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Creator: RumbleStump Entertainment

Fantasy, Religion Full cast Serial Audio Drama


When the experimental research of a physicist goes awry, his estranged twin children follow him through time to medieval Wales, where a shattered kingdom forces them to confront their broken relationship. Sometimes, it takes getting out of your comfort zone for God to speak to you. In the case of twins Rhona & Flint Thatcher it takes going back in time for God to get a word in edgewise. A time-travel medieval fantasy adventure for all ages. Step into a high fidelity audio epic with a full cast, narration, and an original score. @1232audioepic @calliesioux #1232audioepic

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fantasy, Religion

Framing device: None


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Episode Twenty-Eight: Chapter 29

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:36:00 -0600

Ragar’s plans to outwit Zorreale come to their bitter end. With dark magic coursing through his veins, Ragar reveals his mistakes, and the prisoner he’s been keeping a secret from the Enchantress. Vera is sent back to the rebel camp to continue to spy on them, but her loyalty to her cruel mistresses is waning. Their rule hangs in the balance as the battle for Brecon continues.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Lauren Harding as Vera

Jessica King as Zorreale

Matt Burke as Taff


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

“Static Line” the 1232 theme is now available wherever you listen to music


Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Twenty-Seven: Chapter 28

Tue, 18 Jun 2024 11:59:00 -0600

At the urging of Priest Michael Cardigan reveals his true identity and his connection to King Arthur and the legendary sword Excalibur. This news throws Flint and Rhona deeper into the resistance’s ranks and cause. With hope rekindling, even with winter coming, a new plan is formed to save the people of Brecon, and the courage to defeat Zorreale once and for all is revitalized.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Matt Burke as Cardigan

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Ian Lee as the Woodsman


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

“Static Line” the 1232 theme is now available wherever you listen to music

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Twenty-Six: Chapter 27 w/ Q&A

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:14:00 -0600

At the end of the episode hear your questions answered.

Zorreale has Ragar under her thumb with a blood oath that seals his loyalty to her in more than one realm. Vera’s true identity is revealed and a trap is laid for capturing the remaining survivors of the resistance.

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Jessica King as Zorreale

Garrett Lamay as Soldier


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Featuring “Run” by Crimson Calamity

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter and Patreon supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Twenty-Five: Chapter 26

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 11:17:58 -0600

The resistance has scattered, but  Zorreale once again turns to her secret prisoner for more help: she has imprisoned another person from the 21st century in a dungeon below Castle Brecon, a helicopter pilot from Black Dagger. Exploiting his knowledge to create advanced weapons and engineering, Zorreale's power in the realm of dark magic intensifies. With so much darkness and evil in the shire, will light prevail? What other secrets are Ragar and Zorreale hiding?


Voice Talent:

Robin Scott as Hoffman

Jessica King as Zorreale

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

J.D. Sutter as the Voice of the Angel


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


 #1232 #1232audioepic #adventure #fiction #timetravel #fantasy #YA


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters and Patreon members:



Welsh Bowmen



Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


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Episode Twenty-Four: Chapter 25

Wed, 29 May 2024 01:00:00 -0600

The forest surrounding the resistance camp and cave has been utterly destroyed by Zorreale’s fire, the resistance crushed and scattered. But high in the mountains surrounding the town Rhona and Dafydd survived the stampede. With the remaining remuda in tow they begin a cautious journey back to the camp hoping to find survivors. Will the resistance’s courage outlast Zorreale’s dark intentions?

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Featuring Rhona's Theme “Warrior” by Robyn Cage 

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Twenty-Three: Chapter 24

Wed, 22 May 2024 01:34:00 -0600

*Get ready for a special Q&A after episode 26 - submit your questions about the show, story or production now via and get mentioned while the creators answer your questions.*

Enchantress Zorreale of Spain and her Danish knight, Ragar, have crushed the resistance led by the valiant Cardigan ap Llewelyn. Their dark magic fire has decimated the resistance's encampment. As the smoke clears, Flint and Cardigan, having miraculously survived, find themselves stranded downstream, potentially the sole survivors of the brutal assault. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, with Flint and Cardigan contemplating their next move in a landscape filled with uncertainty and danger.

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Jessica King as Zorreale 

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Lauren Harding as Vera 

Matt Burke as Cardigan 

Corey Keller as Flint 

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter & Patreon supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Twenty-Two: Chapter 23

Wed, 15 May 2024 02:00:00 -0600

*submit your questions about 1232 to the creators for a special Q&A on episode 26! submit via website*

A massive wildfire, ignited by Zorreale’s dark magic, ravages the countryside destroying all in its path. Rhona and little Dafydd are caught in the middle of a stampede astride a mighty stallion that leads the herd from danger and into the dark hills surrounding Brecon. Amidst the chaos, Flint's heroic intervention saves Cardigan, but the battle for their survival is far from over. With the resistance teetering on the brink, the battle against tyranny reaches a fever pitch. Will they emerge victorious, or be consumed by the flames?

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher 

Kaelyn Landry as Daffyd 

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar 

Garrett Goodloe as Edward 

Matt Burke as Cardigan 

Callie Sioux as the Stewardess 

Jessica King as Zorreale 

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael 


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring Rhona's Theme “Warrior” by Robyn Cage 

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Episode Twenty-One: Chapter 22

Tue, 07 May 2024 23:59:00 -0600

The resistance's progress against the evil enchantress Zorreale halts abruptly as Ragar launches a fierce nighttime assault. A fire engulfs the camp and surrounding woods, throwing everything into chaos. Rhona and Dafydd run to save the horses, while Flint faces brutal combat side by side with Cardigan. The resistance scatters as the fire, ignited by Zorreale, wreaks havoc. In this episode friends fall, and enemies triumph.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage - Rhona Thatcher 

Corey Keller - Flint Thatcher 

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd 

Garret Goodloe as Edward


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


Episode Twenty: Chapter 21

Wed, 01 May 2024 12:38:41 -0600

Brecon, Wales ignites with the flame of resistance as Cardigan's rallying cry echoes through the kingdom, stirring the hearts of its people to defy the tyrant Zorreale. Cardigan and his companions embark on a daring mission to thwart the enchantress and her ruthless mercenaries.They must summon all their courage and cunning to outwit their adversaries and reclaim their homeland. Will they emerge victorious in this epic battle for freedom, or will darkness prevail?

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters & Patreon Members



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent

Matt Burke as Caridgan

Mike Darling as Smyth 


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Nineteen: Chapter 19 & 20

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 23:59:00 -0600

In the aftermath of Caryn's tragic demise by the hands of the Enchantress Zorreale, the community of Brecon gathers for a somber yet poignant burial. However, far from crushing their spirits, Caryn's passing ignites a fierce determination within the resistance.

As Zorreale's malevolent presence looms larger, Cardigan, the leader of Brecon, boldly declares war against the evil Enchantress and her ruthless mercenaries. But Zorreale, undeterred by the challenge, confronts Cardigan head-on, setting the stage for a battle of wills and powers.

Amidst rising tensions and emotional turmoil, the fight for the freedom and souls of Brecon's people escalates into a full-blown war. With the stakes higher than ever, the stage is set for an epic struggle between light and darkness, where every choice and sacrifice will shape the destiny of Brecon and its inhabitants.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Sid Goodloe as Priest Micheal 

Matt Burke as Cardigan 

Jessica King as Zorreale 

Lauren Harding as Vera 

Garrett Lamay as Soldier 

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher 

Garrett Goodloe as Edward

Kevin McDonald as the Voice of God


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” and Jeff Spirko on strings

Vera’s Theme “Run” by Crimson Calamity 

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Eighteen: Chapter 18

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 01:00:00 -0600

In the dimly lit dungeons of Castle Brecon, Caryn, a valiant member of the resistance is locked in a fierce confrontation with Zorreale, the tyrannical Enchantress who holds sway over medieval Brecknockshire. Caryn's resolve is tested when Zorreale presents her with a dire ultimatum: betray her comrades or face certain death. Yet, fueled by an unyielding dedication to freedom and faith, Caryn stands firm against the Enchantress's threats. Meanwhile, news of Caryn's capture sends shock waves through the resistance, leaving Cardigan scrambling to mount a daring rescue mission. Amidst the chaos, Flint and Rhona find themselves grappling with existential questions after a harrowing battle, as they seek solace and guidance from Priest Michael. A gripping episode harnessing the sacrifice of faith and conviction.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Jessica King as Zorreale

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Sherry Evans as Caryn

Garrett Goodloe as Edward

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael 

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Seventeen: Chapter 17

Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:59:00 -0600

Priest Michael and little Dafydd find themselves pursued by Black Riders, plunging the resistance camp into a furious battle. Rhona and Flint fight desperately against the relentless onslaught, facing imminent death repeatedly. The Black Riders, ruthless and unstoppable, leave the resistance battered, with Caryn captured and awaiting execution by Enchantress Zorreale. As Cardigan and the survivors scramble to devise a rescue plan, Rhona grapples with newfound compassion and a yearning to break free from the grief and anger consuming her. This intense episode unfolds with a potent mix of peril, emotion, and the unwavering quest for redemption.

Would you like to know more about 1232? Meet the cast? Meet the crew? Join our Patreon for more content

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd


Matt Burke as Cardigan

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Mike Darling as Smyth

Garrett Goodloe as Edward 


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” and Jeff Spirko on strings

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter and Patreon supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Sixteen: Chapter 16

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:04:02 -0600

In a spine-chilling episode, the liberation of Cardigan unleashes the full wrath of Enchantress Zorreale, escalating her malevolence to new heights as she exacts vengeance on his allies. Zorreale's dark intentions and formidable magic cast a sinister shadow over the resistance, weaving a treacherous web of deceit and danger. With relentless determination, she hatches a nefarious plot to capture the resistance's most devoted ally, threatening to tip the scales in favor of her ominous forces. As Zorreale's malevolence tightens its grip, danger lurks around every corner, testing the resilience of her foes and plunging them into a gripping battle between light and shadow, good and evil. Brace yourself as the stakes reach a fever pitch, and the forces of darkness unleash their most insidious plans upon the resistance.

Do you like the show? Tell us! Rate it or join our Patreon


Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Jessica King as Zorreale

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Sherry Evans as Caryn

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” and Jeff Spirko on strings

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Bonus Episode: Never Drop Your Sword: Sarah Woodbury Interview

Mon, 01 Apr 2024 23:59:00 -0600

Welcome! Creoso!

Sarah Woodbury, Mom, Author, Historian, Welsh Speaker, and creatively courageous joins us for a special interview about her book series. Sarah and Callie Sioux have both written about Medieval Wales in their novels that are mysteriously similar!

An episode full of coincidences, Welsh history, and Author banter. Meet the two leading ladies in Welsh scifi-fantasy fiction...from the USA.

Connect with Sarah Woodbury and start her book series:

Latest Release March 29th: 

Try the After Cilmeri Series:




Ebooks for all retailers:

Connect with Callie Sioux and listen to 1232:

Join her on Patreon for more Behind-the-Scenes content for 1232 - an audio epic

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Episode Fifteen: Chapter 15

Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:59:00 -0600

In a pulse-pounding episode, Rhona and Flint cross paths with the formidable warrior Priest Michael, who urgently alerts Caryn to the looming threat posed by the sinister Enchantress Zorreale. Priest Michael becomes their guide, leading the Thatchers to the heart of the resistance camp. However, their journey takes a perilous turn as Ragar's menacing forces overtake them, plunging them into a high-stakes skirmish between the valiant resistance and the ominous Black Riders. As Flint and Rhona fight for their lives, they find refuge within the resistance camp, where a reunion awaits them with none other than the elusive Cardigan. Brace yourself for a riveting episode filled with danger, and the relentless struggle for survival as Rhona and Flint navigate the treacherous medieval world around them.

#1232 #1232audioepic #timetravel #fantasy #faith #wales #medieval #YA #adventure



1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Sherry Evans as Caryn

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd

Matt Burke as Cardigan

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Mike Darling as Smyth

Garrett Goodloe as Edward 

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Fourteen: Chapter 14

Tue, 19 Mar 2024 23:59:00 -0600

Having left Rhona and Flint under Caryn's watch in Brecon, Cardigan, the dirty prisoner from Castle Brecon, strikes off to find the remaining members of the resistance. To Cardigan's astonishment, he reunites with Priest Michael, his long-lost tutor and mentor. Cardigan’s friends and companions unveil the harsh reality of Zorreale and Ragar's merciless rule over Brecknockshire, discovering the immense suffering of their people. Fueled by a burning desire for justice, Cardigan and his allies embark on a daring guerrilla campaign to liberate their lands from the clutches of the malevolent enchantress, Zorreale. Get ready for the action to begin as they strive to overthrow the oppressive regime and bring hope back to Brecon.

#1232 #1232audioepic #timetravel #fantasy #faith #wales #medieval #YA #adventure


Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Matt Burke as Cardigan

Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael

Mike Darling as Smyth

Garrett Goodloe as Edward 

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Thirteen: Chapter 13

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 23:59:00 -0600

In the wake of their father's death, Rhona and Flint Thatcher find themselves in an unfamiliar world, haunted by the cruelty of Enchantress Zorreale. Witnessing the suffering endured in Brecon, Rhona seeks revenge; while grieving Flint promises vengeance against Thomas Hoffman, the man from Black Dagger who betrayed their father. As the siblings navigate loss, betrayal, and retribution, their individual journeys unfold against a backdrop of intrigue and suspense in this compelling episode.

#1232 #1232audioepic #timetravel #fantasy #faith #wales #medieval #YA #adventure

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Sherry Evans as Caryn

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” and Jeff Spirko on strings

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Twelve: Chapter 12

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Awaking in a rustic peasant's hut, Rhona and Flint are immersed in the medieval world of legend and history. They meet Caryn—a resilient native of Brecon, Wales, actively resisting the tyrannical Enchantress Zorreale. Caryn unravels the tumultuous state of affairs in Wales, disclosing the fate of the siblings’ father. The once-mysterious cellmate they freed from the castle dungeons turns out to be Cardigan ap Llewelyn, the rightful lord of Brecknockshire, and perhaps a man who could unite the clans against looming threats. Caryn tells of the oppression endured by the populace under Zorreale's ruthless Black Riders. The Thatchers are at the heart of a political struggle and rebellion in this pivotal episode.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #wales #medieval #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Sherry Evans as Caryn

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Edited and Sound Design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” and Jeff Spirko on strings

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Eleven: Chapter 11

Tue, 27 Feb 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Rhona and Flint struggle with being thrust back in time, and finding themselves prisoners in the clutches of Enchantress Zorreale and her ruthless mercenary captain, Ragar. The dark dungeon becomes a stage for sibling tension and emotional unrest. A mysterious, feverishly mad cellmate becomes an unlikely ally, revealing a connection to their long-lost father, John Thatcher. Amid the confusion the Thatchers hatch an escape plan from the dungeon's depths with their deranged fellow prisoner known as ‘Cardigan.’

#1232 #1232audioepic #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #wales #medieval #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen



 Listen Ad Free and Sign Up

Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Cardigan

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko performing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Envanto sound - @korolkov

Episode Ten: Chapter 10

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Flint, Rhona, and Taff awaken in the heart of a mysterious medieval tower. They must grapple with the discovery of an identical Carril Stone when unpredictable events unfold. Taff is captured by black-clad soldiers bearing a sinister emblem – an eclipse shrouding the sun. Rhona lies unconscious, and Flint's encounter with the formidable Enchantress Zorreale, ruler of this unknown realm, lead to their imprisonment in the dark depths beneath the Welsh Castle Brecon in the year 1232 A.D. They must navigate the treacherous confines of the castle, Zorreale's dark intentions, and the ancient magic binding them to this otherworldly land. Listen as a captivating tale of secrets, peril, and the unraveling of destiny against the backdrop of medieval enchantment unfold.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #magic #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #wales #medieval #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle


Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Jonathan Cooke as Ragar

Jessica King as Zorreale


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko playing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Episode Nine: Chapter 9

Tue, 13 Feb 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Taff's unwavering faith begins to perplex Rhona. Flint delves deeper into the mystery of their father's disappearance, he learns that Taff possesses crucial knowledge about the event—John Thatcher's vanishing in the Patos Mountains. Determined to find answers, the trio scale the mountain and uncover clues left behind by the enigmatic physicist. They stumble upon the mysterious Carril stone, but their respite is short-lived as Commander Lewis closes in on them. In an inexplicable flash of light, Taff, Rhona, and Flint vanish without a trace. Brace yourself for the next chapter of this adventure as the boundaries between reality and the unknown blur, and fate takes an unexpected turn.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #adventure #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #suspense #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


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Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko playing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




Episode Eight: Chapter 8

Tue, 06 Feb 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Following their harrowing escape and a near-fatal crash, Rhona, Flint, and Taff unite at last, their paths intertwining amid the treacherous desert mountains. United by their common enemy, Commander Lewis, who relentlessly hunts them, the trio embarks on a daring quest to evade his clutches and find refuge in the unforgiving wilderness. Secrets from their pasts come to light, but they must rely on each other's strength and resilience to navigate the next 24 hours. 

 #1232 #1232audioepic #adventure #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #suspense #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko playing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Seven: Chapter 7

Tue, 30 Jan 2024 23:59:00 -0700

In this episode, follow Rhona and Flint on a frantic cross-state drive across Texas to the mountains of New Mexico. As they race to evade the clutches of Black Dagger, tensions run high between the two, but secrets start to unravel. Rhona opens up about her involvement in the shady dealings of Eclipse, while Flint stumbles upon a mysterious connection between their missing father and the malevolent Black Dagger. Unveiling their father's research on time-travel, Flint and Rhona find themselves drawn into a web of intrigue and danger. Meanwhile, Taff embarks on a daring journey to reunite with Rhona. Gear up for an exciting episode filled with action, revelations, and a convergence of destinies.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #adventure  #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #fiction #YA

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko playing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen



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Episode Six: Chapter 6

Tue, 23 Jan 2024 23:59:00 -0700

Taff's life is in danger, forcing him to part ways with Pastor Ruben and flee to the Patos Mountains near Capitan, New Mexico. Together, they devise a daring plan to ensure his survival and rescue Rhona, but only if she and Flint can make it safely to the rendezvous point. Taff's destination is a secure hideout in the mountains of south-central New Mexico, but danger lurks close behind in the form of the relentless Commander Lewis from Black Dagger. With the clock ticking, Taff must evade Lewis's unyielding pursuit while anxiously awaiting Rhona and Flint's arrival. Brace yourself for a heart-pounding chase and a race against time in this high-stakes episode.

Tags: #1232 #1232audioepic #espionage #military #timetravel #fantasy #faith #YA


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Aldo Montes as Pastor Ruben

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring James Dillion, Millie Scott, Zac Bryant, and Jeff Spirko playing on “Static Line”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen



Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


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Episode Five: Chapter 5

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 22:00:00 -0700

Pastor Ruben, Taff's guiding light, offers solace and guidance in a world unknown by the desperate operative. With Taff’s secret safe in the pastor's hands, he finds comfort in their bond. However, danger looms as Black Dagger sets out on a relentless hunt for both Taff and Rhona. Amidst the chaos, Flint becomes the bearer of startling revelations when discussing their father John Thatcher's groundbreaking research. The tantalizing prospect of time-travel emerges as more than a mere theory, with a time manipulation ‘device’ hidden in the badlands of New Mexico. In this episode, bonds will be tested, and the line between science and fantasy blurs in the face of a world-changing discovery.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #espionage #military #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #YA #adventure

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux


Voice Talent:

Aldo Montes as Pastor Ruben

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Featuring Fabian Zechmeister

On the Irish Whistle performing the traditional hymn, “Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering 

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

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Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Four: Chapter 4

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 22:00:00 -0700

Meet Taff, a skilled mercenary and part of Eclipse, Black Dagger's prestigious elite unit. Having been embroiled in numerous shady transactions under orders by Commander Lewis and Boss Kelham, Taff's past is anything but ordinary. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when his friend and colleague, Rhona, finds herself entangled in dire circumstances within the very company they serve. As Taff's position becomes compromised, he embarks on a perilous journey outside Las Cruces, New Mexico, seeking refuge and guidance from his sole confidant, Pastor Ruben. Secrets from beyond time and across borders are unveiled.

#1232 #1232audioepic #espionage #military #timetravel #fantasy  #faith #adventure

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Sid Goodloe as Lewis


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant 

1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Three: Chapter 2&3

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 22:00:00 -0700

Flint Thatcher is torn between his relentless quest to find his missing father and the crushing weight of financial struggles. Pushed to the brink, he takes a desperate step, declaring his father deceased in order to access the inheritance that might fund his search. As his life unravels, Flint must now rely on his twin sister, Rhona, despite their strained relationship. Together, they unwittingly plunge into a tumultuous world of trouble where they come face to face with Rhona's employers, the ominous private security firm, Black Dagger. In the midst of turmoil, startling evidence hints at Black Dagger's potential involvement in their father's disappearance. Brace yourself for an intense episode of family ties tested, trust betrayed, and dangerous revelations that will alter the Thatcher's lives forever.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #fiction #adventure #YA #timetravel #fantasy #faith

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Sid Goodloe as Lewis

Eric Baesel as Mr. Galloway


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Envanto sound - @korolkov


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode Two: Chapter 1

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 22:00:00 -0700

Present day. Rhona Thatcher's life spirals out of control after a botched mission with Eclipse, jeopardizing her rank within Black Dagger, the private security firm where she is employed in New Mexico. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected phone call demands her presence at the reading of her father's will, forcing her into an uneasy reunion with her estranged brother, Flint Thatcher. Tensions rise as they are thrown together, and Rhona must navigate the turbulent waters of family ties while grappling with the consequences of her bad decisions. Prepare for a roller coaster of emotions as secrets unravel and the fractured siblings confront their shared past in this gripping episode.

 #1232 #1232audioepic #espionage #military #timetravel #fantasy #YA #fiction

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee and Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha and Omega Chiropractic


Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Callie Sioux

Voice Talent:

Mark Wangerin as John Thatcher

Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher

Matt Burke as Taff

Floyd Goodloe as Boss Kelham

Walt Evans as Commander Cummins

Jhett Black as Briggs

Garrett Lamay as the Medic

Sid Goodloe as Lewis


Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black

Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen




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Episode One: Prologue

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:20:00 -0700

817 A.D. The young druid, Mryddn Emrys, is held between the demands of his pagan roots, and the call of a  burning bush where he hears the voice of God. Cuthrual’s (Lucifer) armor casts from heaven like a meteor; desperately sought by Myrddn’s aunt, the Lady of the Lake. Myrddn enacts his legacy by forging the meteor into the fabled sword, Excalibur. He has set events in motion for Wales and the Isle of Britain that can never be undone. The Lady of the Lake now possesses the Carril Stone, a stone with the power to manipulate time. In this supernatural battle for the souls of mankind, which side will Mryddn aid?

Prepare for a riveting battle of ancient spirits and Divine power as destinies converge.  Choices made will echo through the ages, impacting the fate of Flint and Rhona Thatcher.

#arthurianlegend #kingarthur #merlin #ladyofthelake #1232 #1232audioepic #YA #adventure #fiction

Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment

Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle

Narrated by Kevin McDonald

Voice Talent: 

Kevin McDonald as Myrddn Emrys

Myranda Waldo as Lady of the Lake

Kevin McDonlad as the Voice of God


Mixed, Edited and Engineered by Jhett Black

Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black

Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering

Cover Art by Niall C. Grant


1232 is listener supported:

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters



Welsh Bowmen



Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Oasis Family Media

Atticus Coffee & Tea

PhilBob Borman Fine Art

Alpha & Omega Chiropractic


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