorly. Please don't take it as an example of how I actually sing!

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S13E8 - The Change - Chapter 8

Sat, 04 May 2024 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E7 - The Change - Chapter 7

Thu, 02 May 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sound effects:

Rifle -

Shotgun -

Hawk - Videvo

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S13E6 - The Change - Chapter 6

Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:05:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sound effects:

Rifle -

Shotgun -

Hawk - Videvo

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S13E5 - The Change - Chapter 5

Sun, 28 Apr 2024 22:10:10 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I have to say, I was kind of feeling like maybe I'd been going overboard on sound effects lately, and I was wondering if I should scale them back...but then I listened to Audiomorphs' version of this chapter and decided I actually rather liked it, so I went and put them in after all. Hope you enjoy!

Sound effects:

Rifle -

Automatic gun -

Dirtbike - and

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S13E4 - The Change - Chapter 4

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:28:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E3 - The Change - Chapter 3

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E2 - The Change - Chapter 2

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 11:11:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S13E1 - The Change - Chapter 1

Sat, 20 Apr 2024 11:02:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Tobias has been trapped as a red-tailed hawk for some time now. And he's made his peace with it. But he'd give anything to be human again...wouldn't he?

Don't forget to support the official Animorphs audiobooks!

We are back with our regularly scheduled programming! I'm really glad that I had a week of extra time, because a program crash and a backup malfunction nearly caused me to lose the hour of material that I already had recorded! I was so worried I would have to start again from scratch, but thankfully, after some work, I was able to recover nearly all of it, except for a 12-second stretch (which is nothing at all really!).

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

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The Andalite Chronicles (complete)

Fri, 12 Apr 2024 11:17:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 12.5, The Andalite Chronicles (Prologue - Ch. 49), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Everything began for the Animorphs the night when a dying Elfangor gave them the power to morph. But where did Elfangor's story begin? A story of courage and failure, of destiny and choice, this is Elfangor's Journey, Alloran's Choice, and An Alien Dies, the three parts of The Andalite Chronicles.

Don't forget to support the official audiobooks! MacLeod Andrews does an especially good job with this one!

The next book in the series will be a couple days delayed, just because I admit I'm tuckered after fifteen straight months of posting! But I've already started recording it, I just need a mini-vacation to rest my eyes, mind, and fingers. :D

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Blue Sky:



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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 49

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:04:00 -0000

Chapter 49, the final chapter of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 48

Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:19:00 -0000

Chapter 48 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 47

Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 47 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

There's a total solar eclipse in North America on Monday! If you're anywhere near the area, you should make plans to go see it, it'll be amazing!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 46

Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:24:00 -0000

Chapter 46 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 45

Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 45 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 44

Sun, 31 Mar 2024 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 44 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 43

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:08:00 -0000

Chapter 43 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 42

Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 42 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 41

Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:03:00 -0000

Chapter 41 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 40

Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:08:00 -0000

Chapter 40 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 39

Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 39 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 38

Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:10:44 -0000

Chapter 38 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry this is a day late, everyone! Yesterday had a lot more chaos than I was expecting. But don't worry, there'll be another chapter tomorrow to put us back on schedule!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 37

Sun, 17 Mar 2024 11:10:00 -0000

Chapter 37 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 36

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 11:17:00 -0000

Chapter 36 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 35

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:24:00 -0000

Chapter 35 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 34

Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 34 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 33

Sat, 09 Mar 2024 12:31:00 -0000

Chapter 33 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Part 3 begins! An Alien Dies.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 32

Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:41:05 -0000

Chapter 32 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The last chapter of part 2, Alloran's Choice! I'm so glad I found this book after it had been published in completed form, I would have hated to have been stuck waiting a month on this cliffhanger!

Shredder sound effect made from:

Dracon beam sound effect made from:

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 31

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 12:15:00 -0000

Chapter 31 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Shredder sound effect made from:

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 30

Sun, 03 Mar 2024 12:06:00 -0000

Chapter 30 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 29

Fri, 01 Mar 2024 12:03:00 -0000

Chapter 29 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 28

Wed, 28 Feb 2024 12:21:00 -0000

Chapter 28 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 27

Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:17:00 -0000

Chapter 27 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 26

Sat, 24 Feb 2024 12:01:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 25

Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:23:00 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 24

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 12:16:00 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Wow, I can't believe it, we're halfway through!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 23

Sun, 18 Feb 2024 12:08:00 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 22

Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:20:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Song: Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 21

Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:03:00 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

One major advantage to being a non-official audiobook, is when there are things like songs playing on the radio, you can put the actual song in the chapter! Cause what's one more copyright infringement? Hope it's not too obtrusive!

Song: Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 20

Mon, 12 Feb 2024 12:27:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dracon beam effect is a combo of:

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 19

Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:27:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dracon beam effect is a combo of:

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 18

Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:22:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hey, so guess what? I just found out that I had the chapter numbering wrong for nearly every one of the episodes for this book! Whoopsie! Thank you very much to the person who let me know. It's my own fault, it's because there's a Prologue, it means the numbering in my computer files is one off from the actual chapter, and I wasn't paying attention one day (which of course threw off the subsequent chapter uploads as well). But I have now fixed it, so the podcast titles actually match the chapters titles in the narration (as well as their accompanying notes)!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 17

Tue, 06 Feb 2024 12:07:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Part 2 of the Andalite Chronicles! Alloran's Choice.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 16

Sun, 04 Feb 2024 12:00:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This is the end of Part 1, Elfangor's Journey! This book was originally published in three parts, each released a month apart, before being combined into a single book. Thankfully, you guys don't have to wait that long!

Dracon beam sound effect is a combo of:;;

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 15

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:11:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

So, I've always used a bit of an effect (dropping the pitch and slowing the speed) on the Hork-Bajir voices, but this is the first time we've had the appearance of one who's so articulate and speaks so many lines, which makes the effect a lot more noticeable to me. I'm not sure how I feel about Sub-Visser Seven's voice having extended digital alteration, as I'm more of a proponent of working within one's own range; but it WOULD be a lot of work to go back and change it at this point (as I've already edited the next few chapters as well). If anyone has an opinion, let me know, I can't decide!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 14

Wed, 31 Jan 2024 12:01:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 13

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:24:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 12

Sat, 27 Jan 2024 12:28:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 11

Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:53:01 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 10

Tue, 23 Jan 2024 12:01:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Shredder sounds are a combo of:

Dracon beam sounds are a combo of:

I gotta say, I'm really proud of my different space effects! I think they turned out so well.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 9

Sun, 21 Jan 2024 12:09:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 8

Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:17:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 7

Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:26:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 6

Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:07:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 5

Sat, 13 Jan 2024 12:21:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 4

Thu, 11 Jan 2024 12:31:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 3

Tue, 09 Jan 2024 12:05:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Shredder sound effect is a combo of:

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 2

Sun, 07 Jan 2024 12:20:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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The Andalite Chronicles - Chapter 1

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:11:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I've already got the first chapters completely ready to go, so I can tell you that editing this audiobook definitely takes more effort than previous books! It's because of the extra time needed for the thought-speak dialogue. Each line not only needs the normal amount of editing to ensure correct spacing between phrases and removal of extraneous mouth noises, but then I also do an extra level of noise removal between each line of dialogue to remove all breath sounds (given that it's telepathy I thought that made sense), then I have to apply the effect, then listen to it one more time to make sure it all sounds good. It's not usually a big deal with most books because the thought-speak is much lesser in proportion, but this time it's definitely going to make an impact!

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The Andalite Chronicles - Prologue

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:14:00 -0000

Prologue of The Andalite Chronicles, part 12.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Everything began for the Animorphs the night when a dying Elfangor gave them the power to morph. But where did Elfangor's story begin? A story of courage and failure, of destiny and choice, this is Elfangor's Journey, part 1 of the Andalite Chronicles.

Happy New Year everyone! I've been looking forward to this book for quite a while! It's my favorite of the Animorphs books, so I hope that I am able to do it justice!

Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks! Macleod Andrews does an especially good job of this one and I highly recommend listening to it!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on:

Twitter @RenatheReader

My website:


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S12E28 - The Reaction (complete)

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:10:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 12, The Reaction (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: The Animorphs have never had any issues with morphing before. But all of a sudden, ever since acquiring a crocodile, Rachel finds herself morphing uncontrollably! If she doesn't figure out what's going on soon, the Yeerks will discover the Animorphs' secret!

Don't forget to support the official audiobooks!

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader



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S12E27 - The Reaction - Chapter 27

Sat, 30 Dec 2023 12:14:00 -0000

Chapter 27, the final chapter of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E26 - The Reaction - Chapter 26

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:23:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters uploaded today! Make you sure you get both!

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S12E25 - The Reaction - Chapter 25

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:22:00 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Two back-to-back chapters again!

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S12E24 - The Reaction - Chapter 24

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 20:37:42 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters uploaded today! Make you sure you get both!

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S12E23 - The Reaction - Chapter 23

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 20:36:06 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This chapter and the next are both pretty short, so you get two chapters today! Merry Christmas!

I do feel like I need to work on my screams and yells...they don't feel very realistic to me anymore. I admit, it is tricky to get the proper volume without accidentally causing distortion, and without feeling like I'll disturb someone else in the house with a sudden yell. I'll keep working on it for future books, but I'd love feedback on the ones I've done so far!

Bear sound effects from Videvo.

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S12E22 - The Reaction - Chapter 22

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 03:14:12 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Just squeaked in before the end of day deadline! Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate!

Bear sound effects from Videvo.

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S12E21 - The Reaction - Chapter 21

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:29:06 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Alright, with the upload of this episode, we're back on the original release timeline that I've been following all year! I think I'll be able to continue on this schedule for both the rest of this book and the next, but next spring is probably going to be busy, so we'll have to see what spare time I have for that one.

Thanks for listening!

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S12E20 - The Reaction - Chapter 20

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:37:19 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E19 - The Reaction - Chapter 19

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 21:11:07 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E18 - The Reaction - Chapter 18

Mon, 18 Dec 2023 22:01:31 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E17 - The Reaction - Chapter 17

Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:01:11 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

You know, it's chapters like these that really make me consider the deep questions of life... what would happen if you popped a water balloon underwater? >goes off to investigate YouTube vids

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S12E16 - The Reaction - Chapter 16

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 03:17:33 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

You know, I think I've figured it out. Why I've been so tired and finding it hard to make myself edit chapters lately. Not only am I recovering from seeing extended family (which always wears on me), but I've also been listening to Michael Grant's Gone series. Despite the fact that it's marketed only a couple of years older than Animorphs, his writing is MUCH darker in that one, and I didn't realize how draining it was until I had to just suddenly stop listening to it on the way home from work today. It's very violent and disturbing for a kids series. I'm guessing it was Katherine Applegate who made Animorphs so light-hearted at times. (Thank goodness book 12 is one of those lighter books! Or I would definitely need a short break.)

Anyway, I'm still going to keep trying to upload a chapter every two days, even if it takes me until the end of the day to do it instead of the start of the day. Good news is, even if I fall behind schedule for this one, I'll have no trouble catching up with the next one (The Andalite Chronicles) because I've already got the first several chapters completely ready to go! (I recorded them early for a friend.)

Thanks for listening!

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S12E15 - The Reaction - Chapter 15

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 21:05:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I will freely admit, I am TERRIBLE at mimicking real people's voices. Since Jeremy Jason McCole was inspired by real-life actor Jonathan Taylor Thomas, I tried to use the latter's role in Smallville's "Dichotic" as a reference here, but I don't think it really came out well, sorry. Ah, well.

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S12E14 - The Reaction - Chapter 14

Sat, 09 Dec 2023 16:55:04 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Okay, that was the worst kept promise I've ever made, I'm sorry! This week has been SOOOO much busier than I expected. But I have a couple hours free this afternoon, I'll try to catch up with chapters as soon as I can!

Thanks for listening!

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S12E13 - The Reaction - Chapter 13

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:17:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Good news, I am back at home, and so will now resume your regular updating schedule! (Hopefully)

Thanks for listening!

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S12E12 - The Reaction - Chapter 12

Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:15:50 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E11 - The Reaction - Chapter 11

Sat, 02 Dec 2023 18:36:36 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E10 - The Reaction - Chapter 10

Thu, 30 Nov 2023 18:46:09 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

There's a slight recording mistake at the beginning of this episode, but I didn't want to wait until I got home next week to do the pickup and fix it. Hopefully it won't bother anyone too much in the meantime!

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S12E9 - The Reaction - Chapter 9

Tue, 28 Nov 2023 11:55:44 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I'm sorry for the delay for this chapter! I'm currently out of town visiting family, so finding time to edit/upload is a little tricky - the next couple of chapters might be delayed as well, but I'll try to make up for it when I get back!

Thanks for listening!

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S12E8 - The Reaction - Chapter 8

Sat, 25 Nov 2023 12:22:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E7 - The Reaction - Chapter 7

Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:09:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I can already tell you that the tongue twister "the Barry and Cindy Sue Show" is going the bane of my existence for this audiobook, haha!

For listeners in the USA, Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for listening!

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S12E6 - The Reaction - Chapter 6

Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:38:01 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E5 - The Reaction - Chapter 5

Sun, 19 Nov 2023 12:24:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E4 - The Reaction - Chapter 4

Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:16:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E3 - The Reaction - Chapter 3

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:11:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E2 - The Reaction - Chapter 2

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 12:27:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S12E1 - The Reaction - Chapter 1

Sat, 11 Nov 2023 12:09:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: The Animorphs have never had any issues with morphing before. But all of a sudden, ever since acquiring a crocodile, Rachel finds herself morphing uncontrollably! If she doesn't figure out what's going on soon, the Yeerks will discover the Animorphs' secret!

Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

Thanks for listening!

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S11E24 - The Forgotten (complete)

Thu, 09 Nov 2023 12:06:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 11, The Forgotten (Ch. 1 - 23), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: It's hard to be the leader. Especially when you never wanted the job in the first place. But it's about to get even harder when Jake starts experiencing strange visions of himself in some strange jungle. Has the stress of being an Animorph finally gotten to him? Or is there something bigger going on?

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader



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S11E23 - The Forgotten - Chapter 23

Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:12:00 -0000

Chapter 23, the final chapter of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E22 - The Forgotten - Chapter 22

Sun, 05 Nov 2023 12:01:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Please note that this chapter ends intentionally abruptly.

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S11E21 - The Forgotten - Chapter 21

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E20 - The Forgotten - Chapter 20

Wed, 01 Nov 2023 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E19 - The Forgotten - Chapter 19

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 11:05:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E18 - The Forgotten - Chapter 18

Sat, 28 Oct 2023 11:26:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I don't speak Portuguese, so I'm afraid that my pronunciations are based off of Google Translate's auto-generated voice pronunciations. Hopefully, they aren't completely off-base!

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S11E17 - The Forgotten - Chapter 17

Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:20:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Spider monkey and bird sounds are from

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S11E16 - The Forgotten - Chapter 16

Tue, 24 Oct 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E15 - The Forgotten - Chapter 15

Sun, 22 Oct 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Spider monkey sounds from And oh, my gosh, spider monkeys have such CUTE little squeaks!

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S11E14 - The Forgotten - Chapter 14

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 11:10:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E13 - The Forgotten - Chapter 13

Wed, 18 Oct 2023 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dracon beam sound effect a combo of:

Jungle noises:

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S11E12 - The Forgotten - Chapter 12

Mon, 16 Oct 2023 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E11 - The Forgotten - Chapter 11

Sat, 14 Oct 2023 11:01:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Lots of sound effects in this one! Hopefully they add to the experience and are not distracting at all. Jungle effects are from:

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S11E10 - The Forgotten - Chapter 10

Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E9 - The Forgotten - Chapter 9

Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E8 - The Forgotten - Chapter 8

Sun, 08 Oct 2023 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Gun sound from:

Automatic gunfire from:

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S11E7 - The Forgotten - Chapter 7

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 23:28:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Whew, almost broke my 'every other day' posting streak! But squeaked this one in just in time. I couldn't post it this morning because there were two lines that just HAD to be redone, and I didn't have the ability to record until this evening. But don't worry, I'll keep doing my best to maintain the schedule!

Thanks for listening!

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S11E6 - The Forgotten - Chapter 6

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:46:05 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E5 - The Forgotten - Chapter 5

Mon, 02 Oct 2023 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E4 - The Forgotten - Chapter 4

Sat, 30 Sep 2023 11:20:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E3 - The Forgotten - Chapter 3

Thu, 28 Sep 2023 18:41:32 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E2 - The Forgotten - Chapter 2

Tue, 26 Sep 2023 11:36:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S11E1 - The Forgotten - Chapter 1

Sun, 24 Sep 2023 11:11:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Forgotten, part 11 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: It's hard to be the leader. Especially when you never wanted the job in the first place. But it's about to get even harder when Jake starts experiencing strange visions of himself in some strange jungle. Has the stress of being an Animorph finally gotten to him? Or is there something bigger going on?

Notes: So, depending on which platform you listen to these on, you might have noticed that each audiobook I've recorded has its own individualized cover, the colors of which are based on the backgrounds of the corresponding Animorphs book. (I'm kind of proud of them, for all their simplicity.) But THREE of the last four books have had orange backgrounds of various shades, which kind of defeats the purpose of having an easily distinguishable method of telling the audiobooks apart! Whyyyyyy...

Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

Thanks for listening!

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S10E27 - The Android (complete)

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:25:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 10, The Android (Ch. 1 - 26), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Marco certainly never intends to make potentially world-altering discoveries. But when a chance encounter with an old friend doing work for the Sharing turns up something strange, what're the Animorphs to do but investigate? Well, it turns out that Erek isn't a Human-Controller...because he's not human at all.

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader



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S10E26 - The Android - Chapter 26

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 26, the final chapter of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry again for the audio confusion this past week! I will definitely try to be more on top of things for the next books!

Thanks for listening!

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S10E25 - The Android - Chapter 25

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 03:37:38 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I think Erek's dialogue in this chapter was the hardest section of all the books I've done so far to get right emotionally. Making an android sound devastated is not an easy thing. But I think it came out alright.

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S10E24 - The Android - Chapter 24

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 03:31:18 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E23 - The Android - Chapter 23

Fri, 15 Sep 2023 16:02:47 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Bear roar from Videvo.

I couldn't decide whether to use a sound effect for the alarm or not. While I love using actual animal noises for the animal sounds (mostly because of my inability to do decent onomatopoeic impressions), I don't want to go overboard and become distracting. I'd love feedback on whether other sound effects (like for the gunshots, dracon beams, alarms, and the like) are liked or disliked!

Thanks for listening!

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S10E22 - The Android - Chapter 22

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:00:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Wow, this is the 300th episode of Animorphs Aloud! Thanks so much to all the listeners who have enjoyed this with me! (Especially those that have reached out and commented, or reviewed, or subscribed! You are the ones that really make my day!)

Thanks for listening!

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S10E21 - The Android - Chapter 21

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 16:28:15 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry for the few hours delay! There was a truck doing work on the road in front of our house first thing this morning and they accidentally knocked out the internet for a while. But it's back now!

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S10E20 - The Android - Chapter 20

Sat, 09 Sep 2023 13:24:37 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Do you think authors realize if there are potential tongue twisters in their works, or if it's just coincidence that only a narrator notices? "Looking for the Subtle Secret Signals that would Start me Spinning Silk." (And even though I nailed it on the first try, I was so proud, I had to pause and reset anyway so I didn't break character! lol)

Thanks for listening!

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S10E19 - The Android - Chapter 19

Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:10:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E18 - The Android - Chapter 18

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Almost had to delay this chapter due to narrating the wrong character name right at the beginning. But my editing skills have gotten pretty good these last couple of years, and I was able to copy/paste the correct name in instead of having to do a pickup (rerecord a line). Guarantee you can't even tell! I totally feel cool right now.

Thanks for listening!

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S10E17 - The Android - Chapter 17

Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:26:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E16 - The Android - Chapter 16

Fri, 01 Sep 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

A nice long one today!

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S10E15 - The Android - Chapter 15

Wed, 30 Aug 2023 12:56:40 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E14 - The Android - Chapter 14

Mon, 28 Aug 2023 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E13 - The Android - Chapter 13

Sat, 26 Aug 2023 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry today's chapter is so short - I'm trying to keep on deadline with my other projects though and just didn't have time to do an extra chapter for this one!

Thanks for listening!

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S10E12 - The Android - Chapter 12

Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:01:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E11 - The Android - Chapter 11

Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:36:02 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E10 - The Android - Chapter 10

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E9 - The Android - Chapter 9

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E8 - The Android - Chapter 8

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 11:13:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Storytime! Man, I had a heck of a freak-out with this episode - you guys don't know how lucky you are to get this on time! So, I've got most of this book recorded already, it just needs editing, yeah? I opened up this chapter two days ago and got started, and right when I hit my usual quick-save, my computer crashes and dies. The computer was fine after a restart, but the problem was, since the save file was in the process of being overwritten, there was not only no save, but NO AUTO-BACKUP for ANY of this book. I still technically had the actual audio, but it was in 5000+ 6-second pieces with no project file to tell it how to be assembled (why Audacity organizes its audio that way, I have no idea). I thought I was faced with piecing together the audio bit by bit (about 20 hours of work) or rerecording everything from Ch. 8 on (about 3 hours of work, but requiring quiet house time I didn't have available), and was SO disheartened, you have no idea. I spent a bunch of time at work yesterday and the day before sneaking moments of research on Google, trying to figure out if there was a way to recover it.

Short answer. No.

BUT! I remembered right when I got home last night that I actually HAD made a backup file! I'd backed up ALL my audiobook files just a few days ago! Sure, I lost the edits for Ch. 7, but that's already complete, so who cares, the important thing is that I HAD ALL OF THE RAW AUDIO! IN ORDER! READY TO EDIT! So I hurried and got today's chapter finished late last night and you guys don't have to wait a week until the next time I would have been able to rerecord. YAY!

Story time over. Thanks for listening! (To both the chapter and the ramble!)

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S10E7 - The Android - Chapter 7

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:34:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E6 - The Android - Chapter 6

Sat, 12 Aug 2023 11:18:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E5 - The Android - Chapter 5

Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E4 - The Android - Chapter 4

Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:04:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E3 - The Android - Chapter 3

Sun, 06 Aug 2023 11:59:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S10E2 - The Android - Chapter 2

Fri, 04 Aug 2023 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dog effect:

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S10E1 - The Android - Chapter 1

Wed, 02 Aug 2023 11:00:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Android, part 10 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Marco certainly never intends to make potentially world-altering discoveries. But when a chance encounter with an old friend doing work for the Sharing turns up something strange, what're the Animorphs to do but investigate? Well, it turns out that Erek isn't a Human-Controller...because he's not human at all.

Notes: I've got a couple of other big projects (including my next official audiobook) going on right now, so I can't guarantee that updates on this will be quite as consistent as the last few books have been, but I will do my very best! Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:

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S9E25 - The Secret (complete)

Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:07:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 9, The Secret (Ch. 1 - 24), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Visser Three has a plan to flush the "Andalite bandits" from their hiding place: cut down the trees of the national forest! The Animorphs have to find a way to stop him, both to protect their identities, and to keep Ax and Tobias (who do live in the forest) safe. Meanwhile Cassie struggles to maintain her moral compass, increasingly uncomfortable with the ethical quandaries she's forced to face in this war with the Yeerks.

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader



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S9E24 - The Secret - Chapter 24

Sat, 29 Jul 2023 11:19:00 -0000

Chapter 24, the final chapter of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E23 - The Secret - Chapter 23

Thu, 27 Jul 2023 11:48:00 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E22 - The Secret - Chapter 22

Tue, 25 Jul 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E21 - The Secret - Chapter 21

Sun, 23 Jul 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E20 - The Secret - Chapter 20

Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Gun sound effect:

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S9E19 - The Secret - Chapter 19

Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E18 - The Secret - Chapter 18

Mon, 17 Jul 2023 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Dog sounds from: and

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S9E17 - The Secret - Chapter 17

Sat, 15 Jul 2023 11:27:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E16 - The Secret - Chapter 16

Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:09:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E15 - The Secret - Chapter 15

Tue, 11 Jul 2023 11:13:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E14 - The Secret - Chapter 14

Sun, 09 Jul 2023 11:08:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Me when thinking about this book: Oh yeah, this is one of the more filler ones, nothing major happens, no real character development

Me when recording this chapter: character has complete mental breakdown, questioning all of their foundational beliefs

You know, for kids!

(I do wonder sometimes if I get too emotional when reading scenes like these. Maybe I should ease it back and focus more on the fun than the possible depression?)

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S9E13 - The Secret - Chapter 13

Fri, 07 Jul 2023 11:33:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

You know, the hardest part of transforming text into audio is deciding who says what when there is untagged dialogue. Hopefully my guesses make sense!

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S9E12 - The Secret - Chapter 12

Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:07:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E11 - The Secret - Chapter 11

Mon, 03 Jul 2023 11:36:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E10 - The Secret - Chapter 10

Sat, 01 Jul 2023 11:13:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E9 - The Secret - Chapter 9

Thu, 29 Jun 2023 11:03:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E8 - The Secret - Chapter 8

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:24:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E7 - The Secret - Chapter 7

Sun, 25 Jun 2023 11:33:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S9E6 - The Secret - Chapter 6

Fri, 23 Jun 2023 11:19:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E5 - The Secret - Chapter 5

Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:45:51 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Popping explosion:

Dracon beam sound effect made using these sources:,, and

Automatic gunfire:

Thanks for listening!

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S9E4 - The Secret - Chapter 4

Mon, 19 Jun 2023 11:31:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E3 - The Secret - Chapter 3

Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:23:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E2 - The Secret - Chapter 2

Thu, 15 Jun 2023 14:18:29 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S9E1 - The Secret - Chapter 1

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Secret, part 9 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Visser Three has a plan to flush the "Andalite bandits" from their hiding place: cut down the trees of the national forest! The Animorphs have to find a way to stop him, both to protect their identities, and to keep Ax and Tobias (who do live in the forest) safe. Meanwhile Cassie struggles to maintain her moral compass, increasingly uncomfortable with the ethical quandaries she's forced to face in this war with the Yeerks.

Notes: We are now back to our regularly scheduled quality, folks! I am once more in my home studio, yay! Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible! Link:

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S8E23 - The Alien (complete)

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 11:18:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 8, The Alien (Prologue - Ch.21), for Animorphs Aloud. Thanks for listening!

Summary: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill is the only Andalite within light-years of Earth. Yes, the humans who call themselves Animorphs have accepted him and taken him in, but Aximili will never truly be one of them. His duty must lie with his people, the Andalites, and the humans can never be true friends. Can they?

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Books available on Audible:

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S8E22 - The Alien - Chapter 21

Sun, 11 Jun 2023 11:08:00 -0000

Chapter 21, the final chapter of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The last chapter of Ax's first book! Thanks, you guys, for sticking with me despite the quality issues!

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S8E21 - The Alien - Chapter 20

Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E20 - The Alien - Chapter 19

Wed, 07 Jun 2023 11:13:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Seriously, Ax has gotten so many long chapters! This is the longest chapter of all the books so far.

Rattlesnake rattle from

Grizzly sound from Videvo

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S8E19 - The Alien - Chapter 18

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Wow, Ax sure does get all the nice long chapters, doesn't he? This is the fifth chapter that's over the ten-minute mark!

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S8E18 - The Alien - Chapter 17

Sat, 03 Jun 2023 11:26:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E17 - The Alien - Chapter 16

Thu, 01 Jun 2023 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E16 - The Alien - Chapter 15

Tue, 30 May 2023 11:18:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E15 - The Alien - Chapter 14

Sun, 28 May 2023 11:13:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E14 - The Alien - Chapter 13

Fri, 26 May 2023 11:30:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E13 - The Alien - Chapter 12

Wed, 24 May 2023 11:29:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Short one today, sorry! But I'm pretty sure it'll be the last short one in the book, yay!

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S8E12 - The Alien - Chapter 11

Mon, 22 May 2023 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I really loved balancing the cadence of Ax with the voice of Jake for this chapter. Hope it comes through well!

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S8E11 - The Alien - Chapter 10

Sat, 20 May 2023 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E10 - The Alien - Chapter 9

Thu, 18 May 2023 11:12:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

So for those who have read the Animorphs reprints (of which book 8 was the last before it was discontinued), you would have noticed in this chapter that the information Ax gives about the Hork-Bajir having a war cycle every 62 years was removed, as later books (particularly the Hork-Bajir chronicles) revealed this to be inaccurate. However, while I have fixed minor KASUs in other books (and this one too, in the chapter where it used to be stated that Ax couldn't thoughtspeak in human morph), I decided to leave this one in because I liked the idea that perhaps this was an example of either Andalite propoganda or misinformation, and thus not a true KASU. Ax believes it because that is what he has been taught.

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S8E9 - The Alien - Chapter 8

Tue, 16 May 2023 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E8 - The Alien - Chapter 7

Sun, 14 May 2023 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Unfortunately, this is one of the chapters that suffered the most when it came to recording on the go - narrating at a higher volume is hard enough when in a hotel, but having a character desperately shouting "Help!" at that high volume seems like a great way to cause a lot of undue alarm in the real world, soooo my acting for that particular moment is probably my least convincing EVER. But I hope I made up for it with Jake and Ax's scene later in the chapter? (which I think went pretty well)

Thanks for listening anyway!

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S8E7 - The Alien - Chapter 6

Fri, 12 May 2023 11:15:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

School bell effect from here: school bell

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S8E6 - The Alien - Chapter 5

Wed, 10 May 2023 11:21:00 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E5 - The Alien - Chapter 4

Mon, 08 May 2023 11:11:00 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E4 - The Alien - Chapter 3

Sat, 06 May 2023 11:18:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E3 - The Alien - Chapter 2

Thu, 04 May 2023 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E2 - The Alien - Chapter 1

Tue, 02 May 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S8E1 - The Alien - Prologue

Sun, 30 Apr 2023 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Alien, part 8 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the _Animorphs series.

Summary: It's not easy being the only Andalite on an alien planet. Sure, Ax has the Animorphs, but they are only human, and he is bound by the laws of his culture not to become too attached. But when duty and friendship begin to collide, which side will he choose?

Notes: Book 8! The first Ax book! Now, I will give a caveat on this one: it was recorded while I was traveling on the road, and I'm afraid the quality is not as good as previous books. The casual listener probably won't even be able to tell for the most part, but there are a couple of chapters where know I wasn't able to act as well as I would have liked. But I hope you enjoy anyway! And don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks! (I LOVE the way the official narrator voices Ax, so I definitely recommend checking him out!)

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible! Link:

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Megamorphs 1 (complete)

Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:17:00 -0000

The entirety of Megamorphs 1 - The Andalite's Gift (Ch. 1 - 44), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: The Animorphs have been battling non-stop against the Yeerks and are ready to enjoy a weekend off. But suddenly, there is a deadly creature pursuing them who seems to be able to find them anywhere! Is it the Yeerks? Have they discovered the Animorphs' identities? And how on earth are the Animorphs supposed to fight a creature that can shred anything it touches?

Thank you so much for listening! I've been able to start book 8 right away, so happily there won't be any delay for the next one!

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Books available on Audible:

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 44

Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:25:00 -0000

Chapter 44, the final chapter of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Woohoo, we finally made it to the end of Megamorphs 1! What a ride! I hope that you enjoyed it. I know I had great fun doing this fun. It was my least favorite of the Megamorphs before recording it, but I have much greater appreciation for it now, it's so very cinematic. And Marco vs the trash cans is one of the best Animorph moments ever!

Make sure you caught all three of the chapters that were uploaded today!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 43

Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:19:00 -0000

Chapter 43 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Second of three chapters uploaded today!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 42

Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:16:00 -0000

Chapter 42 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Alright, we're so close to the end and these chapters are kind of short, too, so guess what, you get final three all at once! Yay!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 41

Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:14:00 -0000

Chapter 41 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 40

Sun, 23 Apr 2023 12:29:00 -0000

Chapter 40 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters uploaded today.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 39

Sun, 23 Apr 2023 12:24:00 -0000

Chapter 39 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Another two-chapter day!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 38

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 12:20:00 -0000

Chapter 38 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters uploaded today.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 37

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 12:15:00 -0000

Chapter 37 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

More short chapters, so that means it's going to be another two-chapter day today!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 36

Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:25:00 -0000

Chapter 36 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 35

Mon, 17 Apr 2023 12:32:00 -0000

Chapter 35 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 34

Sat, 15 Apr 2023 12:08:00 -0000

Chapter 34 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 33

Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:40:00 -0000

Chapter 33 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 32

Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:20:00 -0000

Chapter 32 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters uploaded today.

Elephant sounds from Videvo.

The dracon beam sound effect is my own combination, using these sources:,, and

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 31

Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:15:00 -0000

Chapter 31 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Like last time, these next couple of chapters are ridiculously short, so you'll get two again today!

Gorilla roars are from: and

The dracon beam sound effect is my own combination, using these sources:,, and I am super proud of how it came out!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 30

Sun, 09 Apr 2023 12:35:00 -0000

Chapter 30 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The second of two chapters that were uploaded today. Make sure you catch both!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 29

Sun, 09 Apr 2023 12:31:00 -0000

Chapter 29 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This chapter and the next are really really short, so I'll be uploading two chapters today!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 28

Fri, 07 Apr 2023 12:16:00 -0000

Chapter 28 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 27

Wed, 05 Apr 2023 12:24:00 -0000

Chapter 27 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 26

Mon, 03 Apr 2023 12:32:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Tiger sound effect from:

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 25

Sat, 01 Apr 2023 12:27:00 -0000

Chapter 25 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I have to say, this is my favorite. Animorphs. chapter. EVER. Out of every book. Love it and Marco's driving so much.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 24

Thu, 30 Mar 2023 12:01:00 -0000

Chapter 24 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Gunshot sound from:

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 23

Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:11:00 -0000

Chapter 23 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Another short chapter, so the next one will be up tomorrow!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 22

Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:12:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 21

Sat, 25 Mar 2023 12:21:00 -0000

Chapter 21 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 20

Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:20:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 19

Tue, 21 Mar 2023 12:15:00 -0000

Chapter 19 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 18

Sun, 19 Mar 2023 11:58:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 17

Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:29:00 -0000

Chapter 17 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 16

Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:37:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 15

Mon, 13 Mar 2023 12:19:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Woot yeah, our very first Ax chapter ever! So excited to finally have him joining the narration rotation. Also, my 200th episode of Animorphs Aloud! Wow!

Bear sound effect from Videvo.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 14

Sat, 11 Mar 2023 13:34:00 -0000

Chapter 14 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Bear sound effects from Videvo.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 13

Fri, 10 Mar 2023 13:01:00 -0000

Chapter 13 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The next chapter is pretty short, too, so I'll be uploading that one tomorrow as well. :)

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 12

Thu, 09 Mar 2023 13:17:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This chapter and the next are both really short, so I'll be uploading the next chapter tomorrow instead of my normal two day gap!

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 11

Tue, 07 Mar 2023 13:24:00 -0000

Chapter 11 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 10

Sun, 05 Mar 2023 13:08:00 -0000

Chapter 10 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 9

Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:14:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 8

Wed, 01 Mar 2023 13:10:00 -0000

Chapter 8 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 7

Mon, 27 Feb 2023 13:39:00 -0000

Chapter 7 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 6

Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:21:00 -0000

Chapter 6 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Warning for mild body dysphoria (more than just the usual transforming dysmorphia, anyway)

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 5

Thu, 23 Feb 2023 16:25:53 -0000

Chapter 5 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 4

Tue, 21 Feb 2023 15:47:50 -0000

Chapter 4 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 3

Sun, 19 Feb 2023 15:25:00 -0000

Chapter 3 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 2

Fri, 17 Feb 2023 14:25:18 -0000

Chapter 2 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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Megamorphs 1 - Chapter 1

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:03:05 -0000

Chapter 1 of Megamorphs 1, part 7.5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: The Animorphs have been battling non-stop against the Yeerks and are ready to enjoy a weekend off. But suddenly, there is a deadly creature pursuing them who seems to be able to find them anywhere! Is it the Yeerks? Have they discovered the Animorphs' identities? And how on earth are the Animorphs supposed to fight a creature that can shred anything it touches?

Notes: Woot, we've reached Megamorphs 1! Our first book with rotating narrators. This is going to be such a fun ride. I hope you enjoy! And even though there's not an official audiobook of this one yet, don't forget to continue to support the other official books!

If you like this podcast and want more of my work, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible! Link:

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S7E28 - The Stranger (complete)

Mon, 13 Feb 2023 14:10:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 7, The Stranger (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: An Animorph's life is never easy. But what do you do when your home life begins to fall apart as well? And even worse, a creature with powers you can't begin to comprehend shows up and informs you that your efforts to fight are doomed to fail?

I hope you all enjoyed my version of book 7! I'm glad I finally got to do the Ellimist, I was really looking forward to his character and how to portray him!

Next book will be...the long-awaited Megamorphs 1! I'm so excited to have reached this point! This is one of the bonus books that occurs canonically between 7 and 8, but which does not yet have an official audiobook release. If one does become available, please remember to support it!

If you want to hear more of my audiobooks, find me at the links below:

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Books available on Audible:

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S7E27 - The Stranger - Chapter 27

Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:23:00 -0000

Chapter 27, the final chapter of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E26 - The Stranger - Chapter 26

Fri, 10 Feb 2023 13:29:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Tiger sound from

Hawk sound effects from Videvo.

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S7E25 - The Stranger - Chapter 25

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 14:36:29 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Tiger sound effect from

Bear sound effect from Videvo

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S7E24 - The Stranger - Chapter 24

Mon, 06 Feb 2023 15:24:45 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E23 - The Stranger - Chapter 23

Sat, 04 Feb 2023 12:53:46 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E22 - The Stranger - Chapter 22

Thu, 02 Feb 2023 15:00:48 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Holy smokes, the first episode (Chapter 1 of Book 1) has been listened to over 1,000 times! Wow! Thanks so much for listening and (I hope) enjoying!

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S7E21 - The Stranger - Chapter 21

Tue, 31 Jan 2023 14:14:56 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E20 - The Stranger - Chapter 20

Sun, 29 Jan 2023 15:40:54 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E19 - The Stranger - Chapter 19

Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:44:51 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E18 - The Stranger - Chapter 18

Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:41:27 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E17 - The Stranger - Chapter 17

Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:56:08 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E16 - The Stranger - Chapter 16

Sat, 21 Jan 2023 17:42:37 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E15 - The Stranger - Chapter 15

Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:37:55 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Bear sound effects from Videvo.

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S7E14 - The Stranger - Chapter 14

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:22:57 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Please note that this chapter intentionally ends abruptly! To compensate for the cliffhanger, I'll be uploading the next chapter tomorrow morning. :)

Thanks for listening!

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S7E13 - The Stranger - Chapter 13

Mon, 16 Jan 2023 18:41:37 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E12 - The Stranger - Chapter 12

Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:31:46 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The Ellimist appears! I had fun playing with some effects for his voice. Hope you like them!

Thanks for listening!

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S7E11 - The Stranger - Chapter 11

Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:16:53 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E10 - The Stranger - Chapter 10

Tue, 10 Jan 2023 16:55:48 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E9 - The Stranger - Chapter 9

Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:48:53 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E8 - The Stranger - Chapter 8

Fri, 06 Jan 2023 16:08:36 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E7 - The Stranger - Chapter 7

Wed, 04 Jan 2023 15:26:15 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E6 - The Stranger - Chapter 6

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 15:14:54 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Happy New Year, and thanks for listening!

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S7E5 - The Stranger - Chapter 5

Fri, 30 Dec 2022 21:27:16 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E4 - The Stranger - Chapter 4

Tue, 27 Dec 2022 21:32:59 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Merry Christmas, everyone! Sorry I didn't have this up sooner. One of my gifts I was making took more time than I expected (but I got it done! with a day to spare!). So now I hope to have updates be more frequent again. :)

Thanks for listening!

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S7E3 - The Stranger - Chapter 3

Sun, 18 Dec 2022 22:01:46 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S7E2 - The Stranger - Chapter 2

Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:21:19 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Elephant sound effect from Videvo.

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S7E1 - The Stranger - Chapter 1

Sat, 10 Dec 2022 18:10:19 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: An Animorph's life is never easy. But what do you do when your home life begins to fall apart as well? And even worse, a creature with powers you can't begin to comprehend shows up and informs you that your efforts to fight are doomed to fail?

Notes: Book 7 is here! I'm in the process of moving house, so this may have an inconsistent updating schedule. But I'll do my best! Enjoy! Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

Also, special shout-out to Twitter user Anthony Reyes (@Profoundant89) for reaching out and saying hi, and giving me the motivation to get this next book started sooner rather than later! It's listeners like you that make me love doing this!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible! Link:

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S6E26 - The Capture (complete)

Tue, 27 Sep 2022 22:12:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 6, The Capture (Ch. 1 - 25), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: The Animorphs are starting to get the hang of this "infiltrate and save the world" gig. But what happens when a mission goes wrong and the enemy they face is no longer on the outside...but is now one of their very own...

I hope you enjoyed listening to this! I know I enjoyed narrating it. There will be delay on Part 7 of AA (The Stranger) of about five or six weeks probably, as I've got an audiobook contract that I'm super excited about at the moment! and which will take all of October. Follow me on Twitter if you'd like to hear information on what the project is and when it will be released!

Twitter: @RenatheReader

Books available on Audible:

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S6E25 - The Capture - Chapter 25

Mon, 26 Sep 2022 13:52:55 -0000

Chapter 25, the final chapter of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E24 - The Capture - Chapter 24

Fri, 23 Sep 2022 16:23:33 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E23 - The Capture - Chapter 23

Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:33:50 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E22 - The Capture - Chapter 22

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 16:21:48 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E21 - The Capture - Chapter 21

Tue, 13 Sep 2022 16:46:07 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E20 - The Capture - Chapter 20

Sat, 10 Sep 2022 13:39:03 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E19 - The Capture - Chapter 19

Wed, 07 Sep 2022 15:54:19 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E18 - The Capture - Chapter 18

Sun, 04 Sep 2022 19:31:54 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E17 - The Capture - Chapter 17

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 19:26:54 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I've got a new effect in here for the internal dialogue between Jake and Yeerk, something that was distinct from thoughtspeak, even though it uses the same <> brackets in the text. Additionally, I made the creative choice to edit out all my breathing sounds for when the Yeerk is talking (just as I do for normal thoughtspeak), but NOT to do so for Jake. Partly because I realized I was conveying a lot of Jake's emotion through the breathing, but also because I kind of liked the idea that Jake's brain is still trying to get the words out physically and keeps his mental voice identical to how his physical voice WOULD sound if he could only say the words aloud.

Would love to know what people think! You can find me on Twitter @RenaTheReader, or through email at rena.gail [at] Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S6E16 - The Capture - Chapter 16

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 18:20:54 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. (aka the chapter in which the Animorphs demonstrate their deep care for Jake by DROPPING him no less than three times over the course of his rescue)

Thanks for listening!

Gunshot effect:

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S6E15 - The Capture - Chapter 15

Tue, 23 Aug 2022 20:17:51 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Gunshot effect:

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S6E14 - The Capture - Chapter 14

Sat, 20 Aug 2022 16:11:45 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E13 - The Capture - Chapter 13

Tue, 16 Aug 2022 16:20:46 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E12 - The Capture - Chapter 12

Mon, 15 Aug 2022 00:02:11 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E11 - The Capture - Chapter 11

Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:37:40 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E10 - The Capture - Chapter 10

Sun, 07 Aug 2022 19:05:46 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E9 - The Capture - Chapter 9

Thu, 04 Aug 2022 18:28:09 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Since the last chapter was a bit delayed (and a bit short), have another chapter!

Thanks for listening!

(Gunshot effect from:

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S6E8 - The Capture - Chapter 8

Wed, 03 Aug 2022 22:22:40 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E7 - The Capture - Chapter 7

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 16:32:43 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E6 - The Capture - Chapter 6

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:40:21 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E5 - The Capture - Chapter 5

Sat, 23 Jul 2022 22:24:48 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E4 - The Capture - Chapter 4

Wed, 20 Jul 2022 18:48:13 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E3 - The Capture - Chapter 3

Sun, 17 Jul 2022 18:57:38 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E2 - The Capture - Chapter 2

Thu, 14 Jul 2022 14:18:07 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S6E1 - The Capture - Chapter 1

Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:49:13 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: The Animorphs are starting to get the hang of this "infiltrate and save the world" gig. But what happens when a mission goes wrong and the enemy they face is no longer on the outside...but is now one of their very own...

Notes: Book 6 is here! I don't think I'll be releasing it quite as fast as the previous one, but I do hope to still be pretty consistent. Enjoy! Also don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible here!

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S5E25 - The Predator (complete)

Fri, 01 Jul 2022 17:07:03 -0000

The entirety of Book 5, The Predator (Ch. 1 - 24), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: Ax, newly rescued, wishes to return to his Andalite homeworld. To do so, he proposes stealing - with the Animorphs' help - a spaceship from the Yeerks. What could possibly go wrong?

Find Rena on Twitter @RenatheReader or on Audible!

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S5E24 - The Predator - Chapter 24

Thu, 30 Jun 2022 14:36:20 -0000

Chapter 24 (final chapter) of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Whew, and that's a wrap on book 5! I hope that you all enjoyed it! I know I did. I hope to start working on book 6 next week, though I can't guarantee that I'll be update that one as fast as I have book 5. In the meantime, if you'd like to hear more of my work, you can find me on Audible here:

Or hit me up on Twitter! @RenatheReader

Thanks for listening!

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S5E23 - The Predator - Chapter 23

Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:05:24 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Gorilla and tiger roar from: Hawk cry from:

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S5E22 - The Predator - Chapter 22

Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:40:21 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S5E21 - The Predator - Chapter 21

Mon, 27 Jun 2022 20:56:02 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E20 - The Predator - Chapter 20

Sat, 25 Jun 2022 15:09:00 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E19 - The Predator - Chapter 19

Fri, 24 Jun 2022 16:45:28 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E18 - The Predator - Chapter 18

Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:01:00 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

hawk cry from:

tiger roar:

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S5E17 - The Predator - Chapter 17

Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:08:10 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E16 - The Predator - Chapter 16

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 20:00:00 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E15 - The Predator - Chapter 15

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 01:26:00 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E14 - The Predator - Chapter 14

Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:34:34 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Whew, back to back chapter releases! I'm on a roll this week! Hope you are enjoying!

Thanks for listening!

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S5E13 - The Predator - Chapter 13

Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:01:07 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E12 - The Predator - Chapter 12

Wed, 15 Jun 2022 15:47:30 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E11 - The Predator - Chapter 11

Sun, 12 Jun 2022 22:38:37 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Learned today that I have mispronounced the word "antennae" throughout this book -- oops! Life is definitely always a constant growing experience for me, and I never mind learning something new. But I hope you all will forgive me for leaving this "learning experience" as is for now. But I will definitely make sure it is correct in any and all future books!

Thanks for listening!

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S5E10 - The Predator - Chapter 10

Tue, 07 Jun 2022 19:48:45 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E9 - The Predator - Chapter 9

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 17:04:10 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E8 - The Predator - Chapter 8

Thu, 02 Jun 2022 15:18:49 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

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S5E7 - The Predator - Chapter 7

Mon, 30 May 2022 15:12:29 -0000

Bonus chapter today! (Because I accidentally skipped a chapter last week on one episode and had to re-upload audio anyway, so I figured why not)

Chapter 7 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

IMPORTANT: If you downloaded/listened to the previous three chapters (chapters 4-6) before the release of this chapter, you were missing Chapter 4! 4, 5, and 6 were accidentally 5, 6, and 7. The correct audio has now been uploaded so you can redownload the chapters again in their proper order and numbering.

Find out more at

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S5E6 - The Predator - Chapter 6

Mon, 30 May 2022 13:36:53 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S5E5 - The Predator - Chapter 5

Thu, 26 May 2022 20:08:47 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Edit 5/30/22: For those who downloaded/listened before this date, the wrong audio had been uploaded. Please enjoy the correct audio now!

Find out more at

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S5E4 - The Predator - Chapter 4

Mon, 23 May 2022 21:45:15 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Edit 5/30/22: For those who downloaded/listened before this date, the wrong audio had been uploaded. Please enjoy the correct audio now!

Find out more at

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S5E3 - The Predator - Chapter 3

Fri, 20 May 2022 17:28:37 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

A special shout-out to one very generous subscriber who really made my day! The thing that keeps me going with this podcast is knowing that there are listeners out there who are really enjoying the audio I'm putting out. Thank you so much!

Happy listening all!

Find out more at

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S5E2 - The Predator - Chapter 2

Mon, 16 May 2022 18:58:52 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S5E1 - The Predator - Chapter 1

Sat, 14 May 2022 17:39:00 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Predator, part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Ax, newly rescued, wishes to return to his Andalite homeworld. To do so, he proposes stealing - with the Animorphs' help - a spaceship from the Yeerks. What could possibly go wrong?

Notes: Marco is my favourite Animorph, so I hope the fun I have doing his character will come through, and that you enjoy listening to it! Also don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible here!

Gorilla roar from here:

Gunshot from here:

Find out more at

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S4E26 - The Message (complete)

Wed, 04 May 2022 17:25:41 -0000

The entirety of Book 4, The Message (Ch. 1 - 25), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: Cassie has dreams of an Andalite trapped under the ocean. Is it a true call for help? Or a trap by the Yeerks?

Find Rena on Twitter @RenatheReader or on Audible!

Find out more at

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S4E25 - The Message - Chapter 25

Wed, 04 May 2022 03:20:47 -0000

Chapter 25, the final chapter of The Message! Part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Whew, I can't believe we're finally at the last chapter! I definitely never expected it to take this long, but this was a much crazier year than I ever expected it to be. Thank you so much to all the listeners who have stuck with me through it anyway!

Part 5 of Animorphs Aloud, The Predator, is already in production, and I hope that I will be able to have it out much more quickly/regularly than this one. :) (The fact that Marco is my favourite character should certainly help in that regard!)

For more audiobooks by me, look me up on Audible!

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S4E24 - The Message - Chapter 24

Tue, 03 May 2022 13:57:37 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E23 - The Message - Chapter 23

Sun, 01 May 2022 02:33:16 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E22 - The Message - Chapter 22

Thu, 28 Apr 2022 21:06:43 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E21 - The Message - Chapter 21

Sat, 16 Apr 2022 02:08:09 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This particular episode is dedicated to Twitter user @CurrentlyFKA, who left me a most wonderful comment about this podcast! ^_^

Thanks for listening!

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S4E20 - The Message - Chapter 20

Sun, 10 Apr 2022 21:21:49 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Radar effects from here:

Also, random note, but this is the 100th episode/chapter! Wow, how about that.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E19 - The Message - Chapter 19

Fri, 01 Apr 2022 01:31:21 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E18 - The Message - Chapter 18

Mon, 28 Mar 2022 04:04:27 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E17 - The Message - Chapter 17

Wed, 23 Mar 2022 02:51:42 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E16 - The Message - Chapter 16

Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:55:08 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E15 - The Message - Chapter 15

Fri, 11 Mar 2022 00:47:19 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E14 - The Message - Chapter 14

Wed, 09 Mar 2022 15:28:50 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

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S4E13 - The Message - Chapter 13

Tue, 08 Mar 2022 00:16:21 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S4E12 - The Message - Chapter 12

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 01:56:00 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S4E11 - The Message - Chapter 11

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 14:32:50 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S4E10 - The Message - Chapter 10

Sun, 02 Jan 2022 01:33:25 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Happy New Year, happy new chapter! Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S4E9 - The Message - Chapter 9

Mon, 04 Oct 2021 17:45:32 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

A new chapter, and again I'm sorry for the gap! I think I'm past the worst part of the year for me (maybe?). It's a very unhappy anniversary that makes it hard to want to do anything, even stuff I love. (Don't get depression, folks, it's hell on your productivity....) But, here, enjoy Animorph dolphins!

Find out more at

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S4E8 - The Message - Chapter 8

Fri, 03 Sep 2021 01:30:58 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

There we go, a nice 10-minute chapter to make up for the long gap!

Find out more at

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S4E7 - The Message - Chapter 7

Thu, 12 Aug 2021 16:14:52 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Not sure when the next chapter will be out - maybe a couple of weeks. I'm on the final push for the deadline of my next audiobook! (The Starstruck series, if you want to find it on Audible! I also do have a couple of free promo codes for it - contact me if interested through either Twitter or my site!)

Find out more at

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S4E6 - The Message - Chapter 6

Sat, 31 Jul 2021 14:58:01 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sorry that this took so long. This month has been exhausting, but if I'd realised how short the chapter was, I wouldn't have delayed starting it. I'll try to get the next one out soon to compensate!

Find out more at

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S4E5 - The Message - Chapter 5

Fri, 09 Jul 2021 01:20:04 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S4E4 - The Message - Chapter 4

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:32:03 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S4E3 - The Message - Chapter 3

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 13:56:33 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S4E2 - The Message - Chapter 2

Tue, 18 May 2021 17:53:57 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S4E1 - The Message - Chapter 1

Wed, 12 May 2021 21:03:09 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Message, part 4 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Cassie has dreams of an Andalite trapped under the ocean. Is it a true call for help? Or a trap by the Yeerks?

What's this? A new Animorphs Aloud episode?? Yes, I have finally decided to return to it! (Thanks in part to a couple of very complimentary fans emailing me.) I wasn't sure if I should continue the series at first, partly because I've been very busy with back-to-back audiobooks of my own, but mostly because I didn't want to detract from the now-official Animorphs audiobooks that are available! (Please support official releases!) However, it's been long enough since the official book 4 that I don't think I would be competing with it anymore.

My current plan is to release one chapter about every week; if things get hectic, certain chapters may take a little longer.

Thanks for listening!

Find out more at

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S3E28 - The Encounter (complete)

Sun, 15 Nov 2020 14:56:44 -0000

The entirety of Book 3, The Encounter (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: Things have been a bit different for Tobias since he was trapped in hawk morph. But when his hawk instincts begin to take over, will his human side survive the changes?

An .m4b format is also available! Contact Rena Gail at for the link.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E27 - The Encounter - Chapter 27

Sat, 14 Nov 2020 14:54:13 -0000

Chapter 27 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E26 - The Encounter - Chapter 26

Fri, 13 Nov 2020 17:20:00 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S3E25 - The Encounter - Chapter 25

Wed, 11 Nov 2020 02:25:59 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The last remaining chapters of this book will also be released this week!

Find out more at

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S3E24 - The Encounter - Chapter 24

Sun, 11 Oct 2020 22:54:24 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

This chapter is dedicated to my Twitter follower Kevin, whose enthusiastic compliment was greatly appreciated, and who inspired me to forcibly find time to finish this chapter. (Still sorry that it took so long though!)

Find out more at

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S3E23 - The Encounter - Chapter 23

Fri, 14 Aug 2020 18:51:14 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E22 - The Encounter - Chapter 22

Tue, 11 Aug 2020 00:05:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E21 - The Encounter - Chapter 21

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:36:22 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E20 - The Encounter - Chapter 20

Sun, 02 Aug 2020 01:52:15 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

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S3E19 - The Encounter - Chapter 19

Wed, 29 Jul 2020 01:40:21 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hey, look, I exist again! So sorry for the delay. Quarantine has not been friendly to me, sadly. I've been working an average of 50-55 hours a week since April and it's been a little bit wearing on my sanity. But I have a little free time this next several days, so I'm going to try to get the rest of The Encounter all finished! Thanks for sticking with me!

Find out more at

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S3E18 - The Encounter - Chapter 18

Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:19:28 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

The next few chapters will probably take a little while again, sorry. But thank you to those who are listening to this despite the delay!

Find out more at

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S3E17 - The Encounter - Chapter 17

Sat, 18 Apr 2020 19:58:42 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E16 - The Encounter - Chapter 16

Wed, 15 Apr 2020 20:42:25 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hawk sound effects from:

Find out more at

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S3E15 - The Encounter - Chapter 15

Sat, 11 Apr 2020 19:27:57 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hawk sound effects from:

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E14 - The Encounter - Chapter 14

Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:21:39 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E13 - The Encounter - Chapter 13

Sun, 05 Apr 2020 21:47:22 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E12 - The Encounter - Chapter 12

Wed, 01 Apr 2020 15:51:51 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E11 - The Encounter - Chapter 11

Sun, 29 Mar 2020 12:41:51 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I hope everyone is staying safe out there! Especially all the Essentials!

Find out more at

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S3E10 - The Encounter - Chapter 10

Mon, 17 Feb 2020 00:18:45 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hawk sound effects from:

Find out more at

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S3E9 - The Encounter - Chapter 9

Thu, 06 Feb 2020 22:30:00 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E8 - The Encounter - Chapter 8

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 22:49:35 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Sound effects for this chapter come from the following sources:

Find out more at

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S3E7 - The Encounter - Chapter 7

Mon, 27 Jan 2020 19:01:27 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Hey, look, I exist again! I'm hoping to get a huge chunk of chapters done over the next few weeks so I can have regular releases again for a while. But in other news, there are actual, official Animorphs audiobooks out there now! The first two books are out and the next several are in production. Please support the official releases by either buying them or checking them out from Hoopla via your local library! They're pretty good! (Though I like my versions a bit better, cause I'm prejudiced. :) )

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E6 - The Encounter - Chapter 6

Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:27:01 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Next episode(s) will probably take a few weeks, things are really busy right now!

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E5 - The Encounter - Chapter 5

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 01:38:30 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E4 - The Encounter - Chapter 4

Tue, 05 Nov 2019 00:53:27 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

(Apologies to any who listened to this in the first few hours after uploading! I was in a hurry and accidentally uploaded the previous chapter again instead of the new one. Sorry! Enjoy the proper update now!)

Find out more at

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S3E3 - The Encounter - Chapter 3

Wed, 30 Oct 2019 22:45:48 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I'm back! With a few new updates! Hopefully one every several days for at least the next several chapters. We'll see where it goes from there. Also, official Animorph audiobooks are now available for pre-order on Amazon and Audible! Be sure to check them out and support the series!

Find out more at

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S3E2 - The Encounter - Chapter 2

Tue, 03 Sep 2019 03:34:39 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S3E1 - The Encounter - Chapter 1

Tue, 20 Aug 2019 21:36:31 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Encounter, part 3 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

(Updates to this book of the series will be a little bit slower than the previous two.)

Sound effects in this episode are from: and

Direct MP3 link

S2E24 - The Visitor (Complete)

Sun, 11 Aug 2019 18:55:00 -0000

The entirety of Book 2, The Visitor (Ch. 1 - 23), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: Rachel begins to understand the hidden costs of the fight with the Yeerks when she has to investigate her former best friend.

An .m4b format is also available! Contact Rena Gail at for the link.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S2E23 - The Visitor - Chapter 23

Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:38:08 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E22 - The Visitor - Chapter 22

Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:36:45 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E21 - The Visitor - Chapter 21

Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:30:52 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Sound effects in this episode came from the following sources:

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S2E20 - The Visitor - Chapter 20

Tue, 06 Aug 2019 20:47:29 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E19 - The Visitor - Chapter 19

Fri, 02 Aug 2019 01:29:15 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E18 - The Visitor - Chapter 18

Sun, 28 Jul 2019 15:05:33 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E17 - The Visitor - Chapter 17

Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:29:15 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series. Sound effects in this episode came from here:

Direct MP3 link

S2E16 - The Visitor - Chapter 16

Wed, 24 Jul 2019 20:08:20 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E15 - The Visitor - Chapter 15

Mon, 22 Jul 2019 15:45:13 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E14 - The Visitor - Chapter 14

Fri, 19 Jul 2019 18:34:36 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E13 - The Visitor - Chapter 13

Tue, 16 Jul 2019 03:36:27 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E12 - The Visitor - Chapter 12

Thu, 11 Jul 2019 21:51:11 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E11 - The Visitor - Chapter 11

Wed, 10 Jul 2019 04:50:06 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E10 - The Visitor - Chapter 10

Tue, 09 Jul 2019 03:44:09 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E9 - The Visitor - Chapter 9

Sun, 07 Jul 2019 23:33:02 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E8 - The Visitor - Chapter 8

Sat, 06 Jul 2019 02:45:20 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E7 - The Visitor - Chapter 7

Sat, 29 Jun 2019 21:02:35 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E6 - The Visitor - Chapter 6

Thu, 27 Jun 2019 00:44:18 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E5 - The Visitor - Chapter 5

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 22:03:29 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E4 - The Visitor - Chapter 4

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 03:35:01 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E3 - The Visitor - Chapter 3

Sun, 23 Jun 2019 18:32:46 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E2 - The Visitor - Chapter 2

Mon, 17 Jun 2019 06:09:02 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Direct MP3 link

S2E1 - The Visitor - Chapter 1

Wed, 12 Jun 2019 04:22:38 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Visitor, part 2 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced audiobook version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Rachel begins to understand the hidden costs of the fight with the Yeerks when she has to investigate her former best friend.

Direct MP3 link

S1E28 - The Invasion (Complete)

Mon, 03 Jun 2019 02:33:59 -0000

The entirety of Book 1, The Invasion (Ch. 1 - 27), for Animorphs Aloud.

Summary: A chance meeting and a risky shortcut lead five young teens to learn that there is an invading force threatening everyone they know. They are given a gift to help them fight - the power to change into any animal they can touch. Will this be enough to help them save the planet from annihilation?

An .m4b format is also available! Contact Rena Gail at for the link.

Find out more at

Direct MP3 link

S1E27 - The Invasion - Chapter 27

Sun, 02 Jun 2019 03:47:02 -0000

Chapter 27 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E26 - The Invasion - Chapter 26

Fri, 31 May 2019 19:35:55 -0000

Chapter 26 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E25 - The Invasion - Chapter 25

Fri, 31 May 2019 05:09:40 -0000

Chapter 25 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E24 - The Invasion - Chapter 24

Wed, 29 May 2019 19:48:51 -0000

Chapter 24 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E23 - The Invasion - Chapter 23

Tue, 28 May 2019 18:18:50 -0000

Chapter 23 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E22 - The Invasion - Chapter 22

Mon, 27 May 2019 20:17:00 -0000

Chapter 22 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E21 - The Invasion - Chapter 21

Thu, 23 May 2019 19:19:45 -0000

Chapter 21 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E20 - The Invasion - Chapter 20

Mon, 20 May 2019 19:31:30 -0000

Chapter 20 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E19 - The Invasion - Chapter 19

Sat, 18 May 2019 14:11:04 -0000

Chapter 19 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E18 - The Invasion - Chapter 18

Thu, 16 May 2019 01:43:55 -0000

Chapter 18 of The Invasion of Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E17 - The Invasion - Chapter 17

Wed, 15 May 2019 19:13:12 -0000

Chapter 17 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E16 - The Invasion - Chapter 16

Tue, 14 May 2019 04:03:55 -0000

Chapter 16 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E15 - The Invasion - Chapter 15

Sun, 12 May 2019 12:07:14 -0000

Chapter 15 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E14 - The Invasion - Chapter 14

Sat, 11 May 2019 03:12:43 -0000

Chapter 14 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E13 - The Invasion - Chapter 13

Fri, 10 May 2019 15:39:26 -0000

Chapter 13 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E12 - The Invasion - Chapter 12

Wed, 08 May 2019 03:27:02 -0000

Chapter 12 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E11 - The Invasion - Chapter 11

Mon, 06 May 2019 22:04:21 -0000

Chapter 11 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E10 - The Invasion - Chapter 10

Sun, 05 May 2019 00:37:35 -0000

Chapter 10 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E9 - The Invasion - Chapter 9

Fri, 03 May 2019 21:55:40 -0000

Chapter 9 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E8 - The Invasion - Chapter 8

Thu, 02 May 2019 19:14:39 -0000

Chapter 8 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E7 - The Invasion - Chapter 7

Thu, 02 May 2019 19:02:43 -0000

Chapter 7 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E6 - The Invasion - Chapter 6

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 22:06:58 -0000

Chapter 6 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E5 - The Invasion - Chapter 5

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 22:16:30 -0000

Chapter 5 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E4 - The Invasion - Chapter 4

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 00:12:11 -0000

Chapter 4 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E3 - The Invasion - Chapter 3

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 14:57:04 -0000

Chapter 3 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E2 - The Invasion - Chapter 2

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 20:39:35 -0000

Chapter 2 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Direct MP3 link

S1E1 - The Invasion - Chapter 1

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 16:08:03 -0000

Chapter 1 of The Invasion for Animorphs Aloud

Summary: A chance meeting and a risky shortcut lead five young teens to learn that there is an invading force threatening everyone they know. They are given a gift to help them fight - the power to change into any animal they can touch. Will this be enough to help them save the planet from annihilation?

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