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It all started when his best friend died. His eyes turned cold and whatever soul he’d had disappeared. I thought I was going crazy until the first body turned up. Then there was another, and another. The bodies piled up and nobody noticed. Since that fateful day, my life has been a… …Nightmare. First Serialized on

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Nightmare Episode 19

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:53:00 +0000

Chapter 37: Confrontation 
Looking through the window, I saw one of my worst nightmares come true: the monster, I had been hunting for more years than I wanted to remember, was in the same room as my love.... 
Chapter 38: Awakening 
Healing from my grueling ordeal at my love’s house a week ago, I watched the news, waiting for the ruling on his death.... 

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Nightmare Episode 18

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:52:00 +0000

Chapter 34: Anticipation  
I arrived at my home in the woods with gleeful anticipation.  About a half hour into my trip, I had received a call from my man informing me they had lost her somewhere in town....  
Chapter 35: Determination  
Driving along the dirt road toward the house, I turned on the car’s GPS in order to figure out how close I was to it....    
Chapter 36: Interruption  
Sharp blade in my hand, I cut into the doctor’s leg yet again.  
I heard his cry of pain....  

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Nightmare Episode 17

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:51:00 +0000

Chapter 32: Capture  
Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I thought getting hold of her would be the easiest part of the whole plan....  
Chapter 33: The Message  
Going through the money that was in my wallet, I saw that I only had about fifty dollars....   

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Nightmare Episode 16

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:50:00 +0000

Part Three: Him and Her  
Chapter 30: Quiet Time  
As I finally began to map out how he chose his victims, I learned exactly what kind of mastermind he actually was.  His choices were not random....    
Chapter 31: Escape  
Driving late at night down a fairly empty road on my way to the detective agency, I didn’t notice the cars until they’d been following me for quite a few blocks....   

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Nightmare Episode 15

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:49:00 +0000

Chapter 28: An Appointment With Death 
The second I entered the room I noticed how bright it was. That made me smile again. My men had carried out my orders to the tee. I had wanted it nice and bright as I conversed with her. I knew it would confuse and disorient her....  
Chapter 29: Twist in the Plan  
It took me a while to finish my torture session with her, but I finally did....  

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Nightmare Episode 14

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:48:00 +0000

Chapter 26: The Transitional Period  
I watched her closely after the fire. I was curious to see what exactly her actions would be....  
Chapter 27: Preparations  
After she got back into town, I watched the abrupt change in her manner toward me....  

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Nightmare Episode 13

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:47:00 +0000

Chapter 25: Knowledge Put Into Action 
From my wedding day onward, my life became more exciting. 
I now knew who it was that had figured out my little secret and my new goal was to learn everything I could about her.... 

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Nightmare Episode 12

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:46:00 +0000

Chapter 24: Acquiring Knowledge  
As these many years passed, I had gotten into a good rhythm in my life. I finally joined a practice with a team of psychologists....  

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Nightmare Episode 11

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:45:00 +0000

Chapter 21: Failure and Its Price  
As you have seen so far, I am a fairly tolerant person.... 
Chapter 22: Graduation  
Graduation. This had to have been the best word ever created. So much meaning was able to be packed in such a small word.... 
Chapter 23: Training  
The summer after graduation was one of my happiest times of my life. I relaxed, did absolutely nothing, and hung out with my followers and my girlfriend....  

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Nightmare Episode 10

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:44:00 +0000

Chapter 19: The Unfortunate Death  
January left me with a heart broken in two....   
Chapter 20: The First Murder 
At the approach of summer, I suddenly realized that most of my followers would be leaving town....  

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Nightmare Episode 09

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:43:00 +0000

Part Two: Him  
Chapter 18: Before  
Life before my best friend’s death was wonderfully normal. Wait, did I say wonderfully? I meant to say mind-numbing normal. After his death, though, life became exciting.... 

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Nightmare Episode 08

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:42:00 +0000

Chapter 16: In Sheltering Arms  
I don’t remember anything about my first night at the doctor’s house.  After my day of torture and the day of walking, I had nothing left in me.  I had given everything I had to get to safety....  
Chapter 17: The Eureka Moment  
Newly spurred on to find the key that would allow me to awaken from this endless nightmare, I redoubled my search for a mistake....  

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Nightmare Episode 07

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:41:00 +0000

Chapter 15: Walking to Civilization  
The small break allotted to me made the subsequent pain worse than before.  I could tell he gloried in my agony. He wanted every ounce of satisfaction out of this confrontation as humanly possible.... 

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Nightmare Episode 06

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:40:00 +0000

Chapter 14: An Appointment With Death  
Peacefulness. That’s the first thing I remember feeling.  A profound sense of peace and rightness with the world. Here there were no killers, no minions, no unending hunt....  

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Nightmare Episode 05

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:39:00 +0000

Chapter 13: The Search  
The weeks of silently daring him ended one dark summer night.  I’ll start off by admitting that I got careless.  Well, maybe careless isn’t the right word....   

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Nightmare Episode 04

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:38:00 +0000

Chapter 10: Rebuilding  
It took me the next six months to recover from the fire....   
Chapter 11: Increase in Heat  
While the time immediately after the fire was peaceful, I was not suckered into thinking that the abuse at his hands was over....   
Chapter 12: Enmity 
Like all good things, my vacation had to end sometime.  I couldn’t stay on the sea forever, even though sometimes I wanted to....   

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Nightmare Episode 03

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:37:00 +0000

Chapter 8: Knowledge Put Into Action  
I left that wedding as fast as humanly possible.  I drove home, making sure I wasn’t followed, but I knew that that wouldn’t stop him and his henchmen....   
Chapter 9: Slowed 
I stayed outside on the sidewalk in front of my burned house until one of my fellow PI’s came and dragged me away.  I had no home, no possessions....  

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Nightmare Episode 02

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:36:00 +0000

Chapter 5: Graduation  
The end of our senior year was a happy and scary time all wrapped into one big ceremony....  
Chapter 6: Training  
During that summer after graduation, except for one event, I didn’t hear a word about him....    
Chapter 7: Acquiring Knowledge  
More time passed.  I learned how to be a better PI and gradually took on cases that were more difficult....  

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Nightmare Episode 01

Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:35:00 +0000

Part One: Her 
Chapter 1: Before  
I started noticing something was wrong when his best friend died....  
Chapter 2: The Trigger 
That February night I don’t know what I was doing.  Probably what I did every night: homework, family time, sleep.  Nothing real exciting....    
Chapter 3: The First Death  
Up to this point, I haven’t properly explained why he and his eyes bothered me so much....    
Chapter 4: Failure and Its Price  
I know, I know, you think up until now that I’ve been making things up or reading into the situation way too much....    

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