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Tales from the Scarlet Vault

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Creator: Scarlet Vault Horror Anthology

Single-voiced Horror Anthology Audio Book


This is the Scarlet Vault... Locked away here, in the rust-red rooms, are items too powerful, too dangerous to exist.

You may consider me the Custodian of this abominable museum of terrors.

Every item stored here is drenched in horror. 

Every item, a weapon in the wrong hands. 

And every item has a story. 

Perhaps you would like to hear one?

Inspired by portmanteau British horror films like those made by Amicus in the 1960s and 70s, 'Tales from the Scarlet Vault' is a new and largely undiscovered no-budget supernatural anthology of original stories. It is written and produced by Jason Malvern and stars ? as the Custodian (he wishes to remain anonymous).

'Tales from the Scarlet Vault' occasionally features swearing, sexual references and descriptions of violence and gore - but in our opinion - nothing too extreme or harrowing. The aim is to chill and entertain, not horrify and disturb!

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Anthology

Voices: Single

Genres: Horror

Completion status: NA

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Choice of Demons

Fri, 23 Aug 2024 01:00:00 +0100

Take a close look at this box of figurines. They look like toys, don’t they? Well, I suppose they are playthings of a kind. They’re a bunch of tiny demons! Look at how much effort has gone into carving them, each one is uniquely ugly with slightly different features, reflecting the variety of unholy creatures that swim eternally through the forbidden realms. We’ve determined that most of these figures are just pieces of pseudo-religious tat. But not all of them were harmless…

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

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Every Sixth Word

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 01:00:00 +0100

Tonight’s item is this rudimentary computer built by one of the unsung heroes of Bletchley Park at the start of World War Two. This suitcase-sized prototype is a Random Word Generator – The RWG Mark 1.  A junior at Bletchley Park discovered something rather interesting about its output after noticing the presence of words that were not programmed into the machine’s vocabulary. Every sixth word, strung together, appeared to form coherent sentences... She filtered the chaff and typed them up onto these pages here. Much of the assembled dialogue is so much gibberish, but some parts are – terrifyingly – understandable. Indeed, you could almost think that distinct personalities are identifiable. Shall we try and lend them a voice?

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

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The Loyal Servant

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:00:00 +0100

Tonight’s item has been kept here for safekeeping for over a hundred years and is still sought by many.  It’s a nineteenth-century Romanian cremation urn. Dark green in colour, almost black, with some Christian symbolism engraved in silver. Contained inside - the last earthly remains of a Great Elder Vampire. But who would be so bold and cunning to fight and kill such a powerful creature? Her name was Valentina Balan...

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

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Caveat Lector

Fri, 02 Aug 2024 19:00:00 +0100

I know that this item looks like a dusty old book, and I suppose in practical terms that’s all that it is. I can’t tell you the title of this ancient tome, or even what the book is about – as no one left alive knows. I can tell you that it’s referred to in some small circles as the Caveat Lector – Reader Beware! This is one of the most dangerous items in the Scarlet Vault. Oh, don’t be tempted to open the cover and flip through the pages, don’t even touch it! This book is protected.

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

Direct MP3 link

The History Lover

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 02:00:00 +0100

Here is an interesting item, sealed inside this glass display casket. You may recognize it from trips to the local museum as a child – it’s an Egyptian mummy, in life a beautiful princess, but in death, a well-preserved corpse. Missing the brain and most of the other vital organs, of course, as these would have been placed in canopic jars. According to the death rites of ancient Egyptian custom, however, she was permitted to keep her heart. Perhaps that was a mistake…

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

Direct MP3 link

Bad Blood

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +0100

You were interested, I think, in this item. An iron maiden torture cabinet, Germanic, possibly. Six feet high, and I’d wager over two hundred years old. There are signs it has been put to sinister use recently, however, and I can still smell the sweat and fear of the last poor soul to be locked inside. Rather them than me!

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

Direct MP3 link

The Male Gaze

Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:00:00 +0100

Tonight, we draw our attention to a portrait of a rather intense working class gentleman, painted sometime around the middle of twentieth century. The art isn’t what you’d call refined, but much of the subject’s character is accurately depicted inside the frame around the canvas. Imprisoned, almost…

Are you sitting comfortably? Shall we begin?

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

Direct MP3 link


Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:00:00 +0100

Shall we start by taking a look at one of the smallest items in this unnatural collection?

Here it is in the palm of my hand – a spent bullet, crumpled and useless, having served its singular purpose to kill. I removed this item myself from the heart of its victim, post-mortem. But I am getting ahead of myself. This story very aptly demonstrates at least two things of significance. Firstly, that Love is always surprising, secondly, that death is always inevitable.

A friendly warning - Tales from the Scarlet Vault is a dark fantasy horror anthology. Episodes may contain depictions of violence, blood and gore, sexual content and use of strong language.

The tales in Season 1 have the theme of 'Strange Relationships'.
The tales in Season 2 have the theme of 'Terrors of the Past'.

Tales from the Scarlet Vault is written, produced and directed by Jason Malvern.
The role of the Custodian is played by X.

If you liked this episode, let someone else know about it! You can follow us on most social media sites.

More info and transcripts available from

Direct MP3 link