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Nerdsomnia | D&D Actual Play

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Creator: Nerdsomniac


Welcome! We're a group of friends who like to play D&D. We're not professionals, so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are a bonus. We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!





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3.1 Mystery Meat Pastries

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 21:00:00 +0800

A warm Barovian welcome to you! The setting of Curse of Strahd is a nod to Bram Stoker's Dracula, and we have been waiting to pull it out to play for a very long time. While it's a published adventure, none of the players know what to expect.  So pull up your socks, prepare your garlic wreaths, and sharpen your stakes, cause there's a vampire to be hunted!
I'm Kenneth, your humble Dungeon Master (DM), and this is Curse of Strahd, a published 5th Edition Adventure. My friends and I love Dungeons & Dragons, so I came up with the silly idea of recording our sessions for posterity. No one's a professional, so audio will be choppy, accents will change, and rules WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Dungeon Master
Jonathan as Arthur | Triton Fighter
Chee Wee as Ssslimek | Lizardfolk Rogue
Nathaniel as Kula Kulu | Yuan-Ti Sorceror

Recorded on 14th July 2019
Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.18 The Last Adventure

Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:00:00 +0800

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony! We visit the campaign we ended abruptly 3 years ago and reprise our roles as the first characters we played together.

Finally entering the Grave of Dreams, the party faces 3 trials to claim the treasure of the temple. The first trial proved easy enough with brute force as they faced down their own shadows. However, that was just a warm-up. The final two trials will not be so easy. Who is to say that life needn't be sacrificed upon the altars of great treasure?
I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus. We hope you enjoying listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Dungeon Master
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 20th April 2020
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.17 The Grave of Dreams

Thu, 23 Apr 2020 08:00:00 +0800

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony! We visit the campaign we ended abruptly 3 years ago and reprise our roles as the first characters we played together.

Having barely escaped from Sardior's lair on Foo creatures, the party has nowhere to go, except that the Foo are creatures of fate, and they will lead the party where they need to go, even if they don't know their destination. Just as the party feels like they can relax though, they come across an Astral Whale, mounted by a band of Githyanki. It's time to test out the party's high-level spells!
I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus. We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Dungeon Master
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 20th April 2020
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.16 Castle in the Sky

Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:00:00 +0800

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony! We visit the campaign we ended abruptly 3 years ago and reprise our roles as the first characters we played together.

The party has the obelisk and have now ventured into Sardior's lair, the Ruby Temple. Crossing the Dragon God of Secrets is not wise, so the party attempts to sneak around to find the Grave of Dreams. Along the way, they meet multicolored gem dragons and find their way around the Ruby Temple. Hopefully, what they're looking for is here. If not, who knows where they need to go?
I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus. We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Dungeon Master
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 20th April 2020
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.15 20 Years Later

Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:00:00 +0800

BobAngTony Epilogue #01

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony! We visit the campaign we ended abruptly 3 years ago and reprise our roles as the first characters we played together.

Almost 20 years after the party disbanded, a hooded stranger teleports into the forbidden Dragonborn Land of Chua-o-polis. The stranger seeks a council with the King of the land, and reveals herself though older, pepper in her hair, unmistakably as Jane. She found an artifact that unlocks a temple that has been hidden from men and gods since the start of time. And now, She needs help from her old party.
I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus. We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Dungeon Master
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 20th April 2020
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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2.4 Crypt-ic Trials

Tue, 09 Oct 2018 08:00:00 +0800

The year is 1976. Our heroes fly out to Cairo in search of an ancient tomb, holding a world-level threat. They need to beat the ignorant Newmont International to the punch and defeat the threat. A lot will happen, and our heroes may not succeed the many trials put in front of them. How many more deaths will this episode see? Stay tuned.
As a group, we decided to take a break after years of D&D to try a new system. We're playing Fate Accelerated RPG and have centered the campaign around a M.I.B., Agents of SHIELD type campaign. Agencies like these don't go by any name, so as a placeholder, they just called themselves Employees of S.O.R.T.S.

S.O.R.T.S. stands for Strategic Organized Response Team of Sorts.
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Game Master
Eric the Orphan | Chee Wee
Willie "Mullet" Lee | Nathaniel
Nadir Ab Hussain | Jonathan

Recorded on 31st December 2017

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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2.3 Captain's Finger

Mon, 08 Oct 2018 08:00:00 +0800

The year is 1976. The adventure starts on a helicopter out at sea. An ancient relic has been found by Newmont, a mining company, and they're seeking to unlock its buried treasure. Our heroes' task is to stop them at all cost because unbeknownst to Newmont, the relic would release a world-level threat.
As a group, we decided to take a break after years of D&D to try a new system. We're playing Fate Accelerated RPG and have centered the campaign around a M.I.B., Agents of SHIELD type campaign. Agencies like these don't go by any name, so as a placeholder, they just called themselves Employees of S.O.R.T.S.

S.O.R.T.S. stands for Strategic Organized Response Team of Sorts.
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Game Master
Eric the Orphan | Chee Wee
Willie "Mullet" Lee | Nathaniel
Nadir Ab Hussain | Jonathan

Recorded on 7th October 2018

Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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2.2 The Walking Undead

Tue, 02 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0800

The year is 1976. The C.D.C had a viral outbreak and it is on full lockdown. The Employees of S.O.R.T.S. are summoned to ensure the virus is contained, the decontamination sequence is activated, and a sample of the virus recovered for archiving.

We lost half an episode, so we start midway. Craziness awaits in the dark for our heroes.
As a group, we decided to take a break after years of D&D to try a new system. We're playing Fate Accelerated RPG and have centered the campaign around a M.I.B., Agents of SHIELD type campaign. Agencies like these don't go by any name, so as a placeholder, they just called themselves Employees of S.O.R.T.S.

S.O.R.T.S. stands for Strategic Organized Response Team of Sorts.
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Game Master
Eric the Orphan | Chee Wee
Willie "Mullet" Lee | Nathaniel
Nadir Ab Hussain | Jonathan

Recorded on 31st December 2017

Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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2.1 Prom Night Gone Wrong

Mon, 01 Jan 2018 08:00:00 +0800

The year is 1976. Everyone loves a good prom. Energy's high and kids are dancing. Willie "The Mullet" Lee and his buddy moonshine come stag looking for a date. Eric is working, and Nadir has snuck off with his date for some naughty time.

However, a few strange kids have appeared at prom no one has ever seen. Things take a twist and the party is the first to find out what. The year is 1976 and monsters exist.
As a group, we decided to take a break after years of D&D to try a new system. We're playing Fate Accelerated RPG and have centered the campaign around a M.I.B., Agents of SHIELD type campaign. Agencies like these don't go by any name, so as a placeholder, they just called themselves Employees of S.O.R.T.S.

S.O.R.T.S. stands for Strategic Organized Response Team of Sorts.
Players in this episode:

Kenneth as Game Master
Eric the Orphan | Chee Wee
Willie "Mullet" Lee | Nathaniel
Nadir Ab Hussain | Jonathan

Recorded on 31st December 2017

Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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Meet your Maker

Fri, 26 May 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Stag Night Special #03

Negotiations break down almost immediately as Jim tries to talk to his long lost father. Thrown out of Moonglade, the party has no choice but to head back to Sundebar. Upon reaching, the town is in chaos. Who is leading the goblin army? Who pulls the strings? It may surprise you to know.

Kenneth's getting married. As a surprise, his closest buddies meet up for a D&D session and stay over at Marina Bay Sands. He steps down as forever DM for one night as Jonathan takes up the mantle! Alcohol, best friends, and D&D. What a night!
Players in this episode:
Kenneth as Jim | Half-elf Wizard
Morgan as Aang | Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 23rd May 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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Moonglade: The City of Elves

Thu, 25 May 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Stag Night Special #02

The party wanders around the city, ending up in the Hall of Justice. After much deliberation, the party decides to travel straight to Moonglade to seek the aid of the elves, armed with almost no information of what is to come next. Little did they know there was something more personal in store for them.

Kenneth's getting married. As a surprise, his closest buddies meet up for a D&D session and stay over at Marina Bay Sands. He steps down as forever DM for one night as Jonathan takes up the mantle! Alcohol, best friends, and D&D. What a night!
Players in this episode:
Kenneth as Jim | Half-elf Wizard
Morgan as Aang | Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 23rd May 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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Sunderbar: The Dwarven City

Wed, 24 May 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Stag Night Special #01

The party wakes up in a poorly constructed cell held captive by Goblins. The land is fraught with peril, and the party must make it to the nearest city to seek safety. Unbeknowest to them, the safest city, Sunderbar, may not be so safe after all.

Kenneth's getting married. As a surprise, his closest buddies meet up for a D&D session and stay over at Marina Bay Sands. He steps down as forever DM for one night as Jonathan takes up the mantle! Alcohol, best friends, and D&D. What a night!
Players in this episode:
Kenneth as Jim | Half-elf Wizard
Morgan as Aang | Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 23rd May 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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The one with the Laughter

Wed, 05 Apr 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Here is an extended clip of our silly in-jokes from every episode of our Homebrew D&D 5E campaign. There are many like it, but this one is mine. This is Bob, Aang, and Tony in our rawest, uncut, unedited forms. Our shenanigans, our cultural insensitivity, our stupid inside jokes, our friendship.

It's just an episode of the podcast of us having fun through the years. Thanks for listening to our nonsense!
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.14 Pride, Prejudice, and Royalty

Tue, 04 Apr 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Just getting back from Sigil, our party is stuck in the capital of Theussi. With nothing ahead of them, they decide to sit down and have breakfast with the royal family, only to reveal themselves as wanted criminals. Who would've thought?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 2nd April 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.13 Wanted: Dead or Angel

Mon, 03 Apr 2017 08:00:00 +0800

As things wind down for the party, we try to start a new season. Brony and Trish are planning to recapture Chua-o-polis, and an old friend just tumbled from the heavens. The party has lots to do, and oh, so little time.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoying listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 2nd April 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.14 Belly of the Beast (FINALE)

Thu, 09 Feb 2017 08:00:00 +0800

The final showdown approaches. The different factions show up. Lolth leads an assault on the Hall of Dead Passing with Trish and Brony, while Chemosh defends it with Death's Head Scorpion and Mage Sir Peter Silverheart. Caught between this battle is our party, struggling to make the right decisions. How will this all end?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 5th February 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.13 Unforseen Crazy Ex-girlfriend

Wed, 08 Feb 2017 08:00:00 +0800

The party negotiates with the Myconids to bring them to their haven. All seemed to go fine when Death's Head Scorpion rampages throughout the Myconid Colony. The party then rushes to Cairnheim where they meet someone... unexpected.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 5th February 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.12 Funky Fungal Folk

Tue, 07 Feb 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Entering Sula Desert, the party comes across a house filled with mystical energy. Upon investigation, they find a door into another world. The air is thick and lights grow ever dimmer. What danger lies waiting for our party beyond the magic portal?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 5th February 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.11 Cryptic Celestial Clues

Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Back from a midseason break, the party goes to full swing with a brand new member: a Half Angel Barbarian! They then meet their Patron Gods and are sent their various ways only to collide again to "follow the sand". What could this possibly mean? And is Brony really evil?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan as Bob | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan as Aang| Genasi Sorceror
Chee Wee as Tony | Dragonborn Bard
Nathaniel as Greg | Aasimar Barbarian

Recorded on 5th February 2017
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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Werewolves and Waypoints

Sun, 01 Jan 2017 08:00:00 +0800

Midseason #02 (BONUS)

The mystery of the black cloaks goes deeper as the party finds out an aged Bronze Dragon is behind the plot. It sends the party to kill an Alpha Werewolf plaguing these very lands. Sam is silent once again and we totally hope she is not bored with her first-ever D&D session.

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth, usually, and this is my friends' homebrew Oneshot. We all love playing Dungeons & Dragons and want to record our sessions for posterity. No one is a professional so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to our nonsense!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Bob the Aarakocra Warlock
Kenneth | Jim the Half-Elf Rogue
Nathaniel and Samantha | Greg and Sam, Aasimar Barbarian Couple

DMs in this episode:
Morgan & Chee Wee

Recorded on 30th December 2016
Find more of the show at:

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Shipwrecked on Sword Coast

Sat, 31 Dec 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Midseason #01 (BONUS)

Morgan and Chee Wee have taken up the mantle of Dungeon Masters Mid-Season, allowing Kenneth respite and get in on some PC action!

The party wakes up with amnesia near the port town of Caer Moray, in the middle of the Sword Coast. We find a corpse and a letter on its cold person.

"Dear Igenveld, it seems that my health has not been holding up on my mission. The people of Caer Moray have been very hospitable to me. After my departure, I cannot shake off that lingering presence that someone is following me. Looks like my days are numbered. I'm sorry for disappointing you and the Master. But I will NOT be one of them. Signed, Tobald."

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth, usually, and this is my friends' homebrew Oneshot. We all love playing Dungeons & Dragons and want to record our sessions for posterity. No one is a professional so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to our nonsense!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Bob the Aarakocra Warlock
Kenneth | Jim the Half-Elf Rogue
Nathaniel and Samantha | Greg and Sam, Aasimar Barbarian Couple

DMs in this episode:
Morgan & Chee Wee

Recorded on 30th December 2016
Find more of the show at:

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1.10 Your Harper is in another Keep

Mon, 28 Nov 2016 08:00:00 +0800

This episode has poor sound quality. Our sincerest apologies!

The party returns to Redwood once Jane had become a full-fledged Harper. Now they face more trouble as Goblins are terrorizing the city, and more importantly, Brony goes missing!? What will Tony do now?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 27th November 2016
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.09 Norwich Showdown

Tue, 25 Oct 2016 08:00:00 +0800

The party knows what to do about the thing that's plaguing the town, and they'll stop at nothing to accomplish that which they set out to do.

Was that too vague? It should be, any information would give away the episode entirely.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 22nd October 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.08 Elderbrain Debacle

Mon, 24 Oct 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Something's definitely wrong in the town and our heroes get down to business. Confronting the Cattle dude, they finally get into the thick of the mystery in Norwich. This gets them in trouble, and they escape into the forest where they... wait for pizza?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 22nd October 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.07 The Norwich Saga

Sun, 23 Oct 2016 08:00:00 +0800

In Medias Res, the party is on horseback, chased by a massive horde of goblins. Narrowly escaping, they make their way to Norwich to complete Jane's Harper's initiation. Upon arrival, however, things seem completely normal... or are they?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 22nd October 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.06 Murder in the Magic Office

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 08:00:00 +0800

The High Mage disappeared and the Mayor dies. Bob is now overcome with new powers and he's loving them, but at what cost? Surprises come en masse for the party, and the world opens to them with Norwich, Tydon, Theussi to consider as their next destination. Also, is the egg hatching soon?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 18th September 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.05 Lost City of Chua-O-Polis

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Entering Chua-o-polis, the party seems worse for wear. Bob has his strength drained and Tony still cannot believe he is back home. The Drows have completely overrun the city and our heroes are left trying to figure out just what the hell happened here.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 18th September 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

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1.04 Who's That Dragonborn!?

Mon, 19 Sep 2016 08:00:00 +0800

The party finally settles in and talks to the High Mage, Peter Silverheart, when Bob suddenly attacks everyone? Then after lunch, a new Dragonborn who appears to know Tony appears in the middle of the street bloodied and close to death! What's next? Who is the mysterious Dragonborn? Who is the Mayor? Who is Athelm? All these questions were asked, but not answered, in this episode.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 18th September 2016
Find more of the show at:

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Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.03 High Mage Zombicide

Mon, 11 Jul 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Our heroes have amassed the guards of Redwood and are on an expedition to rescue the High Mage. On the way, they encounter zombies, spirits, and a lack of...silver? Also, whatever will happen to Ethan the lone guard?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 9th July 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

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1.02 Portals to Frozen Realms

Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:00:00 +0800

A burning monstrosity terrorizes the town and our heroes look for the source of trouble. They discover a portal to another dimension, close it, and immediately demand payment from the Town Mayor. Chivalry, at its best.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 9th July 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

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1.01 Scrambled Dragon Eggs

Sat, 09 Jul 2016 08:00:00 +0800

After defeating a Fire Drake and harvesting its egg, our heroes now look to the great city of Redwood to stir up trouble. They search for the local wizard, get into trouble with a rogue gypsy, steal her necklace, and then attempt to cook the Drake egg!?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 9th July 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

Support the Show.


0.3 Fantastic Beasts of Darkwood Forest

Tue, 03 May 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Session Zero #03 (BONUS)

Our adventurers head out to find Ames (previously said to be Athelm), who requests for our heroes to slay a beast of Darkwood Forest. A magical rock attracts the beast. Our heroes find a Drake, only to realize that the magic rock is not what it appears to be.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 1st May 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

Support the Show.

0.2 How to Kill Your Rivals

Mon, 02 May 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Session Zero #02 (BONUS)

After fingering a rival adventurer with an unseen servant, our adventurers plan to hobo murder the opposing party in the middle of the night. Things heat up in all the wrong ways as wrongful masturbation almost leads to the complete destruction of the inn. Discretion is advised.

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 1st May 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

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0.1 A Fresh Start

Sun, 01 May 2016 08:00:00 +0800

Session Zero #01 (BONUS)

Three adventurers walk into a bar. Sounds like a joke. Our heroes Bob, Ang, and Tony start off in the city of Tydon, where things are slow and quests are few. But things really grind to a halt when they spend way too much time with angry dwarves in the inn. How many were there again? Three? Six?

Welcome to The Adventures of BobAngTony!

I'm the Dungeon Master (DM) Kenneth and this is my Homebrew 5th Edition campaign. My friends and I love playing Dungeons & Dragons, and we wanted to record our game sessions for posterity. We're not professionals so things WILL be made up. Sound effects are just a bonus.

We hope you enjoy listening to us as much as we love playing D&D!
Players in this episode:
Jonathan | Aarakocra Warlock
Morgan | Genasi Sorceror
Paul/Chee Wee | Dragonborn Bard

Recorded on 1st May 2016
Find more of the show at:

Support my patreon at:

Artwork by: Nathaniel Yeo

Audio Resources from:

Support the Show.