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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

The Loved One

8 episodes

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Creator: Created by Danny Krass. Series concept by Oliver Emanuel.

Full cast Thriller and Psychological Serial Audio Drama


'How far would you go to find the person who means the most to you in all the world?'

All roads gave led Pink, a private investigator from LA, to Glasgow. Now she's here, insomnia threatens to distort every clue. As reality and fiction blur, can Pink hold on to her sanity long enough to find her missing daughter and bring her home? 

Six Scottish writers unravel the truth in this seven-part immersive audio drama created by Danny Krass, voiced by an ensemble of Scottish acting talent, and starring Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Pink.

'Glasgow. A city built of shadow and rain...
My brilliant, sensitive, wild Billie, I come here for you.'

Created by Danny Krass
Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
Directed by Lu Kemp
With episodes by Isla Cowan, Oliver Emanuel, James Ley, Lynda Radley, Sara Shaarawi and Owen Whitelaw

Supported by Creative Scotland
Image: Mihaela Bodlovic

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Full cast

Narrator: First Person

Genres: Thriller and Psychological

Framing device: None

Soundscape: Sound effects & music

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Episode 1: The One by Oliver Emanuel

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 15:00:00 +0100

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‘Ten days without sleep but I can’t stop now. I won’t. Not while you’re out there alone…’
 The long nights are beginning to take their toll on Pink, but as her reality begins to crumble, will another runaway bring her the focus she needs? 

Performed by Katie Barnett, Karen Bartke, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint, Lewis Gribben, Rosalind Sydney, Owen Whitelaw and Matthew Zajac
 Written by Oliver Emanuel
 Directed by Lu Kemp
 Sound Design & Music by Danny Krass
 Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
 Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

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Episode 2: The Silent One by Isla Cowan

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 14:00:00 +0100

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‘I saw the river in a waking-dream. Felt it flowing through me…’

While Pink’s sleep fractures further, an encounter with a girl that won’t speak leads her to believe her dreams may hold the key to finding Billie.
Performed by Karen Bartke, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint, Jessica Hardwick, Robert Jack, Frankie Maxwell and Rosalind Sydney
Written by Isla Cowan
Directed by Lu Kemp
Sound Design and Music by Danny Krass
Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

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Episode 3: The Playful One by James Ley

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:00:00 +0100

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'These Xanax better be good because I’m gonna need them…’

When a new client asks Pink to track down his boyfriend, she finds herself in a world of sex games and live action roleplay. Will the playful atmosphere inspire Pink to relax too?

Performed by Nathan Byrne, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint, Marc Mackinnon and Matthew Zajac
 Written by James Ley
 Directed by Lu Kemp
 Sound Design and Music by Danny Krass
 Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
 Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland


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Episode 4: The Right One by Lynda Radley

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 10:00:00 +0100

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"I wish you were here Billie. You'd love this. It's a big party on the HMS Weirdville..."

An exhausted Pink returns to Luca's Cafe where a stranger's recording of the ocean promises a sound she's been longing to hear.

Performed by Kaylah Copeland, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint and Chloe-Ann Tylor

 Written by Lynda Radley
 Directed by Lu Kemp
 Sound Design & Music by Danny Krass
 Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
 Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

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Episode 5: The Holy One by Owen Whitelaw

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 10:00:00 +0100

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"It's been weeks now. Still no sleep. The Zopiclone and whisky won't touch the sides and my mind, it's slipping..."

As Pink's search for Billie drags her into the chaos of a wild Saturday night, ancient saints with wounds of their own to salve might just offer up a vital clue.

Performed by Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint, Lewis Gribben, Louise McCarthy, Gavin Mitchell, Martin Quinn and Matthew Zajac
Written by Owen Whitelaw
Directed by Lu Kemp
Sound Design and Music by Danny Krass
Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

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Episode 6: The Absent One by Sara Shaarawi

Wed, 28 Aug 2024 10:00:00 +0100

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"I'm not here for a sob story. I just want to understand..."

A young podcaster attempts to make Pink the centrepiece of her story, and old wounds are cut bare as she is forced to face some uncomfortable truths.

Performed by Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint and Talia Marwaha
Written by Sara Shaarawi
Directed by Lu Kemp
Sound Design and Music by Danny Krass
Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

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Episode 7: No One by Oliver Emanuel

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:00:00 +0100

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"You were dreaming. And talking. You talk a lot while you sleep..."

Pink edges closer to bringing Billie home.

Performed by Kaylah Copeland, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Catriona Faint, Frankie Maxwell and Matthew Zajac. 
Written by Oliver Emanuel
Directed by Lu Kemp
Sound Design and Music by Danny Krass
Series concept by Oliver Emanuel
Produced by Tron Theatre and supported by Creative Scotland

Direct MP3 link


The Loved One Trailer

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:00:00 +0100

We would love to hear from you...

An immersive audio drama set in Glasgow.  Episodes streaming from 2nd September.

How far would you go to find the person who means the most to you in all the world?”

All roads have led Pink, a private investigator from LA, to Glasgow. Now she’s here, insomnia threatens to distort every clue. As reality and fiction blur, can Pink hold on to her sanity long enough to find her missing daughter and bring her home? 

Six Scottish writers unravel the truth in this seven-part immersive audio drama created by Danny Krass, voiced by an ensemble of Scottish acting talent, and starring Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Pink.

“Glasgow. A city built of shadow and rain… My brilliant, sensitive, wild Billie, I come here for you.”

Created by DANNY KRASS
Series Concept by OLIVER EMANUEL
Directed by LU KEMP
Writers: Oliver Emanuel, Isla Cowan, James Ley, Lynda Radley, Owen Whitelaw and Sara Shaarawi

Supported by Creative Scotland
Image by Mihaela Bodlovic

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