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Pact Tactics: Whispers of the Cauldron

Fantasy Full cast Longform Audio RPG


Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whispers of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale. Follow the story of four unlikely allies: Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), and Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven).

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons

Continuity: Longform

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fantasy

Framing device:


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E7: Session 20; A Breath of Fresh Air

Wed, 03 Jul 2024 05:09:32 GMT

Hello all!

After a long break we're back! Chapters are still WIP. This week we figured out how to record the music we have playing as well! Please let us know if you like the addition :)


00:00:00 Recording Starts

00:00:35 Recap Starts

00:10:15 Session Starts

00:20:57 Nat 20 One

00:32:10 End of a Long day

00:40:01 Threads has a dream

00:48:33 Leaving the village again again

01:10:05 A shift in the air

01:33:58 Lesair's divine sense; extremely celestial

01:41:16 A new friend, Senna

01:47:24 Arborea

01:59:39 Nat 20 Two

02:05:45 Setting up camp

02:07:28 Nat 20 Three

02:22:14 End of the Day

02:25:07 Nat 20 Four

02:33:12 Nat 20 Five

02:41:20 Thread's has a dream

02:48:40 Morning

03:03:15 Nat 20 Six

03:07:29 Chwunga

03:16:40 Roll Initiative

03:17:28 Quay's First Turn

03:25:39 The Dogs' First Turn

03:30:21 Eli's First Turn

03:38:40 Lesair's First Turn

03:39:28 Nat 20 Seven

03:44:20 Thread's First Turn

03:45:37 Nat 20 Eight

03:56:08 The Chwunga's First Turn

03:56:54 Nat 20 Nine

04:02:13 Quay's Second Turn

04:07:08 Eli's Second Turn

04:10:28 Lesair's Second Turn

04:17:59 Thread's Second Turn

04:21:40 The Chwunga's Second Turn

04:22:07 Nat 20 Ten

04:24:56 Quay's Third Turn

04:36:49 Eli's Third Turn

04:40:55 Nat 20 Eleven

04:43:20 End of Combat

04:57:42 Nat 20 Twelve

05:01:38 Harvesting

05:05:08 Prepping for the Feast Skill Challenge

E6: Session 19; To Be Better

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:26:41 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.


00:00:00-Recording Begins

00:00:10-Recap Begins

00:05:20-Harvesting & Looting

00:41:55-What to do with the Lady Lancer


01:52:30-"You got a pencil?" & "Times New Thayan"

01:54:24-Bringing Kali back to the Star-Spring People

02:06:25-A lecture with Eli'ann and Teatree

02:23:13-Quay and Lesair left alone with Kali

02:39:10-Quay, Lesair, and Kali, conjoined

03:10:05-Eli and Quay debrief

03:16:52-Threads and Lesair debrief

03:30:48-The group rejoins, threads is offline

03:37:17-Threads returns, the group has a discussion

03:55:55-Lesair, paladin of fire

04:03:05-Darasanya appears

04:28:37-Darasanya's Interrogation


05:18:00-Eli confronts Darasanya


E5: Session 18; Lady & The Devil

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:23:55 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.


00:00:00-Recording Begins

00:00:08-Recap Begins

00:08:30-Eli makes a new snack

00:24:03-A message from Darasanya

00:33:52-Leaving the village

00:54:07-Just kidding, back in the village

00:58:34-Hunting the intruders of the forest

01:29:37-Roll Initiative

01:33:07-Eli's First Turn

01:39:27-A mysterious First Turn

01:43:15-Lesair's First Turn

01:57:29-The Hell Hounds' First Turn

01:58:44-Thread's First Turn

02:01:43-Quay's First Turn

02:03:55-The Minotaur's First Turn

02:06:11-The Devil's First Turn

02:11:14-Eli's Second Turn

02:16:32-The Lady Lancer's Second Turn

02:19:36-Lesair's Second Turn

02:33:16-Thread's and Quay's Second Turn

02:41:15-The Devil's Second Turn

02:45:50-Eli's Third Turn

02:49:27-The Lady Lancer's Third Turn

02:56:42-Lesair's Third Turn (Passed), Thread's and Quay's Third Turn

03:12:28-The Devil's Third Turn

03:14:23-Eli's Fourth Turn

03:20:18-The Lady Lancer's Fourth Turn

03:25:27-Lesair's Fourth Turn

03:31:33-Quay's Fourth Turn

03:34:56-Thread's Fourth Turn

03:40:03-The Devil's Fourth Turn

03:48:32-Eli's Fifth Turn

03:53:21-The Lady Lancer's Fifth Turn

03:58:46-Lesair's Fifth Turn

04:02:31-Thread's and Quay's Fifth Turn

04:12:55-The Devil's Fifth Turn

04:16:08-Eli's Sixth Turn

04:19:10-The Lady Lancer's Sixth Turn

04:25:59-Lesair's Sixth Turn

04:33:08-Thread's and Quay's Sixth Turn

04:40:41-The Devil's Sixth Turn

04:47:07-Eli's Seventh Turn

04:47:20-The Lady Lancer's Seventh Turn

04:54:50-Lesair's Seventh Turn

04:56:43-Lesair sends the devil back to hell

04:59:48-Thread's and Quay's Seventh Turn

05:05:35-Eli's Eighth Turn

05:06:43-The Lady Lancer's Eighth Turn

05:09:38-Lesair's Eighth Turn

05:12:28-Thread's and Quay's Eighth Turn

05:19:14-Eli's Ninth Turn

05:21:40-The Lady Lancer's Ninth Turn

05:28:00-Attempting to catch the Lady Lancer

05:38:09-The Lady Lancer Surrenders

E4: Session 17; Baernaloth

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:37:21 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.

WARNING! SPOILERS BELOW! 00:00:00-Recording Begins

00:00:03-Recap Begins

00:03:04-Thread's shares his dreams

00:14:45-A message from Darasanya

00:32:47-A well earned feast

00:49:48-Meeting with Frieshana

01:43:50-Meeting Xyleh, the Elder Voldoni

02:08:30-Tarsikus Ibn Meth'kultesh

02:38:33-Interrogating Eli

02:54:30-A well deserved rest

02:58:43-Thread's has a dream

E3: Session 16; The Thundersail

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:36:17 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.

WARNING! SPOILERS BELOW! 00:00:00-Recording Begins


00:04:32-Threads has a dream

00:13:45-Entity called "The Bookbinder"

00:21:25-The day begins and the hunt resumes

01:22:50-Luring the Thundersail back Skill Challenge

01:51:04-Preparation Round

01:52:54-Roll Initiative

01:53:48-The Thundersail's First Turn

01:58:54-Lesair's First Turn

02:09:49-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

02:14:29-Thread's First Turn

02:20:23-Eli's First Turn

02:24:30-Quay's First Turn

2:27:25-The Thundersail's Second Turn

02:32:38-Lesair's Second Turn

02:36:28-Thread's Second Turn

02:39:34-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

02:41:05-Eli's Second Turn

02:45:16-Quay's Second Turn

02:47:55-The Thundersail's Third Turn

02:54:38-Lesair's Third Turn

02:55:48-Thread's Third Turn

03:01:03-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

03:08:22-Eli's Third Turn

03:09:04-Quay's Third Turn

03:13:37-The Thundersail's Fourth Turn

03:15:57-Lesair's Fourth Turn

03:20:03-Thread's Fourth Turn

03:25:52-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

03:29:05-Eli's Fourth Turn

03:31:53-Quay's Fourth Turn

03:35:54-The Thundersail's Fifth Turn

03:40:29-Lesair's Fifth Turn

03:41:50-Thread's Fifth Turn

03:43:45-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

03:46:15-Eli's Fifth Turn

03:50:50-Quay's Fifth Turn

03:51:34-The Thundersail's Sixth Turn

04:00:00-Lesair's Sixth Turn

04:01:36-Thread's Sixth Turn

04:03:34-The Thundersail's Mythic Action

04:10:02-Eli's Sixth Turn

04:13:22-Eli get's angry

04:15:38-Thundersail Slain

04:36:01-A well deserved hot bath

04:44:08-Welcome to Level 7

E2: Session 15; This Calls For A Hunt

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:35:06 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.


00:00:00-Recording Begins


00:04:52-Session Begins

00:07:43-A mysterious treehouse

00:36:45-The Party Sleeps in the Treehouse

00:41:40-Something rustles in the night

00:59:27-Enter the Voldoni

01:03:25-Meet Janu

01:08:55-Intoduction to the Star-Spring People

01:13:07-Frieshana, leader of the Star-Spring People

01:29:05-Enter the village of the Star-Spring People

01:34:19-Lesair is afraid of heights

01:39:45-Meeting Frieshana

01:47:15-Eli is asked where she is from

01:49:22-Time to hunt a thundersail

02:00:45-The fastest way down...

02:14:00-Back on the trail

02:18:13-Janu leaves, and the hunt truly begins

02:36:40-Trying to rest surrounded by guests

02:48:40-Thundersail Spotted

E1: Session 14; Beginning of the Spiritwalk

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:32:01 GMT

Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whisper of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale.

Follow the story of four unlikely allies:

- Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), a Thayan guard who found himself caught in the center of the destruction of Thay, now forced to leave his home and face a world he is unfamiliar with.

- Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), a construct for a Thayan engineer that one day found himself alive and infused with magical potential, hunting to understand the purpose of his creation.

- Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), a young man who, while looking towards Thay in a telescope, found himself blinded and riddled with strange powers after a bright blue light seared into his eyes. Capable of limited sight via a psionic crystal, he now searches to understand his powers.

- Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven), a Rashemi Wychlaran Ethran with a past she refuses to share, bound by oath to protect and guide Quay at any cost.


00:00:00-Recording Begins


00:07:22-Session Start

00:08:00-Threads has a dream

00:14:03-Quay has a meeting with Darasanya

00:29:18-Quay returns and the party gets ready for the day

00:31:49-The Party discuss the Nentyarch with Darasanya

00:34:27-Eli asks Darasanya to distract Quay and Threads

00:38:55-Eli and Lesair have a talk

00:54:50-Quay and Threads discuss the Revivify Diamond

01:04:00-Meeting the Envoy from the Circle of Leth

01:18:45-The Spiritwalk begins

01:29:40-Abandoned in the Forest of Lethyr

01:34:00-The forest says hello back

01:39:30-Further into the forest

01:42:36-Quay tries to commune with the forest

01:43:30-Eli takes over guiding the communion

01:47:30-A bush asks for help

01:50:05-The bush leads the way

01:53:00-The blighted plant

02:00:05-Roll Initiative

02:02:30-Lesair's First Turn

02:08:00-Introduction to Minion Rules

02:12:22-The Blighted Plant's First Turn

02:14:35-Thread's First Turn

02:20:10-Quay's First Turn

02:21:27-Eli's First Turn

02:26:20-The Needle Blight Minion's First Turn

02:28:20-Lesair's Second Turn

02:32:40-The Blighted Plant's Second Turn

02:35:37-Thread's Second Turn

02:42:24-Quay's Second Turn

02:46:20-Eli's Second Turn

02:48:45-The Blighted Plant Dies

02:50:56-The Needle Blight Minion's Second Turn

02:52:58-Lisair's Third Turn

02:56:12-Thread's Third Turn

03:07:20-Quay's Third Turn

03:07:55-Eli's Third Turn

03:11:00-End of Combat


03:18:00-Clearing away the blight

03:24:40-The Unicorn