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THE WILD WIND | An American Gothic Tale by Cor Zim

21 episodes

Solo Historical Serial Audio Book


The Wild Wind is an American gothic tale about a woman born and raised on the grounds of a psychiatric institution—not as a patient but as the daughter of the asylum’s farmer—who learns of love and loss while grappling with the question of what it means to be sane when insanity is the norm.

“What’s to be sane in the garden of madness?”

That’s the question haunting Sarah, a centenarian writing about her life growing up at the asylum on the bank of the Illinois River. After a long-tormented life, Sarah intends to commit after completing a typewritten manuscript spoken to a man named Sam. Through a lens of lore and myth—the secrets that shaped Sarah’s twisted and mysterious life are revealed.

In Sarah’s labyrinthine quest for healing and peace, she painstakingly deconstructs the most transformative moments of her life. Her journey, spanning a century, is marked by profound hardship and survival, leading her to the poignant realization: “Sanity is but paper in a world consumed by fire.”

The Wild Wind defies convention, blending plot and character development in a refreshingly unique way. With an equally unusual structure and lyrical prose, Sarah’s account is intellectually intriguing and emotionally compelling. It sheds light on the darker aspects of American society and history, encouraging readers to view themselves and the world from a fresh perspective.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cor Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cor Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Solo

Genres: Historical, Horror

Soundscape: Music

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 20

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 04:59:55 GMT

The circus arrives at the Hilltop. After BIG BEN escapes in search of blueberry pie, the commissioner leads a lynch mob to the doors of the Bronson Building in the dead of night. The day brightens with a loony game of Donkey Ball. But tuberculosis soon plagues the Hilltop, keeping the gravediggers busy around the clock, as a deathly toll is taken on the patient population. A supernatural occurrence happens before all eyes, leaving Sarah perplexed by a lurking crow. As she watches the patients plucking petals from the flowers, she considers splitting the crow’s tongue, asking, “What’s to be sane in the garden of madness?”

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 19

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 04:30:36 GMT

Sarah feels safe amongst the insane and learns the simple joy of walking in circles, marching in place, spinning around, skipping, hopping, crying, lying, and laughing. She meets footloose patient Fannie in the rose garden, who teaches her to "swing it in that way that makes the boys go wild.” Sarah falls in love with Fannie and puts her newly acquired skills into practice, never forgetting to peek ever so slightly over the shoulder and batting her lashes, not once, but twice, to "get’em hooked" because "that’s how you get him to kill for ya!”. In turn, and feeling neglected by her father, young Sarah attracts the attention of the Wild One in the rose bushes.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 18

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 03:08:55 GMT

Doctor Zola commemorates a new monument and has a standoff with the COMMISSIONER over his progressive management of the Hilltop and the shocking amount of freedom he provides his insane patients. As reporters flock to the asylum, the doctor introduces them to Rose, whose toad-like figure is startling. And her unrelenting spirit leaves GOVERNOR PIERCE inspired with compassion. and a new generation with an increasingly humane philosophy on caring for the mentally ill--if even for a time.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 17

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 01:48:40 GMT

The circus brings a drunken Wild One to the Hilltop, and he gets a job trimming rose bushes in the garden. Meanwhile, Fannie finally surrenders to Dr. Zola, calling the Hilltop home, where she spends time in the rose garden with Bookbinder. But Fannie finds herself under the spell of the Wild One with his blonde, wind-swept bangs. As the two neck behind the Graveyard Elm, the Wild One’s aggression triggers her past traumas. When she pulls away, he attacks her, but Fannie fights him off and escapes. Despite Book’s jealousy, a glimpse into Book’s secret and tragic past is revealed as he soothes her frayed nerves.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 16

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 03:13:20 GMT

During a blizzard on the first day of Spring in 1900, Momma goes into labor. Meanwhile, Pa’s down the road chopping wood for a widow he has fallen for, so Sam, a patient of the Hilltop, personal cook for the family, and recipient of this story, fetches Docter Zolla. Untangling the umbilical cord from Sarah’s neck, the doctor breathes life into her. Bedside, Sam reads Homer’s Iliad as snow blankets the Hilltop. Though her life is sometimes lonely, Sam, acting as Sarah’s surrogate grandfather, warms her heart with Swedish pancakes and enlightens her mind with books.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 15

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:58:34 GMT

Pa teaches Sarah to barrel race. When she returns home after a competition, eager to show off her prize to Sam, a chasm forms—not only between the two but also in her mind as she hops off his knee. A darkness isolates Sarah in her room, where she pens Sam a story of trauma and ruin.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 14

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:47:08 GMT

Fannie comes down with a case of tuberculosis before disappearing into the night. Her antics inspire other patients to seek escapades of their own. A shy and mysterious traveling nurse named AMY arrives, challenging Dr. Zolla to a battle of minds. But, who will be outsmarted in the end?

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 13

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:28:40 GMT

Fannie arrives at the Hilltop State Hospital, where she receives a warm yet warning welcome from Dr. Zolla himself. Nonetheless, Fannie wastes no time taking advantage of the open-door policy and escapes with an itchy palm to the streets of Grandview while dressed as a man. Caught and returned, Fannie meets Bookbinder at a Hilltop dance, and it's love at first sight for Old Book.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 12

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 01:17:11 GMT

Fannie is sent off to the inescapable confines of the penitentiary--a "Puritan vision of hell" --where she suffers starvation and abuse at the hands of sadistic GUARD LEWIS. As despondent the circumstance presents itself, Fannie plans her escape, nonetheless. After consulting with Cecil and initiating the first female riot in American history, Fannie sets a course of feigned insanity and a gruesome, unimaginable act of "breaking out," which solidifies her legacy once and for all in the great halls of injustice.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 11

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 01:03:51 GMT

Meet FANNIE, a whiskey-guzzling swindler who is not your typical widow. She takes advantage of men for survival, who, in turn, attempt to take advantage of her. Fannie, the greatest escape artist the Midwest has ever known, engages in a capricious dialogue with her dead husband, CECIL, while on a quest for the finest food and drink saloons stretching the great plains have to offer. Her love of dance, the pursuit of late-night fun, and vengeance for the men who wronged her make for a life on the lam that seems to know no limits, as no cage can hold her. But Fannie's lackadaisical nature and her fondness for fainting can't save her this time from the judge and jury, who scold down their high-held noses, "Not this time, Fannie."

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 10

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:43:09 GMT

Sarah meets a boy named Richie at the rodeo as a teen. The couple falls in love on horseback under the stars, but Richie is soon sent off to WWI, but not before proposing to Sarah, sliding a horseshoe nail ring upon her finger. A numbered collection of love letters to Richie illustrates her growing superstitious obsession as Richie’s shell-shocked mind gradually appears to present itself. Sarah eventually discovers she is pregnant with JUNIOR and grows worried as Richie fails to acknowledge a son born in his absence in dissonant, shaky-handed letters.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 9

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 23:51:34 GMT

Richie returns from WWI, and only months later, Sarah is shocked to discover his shell-shocked, catatonic state as he stares off into the unknown with empty eyes in the stuffy confines of an old farmhouse on a grey winter day. After Richie's parents abandon him at the Hilltop—though the two can now never marry—Sarah devotes her life to caring for her "Dear Richie."

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 8

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:48:32 GMT

Doctor Zola tutors Junior under the Graveyard Elm and inspires him to become a doctor under mentorship about rounds on the Hilltop. Junior eventually goes off to college, marries, and has a child of his own, whom he introduces to his catatonic father, Richie, in Ward E.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 7

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:20:16 GMT

It’s a dark time as PA dies in the cornfield he labored all his life, and the drums of war can once again be heard on the horizon. Sarah weighs the worth of empathy after Junior returns from WWII in a wooden box and Momma is found swinging from a twisted tree, having succumbed to lifelong grief.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 6

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:04:56 GMT

The last nail in the coffin of Sarah’s impending isolation is hammered by the death of Richie. Sarah confesses her relationship with “Nazi pills” she steals from the asylum, reformed in what she views as a fascist vision of hell since the death of the progressive Doctor Zolla. Sarah begins her rapid descent into a decades-long state of madness. Ronald Reagan closes the Hilltop, and the patients walk the streets of the nearby city of Grandview, where they eat out of dumpsters and freeze to death in the winter.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 5

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:17:06 GMT

Hobos, angsty teenagers, and Satanic worshipers invade the deteriorating buildings of the shuddered Hilltop as Sarah stalks them under the influence of pills she scavenges from the abandoned pharmacy.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 4

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 03:08:18 GMT

After being introduced to the array of colorful characters who occupy the dayroom, Doctor Zolla discovers ROSE in a poorhouse. Having been locked in a Utica crib for forty years, she is permanently hunched over like a toad and blind from gouging out her eyes after being haunted by OLD SCRATCH. The doctor brings Rose back to the Hilltop, where she undergoes a remarkable recovery, her enduring spirit becoming a totem of the Hilltop’s transformative vision.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 3

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 02:56:34 GMT

As Sarah's stash of pills runs out, she is forced to endure the throes of a violent withdrawal. But upon finding a misplaced bottle on MOMMA's dresser that "shakes like a rattlesnake," she pops "two reds and blue," which send her on a drug-fueled, Homeric odyssey into the thicket after blackberries for jam.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 2

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 02:47:12 GMT

NURSE KATE embarks on a poignant journey to join the ranks of young nurses at the Hilltop State Hospital after her brother's untimely and tragic death. On her first day, she meets DOCTOR ZOLLA, a figure of hope whose progressive ideals precede him. Later, she accompanies a mute, known simply as BOOKBINDER, at the beginning of a journey of healing from a rather severe nervous breakdown.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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THE WILD WIND | Chapter 1

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 02:12:43 GMT

When SARAH, an isolated old woman, awakes to see a spider in the corner drop down not once but three times, she knows she will die in the same old farmhouse where she was born. Sarah intends to kill herself by consuming a bottle of pills, leaving behind a peculiar manuscript addressed to a man named SAM. In a reverse chronology, an account of a long and often macabre life spanning the entirety of the twentieth century begins. Sarah, having been born and raised on the grounds of the Hilltop State Hospital—not as a psychiatric patient, but as the daughter of the asylum’s farmer on the cusp of her own death, expresses what she has learned over a lifetime of love and loss at the very crossroads of life and death. All the while, Sarah continually grapples with the existential question of what it means to be 'sane' when insanity is the norm, declaring, “Sanity is but paper in a world consumed by fire.”

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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Tue, 27 Aug 2024 01:55:39 GMT

The Wild Wind is an American gothic tale about a woman born and raised on the grounds of a psychiatric institution—not as a patient but as the daughter of the asylum’s farmer—who learns of love and loss while grappling with the question of what it means to be sane when insanity is the norm.

“What’s to be sane in the garden of madness?”

That’s the question haunting Sarah, a centenarian writing about her life growing up at the asylum on the bank of the Illinois River. After a long-tormented life, Sarah intends to commit after completing a typewritten manuscript spoken to a man named Sam. Through a lens of lore and myth—the secrets that shaped Sarah’s twisted and mysterious life are revealed.

In Sarah’s labyrinthine quest for healing and peace, she painstakingly deconstructs the most transformative moments of her life. Her journey, spanning a century, is marked by profound hardship and survival, leading her to the poignant realization: “Sanity is but paper in a world consumed by fire.”

The Wild Wind defies convention, blending plot and character development in a refreshingly unique way. With an equally unusual structure and lyrical prose, Sarah’s account is intellectually intriguing and emotionally compelling. It sheds light on the darker aspects of American society and history, encouraging readers to view themselves and the world from a fresh perspective.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.

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