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Not Natty-Chapter One

Single-voiced Historical Serial Audio Book


Harry's head was in the toilet. Natty had run in to brush her teeth. Her mother, Rose, found her there, transfixed by what looked like coffee grounds splattered all over the bathroom tile. Rose rushed Natty and her other daughter, Abby, out of the house to school. Rose knew she had to try to save Harry's life, despite their troubled marriage.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Single

Genres: Historical, Slice of life

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The Blond Tiger

Fri, 30 Aug 2024 18:42:40 GMT

The Blond Tiger is a true story about Eddie Roth (pseudonym), born in 1930 in Brooklyn, NY to Gussie, who didn’t want him. Life presents many obstacles to his happiness but he eventually finds it, although not as he had originally envisioned. Gussie is a refugee from Poland. Eddie’s father, Sam, who came from Russia to escape the pogroms, has adapted to American life, and runs his own construction company, while Gussie stubbornly holds onto the old ways and language. The book revolves around Eddie, Sam, Gussie, and Miriam, who suffers from asthma but tries to shield Eddie from their mother. Eddie learns to box under the name The Blond Tiger. Two wars, illness, Mafia friends, a great love, and exposure to things about which he never dreamed, impact Eddie’s life and turn his view of himself and everyone around him, upside down.

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Not Natty-Acknowledgements

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:57 GMT

This was a true story with real people and real events.

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Not natty-Chapter Twenty-Eight

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:56 GMT

Eddie returns from the Korean War. He and Abby reunite. What will be their future?

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Seven

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:54 GMT

Natty trains in a psychiatric unit. She sees her sister in a new light. Eddie suffers in the war. He's changed.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Six

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:52 GMT

There are changes in Rose's life that push her closer to Laura. Ira hides Abby's medication. Abby has a new perspective on her relationship with her mother.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Five

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:50 GMT

Natty prepares to see Eddie off on the train. They share a difficult farewell.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Four

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:48 GMT

Eddie misses Natty's 18th birthday. He is in Army basic training. He and Natty write to each other. He worries he will lose her. Herman, Rose's new husband, visits Eddie when he is home on leave. He has bad news. Eddie is worried about the potential for war.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Three

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:01:46 GMT

Bob Firestone is at an end. A woman takes responsibility, but she is not the culprit. Rose never knew the end of Harry's story. Bob never told her what finally happened. Rose has a breakdown.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-Two

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 22:46:15 GMT

Rose moves in with Ira and Abby. Rose's new husband is livid. Rose begins to visit a new round of specialists with Abby but Abby takes matters into her own hands.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty-One

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 22:46:12 GMT

Natty starts nursing school. She has no money but her roommates lend her clothes so she can look fashionable on dates with Eddie. Bob Firestone runs a nightclub in Cleveland. Rose remarries. Abby's illness worsens.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twenty

Tue, 30 Jul 2024 22:44:11 GMT

Rose begins to work at the emergency room, one of the first in the country. She spends her off days with Laura who hosts Abby's wedding. Eddie prepares for the Army while Natty contemplates attending nursing school. Rose has a new love interest.

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Not Natty-Chapter Nineteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:26:16 GMT

Natty forgives Abby.

1930-The rest of the story.

Abby and Ira elope.

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Not Natty-Chapter Eighteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:23:19 GMT

Natty's forever changed by Harry's death. She and Abby insist on hearing the rest of the story of why Harry didn't practice law and how Bob Firestone had been involved. There were threats and murders.

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Not Natty-Chapter Seventeen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:20:36 GMT

1949- Harry's head is in the toilet. Natty discovers him. In the hospital, Harry recites poetry to Rose as she takes care of him. They reminisce about the life together. The neighbors donate blood. Rose contemplates her life without Harry.

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Not Natty-Chapter Sixteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:15:40 GMT

Abby wanders at night. Abby meets Ira. He associates with gangsters at the candy store down the street. Harry becomes increasingly ill.

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Not Natty-Chapter Fifteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:12:24 GMT

Abby realizes the doctors think she is mentally ill. A doctor tells Abby she should get away from her mother. Rose tries to set her up with a Jewish man in Cleveland. Abby begins to see herself differently and sneaks out at night to meet people her age.

Flashback to 1930: The prosecutor and Harry talk about the case and meet with the District Attorney and the police.

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Not Natty-Chapter Fourteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:02:28 GMT

Natty writes Cathy about a boy she met, Eddie. Abby resents her sister's social life. Her seizures become more frequent. Rose returns to Cleveland with Abby. This time, Natty stays home with Harry who meets Eddie. He sends the young couple to the opera.

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Not Natty-Chapter Thirteen

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 16:57:20 GMT

Rose arrives home to a very ill Harry. She wished he'd never stopped practicing law. Harry tries to reconnect with his daughters.

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Not Natty-Chapter Twelve

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:30:56 GMT

It's 1948. Time to return to Brooklyn. Laura, Rose's close friend, begins to take over their lives.

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Not Natty-Chapter Eleven

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:28:26 GMT

Harry is a religious Jew. Both he and Rose were raised that way but she scorns observances. Natty has a friend, Cathy, at school. Cathy is not Jewish and worries her parents will not allow the friendship if they know Natty is Jewish. The kids call Natty "Brooklyn." Meanwhile, men start to notice Abby and Abby starts to notice herself.

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Not Natty-Chapter Ten

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 23:07:33 GMT

Harry, a diabetic, is slowly killing himself with food. Natty and Abby beg to return home to Brooklyn to see him. Harry tries to restore his marriage to Rose. But she's disappointed to be back. Before he knows it, Rose is planning to return to Cleveland. In Cleveland,. Abby continues to torment her sister. Natty makes a good friend who seems to like her despite Natty feeling lost and insecure.

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Not Natty-Chapter Nine

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 23:01:27 GMT

The war in Europe is ending. Harry decides to manage an Army-Navy store. Natty is living in Cleveland as her mother and Abby explore where to go next to try to cure Abby. Rose allows her cousin, recently discharged from the service, to move into their apartment. Natty sleeps on the couch. Harry visits his family in Cleveland with mixed results.

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Not Natty-Chapter Eight

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:56:40 GMT

Rose flirts at the Casablanca Cafe owned by Bob Firestone and his partner, Maxie Diamond. Natty and Harry write to each other over the long summer while she languishes in Cleveland and Harry sits in Brooklyn, Natty starts school as her mother and Abby travel the state looking for help for Abby's illness.

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Not Natty-Chapter Seven

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:51:37 GMT

Natty, Rose, and Abby are in Cleveland. Rose left Harry at home in Brooklyn. Natty watches her mother, Rose, a nurse, as she leaves for work. Natty and her sister Abby stay with relatives. Abby has become increasingly unpredictable in her behavior. Grandpa Sam and Grandma Gisela, tailors, tell the girls stories of their life in Budapest.

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Not Natty-Chapter Six

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:46:57 GMT

Harry considers what happened in 1930 that drastically changed his life. He encounters Bob Firestone's friend Detective Wasserman

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Not Natty-Chapter Five

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:54:54 GMT

The world is at war. Rose is flirtatious and vain. Her best friend, Laura, captures all her attention to the neglect of Harry and Natty. Rose decides to take Abby to Cleveland to see doctors there. She will leave Harry, increasingly ill, at home and leave Natty with her relatives in Cleveland. Rose and Harry's marriage is beginning to unravel. Harry, a former attorney, strives to make a living managing one store after another.

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Not Natty-Chapter Four

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:47:59 GMT

Bob Firestone harbored no guilt for what he'd done to Harry. Bob ends up in court for labor racketeering. Eliot Ness gets involved in his case. Will Bob pay for his crimes?

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Not Natty-Chapter Three

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:44:10 GMT

Abby torments her younger sister, Natty. Harry, their father, comforts Natty as they listen to President Roosevelt on the radio. They live in a two family house on Chester Street in Brooklyn. Natty loves to watch the vendors sell their wares and to talk to her neighbors through the air shaft. They are poor but Natty doesn't know it yet.

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Not Natty-Chapter Two

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:30:12 GMT

Rose's three brothers live in Cleveland. She worships them, especially her brother, Bob Firestone, real life gangster and racketeer. Bob is connected to the Cleveland mob. He made a friend of Detective Wasserman after Bob's then-girlfriend stabbed him. Bob needs Harry to defend a friend of the Brooklyn mafia. But, unbeknownst to Harry, the verdict is fixed.

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Not Natty-Chapter One

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 23:44:27 GMT

Harry's head was in the toilet. Natty had run in to brush her teeth. Her mother, Rose, found her there, transfixed by what looked like coffee grounds splattered all over the bathroom tile. Rose rushed Natty and her other daughter, Abby, out of the house to school. Rose knew she had to try to save Harry's life, despite their troubled marriage.

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Not Natty-Prologue

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:44:13 GMT

Harry's head was in the toilet. Natty rushed in to brush her teeth. Rose, her mother, pushed her and Natty's sister, Abby, off to school. Rose knew she had to save Harry despite their troubled marriage. Natty knew Abby was unpredictable. How would she react when they broke the news?

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Not Natty- Opening

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:27:38 GMT

Opening and acknowledgements

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