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Eugene Barnes' Podcast

Single-voiced Multigenre Anthology Audio Book


When Breaks the Maelstrom is a buffet of multinational intergalactic short stories that tend to mask genre lines.  The stories defy convention because they are fantastical and interlude into the lives of men, women, children, and otherworldly beings.  Some events cannot be explained, except we accept the supernatural.  When we can break through the natural world's barrier, it is then that we can see other possibilities.  We can suggest that myths, phenomena, and legends may be familiar with reality.  It's an insight into situations we all may have faced at one time or another.  Since all skeletons in closets are not yet fleshless, it is only proper that we remake the frame to envision its beginnings.  Several stories are character continuations, such as Bounty Hunter: Japanese Style, Moon Trouble, and The Unnameable.  These tales loom prominently in their telling that they are the adventurers, adventures so many of us desire to be or become.  Please enjoy as you venture into original and undiscovered realms of fantasy and science fiction.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Anthology

Voices: Single

Genres: Multigenre

Completion status: NA

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Episode 17: Chapter 17 Boushee's Brownstone

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 17:30:13 +0000

There are some doors that best remain unopened!

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Episode 16: Chapter 16 The Witness

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 17:12:58 +0000

What are the chances that something so ordinary is not ordinary?

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Episode 15: Chapter 15 Moon Trouble

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 16:53:38 +0000

The Earth was suffering from the long-term effects of climate change in which greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere had become poisonous to life. Carbon dioxide levels had increased due to climatic change, and efforts to collect and take the CO2 off-planet were exorbitantly slow and expensive.

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Episode 14: Chapter 14 Masami Ko, Japanese Bounty Huntress!

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 21:10:06 +0000

Masami Ko is a Japanese bounty hunter in the Old West.  Circumstances in Japan have forced her to leave and come to America.  She leaves behind her family and enters the land of opportunity only to discover that she’s not welcome.  Using her only skills, she embarks on a dangerous journey to bring outlaws to justice.  The job is not that simple.  Along the way, she finds friends in the most unusual places, even a friendship that portends love.
Masami Ko Japanese Bounty Huntress is part of a larger collection that can be found on Amazon:

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Episode 13: Chapter 13 Metagames

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 21:08:24 +0000

The creativity of children will be the next great frontier of our age as they define their journey of change.                                

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Episode 12: Chapter 12 The Proposal

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:56:10 +0000

What lengths will one go to when one's heart is struck by the proverbial arrow of love?

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Episode 11: Chapter 11 Sea Prison

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:54:51 +0000

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, especially when the beholder paints the tapestry1

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Episode 10: Chapter 10 The Space Wall

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:53:29 +0000

The nether regions of space hide many mysteries yet to unfold.

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Episode 9: Chapter 9 Unnameable

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:52:13 +0000

There is a dark side to us all that may manifest itself under the right conditions.

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Episode 8: Chapter 8 Candid

Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:49:22 +0000

A wise person once said that God is not interested in how holy we are but how human we can be toward one another!

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Episode 7: Chapter 7 Bounty Huntress; Japanese Style

Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:14:45 +0000

The actual name of the Yellow Woman was Masami Ko, and she was from Japan. Masami was brought over as an indentured enslaved person. She served her allotted time, and when freedom did not arrive as promised, she employed skills learned abroad and slew her oppressor. Discovering that she was not squeamish about taking a life, she assisted a family that had been robbed. Masami was compelled to use deadly force when confronting the robber, and the family rewarded her for her bravery. Not having any other skills, she quickly adapted to hiring herself as a bounty hunter. She had the skills and the weapons that she personally forged.

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Episode 6: Chapter 6 The Wachtmeister Double

Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:13:18 +0000

Back in their barracks, the plan was explained as lookouts kept a sharp eye out for the guards who performed unannounced inspections. Voices were kept to a whisper. As the project was being presented halfway through the presentation, someone said, “What do we have to lose besides our lives spent laboring for these pigs”? Someone said, “We’re dead men either way, but I’d sure like to die trying.” It was agreed that the plan would be carried out.

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Episode 5: Chapter 5 Singh and Sharma

Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:11:08 +0000

When Singh and Sharma first tested the Bright Way, they were surprised to discover that their bodies achieved a ghostly-like appearance. But the suits were not transparent. After the testing, Sharma suggested that she ensure no residual harm was done to either of them. In fact, she discovered that they appeared to have sustained a more healthy disposition in mind and body.

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Episode 4: Chapter 4 Madeline's Mariner

Sat, 03 Aug 2024 20:37:15 +0000

She momentarily decided to rest in the wet sand as she pondered her next move. Stretching out her legs before her, she began to massage that pesky hip when she again noticed something, someone swimming in the waters. This time she continued her gaze at the suspected position. She was rewarded with a clearer picture of the elusive being.

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Episode 3: Chapter 3 Los Bandidos Del Jardin

Sat, 03 Aug 2024 20:36:01 +0000

The Danton gang would soon realize that crime does not pay in the somber village of Jardin, Mexico.

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