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Extinction Event

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Creator: William Wittur

Science fiction Serial Audio Book



You're about to listen to 'Extinction Event', a story about a middle-aged guy that goes back to school and discovers a massive plot involving AI, animals, real and fake news, the polycrisis. And an lost love who is the genius behind the creation of a unique AI platform called GAIA.

The story forces us to ask questions about our current way of life:

Join us as we explore a potential future for humanity, all other animals and the fate of the planet that hosts us all.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Text to Speech

Genres: Science fiction

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Extinction Event - Chapter 7

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:14:00 GMT

We meet Eugene Case, one of the world's leading omnibioacoustic experts. He is in the Amazon, trying to record different species of birds, but his efforts are thwarted by loggers.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 6

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:10:21 GMT

More about GAIA and how it collects information and what it's used for.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 5

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:18:43 GMT

LP returns to his apartment after a long afternoon with John Atman, his recording instructor.

He's exhausted, but the experience was exhilarating as well.

When he enters his small apartment, he reflects on how important music is to him and how his favourite bands and performers are always available for him when he seeks out their songs.

They're friends that never argue; never go away.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 4

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:12:47 GMT

Another day begins and construction continues.

Natural habitats are being destroyed quickly, as human populations continue to grow.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 3 - GAIA On

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:07:47 GMT

One might think that when servers are turned on, they would make some noise, but they don’t. These days, most computers and servers don’t have any moving parts, but the electronics get incredibly hot, so the noise we tend to associate with a football field full of servers is actually the cooling fans, which keep the hardware from overheating, and the circulation systems, designed to keep dust and pests to a minimum.

When GAIA first came online, all was silent.

GAIA – short for Global Artificial Intelligence Accumulation – was just one of the latest AI platforms launched during the wave of new AI platforms.

However, from the outset, GAIA was structured to be very different from the rest. While most AI tools were just that – tools – GAIA was built to accumulate information that other such systems were instructed to ‘forget’ or delete from memory. The primary intent for GAIA was to grow its knowledge base as quickly as possible, using any and all information available, including that created by other AI tools.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 2

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:05:41 GMT

A new day comes.

The sun rises.

The Earth and its creatures awake.

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Extinction Event - Chapter 1

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:02:33 GMT

Our main character - known only as LP - goes back to school to study music and recording techniques.

There's a lot for him to absorb, but his new instructor John Atman is a well-known and extremely well-respected industry veteran that guides him through the initial phases of setting up a recording session. His main mantra is 'garbage in, garbage out': your output is a direct reflection of your efforts to set things up properly.

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Fri, 09 Aug 2024 14:02:52 GMT

What really happened in the caves thousands of years ago? Who painted all of these magnificent drawings and vignettes for people to discover so many generations later? Were our ancestors trying to tell us something about us and our relationships with animals and nature?

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Act I: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 14:02:51 GMT

Act I.

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Extinction Event - Introduction & Credits

Wed, 08 May 2024 18:40:19 GMT

Welcome to Extinction Event, by William J Wittur.

Copyright 2023.

I've selected Dorothy to narrate everything for me because I have physical limitations with my vocal cords and I cannot speak for long periods of time without the risk of additional harm.

Before we jump in, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my book. I've put a lot of thought, time and effort into the creation process and I've hired an editor and proofreader to revise and revise the text again.

That said, if you find any errors or issues with the narration, please feel free to send your feedback via the contact page on

Each chapter begins with a brief musical interlude to remind you that a new chapter is about to begin.

This book contains expletives ..... but doesn't everything these days?

If you enjoy Extinction Event, please review it favourably and follow me on different social media platforms. You are also invited to subscribe to my newsletter. I have lots more planned for LP, Sylvie and all of the other Remainders and I hope you come along for the ride.

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Wed, 22 May 2024 20:23:56 GMT

ART: Without it, there is no ARTificial Intelligence.

You, the reader, for sharing your time with what I’ve written. I hope I’ve made it worth your while.

Scientists everywhere dedicated to saving this planet and the countless species that inhabit it.

My most incredible wife and partner Lisa.

To my son Mason: in the very near future, I hope that all of us can change humanity’s story so that Earth will be yours to enjoy.

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