Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.


10 episodes

Solo Horror Serial Audio Drama


Mil-Liminal is a bi-weekly, cozy horror podcast chronicling the adventures of a midnight shift gas station employee and all that implies.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Solo

Narrator: First Person

Genres: Horror, Slice of life, Occult and Supernatural

Framing device: Journal or Log

Soundscape: Music

Maturity: All audience

Creator demographics: / LGBTQ+

Content warnings: / Abusive behaviour / Mental illness

Country of origin: International

Transcript details: Closed captions

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Episode 0: In which I try to figure out how the heck I got here

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:45:32 +0100

Hey hey, listeners! This is an introductory episode for my shiny new podcast, Mil-Liminal. What is Mil-Liminal, you ask? Well, this is where I, Caro Greene, will tell you about all the spooky things that happen on the overnight shift at the middle-of-nowhere gas station I work at. Take a listen to this episode for a more in-depth explanation. After that, I'll be uploading bi-weekly, so don't forget to subscribe for updates!


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Episode 1: Consumed

Tue, 13 Feb 2024 15:42:49 +0100

Hey Hey listeners! It's me, your favorite liminal employee, and boy have I got a tale for you... my first one, actually! So put on those headphones, grab a snack and turn down the lights.

Episode 1: Consumed

What do you get when you mix a mom and pop gas station, some slightly ominous woods, a mixed-up teenager and a Datsun? Well I don’t know but I guess you'll find out soon enough! 



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Episode 2: The Ghost of a Memory

Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:06:00 +0100

Hey Hey listeners! It's me, your favorite liminal employee, Caro Greene, with another tale from the Unknown...Well. Kinda. I guess you'll see. Anyway, put on those headphones, grab a snack and turn down the lights!

Episode 2: The Ghost of a Memory

In which I get real rambley and teach you a little bit about How Things Work at my job.



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Episode 3: Givin' Me the Ick

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 21:14:40 +0100

Hey Hey listeners, it's me! A liminal employee at an Inconvenience Store, here with another tale of 'why does this keep happening?'  So put on those headphones, grab a snack and turn down the lights. 

Episode 3: Givin' Me the Ick

In which we talk about moving forward, and the trouble with late-night creepies.


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Episode 4: Mary Mary

Tue, 09 Apr 2024 22:01:51 +0200

Hey Hey Listeners, I've been thinkin', it's time to talk a little bit about the past. So turn down the lights and grab your fave plushie to cuddle. Lets talk about small towns, ghost stories, and my childhood.

Episode 4: Mary Mary

This episode contains:

  • allusions to parental abuse, alcoholism, and violence
  • allusions to controlling behavior
  • exploitation and isolation
  • intense feelings of despair



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Episode 5: The Bathrooms

Tue, 28 May 2024 21:36:14 +0200

Hey Hey Listeners, it's me, midnight gas station employee here once again with my dark trees, endless road, and neon lights. I might be a teeny tiny bit on edge this episode, but I guess you'll have to listen to understand. So grab a snack, turn down the lights, and maybe ...preemptively take that bathroom break. Lets get into it.

Welcome to Mil-Liminal. Episode 5: The Bathrooms

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Episode 6: Engine Trouble

Wed, 31 Jul 2024 20:52:32 +0200

Hey Hey listeners, it's time for another episode of your favorite midnight gas-station stories; so grab a snack and some headphones, turn down the lights, and snuggle under your favorite blanket.

Episode 6: Engine Trouble

In which we discuss frenemies, potato chip displays, and every travelers worst nightmare, engine trouble.

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Episode 7: Halloween Interruption

Thu, 31 Oct 2024 22:30:18 +0100

Happy Halloween from your favorite haunted gas-station attendant!

Technical Issues

Halloween Wishes

Old Friends

I don't really know what happened with all that glitching in the middle but I hope you get something out of this episode at least.


Trigger Warnings: Mention of eating disorders and self harm

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Episode 8: White Out

Tue, 21 Jan 2025 23:08:27 +0100

Hey Hey listeners! It's me, your favorite midnight gas station employee here with another episode: In which I discover thrift stores, experience a little gender euphoria, and get a new ski jacket. I'm gonna need it...

So put on those headphones, grab a snack and turn down the lights...Oh, you might need an extra blanket too.

Welcome to Mil-Liminal Episode 8: White Out

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Episode 9: The UnReality

Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:37:30 +0100

Hey Hey Listeners, I'm still here somehow. Just a gas station in the middle of the woods sometime past midnight, the late night travelers, and lil' ol' me.

And the Volvo... and the uncanny shadow deer with two many eyes I can't quite focus on. And maybe a new friend?

Welcome to Mil-Liminal. Episode 9: The UnReality

Make sure to subscribe for updates, or you can also listen on most of your fave podcast providers — just search for Mil-Liminal.

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