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Radio Free Detroit

61 episodes

Urban fantasy Audio Book


Ziggy iz da troll what plays da musics, tells da big thoughts, and helps all da shadow type peoples wit da weather. #shadowrun #incharacter

Format: Audio Book

Genres: Urban fantasy

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005 - MBW - Teams

Sat, 08 Oct 2022 10:32:59 -0500

Welcome back Usagi, da Ziggy hope youz been doing okies!

Enjoy! and follow da Usagi on tweetbox @wiremove

Mabe you needa new comfy shirt? 

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030 - RFD - Contentment

Thu, 30 Sep 2021 16:46:57 -0500

Da Ziggy hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Da Ziggy really strugglin, but we keep tryin.


Transcript here. 


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!




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029 - RFD - Boundaries

Sun, 30 May 2021 12:30:03 -0500

Da Ziggy hope you are all staying safe and healthy. If youz need somebody, da Ziggy iz here for you.


Transcript here. 


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!




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028 - RFD - Acute and Pervasive

Tue, 30 Mar 2021 22:18:23 -0500

CW: depression, anxiety, suicide


Da Ziggy hope you are all staying safe and healthy. If youz need somebody, da Ziggy iz here for you.


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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027- RFD - Young, Old, and Holiday Lessonz

Wed, 23 Dec 2020 08:55:53 -0500

Da Ziggy love all of youz. Stay safe out dere, keep fighting.


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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026 - RFD - Apathy

Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:15:03 -0500

Da Ziggy love all of youz. Stay safe out dere, keep fighting.


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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025 - RFD - Being and Dating AI

Mon, 05 Oct 2020 17:12:22 -0500

Da Ziggy love all of youz. Stay safe out dere, keep fighting.


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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024 - RFD - Rethinking Enforcement

Sat, 29 Aug 2020 23:31:58 -0500

Da Ziggy love all of youz. Stay safe out dere, keep fighting.


Please also be checkin out da podcast of fun stories from da alternate universe where dere is no trolls:


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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023 - RFD - Troubled Times

Sun, 07 Jun 2020 11:19:53 -0500

Gosh it haz been a while.  Wowza.... well da Ziggy love all of youz. Stay safe out dere, keep figthing.


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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RFD - Message From DMW - Our Response to the Crisis

Thu, 02 Apr 2020 10:16:42 -0500


Ziggy is on hiatus for a bit, he's taken so many runs and most of them are taking a long time.  Hopefully he'll be back pretty soon.

In the meantime, he is on Tweetbox @ZiggydaTrollSR .


You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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03 - Move by Wire - Razorkid Romance

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 20:31:02 -0500

Perhaps appropriate with Valentine's Day coming up.  Enjoy! and follow da Usagi on tweetbox @wiremove

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022 - RFD - Community and Freedom

Sun, 09 Feb 2020 14:10:11 -0500

Dere are some tingz dat need sayin.


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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Blackout Epilogue 2 - RFD - Ho ho Hey! It'z Holiday Timez

Mon, 23 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0500

Happy holidays from da Ziggy and all da palz.

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001 - RFDM - Live from a Sewer - Morning Show Pilot

Sun, 24 Nov 2019 14:08:18 -0500

Yeah, I live in a sewer, so what? You've never lived in a sewer before? Well ladeedah and lucky you.  Bet you never had rats as your friends and confidants either.  You're just a class supremacist.  Enjoy the show! 



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021 - RFD - Tailored Pheremones

Wed, 20 Nov 2019 21:26:12 -0500



Check out Punk's Not Dead!  EVERY OTHER MONDAY! 


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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020 - RFD - Lighting Roundz

Fri, 25 Oct 2019 11:56:14 -0500

"Ziggy shouldn't get so down on VR, I can eat icecream in here too..." ~Hackerman


Check out Punk's Not Dead! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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019 - RFD - Home

Sun, 15 Sep 2019 19:52:29 -0500

We iz back and we IZ BACK!! 





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Sunshine and Wolf - Patreon Exclusive Preview - Blackout Epilogue

Fri, 16 Aug 2019 19:00:00 -0500

Sunshine: This a preview for a new Patron exclusive collaboration between Deniable Assets and Radio Free Detroit.  Want more Sunshine and Wolf?  Support at the 10$ level at or both, that would make me happy.  Music in this episode is courtesy of Johnny Nuclear and the Meltdowns, and the opening theme is by Blackbird:  Thanks for listening! 

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Dang Da Technomancerz - Pink Mohawk Edition Promo

Thu, 25 Jul 2019 08:05:50 -0500

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02 - Move by Wire - Interview with GAM

Fri, 05 Jul 2019 13:59:53 -0500

Da Ziggy haz no time for da intro, still gotta get back to Detroit from all dis blackout nonsense.

Enjoy! and follow da Usagi on tweetbox @wiremove

Also mabe youz wanna check out da storiez of GAM over here:

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Blackout Day 28 - RFD (with NeoA and DA) - Aftermath

Thu, 27 Jun 2019 23:10:00 -0500

We iz not ded!!!

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Blackout Day 25 - RFD (with NeoA and DA) - The Eyes

Mon, 24 Jun 2019 23:15:00 -0500

Ziggy getz irritable.

Sunshine does someting fun.

A dude haz a hard time.

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Blackout Day 23 - RFD - (with NeoA and DA) A Walker and a Doctor

Sun, 23 Jun 2019 12:10:12 -0500

Da Ziggy iz feelin all better... juz in time.

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018 - RFD - Blackout Day 22 - The ASPS

Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

This is Farce, please, take heed.

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Blackout Day 18 - RFD - (with NeoA and DA) The Sabretooth

Wed, 19 Jun 2019 03:56:33 -0500

~~ There was an error on the first file, please see this one.


Finally, time to use da BFG.

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Blackout Day 14 - RFD (with NeoA - Benson

Fri, 14 Jun 2019 19:40:25 -0500

It is... almost time, Benson.

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Blackout Day 12 - RFD - with NeoA - They Getting Bolder

Wed, 12 Jun 2019 13:13:08 -0500

Sunshine hatez da morningz, and den Opti foreshadowz wit dramatic irony.

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Blackout Day 11 - RFD - Phone to the Dark

Mon, 10 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

A lonely musician in Seattle tries to reach her archaeologist hero.

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Blackout Day 10 - RFD - Battle Creek, MI

Sun, 09 Jun 2019 23:21:17 -0500

Ridin da motorcyclez tru da wilderness roadz between da sprawlz and notin iz gonna go wrong at all.

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Blackout Day 9 - RFD - Let's Ride

Sat, 08 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

Let'z pack up. Opti needz da help, so let'z go! Bring da grenades Sunshine!

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Blackout Day 8 - 017 - RFD - Hope

Fri, 07 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

Power'z been out for a week, and STILL we gotta make sure dat Radio Free Detroit getz OUT DERE!


Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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Blackout Day 7 - RFD - No Alarm

Thu, 06 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

Finally, the thing died!

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Blackout Day 6 - RFD - The Nuts

Wed, 05 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

I mean, why dey keep on formin mobz?

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Blackout Day 5 - RFD - Gillette Shampoo

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:22:24 -0500

Shower... and den... dere'z a shadowrun.

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Blackout Day 4 - RFD - Slack and Mickey

Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

Who iz dat knockin on da door?

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Blackout Day 3 - RFD - Pizza Problem

Sun, 02 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

A nameless shadowrunner lying low in his doss tries to deal with the effects of the blackout, and the inconsistency of battery life.

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Blackout Day 2 - RFD - Inconsistent Communications

Sat, 01 Jun 2019 23:30:00 -0500

Some callz da Ziggy iz gettin, some callz da Ziggy iz not gettin... da infrastructure iz messed up from dis power failure.

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Blackout Day 1 - RFD - Sunshine's Party

Fri, 31 May 2019 23:34:40 -0500

A dirty, gritty day, where some people fight for dey livez, oderz iz safe, and noting iz fair; a day juz like any oder in da 6th. Fulla chrome and magicky stuff, da promise and da turmoil, da crushing despair, and... hope.  Dis day beginz da seriez of events dat, ever az we experience dem, we don't really get it, and it'z waaaay too over our lil headz... but... wat else iz new?

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01 - Move by Wire - Reactions and Betrayal

Wed, 22 May 2019 15:16:40 -0500

Da Ziggy lovez helpin folkz get dey start, and puttin out more showz for all da shadow type peoplez.  Dis is a new one by da Ziggy'z new collaboraty person Usagi, which meanz bunny or someting.  He's da street sammy type runnin on da West Coast, and he'z got some idea to share since he'z been in da biz a while.


Enjoy! and follow da Usagi on tweetbox @wiremove

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00 - Psychotrope Teaser - Minds Comprehending Minds

Sun, 05 May 2019 00:30:00 -0500

Professeur: Welcome to the newest show on Radio Free Detroit!  I hope that you are lead to greater understanding.


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Follow da Ziggy'z tweetbox! 



Check out Join da Anarchy! 




You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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016 - RFD - Ziggy is not the Movement

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 09:19:07 -0500

A question about dealing with gangs, and one about AR overlays.


Da opinionz about da Ziggy are allofa sudden very broad and various across much more of da world dan before. Da Ziggy iz talked bout on da matrix talk showz, da Ziggy iz talked about in da corporate propaganda, da Ziggy iz talked about on da streetz... Some people callin Ziggy da hero. Some people callin Ziggy da villain... Dat'z great! Disagreement iz in da soul of neo-anarchy!


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 



Follow da Ziggy'z tweetbox and share da message to be entered into da contest! 



Check out Join da Anarchy! 


You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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00 - Move by Wire - Think Ahead Sam

Fri, 12 Apr 2019 15:49:01 -0500

Da Ziggy lovez helpin folkz get dey start, and puttin out more showz for all da shadow type peoplez.  Dis is a new one by da Ziggy'z new collaboraty person Usagi, which meanz bunny or someting.  He's da street sammy type runnin on da West Coast, and he'z got some idea to share since he'z been in da biz a while.

If youz have a question for Usagi, youz can email da Ziggy, and don't worry, da next RFD wit Ziggy will be comin at youz pretty soon, but maybe some more friendz will be broadcastin in da mean time too!  Stay tuned.

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015 - RFD - The Most 6th World Existential Crisis

Sat, 06 Apr 2019 23:07:16 -0500

A question bout gunz, and one bout da meaning of life... soundz like a regular week at da Ziggy'z studio!

Follow da Ziggy'z tweetbox and share da message to be entered into da contest! 



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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014.5 - RFD - Ziggy Meets Deniable Assets (Special)!

Sun, 24 Mar 2019 00:31:00 -0500

Hoi Chummerz!  Dis week, Wolf and Mr. Clean make dere way to Windsor to da new studio to meet up wit da Ziggy and broadcast da show.  Da Shadowcasterz alwayz stick togeder and support one anoder!

Check out da Deniable Assets crew as dey work to stay alive out dere in da 6th world:

Da new season is startin up pretty much now!




Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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00 - Archaeobytes Teaser - Dystopian Values

Sun, 17 Mar 2019 00:27:00 -0500

Tombstone Orion, at your service.  

You have found Archaeobytes, a new series featured on Radio Free Detroit.  Ziggy and I share several core values, though of course, we do not always agree on things, I am grateful for the opportunity to present this program.

Archaeobytes is a show about history, archaeology, and why they're important for those of us who take shadow work.

And da Ziggy hope dat youz enjoy it too, more shows, and lotz more Ziggy, comin up!


Check out Join da Anarchy! 


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like t

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014 - RFD - Charming Radio Personality

Sun, 03 Mar 2019 21:39:07 -0500

Information iz free, but iz it worth it?  Wat iz da usefulness of da anger? How do I be more charming?


Dese questionz and more, on RFD dis week. 



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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001 - Radio Free Sunshine - A Friendly Takeover

Sun, 24 Feb 2019 00:30:00 -0500

Yeah, da Ziggy iz busy dealin wit da Motown Hacktivistz, so hiz best pal Sunshine is takin over da stream... hope it all goes okiez...



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

  Like ShareDownload(73)

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013.5 - Radio Free Detroit - Women's Roundtable Special

Sun, 03 Feb 2019 00:30:00 -0500

Hoi chummerz!

Dis one iz very special.  It'z long, it'z got guestz, it'z got new music!  Please let da Ziggy know wat youz all tink about dis new kinda episode.  


Today we discuss da state of da women in dis crazy 6th world.  Enjoy.


Special tankz to da guestz!








and Retro! 



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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013 - Radio Free Detroit - History and Identity

Sun, 20 Jan 2019 00:30:00 -0500

How iz da historian like da rebel?


Iz you the same person dat you waz when you waz six?


Do you wanna build da snowman?


Dese questionz and more, on RFD dis week. 




Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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012 - Radio Free Detroit - Bad People are Just Mistaken

Sat, 05 Jan 2019 23:30:00 -0500

In dis one, da Ziggy get to wonderin if peoplez iz really listenin to da Ziggy, or if dey juz hear watever dey want... but da Ziggy keep on tryin!  It'z important to get da word out dere. Remember dat nobody tink to demself: "I iz so evil!" and den laugh.  Dey all tink dey iz good.



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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011 - Radio Free Detroit - Bigotry Enrages Troll, Love Soothes

Sat, 08 Dec 2018 23:30:00 -0500

Look... why? Why youz gotta be so jerky? You know who you iz... juz stop dat.  Da Ziggy iz so mad in dis one, he'z gonna blow hiz stack!



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

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010 - Radio Free Detroit - Ziggy Imperfect

Sat, 24 Nov 2018 23:30:00 -0500

Look, da Ziggy never claim to be da master of all knowin', he'z far from perfect, even by hiz own standardz... but dat'z okay, we keep working at it, and get better, togeder.


Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!


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09 - Radio Free Detroit - The Task of the Generation

Fri, 09 Nov 2018 23:45:00 -0500

Dis week a runner called Blossom askin a deep and simple question, and da Ziggy get thoughtful.  Da episode come out one day early, cuz tomorrow iz da important day, and da Ziggy not wanta sully dis.


Check out Join da Anarchy! 


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!



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08 - Radio Free Detroit - Dating 101 - Don't Wear Masks

Sat, 27 Oct 2018 23:30:00 -0500

Da Ziggy haz a great anecdote, and also triez ta help out a Seattle trog wit hiz datin probz.



Check out Join da Anarchy! 



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!


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07 - Radio Free Detroit - Learning Compassion

Sat, 13 Oct 2018 23:40:00 -0500

Da Ziggy answer wat seemin like a leadin question from TrueBlood, and tell an anecdote from da past bout a runner he once knew, well, da Ziggy tried ta know 'im.

Check out also da Witout a Net storiez! Dese guyz iz in over dey headz. 


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz.


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!


Direct MP3 link

06 - Radio Free Detroit - Rules, Imagination, and Codes

Sat, 29 Sep 2018 23:40:00 -0500

Da Ziggy's latest gotta good question, and also da Ziggy haz some thots bout how we tink bout one anoder.

Check out da podcast of Mr. Mundane here:

Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz.


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link

05 - Radio Free Detroit - Shadowrunners are Criminals

Sat, 15 Sep 2018 23:00:00 -0500

Hoi Chummerz.  Da Ziggy back again, and he got someting serious to tellz you.  Da Shadowrunner... is a criminal.



Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz.


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link

04 - Radio Free Detroit - Ziggy's Neoanarchy

Sat, 01 Sep 2018 23:00:00 -0500

In which da Ziggy answerz a pertinent question.  Now somma youz mabe not know, but da Flux State heavy on da Ziggy's mind of late.  Mabe he returnz to dis topic at a laterz time.


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz.


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link

03 - Radio Free Detroit - Being a Big Trog

Sat, 18 Aug 2018 23:00:00 -0500

Where da Ziggy discuss how it feel ta be a real big dude.


Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz. 

 Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link

02 - Radio Free Detroit - Art and Rebellion

Sat, 11 Aug 2018 23:45:00 -0500

Dis week da Ziggy talk bout da Art, answerin da questionz from Riopel.


Come back next show for more Radio Free Detroit, same Ziggy time, same Ziggy channel. Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link

01 - Radio Free Detroit - Information is Free

Sun, 29 Jul 2018 15:23:19 -0500

Da Ziggy run da shadowz for cash n such, if youz wanta support Radio Free Detroit, youz can do dis on da Patreon! Da service wat helpz to connect da makerz wit da enjoyerz of tingz.


Youz can contact da Ziggy on da tweetbox @ziggydatrollsr.

You canz email at

Youz can also send comm message or leave voicemails if youz can to his UCAS burner phone at 289-858-9751, but he not reply dere, for obvious reason. Send in da questions however youz like to!

Direct MP3 link