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The Wandering Isles

Fantasy Full cast Longform Audio RPG


Join us on a new D&D 5e adventure! Explore the enchanting world of Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might, where magic intertwines with the mysteries of a vast and varied universe. Set in the year 1542 across four mystical islands known collectively as The Wandering Isles, this campaign follows the adventures of a diverse group of characters at an arcane academy. They navigate intricate political landscapes, unearth ancient secrets, and battle dark forces, all while honing their unique magical abilities. Join us as we delve into the rich histories, complex relationships, and epic quests that define their journey through this magical realm.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons

Continuity: Longform

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fantasy

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The Wandering Isles - Session 10

Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:00:00 +0000

This week at Maleficum’s Arcanum of Magic & Might, whispers of ancient traditions cast a long shadow over our adventurers, foreshadowing a tumultuous convergence of fate and will. The serenity of the arcane halls was shattered, setting the stage for revelations and tests of spirit that pushed every bond to its limits.

A sudden and dire upheaval rocked the academy, challenging our heroes in ways unforeseen. Amid the chaos, a clash high above the ground tested not just their skills but the very essence of their alliance. As allegiances were tried, the aftermath left our group facing the arduous task of mending more than just physical scars.

In quieter moments, the comforting bond between a

This week during The Wandering Isles, the stakes were high at Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might as a council of magical experts convened a crucial hearing to decide the fate of both students and the institution amidst recent upheavals. The intense session brought to the fore a series of serious incidents that questioned the school's commitment to safety and ethical magic use.

Key members of the faculty and implicated students testified, offering varied perspectives on the events that shook the school's foundations. Arguments swayed between calls for stringent measures, including possible shutdowns by prosecutor Thaddeus Grimstone, and passionate defenses for the school’s vital role in magical education by counsels Seraphina Lumis and Eldric Wyrmsbane.

The outcomes of the hearing, balancing strict safety concerns with the nurturing needs of young magicians, are set to significantly influence the school's path forward and its approach to magical education. Tune in to discover how Maleficum navigates these turbulent times, continuing to shape the future of its students and the broader magical community.

guardian and her steed offered a poignant reminder of the world’s enduring rhythm. Yet, as the dust of conflict settled, the air was thick with contemplation and the heavy scent of impending decisions. The corridors echoed with the weight of potential farewells and reflections on haunting echoes from their pasts.

Deep discussions illuminated the night, casting long shadows as tales of ancient moons and unnamed spectres wove into the fabric of their current dilemmas. With the integrity of their convictions hanging in the balance, the assembly faces a trial that could irrevocably alter their paths and the legacy of the academy.

As the gavel looms over the coming week, the trial promises to unearth buried truths and challenge the very foundations of Maleficum’s Arcanum. In a realm where magic intertwines with myth, what truths will emerge in the courtroom? Can justice truly be blind in a land where magic colours every judgment?

Join us as we delve into the heart of mystery and magic, where every decision could echo through the halls of time. Will the bonds forged in fire hold fast against the winds of change? Tune in to explore the unfolding saga in The Wandering Isles.

The Wandering Isles - Session 9

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:00:00 +0000

This week at Maleficum’s Arcanum of Magic & Might, whispers of ancient traditions cast a long shadow over our adventurers, foreshadowing a tumultuous convergence of fate and will. The serenity of the arcane halls was shattered, setting the stage for revelations and tests of spirit that pushed every bond to its limits.

A sudden and dire upheaval rocked the academy, challenging our heroes in ways unforeseen. Amid the chaos, a clash high above the ground tested not just their skills but the very essence of their alliance. As allegiances were tried, the aftermath left our group facing the arduous task of mending more than just physical scars.

In quieter moments, the comforting bond between a guardian and her steed offered a poignant reminder of the world’s enduring rhythm. Yet, as the dust of conflict settled, the air was thick with contemplation and the heavy scent of impending decisions. The corridors echoed with the weight of potential farewells and reflections on haunting echoes from their pasts.

Deep discussions illuminated the night, casting long shadows as tales of ancient moons and unnamed spectres wove into the fabric of their current dilemmas. With the integrity of their convictions hanging in the balance, the assembly faces a trial that could irrevocably alter their paths and the legacy of the academy.

As the gavel looms over the coming week, the trial promises to unearth buried truths and challenge the very foundations of Maleficum’s Arcanum. In a realm where magic intertwines with myth, what truths will emerge in the courtroom? Can justice truly be blind in a land where magic colours every judgment?

Join us as we delve into the heart of mystery and magic, where every decision could echo through the halls of time. Will the bonds forged in fire hold fast against the winds of change? Tune in to explore the unfolding saga in The Wandering Isles.

The Wandering Isles - Session 8

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:00:00 +0000

This week in The Wandering Isles, the quiet corridors of Maleficum’s Arcanum of Magic & Might are filled not only with the usual murmurs of magical mysteries but also with the silent footsteps of introspection and strategic planning. Each member of our intrepid group takes a moment to reflect on the intricate tapestry of recent events, setting the stage for the unveiling of deeper secrets and the orchestration of covert actions.

As the dawn breaks with a deceptive calm, secretive discussions unfold, weaving a new thread into the complex web of their shared destiny. An enigmatic ally arrives in the shadows, tasked with a crucial undercover mission that promises to shed light on the lurking dangers within the hallowed halls of the academy.

Personal growth and emotional resilience are themes as poignant conversations guide our heroes through the maze of their past trials towards new strengths. With each step, they forge closer ties, their bonds tested and tempered by the challenges they face together.

The night brings a dramatic turn under the unsettling glow of a blood moon, where startling revelations cut through the darkness, igniting tensions and casting long shadows over their path. A moment of unexpected power and prophecy marks a turning point, leaving the fate of many hanging in the balance.

Join us as the adventure deepens, where every whisper of the wind and shadow in the twilight could be the harbinger of new trials or the echo of ancient secrets. Stay tuned to The Wandering Isles, where the journey is as unpredictable as the spells woven in the starlight.

The Wandering Isles - Session 7

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:00:00 +0000

In our latest venture into the arcane and mysterious Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might, our adventurers find themselves each on their own path, navigating through shadows and secrets that stretch deep beneath the school's ancient foundations.

This episode unfolds with quiet tension as one member silently traces hidden steps through labyrinthine tunnels, uncovering more than just the echo of whispers. Above ground, strategic discussions hint at new alliances and potential betrayals, as personal dilemmas threaten to unravel the fragile threads of trust among friends.

As dusk falls, a sudden flurry of clandestine activity thrusts our group into a moral quandary, challenging their unity and courage. Decisions made in the heat of the moment lead to a harrowing night of consequences, forcing each to confront the darker sides of their quests and the realities of their choices.

Amidst these trials, a discovery of an incident close to home brings a personal crisis that could change the course of one life forever, binding the group together in their most solemn hour.

Tune in to witness how our heroes wrestle with the shadows of their actions and the looming questions about what—and who—to trust. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of The Wandering Isles, every secret uncovered could be the key to salvation or the path to doom. Join us as the saga continues, where every whisper and every silence speaks volumes.

The Wandering Isles - Session 6

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 18:00:00 +0000

In this week’s episode of The Wandering Isles, the students find themselves engaging in deep personal dialogues and uncovering magical intricacies. One adventurer converses with a mystical being under the old trees, exploring the essence of dreams and personal history over shared meals. Meanwhile, tentative steps toward friendship are tested by pleas for understanding and acceptance among peers.

Mystical tools are introduced, offering new means of communication, though not all are convinced of their benignity—leading to secretive burials and hidden caches as some opt to distance themselves from these arcane devices.

As alliances form and intentions are questioned, the underground passageways of the academy reveal more than just secrets about the institution—they expose hidden agendas and plots whispering through the hallowed halls. Each step deeper into the labyrinth of tunnels and relationships promises to challenge their trust and future decisions.

Join us as the unfolding mysteries and alliances at the academy draw our students into a web of intrigue and discovery, where every whispered secret could alter their paths forever.

The Wandering Isles - Session 5

Wed, 29 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000

The adventure kicked off with a covert operation aboard the enigmatic "S.S. Omega I," where stealth was key in evading the watchful eyes of a formidable guardian. The thrill of discovery quickly turned to tension as our heroes uncovered mysterious findings, leading to a daring escape aided by a dramatic aerial rescue.

Back on land, the beach became an arena for a display of martial prowess. A friendly duel under the sun highlighted the skills and determination of our combatants, setting the stage for personal growth and mastery.

Deep in the forest, a conversation revealed secrets of the wild and the intricate dance of dreams, where ancient languages whispered of forgotten truths and hidden paths.

Amidst departures and revelations, strategic dialogues unveiled grand ambitions to breach the very boundaries of their world, sparking a mix of awe and uncertainty within our group.

The episode reached a crescendo with a duel that had more at stake than just pride, influencing the future choices of our heroes. The outcome of this intense confrontation could very well alter the course of their journey.

As the academic life began to unfold, the mysteries of the arcane deepened, promising that every lesson and encounter is a step towards the unknown. The episode closed with a mystical meeting that hints at the profound connections between our heroes and the magical forces that shape their destinies.

Tune in as we continue to explore the trials and tribulations of our heroes in The Wandering Isles, where magic, mystery, and adventure converge at Maleficum’s Arcanum of Magic & Might.

The Wandering Isles - Session 4

Wed, 22 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000

Dive into a world shrouded in mystery and brimming with magical challenges in this week's episode of The Wandering Isles. Our adventurers faced trials that not only tested their abilities but also revealed hidden layers of their destinies.

The episode unfurls with a journey through a bewildering maze, where the power of magic lights the way through darkness, setting the tone for a session filled with enigmatic twists. A whispered promise in the forest leads to a startling awakening, as one of our heroes confronts a reality bent by time itself.

Deception takes center stage in a high-stakes masquerade, where identities blur, and the stakes are as tangible as the beating heart of a coveted treasure. Meanwhile, a race through crowded streets reconnects another to his roots, injecting a pulse-racing excitement into his quest.

As secrets whisper through the leaves, a clandestine plot for an audacious heist begins to unfurl, promising to shatter the calm before the storm. Training sessions on windswept beaches and quiet moments of reflection precede a bold leap into the unknown, as wings unfurl against the twilight sky, heralding the next chapter of our saga.

Join us as we follow these intrepid souls on their quest for knowledge, power, and self-discovery, where every choice could be a step towards greatness or a dance with peril. Tune in to feel the magic, live the adventure, and embrace the mystery.

The Wandering Isles - Session 3

Wed, 15 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000

In a day filled with revelations and challenges, the students of Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might face both internal and external tests that push them to their limits.

The episode begins with a tense confrontation between two students, leading to a surprising confession and a deeper understanding of risky choices and hidden motives. Another student experiences an unexpected encounter with a mysterious figure whose elemental aura and ethereal presence bring a renewed confidence in his skills. A crucial conversation reveals that destiny may be more orchestrated than realized, emphasizing that excellence is a mindset.

Meanwhile, signs of exhaustion raise concerns as the group witnesses others striving beyond their limits in power-based exams. As the day unfolds, the students find themselves pulled into a surreal space, facing unique tests that challenge their abilities and character. From stealthy heists to collaborative gem quests, each trial reveals more about their strengths and potential.

With anticipation building, the stage is set for the remaining tests. Tune in next week to discover how these young mages fare in their personal trials, as they continue to unravel the mysteries of Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might.

The Wandering Isles - Session 2

Wed, 08 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000

The day begins with an ominous sight—a strange ship looms on the horizon, stirring unease among the group. From research to combat, the session has it all. A mysterious figure from a powerful legacy arrives with his entourage, adding to the intrigue. Strange encounters with a ship and a chase through the academy halls heighten the tension. Join us as we delve into a day filled with enigmatic encounters and unfolding mysteries, setting the stage for our adventurers' next steps in their journey.

The Wandering Isles - Session 1

Wed, 01 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000

Welcome to the Wandering Isles, where ancient secrets and wonders await. Discover the enchanting mysteries hidden within these timeless shores!

The Wandering Isles

Theme Song: "March of the Wild" by Henrik Lindström

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The Wandering Isles - Session 0

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:00:00 +0000

Welcome to the Wandering Isles, where ancient secrets and wonders await. Discover the enchanting mysteries hidden within these timeless shores!

The Wandering Isles

Theme Song: "March of the Wild" by Henrik Lindström

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