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Headphone Story

Multigenre Full cast Anthology Audio Drama


An adventurous podcast that tells musical, funny and heartfelt stories in unique spaces using innovative recording techniques. The stories that follow range from an epic battle between the Nit Nurse and Margaret Thatcher, a panic attack in an escape room and an intimate tale about 3 scrapbooks that belonged to one Cornish couple. Incorporating binaural, three dimensional recording to capture the unique acoustics of each location, Headphone Story takes listeners on an immersive journey through carefully curated soundscapes, happy accidents and expert storytelling. Headphones very much encouraged. ‘A laid-back, gently revelatory experience…the best theatre to stream this month’ (June 2022) The Guardian on George

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Anthology

Voices: Cast

Genres: Multigenre

Framing device: Musical


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Mon, 13 May 2024 10:45:00 +0000

A man starts his house arrest.

All because he spoke his truth.

Will he be freed?


Galileo was a Headphone Story production.

Solo Singer was Meg Bird

Thank you to Hughie Gavin and The Social Singing Choir

Thank you to Mark Kent at The Salvation Army, Margate

Co-producers were Tom Adams and Karen Pirie

If you liked this, please subscribe and listen to more at or type in ‘Headphone Story’ wherever you find your podcasts


The Lantern Men

Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:01:00 +0000

Narrated by Bill Walston

Contributors - Abi, Alex, Bridie, Bill, Fiona, Githa, Ian, Nicky, Paul, Penny, Savi, Sophie, Steve and Tina

Inspired by the folklore of the Lantern Men - a mysterious white light that hovers over the Fenland at night, luring wanderers into the reed beds - this sound piece is the culmination of a six month collaboration between Composer Tom Adams and participants from the Camsight and Vision Norfolk community. Together, they have explored Wicken Fen by boat and on foot, handled museum objects at Ely Museum, and developed songs, sonic meditations and a whistling choir in response to their experiences.

The Lantern Men intersects the tale of the untimely death of wherryman Joseph Bexfield with sonic sounds, personal reflections and field recordings made during the project.

The Lantern Men is part of Sensing Nature, which celebrates work made with local communities who have creatively engaged with the heritage and significance of the Fenland landscape, in partnership with Ely Museum, RNIB and Wicken Fen. Curated by Basecoat Collective – a group of artists aged 15-25 years – the exhibition invites you to contemplate the personal connections and relationships you hold with nature through looking, listening, touching and tasting. Artworks include a new sound installation co-produced by Composer Tom Adams and participants from Camsight and Vision Norfolk, 3D printed fossils developed through Artist Kaitlin Ferguson’s engagement with teachers and pupils from Highfields Littleport Academy, and over 50 drawings, sculptures and sound pieces selected from an open call. Sensing Nature has been made possible with funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund. 



Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:57:00 +0000

Tom retraces his steps of his old paper round, where he learned several lessons in one day. 

'Paperboy' is a Headphone Story production

Co-produced by Tom Adams & Karen Pirie

Listen to more Headphone Story episodes anywhere you find your podcasts.

Frances and Derek

Fri, 24 Nov 2023 19:44:00 +0000

In February 2023, I made an audio piece called Scrapbook, inspired by three scrapbooks I found in a junk shop in Falmouth, Cornwall. The scrapbooks belonged to one couple called Ray and Mary Preedy and I researched everything I could about them.
Ray and Mary were both born in 1915 in Redruth. Ray died in 1987. Mary died in 1997.
From the various cards that filled the scrapbooks - Anniversary cards, Birthday cards, Easter cards, Christmas cards and Valentines' Cards, I found out their address in Newquay. I went to their house. It was a rainy day when I knocked on their door, wondering who might answer.... no-one did. 
The trail had run cold. 
Just when I had given up trying to find out any more about Ray and Mary there was an incredible breakthrough. 
Their niece Frances and nephew Derek wanted to meet up. 
So, that's exactly what we did.
You can listen to the original Scrapbook story (and other Headphone Story episodes) at or wherever you find your podcasts 


Mon, 30 Oct 2023 18:55:00 +0000

Join Tom as he faces his demons, his monsters and his ghosts. All in the same day. 
Happy Halloween everyone!

DJ For Life

Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:36:00 +0000

A fascinating and absorbing insight into a lone professional. A DJ called Kit. 


Headphone Story Trailer

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:56:00 +0000

An adventurous audio series that tells musical, funny and heartfelt stories in unique spaces using innovative recording techniques.

Nit Nurse

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 17:34:00 +0000

Inspired by the true story of Tom’s nurse at school and recorded at Mayor of Margate’s Parlour,

step into a captivating audio story that brings together two extraordinary women in an epic, bloody encounter. Nit Nurse takes you on a journey that intertwines the legendary Nit Nurse, and the indomitable former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Who will win the day?


Serving suggestion in how to listen to Nit Nurse:


Listen on headphones

In your most comfortable chair

When the sun has woken up fully


Nit Nurse is a Headphone Story production


Director and Dramaturg is Lillian Henley

Writer, Composer & Actor/Musician is Tom Adams

Co-Producers are Tom Adams and Karen Pirie

Musician and Sound Recordist is Dan Scott

Sound Engineer is Ciaran Clarke

Choir Leader is Hughie Gavin


Margaret Thatcher is played by Rose Robinson

Reporter is played by Lillian Henley

Teacher is played by Lara Wilks-Sloan


Thank you to the Margate Children’s Choir, Mandy, Patrick, Elaine McCarthy at Cliftonville Community Centre, Ingrid and the Mayor of Margate, Richard and Sarah at The Salvation Army, Margate, Holly the dog and Dee Wright of The Hairforce, the UK’s professional head lice clinics


Headphone Story is supported by Arts Council England


Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:28:00 +0000

After Tom’s discovery of three old scrapbooks from the 1960s, comes a heartwarming audio story that celebrates the lives of the Cornish couple whose romantic legacy lives on in those pages. Through poignant storytelling and a rich soundscape, Scrapbook invites you to embark on an emotional and charming adventure that captures the essence of love, life, and the beauty of memories.

Recorded at The Museum of Cornish Life, Cornwall this audio experience brings the past to life, evoking a range of emotions that will resonate with listeners of all ages.


Serving suggestion in how to listen to Scrapbook:


Listen on headphones

In your most comfortable chair

At the turning of the day to night


Scrapbook is a Headphone Story production


Director is Kyla Goodey

Writer, Composer and Actor/Musician is Tom Adams

Co-producers are Tom Adams and Karen Pirie

Sound Recordist and Sound Engineer is Ciaran Clarke


Thank you to Miracle Theatre, The Museum of Cornish Life and everyone at the Over 50s Group at the Draceana Centre in Falmouth


Headphone Story is supported by Arts Council England


Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:07:00 +0000

In this enchanting tale, you'll meet George, a faithful and devoted guide dog who has spent years helping his companion navigate the world with confidence and independence. As George nears retirement, he reflects on his incredible journey and the countless lives he has touched along the way.


Inspired by Tom as a young boy, witnessing the relationship between his Uncle, who is blind and the close, tender teamwork with his guide dog.


Recorded live in the living room of Siobhan Meade, who is registered blind, with her guide dog, Marty, curled up at her feet and filling Siobhan’s lounge with musical instruments and harmonies, to make you feel as if you are there.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the occasional snuffling of Marty and now and again the odd bit of snoring.


‘There’s an irrepressible spirit throughout, with mutt-like panting amid the percussion and strumming. A laid-back, gently revelatory experience recorded in one living room to be heard in another’ - The Guardian


Serving suggestion in how to listen to George:


Listen on headphones

In your most comfortable chair

At the golden time of dusk


George is a Headphone Story Production


Co-composers, musicians and singers are Tom Adams and Dan Scott

Story is by Tom Adams

Violinist is Claire Orme

Sound Recordist is Dan Scott

Musical Consultant is Lillian Henley

Extant Enhance Consultancy is Maria Oshodi

Blind Awareness Mentor is Siobhan Meade

Streaming Consultant is Shamira Turner


Headphone Story is supported by Arts Council England

Escape Room

Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:01:00 +0000


“Tonight, Tom will run from that escape room, and never have felt more happy to leave anything!”


Inspired by a panic attack in an escape room, this gripping tale is a captivating blend of suspense, empathy, and personal growth. Through the journey of our characters, Tom and Alex, listeners will gain insight into the challenges faced by those who experience anxiety, fostering understanding and compassion. Through immersive sound design and authentic storytelling, you'll feel the mounting anxiety, the palpable fear, and the desperate need to find a way out.

Recorded in The Margate Bookshop.


Serving suggestion in how to listen to Escape Room:


Listen on headphones

In your most comfortable chair

When the the sky is as near to pitch black as possible


Escape Room is a Headphone Story Production


Director and Dramaturg is Laura Mugridge

Writer, Composer and Actor/Musician is Tom Adams

Co-producers are Tom Adams and Karen Pirie

Musicians are Dan Scott and Kimberley Sutherland

Solo Vocalist is Kimberley Sutherland

Sound Recordist is Dan Scott

Musical Dramaturg is Lillian Henley

Sound Engineer is Ciaran Clarke


Thank you to The Margate Bookshop and my friend, Al


Headphone Story is supported by Arts Council England