Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Tolly, Prince of the City

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Creator: david upfal

Thriller and Psychological Full cast Standalone Audio Drama


Kevin/Tolly, only wants justice so he decides to hold a whole city to ransom to get it... The story arose from a chance encounter with a real 'Tolly'. I wrote some notes and parked them. Then during lockdown I worked them up into the piece your hear now. Other than the character Tolly or Kevin the rest is invented. Please let me know your reactions good, bad or indifferent...To remind everyone this is a one off radio drama presented as a podcast - there are no more episodes, it's completely self funded and the actors are on deferrals - you can make donations via pay pal in the window below. The script is available on the website for anyone who would like to see Tolly in a written version.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Standalone

Voices: Cast

Genres: Thriller and Psychological

Framing device: Show within a show


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