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You Are Not Alone

Horror Full cast Oneshots Audio RPG


You Are Not Alone is a 1v1 horror podcast, focusing on telling intense and personal horror stories. Every episode is based around fears the guest wants to explore.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system:

Continuity: Oneshots

Voices: Cast

Genres: Horror

Framing device:


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Character demographics:

Content warnings (creator selected):

Country of origin:

Transcript details:

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Pick Me with Brian Sago, Part 3

Fri, 16 Feb 2024 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Pick Me, the new game by Brian Sago, is the story of misfit toys on their journey from Santa's workshop to their new home at the child's house. When they arrive, there is only room in the child's heart for one. Will the child love Count One-thousand Two-hundred and Thirty-four or The Magnificent Fisto?

Brian Sago joins us to play his new game.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Pick Me with Brian Sago, Part 2

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Pick Me, the new game by Brian Sago, is the story of misfit toys on their journey from Santa's workshop to their new home at the child's house. When they arrive, there is only room in the child's heart for one. Will the child love Count One-thousand Two-hundred and Thirty-four or The Magnificent Fisto?

Brian Sago joins us to play his new game.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Pick Me with Brian Sago, Part 1

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Note

Pick Me, the new game by Brian Sago, is the story of misfit toys on their journey from Santa's workshop to their new home at the child's house. When they arrive, there is only room in the child's heart for one. Will the child love Count One-thousand Two-hundred and Thirty-four or The Magnificent Fisto?

Brian Sago joins us to play his new game.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Mothership with Billy Blue, Part 4

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Mothership is amazing game of horror out in the wilds of space. Inspired by Alien, Event Horizon, and their like, Mothership is a game of doomed spacefarers stuck in confined spaces with the unknown.

Billy Blue, the amazing TTRPG artist, is playing IVN, a freelancer android working for Klein Manufacturing Industries. IVN specializes in investigating derelict ships, so when their textile ship, the UMV Sidae, goes radio silent, they call IVN in to investigate.

Billy Blue joins us to play Mothership.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Mothership with Billy Blue, Part 3

Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Mothership is amazing game of horror out in the wilds of space. Inspired by Alien, Event Horizon, and their like, Mothership is a game of doomed spacefarers stuck in confined spaces with the unknown.

Billy Blue, the amazing TTRPG artist, is playing IVN, a freelancer android working for Klein Manufacturing Industries. IVN specializes in investigating derelict ships, so when their textile ship, the UMV Sidae, goes radio silent, they call IVN in to investigate.

Billy Blue joins us to play Mothership.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Camp Mandrake, 1992; Part 2

Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

I have a new podcast launching today. The first few episodes will go up on this stream, as well. We hope you'll head over to the Greetings from Stability stream and subscribe.

Camp Mandrake, the camp out in the woods, was last open in 1992. We found some detailed notes on what happened that summer and that is what you will be learning about as we start our new podcast, Greetings from Stability, that will be diving into the history of our weird, little town.

Greetings from Stability is a world-building, actual play podcast. Our first series uses Sleepaway by Jay Dragon.

Follow us on your favorite social media site.

Twitter Mastodon Bluesky Tumblr Facebook

Music: See No Evil by Mr.ruiZ

Mothership with Billy Blue, Part 2

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Mothership is amazing game of horror out in the wilds of space. Inspired by Alien, Event Horizon, and their like, Mothership is a game of doomed spacefarers stuck in confined spaces with the unknown.

Billy Blue, the amazing TTRPG artist, is playing IVN, a freelancer android working for Klein Manufacturing Industries. IVN specializes in investigating derelict ships, so when their textile ship, the UMV Sidae, goes radio silent, they call IVN in to investigate.

Billy Blue joins us to play Mothership.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song: Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe.

Greetings from Stability; Camp Mandrake, 1992; Part 1

Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

I have a new podcast launching today. The first few episodes will go up on this stream, as well. We hope you'll head over to the Greetings from Stability stream and subscribe.

Camp Mandrake, the camp out in the woods, was last open in 1992. We found some detailed notes on what happened that summer and that is what you will be learning about as we start our new podcast, Greetings from Stability, that will be diving into the history of our weird, little town.

Greetings from Stability is a world-building, actual play podcast. Our first series uses Sleepaway by Jay Dragon.

Follow us on your favorite social media site.

Twitter Mastodon Bluesky Tumblr Facebook

Music: See No Evil by Mr.ruiZ

Mothership with Billy Blue, Part 1

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 08:00:00 -0000

Mothership is amazing game of horror out in the wilds of space. Inspired by Alien, Event Horizon, and their like, Mothership is a game of doomed spacefarers stuck in confined spaces with the unknown.

Billy Blue is an incredible RPG artist specializing in fantasy and horror art. In this week's episode, Blaine and Billy talk about horror as a medium and the similarities and differences between visual and written horror. After a longer than usual chat, Billy creates Ivan, a very good worker, who happens to be an android.

Next episode, we'll jump into Ivan's story.

Billy Blue joins us to play Mothership.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Find out more at

Quietus with Jesse Stanchak, Part 3

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Wayne is not a good man. He's not even really an okay man. But he's skated by on his good looks, charming personality, and luck for a long time. Now his memory seems to be unraveling.

Wayne has been seeing all sorts of strange things around the office building as he works his security shift. Where last we left Wayne, he saw Pete, the bookie he owes a lot of money to, standing in the underground parking lot of the building. When he ran out to investigate, Pete was gone, but he found an Altoids tin full of survive gear that he knows Pete used to carry with him.

Jesse Stanchak joins us to play the game Quietus by Oli Jeffery.

Content Warning: Gambling addiction

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Find out more at

Quietus with Jesse Stanchak, Part 2

Fri, 09 Sep 2022 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Wayne is not a good man. He's not even really an okay man. But he's skated by on his good looks, charming personality, and luck for a long time. Now his memory seems to be unravelin

Wayne was on his way to work, when he ran into Lucky, the hired muscle for his bookie Pete, who subtly reminded Wayne that he owes Pete a lot of money and they know where Wayne and his family lives. Once Wayne settled into work, at the office building where he works security, he was checking the cameras and saw Pete standing in the parking lot, just staring at the building.

Jesse Stanchak joins us to play the game Quietus by Oli Jeffery.

Content Warning: Gambling addiction

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Find out more at

Quietus with Jesse Stanchak, Part 1

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Wayne is not a good man. He's not even really an okay man. But he's skated by on his good looks, charming personality, and luck for a long time.

The problem is, he's getting older. His looks are fading, people have caught on to his lies, and his luck is running out. Now he's having a hard time remembering things, like his memory is starting to unravel.

Jesse Stanchak joins us to play the game Quietus by Oli Jeffery.

Content Warning: Gambling addiction

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions

Find out more at

Long Haul 1983 with Sean Patrick Cain, Part 3

Fri, 12 Aug 2022 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Long Haul 1983 is a solo journaling game about a truck driver who wakes up to realize they are completely alone. They must drive their big rig across the country to find the one person they hope may still be alive

Sean Patrick Cain joins us to play their game Long Haul 1983.

You can get the PDF of Long Haul 1983 here:

Physical copies are currently sold out, but you can get all sorts of other cool stuff at Sean's shop:

Content Warning: isolation, pandemics, environmental harm to wild animals

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions

Find out more at

Long Haul 1983 with Sean Patrick Cain, Part 2

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Chris has been through literal ash and fire. He has seen things that shouldn't be. It has been 3 days since everyone disappeared and he has seen death and things that should be dead that aren't. But he needs to make it home to let his father know that the world hasn't broken him yet.

Sean Patrick Cain joins us to play their game Long Haul 1983.

You can get the PDF of Long Haul 1983 here:

Physical copies are currently sold out, but you can get all sorts of other cool stuff at Sean's shop:

Content Warning: isolation, pandemics, environmental harm to wild animals

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions

Find out more at

Long Haul 1983 with Sean Patrick Cain, Part 1

Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Chris is a truck driver in 1983 trying to get home to see his parents in Montana, but it seems like everyone else in the world is gone. Will they be there when Chris arrives?

Sean Patrick Cain joins us to play their game Long Haul 1983.

You can get the PDF of Long Haul 1983 here:

Physical copies are currently sold out, but you can get all sorts of other cool stuff at Sean's shop:

Content Warning: isolation, pandemics, environmental harm to wild animals

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions

Find out more at

Butter Princess with Brian Sago

Mon, 04 Jul 2022 03:13:21 -0000

Episode Notes

Allison, Iqbal, and George have all decided to go to the Minnesota State Fair. There are wonders and delights enough to horrify and repulse anyone who may spend an entire day there. The three of them must work their way through the

Brian Sago joins us to play his game Butter Princess, on Kickstarter now! Check the campaign out here:

CW: Gastronomic Horror, Lost Child, Animal Birth

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions go here

Heart with Kendrick Smith, Part 3

Fri, 01 Jul 2022 07:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Nashda'ad has found a tome of powerful spells in the Temple of Mehror. One of the rituals will lead you to your heart's desire. Nashda'ad spills some of his blood and follows the gold smoke that leads him out of the settlement. After passing through a forest full of trees made from nerve endings and fighting off a pack of eye-headed vultures, Nashda'ad finds himself outside a tunnel seemingly made of skin that leads deep underground. What will Nashda'ad find when he finds his heart's desire?

Kendrick Smith, from Tales Yet Told, joins us this week to play Heart, a game by Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor

CW: Blood, Body Horror, Mention of Cannibalism.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions go here

Find out more at

Heart with Kendrick Smith, Part 2

Fri, 17 Jun 2022 10:35:18 -0000

Episode Notes

Nashda'ad is searching for a physical manifestation of the Heart. He snuck into a church of Mehror, the god of snuffed candles, and met one of the priests. They sit down to talk about Mehror.

Kendrick Smith, from Tales Yet Told, joins us this week to play Heart, a game by Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor

CW: Blood, Body Horror, Mention of Cannibalism.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permissions go here

Find out more at

Heart with Kendrick Smith, Part 1

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 07:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

You Are Not Alone is back from hiatus! Welcome to Season 3!

Nashda'ad is a junk mage searching for a piece of the Heart itself, hoping it will give him incredible power. The first stop is the Church of Mehor, god of snuffed candles.

Kendrick Smith, from Tales Yet Told, joins us this week to play Heart, a game by Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor

CW: Blood, Body Horror

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission

Find out more at

End of the Line with Kyle Tam, Part 2

Fri, 29 Oct 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Stanley is a janitor at Redacted Corp. He was busy cleaning up a mess when an elevator fell, killing everyone in it. Stanley was supposed to be on that elevator and Death is upset. Now he's just trying to do his job, but Death is trying to kill him.

Kyle Tam brings her new game, End of the Line, to You Are Not Alone. End of the Line is a very good game of comedic murder in the vein of Final Destination. It is Itch Funding right now and is the perfect game to have very fun bad times with your friends!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

End of the Line with Kyle Tam, Part 1

Fri, 15 Oct 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Stanley is a janitor for Redacted Corp. A few days ago, an elevator plummeted to the basement and killed A LOT of people. Stanley was supposed to be on that elevator, but had a last minute mess to clean up. Now Death is pissed off.

Kyle Tam brings her new game, End of the Line, to You Are Not Alone. End of the Line is a very good game of comedic murder in the vein of Final Destination. It is Itch Funding right now and is the perfect game to have very fun bad times with your friends!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Haunted Hill Academy with Jeffrey Hayes, Part 3

Mon, 11 Oct 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Damien Ashforth the Fourth is stuck in the Forbidden Wing of Haunted Hill Academy. Despite facing down a giant serpent already, navigating the social circles of the school earlier was just as dangerous. Join Damien as he tries to find his crush, Marigold.

Jeffrey Hayes joins us to run their awesome game Haunted Hill Academy. It is coming to Kickstarter on October 11th! Be on the lookout for updates about the Haunted Hill Academy Kickstarter on Twitter @hauntedhillacad

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Haunted Hill Academy with Jeffrey Hayes, Part 2

Fri, 17 Sep 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Damien Ashforth the Fourth is in the Forbidden Wing of Haunted Hill Academy. He tried, very unsuccessfully, to hide from the serpent chasing him. How did Damien end up in the Forbidden Wing you may ask? Let's find out!

Jeffrey Hayes joins us to run their awesome game Haunted Hill Academy. It is coming to Kickstarter on October 11th! Be on the lookout for updates about the Haunted Hill Academy Kickstarter on Twitter @hauntedhillacad

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Haunted Hill Academy with Jeffrey Hayes, Part 1

Fri, 03 Sep 2021 04:46:07 -0000

Episode Notes

Damien Ashforth the Fourth is a legacy at Haunted Hill Academy, but he just wants to start a punk rock band. Since he is here anyway, he might as well try to find out what the dangerous thing in the Forbidden Wing his grandfather told him about is.

Jeffrey Hayes joins us to run their awesome game Haunted Hill Academy. It is coming to Kickstarter on October 11th! Be on the lookout for updates about the Haunted Hill Academy Kickstarter on Twitter @hauntedhillacad

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Heroic Chord with Cat McDonald, Part 4

Fri, 06 Aug 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Last episode, Mitchell met Jacob as he was trying to leave Marjorie's cottage. Jacob went in to talk to his mother, but quickly realized it was not really her. Mitchell and Jacob began to investigate the basement and made a awful discovery.

Cat McDonald joins us to actually have a chance to sit down and play their wonderful game, Heroic Chord!

Pick up the playtest version of Heroic Chord on!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Heroic Chord with Cat McDonald, Part 3

Fri, 09 Jul 2021 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Marjorie had started acting strange, which led Mitchell, our very good boy, to the basement. After failing to find anything particularly spooky in the basement, Mitchell decided to leave, but was interrupted by a figure from the past.

Cat McDonald joins us to actually have a chance to sit down and play their wonderful game, Heroic Chord!

Pick up the playtest version of Heroic Chord on!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Heroic Chord with Cat McDonald, Part 2

Fri, 11 Jun 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

MItchell is sitting down to a cup of tea and a bowl of stew with Marjorie, a woman living on the Goathome Veldt all by herself, seemingly unaware of the horrors that plague the veldt. Cat McDonald joins us to actually have a chance to sit down and play their wonderful game, Heroic Chord!

Pick up the playtest version of Heroic Chord on!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Heroic Chord with Cat McDonald, Part 1

Fri, 28 May 2021 18:49:03 -0000

Episode Notes

We follow the journey of Mitchel, a Wandering Magi, on his way back to the endless desert. While passing the the Goathome Veldt, Mitchell happens upon a cottage that absolutely should not be there.

Cat McDonald joins us to actually have a chance to sit down and play their wonderful game, Heroic Chord!

Pick up the playtest version of Heroic Chord on!

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

No Man Hills featuring Vlad Temper, Part 2

Fri, 30 Apr 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

After a series of strange encounters with the residents of Trevion, Louis finds himself in a small, dingy apartment with two people who may be able to tell him more about what is happening here.

Vlad Temper joins Blaine to run his game No Man Hills, a PbtA game about being lost in a nightmarish city full of secrets that need to be discovered.

Check out Vlad's other games here:

Suministros S.L.

Bloodstained Hands

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

No Man Hills featuring Vlad Temper

Fri, 16 Apr 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Louis is alone in the city Trevien. This was not a planned stop on Louis's trip through Europe, yet there was a hotel reservation waiting under his name. That is just the start of Louis's strange story.

Vlad Temper joins Blaine to run his game No Man Hills, a PbtA game about being lost in a nightmarish city full of secrets that need to be discovered.

Check out Vlad's other games here:

Suministros S.L.

Bloodstained Hands

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Things, Eldritch and Terrifying featuring August, Part 2

Fri, 02 Apr 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

This week, we are finishing our game of Things, Eldritch and Terrifying, a 2-player story game about an eldritch terror and the human that may or may not let them into our dimension.

August, the creator of the game, returns to finish the story of Marnie, a young girl living by herself in the suburbs, and Gelu, an icy horror living in another dimension.

After Marnie meets Gelu through the form of a murder of ice-beaked crows and the form of Dr. Tennyson, Marnie's family doctor, Marnie is taking a day at home to rest and figure out what is going on.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Things, Eldritch and Terrifying featuring August, Part 1

Fri, 19 Mar 2021 08:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

This week, we are playing Things, Eldritch and Terrifying, a 2-player story game about an eldritch terror and the human that may or may not let them into our dimension.

We are joined by August, the creator of the game, to tell the story of Marnie, a young girl living by herself in the suburbs, and Gelu, an icy horror living in another dimension.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our theme song is Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Find out more at

Candlelight featuring Gabriel Robinson, Part 2

Fri, 05 Mar 2021 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Alaina has found a way to pull herself from her body, resting peacefully among the animals of the Everspring, but her adventure is just beginning. Now Alaina must find out what happened to her companions and find a way to help her village.

Gabriel Robinson returns to run his game from Zinequest 2, Candlelight. Candlelight is a Rooted in Trophy game about ghosts that are trying to escape a forest that desperately wants them to stay.

You can pick up Candlelight on at Glowing Roots Press. Gabriel is on Twitter @trollhands.

We used Madeline Ember's amazing Trophy incursion, Shiver. You can find that on at By Ember and Ash.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our special theme song is Dirge of the Lost, the Candlelight theme song, by Skye Zentz. Used With Permission.

Find out more at

Candlelight featuring Gabriel Robinson, Part 1

Fri, 19 Feb 2021 09:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Alaina is a young woman training to be the bearer of her village's song of the dead. She enters into the forest looking for the fabled Everspring which may be able to save her village from starvation. Sadly, after finding the Everspring, Alaina meets her death. But that is only the beginning of the story.

Gabriel Robinson returns to run his game from Zinequest 2, Candlelight. Candlelight is a Rooted in Trophy game about ghosts that are trying to escape a forest that desperately wants them to stay.

You can pick up Candlelight on at Glowing Roots Press. Gabriel is on Twitter @trollhands.

Gabriel's game Token is still up on Kickstarter. You can back it here.

We used Madeline Ember's amazing Trophy incursion, Shiver. You can find that on at By Ember and Ash.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Our special theme song is Dirge of the Lost, the Candlelight theme song, by Skye Zentz. Used With Permission.

Find out more at

Token featuring Gabriel Robinson, Part 2

Fri, 05 Feb 2021 11:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

We return with more of Gabriel Robinson's Token! Mazara, the hero trying to overcome her family's curse, has made it past the trenches full of Brayden the Recluse's castoffs. Brayden, the many limbed monster of the bog, is preparing for his eventual meeting with Mazara. How will their goals and drives change as they continue finding small tokens of the other spread throughout the bog? Listen to find out!

Gabriel Robinson, the designer of Token, joins Blaine to play the game that Gabriel will be funding during Zinequest 3. Token will be up on Kickstarter from February 9th to the 22nd. You can sign up for a reminder when the campaign goes live here!

You can see Gabriel's other games on at Glowing Roots Press. Gabriel is on Twitter @trollhands.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used With Permission. Notes go here

Find out more at

Token featuring Gabriel Robinson

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Mazara is a hero who has tasked herself with entering the fetid bog to end a family curse. Brayden the Recluse is a many-limbed monster who lives at the heart of the bog. Mazara is searching for signs of Brayden to kill him. As the two exchange tokens, their motives and goals shift with each new secret they learn about the other.

Gabriel Robinson, the designer of Token, joins Blaine to play the game that Gabriel will be funding during Zinequest 3. Token will be up on Kickstarter from February 9th to the 22nd. You can sign up for a reminder when the campaign goes live here!

You can see Gabriel's other games on at Glowing Roots Press. Gabriel is on Twitter @trollhands.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used With Permission.

Find out more at

The Complete History of Croix Vois, 1871 and 1872 Part 2

Fri, 08 Jan 2021 11:00:28 -0000

Episode Notes

Chris and Blaine sit down to finish Do Not Let Us Die in the Dark Night of this Cold Winter by Cecil Howe.

After a very rough start, we pick up in the first days of 1872. Many people have died. One of the houses has been damaged. Renee De la Rue and Beaumont Shief have a lot of work in front of them to help the rest of the townsfolk survive this harsh winter.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song Wasted Wonderland by Myuu

Find out more at

The Complete History of Croix Vois, 1871 and 1872 Part 1

Fri, 11 Dec 2020 10:00:00 -0000

Episode Notes

Chris and Blaine sit down to play Do Not Let Us Die in the Dark Night of this Cold Winter by Cecil Howe.

We return to the town of Croix Vois in the winter of 1871 into 1872. The small village is trying to survive a particularly harsh winter. Can Renee De la Rue and Beaumont Shief gather enough food, firewood, and medicine to keep their fellow villages survive? Find out in this two part episode.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song Wasted Wonderland by Myuu

Find out more at

We Forest Three (Solo Games with Blaine)

Fri, 30 Oct 2020 08:00:00 -0000

We are back!!!

Join Blaine as he plays the solo RPG We Forest Three by Jamila R. Nedjadi, a game about searching for the Sisters Three in a forest full of creatures of Philippine folklore.

Twitter @notalone_horror Email

Theme Song Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe.

Find out more at

Wolfspell featuring Mark Kennedy, Part 2

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 15:28:23 -0000

Mark Kennedy joins us to play Wolfspell by Epidiah Ravichol. A human recently turned into a wolf by an ancient prophecy explores the Croix Vois National Park.

You can pre-order the physical copy of Wolfspell on Gumroad.

Twitter notalone_horror

Theme Song is Wasted Wonderland by Nicolas Gasparini.

Find out more at

Wolfspell featuring Mark Kennedy, Part 1

Thu, 12 Mar 2020 12:07:40 -0000

Mark Kennedy joins us to play Wolfspell by Epidiah Ravichol. A human recently turned into a wolf by an ancient prophecy explores the Croix Vois National Park.

Check out Mark's workshop on mask work and masculinity in Philadelphia:

Twitter notalone_horror

Theme Song is Wasted Wonderland by Nicolas Gasparini.

Find out more at

Fear Itself featuring Shawn Delp, Part 1

Thu, 13 Feb 2020 07:05:28 -0000

William James Roy continues his search for the missing quicksilver applicator he invented, while investigating the chaos it has wrought upon the city of Paris.

Shawn joins us to play Fear Itself by Robin D. Laws, published by Pelgrane Press. This story is part of This Will Make Sense Soon, a series of episodes leading up to a long form game using The Yellow King RPG.

Theme: Wasted Wonderland by Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu).

Fear Itself featuring Shawn Delp, Part 1

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:27:25 -0000

William James Roy is a struggling inventor in Paris, 1889. His new invention, and the opening of the Eiffel Tower, may be just the break he is looking for.

Shawn joins us to play Fear Itself by Robin D. Laws, published by Pelgrane Press. This story is part of This Will Make Sense Soon, a series of episodes leading up to a long form game using The Yellow King RPG.

Theme: Wasted Wonderland by Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu).

The Complete History of Croix Vois, 1814 Part 3

Thu, 16 Jan 2020 10:00:00 -0000

A group of former Napoleonic supporters have been pushed out of Paris and settle in a valley on the eastern border of France in the year 1814. This is Part 3 of their story.

Chris Szumski joins us to play The Quiet Year by Avery Alder.

This is in preparation to play The Yellow King RPG by Pelgrane Press.

Twitter @notalone_horror

Patreon blainecmartin

Theme song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

The Complete History of Croix Vois, 1814 Part 2

Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:46:16 -0000

A group of former Napoleonic supporters have been pushed out of Paris and settle in a valley on the eastern border of France in the year 1814. This is Part 2 of their story.

Chris Szumski joins us to play The Quiet Year by Avery Alder.

This is in preparation to play The Yellow King RPG by Pelgrane Press.

Twitter @notalone_horror

Patreon blainecmartin

Theme song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

The Complete History of Croix Vois, 1814 Part 1

Thu, 07 Nov 2019 12:58:16 -0000

A group of former Napoleonic supporters have been pushed out of Paris and settle in a valley on the eastern border of France in the year 1814. This is their story.

Chris Szumski joins us to play The Quiet Year by Avery Alder.

This is in preparation to play The Yellow King RPG by Pelgrane Press.

Twitter @notalone_horror

Patreon blainecmartin

Theme song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe. Used with permission.

Trophy Dark featuring Rev Deschain, Part 2

Thu, 17 Oct 2019 11:30:57 -0000

Blaine sits down with Rev from The Critshow to finish their game of Trophy by Jesse Ross. This week, Orlen continues to find his way to the center of the forest, where a recording that could help free his brother from Barsow prison is reported to be. Will the forest let him find it?

Twitter notalone_horror

Patreon blainecmartin

Theme Song Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe

Trophy Dark featuring Rev Deschain, Part 1

Fri, 04 Oct 2019 04:03:38 -0000

Blaine sits down with Rev from The Critshow to play Trophy by Jesse Ross. Orlen is a ranger who is braving the dark woods of the Croix Voie Forest to find a rumored tape that will get him enough money to help get his brother out of jail.

Twitter notalone_horror

Patreon blainecmartin

Theme Song Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe

Little Fears featuring Ben Wallis, Part 2

Thu, 22 Aug 2019 03:39:07 -0000

Blaine is joined by Ben Wallis to play Jason L. Blair's Little Fears. Bobby S. Pants heads home to try to hide from the horrors he faced at the 5 & 10.

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Little Fears featuring Ben Wallis, Part 1

Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:20:26 -0000

Blaine is joined by Ben Wallis to play Jason L. Blair's Little Fears. Blaine goes over the rules and we meet Bobby S. Pants.

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Casket Land featuring Chris Szumski

Thu, 04 Jul 2019 11:00:00 -0000

This week, Blaine is joined by Chris Szumski to play Casket Land by Marie Enger. We meet Dr. Bobby, a dapper gambler, stuck in the wasted west that is Casket Land, and follow Bobby on a perilous mission through the desert.

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Refugees of Esmerelda Takeover!

Thu, 20 Jun 2019 11:25:47 -0000

We say goodbye to Refugees of Esmerelda by letting the trouble makers takeover the stream. Hayley, Chris, Ben, and Josh join Blaine to play Jeff Stormer's Mission Accomplished! live at Thirsty Dice in Philadelphia!

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Dread featuring Josh Hearne, Part 2

Thu, 06 Jun 2019 11:22:01 -0000

This week we continue the game of Dread run by Josh Hearne. Last week, Sally and Ross, 20 years into the apocalypse, enter an abandoned school. They quickly realize that it is haunted by the ghosts of the school's children. This week Sally and Ross try to get to the bottom of the strange occurrences they've been experiencing.

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Dread featuring Josh Hearne, Part 1

Thu, 23 May 2019 11:58:32 -0000

This week Blaine plays a game of Dread run by Josh Hearne. Join Sally McNamara as she navigates an abandoned elementary school in the aftermath of the destruction of the world.

Twitter @esmereldapod

Patreon blainecmartin

Ko-Fi blainecmartin

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth featuring Kevin Gallagher

Thu, 09 May 2019 13:08:26 -0000

Blaine is joined by Kevin Gallagher of Everything is Awesome to play Christopher Grey's The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth. Join Todd McP on his first day at Mouse Park as he learns the truth about The Great Mouse Below.

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Dogs in the Vineyard featuring Ennis Rook Bashe

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 14:42:28 -0000

This week, Ennis Rook Bashe joins Blaine to play Dogs in the Vineyard by D. Vincent Baker. Sister Remembrance Blue Bradshaw visits the town of Titus Bend and slowly discovers what hospitality means to them.

Check out Ennis's games:

Find Ennis on Twitter @ennisrookbashe

Check out Vincent Baker's other games:

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Dead Friend featuring Lucian Kahn

Tue, 09 Apr 2019 11:53:39 -0000

In This Too Shall Pass, Lucian and Blaine tell the story of the cultists Sister Winter and Cousin Pine using Dead Friend by Lucian Kahn. Pick it up:

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Twitter: @esmereldapod

Patreon: Blaine C. Martin

Murderous Ghosts featuring Josh Hearne

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 05:15:39 -0000

In Fear is the Mind Killer, Josh and Blaine tell the story of Ryan visiting his old college dorm using Murderous Ghosts by Meg and Vince Baker. Pick it up:

Theme Song: Everybody Knows My Name by Harley Poe

Twitter: @esmereldapod

Patreon: blainecmartin

Lovecraftesque featuring Jeff Stormer

Tue, 26 Feb 2019 12:15:57 -0000

In Chapter 2, The Same Faces Repeat Themselves, Jeff Stormer (@PartyOfOnePod) and Blaine tell the story of Rocko "Rocksteady" Rambosa, a territory wrestler in the great midwest, using Lovecraftesque by Becky Annison (@BeckyAnnison) and Joshua Fox (@rabalias).

Theme is Everybody Knows my Name by Harley Poe. Used with Permission.