Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Sorcery and Superstition


Do you crave adventure? Do you like exploring dungeons and battling dragons? Well this is just the place for you! This podcast will feature short fantasy stories from new and unknown authors around the globe. You won't find stories like these anywhere else. Fantasy stories are traditionally very long and usually part of an even longer series. But is that the only way to enjoy fantasy stories? Hell no! Here we will have excellent stories that usually won't be longer than 30 minutes. So sit back with a tankard of mead and enjoy the ride! Follow us on facebook for info about upcoming episode Support this podcast:





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Wed, 07 Dec 2022 18:48:06 GMT

This week's story is brought to us by T.N. Baldwin. It is titled "Discoveries". This is an excerpt from the first novel in Mr. Baldwin's Magicium series. That's right. this author has a whole series already released. No waiting on books! The books are sort of mix of Apocalyptical and Fantasy. Two genres I happen to like quite a bit.  So stop an take a listen. You won't be disappointed.   

If you want to check out Mr. Baldwin's website or buy his books you can find them here. and on amazon (

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Six of Cups

Wed, 16 Nov 2022 14:00:37 GMT

Today's episode is brought to us by author Meg Lindsey. Meg brings us an excerpt from her novelette "Six of Cups". Its an interesting blend of sci-fi and fantasy and will definitely leave you wanting more. Luckily you can purchase the full novelette on amazon. (Https://

For more information about Meg Lindsey and info about her upcoming novels follow her on IG @meglindseywrites or Twitter @MegLindzWrites

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The Ticket

Wed, 09 Nov 2022 14:00:26 GMT

This week's episode is titled " The Ticket". . This story is a very interesting story about death. You don't want to sleep on this one. This story was brought to us by the author Veronica Love. Veronica Love is a poet, author and an all around remarkable lady. You can find more about her and her upcoming debut novel "Songs of the Shadows" on her website You can also follow her on facebook and instagram 

For more information about Sorcery and Superstition you can check out our page on Facebook

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2022 Halloween Special

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:00:07 GMT

The 2022 Halloween Special episode. I welcome back author John Wallman for the third year of Halloween specials. This time around I will be reading an excerpt from John's books the Dark Stirs. This time we are following the light protagonist in the story. Its a great excerpt from a supernatural thriller that is sure to leave you wanting more. That's ok because John's book is up for sale on Amazon!

Also you should follow John's page so you can get updates about the rest of the Dark Matter Series as well as general updates on his writing. 

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Oak and Ivy

Wed, 26 Oct 2022 13:00:22 GMT

This week's episode is an excerpt from Mellow Young's upcoming book "Oak and Ivy". Oak and Ivy, a fantastical Fae vs Human novel with a coming-of-age and enemies-to-lovers plot, Nerissa lives in a world where magic is forgotten, but secrets lay rampant. She discovers her heritage and destiny triggered by the death of her father. She fights to restore Fae to their former glory, and finds love along the way. The book is written inspired by German, Celtic, and other folklore of the Fae and surrounding mythology. Follow us on Facebook for more info on the author's books and other links. (

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Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:00:08 GMT

Today's episode is titled "Blacked". This story is brought to us by author DB Rook. This tale is a fascinating tale of imprison and enslavement in a dark setting. This story is a short story that helps introduce the larger world that Mr. Rook as written. This story takes place in the same world as his published book Callus & Crow which in itself is the start of a larger series "The Wayward Chronicles". The short story I am reading today is also available for free when you sign up for Mr. Rook's newsletter at

You can find his book and more info about the author on his facebook page ( and amazon (

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Den of the Wolfman

Wed, 12 Oct 2022 13:00:25 GMT

This episode is an excerpt from Ronald Kimmon's novella titled "Den of the Wolfman". Its an urban fantasy detective type story and you can tell its going to be a great story. If you are a fan of fantasy and mystery don't miss out on this special. 

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The Water Pennant

Wed, 05 Oct 2022 13:00:55 GMT

This is a short story by Stephen E. Seale. Its a fantastic high fantasy type story with a lot of care for the creation of culture. I personally enjoy all of Stephens stories. Tune in because you don't want to miss this. 

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2021 Halloween Special "The Dark Stirs."

Thu, 28 Oct 2021 00:00:00 GMT

Its that time of year again.

Halloween! 😈🤖🎃

This is my favorite holiday and I know many of you feel the same.

Last year I had a special Halloween episode featuring spooky author John Wallman and guess what...

He is back! His first novel is coming out and we are getting a sneak peek...and its good.

This is a special episode where instead of a short story I will read an excerpt from John's upcoming novel. Its an excellent story and I know you all will enjoy it as much as me.

If you would like more information about the series and when The Dark Stirs releases then you should follow john on facebook and visit his website.

Also be sure to check out John's new website

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Two Priests in a Pickle Part 3

Wed, 06 Oct 2021 13:00:00 GMT

This is the final part of the story Two Priests in a Pickle by Mark McMichael. If you haven't listened to the other parts you can find them here on as well. You can also find Mark's two books featuring Vargo titled The Chronicles of Vargo on Amazon. Plus you should follow him at 

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Two Priests in a Pickle Part 2

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 13:00:00 GMT

This is episode 2 of season 2 and part 2 of Two Priests in a Pickle. This is a continuation of last week's story so if you didn't listen to last week then hop on over now and do it right away. This story was brought to us by Mark McMichael and you can follow him and find out more about his books and stories on his facebook page.

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Two Priests in a Pickle Part 1

Wed, 08 Sep 2021 13:00:00 GMT

This weeks kicks off season 2 of S&S and I am absolutely stoked to be back. The first 3 episodes of season will be brought to us courtesy of Mark McMichael. This is a wonderful classic fantasy setting with murder mystery plot. It was so long I had to cut it into 3 episodes to keep it around 15-20. 

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That Old Sweet Smell of Deception

Wed, 19 May 2021 11:00:00 GMT

This week we have a story about dragons!! Thats right. Our first official dragon story here on the podcast. And its full of action and intrigue so you definitely dont want to miss this one.

This weeks episode is brought to us by Martin Owton. Martin is a UK based writer and has 3 books currently published. A duology title "The Nandor Tales". You can find them at and The third book is a contemporrary fantasy set in southern England called Shadows of Faerie (

Also dont forget to head over to the page and like and follow us to keep up with all of our authors and news about the podcast.

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New Wise Woman

Wed, 05 May 2021 13:00:00 GMT

Today's episode is New Wise Woman brought to us by Jay Logan. It is a wonderful short story and is closer to back on track for our normal episode length. Unfortunately Jay doesn't have any media pages but I will post whatever information I get on the sorcery and superstition page so be sure to check that out if you haven't already.

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Shandeera's Blade

Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:00:00 GMT

Today's episode is Shandeera's Blade brought to us by the great Jack W. Rischel. It is on the shorter side but I still quite enjoyed it and it gives us a nice break after the long story last time. You can check out Jack's facebook page for more info on him and his stories.

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Warlock's Revenge

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:00:00 GMT

Todays story is brought to you by Grant Elliot Smith. It is a standalone fantasy short story but gives us a great glimpse into Grant's writing style. And its a wonderful tale. If you like Grants story than head over to his facebook page for more info on his series

or just head straight over to amazon and buy a copy of his book.

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The Pygmy Dragon's Game/Hilltop

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 14:00:00 GMT

This is the tenth episode of Sorcery and Superstition. This week's stories are brought to you from the mind of C.H. Smith. They are wonderful little stories that part of the larger world C.H. creates for his novels. Its a wonderful idea and gives us a little preview in to things we can see form his upcoming books.

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The Boy in the Floor

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 14:00:00 GMT

This episode is The Boy in the Floor by Peter Lampman. It is a wonderful short story that is definitely fantasy but a little horror too. I loved it and I know you will too.

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The Accidental Witch

Wed, 03 Feb 2021 14:00:00 GMT

This episode features the short story "The Accidental Witch" by Christine Matthews and narrated by M. Bradley Peters. This is a wonderful original story by Christine and I suggest you listen right now!

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Scorn not the Gifts

Wed, 09 Dec 2020 14:00:00 GMT

This is episode 7 of Sorcery and Superstition. This week is our 2nd in a series of short stories written by Christine Matthews. This one is a short fairy tale type story modeled after the classic Sleeping Beauty.

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Wed, 25 Nov 2020 14:00:00 GMT

In this episode Brad will narrate a short story from Christine Matthews titled "Sacrifices". It is a fun little tale that is reminiscent of fairy tales. Enjoy and make sure and like and follow us.

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The Salt Calling

Wed, 11 Nov 2020 14:00:00 GMT

This episode is a short story titled " The Salt Calling" by Stephen E. Seale.

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Young Blood

Wed, 28 Oct 2020 13:00:00 GMT

This episode features a short horror story by John Wallman titled Young Blood. 

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The Pruning Shears

Wed, 14 Oct 2020 13:00:00 GMT

This is episode 3 of Sorcery and Superstition. In this episode I narrate the short story "The Pruning Shears" by Bethany Osborn. This is a slight departure from fantasy to fiction but it is an interesting tale nonetheless.  There is no interview with this episode as the author declined since we had done another just two weeks previously.

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Hell Week

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 13:00:00 GMT

This week's short story is Hell Week by Stephen E. Seale.  As always there is a short interview with the author before the narration begins. 

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A Storyteller's Truth

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 01:25:45 GMT

This first episode features the short story "A Storyteller's Truth" by Bethany Osborn.

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