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The Sword Strider Saga

Fantasy Serial Audio Book


The world is about to change.

Warriors, assassins, fair maidens, court officials and even the emperor and heavenly immortals are nothing but pawns on a giant chessboard.

Xu Fengnian, a playboy of national notoriety and heir to the empire’s second most powerful man, finds himself embroiled in the depth of an unbeatable game…

Immerse yourself in a world brimming with heroism and follow a young man’s odyssey in this audio drama series “The Sword Strider Saga.”

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Text to Speech

Genres: Fantasy

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Episode 1: Waiter, Wine Please

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The Northern Liang Palace lay nestled in Qingliang Mountain, surrounded by lush vegetation and presiding over thousands of households.

As the Lord of Northern Liang, Xu Xiao ruled over the three northwestern provinces, and was the sole monarch in the kingdom who came from a different lineage. Both within the royal court and the realm of fighters, he invoked condemnation and acclaim in equal parts.

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Episode 2: White Fox-face

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:00:00 GMT

Xu Longxiang jerked his horse to a sudden stop, shouting his brother's name several times. Seeing no reaction from the latter, he thought his brother had died, and broke into loud sobs.

It was only after Old Huang hobbled over and whispered a few words that Xu Longxiang started to laugh while sucking in his snot, giving the old servant a pat on the shoulder that landed as a slap so hard, the old man fell squarely on his butt.

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Episode 3: Two Dimples

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

By all accounts, Xu Fengnian was quite a handsome and striking casanova.

Several popular courtesans in Ling Province had been fighting tooth and nail over him in jealous fits.

If anyone in the castle dared to shoot daggers at Xu Fengnian and displayed their hatred of him unreservedly, that would be the maid who at this moment was distancing herself from several servant girls who were smiling coyly. Jiang Ni was her name.

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Episode 4: Go Pick Hawthorns on That Mountain

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian left the Tingchao Pavilion and came to the stable, where there was a lone russet-colored horse with a lame leg.

Old Huang was grumbling at the horse when he spotted Prince Xu. He grinned from ear to ear, his two missing front teeth in full view, painting an altogether goofy scene.

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Episode 5: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

News of a beauty with peerless elegance coming to Dragon Inn had been the hot topic of the capital city of Ling Province for the past two days, second only to Prince Xu's return in terms of buzz.

Rumor had it that this lady was even more alluring than the top courtesan of Ling Province, Yu Youwei.

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Episode 6: Ready, Steady, Go

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

White fox-face entered the palace, one of the three great forbidden fortresses along with City of the Peerless, where the "World No. 2" resided, and Wu's Shrine of Swords.

City of the Peerless had an old freak who belittled all the world's masters.

Wu's Shrine of Swords housed a large horde of wizened swordsmen who spent all their lives honing their sword skills.

Whereas Northern Liang Palace, aside from being guarded by the Northern Liang iron cavalry, contained countless masters who had chosen to stay out of worldly affairs.

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Episode 7: Empress, Gazing Upon the City Walls

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The Zijin Mansion possessed a tremendous reputation,

and Yu Youwei was its the Oiran. She once performed a sword dance which mesmerized and scared Xu Fengnian out of his wits all at once.

The procuress here was all dolled up today, personally welcoming the three loaded scions.

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Episode 8: First Fruits

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian flung the tightly bound Yu Youwei onto the grand bed in the inner chamber, then proceeded to feed her the Yuni Powder.

The drug would revive an unconscious female, while making her body supple and devoid of strength, like an amorphous resin. She would not even be able to bite her own tongue in despair, though still perfectly capable of moaning and purring.

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Episode 9: Blade in the Snow

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Before long, wisps of snow had ushered in the onset of winter.

White fox-face had now spent five days inside the first floor of the Tingchao Pavilion,

while Yu Youwei and Empress had settled down as well.

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Episode 10: Mulled Wine, Bell-Ringing and Sightseeing

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Once again, white fox-face had gone into seclusion.

Xu Fengnian went to the center of the lake with Jiang Ni, Yu Youwei and Old Huang in tow, to make mulled wine while admiring the snow.

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Episode 11: Rouge cum Laude

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

All around the palace, there were lights and decorations, the place enveloped in a glorious celebratory mood.

It was lunar January, and there seemed to be an endless line of guests bearing precious gifts.

Then came the Lantern Festival.

Xu Fengnian took Yu Youwei and a slew of burly guards to Valedictorian Alley to revel in the festivities.

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Episode 12: An Ogre Under the Lake

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Spring came knocking, awakening insects in hibernation.

It was noontime, and Xu Fengnian ventured alone to the lakeside, plunging into the tranquil emerald waters.

The lake water was fluid, as if having a life of its own. It reached substantial depths, and a huge Luminous Pearl lay embedded in its lakebed, illuminating its surroundings with radiance as bright as daylight.

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Episode 13: Blade-Wielding Ogre, Casket-Carrying Old Huang

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Once they reached the center of the lake, Xu Fengnian threw down the purple-colored Tonitrusword with all his might.

A long uneventful silence followed.

Old Huang slowly stepped toward the bow of the boat and remained motionless.

It happened in a flash.

The lake waters surged with intense undulations, as if the world was about to topple over.

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Episode 14: Errant Horse, Rice Wine and Two Thousand Miles

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The great battle came to a swift end. Old Huang wielded three swords in the end, unleashing six moves in total. Surprisingly, the old ogre no longer put up a fight after that.

Back then, it was indeed Old Huang who beat that ogre down the lake bottom.

The ogre shouted at Xu Fengnian, "Hey kid, gimme some meat and booze!"

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Episode 15: The Mountain's Cattle-riding Individual

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian led a group of cavalry back to the palace and came to the courtyard where the old ogre was in.

On seeing Xu Fengnian, the old ogre asked, "Boy, has Swordmaster Huang left for City of the Peerless to settle with Old Wang Xianzhi?"

Xu Fengnian nodded and sat down on a stool opposite the old ogre without a word.

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Episode 16: Good and Best

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian snapped, "Cattle-riding boy! If you hide again, I'll lead my men to destroy Serenity Palace and throw you off Lesser Lotus Peak along with the Turtleback Stele!"

The young Taoist said, "Greetings, Your Highness."

After some intriguing eye contact with Xu Fengnian, the Taoist turned around and just walked ahead, followed by Xu Fengnian and the old ogre.

The three of them went to a secluded place, where Xu Fengnian gave the Taoist a good beating.

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Episode 17: None of He Who Lives Understands

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The woman named Fan Xiaochai was the daughter of a lineage holding a grudge against Xu Xiao. Master Lin, meanwhile, was a doofus being used to bring the assassin into the palace. Taking the chance of sightseeing, Miss Fan drew a map of the palace and a portrait of Xu Fengnian, awaiting a chance of assassination.

Xu Fengnian had no mercy for those people. After all, he had learned quite a lot about the world in the three-year travel.

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Episode 18: Those bottles of rice wine

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After Xu Fengnian woke up in the morning, Hong Shu, the eldest servant girl in Sycamore Garden, came in to help him dress.

She softly reminded him of a secret letter on the table.

Xu Fengnian freshened up. Then he gently opened the envelope, upon which was a small seal script of "Yin".

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Episode 19: Blade Drills

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian wanted to practice blade skills from the old ogre.

The old ogre asked, "Why should I teach you?"

Xu Fengnian replied, "I'll ask Xu Xiao to invite Wei Beishan, the man with the blade Horse Slayer, to Northern Liang. You can fight with him. And we'll invite one master every year till I can use a blade."

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Episode 20: Killing and Snow Appreciation

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

All too quickly, it was lunar January again. Today, the Grand Consul personally received two state governors, Yan Jiexi and Li Gongde. Li Hanlin was unable to sit still, so the Grand Consul waved him off with "Get out". Then Li Hanlin immediately took his best friend Yan Chiji and ran out.

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Episode 21: Impressive Grand Master

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In the Tingchao Pavilion, the Grand Consul witnessed the two riders leaving the palace. He asked gently, "Li Yishan, do you think he's fooling around with the Yan’s girl or saving the sixty-nine people of Yan Chiji's family?"

Li Yishan said flatly, "Both."

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Episode 22: The Elderly Taoist on the Mountain

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Xiao asked, "Do you really intend to keep practicing?"

Xu Fengnian wondered, "Or what?"

Xu Xiao said, "Then go to Wudang Mountains. Someone's waiting for you."

Xu Fengnian asked in surprise, "To see Hong Xixiang?"

With a faint smile, Xu Xiao replied, "No. To see Wang Chonglou, High Priest of Wudang Mountains."

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Episode 23: Puppy and Muddy

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wang Chonglou was tall. Turning around, he saw his sullen junior fellow apprentice and joked, "Did Brother Chen take your private collection of banned books again?"

Hong Xixiang shook his head as if to speak but then stopped. Wang Chonglou patted him on the shoulder before leaving in the moonlight.

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Episode 24: Removing a Mountain

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian ignored Jiang Ni and opened the package, which contained a Luminous Pearl, several ink brushes, and secret guidebooks from dozens of sects.

He planned to pick one or two adaptable skills from each book and apply them in blade drills, drawing strength from all the sects.

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Episode 25: Girls Down the Mountain are All Dragons

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian didn't superficially read the hundreds of books he had managed up the mountain. For parts he didn't fully understand, he would ask Hong Xixiang for an explanation.

During this time, Xu Fengnian used "Ursus Strikes", which spoke of fierce moves, as a classic book to train his body. Meanwhile, on the advice of Hong Xixiang, he asked for a set of anonymous punch skills from Wudang Mountains. The latter was gentler.

Despite long-term practices, he still failed to get the hang of it. Xu Fengnian had to ask, "Who created this set of punch skills? Are you deliberately screwing me over?"

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Episode 26: Why Must Princesses Make Things Hard for Each Other

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian opened his eyes and let out a whistle. He sneered, "A hundred Northern Liang cavalrymen are coming up the mountain with crossbows. Let's see who will get killed."

The noble youth flared, "How dare you?"

Xu Fengnian laughed, "In Northern Liang, there's nothing I dare not to do."

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Episode 27: The Most Fatal

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Watching the tension outside the hut, Hong Xixiang couldn't help but get anxious for Xu Fengnian. Just then, the subtle stalemate was broken by Wang Xiaoping, who came carrying a sword.

Wang Xiaoping was over forty years old. He carried a long purplish mahogany sword named Shenshu Sword.

Wang Chonglou persuaded gently, "It's inappropriate to fight on the mountain. How about we all go to Ziyang Temple for a meal?"

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Episode 28: A Cursive Commitment to Kill

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

All of a sudden, a strange sight occurred—the waterfall exploded!

Xu Fengnian and Hong Xixiang were met by waves that bedraggled them.

Wang Xiaoping, the sword fanatic, was on a boulder in the center of the White Elephant Pool. He stood proudly, pointing his Shenshu Sword straight toward the cave.

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Episode 29: Can You Get It

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After dawn, a sweeper boy saw the scribbles on the plaza ground. He dropped his broom to fetch his master, who told the master's master. In the end, the six people with the highest seniority in Wudang Mountains gathered here.

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Episode 30: Driving All Scholars Mad

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Just as Xu Fengnian was going to the Purple Bamboo Forest, he caught the sound of piercing screams coming from behind. With a smile, he turned around and saw a beefy guy staggering towards him.

Xu Fengnian asked, "Chubby Chu, have you taken care of what Xu Xiao asked?"

Chu Lushan smiled ingratiatingly, "Almost. I'm waiting for Your Highness' inspection."

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Episode 31: Great Flavium

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian picked forty pebbles from the lake bottom and piled half of them inside the cave behind the waterfall. Then he headed to the bamboo forest. Wang Xiaoping slowly walked out of the bamboo tower and sat on a bamboo chair. This time he didn't bring his sword.

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Episode 32: Shouldering Responsibilities Alone

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

A master would emphasize conditions just like a dynasty had its trend, and a sect also had its days.

There was a tripod complexion in the Taoism world. Mount Longhu was valued by the Liyang Kingdom. Its four maesters were all gifted with remarkable abilities, and it had a wealth of geniuses.

And Wudang Mountains?

It had been voiceless for a hundred years…

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Episode 33: A Mountain Needn't Be High

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Hong Xixiang sprinted to the Turtleback Stele and leaped onto it. Standing atop the stele, he counted on his fingers and rolled his eyes. As sweat broke out on his forehead, he slumped onto the stele.

Standing under the stele, Yu Xingrui asked carefully, "Has anything gone wrong?"

Hong Xixiang wiped the sweat off his face and smiled, "My reckoning is correct."

Yu Xingrui asked laughing, "My fellow brother, how much can Xu Fengnian get of the Great Flavium?"

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Episode 34: Doctrine in Reaching Out and Head Bowing

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

When Xu Fengnian woke up, he felt the smooth and comfortable flow of forces in his body, and seemed to have endless strength. He muttered to himself, "Is this the Great Flavium?"

Hong Xixiang appeared at the entrance to the cave, smiling, "Yes."

After Xu Fengnian spent half a day adapting to the new forces, he prepared to leave the mountain.

Hong Xixiang saw him off to the archway that wrote "Thriving and Prosperous".

Xu Fengnian looked back at Lotus Crests and asked, "How does that saying go?"

In sync with him, Hong Shu smiled sweetly, "A day on the mountain equals a millennium on earth."

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Episode 35: Half a Pound of Blush

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In Mount Lantuo, there was an elderly monk who had been restricting himself there for thirty-four years while nobody knew what he had been waiting for.

Penance in Mount Lantuo was extremely austere, and the disciples were carefully chosen. With a total of some three hundred members, Mount Lantuo was able to rival Duopondus Monastery, which had disciples worldwide. One was in the east while the other was in the west, standing opposite each other.

Although Xu Fengnian had a fondness for Mount Lantuo, there was no way for anyone to force him to Western Regions. So, he asked with an eerie smile, "What if I won't go?"

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Episode 36: Xie in the North and Li in the South

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Before going to the top floor of the pavilion to see his master, Li Yishan, Xu Fengnian went to the second floor to find white fox-face, who was standing on a ladder and flipping through secret books on upper shelves.

White fox-face got off the ladder and eyed the blockhead he hadn't seen for a year. In the end, he fixed his gaze between Xu Fengnian's eyes. He directly swiped Tonitrusword in a dominant manner.

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Episode 37: May-December Romance

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Two things in Mount Lantuo were most tempting—instant enlightenment and Yin-Yang tantric practices.

Xu Fengnian went to the third floor of the Tingchao Pavilion and asked for a set of regularly updated character profiles from Wei Baoxiang, the Taoist.

He found the profile of that Tantric master, who came from an Indian royal family. There was a portrait of the "goddess" when she was young, indeed radiant and charismatic.

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Episode 38: You're Doctrine

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Not only was Xu Weixiong a mountain to Jiang Ni, but she could grate Hong Shu, the girl who would use fresh human blood as rouge.

Xu Fengnian planned to have dinner with the little girl and the young monk, Nanbei.

On his way to their courtyard, Xu Fengnian asked Hong Shu beside him, "What do you think Mount Lantuo really wants?"

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Episode 39: Sugar-coated Hawthorns and a Head

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Many people in the court got promoted for impeaching Xu Xiao. At the last hall meeting of this year, Grand Secretary Wen Shouxin advised ridding the monarch of "evil" ministers, carrying a coffin to show his resolution.

In Northern Liang, a flag that read "Xu" fluttered in the wind. Xu Xiao cantered, holding a secret letter from the capital. He chuckled, "Ridding of 'evil' ministers? Why can't these old scholars save their strength to deal with the beautiful concubines back home?"

Beside him, Chen Zhibao, who had a flawless and radiant face, smiled without speaking.

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Episode 40: Requiem of the Great Northern Liang

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian turned round sharply and saw the beef store's girl looking at him, glassy-eyed and carrying a bamboo twig. She then turned to run away.

Xu Fengnian took the little girl to the beef store three blocks away, but he didn't see the girl who carried a bamboo twig. On their way back to the palace, Xu Fengnian smiled, "I'll show you something before you go home."

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Episode 41: Old Monster Suppressed Underneath Tingchao Pavilion

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Finally, the little girl left with the young monk in a carriage Xu Fengnian had prepared for her.

In the palace, Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian sat in the Lakeheart Pavilion, just the two of them.

Xu Xiao sounded smug, "I met your second sister at the city gate, and she didn't scold me this time. Am I good or what?"

Xu Fengnian was glum, "That's because she didn't take you seriously."

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Episode 42: Blade Exchange Underground and Rice Wine Drinking Aboveground

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian asked with a smile, "What other treasures are there in the palace? Stop hiding them. Tell me all about them?"

Xu Xiao said, "These are almost all which I've hoarded for half of my life. Aren't they enough for you to fool with?"

Xu Fengnian grinned, "Aren't there any family heirlooms?"

Xu Xiao said bitterly, "There are, but I can't give them to you until I die."

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Episode 43: Manslayer

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After white fox-face finished the rice wine, he smiled, "I heard the 'Requiem of the Great Northern Liang' the other night. Good lyrics. It's just the tune was a bit deficient, wasting the thousand and eight words."

Xu Fengnian said with a dry laugh, "Sorry, it was me who wrote the music."

White fox-face said, "If you don't compare the tune with the lyrics, it's still beyond my expectation. It seems I shouldn't call you a blockhead anymore."

Xu Fengnian said vivaciously, "White fox-face, you know me. It's a pity you're male."

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Episode 44: Reason for Focusing on Learning

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

"He who seeks human immortality should do ninety good deeds. He who seeks earthly immortality should do three hundred good deeds. He who seeks heavenly immortality should do a thousand and three hundred good deeds."

Qing Niao was reading "Enlightenment of Empedias" in Wutong Garden.

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Episode 45: A Mountain of Hawthorns and a Lake of Lotuses (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Mount Longhu had been committed to Taoism for forty generations. Zhao Danxia, the current Grand Celestial Master, teaming with the Grand Libationer of Shangyin Academy, was Grand Maester, being in charge of the world's Taoist affairs and enjoying a reputation as first-grade sage minister.

Unfettered Haven was a small sanctum on Mount Longhu, inhabited by an elderly Taoist, Zhao Xituan.

Inside the sanctum, looking at a whole courtyard of shriveled hawthorns, the elderly Taoist could still manage to eat them.

A teenager with dark yellow skin squatted in the courtyard, looking in a dilemma.

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Episode 46: A Mountain of Hawthorns and a Lake of Lotuses(Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Seeing the bamboo hurtling back, Xu Longxiang reached out a hand yet failed to grasp it. It went through the gaps between his fingers and hit him in the forehead.

Zhao Jingchen grew nervous. It would be tricky if he hurt this teenager.

Even his father Zhao Danxia, the noble sage minister, must respectfully address Zhao Xituan, Xu Longxiang's master, as "uncle".

However, Xu Longxiang wasn't hurt, and the bamboo exploded inch by inch in front of his forehead.

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Episode 47: A Mountain of Hawthorns and a Lake of Lotuses(Part III)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

If Mount Longhu was the immortal capital of Taoism, then the Shangyin Academy was a city of saints.

At the Shangyin Academy, there was a Rune Lake planted with countless blue lotuses. The water wasn't deep, just the height of two people.

Ordinary scholars dared not boat or tour Rune Lake for two reasons: this was where Huang Longshi became famous, and Xu Weixiong lived here.

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Episode 48: Veteran and Mulberries

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Blind Old Xu was a veteran of Northern Liang.

After he went blind, he accidentally failed to avoid the hooves of a rich kid's steed in the downtown area. He was trampled, crippled, then saved by Xu Fengnian.

Although Old Xu had a broken leg, an officer came and said they would give him a tael of silver every month. Old Xu collected the silver apprehensively for half a year before plucking up the courage to ask the officer. The officer told him it was a new rule of the Northern Liang army to treat veterans well.

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Episode 49: Miss Tehee

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian asked casually, "Why doesn't Hong Shu like to leave the palace? Yet, you like to come out now and then?"

Qing Niao replied, "She's lazy."

Xu Fengnian changed the subject, "Xu Xiao knows that as Zhang Jyulu is now in power, he will rectify the court and reform the border army. Why must Xu Xiao get involved and go against Chief Minister Zhang? Isn't this going against the trend?"

Qing Niao dared not answer such a question.

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Episode 50: A Cross-Eyed Geezer

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

When Xu Fengnian returned to the palace, Hong Shu handed over a signed letter from Zhao Xituan, the elderly Taoist on Mount Longhu.

After reading the letter, Xu Fengnian said in a fierce voice, "People from Maesters' Mansion went to bully Longxiang! I'm going to Mount Longhu to see the manner of the sage minister."

Hong Shu said softly, "Your Highness, are you really leaving Liang territory again?"

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Episode 51: Borrowing Nivisword

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian came to white fox-face.

White fox-face used Nivisword to tap Xu Fengnian on the shoulder and said flatly, "Now that you're leaving Northern Liang, you can borrow Nivisword."

Xu Fengnian wondered, "But I already have Tonitrusword."

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Episode 52: White Palfrey Leaving Liangzhou Province

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Before leaving, Xu Fengnian went to see Li Hanlin.

Li Hanlin said pitifully, "Fengnian, I'm getting sick from staying home all the time. Why can't you take me on this trip?"

Xu Fengnian patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "This trip is extremely dangerous. You're the only child in your family, so don't get involved in this mess. I'll ask Xu Xiao to get you an official position of the sub-seventh rank in the Northern Liang army. After idling away for two or three years, you can return to Fengzhou Province and lead a troop yourself. Then your father will also be relieved."

Li Hanlin was silent.

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Episode 53: Xu Flag and Dragonfish Drums

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

As Blind Old Xu grew older, he grew into a habit of reminiscing. He thought of the last decisive battle at Xilei Cliff in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the Lady of Northern Liang, all in white, personally beat war drums that reverberated with thunderous roars. All the troops were touched by her determination to conquer Western Chu before ceasing the drumbeat.

A familiar voice came overhead him, "Old Xu, my bro, how's your body holding up?"

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Episode 54: Seeing Off in White

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian left the city with two blades on a white palfrey, followed by a stalwart military general leading over a hundred light cavalrymen. At the front was an unremarkable carriage driven by a comely young woman. People assumed nobody could qualify to sit in the carriage since the prince himself was riding a horse.

Five miles out of the city, the hundred crossbow riders of the Feng Battalion deliberately distanced themselves far away, and the military general rode alone to Xu Fengnian. Lyu Qiantang, Shu Xiu, and Yang Qingfeng were carefully on guard, ready to strike anytime.

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Episode 55: One Sword Fending off One Million

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Ning Emei led the hundred light cavalrymen of the Feng Battalion to continue following Xu Fengnian. When he turned his head, he saw most of them looking back lingeringly to appreciate Chen Zhibao's posture and demeanor. He got immersed in contemplation.

Of the Four Fangs of Northern Liang, Dian Xiongchu and Wei Fucheng were nurtured by Chen Zhibao and became his henchmen.

Dian Xiongchu said with contempt, "General, is His Highness scared out of his wits? He doesn't even dare to let us see him off."

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Episode 56: Immortal on Earth

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian and Wei Shuyang rode forward side by side.

Xu Fengnian asked gently, "Grandpa Wei, what exactly are the strengths of the Ten Masters? Can you make it easier to understand?"

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Episode 57: Red Armor in the Rainstorm

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

They were met with a sudden torrential rainstorm as they entered Yongzhou Province. The group then had to take a shortcut instead of the main thoroughfare and rush to the designated resting place.

Xu Fengnian's band of followers might be eager to serve, but this spontaneous route change took a hard toll on them.

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Episode 58: Water Droplets for the Water Knight

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The odd figure in that bright-red armor held no weapons, resolutely standing right in the middle of the narrow trail.

The horse riders came to a stop. Shu Xiu and Yang Qingfeng moved to flank Lyu Qiantang on either side, their expressions tense.

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Episode 59: Small Umbrella, Big Tornado

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian furrowed his brow and asked, "So this Water Knight's dead for good?"

The geezer said mockingly, "Not so fast. Since the red armor's forged according to the five elements, the real show begins only when all five Red-Armored Runic Knights assemble. Now that I've made my move, I don't mind going all the way. They can't be any more troublesome than that revolting Ye Hongting."

"Found it," The geezer looked eastward.

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Episode 60: Slow-Motion Blade and Pattern Drawing

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

So that geezer in the sheepskin coat is Li Chungang, the previous God of Sword? Jiang Ni might be outspoken but a liar she was not, Xu Fengnian believed. The geezer being Li Chungang would be fantastic. A thin crane was still better than a whole lot of poultry. So what if he lost to Wang Xianzhi and had his Celesteel broken? The one-armed old geezer actually toppled a Red-Armored Runic Knight with a single finger. If he had a sharp sword in his hand, what sort of realm would his sword intent possess?

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Episode 61: The Junior Celestial Master of Maesters' Mansion (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Yu Youwei held Empress in her hands and whispered, "Empress, he promised to let me go to the Shangyin Academy and pay my respects to Mom and Dad. I wonder if he's a man of his word though. If we do get to the Shangyin Academy, and if I ask him to let me stay there... Empress, d'you think he'd say yes?"

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Episode 62: The Junior Celestial Master of Maesters' Mansion(Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

By the lakeside, Xu Fengnian was squandering precious firewood to cook poultry. Li Chungang, the former God of Sword came soon after, picking up a skewer of half-cooked roast goose and stuffing it into his mouth. After a few mouthfuls, he let out a rare compliment, "Kiddo, stop swinging blades and scaring off Jiang Ni. Best change tack and run a roast meat stall instead, I'm sure you'll have a roaring business."

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Episode 63: The Junior Celestial Master of Maesters' Mansion(Part III)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Zhao Ningyun bellowed, "How dare you call yourself a monk of Duopondus Monastery? You're asking for it!" As he spoke, his hand struck out without warning.

The little monk stood his ground in front of the girl.

A gentle breeze brushed away Zhao Ningyun's palm. From the front door of Maesters' Mansion, a young Taoist walked out. He wore his hair in a bun coiffure, secured with a boxwood Taoist hairpin; his feet were clad in faded and cheap linen shoes. He did not look a day over thirty.

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Episode 64: To Be King's Personal Attendant

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After Xu Fengnian reconvened with Ning Emei, they left the Yingchuan County seat together. Jin Lanting sent them to the city gate with a long face.

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Episode 65: Three Cups, Encore

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After meeting the Red-Armored Runic Knight on the small trail, Xu Fengnian used his snow-white gyrfalcon to send a secret message to Chubby Chu. He then proceeded to the Jin Residence in Yingchuan County, where he drove Jin Lanting to the heights of ecstasy and despair. Once again, he sent forth a missive; it was his own idea to give Jin Lanting his promotion and ennoblement.

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Episode 66: To Reward or Not to Reward

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Warmed up and full from meat and wine, Xu Fengnian was in want of amusement. He was in luck: two young swordsmen had now appeared on the main thoroughfare, each standing on the other side of the road and holding their respective swords.

The two swordsmen fought in a whirlwind of chaos, equally matched.

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Episode 67: Cracked Me Up

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The group departed after finishing their teas, and according to the itinerary they were supposed to rest in a city around dusk. But Xu Fengnian decided otherwise. He made Lyu Qiantang pick a side path from which to enter the Qingcheng Mountain Range. There were sixty-four peaks in the Qingcheng Mountain Range, forming an encirclement like ancient citadels. The evergreen ancient trees adorned the region with lush verdant colors, hence the name Qingcheng, a citadel of luxuriantly green.

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Episode 68: Robbers

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Lyu Qiantang entered the courtyard and interrupted their mealtime, saying softly, "Your Highness, we have company. Thirty over people, but they're all common bandits."

Xu Fengnian laughed, "Let them all in. Lyu Qiantang and Yang Qingfeng, keep yourselves out of sight, lest you scare them. Oh right, Yang Qingfeng, you might as well notify Ning Emei and standby for orders. Shu Xiu, you stay here."

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Episode 69: Transcendent Mirage

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian looked at Shu Xiu, who was making all the effort to suppress her murderous rage while acting all flustered and skittish. Still hugging Yu Youwei's slender waist, he teased, "My good fellas, if I hand over this beauty for you to dote on, can you let us off?"

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Episode 70: More Robbers

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian left the Fane musing to himself, "Lord of Qingcheng... sounds pretty mighty, huh. Wanna go take a look?"

Wei Shuyang merely smiled.

After breakfast, Xu Fengnian went looking for the old God of Sword and found him standing upright, his hand tucked behind. Xu Fengnian lowered his voice and said, "I just put some new stuff in the document chest inside the carriage. If we ever had to run for our lives, kindly take Jiang Ni away, with the chest in tow."

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Episode 71: Visiting Immortals at Qingyang Temple

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian walked away holding hands with Shanzha and Que'er.

Old memories started rushing back to the underachieving bandit of Old Meng. Years ago he and his men intercepted Xu Fengnian who was touring around Qingcheng with a servant.

Attempting to rob him of some coins, they were all dumbfounded by all those banknotes and curious books stripped from the young man. He was not someone to be trifled with.

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Episode 72: Killing Immortals at the Qingyang Temple (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The Crane Pavilion was said to be inhabited by cranes, but Xu Fengnian's party didn't even find a pheasant there when resting the horses.

However, they did see six or seven female disciples around a handsome young man dressed in a Taoist robe.

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Episode 73: Killing Immortals at the Qingyang Temple (Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Swarms of Taoists pouring out of the Qingyang Temple boosted Wu Shizhen's confidence. He scuttled away from Xu Fengnian, pointed to a stone tablet in front of the temple and sniggered, "All Men on Foot Hereon, decreed by His Majesty."

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Episode 74: Killing Immortals at the Qingyang Temple (Part III)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Lyu Qiantang dismounted and drew his Durandal before heading towards the Empyrean Array.

Wu Shizhen frowned in disbelief.

Xu Fengnian knew this could be a messy and uncontrollable fight. He put little Shanzha in Wei Shuyang's care and said to Yu Youwei, "Take Que'er down the steps with them and stay there unless told otherwise."

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Episode 75: The Lord of Qingcheng Yielded

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

A hundred cavalry stayed poised and quiet, their Fresverds exuding a cold bloodthirst in the dusk.

The general Ning Emei in dark armor holding a hundred-pound iron halberd of shining black on a black horse, built a sharp contrast against the hundred white-horse calvary.

Meanwhile, thirty-six gleaming swords of the Divine Empyrean Array were aimed at the outsiders in front of the main hall. And between the cavalry and the array were Lyu Qiantang, Shu Xiu and Yang Qingfeng, among a clutter of bodies on the ground.

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Episode 76: The Masked Maid

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian picked the biggest room and signaled Jiang Ni to start reading for him.

In the study, Qing Niao had all the stationery ready. Xu Fengnian listened to Jiang Ni's reading while continuing with his sketch of the patterns on the Red-Armored Runic Knight.

After going hastily through a well-prepared dinner, he started touring around the Qingyang Temple with Qing Niao.

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Episode 77: The Upper Hand Moves

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Ungrateful ones belittle revenge, apathetic ones loyalty, and heartless ones filial love.

The masked maid Zhao Yutai was a swordguard for Xu Fengnian's mother, the young Sword Master from the previous generation of the Wu's Shrine of Swords. A swordguard was selected among children outside the Wu lineage, brought up and trained together with his or her master. This silent figure's life was dedicated to nurturing and eventually burying the master's sword. Accomplished in swordplay, a swordguard might even outshine his or her master in their teenage years. After the coming of age of the master, the swordguard needed only to carry on his or her regular duties and was not required to die for the master. Actually, the House of Wu strictly forbade such deaths lest their swordsmen became emboldened with assurance to fall back on, which would undermine their growth.

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Episode 78 Avis Nonpareil, War Drum of the Fair

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The masked maid of the late Lady of Northern Liang had removed her mask and was a female Taoist now. Zhao Yutai started singing, "Behold, who beats the war drum of the fair, while a Wu lady in mourning wear. Behold, who's the real manslayer, as Xu's troops start their warfare... What a song, Your Highness. I heard Lady Xu Weixiong once carved on the statue of Zhenwu the Great Emperor at Wudang Mountains the words 'To be banished afar'. Only such a woman could write such a captivating Northern Liang folk song. To me, she's more like General Xu while Your Highness is more like Her Ladyship, if only you had been practicing sword instead of blade. I've been waiting for this day all these years when guarding her tomb here, as I don't find it fair for the sword Avis Nonpareil. "

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Episode 79: Blaze and Fury

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian handed the red lacquer sword case to Qing Niao, which was then placed in the carriage together with the three secret books from the Qingyang Temple. On his horse, Xu Fengnian said to Yu Youwei, "You can off the horse and stay in the carriage after Que'er and Shanzha leave."

Down the Qingyang Peak, Xu Fengnian had Shanzha on Lyu Qiantang's horse and Que'er on Shu Xiu's. Leading the horses, Xu Fengnian smiled at the two misty-eyed children, "This is where we part. Remember to say goodbye for me to Old Meng, Reedy Liu and Limpy Kong. I told those immortals of the Qingyang Temple that your people could borrow from them in times of need, in my name. But don't feast every day, or I might not pay your debt. And just watch Que'er be taken hostage by them."

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Episode 80: The Truth

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

When Xu Fengnian reached the spot with speed, this female tigerex of Mount Qingcheng was already nearing its miserable end. Yet it was puzzling that its life lingered despite mortal wounds.

Yang Qingfeng was an expert on animals. As he knelt down before the beast, feeling its belly, Xu Fengnian noticed movements there. Surprised, Yang Qingfeng commented there was a baby inside but there was no assurance on its survival after cutting it out.

Xu Fengnian handed Tonitrusword to him without any hesitation. When the blade cut slowly through its stone-hard belly hide, the feeble tigerex tried hard to turn its head to its belly, wanting to see her baby born before she would let go. Yang Qingfeng pulled successively two babies from a bloody opening, a female followed by a male.

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Episode 81: One Stride To the Heaven Realm

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wang Chonglou, the High Priest of Wudang Mountains, passed away at the Lesser Lotus Crest.

The news spread from Northern Liang to the rest of the world, stirring the Taoism world. At the same time, people heard that the next high priest was not going to be the highly-esteemed Chen You, nor the eldest alchemist Song Zhiming, or the mute sword master Wang Xiaoping. It was the young yet senior-ranking Hong Xixiang who was not even thirty.

By the Turtleback Stele on the Lesser Lotus Crest, stood a young and good-looking Taoist who had grown up here. He wore something different today, a loose robe with long sleeves, white stockings and shoes with cloud patterns.

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Episode 82: River God and His Pole

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Out of Mount Qingcheng, Xu Fengnian hired four big ships to sail down the Swallow River.

On the ship, Yu Youwei was about to turn around from the river scene when a skiff going against the current caught her attention.

It was going head-on towards Ning Emei's ship!

A seemingly literary man dressed in dark gown was on the skiff carrying a pole.

The young man stuck the pole in water with both his hands, jacking up the rear of the skiff.

And then he levered up the other end of the pole under the big ship,

bending the bamboo pole like the edge of a half moon.

On one end, the skiff was steady on the water.

On the other end, the big boat was totally capsized by the pole!

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Episode 83: The Rescue

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Men and horses were overboard after the "river god's" pole stunt. Few of the Feng Battalion knew how to swim, and the rocks in the rivers made the situation even worse, with some on the verge of drowning. Ning Emei grabbed one soldier in his hand and, unbelievably, his horse in the other, pushing them aboard. After that he jumped in again to fish for his halberd, a legacy from his godfather that he would die before losing it.

Xu Fengnian, Lyu Qiantang, Yang Qingfeng, Shu Xiu and Qing Niao swept about on the river like fishing eagles, rescuing people and horses, as boatmen on the other three ships watched flabbergasted.

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Episode 84: Flying Sword

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

At the end of the Tongling Gorge were steep cliffs rising so neatly as if cut by one hack. The cliffs on the two sides of the river were less than three dozen yards apart, allowing only one ship to pass widthwise. This was the end of the Hellgate, as suggested by inscriptions on a cliff, "Hell Pass".

Out of the pass, the view expanded and the river slowed down as it got wider, looking like a whole other world, which was so relieving and refreshing.

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Episode 85: Carp Leaping Through the Dragon Gate

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

It was true that this fierce swing would split the river and slay a water dragon. But it happened all too fast that it was in a twinkling.

With this single swing, Li Chungang had exceeded the power of Heaven Realm. But he didn’t seem pleased by the sign of reaching the highest realm of martial arts. He flew back to the bow and threw Nivisword back to Xu Fengnian. After a deep gaze at the river and cliffs, he smiled bitterly as if he had made peace with himself and went into the cabin without a word.

Jiang Ni went back to the cabin only to see Li Chungang sitting silently on the chair. She asked gently, "Are you going to teach him blade drills?"

Li Chungang looked up at her and smiled, "It's okay to teach him a few tricks. I’m being nice to him so that you don’t get bullied. As I said, as long as you practice swordsmanship under my instruction, you can kill him no matter how well he does."

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Episode 86: Learn Without Practicing

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Curling up, the two baby tigerexes slept soundly at Xu Fengnian's feet, looking adorable.

Xu Fengnian was about to get up when he saw the God of Sword heading back toward him.

Li Chungang sat opposite Xu Fengnian and asked, "Do you know the difference between sword move and sword intent?"

Xu Fengnian shook his head, looking confused.

The geezer was expressionless when he said, "Draw the blade."

Xu Fengnian laid down his Nivisword.

The God of Sword flicked the blade casually, and all three walnuts exploded at the same time, but Nivisword didn't bend. The geezer adjusted his sleeves and piled up three walnuts again. With another flick on Nivisword, all the walnuts were smashed. Xu Fengnian was confused by the repeated illustrations.

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Episode 87: Up the Mountain, Entering the City, Into the Palace (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Three large ships entered the vast Spring Goddess Lake from the river. In the misty twilight, the lake was filled with boats and ships, looking lively and prosperous.

Tonight, the group would stay on an island in the heart of the Spring Goddess Lake, called Mushan Island.

The ship came to a sudden halt near the island. It seemed that the passengers could go ashore.

Looking back at the Spring Goddess Lake, Xu Fengnian muttered in a trance, "We arrived?"

Peace City, the capital.

It was a dull morning with the sky painted in grey.

Three hundred horses galloped along the main thoroughfare, carrying the cavalrymen.

Rumor had it that Xu Xiao, the Lord of Northern Liang, was arriving at the capital, rendering this only metropolitan with a population of over a million in a state of chaos. The tall buildings along the main street were filled with people of all kinds, who were eager to take a look at the Grand Consul.

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Episode 88: Up the Mountain, Entering the City, Into the Palace (Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The old monk in black was Yang Taisui, a member of the famous Yang clan in Eastern Yue. Born with a craving for knowledge, he started studying all kinds of philosophy at an early age. At the age of 13, he became a monk and read all the classics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and became an expert in the Yin and Yang practices. Even though he was a monk, he heard teachings from the Taoists of the Qingxu Taoist Temple and adopted the doctrine of the School of Warfare. Later, he was made the mentor of the Crown Prince. After that, he went to pray for the late Queen Mother, presided over the Royal Temple, and assisted the late King in his quest for the throne. Meanwhile, he recruited several eunuchs as disciples abiding by the bodhisattva vow.

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Episode 89: Breaking the Armor

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wang Linquan, the host on Mushan Island, used to be one of the Northern Liang Cavalry. He was never much of a great soldier but somehow became a successful businessman later.

Naturally, only he was aware that Prince Xu Fengnian of Northern Liang would reside at Mushan Island for the night. The itinerary was carefully planned by Chubby Chu and kept confidential. On the top of Mushan Island stood a huge jade statue of Guanyin which cost Wang Linquan quite a fortune to build.

Wang Linquan bowed humbly as he led the way for the prince, just like how he had held the rein of Xu Xiao's horse.

Wang Linquan's Residence boasted its lush green, magnificent pavilions, and fascinating rockery with running water, demonstrating the fine taste of its owner. The mansion was still some distance away from the mountain peak. Xu Fengnian and Qing Niao intended to admire the jade statue, so Wang Linquan sent his youngest daughter Wang Chudong to guide them.

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Episode 90: A Ride on Onyxcrawl (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The large sword case in Xu Fengnian's hand was made of an uncut piece of thousand-year-old red sandalwood.

Xu Fengnian carefully wiped the sword case with a silk cloth, and the polished exquisite sandalwood seemingly surrounded by a subtle aura.

Listening to "Flying Sword of Dunhuang", Xu Fengnian spotted a bamboo ball in the air. Qing Niao jumped on the wall and caught the ball so that it didn't fall into the courtyard.

Xu Fengnian took it from Qing Niao and asked her to take the sword case back into the room. There was soon a knock on the door. Xu Fengnian handed the ball to the expected visitor and asked with a smile, "Who kicked that ball so high? That was powerful."

Wang Chudong pointed at herself with her slender finger, looking proud.

She had changed into riding breeches, black boots, and a tight-sleeve gown with a girdle around the waist.

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Episode 91: A Ride on Onyxcrawl (Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wang Chudong gently slapped herself on the cheeks and kept whistling. Her face had turned red but she still wouldn't give up. Xu Fengnian couldn't help but make fun of her, "So your friend lives in the water?"

Wang Chudong nodded and answered seriously, "It woke up and crawled to our house on the day I was born. My dad said that was my lucky charm. I've been coming to play with it during holidays ever since I grew up. It's an Onyxcrawl carrying a wordless stele. It looks like a silly giant turtle. I used to ride on it around the Spring Goddess Lake when I was a kid."

Xu Fengnian was shocked, "Wang Chudong! Way to go! I didn't know you were so gifted. You got yourself an Onyxcrawl."

Wang Chudong's big smile revealed her canine teeth. She tried to sound modest although she was obviously proud, "It's just all right."

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Episode 92: A Ride on Onyxcrawl (Part III)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Content with the night view over the lake, Xu Fengnian returned to Mushan Island with Wang Chudong, riding Onyxcrawl. Ning Emei and others were relieved to see them and the whole group returned to Wang's Residence.

Xu Fengnian was sitting in his garden when Wang Linquan visited. Entering the courtyard, Wang Linquan saw the sandalwood sword case on the table and Qing Niao standing next to Xu Fengnian. Xu Fengnian was getting up to greet Wang Linquan, but the latter rushed to stop him and blurted, "Your Highness, please stay seated. I don't deserve such a greeting."

Xu Fengnian said nothing. Wang Linquan sat down and glanced at the sword case that he had remembered for years. The famous sword in the box had been held by the late Lady of Northern Liang. "Wind traveling ten thousand miles carries the sorrow of one cold sword thrust." Martial Review praised it as the best sword in the world.

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Episode 93: Dare to Fight?

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian finished three pots of rice wine in a row and slept on the stone table. He woke up in the early morning and practiced his blade skills with Nivisword in the courtyard for two hours.

Today, the group would head to Xiangfan City, the second ghost city. Xu Fengnian was about to have breakfast when he saw Wang Chudong at the entrance, looking hesitant. He invited her in for breakfast.

After breakfast, the group went to the pier and bid farewell to Wang Chudong, who looked truly upset. They boarded the ship and started sailing away from Mushan Island.

The ghost city Xiangfan was run by Zhao Heng, Lord of Jing'an, one of the six great feudal lords.

Zhao Heng was one of the few royals who were cultivated both in literacy and battle skills, but he never made much out of it. Fascinated by religious thoughts in his sixties, Zhao Heng once intended to be a Taoist on Mount Longhu. But he adopted Buddhism in recent years.

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Episode 94: To Death, We Fight

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The leading young gentleman on the Dragon Warship frowned. He didn't doubt for a second that he would win, but he was in a sensitive position to start this battle. It might cause him huge trouble that even his father couldn't handle.

This noble young man murmured to himself with a complicated expression, "He brought 100 Northern Liang light calvary. His stance almost matched my father's. Not bad for Prince of Northern Liang."

One's status determines one's thoughts.

Among the group of wealthy and distinguished young men, two were truly aggressive and reckless. One was Zhao Jr., whose father was a Minister. The other was Wei Wei, the son of the Navy Marshal in Qingzhou Province.

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Episode 95: Each Man for Himself

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Who has seen ministers fighting during court meetings? It's more common to act friendly and stab each other in the back. These rich young men and young ladies were only there to support their friend Zhao Jr.

Xu Fengnian shot the arrowhead at the leader of the group just to intimidate Zhao Heng, Lord of Jing'an.

However, Xu Fengnian seemed to have underestimated Wei Wei, who had been a local bully for years. Wei Wei was already in a rage when the arrow got cut in half. Further enraged by Xu Fengnian's provocation, he turned to give an order to the Warship Generals, "Use the Paddlewrecks!"

The Paddlewreck was a powerful weapon in water warfare, resembling a mast more than 30 meters tall. With a huge rock on top and a propeller underneath, it could smash enemy ships that approached it.

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Episode 96: Trample Over the Dragon Warship with One Step

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Partners gathering for personal benefits might easily part for their own plans. Wei Wei was fantasizing about a grand victory without killing Prince Xu while Zhao Xun was planning to kill Xu Fengnian and blame it on the others.

Outside the cabin, the battle had progressed into close combat. The hundreds of archers were no match for the "barbarians" from Northern Liang.

Standing on the bow, Xu Fengnian kept brushing off sneaky arrows while watching over the fight.

The 40,000 Navy Forces of Qingzhou Province were heavily praised by the Qingzhou Party in court. But they were as soft as a pillow.

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Episode 97: On and Off the Ship, Two Abominable Men

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wei Wei knew there was no turning back when he commanded the Warship General to crash the enemy ships.

He only wanted a victory to boost his reputation. But the Prince of Jing'an was seeking to take over the five-toed python robe. He decided that the high return was worth the risk.

The bodyguard from the palace of Jing'an stepped out of the cabin and went back in right away, shaking his head with a sullen expression.

"What happened?" Zhao Xun seemed quite calm.

"A one-armed old man trampled over the Dragon Warship and turned it upside down with one step." The bodyguard who was in his seventies wore a bitter smile.

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Episode 98: To Xiangfan

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Wei Wei and Zhao Jr. kept backing off as Xu Fengnian approached them step by step until they were cornered. From the window, Xu Fengnian saw the Prince of Jing'an and his bodyguard jump into the water. Xu Fengnian squinted his eyes and felt quite emotional.

He thought for a second and told Ning Emei, "Kick the Yellow-headed back into the water. We can't carry so many people. Tell the Warship General to lead them to Mushan Island. Get Wang Linquan to host them."

Ning Emei went to carry out the order.

Xu Fengnian grabbed Zhao Jr. from the corner and threw him out of the window. Hearing him wailing in the water, Xu Fengnian turned to Wei Wei who was ready to fight to death. "Let me use your Dragon Warship until I arrive at Xiangfan. Then let's call it even. What do you say?"

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Episode 99: The Grand Offering, A Surging Tide

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian went on to tease Jiang Ni. "Stay away from me once we enter Xiangfan. Women are more susceptible to ghosts and spirits than men. I don't even think the God of Sword can keep you safe."

Jiang Ni's face lost all color as she asked timidly, "The maesters from Mount Longhu set up a 36,500-seat offering. It must be very useful, right?"

Xu Fengnian said with an amused look, "Of course, the Grand Offering is the highest ceremony featuring 1,200 altars. The previous kings had held 2,400-seat offerings to bless the princes and 3,600-seat offerings to pray for peace and prosperity. But in Xiangfan, the maesters of Mount Longhu held an unprecedented Grand Offering of 36,500 seats. It's like inviting all the heavenly immortals to guard this place."

With clenched fists, Jiang Ni nodded heavily, looking slightly reassured.

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Episode 100: Behind Guanyin, Walks Ten Thousand Spirits

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Arriving at Xiangfan, everyone saw the Anglerfort, the famous city tower on the city wall.

On the plaque, it wrote, "Angler Fortress of Solitude".

Despite the strict curfew over the years, the drawbridge on the moat had always been laying flat. What's more, not a single night had passed with the main gate closed. The gate guards seemed to be following the instructions given by the maesters of Mount Longhu. Theoretically, an exit was needed for the spirits to leave after the Grand Offering. It was said that a maester dressed in a yellow and purple robe drew Runes and wrote charms around the city before he left. He even hung a piece of Runes on the top floor of Anglerfort, which read, "The Heavenly beings have returned to Heaven; The Earthly spirits shall return to the Earth". According to him, the Runes would burn into ashes when Xiangfan was emptied of wandering souls.

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Episode 101: Guanyin in White

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

This fair-skinned lady was dressed in white and had a white snake carrying a white pot. As she appeared from the gate of Xiangfan, Xu Fengnian's horse let out a neigh and pounded its hooves on the ground. It wasn't the only horse with such a reaction. All other horses did the same.

Wondering whether she was a human or an immortal, Xu Fengnian stared at her as she stepped on the drawbridge. The still water in the moat started raging as if it was boiling or a whole army was passing by.

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Episode 102: Easy Life for No One

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The female maester of the Red Sect from Mount Lantuo left her last comment and passed by Xu Fengnian. The latter turned around to stare at her, showing no manner. Remaining expressionless, Longshou Monk folded his hands once again to greet Xu Fengnian in person.

Receiving such a friendly gesture, Xu Fengnian gave him a slight nod in return.

The Guanyin in White walked away, ignoring Xu Fengnian's shameless request for her to ease his mind. And Longshou Monk followed her, heading back to Mount Lantuo.

Jiang Ni was in a good mood probably because the Guanyin in White she admired despised Xu Fengnian. She turned around and kept saying with a smile, "Someone doesn't deserve it... Someone doesn't deserve it..."

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Episode 103: In the Center of A Storm (Part I)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

It had been ten days since Lord Xu arrived at the capital, and no one had paid him a visit at Xiamawei Posthouse or asked for an appointment.

This morning, Xu Xiao arrived on time for the court meeting. He stepped out of the carriage, well-dressed in his blue-satin python robe. In the past, it was always Chief Minister Zhang Jyulu who came first and led all the ministers to enter. General Gu Jiantang always arrived at the last minute and stood at the end of the line. No one dared to cross the line.

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Episode 104: In the Center of A Storm (Part II)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Since Wang Chonglou, the former High Priest, passed away, Wudang Mountains saw even fewer pilgrims than before. Under the "Thriving and Prosperous" archway, surrounded by some naughty young disciples who were mainly doing chores in nearby Taoist temples, a young Taoist squatted there sighing. They were harassing him to tell the love stories in novels. For them, those were way more interesting than the scriptures.

Right then, a group of elderly pilgrims from Yongzhou Province finally made it through the sacred path lasting miles and arrived at the archway. Seeing them panting heavily, the young Taoist immediately got up and instructed the disciples to help carry the bags. As they ascended, the disciples introduced Wudang Mountains and all the Taoist temples to the visitors fluently.

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Episode 105: In the Center of A Storm (Part III)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Realizing that the young Taoist was the High Priest of Wudang Mountains, the elderly pilgrims wouldn't let him carry their bags no matter what. The High Priest couldn't change their mind and simply accepted it. He accompanied them to the Xuanwu Temple on the Greater Lotus Crest, which was mostly empty. He stood under a thousand-year-old camphor tree and watched them worship the deities and finally threw joss sticks into the censer. There was finally smoke rising from within.

Right then, he turned around and saw a Taoist in a robe from Mount Longhu approaching. The visitor held a fuchen and had a piece of boxwood pinned up in his hair bun. He slowly entered the gate with a solemn expression. The young High Priest bowed slightly toward the unexpected visitor.

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Episode 106: Meeting an Old Friend in a Distant Land

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

That night, Xu Fengnian and his group found a resting place near the lake in Xiangfan.

The inn was located next to Shouyang Lake, one of the world-famous lakes, which was known for its ten sceneries. After checking in, Xu Fengnian did not rest immediately, but sat by the window on the second floor, and asked Qing Niao to bring a pot of warm wine. The snow-white gyrfalcon trained by Chubby Chu landed on the window. Qing Niao untied the letter attached to its feet. Xu Fengnian read it and burned the letter to ashes. Then, he blew away the ashes and said with a smile, "What a nice show."

He continued amusedly, "It says that Xu Xiao finally made a move. He almost beat an agricultural minister to death outside the Hall of Preserving Harmony. Also, the Literary Review, Martial Review, and Belle Review are out. People are super excited."

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Episode 107: A Fulfilling Meal for Mister

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Lying in the pavilion, Wen Hua stared at his old friend he had missed for years. Back then when they traveled the world, he had been very jealous of Xu Fengnian for his handsome look. Now, Xu Fengnian seemed like a stranger. Maybe the fancy clothes he had gotten from god knows where made him look too cultivated and surreal to Wen Hua.

Hearing Wen Hua's stomach rumbling, Xu Fengnian asked with a smile, "Should I bring you some wine and meat?"

Wen Hua asked skeptically, "From where?"

Xu Fengnian did a gesture of pouring wine to Qing Niao. Soon, she brought a meal box from the inn. The fragrance of wine and meat captured Wen Hua. He looked at Qing Niao and the feast in the box, and asked Xu Fengnian with a shocked look, "You dog! You already found yourself a pretty wife?"

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Episode 108: No Reading Today

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian started heading back to the inn. But after a few steps, he turned around to watch his friend leave. Meanwhile, Qing Niao stood next to him.

Right outside the inn, Xu Fengnian and Qing Niao ran into Jiang Ni and Li Chungang, who were heading out to visit the Shouyang Lake. Xu Fengnian gave them a friendly smile, but both of them ignored him. After breakfast, Xu Fengnian went back to his room and started going over all the martial arts moves he remembered from the books.

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Episode 109: Full of Schemes

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian kindly offered to take Jiang Ni out for a walk. But she was so terrified by the horrendous rumors about Xiangfan that she insisted on staying in. There wasn't much Xu Fengnian could do. It would be inappropriate to grab her by force. As a result, the old God of Sword wouldn't go, either. Without a powerful lifesaver like the old God of Sword, Xu Fengnian had to bring all the three bodyguards and General Ning Emei. It just happened that he also intended to discuss war deployment with Ning Emei.

But before Xu Fengnian sent Qing Niao to inform them, Ning Emei came striding with a grave expression. He looked around to make sure no one else was in the corridor and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, Zhao Heng, Lord of Jing'an, is here!"

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Episode 110: Home Is Where the Heart Is

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Overhearing that, Lord of Jing'an turned around and said with a smile, "Thank you, my nephew."

Xu Fengnian wore a bright smile and said that it was his pleasure as he walked them out of the inn. The three people got into a carriage, which seemed too ordinary for someone who could almost reach the throne. They left quietly just like how they came.

Seeing the flying dust at the end of the road, Xu Fengnian finally turned around in relief. He asked Qing Niao to buy a copy of "First Snow Outside the Eastern Chamber" published by Qingying Study and went back to the secluded room alone. He closed the door by himself and sat down, letting out a deep sigh. Looking at the red sandalwood chair, he murmured, "He played with his beads four times just now! Xu Xiao was right. This Lord of Jing'an is a hypocrite and a viper. He plays with his beads whenever he decides to kill someone. But he has no idea that I knew about it."

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Episode 111: Archenemies

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The carriage arrived at the palace of Jing'an and the passengers descended. Lord of Jing'an, who seemed so kind to Xu Fengnian at the inn, ignored all the servants greeting him on their knees and crossed the hallway. Zhao Xun and the Lady of Jing'an left as they approached the worship chamber where Zhao Heng entered alone. He sat on a praying mat made of woven cattail and sneered, "Xu Xiao, you cripple! Do you really think I dare not go after your son? Hereditary succession? I'll make your 20 years of hard work the worst joke!"

Jiang Ni wanted to read, so Xu Fengnian forced himself to listen. But after about 2,000 words, he gave up and went to invite Yu Youwei out to enjoy the scenery over the Anglerfort.

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Episode 112: Meichan, Sentiment, Ultimate Pursuit

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

There was a thousand-year-old monastery that had never opened its main gate to anyone, be it the king or the ordinary pilgrims.

This place saw the rise of countless revered monks. The most famous one recently was Yang Taisui, who had been the mentor of two kings and was likely to see the third reign of the kingdom.

That was the world-famous Duopondus Monastery.

Behind the hills, at the foot of the mountain, there was a cemetery housing more than 1,000 tablets of deceased revered monks. At the edge of the cemetery sat the Thousand Buddha Hall. There were fist forms painted on the walls which lasted hundreds of meters. "There are a thousand fist forms in a thousand people's eyes." Therefore, people say that the best fist forms were from the Duopondus Monastery.

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Episode 113: Ten Games in Chess Alley

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian and Yu Youwei left the Anglerfort. Wandering around the city, they found an alley crowded with people. They went closer and found out that they were all betting on chess. The public chess players sat against the wall with their chess pieces and boards in front.

Xu Fengnian only kept Ning Emei around and sent the three bodyguards further away. Soon, he found an available chess player and pulled Yu Youwei over through the crowd. The young man looked like a poor scholar in his patched clothes and worn shoes. He laid ten chess pieces on the chessboard, meaning that the bet was ten times the stake. It was a gesture of confidence because ordinary chess players bet only two or three times, not even five. Xu Fengnian squatted down. As he was contemplating the stake, he looked up and realized that the young man was blind. "How are we going to play?" He wondered.

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Episode 114: Opheotivus at Fingertips

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In the inn, Li Chungang and Jiang Ni were scribbling something on the table with their fingers. In front of them, there were two white porcelain bowls, one with water, and one with wine.

Li Chungang was encouraging Jiang Ni with a sneaky expression, "Lassie, think of the table as Xu Fengnian's smiley face."

Jiang Ni hesitated for a second, and her eyes lit up. She went on practicing, but this time, the words seemed to be almost engraved on the table.

Now, the old God of Sword understood why Xu Fengnian enjoyed teasing Jiang Ni.

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Episode 115: The Old Rascal's Twelve Moves

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

"The highest and ultimate truth, the world has no means to pursue. A lonely life so overwhelming, like an avalanche so devastating."

"Master, you're being sentimental again."

"Silly Nanbei, you'll get it once you're married."

"Well, I bet the Madame went down the mountain for rouge again."

"Master, are you afraid of anyone else apart from Dongxi and the Madame?"

"The abbot of our temple who's over 150 years old. I am afraid that he wouldn't pay me."

"Is there anyone outside the temple?"

"No one, maybe?"

"Master, monks do not spout falsehoods!"

"Let me think. Oh, there is someone. He once fought against your Madame over me. Thankfully, I was a better fighter. I bet this is the only place that old rascal dare not visit."

"Old rascal? Wait. He fought against the Madame over you?! What is that supposed to mean?"

"Let the past be the past."

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Episode 116: A Wonderful Place

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The reeds flourished in water and easily formed huge ponds and marshes.

Ten miles outside of Xiangfan, the vast and vibrant reed marshes somehow seemed lifeless today.

In the northeast corner of the reed marshes, stood a man who looked like an ordinary farmer with a soft golden sword wrapped around his waist.

It was said that the Martial Review had ranked the same warrior eleventh two times in a row. This warrior mastered all weapons and had an insight into Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. However, such intelligence became a problem because he couldn't find a weapon that suited him best. In the end, he picked a soft sword. Once he put energy into it, he could use it as a sword, a spear, or an arrow accordingly.

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Episode 117: An Unrestrained Fight

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Finally, Prince Xu came with an old Taoist who looked like an immortal.

Xu Fengnian sensed the sword aura in the reed marshes from afar. Before they went any closer, he asked Wei Shuyang seriously in a low voice, "Grandpa Wei, Chubby Chu's letter said that Wang Mingyang's little brother was also coming here. I just don't get it. The siege of Xiangfan lasted for ten years and he did absolutely nothing. Why would he meddle with this today? He just discovered his conscience or something?"

Wei Shuyang's expression turned serious instantly. He sighed and shook his head. "I dare not make any assumptions. I only know that he is a man of profound martial arts cultivation. Or he couldn't have been the Eleventh on Martial Review twice. That means he's been the Eleventh for twenty years. The laymen know nothing and may mock his title, but I don't find it funny at all."

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Episode 118: The First Slash

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Suddenly, a loud blast came from the other end of the reed marshes.

There was only one ancient spear among the nine divine weapons. Interestingly, this spear didn't feature a sharp tip. On the contrary, it was rather blunt and curved into a strange arc.

Seeing Qing Niao with the Flash Spear, Xu Fengnian finally had a real understanding of her position as a death warrior.

She saw herself as a walking corpse.

When Xu Fengnian was staring at the Flash Spear in a trance, someone dashed out of the reed marshes, shouting, "Your Highness, the Earth Knight underneath!"

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Episode 119: One Thrust

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The swordguard Cabbage finally opened her eyes. Wu Liuding and the old God of Sword were accumulating power for action. But she didn't look at them. Instead, she gazed at Prince Xu who had wielded nineteen slashes in one go, holding the blade with both hands.

Suddenly, she tilted her head. A Red-Armored Runic Knight was defeated, but it was a young woman who attracted Cabbage's attention. This woman forced her way into the battlefield. She was dressed in a dark gown and dark shoes, but the spear she held was fully scarlet.

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Episode 120: Nine Sword Moves

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The old God of Sword was already flying over to Xu Fengnian when he heard the young girl chuckling. She withdrew her arm that penetrated Wang Mingyin's chest and leaped back, landing steadily on the old acacia tree. Then, with a gentle tap of her toe, she left like a shooting star. She left swiftly just the way she came.

Xu Fengnian, however, could not care less about her. He silently came to Qing Niao and sat by her side. Seeing her pale face, he took her into his arms and gently wiped away the dark blood oozing from the corner of her mouth. Li Chungang threw away the sword in his hand and squatted down. Placing his fingers on the maid's wrist, he asked with a frown, "That girl who killed Wang Mingyin, is she a death warrior of yours?"

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Episode 121: Withdraw Your Swords

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian stood in a daze at the water's edge, still holding the two blades in a weird gesture.

The old God of Sword remained silent and finally landed on the ground after he confirmed that the young assassin was far gone.

Xu Fengnian slowly exhaled a long breath. He was surprised that he didn't feel the slightest bit tired after the life-threatening battle. The Great Flavium proved to be wonderful. He went to help Wei Shuyang get up from the mud. This Jiudoumi Taoist seemed awfully embarrassed. Both wounded, Shu Xiu and Yang Qingfeng divided their jobs. Shu Xiu followed Xu Fengnian around, while Yang Qingfeng stayed behind for Lyu Qiantang's funeral. The old God of Sword left first, stepping on top of the reefs.

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Episode 122: Master the Opheotivus with One Arm

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

It was all quiet on the main thoroughfare now. Xu Fengnian went in the nearest carriage with the Flash Spear and spat out some blood when the portiere was just down. Traces of blood started oozing out his eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth. His dress was all ragged before his chest, showing a crack on the dark green soft armor underneath. He pressed on his wound, pale and panting, "All leave and get me the old God of Sword. Tell Ning Emei he is in charge now while I rest."

Taoist alchemy regarded the thirty-six acupoints and seventy-two apertures of the human body as the blessed spots. The former High Priest of Wudang Mountains, Wang Chonglou, had transfused his Great Flavium energy to Xu Fengnian, tapping yet only six acupoints and fourteen apertures with the remaining energy hiding in the rest of the spots, to be absorbed gradually.

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Episode 123: Dark-Robed Man in Front of the Pavilion

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

As their journey progressed, Li Chungang kept knocking Xu Fengnian around every day. All the while toiling day and night, Xu Fengnian secretly sought to unlock the essence of the legendary sword move, the Opheotivus, imparted by the old God of Sword.

Leaving Qingzhou Province, Xu Fengnian's party rode straight to Jiangnan Circuit.

They went through Yuzhou and Yangzhou Provinces.

After passing by Tangsong County and Xiongbao County on the borders of Yuzhou and Yangzhou, they arrived at Yangchun City of Huting County.

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Episode 124: The Dark-Robed for the White-Robed

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

By the steps, the dark-robed man stood poised.

In the pavilion, there was the geezer with his mastery of Opheotivus up his sleeves.

These two figures faced each other, embodying two generations of extraordinary prowess.

Cao Changqing, known for his disdain for weapons, showed no fear or concern as he faced Li Chungang, the renowned old God of Sword. With unwavering determination, he continued to advance, unaffected by the overwhelming power of his opponent.

Without Li Chungang even lifting his arm, a series of zigzagging ravines materialized on the ground between him and Cao Changqing as the sword aura roared onto the walls.

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Episode 125: This Boy is Decent

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The question remained a persistent struggle for Xu Fengnian, even after leaving Yangchun City. Indeed, Cao Changqing was in no rush to exert pressure on Xu Fengnian. Just like a shadow, he followed Xu Fengnian and moved into the Elysian Garden of the Lu Mansion in Yangzhou Province.

It was a sleepless night, as Xu Fengnian sat alone in a pavilion by the lake in Elysian Garden, Jiang Ni came into sight, hesitating and shuffling outside the pavilion.

With the weight of Cao Changqing's words still lingering, an uncomfortable silence settled between Xu Fengnian and Jiang Ni.

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Episode 126: Miss Tehee

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian and his entourage left the Lu Mansion and headed straight to Mount Longhu. They wouldn't stay any longer in Yangzhou Province.

It was well known that there was Mount Longhu in the West and the Xuanyuan Family in the East in Jianzhou Province.

Jianzhou Province was split into two parts by the Shejiang River. To the west of the river lay Mount Longhu and to the east the Xuanyuan Family. The Taoist Zhao family who shared the same surname as the royal family had inherited the tradition of Taoism for more than 60 generations and followed the grace of heaven for 1,600 years. Mount Longhu funded Celestial Master Taoism with the Maesters' Mansion the core.

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Episode 127: Skirmish

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Outside Jianzhou Province, there were stumps all over the main thoroughfare. Dozens of bodyguards of the Peace Escort were cut into pieces by a young swordsman within half an hour. The twenty light cavalries behind him watched from a distance and did not strike.

Before setting off for the escort, the head of the escort felt that something might happen today. They were tasked with escorting an invaluable jade pendant to Songzhou Province. At first glance, they were escorting the goods. However, they seemed to be protecting the two young girls of Jianzhou Province. Both dressed up as men. From the looks of it, these people belonged to a wealthy and noble family. They were attempting to leave Jianzhou under the pretext of transporting goods. Actually, they could be running.

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Episode 128: Brother and Sister

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian was a little distracted. Since he had met white fox-face before, he soon came to his senses and asked curiously, "It seems that you are not with them. What's going on? Does the local tyrant rob girls?"

Murong Tonghuang bit his lips and ignored the guy with an accent.

Xu Fengnian asked calmly, "Who did they take away? I didn't see it clearly. If you refuse to talk to me, I won't care about her safety when my men bring them back."

Murong Tonghuang seemed to have been caught in a fatal weakness. He hesitated for a moment before replying, "My sister."

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Episode 129: His Highness was Surnamed Xu

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Since the God of Sword had spoken, Xu Fengnian had to take it seriously. Besides, he wanted to go to Mount Longhu soon, so he didn't make it hard for the Xuanyuans. Sitting in the towered ship, they headed down to Mount Longhu along the Shejiang River.

While standing at the bow of the ship and chatting with Li Chungang, Xu Fengnian was feeling a little regretful, for he was thinking about going to Mount Huishan to meet that old friend of his.

However, when the ship arrived at the foot of Mount Huishan, he saw a lithe and graceful figure on the river bank from a distance. She was glaring at Xu Fengnian angrily with her delicate eyes. It was Xuanyuan Qingfeng, granddaughter of Xuanyuan Guoqi, patriarch of the Xuanyuan family in the East. In Jianzhou Province, she was more prestigious than the princess.

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Episode 130: Obey At Once

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

As the ship and the bamboo raft docked, they could already see Unfettered Haven on the bank of Qinglong Creek. The group took a bluestone path and walked toward the small sanctum.

Zhao Xituan turned and looked at the forces Xu Fengnian brought with him. There was only Li Chungang, a hundred light cavalry, and a few powerful bodyguards. It seemed that Xu Fengnian didn't intend to make trouble in Mount Longhu.

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Episode 131: Each Step Made A Lotus Flower

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian didn't know that someone in Mount Huishan happened to look at Mount Longhu not long ago.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng and his grandfather Xuanyuan Guoqi stood behind the railing of the river-facing passage on top of Mastery Pavilion. Mastery Pavilion was built on the cliff, and it was windy and cold there. Xuanyuan Qingfeng adjusted the collar to keep herself warm. Seeing this, the old man with gray temples smiled, "Do you feel cold? You lazy girl. Just like your father, you are unwilling to practice martial arts. It's not all about fighting and killing. It can keep you strong and healthy."

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Episode 132: Went Up the Mountain

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

"Your Highness, your remark about fame and fortune is very insightful. If a scholar fishes for fame and credit. It seems that he doesn't care about profits, but he is no different from a merchant."

"If they apply empty theories without considering the actual situations, they would endanger the kingdom. And they are not real scholars. If they read at home while laughing at the poor who have frozen to death in the streets, they have read for nothing. In a sense, they are not kind, benevolent, or righteous."

Xu Fengnian stared wide-eyed at the scholar in dark gown while he was walking toward him. Xu Fengnian was unaware that this guy was eavesdropping. Murong Wuzhu, who was squatting next to Xu Fengnian and picking hawthorns, was shocked when she heard the word "Xuanyuan". And the hawthorns fell to the ground. Murong Tonghuang was calm, but his knuckles turned blue out of fear.

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Episode 133: Mystery Realm Versus Mystery Realm

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In the backyard of Xuanyuan Jingcheng's place on Guniu Peak, a woman in gorgeous attire stood in front of a glass fish tank with a small porcelain bowl in her hand. She threw the fish bait into the tank, and the red carp swam happily. A tall, strong man let himself in and walked straight to the fish tank. He touched the glazed tank and said with a smile, "My sister-in-law, we are all alone now. Maybe we should make the most out of it?"

The woman stared at the carefree red carp, and said coldly, "Xuanyuan Jingxuan, aren't you worried that a bite of this is going to roast you from your tongue to your insides?"

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Episode 134: Sit and Watch the Tigers Fight

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After climbing up a 300-step jade-paved path, there was a memorial archway with "All Mighty" written on it, with "True Martial Arts" next to it. It was the gate of the Xuanyuan residence on Mount Huishan.

Xu Fengnian and Xu Longxiang stood under the archway.

Standing beside them were the sheepskin-coated geezer and Qing Niao who was holding the Flash Spear in her hand.

Behind them were Ning Emei the Halberdman and a hundred cavalrymen on white horses.

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Episode 135: Meet Your Death

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

On Snowgrand, the middle-aged scholar walked against the wind slowly, his sleeves fluttering, and his figure distinguishing.

He's been waiting for this for twenty years. Now, he showed his true self.

Along the way, he kept coughing with blood oozing from his mouth.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng stopped to look at the tall figure at the other end of Snowgrand, and murmured, "Finally."

That man was unusually burly.

He was an ageless man. Some of the white hair on his temples had turned black again twenty years ago. He stood at the gate of Guniu Mansion with a serious expression and a majestic aura. It was like he could hold out against ten thousand.

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Episode 136: The Sage

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The group of people hurried to Snowgrand. The closer they got, the stronger the wind and the thunder became. It sounded like ten thousand horses galloping, which made their eardrums hurt. Qing Niao held the Flash Spear in one hand and an umbrella in the other, looking calm.

When Xuanyuan Jingyi reached Snowgrand, he saw the strapping figure of Xuanyuan the Forefather. Xuanyuan Dapan's internal force was so strong that it protected him like a big umbrella and kept the raindrops three feet away.

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Episode 137: Tips in Silk Pouches

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xuanyuan Qingfeng sat in the rain for a long time, looking lost.

Seeing that she had no intention of getting up, Xu Fengnian reminded her, "Xuanyuan Qingfeng, you can't let me hold the umbrella for you forever. Now that Guniu Peak is leaderless, it is a great opportunity for you to realize your aspirations. Don't waste it."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng struggled to get up, and sneered, "I can realize my aspirations, or Your Highness can control Mount Huishan?"

Xu Fengnian replied brazenly and sarcastically, "You are very straightforward. I like it. Since you mentioned it, shall we have a discussion?"

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Episode 138: No Reason to Sulk

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian didn't check the countless treasures in Guniu Mansion. He sat on the steps under the eaves and sighed. After leaving Liangzhou Province, he saw the Red-Armored Runic Knights that had disappeared for long; the Sword Master and swordguard of Wu's Shrine blocked his way for no reason; Wang Mingyin the Eleventh wanted to behead him; Cao Changqing took Jiang Ni away in Jiangnan Circuit. He continued eastward, and finally arrived at Mount Longhu, he met the sage and the sword immortal on Snowgrand. Life was just too hard.

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Episode 139: Two Worlds

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Before departing from Mount Longhu, Xu Fengnian crafted three plaques for the temple, utilizing old peach wood from the mountain. Maester Zhao Xituan couldn't contain his joy. He smiled broadly, showering Xu Fengnian with compliments, "The sages once said that a plaque is the heart and soul of a family. Even with good writing, without an imposing presence, it can only serve as an adornment. Only when it contains vibrant and expressive artistry can it truly be a masterpiece. Are you sure, Your Highness, you won't pop over to the Maesters' Mansion for a spot of tea and a vegan meal?"

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Episode 140: Bugsy

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian turned to say to Xuanyuan Qingfeng with a smile, "Please find and tell him, I will accept him as a swordsman of Northern Liang Palace."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng frowned and asked, "Really?"

Xu Fengnian nodded, "I'm a man of my word."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng did not return to Guniu Peak after she went back to her towered ship. She sailed straight along Longwang River to Qinglong Creek to look for the swordsman in Mount Longhu. The philanderer did not mind being homeless. Since he did not need to protect the Guniu Mansion anymore, he could truly live freely. When Xuanyuan Qingfeng found Long Yuxuan, he was catching a pheasant to find joy amid hardship. Seeing Long Yuxuan and the boy set up a fire to barbecue, Xuanyuan Qingfeng got straight to the point and roughly explained what Xu Fengnian said. Long Yuxuan was full of vigilance, fearing that he would hurl himself willingly into the net. Xuanyuan Qingfeng was unhappy about his overcautiousness and left without saying anything more.

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Episode 141: Into the City, Swords Out

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In the bustling City of the Peerless, a sight both wondrous and extraordinary graced the skies as nearly two thousand swords shimmered and floated, casting an enchanting spectacle.

As the city gates stood witness, an old donkey, weariness etched on its face, ambled its way into the city. Seated on the donkey was a servant-looking young boy with an empty scabbard adorning his waist. With a furrowed brow, the boy lowered his head toward a middle-aged man who was leading the donkey's steps, "Master, I have worked so hard to save up for the sword. Li Chungang assured us he sought only to borrow swords from those within City of the Peerless. So why does he lay claim to mine? We have yet to even reach the city!"

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Episode 142: The Ascension

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Following their hasty departure from City of the Peerless, Xu Fengnian, Prince of Northern Liang and his companions caught the attention of Bugsy, whose identity remained somewhat mysterious. Sensing the obscure gaze Xu Fengnian directed toward them, Bugsy walked back to Long Yuxuan, mounted his horse, and rode alongside Xu Fengnian. Without any pretense or disguise, he candidly introduced himself as Zhao Xuansu of Mount Longhu.

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Episode 143: The Portal and The Reason

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

As Deng Tai'e's six seaxes buzzed and chirped, Zhao Xuansu's soul that failed to ascend to the Heavenly Gate and lost its physical attachment still lingered, floating in mid-air.

With the blade in his hand, Xu Fengnian slowly stepped back, mocking, "It's what they say, even a centipede won't die easily. These stubborn old Taoists just won't let go."

Zhao Xuansu, who was unable to enter the Heavenly Gate, turned his gaze back to the ocean where the golden light was pouring, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions.

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Episode 144: Returning Westbound

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

A few days ago, Xu Fengnian's body felt like an alchemical furnace as the clash between Zhao Xuansu's purple aura and Wang Chonglou's Great Flavium created a tumultuous spectacle. Overwhelmed by the intensity, Xu Fengnian slipped into a state of unconsciousness, hovering on the brink of death. Upon awakening, Qing Niao informed him that Miss Tehee had rescued him, absorbing the opposing purple aura into herself before departing without uttering a single word.

The mysterious girl had been trailing them everywhere they went on the journey, making numerous attempts on his life. Yet, when the pivotal moment arrived, she unexpectedly emerged to save him. Xu Fengnian just couldn't figure out what her purpose was.

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Episode 145: Sword Into the Tide

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

Xu Fengnian and his group took a slight detour on their way back and arrived at Guangling River.

Today was the height of the August tide, and visitors from far and wide gathered to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle. Swallow Rock, renowned for its picturesque views, stood unrivaled among all as the premier location for tide-watching. On this particular day, the Guangling Navy organized a grand fleet review, and Zhao Yi, Lord of Guangling, graced the occasion. As the tidal waters rushed into the bay, a majestic warship, proudly flying the Guangling naval flag, led the way. Spanning a stretch of three miles along the riverbanks, the huge crowds of people dressed in exquisite garments were drawn by the scene.

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Episode 146: Annihilation with Fresverd

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

The snotty Zhao Biao, who was now positively craning his neck and gawking at Murong Wuzhu, was surprised to discover that she was actually Murong Tonghuang's sister. "Could such an unbelievably beautiful pair truly exist in this world? It seemed that the heavens had bestowed their blessings upon me." He thought.

Zhao Biao's mouth watered uncontrollably as he declared, "Come to me, birdies. I have an insatiable appetite for beauty, and I shall relish every moment with utmost delight."

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Episode 147: End of An Era

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

All good things must come to an end.

Upon reaching the desolate border where two provinces met, Xu Fengnian's carriage came to a halt as Qing Niao heard a faint sound from inside. Xu Fengnian lifted the curtain, stepped out, and found himself lost in thought when he gazed at the far less impressive sceneries of Northern Liang compared to the South.

With the arrival of Frost's Descent, the trees withered, leaves fell, and the insects entered hibernation. Outside, the gentle breeze now carried a chilling bite that could penetrate their clothing. Xu Fengnian had set off on his journey during the warmth of spring, and it was already winter upon returning to Liangzhou Province.

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Episode 148: This Piece of Flesh

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

In front of the Northern Liang Palace,

Murong Tonghuang followed Xu Fengnian out and off the carriage. He was taken aback by the grand scale of the estate and the underwhelming reception in contrast. For a grand estate like Northern Liang Palace, Murong Tonghuang had expected more servants waiting for Prince Xu to return. Instead, the palace seemed to have only one frail old man standing at the vermilion entrance. It was a chilly day, and the old man, with his hands tucked into thick sleeves, appeared to be shivering from the onslaught of cold weather. He shook his feet against the wind before approaching with a smile when he saw Xu Fengnian. He exchanged trivial pleasantries with Xu Fengnian, like "Welcome back, look at how you've grown." and "Daddy has prepared some winter delicacies, which will do you just so well." and then "What happened to you? How come these ladies around you are all old faces?"

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Episode 149: The Blind Storyteller and Rice Wine

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:00:00 GMT

After bathing and changing attires at Wutong Garden, Xu Fengnian made his way to the Tingchao Pavilion. Upon opening the door, he climbed to the third floor, where white fox-face was searching for sutras on a ladder.

"Holla." Xu Fengnian sent a greeting.

White fox-face jumped down from the long ladder, and the two locked eyes but no one said a word. The atmosphere was neither warm nor affectionate.

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