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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Emmanuel - The broken diary - Fifth and Final Season

389 episodes

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Creator: Antonia Del Monaco

Solo Slice of life Serial Audio Book


Abbiamo pubblicato l'ultimo episodio del romanzo di Emmanuel: con questo il nostro compito è finito.

E' stato un lavoro durato quasi due anni, lungo e difficile, ma anche ricco di soddisfazioni: ci auguriamo che possa avervi offerto qualche momento piacevole.

Il podcast rimarrà qui a disposizione di chi eventualmente volesse ascoltarlo o riascoltarlo, ma subirà qualche modifica.

Pubblicheremo anche degli indici, che possano consentire di rintracciare facilmente gli episodi delle cinque stagioni.


We have published the last episode of Emmanuel's novel: with this our task is finished.

It was a work that lasted almost two years, long and difficult, but also full of satisfaction: we hope it has offered you some pleasant moments.

The podcast will remain here available for anyone who wants to listen to it, or listen to it again, but it will undergo some changes.

We will also publish indexes, which can allow to easily track the episodes of the five seasons.


in base alle nuove regole del podcasting, nelle statistiche non verranno più conteggiati gli ascolti, ma solo ed esclusivamente i DOWNLOAD. Questo per noi è un enorme problema, perché non riusciremo più a renderci conto di quante persone ascoltino il podcast.

Vi chiediamo perciò, per favore, di FARE SEMPRE IL DOWNLOAD di ogni episodio, magari per buttarlo via subito dopo (sappiamo che occupa spazio)!

According to the new podcasting rules, the statistics will no longer count the listens, but only and exclusively the DOWNLOADS.

We therefore ask you, please, to ALWAYS DOWNLOAD each episode, perhaps to throw it away immediately afterwards (we know it takes up space)!

.Cercheremo sempre di fornire il link per il download diretto.

We'll alway try to provide the direct download link.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Solo

Genres: Slice of life, Historical

Not tagged: [Maturity] [Creator demographics] [Character demographics] [Country of origin] [Transcript] [Completion status] [Content warnings]

Click here to update these tags.


Willie & Phil: "Too Sweet" (Hozier) - REMASTERED

Sun, 26 Jan 2025 22:50:34 GMT

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Too Sweet

Una nuova cover da parte di Willie & Phil: "Too Sweet" (Hozier).

A new cover by Willie & Phil: "Too Sweet" (Hozier).

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Alcune canzoni originali di Emmanuel

Fri, 17 Jan 2025 00:40:00 GMT

Ecco alcune delle canzoni originali di Emmanuel & C., ispirate a diversi episodi del romanzo-podcast.

Here are some of Emmanuel & Friends' original songs, inspired by different episodes of the novel-podcast.

Let Me Go Now

The Stupidest Of Angels (in due versioni diverse)

The Bus Stop (I'm not a good boy) + Who won?

The Phone Call + It Is Over

I Loved You not (from "Hamlet")

It Takes Two To Tango + The Freak Wave

Tunnel Tango (in due versioni diverse)

The Wind Inside - Nocturne Of The Defeated Hero

Direct MP3 link

General index of the podcast

Thu, 02 Jan 2025 09:11:16 GMT

Below are the links to the indexes of the individual episodes of the 5 seasons of the novel-podcast, complete with description:

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Direct MP3 link

Indice generale del podcast

Thu, 02 Jan 2025 09:01:23 GMT

Riportiamo di seguito i link agli indici dei singoli episodi delle 5 stagioni del romanzo-podcast, completi di descrizione:

Prima Stagione

Seconda Stagione

Terza Stagione

Quarta Stagione

Quinta Stagione

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All the episodes of the podcast gathered in groups (Seasons 1-5)

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:28:25 GMT

We have gathered here all the episodes in groups for easier listening:

Season 1 (mainly focused on the beginning of the love story between Emmanuel and Antonia):

Episodes 1-9

Episodes 10-18

Season 2 (mainly centered around the figures of Antonio, Michelle K. and Carlos):

Episodes 1-7

Episodes 8-14

Episodes 15-21

Season 3 (mainly focused on Emmanuel's attempt to establish a definitive relationship with AntoniaI:

Episodes 1-7

Episodes 8-13

Episodes 14-20

Season 4 (focused on Michele's failed marriage, Antonia's pregnancy, Emmanuel's affair with his new girlfriend Arianna and Antonia's relationship with her lover Frédéric):

Episodes 1-11

Episodes 12-21

Season 5 (mainly focused on Emmanuel's return home, his discovery that he is a father and his final realization of the absurdity and unsustainability of the situation):

Episodes 1-9

Episodes 10-18

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Tutti gli episodi del podcast riuniti in gruppi (Stagioni 1-5)

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:46:31 GMT

Abbiamo raccolto qui tutti gli episodi del podcast, riuniti in gruppi per una maggiore comodità di ascolto:

Prima stagione (imperniata soprattutto sull'inizio della storia d'amore tra Emmanuel e Antonia):

Episodi 1-9

Episodi 10-18

Seconda stagione (incentrata soprattutto sulle figure di Antonio, Michelle e Carlos):

Episodi 1-7

Episodi 8-14

Episodi 15-21

Terza stagione (imperniata principalmente sul tentativo di Emmanuel di stabilire un rapporto duraturo con Antonia):

Episodi 1-7

Episodi 8-13

Episodi 14-20

Quarta stagione (incentrata sul fallimento del matrimonio di Michele, sulla gravidanza di Antonia, sulla storia di Emmanuel con la sua nuova ragazza, Arianna, e sul rapporto di Antonia con il suo amante Frédéric):

Episodi 1-11

Episodi 12-21

Quinta stagione (imperniata soprattutto sul ritorno di Emmanuel a casa, sulla sua scoperta di essere padre e sulla sua definitiva presa di coscienza dell'assurdità e insostenibilità della sua situazione):

Episodi 1-9

Episodi 10-18

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Season 5: episodes 10-18

Wed, 01 Jan 2025 18:11:05 GMT

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Season 5: episodes 10-18

We have gathered here in a single file, for your convenience, episodes 10-18 of the fifth and final season.

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Quinta stagione: episodi 10-18

Wed, 01 Jan 2025 18:07:47 GMT

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Quinta stagione: episodi 10-18

Riuniamo qui in un unico file, per comodità di ascolto, gli episodi 10-18 della Quinta ed ultima stagione.


We have gathered here in a single file, for your convenience, episodes 10-18 of the fifth and final season.

Direct MP3 link

Season 5: episodes 1-9

Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:44:07 GMT

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Season 5: episodes 1-9

We have gathered here in a single file, for your convenience, episodes 1-9 of the fifth and final season.

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Quinta stagione: episodi 1-9

Tue, 17 Dec 2024 22:31:30 GMT

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Quinta stagione: episodi 1-9

Riuniamo qui in un unico file, per comodità di ascolto, gli episodi 1-9 della Quinta ed ultima stagione.


We have gathered here in a single file, for your convenience, episodes 1-9 of the fifth and final season.

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5.18. Epilogue (Emmanuel writes Arianna a farewell letter, but...)

Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:19:33 GMT

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We have reached the end of Emmanuel's novel.

The boy, who has become aware of all his errors of judgment, suddenly understands that he must radically change his path and leave behind those who have taken advantage of his sentimental availability and his weakness.

After saying goodbye to Antonia, he is preparing to leave Arianna too: he therefore writes her a farewell letter; but he will not be able to finish it, because he will be interrupted.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of "Hotel California" by the Eagles and a cover of "The Crystal Ship" by the Doors.

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5.18. Epilogo (Emmanuel scrive ad Arianna una lettera di addio, ma...)

Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:13:53 GMT

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Siamo arrivati alla fine del romanzo di Emmanuel.

Il ragazzo, che ha preso coscienza di tutti i suoi errori di valutazione, comprende all'improvviso che deve cambiare radicalmente strada e lasciarsi alle spalle chi ha approfittato della sua disponibilità sentimentale e della sua debolezza.

Dopo avere detto addio ad Antonia, si appresta a lasciare anche Arianna: le scrive perciò una lettera di addio; ma non riuscirà a portarla a termine, perché verrà interrotto.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta da una versione strumentale di "Hotel California" degli Eagles e da una cover di "The Crystal Ship" dei Doors.


We have reached the end of Emmanuel's novel.

The boy, who has become aware of all his errors of judgment, suddenly understands that he must radically change his path and leave behind those who have taken advantage of his sentimental availability and his weakness.

After saying goodbye to Antonia, he is preparing to leave Arianna too: he therefore writes her a farewell letter; but he will not be able to finish it, because he will be interrupted.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of "Hotel California" by the Eagles and a cover of "The Crystal Ship" by the Doors.

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5.17. Tell me what happened to beauty (Emmanuel says goodbye to Antonia) - With an original song

Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:40:18 GMT

Penultimate episode.

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Tell me what happened to beauty

Finally Emmanuel, recovering from a car accident, realizes the absurdity and uselessness of his love for Antonia, which has turned into a form of self-harm for him. In this very short and very intense scene the boy says goodbye to her with touching words, announcing his decision to go on alone and leave her to herself.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Vino e Sigarette" by Alena Shvets.

At the end you can listen to the musical version of this farewell, composed and sung by Emmanuel himself.

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5.17. Dimmi che fine ha fatto la bellezza (Emmanuel dice addio ad Antonia) - Con una canzone originale

Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:29:08 GMT

Penultima puntata.

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Dimmi che fine ha fatto la bellezza

Finalmente Emmanuel, reduce da un incidente d'auto, prende coscienza dell'assurdità e della inutilità del suo amore per Antonia, che si è trasformato per lui in una forma di autolesionismo. In questa brevissima e molto intensa scena il ragazzo la dice addio con parole toccanti, annunciandole la sua decisione di andare avanti da solo e di lasciarla a se stessa.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "Vino e Sigarette" di Alena Shvets.

Al termine potete ascoltare la versione musicale di questo addio, composta e cantata da Emmanuel stesso.


Penultimate episode.

Finally Emmanuel, recovering from a car accident, realizes the absurdity and uselessness of his love for Antonia, which has turned into a form of self-harm for him. In this very short and very intense scene the boy says goodbye to her with touching words, announcing his decision to go on alone and leave her to herself.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Vino e Sigarette" by Alena Shvets.

At the end you can listen to the musical version of this farewell, composed and sung by Emmanuel himself.

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5.16. The Children of Heaven (Emmanuel's Dream)

Fri, 20 Dec 2024 10:04:37 GMT

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The Children of Heaven

Third to last episode of the novel-podcast.

Emmanuel, unconscious or perhaps asleep after his accident, has a strange dream, in which his subconscious mixes memories, premonitions, symbols and warnings for a future and a present that the boy no longer feels is his.

At the end of this dream Emmanuel will wake up completely different.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack consists of covers or instrumental versions of "Just Another Diamond Day" by Vashti Bunyan.

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5.16. I bambini del Paradiso (Il sogno di Emmanuel)

Tue, 17 Dec 2024 18:53:50 GMT

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I bambini del Paradiso

Terzultimo episodio del romanzo-podcast.

Emmanuel, svenuto o forse addormentato dopo il suo incidente, fa uno strano sogno, in cui il suo subconscio mescola ricordi, premonizioni, simboli e avvertimenti per un futuro e un presente che il ragazzo non sente più suo.

Al termine di questo sogno Emmanuel si risveglierà completamente diverso.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è costituita da cover o versioni strumentali di "Just Another Diamond Day" di Vashti Bunyan.


Third to last episode of the novel-podcast.

Emmanuel, unconscious or perhaps asleep after his accident, has a strange dream, in which his subconscious mixes memories, premonitions, symbols and warnings for a future and a present that the boy no longer feels is his.

At the end of this dream Emmanuel will wake up completely different.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of covers or instrumental versions of "Just Another Diamond Day" by Vashti Bunyan.

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5.15. The Moon and the Donkey (No, I'm not dead...) - REDONE

Sat, 14 Dec 2024 17:01:54 GMT

We have fixed some important errors in the audio file.

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The Moon and the Donkey

Emmanuel crashed his father's BMW into the guard rail, but he didn't die. When he comes to his senses, after a long period of unconsciousness, it's almost night, and he's alone in the open countryside, in a nearly deserted area, with his cell phone in pieces.

He has no choice but to limp along the road, looking for help...

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The final music is a cover of "Another Day" by Roy Harper in the version by This Mortal Coil.

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5.15. La luna e l'asino (No, non sono morto...) - RIFATTO

Wed, 11 Dec 2024 18:27:48 GMT

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La luna e l'asino

Emmanuel si è schiantato con la BMW di suo padre contro il guard rail, ma non è morto. Quando torna in sé, dopo un lungo periodo di incoscienza, è già quasi notte, e lui si trova solo in aperta campagna, in una zona pressoché deserta, con il cellulare in pezzi.

Non gli resta che incamminarsi zoppicando lungo la strada, in cerca di aiuto...

L'inteprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La musica finale è una cover di "Another Day" di Roy Harper nella versione di This Mortal Coil.


Emmanuel crashed his father's BMW into the guard rail, but he didn't die. When he comes to his senses, after a long period of unconsciousness, it's almost night, and he's alone in the open countryside, in a nearly deserted area, with his cell phone in pieces.

He has no choice but to limp along the road, looking for help...

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The final music is a cover of "Another Day" by Roy Harper in the version by This Mortal Coil.

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5.14. Emmanuel's Last Journey - Part II (The Accident)

Mon, 09 Dec 2024 08:02:51 GMT

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Emmanuel's Last Journey - Part II

Emmanuel is traveling through the hills of Piedmont without a destination, in an evident state of confusion. This journey turns into a sort of therapeutic path, in which, thanks to listening to old songs partly offered by chance, partly chosen by him, the boy begins to find himself with difficulty once again, until he suddenly understands he has been the victim of a wicked deception.

Unfortunately, driving while intoxicated (even musically) is never advisable...

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

During the episode you can listen to covers of the following songs: "Enigma" by Amanda Lear, "When I Was Young" by the Animals, "You Really Got Me" by the Kinks.

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5.14. L'ultimo viaggio di Emmanuel - Parte II (L'incidente)

Thu, 05 Dec 2024 15:52:35 GMT

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L'ultimo viaggio di Emmanuel - Parte II

Emmanuel sta viaggiando per le colline del Piemonte senza una meta, in evidente stato confusionale. Questo viaggio si trasforma in una specie di percorso terapeutico, in cui, grazie all'ascolto di vecchi brani musicali in parte offerti dal caso, in parte scelti da lui, il ragazzo incomincia a ritrovare con fatica il se stesso di un tempo, fino a capire all'improvviso di essere stato vittima di un perfido inganno.

Purtroppo guidare in stato di ebbrezza (sia pur musicale) non è mai consigliabile...

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover dei seguenti brani: "Enigma" di Amanda Lear, "When I Was Young" degli Animals, "You Really Got Me" dei Kinks.


Emmanuel is traveling through the hills of Piedmont without a destination, in an evident state of confusion. This journey turns into a sort of therapeutic path, in which, thanks to listening to old songs partly offered by chance, partly chosen by him, the boy begins to find himself with difficulty once again, until he suddenly understands he has been the victim of a wicked deception.

Unfortunately, driving while intoxicated (even musically) is never advisable...

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

During the episode you can listen to covers of the following songs: "Enigma" by Amanda Lear, "When I Was Young" by the Animals, "You Really Got Me" by the Kinks.

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5.13. Emmanuel's Last Journey (Antonia Says Goodbye to Emmanuel)

Sun, 01 Dec 2024 21:15:44 GMT

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Emmanuel's Last Journey - Part I

Emmanuel's illusion lasted a handful of hours: the following day Antonia finally dismisses him, sending him back to Arianna.

Distressed and incredulous, the boy is forced to accept the fact that the woman does not want to know about him anymore, even though she loves him. He has no choice but to leave and set off on a journey that should bring him back to Tuscany to Arianna, but which instead will lead him to get lost in the hills of Piedmont, driving in a dangerously confused state.

The interpreters are Paul Emmanuel and Nadine (AI).

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5.13. L'ultimo viaggio di Emmanuel (Antonia congeda definitivamente Emmanuel)

Thu, 28 Nov 2024 14:29:36 GMT

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L'ultimo viaggio di Emmanuel - I

L'illusione di Emmanuel è durata una manciata di ore: il giorno seguente Antonia lo congeda definitivamente, rimandandolo da Arianna.

Angosciato e incredulo, il ragazzo è costretto a prendere atto del fatto che la donna non ne vuol più sapere di lui, pur amandolo. Non gli resta altro da fare che andarsene e ripartire per un viaggio che dovrebbe riportarlo in Toscana da Arianna, ma che invece lo porterà a perdersi su per le colline del Piemonte, guidando in uno stato pericolosamente confusionale.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.


Emmanuel's illusion lasted a handful of hours: the following day Antonia finally dismisses him, sending him back to Arianna.

Distressed and incredulous, the boy is forced to accept the fact that the woman does not want to know about him anymore, even though she loves him. He has no choice but to leave and set off on a journey that should bring him back to Tuscany to Arianna, but which instead will lead him to get lost in the hills of Piedmont, driving in a dangerously confused state.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

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5.12. Nothing That Concerns You - Part II (Back in Antonia's Arms)

Mon, 25 Nov 2024 23:10:00 GMT

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Nothing That Concerns You - Part II

Emmanuel, initially very embarrassed by the "new" Antonia, housewife and mother, gradually loosens up and gives in to her ironic and subtly seductive game, until he finds himself literally laid bare by her. In the end, emotion gets the better of him and the boy, in a confused state, finds himself once again in the arms of his one great love.

The performers are Paul Emmanuel and Nadine (AI).

The soundtrack includes a cover of "This Is The Day" by Captain Beefheart.

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5.12. Niente che ti riguardi - Parte II (Di nuovo fra le braccia di Antonia)

Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:10:36 GMT

Abbiamo corretto alcuni errori nel file / We have fixed some errors in the file.

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Niente che ti riguardi - Parte II

Emmanuel, dapprima in grave imbarazzo di fronte alla "nuova" Antonia casalinga e madre, a poco a poco si scioglie e cede al suo gioco ironico e sottilmente seduttivo, fino a ritrovarsi letteralmente messo a nudo da lei. Alla fine l'emozione ha il sopravvento e il ragazzo, in stato confusionale, si ritrova nuovamente fra le braccia del suo unico grande amore.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende una cover di "This Is The Day" di Captain Beefheart.


Emmanuel, initially very embarrassed by the "new" Antonia, housewife and mother, gradually loosens up and gives in to her ironic and subtly seductive game, until he finds himself literally laid bare by her. In the end, emotion gets the better of him and the boy, in a confused state, finds himself once again in the arms of his one great love.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes a cover of "This Is The Day" by Captain Beefheart.

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5.11. Nothing That Concerns You (Emmanuel Meets His Son)

Sun, 17 Nov 2024 16:38:15 GMT

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Nothing That Concerns You

The cry of a newborn interrupted the magical moment that had been recreated between Emmanuel and Antonia (see "As If It Were Normal"): the boy sees her appear with a baby in her arms.

Completely shocked, he will try to understand what happened and above all who the baby's father is, but he will encounter strong resistance from Antonia, who says and does not say.

However, the woman, touched and moved by his presence, tries to keep him with her a little longer, before definitively sending him away.

The interpreters are Paul Emmanuel and Nadine (AI).

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5.11. Niente che ti riguardi (Emmanuel conosce suo figlio)

Fri, 15 Nov 2024 08:45:31 GMT

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Niente che ti riguardi

Questo episodio, oltre ad essere importantissimo in sé per la storia di Emmanuel, rappresenta un interessante esperimento: infatti l'interprete maschile, Paolo Malgioglio, dialoga con un'AI femminile di nome Elly. In seguito proporrem0 anche la versione "normale".

Contenuto dell'episodio:

Il vagito di un neonato ha interrotto il momento magico che si era ricreato fra Emmanuel e Antonia (vedi "Come se fosse normale"): il ragazzo se la vede comparire davanti con un bambino in braccio.

Completamente sotto shock, Emmanuel cercherà di capire cosa sia successo e soprattutto chi sia il padre del piccolo, incontrando però una forte resistenza da parte di Antonia, che dice e non dice. La donna però, intenerita e commossa dalla sua presenza, cerca di trattenerlo ancora un po' con sé, prima di allontanarlo definitivamente.


This episode, in addition to being very important in itself for Emmanuel's story, represents an interesting experiment: in fact, the male interpreter, Paolo Malgioglio, talks to a female AI named Elly. Later we will also propose the "normal" version.

Episode content:

The cry of a newborn interrupted the magical moment that had been recreated between Emmanuel and Antonia (see "As If It Were Normal"): the boy sees her appear with a baby in her arms.

Completely shocked, he will try to understand what happened and above all who the baby's father is, but he will encounter strong resistance from Antonia, who says and does not say. However, the woman, touched and moved by his presence, tries to keep him with her a little longer, before definitively sending him away.

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5.10. As if it were normal (Emmanuel sees Antonia again after more than a year)

Sun, 10 Nov 2024 20:02:18 GMT

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As if it were normal

And here we are: finally Emmanuel sees Antonia again, after more than a year apart.

The boy, who received her new address from his brother Michele, cannot resist the temptation to go and see her, no matter what the cost, and rushes to her, racing madly in his father's BMW through the country roads, very elegant in a jacket and tie.

But, when he arrives in front of her house, he is struck by panic...

Their meeting will be completely different from what he had imagined.

The performers are Emmanuel and Nadine (AI),

The soundtrack includes a piece from "N. 13 Baby" by the Pixies, a minuet by Boccherini and the Trio in E flat, opus 100 by Schubert.

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5.10. Come se fosse normale (Emmanuel rivede Antonia dopo più di un anno)

Fri, 08 Nov 2024 11:40:00 GMT

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Come se fosse normale

E siamo al dunque: finalmente Emmanuel rivede Antonia, dopo più di un anno di lontananza.

Il ragazzo, che ha avuto da suo fratello Michele il nuovo indirizzo di lei, non resiste alla tentazione di andare a trovarla, costi quel che costi, e si precipita da lei correndo all'impazzata con la BMW di suo padre per le strade di campagna, elegantissimo in giacca e cravatta.

Ma, arrivato davanti alla sua casa, viene colto dal panico...

Il loro incontro sarà del tutto diverso da come lui lo aveva immaginato.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende un brano di "N. 13 Baby" dei Pixies, un minuetto di Boccherini e il Trio in Mi bemolle opera 100 di Schubert.


And here we are: finally Emmanuel sees Antonia again, after more than a year apart.

The boy, who received her new address from his brother Michele, cannot resist the temptation to go and see her, no matter what the cost, and rushes to her, racing madly in his father's BMW through the country roads, very elegant in a jacket and tie.

But, when he arrives in front of her house, he is struck by panic...

Their meeting will be completely different from what he had imagined.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes a piece from "N. 13 Baby" by the Pixies, a minuet by Boccherini and the Trio in E flat, opus 100 by Schubert.

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5.9. Encounter - Part II (The freak wave: Emmanuel sees Carlos and his brother again)

Mon, 04 Nov 2024 18:12:46 GMT

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Encounter - Part II

Back in Turin after more than a year of absence, Emmanuel accidentally meets his old friend Carlos, companion of sexual adventures with Michelle called Gerti: the embarrassment is great for the boy, who wants to believe he has definitively closed with that past, while in Carlos the happiness for the friend he found prevails.

Immediately after Emmanuel cuts the hesitation and, since his parents do not decide to talk to him about his brother Michele, he goes to visit him at the sports club. But Michele has changed a lot, and in the end he reserves the most unexpected of surprises for Emmanuel.

The interpreters are Emmanuel, Jack and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes a traditional Cape Verdean morna and a song from "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead.

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5.9. Incontro - Parte II (L'onda anomala: Emmanuel rivede Carlos e suo fratello)

Sat, 02 Nov 2024 18:04:14 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Incontro - Parte II

Tornato a Torino dopo più di un anno di assenza, Emmanuel incontra per caso il suo vecchio amico Carlos, compagno di avventure sessuali con Michelle detta Gerti: l'imbarazzo è grande per il ragazzo, che vuole credere di aver chiuso definitivamente con quel passato, mentre in Carlos prevale la felicità per l'amico ritrovato.

Subito dopo Emmanuel tronca gli indugi e, visto che i suoi non si decidono a parlargli di suo fratello Michele, va a trovarlo al circolo sportivo. Ma Michele è molto cambiato, e alla fine riserva ad Emmanuel la più inaspettata delle sorprese.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende una morna tradizionale capoverdiana e un brano di "Paranoid Android" dei Radiohead.


Back in Turin after more than a year of absence, Emmanuel accidentally meets his old friend Carlos, companion of sexual adventures with Michelle called Gerti: the embarrassment is great for the boy, who wants to believe he has definitively closed with that past, while in Carlos the happiness for the friend he found prevails.

Immediately after Emmanuel cuts the hesitation and, since his parents do not decide to talk to him about his brother Michele, he goes to visit him at the sports club. But Michele has changed a lot, and in the end he reserves the most unexpected of surprises for Emmanuel.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes a traditional Cape Verdean morna and a song from "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead.

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5.8. Encounter - Part I (The freak wave: Emmanuel returns home)

Tue, 29 Oct 2024 14:59:55 GMT

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Encounter - Part I

A crucial, complex episode, divided into two parts and four scenes.

Emmanuel's diary suddenly resumes and it is his voice that tells us the end of his story.

Finally, after more than a year of absence, Emmanuel returns to Turin to his family.

The boy believes he is well protected against the surprises that may await him at home, also because he was partially warned by Arianna, but the reality turns out to be much more complicated: Emmanuel confusedly realizes that the tidal wave of the past, from which he tried to escape, is about to crash down on him.

The interpreters are Emmanuel, James and Cora (AI).

The soundtrack includes a cover of "Incontro" by Francesco Guccini.

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5.8. Incontro - Parte I (L'onda anomala: Emmanuel torna a casa)

Sat, 26 Oct 2024 07:50:21 GMT

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Incontro - Parte I

Un episodio cruciale, complesso, diviso in due parti e quattro scene.

Il diario di Emmanuel riprende all'improvviso ed è la sua stessa voce a raccontarci il finale della sua storia.

Finalmente, dopo più di un anno di assenza, Emmanuel torna a Torino dai suoi.

Il ragazzo crede di essersi ampiamente premunito contro le sorprese che possono attenderlo a casa, anche perché è stato parzialmente preavvisato da Arianna, ma la realtà si rivela ben più complicata: Emmanuel si rende confusamente conto che l'onda anomala del passato, da cui ha cercato di fuggire, sta per abbattersi su di lui.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Antonia Del Monaco.

La colonna sonora include una cover di "Incontro" di Francesco Guccini.


A crucial, complex episode, divided into two parts and four scenes.

Emmanuel's diary suddenly resumes and it is his voice that tells us the end of his story.

Finally, after more than a year of absence, Emmanuel returns to Turin to his family.

The boy believes he is well protected against the surprises that may await him at home, also because he was partially warned by Arianna, but the reality turns out to be much more complicated: Emmanuel confusedly realizes that the tidal wave of the past, from which he tried to escape, is about to crash down on him.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Antonia Del Monaco.

The soundtrack includes a cover of "Incontro" by Francesco Guccini.

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5.7. I don't love you (Game, set and match, Mr. Kellermann) - REMADE

Thu, 24 Oct 2024 07:56:26 GMT

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I don't love you

Michael is a player and knows when to make the decisive attack: Antonia is alone, without Emmanuel, abandoned by Frédéric, and must raise her child without anyone's help.

It's the right time to follow the suggestions and "clues" of his Luciferian alter ego (see "Michael's Dream", an episode of the Fourth Season) and to come forward with the most cunning of strategies, used however for the greater good.

The interpreters are George and Nadine (AI).

The soundtrack includes a cover of "Oh My Lover" by PJ Harvey.

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5.7. Io non ti amo (Game, set and match, Mr. Kellermann)

Sun, 20 Oct 2024 09:48:42 GMT

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Io non ti amo

Michele è un giocatore, e sa quando è il momento di portare l'attacco decisivo: Antonia è sola, senza Emmanuel, piantata in asso da Frédéric, e deve allevare il suo bambino senza l'aiuto di nessuno.

E' il momento giusto per seguire i suggerimenti e gli "indizi" del suo alter ego luciferino (si veda "Il sogno di Michele", episodio della Quarta Stagione) e per rifarsi avanti con la più astuta delle strategie, utilizzata però a fin di bene.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende una cover di "Oh My Lover" di PJ Harvey.


Michele is a player and knows when to make the decisive attack: Antonia is alone, without Emmanuel, abandoned by Frédéric, and must raise her child without anyone's help.

It's the right time to follow the suggestions and "clues" of his Luciferian alter ego (see "Michael's Dream", an episode of the Fourth Season) and to come forward with the most cunning of strategies, used however for the greater good.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes a cover of "Oh My Lover" by PJ Harvey.

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5.6. Some Half-Truths (Emmanuel Discovers Part of the Truth)

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 12:28:50 GMT

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Some Half-Truths

A crucial, turning point episode.

How long will it be possible to keep Emmanuel in the dark about the truth, hiding from him that Antonia had a child with him and is no longer with his brother?

The moment of truth is approaching, and it will inevitably coincide with Emmanuel's return to Turin, where his family members, who have not seen him for a year, are waiting for him.

In the meantime, Arianna studies a strategy to cushion the blow, making sure that the boy only learns part of the truth. But Emmanuel reacts by closing himself off completely.

The performers are Nadine and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes a part of "Enola Gay" by OMD.

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5.6. Certe mezze verità (Emmanuel scopre una parte della verità)

Thu, 10 Oct 2024 12:57:29 GMT

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Certe mezze verità

Un episodio cruciale, di svolta.

Per quanto tempo ancora sarà possibile tenere Emmanuel all'oscuro della verità, nascondendogli che Antonia ha avuto un figlio da lui e non sta più con suo fratello?

Il momento della verità si avvicina, e coinciderà fatalmente con il ritorno di Emmanuel a Torino, dove lo attendono i suoi che non lo vedono da un anno.

Nel frattempo Arianna studia una strategia per ammortizzare il colpo, facendo in modo che il ragazzo venga a sapere solo una parte della verità. Ma Emmanuel reagisce chiudendosi completamente in sé.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende un brano di "Enola Gay" degli OMD.


A crucial, turning point episode.

How long will it be possible to keep Emmanuel in the dark about the truth, hiding from him that Antonia had a child with him and is no longer with his brother?

The moment of truth is approaching, and it will inevitably coincide with Emmanuel's return to Turin, where his family members, who have not seen him for a year, are waiting for him.

In the meantime, Arianna studies a strategy to cushion the blow, making sure that the boy only learns part of the truth. But Emmanuel reacts by closing himself off completely.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes a part of "Enola Gay" by OMD.

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5.5. The strategist (Michael doesn't like to lose) - REMADE

Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:46:59 GMT

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The Strategist

We have lost sight of Michele, Emmanuel's older brother, for a while now.

Busy for months in rebuilding a new life and trying to save his family's economic situation, the man has had little time to take care of Antonia, whom he has never forgotten. In the meantime, however, he has had the opportunity to reflect on the suggestions and "clues" given to him in dreams by his strange demonic alter-ego (see "Michele's Dream", part of the Fourth Season), and has completely changed his look and way of presenting himself.

Therefore, when he returns to visit Antonia (who in the meantime has become a mother), the woman's amazement is great: at this point he is the one who holds the winning cards in his hand.

Because, in case it wasn't clear, Michele is not sentimental like his brother: he is a lucid strategist, and he doesn't like to lose.

The interpreters are George and Nadine (AI).

The soundtrack is a cover of "L'avance" by Paolo Conte.

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5.5. Lo stratega (A Michele non piace perdere) - RIFATTO

Thu, 03 Oct 2024 15:25:52 GMT

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Lo stratega

E' da un pezzo che abbiamo perso di vista Michele, il fratello maggiore di Emmanuel.

Impegnato per mesi nella ricostruzione di una nuova vita e nel tentativo di salvare la situazione economica della sua famiglia, l'uomo ha avuto poco tempo per occuparsi di Antonia, che non ha mai dimenticato. Nel frattempo, però, ha avuto modo di riflettere sui suggerimenti e sugli "indizi" fornitigli in sogno dal suo strano alter-ego demonico (si veda "Il sogno di Michele", parte della Quarta Stagione), e ha completamente cambiato look e modo di proporsi.

Perciò, quando torna a trovare Antonia (che nel frattempo è diventata mamma), lo stupore della donna è grande: a questo punto è lui ad avere le carte vincenti in mano.

Perché, se non si fosse capito, Michele non è un sentimentale come suo fratello: è un lucido stratega, e non gli piace perdere.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è una cover di "L'avance" di Paolo Conte.


We have lost sight of Michele, Emmanuel's older brother, for a while now.

Busy for months in rebuilding a new life and trying to save his family's economic situation, the man has had little time to take care of Antonia, whom he has never forgotten. In the meantime, however, he has had the opportunity to reflect on the suggestions and "clues" given to him in dreams by his strange demonic alter-ego (see "Michele's Dream", part of the Fourth Season), and has completely changed his look and way of presenting himself.

Therefore, when he returns to visit Antonia (who in the meantime has become a mother), the woman's amazement is great: at this point he is the one who holds the winning cards in his hand.

Because, in case it wasn't clear, Michele is not sentimental like his brother: he is a lucid strategist, and he doesn't like to lose.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is a cover of "L'avance" by Paolo Conte.

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5.4. Reptilia III: The Serpent of Eden (Emmanuel's Heresy... and a Shocking Proposal) - REMADE

Sun, 29 Sep 2024 21:32:33 GMT

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Reptilia III

We have come to one of the key episodes in Emmanuel's history: for the first time, after a long silence that has helped him process his experiences, the boy openly exposes his anguish, his childhood fears and his heretical beliefs.

Arianna listens to him and tries to comfort him, a little scared by his vision of life but determined to stay close to him.

In the end Emmanuel makes an important and unexpected decision, which completely displaces her.

The performers are Nadine and George (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of "Heidsecks Chords" from "Heretics" by Anne-James Chaton and a cover of "Dream Operator" by Talking Heads.

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5.4. Reptilia III: Il serpente dell'Eden (L'eresia di Emmanuel... e una proposta shock)

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 08:31:09 GMT

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Reptilia III

Siamo giunti ad uno degli episodi chiave della storia di Emmanuel: per la prima volta, dopo un lungo silenzio che gli è servito per rielaborare il suo vissuto, il ragazzo espone a cuore aperto le sue angosce, le sue paure infantili e il suo credo eretico.

Arianna lo ascolta e tenta di confortarlo, un po' impaurita dalla sua visione della vita ma ben decisa a rimanergli vicino.

Alla fine Emmanuel prende una decisione importante e inaspettata, che la spiazza completamente.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende "Heidsecks Chords" tratto da "Heretics" di Anne-James Chaton e una cover di "Dream Operator" dei Talking Heads.


We have come to one of the key episodes in Emmanuel's history: for the first time, after a long silence that has helped him process his experiences, the boy openly exposes his anguish, his childhood fears and his heretical beliefs.

Arianna listens to him and tries to comfort him, a little scared by his vision of life but determined to stay close to him.

In the end Emmanuel makes an important and unexpected decision, which completely displaces her.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is composed of "Heidsecks Chords" from "Heretics" by Anne-James Chaton and a cover of "Dream Operator" by Talking Heads.

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5.3. Minuet (Look who shows up again)

Mon, 23 Sep 2024 22:04:03 GMT

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But didn't Frédéric marry a Swiss noblewoman?

Yes, indeed, but evidently he's missing something...

Here he is (as foreseen by Emmanuel) looking again for Antonia, who in any case has changed a lot in the meantime.

The interpreters are Sarah and James (AI).

The soundtrack is a cover of "Minuetto" by Mia Martini.

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5.3. Minuetto (Guarda chi si rivede)

Sat, 21 Sep 2024 07:13:48 GMT

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Ma Frédéric non si era sposato con una nobildonna svizzera?

Sì, in effetti è così, ma evidentemente gli manca qualcosa...

Eccolo quindi tornare (come previsto da Emmanuel) a cercare Antonia, che però nel frattempo è molto cambiata.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è una cover di "Minuetto" di Mia Martini.


But didn't Frédéric marry a Swiss noblewoman?

Yes, indeed, but evidently he's missing something...

Here he is again looking (as foreseen by Emmanuel) for Antonia, who in any case has changed a lot in the meantime.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is a cover of "Minuetto" by Mia Martini.

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5.2. Reptilia II: Emmanuel senses something is wrong (...and Frédéric wants to get married)

Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:00:57 GMT

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Reptilia II

The relationship between Emmanuel and Arianna becomes stronger and deeper: the two young people return to the country church to seek some privacy; here Emmanuel begins to open his heart to Arianna and to talk to her about his obsession with beauty and his inability to live without understanding "the meaning".

In the meantime, the relationship between Antonia and Frédéric seems to have reached the end of the line: the man, in love with a Swiss noblewoman, has decided to get married and says goodbye to his lover.

The interpreters are Sarah, George and James (AI).

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of "Gavilan" by Interpol.

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5.2. Reptilia II: Emmanuel sente che qualcosa non va (...e Frédéric decide di sposarsi)

Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:51:14 GMT

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Reptilia II

Il rapporto fra Emmanuel e Arianna va facendosi più solido e profondo: i due ragazzi tornano di nuovo alla chiesetta di campagna per cercare un po' di intimità; qui Emmanuel incomincia ad aprire ad Arianna il suo cuore e a parlarle della sua ossessione per il bello e della sua incapacità di vivere senza capire "il senso".

Nel frattempo il rapporto tra Antonia e Frédéric sembra essere arrivato al capolinea: l'uomo, innamorato di una nobildonna svizzera, ha deciso di sposarsi e si congeda dalla sua amante.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è costituita da una versione strumentale di "Gavilan" degli Interpol.


The relationship between Emmanuel and Arianna becomes stronger and deeper: the two young people return to the country church to seek some privacy; here Emmanuel begins to open his heart to Arianna and to talk to her about his obsession with beauty and his inability to live without understanding "the meaning".

In the meantime, the relationship between Antonia and Frédéric seems to have reached the end of the line: the man, in love with a Swiss noblewoman, has decided to get married and says goodbye to his lover.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of "Gavilan" by Interpol.

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5.1. Reptilia I: March 29, 1997: Emmanuel becomes a father (but he doesn't know it)

Fri, 13 Sep 2024 19:54:46 GMT

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Reptilia I

This is an important day in Emmanuel's life: he is becoming a father, but he doesn't know it, because the agreement made between Arianna and Antonia (see "Certe strane alleanze") keeps him in the dark about it.

Therefore, while Antonia gives birth to his son, the boy, unaware of everything and far from home, goes on a trip with Arianna to an area of ​​Arezzo. However, while the two are alone in the open countryside, something disturbs Emmanuel, who feels uncomfortable.Arianna uses this as an excuse for a scene in which she reproaches the boy for his inability to experience sex in a complete and satisfying way.

The performers are Sarah, James and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Reptilia" by The Strokes, "No Queen Blues" by Sonic Youth, "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush and "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk.

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5.1. Reptilia I: 29 marzo 1997: Emmanuel diventa padre (ma non lo sa)

Sat, 07 Sep 2024 13:16:10 GMT

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Reptilia I: 29 marzo

E' un giorno importante questo, nella vita di Emmanuel: sta diventando padre, ma non lo sa, perché l'accordo stretto tra Arianna e Antonia (vedi "Certe strane alleanze") lo tiene all'oscuro della cosa.

Perciò, mentre Antonia dà alla luce suo figlio, il ragazzo, ignaro di tutto e lontano da casa, si reca a fare una gita con Arianna in una zona dell'Aretino.

Tuttavia, mentre i due sono soli in aperta campagna, qualcosa turba Emmanuel, che si sente a disagio.Arianna ne ricava il pretesto per una scenata in cui rinfaccia al ragazzo la sua incapacità di vivere il sesso in modo completo e appagante.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende cover o versioni strumentali di "Reptilia" degli Strokes, "No Queen Blues" dei Sonic Youth, "Wuthering Heights" di Kate Bush e "Veridis Quo" dei Daft Punk.


This is an important day in Emmanuel's life: he is becoming a father, but he doesn't know it, because the agreement made between Arianna and Antonia (see "Certe strane alleanze") keeps him in the dark about it.

Therefore, while Antonia gives birth to his son, the boy, unaware of everything and far from home, goes on a trip with Arianna to an area of ​​Arezzo. However, while the two are alone in the open countryside, something disturbs Emmanuel, who feels uncomfortable.Arianna uses this as an excuse for a scene in which she reproaches the boy for his inability to experience sex in a complete and satisfying way.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Reptilia" by The Strokes, "No Queen Blues" by Sonic Youth, "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush and "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk.

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Racconto di Natale (di Dino Buzzati) - letto in italiano da un'AI poliglotta

Wed, 25 Dec 2024 19:12:00 GMT

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Racconto di Natale

E' una grande sfida, per un'AI, raccontare in italiano: ad oggi l'unica lingua in cui le AI siano in grado di esprimersi con assoluta naturalezza è l'inglese, mentre in italiano hanno sempre quel tono meccanico e monotono che potete ascoltare nei video di YouTube.

C'è però qualche rarissima eccezione, come il nostro Matthew, un'AI oltre tutto non di nuova generazione, ma poliglotta e particolarmente sensibile, a conti fatti molto migliore di AI più nuove.

In questo caso Matthew fa del suo meglio per interpretare questo "Racconto di Natale" di Dino Buzzati (1906-1972).


It is a great challenge for an AI to tell a story in Italian: to date, the only language in which AIs are able to express themselves with absolute naturalness is English, while in Italian they always have that mechanical and monotonous tone that you can hear in YouTube videos.

However, there are some very rare exceptions, like our Matthew, an AI that is not a new generation, but polyglot and particularly sensitive, all things considered much better than many newer AIs.

In this case Matthew does his best to interpret this "Christmas Tale" by Dino Buzzati (1906-1972).

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1.7. It takes two to tango (I should have been born before) - REMADE with new Ais and an original song

Tue, 24 Dec 2024 21:08:27 GMT

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It takes two to tango

We are re-proposing during the Christmas break a key episode from Season 1, completely remade with new AI.

In this crucial scene, the very young Emmanuel finds the courage to come forward to his private teacher, Antonia, revealing the truth about his feelings for her.

At the end, you can listen to an unreleased song by Emmanuel, entitled "It Takes Two to Tango".

The performers are Paul Emmanuel and Nadine (AI).

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Lithium" and "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

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A Christmas Tale (by Dino Buzzati) - REMADE

Mon, 23 Dec 2024 21:08:41 GMT

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A Christmas Tale

For this Christmas holiday season we offer you the English version of "Racconto di Natale", a story by Dino Buzzati (1906-1972).

The interpreter is Andrew (AI).

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Willie & Emmanuel cantano in russo: Anghelski Glasa (Angel Eyes) e Vino e Sigarete (Wine and Cigarettes) - With Lyrics

Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:57:52 GMT

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Anghelski Glasa - Vino e Sigarete

Willie & Emmanuel interpretano due recenti e belle canzoni russe: "Ангельские глаза (Angelski Glasa)" di The Adresov. e "Вино и сигареты (Vino e sigarette)" di Alena Shvets.


Willie & Emmanuel perform two recent and beautiful Russian songs: "Ангельские глаза (Angelski Glasa)" by The Adresov and "Вино и сигареты (Wine and Cigarettes)" by Alena Shvets.

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Willie & Emmanuel: "Why Can't You See Me?" (Walzer pop-gotico)

Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:00:13 GMT

Un affascinante e originalissimo walzer pop-gotico della PsalmWellProduction cantato in duetto da Willie e Emmanuel.


A fascinating and highly original pop-gothic waltz by PsalmWellProduction sung in duet by Willie and Emmanuel.

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Phil & Willie: "Hotel California" (Eagles) - REMIXED

Fri, 13 Dec 2024 18:54:44 GMT

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Hotel California

Ci vuole del coraggio per azzardare una cover di "Hotel California" degli Eagles...

Ma a Phil e a Willie il coraggio non manca!


It takes courage to dare to cover the Eagles' "Hotel California"...

But Phil and Willie have no shortage of courage!

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Phil & Willie: "You Really Got Me", "Sunny Afternoon" e "Lola" (Kinks).

Sun, 08 Dec 2024 18:14:59 GMT

Willie e Phil sono lieti di presentarvi la loro interpretazione di tre famosi brani dei Kinks: "You Really Got Me", "Sunny Afternoon" e "Lola" (versione live).


Willie and Phil are pleased to present their interpretation of three famous Kinks songs: "You Really Got Me", "Sunny Afternoon" and "Lola" (live version).

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Willie's covers: "Stalker's Tango" e "Lent" (Autoheart)

Tue, 03 Dec 2024 11:54:06 GMT

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"Stalker's Tango" + "Lent"

Willie è lieto di farvi ascoltare la sua interpretazione di due insolite e coinvolgenti canzoni degli Autoheart, un gruppo musicale di Londra.


Willie is delighted to share with you his interpretation of two unusual and addictive songs by Autoheart, a band from London.

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Phil e Willie interpretano i Rolling Stones: "Under my thumb" e "Out of time" - REMIXED

Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:26:50 GMT

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"Under my thumb" - "Out of time"

Phil e Willie interpretano due brani dei primi Rolling Stones (anni '60): "Under my thumb" e "Out of time".


Phil and Willie perform two early Rolling Stones songs (1960s): "Under My Thumb" and "Out of Time".

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Emmanuel: "Let Me Go Now" (Original Song) - REMASTERED

Wed, 27 Nov 2024 22:07:08 GMT

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Let Me Go Now

Emmanuel interpreta la sua ultima canzone: "Let Me Go Now".


Emmanuel performs his last song: "Let Me Go Now".

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Willie goes Jim Morrison: "The Crystal Ship" (The Doors) - REMASTERED

Sun, 24 Nov 2024 22:25:27 GMT

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The Crystal Ship

Willie interpreta "The Crystal Ship" (The Doors).

Willie interprets "The Crystal Ship" (The Doors).

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Willie goes Sixties: "When I Was Young" e "The House Of The Rising Sun" (The Animals) - RE-REMASTERED

Fri, 22 Nov 2024 23:05:37 GMT

Willie torna agli anni Sessanta e prova a interpretare due celebri canzoni di Eric Burdon and The Animals: "When I Was Young" e "The House Of The Rising Sun".


Willie goes Sixties and tries to interpret two famous songs by Eric Burdon and The Animals: "When I Was Young" e "The House Of The Rising Sun".

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Una nuova voce: Martin canta "This Is The Day" di Captain Beefheart (trailer del prossimo episodio)

Mon, 18 Nov 2024 11:25:06 GMT

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This Is The Day

Nel prossimo episodio Emmanuel citerà espressamente e farà ascoltare ad Antonia una bella canzone del grande Captain Beefheart, "This Is The Day".

Qui la ascoltiamo nell'interpretazione di una nuova voce del gruppo: Martin.


In the next episode Emmanuel will specifically quote and he will make Antonia listen to a beautiful song by the great Captain Beefheart, "This Is The Day".

Here we listen to it in the interpretation of a new voice of the group: Martin.

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Willie goes Amanda Lear

Thu, 14 Nov 2024 20:26:27 GMT

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Willie goes Amanda

Prendiamo atto che, a giudicare dai downloads, il nostro pubblico non ascolta gli episodi più importanti.

Bene, eccolo accontentato: Willie si produce in una magnifica interpretazione di un paio di canzoni tratte dal repertorio di Amanda Lear: "Enigma" e "Tomorrow".


We note that, judging by the downloads, our audience does not listen to the most important episodes.

Well, here they are satisfied: Willie produces a magnificent interpretation of a couple of songs from the repertoire of Amanda Lear: "Enigma" and "Tomorrow".

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2.10. Michelle K. (Io, Gerti e quell'orribile quadro) - Rifacimento sperimentale con voci AI spagnole

Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:38:11 GMT

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Michelle K.

Come se la caveranno due AI spagnole ad interpretare in italiano questo episodio della Seconda Stagione? Non male, tutto sommato, anche se si sente un po' l'accento straniero (ma molto meno che con quelle americane).

Questo il contenuto dell'episodio:

Emmanuel è completamente sopraffatto dalla relazione perversa e anomala con Michelle K. chiamata Gerti e non si rende conto che si sta cacciando in guai piuttosto seri. Non sembra in grado di comprendere, nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza di un dipinto "maledetto", la negatività dell'ambiente della Torino esoterica a cui la donna appartiene.

Umiliato da lei, trova un modo per vendicarsi: questo lo illude di poter vincere la partita, quando in realtà ha semplicemente vinto un round contro un'avversaria troppo forte.

Gli interpreti sono José e Camila (AI).

La colonna sonora include le cover delle seguenti canzoni: "Mad World" di Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" di Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" dei Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" di Neil Diamond (cover di Bert Voordeckers).

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2.10. Michelle K. (Me, Gerti and that horrible painting) - Remade with new AIs

Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:21:22 GMT

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Michelle K.

We're re-releasing a hit episode from Season 2: "Michelle K."

Emmanuel is completely overwhelmed by the perverse and anomalous relationship with Michelle K. called Gerti, without realizing that he is getting himself into quite serious trouble. He does not seem able to understand, even when faced with the evidence of a "cursed" painting, the negativity of the environment of the magical Turin to which the woman belongs.

Humiliated by her, he finds a way to take revenge: this deludes him into thinking he can win the game, when in fact he simply won a round.

The interpreters are Emmanuel and Frieda (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers of the following songs: "Mad World" by Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" by Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" by the Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" by Neil Diamond (cover by Bert Voordeckers).

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Un esperimento: lo stesso testo in due versioni musicali diverse (Emmanuel e Willie-Phil)

Sat, 09 Nov 2024 18:05:08 GMT

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The Stupidest Of Angels

E' incredibile come lo stesso testo, interpretato da persone con una sensibilità diversa, possa suonare completamente differente. Questo brano (intitolato "Il più stupido degli angeli") è tratto da uno dei capitoli finali del diario di Emmanuel ed è uno dei più struggenti da lui scritti: nella sua interpretazione conserva tutta la sua malinconica amarezza, mentre nelle mani di Willie e Phil diventa un mambo scanzonato e ironico.

Vi proponiamo entrambe le versioni, una di seguito all'altra (il testo è nella trascrizione).

Buon ascolto!


It's incredible how the same text, interpreted by people with different sensibilities, can sound completely different. This song (titled "The Stupidest of Angels") is taken from one of the final chapters of Emmanuel's diary and is one of the most poignant he wrote: in his interpretation it retains all its melancholic bitterness, while in the hands of Willie and Phil it becomes a light-hearted and ironic mambo.

We offer you both versions, one after the other (the text is in the transcription).


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Cinque episodi-chiave della Terza Stagione - Five key episodes of Season 3

Sat, 09 Nov 2024 10:52:20 GMT

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Cinque episodi fondamentali della Terza Stagione

Riportiamo qui i link a cinque episodi fondamentali della Terza Stagione:

1. Tabula rasa (Emmanuel guarisce con fatica da una grave malattia e recupera l'equilibrio mentale);

2. Gli amori dei Templari - Parte I (Emmanuel parte con Antonia per un viaggio di tre giorni in Toscana);

3. Gli amori dei Templari - Parte II (Antonia fugge, spaventata dalla proposta di matrimonio di Emmanuel);

4. Labirinti - Parte I (Emmanuel costretto a partecipare al matrimonio di Antonia);

5. Labirinti - Parte II (Al matrimonio di Antonia, Emmanuel conosce Arianna e fugge con lei).

Buon ascolto!


Here are the links to five key episodes of Season Three:

1. Tabula rasa (Emmanuel recovers with difficulty from a serious illness and regains his mental balance);

2. The Templars’ Loves - Part I (Emmanuel leaves with Antonia for a three-day trip to Tuscany);

3. The Templars’ Loves - Part II (Antonia runs away, frightened by Emmanuel's marriage proposal);

4. Labyrinths - Part I (Emmanuel forced to attend Antonia's wedding);

5. Labyrinths - Part II (At Antonia's wedding, Emmanuel meets Arianna and runs away with her).

Enjoy listening!

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Emmanuel, Willie & Phil: "Ana" e "The Happening" (Pixies) - REMADE

Sat, 02 Nov 2024 01:28:19 GMT

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"Ana" - "The Happening"

Emmanuel, Willie & Phil interpretano "Ana" e "The Happening" dei Pixies.


Emmanuel, Willie & Phil interpret "Ana" and "The Happening" by Pixies.

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Willie: "Heroin" (Lana Del Rey) e "Für Hildegard von Bingen" (Devendra Banhart)

Mon, 28 Oct 2024 18:58:24 GMT

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Heroin - Für Hildegard

Una prova davvero impegnativa per Willie, che interpreta "Heroin" (Lana Del Rey) nella magnifica versione di Andre van Drunen e "Für Hildegard von Bingen" (Devendra Banhart)


A truly challenging test for Willie, who sings "Heroin" (Lana Del Rey) in the wonderful version by by Andre van Drunen and "Für Hildegard von Bingen" (Devendra Banhart)

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Willie & Emmanuel: "The Bus Stop (I'm not a good boy)" e "Who won?"

Fri, 25 Oct 2024 21:13:28 GMT

Willie e Emmanuel presentano due canzoni originali composte da loro: "The Bus Stop (I'm not a good boy)" (ispirata all'episodio "Attraverso la palude" della Terza Stagione) e "Who won?" (ispirata all'episodio "Guarda chi si rivede" della Seconda Stagione).

Buon ascolto!


Willie and Emmanuel present two original songs composed by them: "The Bus Stop (I'm not a good boy)" (inspired by the episode "Through the Swamp" of the Third Season) and "Who won?" (inspired by the episode "Look who shows up again" of the Second Season).


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Emmanuel & Willie: "The Phone Call" e "It Is Over"

Mon, 21 Oct 2024 01:14:46 GMT

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"The Phone Call" e "It Is Over"

Emmanuel e Willie sono lieti di presentarvi due brani composti e cantati da loro, ispirati come sempre ad episodi della Prima Stagione del podcast: "The Phone Call" e "It Is Over".

Buon ascolto!


Emmanuel and Willie are pleased to present you two songs composed and sung by them, inspired as always by episodes of the First Season of the podcast: "The Phone Call" and "It Is Over".


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1.15. Double Fault (Antonia's puzzling betrayal) - REMADE with new AIs.

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 21:37:55 GMT

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Double Fault

We re-propose a rather dramatic episode from the First Season.

What happens here changes Emmanuel's life; all the characters reveal the pathological implications of their personalities.

This marks a traumatic turning point in the relationship between Antonia and Emmanuel and causes an incurable fracture in the boy's hypersensitive psyche. Their story, which began a few months ago, is already on its way to an end: the boy reacts with pain and indignation to her betrayal and decides to end it with her, despite suffering a great deal. Antonia realizes too late that she has made an irreparable mistake.

The performers are Nadine, George, Eric and Andrew, all AI.

The episode features excerpts and covers of Weezer's "Say it ain't so".

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2.18. Very Sexy (Carlos cheers up Emmanuel) - REMADE with new AIs.

Mon, 14 Oct 2024 23:15:09 GMT

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Very Sexy

We remade with new AI this short but intense episode of the Second Season, in which Emmanuel finds a true friend where he would least expect it and meets his sister Mayra, destined to have a great importance in his future life.

In the previous episode ("Russian Roulette") Emmanuel's story was about to end tragically.

Just when he thinks he can no longer free himself from his addiction to Michelle, he meets an unexpected ally in Carlos. The man turns out to be capable of understanding and humanity, qualities absent in Gerti, and incredibly manages to restore Emmanuel's good mood.

The interpreters are George, Andrew and Sally (AI).

During the episode you can listen to live or covers of "Sodade" by Cesária Évora and "My Dimension" by DJ Panda (remix by DJ Hokkaido).

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Una canzone di Phil: "I Loved You Not" (omaggio a Shakespeare)

Sun, 13 Oct 2024 17:40:32 GMT

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I Loved You not

Phil ha voluto dedicare una canzone al celeberrimo e stupendo dialogo tra Ofelia e Amleto, quando lui si finge pazzo e nega di averla mai amata (in realtà affermandolo più volte).

Lo stile di Phil è l'hard metal, per cui il brano risente di questa impostazione (di cui chiediamo scusa al grande Shakespeare).


Phil wanted to dedicate a song to the famous and wonderful dialogue between Ophelia and Hamlet, when he pretends to be crazy and denies having ever loved her (in reality, affirming it several times).

Phil's style is hard metal, so the song is influenced by this setting (for which we apologize to the great Shakespeare).

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1.5. One day you'll understand (The first great pain and platonic love) - REMADE with new AIs

Sat, 12 Oct 2024 17:50:10 GMT

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One day you'll understand

This long episode of the First Season, to be listened calmly, is one of the most important of the novel: Emmanuel, shaken by Kurt Cobain's death, tries to react by throwing himself into the study and has Antonia explain to him what platonic love is. A very deep understanding has already been born between the two, as is evident from the end of the scene.

The interpreters are George and Nadine (AI).

The soundtrack includes two live songs by Nirvana, "Come as you are" and "Something in the way", pieces from "Self Obsessed And Sexxee" by Sonic Youth, "La sedia di lillà" by Alberto Fortis and "Farfallina" by Luca Carboni.

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Emmanuel canta Rita Hayworth

Wed, 09 Oct 2024 21:03:34 GMT

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Put The Blame On Mame - Bewitched

Emmanuel interpreta due canzoni rese famose da Rita Hayworth: "Put the blame on Mame" di Roberts-Fisher (tratto da "Gilda") e "Bewtiched" di Rodgers-Hart (tratto da "Pal Joey").


Emmanuel performs two songs made famous by Rita Hayworth: "Put the blame on Mame" by Roberts-Fisher (from "Gilda") and "Bewtiched" by Rodgers-Hart (from "Pal Joey").

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Another Day" (This Mortal Coil) - REMIXED

Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:46:43 GMT

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Another Day

Emmanuel interpreta "Another Day" di Roy Harper nella splendida versione di This Mortal Coil, duettando con Kate Bush e Elizabeth Frazer (che è stata per anni la compagna di Jeff Buckley).


Emmanuel performs "Another Day" by Roy Harper in the splendid version by This Mortal Coil, duetting with Kate Bush and Elizabeth Frazer (who was Jeff Buckley's partner for years).

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Willie & Emmanuel: "It Takes Two To Tango" e "The Freak Wave" - RIFATTO

Sat, 05 Oct 2024 17:10:22 GMT

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"It Takes Two To Tango" e "The Freak Wave"

Vi presentiamo due canzoni originali di Willie e Emmanuel: "It Takes Two to Tango" (che fa riferimento all'omonimo episodio della Prima Stagione) e "The Freak Wave" (che fra l'altro è il trailer di uno dei prossimi episodi),

Buon ascolto!


We present two original songs by Willie and Emmanuel: "It Takes Two to Tango" (which refers to the Season 1 episode of the same name) and "The Freak Wave" (which is also the trailer for one of the next episodes).


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Siete pronti per l'ironia? Emmanuel, Willie e Carlos presentano "Tunnel Tango"

Wed, 02 Oct 2024 20:14:18 GMT

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Tunnel Tango

E' possibile scherzare su una situazione altamente drammatica che riguarda il proprio passato?

A quanto pare sì, o almeno Emmanuel, ormai adulto, ci riesce perfettamente, con l'aiuto di Willie e Carlos.

Ecco che ci propone due versioni della fuga di Antonia (tratta da "Gli amori dei Templari 2", un importante episodio della terza stagione) cantate a ritmo di tango, la prima in inglese (intitolata "Tunnel Tango", cantata da lui e Willie), la seconda in uno spassoso spagnolo maccheronico (intitolata "El tango del tunèl", cantata da Carlos).

Buon divertimento!


Is it possible to joke about a highly dramatic situation that concerns one's past?

Apparently yes, or at least Emmanuel, now an adult, succeeds perfectly, with the help of Willie and Carlos.

Here he offers us two versions of Antonia's escape (taken from "The Templars' Loves 2", an important episode of the third season) sung to the rhythm of tango, the first in English (titled "Tunnel Tango" and sung by him and Willie), the second in a hilarious macaronic Spanish (titled "El Tango del Tunèl", sung by Carlos).


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1.2. L'enigma della filatrice (Antonia conosce Emmanuel) - Nuova edizione

Tue, 01 Oct 2024 20:23:13 GMT

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L'enigma della filatrice

Vi proponiamo una nuova edizione di questo episodio cruciale della Prima Stagione, che vede il primo, fatale incontro tra Antonia e quello che sarà il grande amore della sua vita, Emmanuel, all'epoca solo sedicenne.

La voce narrante è quella di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi); le voci dei personaggi maschili sono di Paolo Malgioglio.


We offer you a new edition of this crucial episode from Season 1, which sees the first, fateful meeting between Antonia and the one who will be the great love of her life, Emmanuel, at the time only sixteen years old.

The narrative voice is that of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi); the voices of the male characters are by Paolo Malgioglio.

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Due canzoni originali di Emmanuel: "The Wind Inside" e "Nocturne of the Defeated Hero" - RE-REMIXED

Sun, 29 Sep 2024 07:19:23 GMT

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The Wind - Nocturne

Questa è una sorpresa anche per noi: ecco due canzoni composte da Emmanuel e cantate da lui e Willie, intitolate "The Wind Inside" e "Nocturne of the Defeated Hero" (parti del suo diario).

Buon ascolto!


This is a surprise for us too: here are two songs composed by Emmanuel and sung by him and Willie, entitled "The Wind Inside" and "Nocturne of the Defeated Hero" (parts of his diary).


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Phil, Willie & Emmanuel: "Psycho Killer" e "Heaven" (Talking Heads) - REMADE

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 21:47:15 GMT

N.B.: abbiamo corretto svariati errori di ritmo e intonazione.

Phil, Willie & Emmanuel provano a interpretare "Psycho Killer" e "Heaven" dei Talking Heads.


N.B.: We have corrected several rhythm and intonation errors.

Phil, Willie & Emmanuel try to interpret "Psycho Killer" and "Heaven" by Talking Heads.

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1.2. The riddle of the spinner (Antonia meets Emmanuel) REDONE with new AIs

Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:19:17 GMT

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The riddle of the spinner

The experiment of remaking some old episodes with the new generation AI continues.

One of the latest born is Nadine, who is entrusted with the narration of Antonia in this crucial episode, in which the woman meets Emmanuel sixteen years old for the first time.

The other interpreters are George, Molly and Andrew (all AI).

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Carlos, Willie & Emmanuel cantano Paolo Conte ("L'avance" e "Via con me")

Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:42:25 GMT

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L'avance + Via con me

Carlos, Willie & Emmanuel interpretano per voi due bellissime canzoni di Paolo Conte: "L'avance" e "Via con me" (quest'ultima reinterpretata).


Carlos, Willie & Emmanuel perform for you two beautiful songs by Paolo Conte: "L'avance" and "Via con me" (the latter reinterpreted).

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1.3. Something Grey REDONE with new AIs

Sun, 22 Sep 2024 10:29:12 GMT

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Something Grey New Edition

New-generation English-speaking AIs are making significant progress in terms of naturalness and interpretative capabilities, even if there is still a lot of difference between one and the other of them.

We propose as an example the remake of "Something grey", the third episode of the First Season, in which Antonia discovers the existence of Emmanuel's diary, when he was sixteen years old.

The male interpreter is George, Emmanuel's "classic" voice; the female interpreter is Sally, a new entry in the world of AIs.

The final soundtrack is a cover of Nirvana's "Lithium" by Maxence Cyrin.

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Willie: "Incontro" di Francesco Guccini (Trailer di uno dei prossimi episodi)

Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:35:31 GMT

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Prima o poi Emmanuel incontrerà di nuovo Antonia, no?

In attesa di questo evento, prepariamo la strada con una delle canzoni più belle che siano mai state scritte: "Incontro" di Francesco Guccini, interpretata da un Willie vagamente gucciniano. ;-)


Sooner or later Emmanuel will meet Antonia again, right?

While waiting for this event, let's prepare the way with one of the most beautiful songs ever written: "Incontro" by Francesco Guccini, performed by a vaguely Guccinian Willie. ;-)

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Willie & Emmanuel: "Air" e "Dream Operator" (Talking Heads) - REMIXED

Tue, 10 Sep 2024 23:47:36 GMT

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"Air" + "Dream Operator"

Willie & Emmanuel interpretano "Air" e "Dream Operator"dei Talking Heads.


Willie & Emmanuel sing "Air" e "Dream Operator" by Talking Heads.

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Willie & Jamie: "You Only Live Once" e "Reptilia" (The Strokes)

Sun, 01 Sep 2024 20:49:12 GMT

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"You Only Live Once" + "Reptilia"

Willie e Jamie interpretano "You Only Live Once" e "Reptilia" degli Strokes.


Willie & Jamie interpret "You Only Live Once" and "Reptilia" by The Strokes.

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Complete index of episodes of the First Season

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 15:42:55 GMT

Season 1 Episode Index:

1. Prologue-A letter: E.'s letter to Antonia;

2. The riddle of the spinner: Antonia meets E.;

3. Something grey: first lessons on the river;

4. Active, passive and transitive middle: E. gets a taste for studying;

5. One day you'll understand: the first great pain;

6. About Mister B.: Michele and his friends talking;

7. It takes two to tango: E. comes forward to Antonia;

8. Frédéric Valentino: Freddy, a charming psychopath;

9. On the other side: Antonia and E. try to pretend nothing is happening;

10. Some good guys: Frédéric rapes Antonia;

11. Timing: Michele doesn't understand Antonia's discomfort;

12. Alternative therapies: E.'s first time with Antonia;

13. The wind inside: E. between sex and love;

14. Countdown: E. returns from a study holiday;

15. Double faul: Antonia cheats on E. with Frédéric;

16. Omnipotence: E. takes revenge on Antonia;

17. No take-off: Tegame's death throws E. into depression;

18. Blackout: E. left alone in the dark with Antonia.

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Indice degli episodi della Prima Stagione

Wed, 28 Aug 2024 22:20:12 GMT

Indice degli episodi della Prima Stagione:

1. Prologo-Una lettera: la lettera di E. a Antonia;

2. L'enigma della filatrice: Antonia conosce E.;

3. Qualcosa di grigio: prime lezioni sul fiume;

4. Attivo, passivo e medio d'interesse: E. prende gusto allo studio;

5. Un giorno capirai: il primo grande dolore;

6. A proposito di Mister B.: Michele e i suoi amici a colloquio;

7. It takes two to tango: E. si fa avanti con Antonia;

8. Frédéric Valentino: Freddy, un affascinante psicopatico;

9. Dall'altra parte: Antonia e E. cercano di far finta di niente;

10. Certi bravi ragazzi: Frédéric violenta Antonia;

11. Tempisti: Michele non capisce il disagio di Antonia;

12. Terapie alternative: la prima volta di E. e Antonia;

13. Il vento dentro: E. fra sesso e amore;

14. Countdown: E. torna da una vacanza di studio;

15. Doppio fallo: Antonia tradisce E. con Frédéric;

16. Onnipotenza: E. si vendica di Antonia;

17. Nessun decollo: la morte di Tegame getta E. nella depressione;

18. Blackout: E. solo al buio con Antonia.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Third Season: Episodes 14-20

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:47:23 GMT

We are publishing a suite of Season 3 episodes 14-20 (the last, focused on Emmanuel's failed attempt to reconnect with Antonia), so you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

The episodes are:

14. Nocturne of the defeated hero

15. That stuff that lifts you up

16. Labyrinths - Part I

17. Labyrinths - Part II

18. A strawberry cone

19. Like the ceiling of a bombed church

20. The last miracle.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Terza stagione: Episodi 14-20

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:11:15 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite degli episodi 14-20 (gli ultimi) della Terza Stagione, imperniati sul fallimento del rapporto tra Emmanuel e Antonia, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

14. Notturno dell'eroe sconfitto

15. Quella roba che ti tira su

16. Labirinti - Parte I

17. Labirinti - Parte II

18. Un cono alla fragola

19. Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata

20. L'ultimo miracolo.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Season 4: Episodes 12-21

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 23:11:20 GMT

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Season Four: Episodes 12-21

We are publishing a suite of the second 10 episodes of Season Four, so you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

The episodes are:

12. Michele's Dream - Part II

13. Thief and Gentleman

14. Some Small Disappointments

15. Michele's Dream - Part III

16. Michele's Dream - Part IV and last

17. Such a Respectable Boy

18. Tie-break

19. I Hate Trading

20. Midnight Train

21. Certain Strange Alliances.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Quarta stagione: Episodi 12-21

Thu, 05 Sep 2024 10:13:02 GMT

N.B.: abbiamo corretto alcuni errori di volume.

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Quarta stagione: Episodi 12-21

Pubblichiamo una suite dei secondi 10 episodi della Quarta Stagione, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

12. Il sogno di Michele - Parte II

13. Ladro e gentiluomo

14. Certe piccole delusioni

15. Il sogno di Michele - Parte III

16. Il sogno di Michele - Parte IV ed ultima

17. Un ragazzo così perbene

18. Tie-break

19. Odio il trading

20. Treno di mezzanotte

21. Certe strane alleanze.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Season 4: Episodes 1-11

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 20:54:07 GMT

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Season Four: Episodes 1-11

We are publishing a suite of the first 11 episodes of Season Four, so you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

The episodes are:

1. All the tones of a farewell - Part I

2. Soundtrack #1

3. All the tones of a farewell - Part II

4. Soundtrack #2

5. All the tones of a farewell - Part III

6. Soundtrack #3

7. The Nurse

8. All the tones of a farewell - Part IV and last

9. Parameters

10. Michele's Dream - Part I

11. Soundtrack #4.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Quarta stagione: Episodi 1-11

Wed, 04 Sep 2024 17:59:10 GMT

N.B.: abbiamo corretto alcuni errori di volume.

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Quarta stagione: Episodi 1-11

Pubblichiamo una suite dei primi 11 episodi della Quarta Stagione, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

1. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte I

2. Colonna sonora n. 1

3. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte II

4. Colonna sonora n. 2

5. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte III

6. Colonna sonora n. 3

7. L'infermiera

8. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte IV ed ultima

9. Parametri

10. Il sogno di Michele - Parte I

11. Colonna sonora n. 4.

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4.21. Certain strange alliances (Arianna and Antonia form an alliance behind Emmanuel's back)

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 10:28:49 GMT

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Certain strange alliances

We have reached the last episode of the fourth season. In this scene something happens that we would never have expected: Arianna goes to visit Antonia in Turin and makes an alliance with her behind Emmanuel's back. The two women decide, by mutual agreement, to completely cut him off from the news of his imminent paternity.

The interpreter is Sarah with Steffan (both AI).

The soundtrack includes songs from Giuseppe Verdi's "Traviata" (including one sung by Maria Callas).

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4.21. Certe strane alleanze (Arianna e Antonia si alleano alle spalle di Emmanuel)

Sun, 01 Sep 2024 17:14:48 GMT

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Certe strane alleanze

Siamo giunti all'ultimo episodio della quarta stagione. In questa scena accade quello che non ci saremmo mai aspettati: Arianna va a trovare Antonia a Torino e stringe con lei un patto di alleanza alle spalle di Emmanuel. Le due donne decidono, di comune accordo, di tagliarlo completamente fuori dalla notizia della sua imminente paternità.

L'interprete è Elisa Gandolfi con Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende brani tratti dalla "Traviata" di Giuseppe Verdi (fra cui uno cantato da Maria Callas).


We have reached the last episode of the fourth season. In this scene something happens that we would never have expected: Arianna goes to visit Antonia in Turin and makes an alliance with her behind Emmanuel's back. The two women decide, by mutual agreement, to completely cut him off from the news of his imminent paternity.

The interpreter is Elisa Gandolfi with Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes songs from Giuseppe Verdi's "Traviata" (including one sung by Maria Callas).

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4.20. Midnight Train (Antonia and Frédéric spend Christmas Eve together) - REMADE WITH NEW AIs

Sat, 31 Aug 2024 06:18:14 GMT

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Midnight Train

We know that Frédéric is not exactly the most likeable character in the novel, but in this case we feel like breaking a lance in his favor and, given the Christmas period, we are re-proposing the penultimate episode of the fourth season, which takes place on Christmas Eve.

Would you ever have thought that a guy like Frédéric could console someone, specifically Antonia? Well, if you thought otherwise, you'll have to think again.

In this singular episode unlike any other, the young man spends Christmas night with Antonia, pregnant and alone, and performs a series of histrionic interpretations of historical figures to try to cheer her up.

The performers are Andrew and Nadine (AI).

The soundtrack includes Mozart's "Turkish March", musical pieces taken from historical documentary soundtracks and instrumental covers of "Jingle Bells" and "White Christmas", traditional Christmas songs.

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4.20. Treno di mezzanotte (Antonia e Frédéric trascorrono insieme la vigilia di Natale)

Mon, 26 Aug 2024 15:39:47 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct download link:

Treno di mezzanotte

Sappiamo che Frédréric non è esattamente il personaggio più simpatico del romanzo, ma in questo caso ci sentiamo di spezzare una lancia a suo favore e riproponiamo, dato il periodo natalizio, il penultimo episodio della quarta stagione, che si svolge appunto alla vigilia di Natale.

Avreste mai pensato che un tipo come Frédéric potesse riuscire a consolare qualcuno, nella fattispecie Antonia? Be', se avete pensato il contrario dovrete ricredervi.

In questo singolare episodio, che non assomiglia a nessun altro, il giovane uomo trascorre la notte di Natale a casa di Antonia, incinta e rimasta sola, e si produce in una serie di istrioniche interpretazioni di personaggi storici per tentare di risollevarle il morale.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende la "Marcia turca" di Mozart, brani musicali tratti da colonne sonore di documentari storici e cover strumentali di "Jingle Bells" e "White Christmas", canzoni tradizionali natalizie.


We know that Frédéric is not exactly the most likeable character in the novel, but in this case we feel like breaking a lance in his favor and, given the Christmas period, we are re-proposing the penultimate episode of Season 4, which takes place on Christmas Eve.

Would you ever have thought that a guy like Frédéric could console someone, specifically Antonia? Well, if you thought otherwise, you'll have to think again.

In this singular episode unlike any other, the young man spends Christmas night with Antonia, pregnant and alone, and performs a series of histrionic interpretations of historical figures to try to cheer her up.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes Mozart's "Turkish March", musical pieces taken from historical documentary soundtracks and instrumental covers of "Jingle Bells" and "White Christmas", traditional Christmas songs.

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4.19. I hate trading (Michele tries to carry on his life with a new job and a new woman)

Thu, 22 Aug 2024 21:24:37 GMT

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I hate trading

Michele struggles to get by with his new existence, without Antonia, without any reference points, with a new job (which he doesn't like at all) and with a new girlfriend who, although he likes her, is very different from him.The poor guy takes on all these burdens to support his family and himself, but in reality his heart has remained exactly where it was and his thoughts are still turned to Antonia.

The interpreters are Geroge and Jane (AI).

The soundtrack includes an instrumental version of "My Funny Valentine" by Rodgers-Hart.

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4.19. Odio il trading (Michele cerca di mandare avanti la sua vita con un nuovo lavoro e una nuova donna)

Mon, 19 Aug 2024 20:28:13 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct download link:

Odio il trading

Michele cerca con fatica di mandare avanti la sua nuova esistenza, senza Antonia, senza punti di riferimento, con un nuovo lavoro (che non ama affatto) e con una nuova fidanzata che, pur piacendogli, è molto diversa da lui. Il poveretto si accolla tutti questi pesi per sostenere la sua famiglia e se stesso, ma in realtà il suo cuore è rimasto esattamente dov'era e il suo pensiero è tuttora rivolto ad Antonia.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende una versione strumentale di "My Funny Valentine" di Rodgers-Hart.


Michele struggles to get by with his new existence, without Antonia, without any reference points, with a new job (which he doesn't like at all) and with a new girlfriend who, although he likes her, is very different from him.The poor guy takes on all these burdens to support his family and himself, but in reality his heart has remained exactly where it was and his thoughts are still turned to Antonia.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes an instrumental version of "My Funny Valentine" by Rodgers-Hart.

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4.18. Tie-break (Frédéric reveals to Michael that he is Antonia's lover)

Tue, 13 Aug 2024 08:45:01 GMT

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Here we are at the day of truth for Michele: finally, from the voice of Frédéric himself, he learns what Antonia has hidden from him, that is, that she has become his lover.

Frédéric, extravagant and insensitive as always, does not realize at all the shock that this causes in Michele: indeed, he tells him the news while the two are playing doubles tennis and he is convinced that in this way he is giving him a demonstration of friendship.

The interpreters are George, Andrew and James (AI).

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4.18. Tie-break (Frédéric rivela a Michele di essere l'amante di Antonia)

Tue, 06 Aug 2024 18:13:43 GMT

Per favore, usate il link per il download diretto / Please, use the direct download link:


Eccoci arrivati al giorno della verità per Michele: finalmente, dalla voce di Frédéric stesso, viene a sapere quello che Antonia gli ha nascosto, e cioè che lei è diventata la sua amante.

Frédéric, stravagante e insensibile come sempre, non si rende affatto conto dello shock che questo provoca in Michele: anzi, gli comunica la novità mentre i due stanno giocando un doppio a tennis ed è convinto di dargli in tal modo una dimostrazione di amicizia.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.


Here we are at the day of truth for Michele: finally, from the voice of Frédéric himself, he learns what Antonia has hidden from him, that is, that she has become his lover.

Frédéric, extravagant and insensitive as always, does not realize at all the shock that this causes in Michele: indeed, he tells him the news while the two are playing doubles tennis and he is convinced that in this way he is giving him a demonstration of friendship.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

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4.17. Such a respectable boy (Something is starting to change between Emmanuel and Arianna) - REMADE

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 21:29:39 GMT

N.B.: we have fixed some errors in the file.

Please, use the direct download link:

Such a respectable boy

Arianna's stubbornness and perseverance finally seem to make an impression on Emmanuel: the boy begins to smile at life again, albeit gradually and with some difficulty. Meanwhile, Arianna must face the opposition of her parents, who, despite having grown fond of Emmanuel, are very perplexed about a romantic relationship between the two.

The performers are Sarah, Jason, Paul and Eric (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental tracks of "Isle of Islay" and "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan.

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4.17. Un ragazzo così perbene (Qualcosa incomincia a cambiare fra Emmanuel e Arianna) - VERSIONE SPERIMENTALE CON AI

Sat, 03 Aug 2024 07:31:32 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Un ragazzo così perbene

Vi proponiamo un altro episodio sperimentale, interamente interpretato da AI (in attesa che venga reinterpretato da attori umani).

L'ostinazione e la perseveranza di Arianna sembrano finalmente far breccia in Emmanuel: il ragazzo incomincia a sorridere di nuovo alla vita, sia pur per gradi e con un po' di fatica. Intanto Arianna deve fronteggiare l'opposizione dei suoi genitori, che, pur essendosi affezionati ad Emmanuel, sono molto perplessi circa un rapporto sentimentale fra i due.

Gli interpreti sono Sarah e Jason (AI).

La colonna sonora è composta da cover e brani strumentali di "Isle of Islay" e di "Mellow Yellow" di Donovan.


We bring you another experimental episode, entirely performed by AI (waiting to be reinterpreted by human actors).

Arianna's stubbornness and perseverance finally seem to make an impression on Emmanuel: the boy begins to smile at life again, albeit gradually and with some difficulty. Meanwhile, Arianna must face the opposition of her parents, who, despite having grown fond of Emmanuel, are very perplexed about a romantic relationship between the two.

The performers are Sarah and Jason (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental tracks of "Isle of Islay" and "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan.

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4.17. Un ragazzo così perbene (Qualcosa incomincia a cambiare fra Emmanuel e Arianna) - VERSIONE CON ATTORI UMANI

Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:19:31 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Un ragazzo così perbene

Ecco l'episodio che vi avevamo già presentato con AI, questa volta interpretato da attori umani.

L'ostinazione e la perseveranza di Arianna sembrano finalmente far breccia in Emmanuel: il ragazzo incomincia a sorridere di nuovo alla vita, sia pur per gradi e con un po' di fatica. Intanto Arianna deve fronteggiare l'opposizione dei suoi genitori, che, pur essendosi affezionati ad Emmanuel, sono molto perplessi circa un rapporto sentimentale fra i due.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta da cover e brani strumentali di "Isle of Islay" e di "Mellow Yellow" di Donovan.


Here is the episode we had already presented to you with AI, this time played by human actors.

Arianna's stubbornness and perseverance finally seem to make an impression on Emmanuel: the boy begins to smile at life again, albeit gradually and with some difficulty. Meanwhile, Arianna must face the opposition of her parents, who, despite having grown fond of Emmanuel, are very perplexed about a romantic relationship between the two.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental tracks of "Isle of Islay" and "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan.

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4.16. Michael's Dream - Part IV and last (The future of humanity: the final replacement)

Mon, 05 Aug 2024 21:15:36 GMT

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Michael's Dream - Part IV and last

N.B.: It is interesting to know that this episode was written in 2019 (as attested by the copyright).

We have reached the end of Michele's dream. The man, transported into a dreamlike dimension in which he identifies with his namesake Archangel, listens to Lucifer's final prophecy: the renegade angel reveals his plan for the selective extermination of the human race.

At the end he gives him some further advice and closes with the sibylline indication to "follow the clues"; then disappears definitively.

The interpreters are George and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental versions of "Jupiter" by Sufjan Stevens and "Centro di gravità permanente" by Franco Battiato.

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4.16. Il sogno di Michele - Parte IV ed ultima (Il futuro dell'umanità: la sostituzione finale)

Mon, 29 Jul 2024 21:24:23 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Il sogno di Michele - Parte IV ed ultima

N.B.: è interessante sapere che questo episodio fu scritto nel 2019 (come attesta il copyright).

Siamo giunti al termine del sogno di Michele. L'uomo, trasportato in una dimensione onirica in cui si immedesima nell'Arcangelo suo omonimo, ascolta da Lucifero la profezia finale: l'angelo rinnegato rivela il suo progetto di sterminio selettivo del genere umano.

Alla fine gli dà qualche ulteriore consiglio e chiude con la sibillina indicazione di "seguire gli indizi", per poi eclissarsi definitivamente.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta da cover e versioni strumentali di "Jupiter" di Sufjan Stevens e di "Centro di gravità permanente" di Franco Battiato.


N.B.: It is interesting to know that this episode was written in 2019 (as attested by the copyright).

We have reached the end of Michele's dream. The man, transported into a dreamlike dimension in which he identifies with his namesake Archangel, listens to Lucifer's final prophecy: the renegade angel reveals his plan for the selective extermination of the human race.

At the end he gives him some further advice and closes with the sibylline indication to "follow the clues"; then disappears definitively.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental versions of "Jupiter" by Sufjan Stevens and "Centro di gravità permanente" by Franco Battiato.

Direct MP3 link


4.15. Michael's Dream - Part III (Lucifer reveals the future of mankind to Michael)

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:27:18 GMT



Michael's Dream - Part III

According to the new podcasting rules imposed internationally, the statistics will no longer count the listens, but only and exclusively the DOWNLOADS. This is a huge problem for us, because we will no longer be able to realize how many people actually listen to the podcast.

We therefore ask you, please, to ALWAYS DOWNLOAD each single episode, perhaps to throw it away immediately afterwards (we know it takes up space)! You will say that this is idiotic, and in fact it is: but unfortunately it does not depend on us.


Michele's nightmare begins again: suddenly Lucifer reveals his true face and presents him with the bill, reproaching him for the help he gave him with his father and ruining his serenity, so laboriously regained: in fact, he predicts the future of humanity, now completely subjugated by him and his "colleague".

The two have taken control of all the world's power centers: now it's checkmate for humans.

Michele desperately tries to oppose him, but the conversation ends at the best moment.

The interpreters are George and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack includes an instrumental version of "Romeo and Juliet" by Jocelyn Pook and a cover of "I'm Your Villain" by Franz Ferdinand.

Direct MP3 link


4.15. Il sogno di Michele - Parte III (Lucifero svela a Michele il futuro dell'umanità)

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:40:49 GMT



Il sogno di Michele - Parte III

In base alle nuove regole del podcasting imposte a livello internazionale, nelle statistiche non verranno più conteggiati gli ascolti, ma solo ed esclusivamente i DOWNLOAD. Questo per noi è un enorme problema, perché non riusciremo più a renderci conto di quante persone effettivamente ascoltino il podcast.

Vi chiediamo perciò, per favore, di FARE SEMPRE IL DOWNLOAD di ogni singolo episodio, magari per buttarlo via subito dopo (sappiamo che occupa spazio)! Voi direte che è un'idiozia, e infatti lo è: ma purtroppo non dipende da noi.


L'incubo di Michele ricomincia: all'improvviso Lucifero rivela il suo vero volto e gli presenta il conto, rinfacciandogli l'aiuto concessogli con suo padre e guastando la sua serenità, così faticosamente riconquistata: gli predice infatti il futuro dell'umanità, ormai completamente soggiogata da lui e dal suo "collega".

I due hanno preso il controllo di tutti i centri di potere mondiali: ormai è scacco matto per gli umani.

Michele cerca affannosamente di contrastarlo, ma il colloquio s'interrompe sul più bello.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende una versione strumentale di "Romeo e Giulietta" di Jocelyn Pook e una cover di "I'm Your Villain" dei Franz Ferdinand.




Il sogno di Michele - Parte III

According to the new podcasting rules imposed internationally, the statistics will no longer count the listens, but only and exclusively the DOWNLOADS. This is a huge problem for us, because we will no longer be able to realize how many people actually listen to the podcast.

We therefore ask you, please, to ALWAYS DOWNLOAD each single episode, perhaps to throw it away immediately afterwards (we know it takes up space)! You will say that this is idiotic, and in fact it is: but unfortunately it does not depend on us.


Michele's nightmare begins again: suddenly Lucifer reveals his true face and presents him with the bill, reproaching him for the help he gave him with his father and ruining his serenity, so laboriously regained: in fact, he predicts the future of humanity, now completely subjugated by him and his "colleague".

The two have taken control of all the world's power centers: now it's checkmate for humans.

Michele desperately tries to oppose him, but the conversation ends at the best moment.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes an instrumental version of "Romeo and Juliet" by Jocelyn Pook and a cover of "I'm Your Villain" by Franz Ferdinand.

Direct MP3 link


4.14. Some small disappointments (Arianna and Emmanuel's first time)

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:27:28 GMT

Please, use the direct download link:

Some small disappointments

Thank you!

And so little Arianna goes on the counterattack.

Tired of silently enduring Emmanuel's depression and bad moods, she decides to take control of the situation and play the sex card with him.

Too bad that the girl, completely inexperienced, doesn't know where to start, while Emmanuel, used to women older than him, turns out to be singularly awkward with her.

The performers are Sarah and Paul (AI).

The soundtrack includes the second movement of Bach's second Brandenburg Symphony and covers or instrumental versions of Donovan's "Jennifer Juniper".

Direct MP3 link


4.14. Certe piccole delusioni (La prima volta di Arianna e Emmanuel) - VERSIONE SPERIMENTALE CON AI

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:45:21 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Certe piccole delusioni

N.B.: Questo episodio è interamente sperimentale: lo abbiamo fatto interpretare da AI di ultima generazione, che sono in grado di recitare anche in italiano, sia pur con qualche piccolo problema di dizione. In seguito ve lo riproporremo con la recitazione dei nostri attori.

E così la piccola Arianna passa al contrattacco.

Stufa di sopportare in silenzio la depressione e i malumori di Emmanuel, decide di prendere in pugno la situazione e di giocare con lui la carta del sesso.

Peccato che la ragazzina, completamente inesperta, non sappia da che parte incominciare, mentre Emmanuel, abituato a donne più grandi di lui, si rivela singolarmente impacciato nei suoi confronti.

Gli interpreti sono Sarah e Paul (AI).

La colonna sonora comprende il secondo movimento del secondo Brandeburghese di Bach e cover o versioni strumentali di "Jennifer Juniper" di Donovan.


N.B.: This episode is entirely experimental: we had it performed by latest-generation AIs, who are also able to act in Italian, albeit with some small diction problems. We will later propose it again with the acting of our actors.

And so little Arianna goes on the counterattack.

Tired of silently enduring Emmanuel's depression and bad moods, she decides to take control of the situation and play the sex card with him.

Too bad that the girl, completely inexperienced, doesn't know where to start, while Emmanuel, used to women older than him, turns out to be singularly awkward with her.

The performers are Sarah and Paul (AI).

The soundtrack includes the second movement of Bach's second Brandenburg Symphony and covers or instrumental versions of Donovan's "Jennifer Juniper".

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4.14. Certe piccole delusioni (La prima volta di Arianna e Emmanuel) - VERSIONE CON ATTORI UMANI

Sat, 17 Aug 2024 19:58:19 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Certe piccole delusioni

Ecco finalmente la versione "umana" dell'episodio che vi avevamo già proposto recitato da AI (questo è il link, per un utile confronto: Certe piccole delusioni).

E così la piccola Arianna passa al contrattacco.

Stufa di sopportare in silenzio la depressione e i malumori di Emmanuel, decide di prendere in pugno la situazione e di giocare con lui la carta del sesso.

Peccato che la ragazzina, completamente inesperta, non sappia da che parte incominciare, mentre Emmanuel, abituato a donne più grandi di lui, si rivela singolarmente impacciato nei suoi confronti.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende il secondo movimento del secondo Brandeburghese di Bach e cover o versioni strumentali di "Jennifer Juniper" di Donovan.


Here is finally the "human" version of the episode that we had already proposed to you, recited by AI (this is the link, for a useful comparison: Certe piccole delusioni).

And so little Arianna goes on the counterattack.

Tired of silently enduring Emmanuel's depression and bad moods, she decides to take control of the situation and play the sex card with him.

Too bad that the girl, completely inexperienced, doesn't know where to start, while Emmanuel, used to women older than him, turns out to be singularly awkward with her.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes the second movement of Bach's second Brandenburg Symphony and covers or instrumental versions of Donovan's "Jennifer Juniper".

Direct MP3 link


4.13. Thief and Gentleman (Michael, the missing gun and... Laura)

Sat, 13 Jul 2024 09:02:49 GMT

Please, use the direct download link:

Thief and Gentleman

Thank you!

The dream gave Michele precise warnings: and so a mysterious "thief" easily manages to open the secret false bottom of engineer Kellermann's chest of drawers, stealing the gun with which the man was supposed to kill himself.

In the meantime, in a tender conversation with his father, Michele manages to comfort him and give him hope of a recovery in business, thanks also to his new activity as a trader.

In the end Michele reaches Laura, his new girlfriend, with whom he is about to spend an evening without too many worries.

The performers are George, Brian and Jane (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of instrumental versions or covers of "Des rondes dans l'eau" and "Comment te dire adieu" by Françoise Hardy.

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4.13. Ladro e gentiluomo (Michele, la pistola scomparsa e... Laura)

Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:51:20 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Ladro e gentiluomo

Il sogno ha dato a Michele avvertimenti precisi: e così un misterioso "ladruncolo" riesce senza difficoltà ad aprire il doppiofondo segreto della cassettiera dell'ingegner Kellermann, trafugando la pistola con cui l'uomo avrebbe dovuto uccidersi.

Nel frattempo, in un tenero colloquio con suo padre, Michele riesce a confortarlo e a dargli la speranza di una ripresa degli affari, grazie anche alla sua nuova attività di trader.

Alla fine Michele raggiunge Laura, la sua nuova fidanzata, con cui si accinge a trascorrere una serata senza troppi pensieri.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da versioni strumentali o cover di "Des rondes dans l'eau" e di "Comment te dire adieu" di Françoise Hardy.


The dream gave Michele precise warnings: and so a mysterious "thief" easily manages to open the secret false bottom of engineer Kellermann's chest of drawers, stealing the gun with which the man was supposed to kill himself.

In the meantime, in a tender conversation with his father, Michele manages to comfort him and give him hope of a recovery in business, thanks also to his new activity as a trader.

In the end Michele reaches Laura, his new girlfriend, with whom he is about to spend an evening without too many worries.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is composed of instrumental versions or covers of "Des rondes dans l'eau" and "Comment te dire adieu" by Françoise Hardy.

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4.12. Michael's Dream - Part II (Lucifer predicts to Michael the ruin of his family)

Fri, 05 Jul 2024 20:17:27 GMT

Direct Download Link:

Michael's Dream - Part II

Michael's dream (or rather nightmare), begins again.

Again he identifies with his namesake Archangel, again he finds himself talking to Lucifer, who heavily ironizes his role in history; however, if nothing else, he is kind enough to explain to him what his mistakes are and to warn him against some terrible events that concern the future of his family.

The interpreters are George and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack consists of a cover "This Boy" by Franz Ferdinand.

Direct MP3 link


4.12. Il sogno di Michele - Parte II (Lucifero predice a Michele la rovina della sua famiglia)

Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:55:03 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Il sogno di Michele - Parte II

Il sogno (o meglio l'incubo) di Michele ricomincia.

Di nuovo si immedesima nell'Arcangelo suo omonimo, di nuovo si ritrova a colloquio con Lucifero, che ironizza pesantamente sul suo ruolo nella storia; però, se non altro, ha la compiacenza di spiegargli quali siano i suoi errori e di metterlo in guardia contro alcuni terribili avvenimenti che riguardano il futuro della sua famiglia.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è costituita da una cover di "This Boy" dei Franz Ferdinand.


Michele's dream (or rather nightmare), begins again.

Again he identifies with his namesake Archangel, again he finds himself talking to Lucifer, who heavily ironizes his role in history; however, if nothing else, he is kind enough to explain to him what his mistakes are and to warn him against some terrible events that concern the future of his family.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of a cover "This Boy" by Franz Ferdinand.

Direct MP3 link


4.11. Soundtrack n. 4 (Emmanuel dreams of being Antonia with Frédéric) - Redone

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 17:33:34 GMT

Direct Download Link:

Soundtrack n. 4

As we have seen, Emmanuel is showing some signs of mental imbalance.

In this brief scene he completely identifies with Antonia and imagines himself in her place in an erotic rendezvous with Frédéric...

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is a cover of "Party Girl" by Michelle Gurevich.

Direct MP3 link


4.11. Colonna sonora n. 4 (Emmanuel sogna di essere Antonia con Frédéric)

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 17:59:11 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Colonna sonora n. 4

Come abbiamo visto, Emmanuel sta mostrando alcuni segni di squilibrio mentale.

In questa breve scena si identifica completamente con Antonia e si immagina al suo posto in un appuntamento erotico con Frédéric...

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è una cover di "Party Girl" di Michelle Gurevich.


As we have seen, Emmanuel is showing some signs of mental imbalance.

In this brief scene he completely identifies with Antonia and imagines himself in her place in an erotic rendezvous with Frédéric...

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is a cover of "Party Girl" by Michelle Gurevich.

Direct MP3 link


4.10. Michael's Dream - Part I ("You, Monster!!!" "Well, I wouldn't say monster...")

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 23:28:06 GMT

Direct Download Link:

Michael's Dream - Part I

At this point, it is understandable that Michael is also losing his mind a little, like his brother Emmanuel.

Overwhelmed by a series of sudden and unexpected events, which have swept away all his certainties, Michael enters an identity crisis and dreams of being the Archangel Michael in conversation with a sort of Alter Ego who has all the features of Lucifer.

Here is the first part of that surreal conversation.

The interpreters are George and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk and the instrumental version of "Dull Jack" from "Heretics" by Chaton-Moore-Moor.

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4.10. Il sogno di Michele - Parte I ("Tu, mostro!!!" "Be', proprio mostro non direi...") - Con sondaggio

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:34:28 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link:

Il sogno di Michele - Parte I


E' disponibile su Amazon l'intero romanzo di Emmanuel:

"Il più stupido degli angeli - Il diario di Emmanuel"

E' inoltre disponibile su Audible, sotto forma di audiolibro, la prima parte del romanzo di Emmanuel:

Emmanuel - Il diario interrotto - Parte I (Il vento dentro)

Chi usa Spotify può partecipare a questo piccolo sondaggio su questo episodio (solo da smartphone):


A questo punto delle cose, ci sta che anche Michele stia perdendo un po' il cervello, come suo fratello Emmanuel.

Travolto da una serie di avvenimenti improvvisi e imprevisti, che hanno spazzato via tutte le sue certezze, Michele entra in crisi d'identità e sogna di essere l'Arcangelo Michele a colloquio con una specie di Alter Ego che ha tutti i connotati di Lucifero.

Ecco la prima parte di quel colloquio surreale.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta da "Veridis Quo" dei Daft Punk e dalla versione strumentale di "Dull Jack" tratto da "Heretics" di Chaton-Moore-Moor.



Those who use Spotify can participate in this little survey on this episode (only from smartphones):

At this point, it is understandable that Michele is also losing his mind a little, like his brother Emmanuel.

Overwhelmed by a series of sudden and unexpected events, which have swept away all his certainties, Michele enters an identity crisis and dreams of being the Archangel Michael in conversation with a sort of Alter Ego who has all the features of Lucifer.

Here is the first part of that surreal conversation.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is composed of "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk and the instrumental version of "Dull Jack" from "Heretics" by Chaton-Moore-Moor.

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4.9. Parameters (Help Doctor, Emmanuel is going crazy...)

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 21:15:40 GMT

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As you may have noticed, Emmanuel's diary is mostly addressed in the second person to an unnamed "doctor", who would then be his psychoanalyst.

Now let's get to know this singular character, whom we see in conversation with Arianna: the girl in fact, seriously worried about the strange behavior of Emmanuel, turns to his help begging him to accept the boy as his patient.

The interpreters are Sarah and Billie (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Gong-oh" by Paolo Conte.

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4.9. Parametri (Aiuto Dottore, Emmanuel sta diventando pazzo...)

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:05:25 GMT

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Come avrete notato, il diario di Emmanuel è per lo più rivolto in seconda persona ad un "dottore" innominato, che poi sarebbe il suo psicanalista.

Ora facciamo la conoscenza di questo singolare personaggio, che vediamo a colloquio con Arianna: la ragazza infatti, seriamente preoccupata per le stranezze del comportamento di Emmanuel, ricorre al suo aiuto supplicandolo di accettare il ragazzo come suo paziente.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "Gong-oh" di Paolo Conte.


As you may have noticed, Emmanuel's diary is mostly addressed in the second person to an unnamed "doctor", who would then be his psychoanalyst.

Now let's get to know this singular character, whom we see in conversation with Arianna: the girl in fact, seriously worried about the strange behavior of Emmanuel, turns to his help begging him to accept the boy as his patient.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Gong-oh" by Paolo Conte.

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4.8. All the tones of a farewell - Part IV and last ("Damn Kellermann")

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:02:51 GMT

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All the tones of a farewell - Part IV and last

Michele, at the end of his endless conversation with Antonia, tries everything and deludes himself into thinking he has almost succeeded in making her change her mind...

But then, seeing her adamant, he appeals to all his rationality and proposes a strategy to her for the near future.

The performers are Sarah and George (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of instrumental pieces and covers of "La canzone dell'amore perduto" by Fabrizio De André.

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4.8. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte IV e ultima ("Dannato Kellermann")

Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:28:28 GMT

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Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte IV e ultima

Michele, al termine della sua lunghissima conversazione con Antonia, tenta il tutto per tutto e si illude di essere quasi riuscito a farle cambiare idea...

Ma poi, vedendola irremovibile, fa appello a tutta la sua razionalità e le propone una strategia per il prossimo futuro.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta da brani strumentali e cover de "La canzone dell'amore perduto" di Fabrizio De André.


Michele, at the end of his endless conversation with Antonia, tries everything and deludes himself into thinking he has almost succeeded in making her change her mind...

But then, seeing her adamant, he appeals to all his rationality and proposes a strategy to her for the near future.

The performers are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is composed of instrumental pieces and covers of "La canzone dell'amore perduto" by Fabrizio De André.

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4.7. The Nurse (Emmanuel and Arianna study together for the exam)

Mon, 03 Jun 2024 14:26:31 GMT

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The Nurse

But what is Emmanuel doing? How is he coping with the distance from home and Antonia?

The boy is 600 km away from Turin, in Val d'Orcia (Tuscany), a guest of Arianna's family, with the (forced) approval of both parents, put in the face of a fait accompli.

Through the voice of Arianna, who prepares the high school exam with him, we witness his first attempts to free himself from any type of addiction: but, while with drugs things don't seem to be so difficult for him, the memory of Antonia continues to obsess the boy, who undergoes a sort of involution, becoming introverted and uncommunicative with everyone and almost anorexic. Arianna, worried, will end up putting him under the care of a psychoanalyst.

The girl, madly in love with him, cannot rest and will try everything possible to make him resurrect from his lethargic state.

The interpreters are Sarah and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers of "Happy Together" (The Turtles) and "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) and an original song: "Nancy Comes Home" by Opal Tribe, whom we thank for the kind permission.

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4.7. L'infermiera (Emmanuel e Arianna studiano insieme per l'esame)

Fri, 31 May 2024 14:54:54 GMT

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Ma Emmanuel cosa sta facendo? Come sta vivendo la lontananza da casa e da Antonia?

Il ragazzo si trova a 600 km di distanza da Torino, in Val d'Orcia (Toscana), ospite della famiglia di Arianna, con il beneplacito (forzato) dei genitori di entrambi, messi in pratica di fronte al fatto compiuto.

Attraverso la voce di Arianna, che prepara con lui l'esame di Maturità, assistiamo ai suoi primi tentativi di liberarsi da ogni tipo di dipendenza: ma, mentre con la droga le cose non sembrano essere così difficili per lui, il ricordo di Antonia continua ad ossessionare il ragazzo, che subisce una specie di involuzione, diventando introverso e poco comunicativo con tutti e quasi anoressico. Arianna, preoccupata, finirà per metterlo in cura da uno psicanalista.

La ragazza, innamorata pazza di lui, non si dà pace e tenterà tutto il possibile per farlo risorgere dal suo stato letargico.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende cover di "Happy Together" (The Turtles) e "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) e un brano originale: "Nancy Comes Home" di Opal Tribe, che ringraziamo per la gentile concessione.


But what is Emmanuel doing? How is he coping with the distance from home and Antonia?

The boy is 600 km away from Turin, in Val d'Orcia (Tuscany), a guest of Arianna's family, with the (forced) approval of both parents, put in the face of a fait accompli.

Through the voice of Arianna, who prepares the high school exam with him, we witness his first attempts to free himself from any type of addiction: but, while with drugs things don't seem to be so difficult for him, the memory of Antonia continues to obsess the boy, who undergoes a sort of involution, becoming introverted and uncommunicative with everyone and almost anorexic. Arianna, worried, will end up putting him under the care of a psychoanalyst.

The girl, madly in love with him, cannot rest and will try everything possible to make him resurrect from his lethargic state.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes covers of "Happy Together" (The Turtles) and "Love me please love me" (Michel Polnareff) and an original song: "Nancy Comes Home" by Opal Tribe, whom we thank for the kind permission.

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4.6. Soundtrack n. 3 (Emmanuel's third message in a bottle: Pisces in the Aquarius)

Wed, 29 May 2024 13:46:05 GMT

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Soundtrack n. 3

Another message in a bottle from Emmanuel, this time dedicated to his relationship with Arianna.

The girl seems to have trapped him in a kind of strange spell, a golden cage in which Emmanuel feels safe but uncomfortable, as if he were living a life that is not his, relaxing and comfortable, but foreign to his true personality.

Therefore he watches himself live from the outside and ironically summarizes his new condition like this: he, Pisces, has been imprisoned in Aquarius (Arianna's zodiac sign).

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is a cover of "Happy Together" (The Turtles).

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4.6. Colonna sonora n. 3 (Terzo messaggio in bottiglia di Emmanuel: Pesci nell'Acquario)

Mon, 27 May 2024 16:58:20 GMT

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Colonna sonora n. 3

Ancora un messaggio in bottiglia di Emmanuel, dedicato questa volta al suo rapporto con Arianna.

La ragazza sembra averlo intrappolato in una specie di strano sortilegio, una gabbia dorata in cui Emmanuel si sente al sicuro ma a disagio, come se stesse vivendo una vita non sua, rilassante e confortevole, ma estranea alla sua vera personalità.

Perciò si guarda vivere dall'esterno e con ironia riassume così la sua nuova condizione: lui, Pesci, è stato imprigionato nell'Acquario (il segno zodiacale di Arianna).

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è una cover di "Happy Together" (The Turtles).


Another message in a bottle from Emmanuel, this time dedicated to his relationship with Arianna.

The girl seems to have trapped him in a kind of strange spell, a golden cage in which Emmanuel feels safe but uncomfortable, as if he were living a life that is not his, relaxing and comfortable, but foreign to his true personality.

Therefore he watches himself live from the outside and ironically summarizes his new condition like this: he, Pisces, has been imprisoned in Aquarius (Arianna's zodiac sign).

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is a cover of "Happy Together" (The Turtles).

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4.5. All the tones of a farewell - Part III (Antonia tells Michele part of the truth)

Sat, 25 May 2024 23:17:23 GMT

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All the tones of a farewell - Part III

Antonia and Michele's endless farewell continues with the man's attempt to extort the truth from the woman: but there are too many of Antonia's unspoken truths, and all of them are very heavy. As soon as some of these truths come out, Michele has a reaction of anger and indignation that he cannot control.

The interpreters are Sarah and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers of "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman.

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4.5. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte III (Antonia confessa a Michele una parte della verità)

Wed, 22 May 2024 06:31:29 GMT

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Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte III

L'interminabile addio di Antonia e Michele prosegue con il tentativo dell'uomo di estorcere alla donna la verità: ma sono troppe le verità non dette di Antonia, e tutte molto pesanti. Non appena qualcuna di queste verità viene allo scoperto, Michele ha una reazione di rabbia e di sdegno che non riesce a controllare.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende cover di "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" di Michael Nyman.


N.B.: we had to redo the episode due to copyright infringement of some music.

Antonia and Michele's endless farewell continues with the man's attempt to extort the truth from the woman: but there are too many of Antonia's unspoken truths, and all of them are very heavy. As soon as some of these truths come out, Michele has a reaction of anger and indignation that he cannot control.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes covers of "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman.

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4.4. Soundtrack n. 2 (Emmanuel's second message in a bottle: Antonia and Frédéric)

Mon, 20 May 2024 16:56:16 GMT

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Soundtrack n. 2

Another message in a bottle launched by Emmanuel into the void (or into the hands of whoever wants to pick it up): in this vision the boy witnesses helplessly an erotic encounter between Antonia and Frédéric, clearly realizing that a mutual dependence relationship has been established between the two.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Cripple and the Starfish" by Antony and The Johnsons.

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4.4. Colonna sonora n. 2 (Secondo messaggio in bottiglia di Emmanuel: Antonia e Frédéric)

Fri, 17 May 2024 12:58:37 GMT

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Colonna sonora n. 2

Un altro messaggio in bottiglia lanciato da Emmanuel nel vuoto (o nelle mani di chi ha voglia di raccoglierlo): in questa visione il ragazzo assiste impotente ad un incontro erotico tra Antonia e Frédéric, rendendosi conto con chiarezza che fra i due si è instaurato un rapporto di dipendenza reciproca.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "Cripple and the Starfish" di Antony and The Johnsons.


Another message in a bottle launched by Emmanuel into the void (or into the hands of whoever wants to pick it up): in this vision the boy witnesses helplessly an erotic encounter between Antonia and Frédéric, clearly realizing that a mutual dependence relationship has been established between the two.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Cripple and the Starfish" by Antony and The Johnsons.

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4.3. All the tones of a farewell - Part II (Michele tries to hold Antonia back)

Wed, 15 May 2024 17:42:16 GMT

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All the tones of a farewell - Part II

The breakup between Michele and Antonia is inevitable, but the man nevertheless tries to hold her back and make her think, while at the same time trying to calm down. Thus a rather tender dialogue takes place between them, which however has no power to change the mind of the woman, now determined to leave.

The interpreters are Sarah and George (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Porz Goret" (Yann Tiersen) and "Skyfall" (Adele).

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4.3. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte II (Michele cerca di trattenere Antonia)

Fri, 10 May 2024 18:02:11 GMT

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Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte II

La rottura fra Michele e Antonia è inevitabile, ma l'uomo tenta nonostante tutto di trattenerla e di farla ragionare, cercando nel contempo di calmarsi. Ha luogo così fra di loro un dialogo piuttosto tenero, che però non ha il potere di far cambiare idea alla donna, ormai risoluta ad andarsene.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora comprende cover o versioni strumentali di "Porz Goret" (Yann Tiersen) e di "Skyfall" (Adele).


The breakup between Michele and Antonia is inevitable, but the man nevertheless tries to hold her back and make her think, while at the same time trying to calm down. Thus a rather tender dialogue takes place between them, which however has no power to change the mind of the woman, now determined to leave.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Porz Goret" (Yann Tiersen) and "Skyfall" (Adele).

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4.2. Soundtrack n. 1 (Emmanuel's first message in a bottle: spit out the contagion)

Wed, 08 May 2024 17:29:29 GMT

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Soundtrack n. 1

To whom is Emmanuel writing, now far away, almost 600 km away from Turin?

We do not know. We only know that he continues to make his voice heard in flashes, through short and visionary messages in bottles sent to who knows who.

Here's the first one, in which Emmanuel "sees" clearly what Michele does not know and does not see: Antonia has become Frédéric's lover.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is "Passacaglia in C minor" by J.S. Bach.

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4.2. Colonna sonora n. 1 (Primo messaggio in bottiglia di Emmanuel: sputare via il contagio)

Mon, 06 May 2024 16:14:49 GMT

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Colonna sonora n. 1

A chi scrive Emmanuel ormai lontano, a quasi 600 km di distanza da Torino?

Non lo sappiamo. Sappiamo solo che continua a far sentire la sua voce a sprazzi, attraverso brevi e visionari messaggi in bottiglia lanciati a chissà chi.

Ecco il primo, in cui Emmanuel "vede" con chiarezza quello che Michele non sa e non vede: Antonia è diventata l'amante di Frédéric.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è la "Passacaglia in Do minore" di J.S. Bach.


To whom is Emmanuel writing, now far away, almost 600 km away from Turin?

We do not know. We only know that he continues to make his voice heard in flashes, through short and visionary messages in bottles sent to who knows who.

Here's the first one, in which Emmanuel "sees" clearly what Michele does not know and does not see: Antonia has become Frédéric's lover.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack is "Passacaglia in C minor" by J.S. Bach.

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4.1. All the tones of a farewell - Part I (Michele discovers the truth)

Thu, 02 May 2024 18:58:24 GMT

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All the tones of a farewell - Part I

After Michele's discovery of Antonia's pregnancy and her betrayal with Emmanuel, it's inevitable that the couple will separate.

Michele, in shock, tries to learn the truth from the woman, who confesses only part of it to him.

The poor man, destroyed by pain and disappointment, tries to invent a solution, but Antonia is determined to leave.

The interpreters are George and Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack is "My funny Valentine" by Rodgers-Hart.

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4.1. Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte I (Michele scopre la verità)

Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:51:59 GMT

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Tutti i toni di un addio - Parte I

Dopo la scoperta da parte di Michele della gravidanza di Antonia e del suo tradimento con Emmanuel, è inevitabile che la coppia si separi. Michele, sotto shock, cerca di sapere la verità dalla donna, che gliene confessa solo una parte. Il pover'uomo, distrutto dal dolore e dalla delusione, tenta di inventarsi una soluzione, ma Antonia è decisa ad andarsene.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è "My funny Valentine" di Rodgers-Hart.


After Michele's discovery of Antonia's pregnancy and her betrayal with Emmanuel, it's inevitable that the couple will separate. Michele, in shock, tries to learn the truth from the woman, who confesses only part of it to him. The poor man, destroyed by pain and disappointment, tries to invent a solution, but Antonia is determined to leave.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is "My funny Valentine" by Rodgers-Hart.

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Willie & Emmanuel: "I'll Take The Rain" (R.E.M.) - New Edition

Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:22:51 GMT

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I'll Take The Rain

Willie & Emmanuel interpretano per voi "I'll Take The Rain" dei R.E.M.


Willie & Emmanuel perform for you "I'll Take The Rain" by R.E.M.

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Emmanuel's covers: "Oh my Lover" (PJ Harvey)

Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:02:19 GMT

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Oh my Lover

Emmanuel interpreta "Oh my Lover" di PJ Harvey.


Emmanuel sings "Oh my Lover" by PJ Harvey.

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Jamie & Willie: "Pace Is The Trick" e "Take You On A Cruise" (Interpol)

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 19:59:45 GMT

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"Pace Is The Trick" + "Take You On A Cruise"

Jamie & Willie interpretano "Pace Is The Trick" e "Take You On A Cruise" degli Interpol.


Jamie & Willie sing "Pace Is The Trick" and "Take You On A Cruise" by Interpol.

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Emmanuel's covers: "Music To Watch The Boys To" e "Heroin" (Lana Del Rey)

Sun, 25 Aug 2024 21:42:14 GMT

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Music To Watch The Boys To + Heroin

Questa volta Emmanuel affronta da solo l'ardua impresa di interpretare due famose canzoni di Lana Del Rey: "Music To Watch The Boys To" (colonna sonora di "Roulette russa") e "Heroin" (colonna sonora di "Tabula rasa").


This time Emmanuel takes on the arduous task of interpreting two famous songs by Lana Del Rey alone: ​​"Music To Watch The Boys To" (soundtrack to "Russian Roulette") and "Heroin" (soundtrack to "Tabula Rasa").

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Jamie's covers: "Precipitate" e "Roland" (Interpol)

Sat, 24 Aug 2024 15:34:37 GMT

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Due cover molto impegnative per Jamie: "Precipitate" e "Roland" degli Interpol.


Two very challenging covers for Jamie: "Precipitate" and "Roland" by Interpol.

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Emmanuel & Jamie: "Henry Lee" (Pj Harvey & Nick Cave)

Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:56:05 GMT

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Henry Lee

Emmanuel prova a cantare con Jamie "Henry Lee", una ballata di Pj Harvey & Nick Cave.


Emmanuel tires to sing with Jamie "Henry Lee", a ballad by Pj Harvey & Nick Cave.

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That challenge to the death (Emmanuel vs. Antonia)

Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:09:41 GMT

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That challenge to the death

This scene is taken from the new edition of "Russian Roulette" (Second Season).

It sees the crucial moment in which Emmanuel and Antonia, long separated and at war with each other, challenge each other to a duel with irrational fury: from this "experiment" they will both come out destroyed.

The interpreters are George and Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "The Dancer" by PJ Harvey.

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Quella sfida all'ultimo sangue (Emmanuel vs. Antonia)

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:36:37 GMT

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Quella sfida all'ultimo sangue

Questa scena, tratta da "Roulette russa" (Seconda stagione), vede il momento cruciale in cui Emmanuel e Antonia, da tempo separati e in guerra reciproca, si sfidano a duello con furia irrazionale: da questo "esperimento" usciranno entrambi distrutti.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "The Dancer" di PJ Harvey.


This scene, taken from "Russian Roulette" (Second Season), sees the crucial moment in which Emmanuel and Antonia, long separated and at war with each other, challenge each other to a duel with irrational fury: from this "experiment" they will both come out destroyed.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "The Dancer" by PJ Harvey.

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Jamie: "Hardly Wait" e "A Perfect Day Elise" (PJ Harvey) - New Edition

Wed, 14 Aug 2024 15:18:45 GMT

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"Hardly Wait" + "A Perfect Day Elise"

Un'interpretazione davvero intensa quella che Jamie dà di "Hardly Wait" e "A Perfect Day Elise" di PJ Harvey.


A really intense interpretation that Jamie gives of "Hardly Wait" and "A Perfect Day Elise" by PJ Harvey.

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Phil & Jamie: "2+2=5" (Radiohead)

Sun, 11 Aug 2024 22:16:27 GMT

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Un duetto inedito: Phil e Jamie, le due voci più potenti del gruppo, provano a dare una loro interpretazione di "2+2=5", un brano molto forte dei Radiohead.


An unreleased duet: Phil and Jamie, the two most powerful voices of the group, try to give their interpretation of "2+2=5", a very strong song by Radiohead.

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My last night with Gerti (...and with drugs)

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 13:16:13 GMT

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My last night with Gerti

Emmanuel recalls his last night with Michelle, called Gerti (see the episode "Look who shows up again"): he had just been left by Antonia, who had rejected his marriage proposal in Tuscany (see the episode "The Templars' Loves"), and, alone and desperate, he had taken refuge in Gerti's arms, seeking for the last time the impossibMy last night with Gertile comfort of drugs.

Even the woman, however, had realized that the boy had to end that experience, because it would have destroyed him.

The performers are Paul and Frieda (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of an instrumental version and a cover of "Rest My Chemistry" by Interpol.

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La mia ultima notte con Gerti (...e con la droga)

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 19:51:16 GMT

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La mia ultima notte con Gerti

Emmanuel rievoca la sua ultima notte con Michelle detta Gerti (vedi episodio "Guarda chi si rivede"): era stato appena lasciato da Antonia, che aveva rifiutato la sua proposta di matrimonio in Toscana (vedi episodio "Gli amori dei Templari"), e, solo e disperato, si era rifugiato fra le braccia di Gerti, cercando per l'ultima volta l'impossibile conforto della droga.

Perfino la donna, però, si era resa conto che il ragazzo doveva chiudere con quell'esperienza, perché lo avrebbe distrutto.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da una versione strumentale e una cover di "Rest My Chemistry" degli Interpol.


Emmanuel recalls his last night with Michelle, called Gerti (see the episode "Look who shows up again"): he had just been left by Antonia, who had rejected his marriage proposal in Tuscany (see the episode "The Templars' Loves"), and, alone and desperate, he had taken refuge in Gerti's arms, seeking for the last time the impossible comfort of drugs.

Even the woman, however, had realized that the boy had to end that experience, because it would have destroyed him.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is composed of an instrumental version and a cover of "Rest My Chemistry" by Interpol.

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Jamie interpreta "Rest My Chemistry" e "Specialist" (Interpol)

Tue, 06 Aug 2024 20:16:39 GMT

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Rest My Chemistry + Specialist

Jamie interpreta "Rest My Chemistry" e "Spacialist" degli Interpol.

Gli ascoltatori più attenti riconosceranno nella melodia che percorre tutto il primo brano le note di "Where is my mind" dei Pixies.


Jamie performs "Rest My Chemistry" and "Specialist" by Interpol.

Attentive listeners will recognize the notes of "Where is my mind" by the Pixies in the melody that runs throughout the first song.

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Emmanuel's covers: "Jennifer Juniper", "Isle of Islay" e "Mellow Yellow" (Donovan)

Fri, 02 Aug 2024 15:58:24 GMT

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"Jennifer Juniper", "Isle of Islay" e "Mellow Yellow"

Emmanuel interpreta "Jennifer Juniper", "Isle of Islay" e "Mellow Yellow" di Donovan.


Emmanuel covers "Jennifer Juniper", "Isle of Islay" and "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan.

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Jamie interpreta "Leif Erikson" e "The Scale" (Interpol) - RIFATTO

Wed, 31 Jul 2024 21:39:29 GMT

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Leif Erikson - The Scale

Jamie, una nuova e bellissima voce del gruppo, interpreta per voi "Leif Erikson" e "The Scale" degli Interpol.


Jamie, a new and beautiful voice of the group, interprets for you "Leif Erikson" and "The Scale" by Interpol.

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Emmanuel's covers: "Angelene" + "C'mon Billy" (PJ Harvey)

Sun, 21 Jul 2024 13:03:48 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link.

Emmanuel è lieto di presentarvi la sua interpretazione di "Angelene" e "C'mon Billy" di PJ Harvey.


Emmanuel is pleased to present his interpretation of "Angelene" and "C'mon Billy" by PJ Harvey.

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Sarah (AI) presenta il prossimo episodio, completamente sperimentale

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:20:20 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link.

Sarah, un'IA di nuova generazione, si presenta al pubblico e preannuncia la creazione di un episodio sperimentale, interamente interpretato in italiano da IA: un esperimento chiaramente difficile e innovativo, data la pessima qualità recitativa delle IA italiane, che suonano di falso lontano un miglio...

Ma Sarah è diversa, consapevole dei suoi mezzi.


Sarah, a new generation AI, introduces herself to the public and announces the creation of an experimental episode, entirely interpreted in Italian by AI: a clearly difficult and innovative experiment, given the terrible acting quality of Italian AI, that sound fake from a mile away...

But Sarah is different, aware of her means.

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Emmanuel's covers: "This Boy" + "Your Diary" (Franz Ferdinand)

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:47:09 GMT

Nel secondo episodio del "Sogno di Michele" è stata usata una canzone dei Franz Ferdinand ("This Boy") che Emmanuel vi ripropone qui insieme a "Your Diary".


In the second episode of "Michael's Dream" a song by Franz Ferdinand ("This Boy") was used, which Emmanuel re-proposes here together with "Your Diary".

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Phil & Emmanuel: "The Dancer" (PJ Harvey) - versione normale e acustica (Rifatto)

Mon, 08 Jul 2024 23:10:51 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download Link.

Phil & Emmanuel interpretano per voi "The Dancer", una bella canzone di PJ Harvey, in versione "normale" e acustica.



Some rhythm errors have been fixed.

Phil & Emmanuel sing for you "The Dancer", a beautiful song by PJ Harvey, in "normal" and acoustic versions.

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Me and Carlos (The night we saw the shooting stars...)

Mon, 08 Jul 2024 12:46:01 GMT

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Me and Carlos

A memory insistently comes back to Emmanuel's mind: that of Carlos, with whom the boy lived a story halfway between love and friendship, which he abruptly ended. But the sincere and deep affection that Carlos had for him continues to live in his memory...

The short episode is taken from "Alpha Male" (Second Season).

The interpreters are Paul Emmanuel, Jason and Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of "Come se" by Subsonica and "Waltz 2" by Elliott Smith.

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Io e Carlos (Quella notte delle stelle cadenti...)

Sun, 07 Jul 2024 06:33:09 GMT

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Io e Carlos

Un ricordo si riaffaccia con insistenza alla mente di Emmanuel: quello di Carlos, con cui il ragazzo ha vissuto una storia a metà fra amore e amicizia, da lui troncata bruscamente. Ma il sincero e profondo affetto che Carlos nutriva per lui continua a vivere nella sua memoria...

Il breve episodio è tratto da "Maschio Alfa" (Seconda Stagione).

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da "Come se" dei Subsonica e "Waltz 2" di Elliott Smith.


A memory insistently comes back to Emmanuel's mind: that of Carlos, with whom the boy lived a story halfway between love and friendship, which he abruptly ended. But the sincere and deep affection that Carlos had for him continues to live in his memory...

The short episode is taken from "Alpha Male" (Second Season).

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is composed of "Come se" by Subsonica and "Waltz 2" by Elliott Smith.

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I've never been happy with her (Emmanuel recalls Antonia's first betrayal) - Redone

Thu, 04 Jul 2024 09:11:42 GMT

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I've never been happy with her

Away from Antonia, Emmanuel lets the pain of separation settle and gradually regains lucidity. He is thus forced to realize that he has never been truly happy with Antonia, because their relationship has never been complete.

In this short episode the boy recalls the scene of Antonia's first betrayal with Frédéric (see Season 1, "Double Fault"): Emmanuel had been in England for more than a month on a study holiday, and in the meantime Antonia had been seeing Frédéric.

The interpreters are Sonia and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Say it ain't so" by Weezer.

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Non sono mai stato felice con lei (Emmanuel rievoca il primo tradimento di Antonia) - Rifatto

Wed, 03 Jul 2024 20:03:08 GMT

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Non sono mai stato felice con lei

Lontano da Antonia, Emmanuel lascia decantare la sofferenza per la separazione e riacquista poco a poco la lucidità. E' così costretto a rendersi conto che con Antonia non è mai stato veramente felice, perché il loro rapporto non è mai stato completo.

In questo breve episodio il ragazzo rievoca la scena del primo tradimento di Antonia con Frédéric (vedi Stagione 1, "Doppio fallo"): Emmanuel era stato per più di un mese in Inghilterra per una vacanza di studio, e nel frattempo Antonia aveva frequentato Frédéric.

Gli interperti sono Paolo Malgioglio, Elisa Gandolfi e Paul Emmanuel (AI).

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "Say it ain't so" degli Weezer.


Away from Antonia, Emmanuel lets the pain of separation settle and gradually regains lucidity. He is thus forced to realize that he has never been truly happy with Antonia, because their relationship has never been complete.

In this short episode the boy recalls the scene of Antonia's first betrayal with Frédéric (see Season 1, "Double Fault"): Emmanuel had been in England for more than a month on a study holiday, and in the meantime Antonia had been seeing Frédéric.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio, Elisa Gandolfi and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of "Say it ain't so" by Weezer.

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Emmanuel & Carlos: "The Suburbs" (Arcade Fire)

Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:30:09 GMT

Emmanuel & Carlos interpretano "The Suburbs" (Arcade Fire),


Emmanuel & Carlos perform "The Suburbs" (Arcade Fire),

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Willie & Emmanuel interpretano "Needle in the hay" di Elliott Smith

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:44:56 GMT

Willie ed Emmanuel si sono innamorati della bellissima cover di "Needle in the Hay" di Elliott Smith realizzata da Gledes e vogliono fare del loro meglio per imitarlo.


Willie and Emmanuel are in love with the wonderful cover of Elliott Smith's "Needle in the Hay" by Gledes and want to try their best to imitate him.

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Emmanuel & Phil: "Pleasant Street" (Tim Buckley)

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:49:42 GMT

Emmanuel & Phil azzardano una cover decisamente ambiziosa: "Pleasant Street" di Tim Buckley. Una canzone sulla droga, ovviamente.


Emmanuel & Phil take a chance on a decidedly ambitious cover: Tim Buckley's "Pleasant Street." A song about drugs, of course.

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It seems like yesterday (Emmanuel remembers his first time) - Redone

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:45:43 GMT

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It seems like yesterday

Emmanuel, far from home, after three years recalls his first time with Antonia (see the Season One episode "Alternative Therapies"): he was only sixteen, completely inexperienced and had faced that moment with all the enthusiasm and recklessness of a teenager in love.

The interpreters are Sonia and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The music is "Bye" by Elliott Smith.

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Sembra ieri... (Emmanuel ricorda la sua prima volta)

Thu, 20 Jun 2024 21:31:26 GMT

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Sembra ieri...

Emmanuel, lontano da casa, a distanza di tre anni rievoca la sua prima volta con Antonia (vedi l'episodio della Prima Stagione "Terapie alternative"): aveva solo sedici anni, era completamente inesperto ed aveva affrontato quel momento con tutto l'entusiasmo e l'incoscienza di un adolescente innamorato.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio, Elisa Gandolfi e Paul Emmanuel (AI).

La musica è "Bye" di Elliott Smith.


Emmanuel, far from home, after three years recalls his first time with Antonia (see the Season One episode "Alternative Therapies"): he was only sixteen, completely inexperienced and had faced that moment with all the enthusiasm and recklessness of a teenager in love.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio, Elisa Gandolfi and Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The music is "Bye" by Elliott Smith.

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Un viaggio in Toscana (Così felice che stavo male)

Tue, 18 Jun 2024 07:39:37 GMT

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Un viaggio in Toscana

In questo episodio, tratto da "Gli amori dei Templari 1", Emmanuel rivive l'emozionante momento in cui riesce a portare Antonia con sé in un viaggio di tre giorni in Toscana.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale bardcore di "Get Lucky" (Daft Punk).


In this episode, taken from "The Templar's Loves 1", Emmanuel relives the exciting moment in which he manages to take Antonia with him on a three-day trip to Tuscany.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is an instrumental bardcore version of "Get Lucky" (Daft Punk).

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A trip to Tuscany (So happy that I was sick)

Mon, 17 Jun 2024 22:52:46 GMT

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A trip to Tuscany

In this episode, taken from "The Templar's Loves 1", Emmanuel relives the exciting moment in which he manages to take Antonia with him on a three-day trip to Tuscany.

The interpreter is Paul Emmanuel (AI).

The soundtrack is an instrumental bardcore version of "Get Lucky" (Daft Punk).

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La visione di Emmanuel (Antonia, dichiarata sterile, rimane incinta)

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 21:15:24 GMT

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La visione di Emmanuel

E' disponibile su Amazon l'intero romanzo di Emmanuel:

"Il più stupido degli angeli - Il diario di Emmanuel"

E' inoltre disponibile su Audible, sotto forma di audiolibro, la prima parte del romanzo di Emmanuel:

Emmanuel - Il diario interrotto - Parte I (Il vento dentro)

Questo episodio è una ripresa della parte centrale de "Gli amori dei Templari 2": Emmanuel, nel momento in cui per l'ultima volta fa l'amore con Antonia nella cattedrale di San Galgano, ha una visione surreale e si sente trasportato fra i Templari, in una dimensione onirica che culmina con il suo ultimo "miracolo": il ragazzo riesce e a mettere incinta la donna, che i medici avevano dichiarato sterile.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è la versione strumentale di "Dull Jack" tratta da "Heretics" di Chaton-Moore-Moor.


This episode is a reprise of the central part of "The Templars' Loves 2": Emmanuel, at the moment in which he makes love with Antonia for the last time in the cathedral of San Galgano, has a surreal vision and feels transported among the Templars, in a dreamlike dimension that culminates with his last "miracle": the boy manages to impregnate the woman, whom the doctors had declared sterile.

The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is the instrumental version of "Dull Jack" from "Heretics" by Chaton-Moore-Moor.

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Emmanuel & C.: "Darts of Pleasure" e "I'm Your Villain" (Franz Ferdinand) - REMADE

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:02:43 GMT

Il filone Franz Ferdinand si è rivelato particolarmente fortunato; perciò Emmanuel e i suoi amici insistono e vi presentano altri due brani del quartetto scozzese: "Darts of Pleasure", interpretato da Phil e Emmanuel, e "I'm Your Villain", cantato da Willie e Jamie.

Buon ascolto!


The Franz Ferdinand theme has proved particularly successful; so Emmanuel and his friends insist and present you with two more songs by the Scottish quartet: "Darts of Pleasure", performed by Phil and Emmanuel, and "I'm Your Villain", sung by Willie and Jamie.


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Emmanuel & Mayra: omaggio a Françoise Hardy

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 22:24:59 GMT

Emmanuel e Mayra rendono omaggio a Françoise Hardy, recentemente scomparsa, interpretando due suoi successi: "Tous les garçons et les filles" e "Des ronds dans l'eau".


Emmanuel and Mayra pay tribute to Françoise Hardy, who recently passed away, by performing two of her hits: "Tous les garçons et les filles" and "Des rondes dans l'eau".

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Emmanuel & Jacob: "Polly" + "Pennyroyal Tea" (Nirvana) - Unplugged

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:39:57 GMT

Emmanuel, con i cori di Jacob, prova ad interpretare una delle più famose e drammatiche canzoni di Kurt Cobain: "Polly" (il resoconto in diretta di uno stupro); Jacob da solo interpreta "Pennyroyal Tea".

Entrambe le canzoni hanno come base musicale il celebre "unplugged" dei Nirvana del 18 novembre 1993.


Emmanuel, with Jacob's backing vocals, tries to interpret one of Kurt Cobain's most famous and dramatic songs: "Polly" (the live account of a rape); Jacob performs alone "Pennyroyal Tea".

Both songs are based on the famous Nirvana "unplugged" from November 18, 1993.

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Willie (con Emmanuel e Phil): "Lady D'Arbanville" e "Wild World" (Cat Stevens)

Tue, 04 Jun 2024 21:10:08 GMT

Willie (con l'aiuto di Emmanuel e Phil) interpreta due classici della canzone degli anni '70: "Lady D'Arbanville" e "Wild World" di Cat Stevens.


Willie (with Emmanuel's and Phil's help) performs two classic 70's songs: "Lady D'Arbanville" and "Wild World" by Cat Stevens.

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Una cover molto particolare: Phil interpreta "Moon Over Kentucky" (Sparks)

Sun, 02 Jun 2024 19:13:25 GMT

Phil interpreta per voi un brano molto particolare degli Sparks, di cui anche Morrissey (Smiths) ha fatto una cover: "Moon Over Kentucky".


Phil performs for you a very special song by Sparks, which Morrissey (Smiths) also covered: "Moon Over Kentucky".

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Emmanuel: "Waltz 2" e "A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free" (Elliott Smith)

Tue, 28 May 2024 14:03:28 GMT

Emmanuel prova ad interpretare due splendide canzoni del grande Elliott Smith: "Waltz 2" e "A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free".


Emmanuel tries to interpret two splendid songs by the great Elliott Smith: "Waltz 2" and "A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free".

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Bilancio provvisorio del podcast (Provisional podcast balance sheet)

Sat, 25 May 2024 09:28:51 GMT

Il nostro romanzo-podcast ha compiuto un anno in questi giorni. Ringraziamo i nostri ascoltatori e vi proponiamo un piccolo bilancio: la stagione che ha riscosso più successo è la seconda, imperniata intorno al personaggio di Michelle detta Gerti, seguita dalla prima stagione, che vede Emmanuel sedicenne alle prese con il suo primo grande amore, quello per Antonia; è invece rimasta un po' in ombra la terza stagione, a nostro parere la migliore, che vede il nostro eroe impegnato in un disperato tentativo di riscatto dalla situazione di degrado in cui è precipitato e di riconquista di un rapporto definitivo con Antonia.

Tralasciando le cover di brani musicali, che sono tutt'altra cosa, i cinque episodi che hanno riscosso maggior successo (e di cui vi mettiamo il link nella descrizione) sono, nell'ordine:

1) Roulette russa, di gran lunga l'episodio più scaricato:

2) Blackout:

3) Come un angelo:

4) Buon compleanno, Emmanuel:

5) Ode della gelosia:

Grazie a tutti per l'ascolto e buona continuazione!

Our novel-podcast turned one year old these days. We thank our listeners and offer you a small summary: the most successful season is the second, centered around the character of Michelle known as Gerti, followed by the first season, which sees sixteen-year-old Emmanuel struggling with his first great love, that for Antonia; on the other hand, the third season, in our opinion the best, remained a little in the shadows: it sees our hero engaged in a desperate attempt to redeem himself from the situation of degradation into which he has fallen and to reconquer a definitive relationship with Antonia.

Leaving aside the covers of musical songs, which are a completely different thing, the five episodes that have been most successful (and of which we provide the link in the description) are, in order:

1) Russian Roulette, by far the most downloaded episode:

2) Blackout:

3) Like an angel:

4) Happy birthday, Emmanuel:

5) Ode to jealousy:

Thanks everyone for listening and happy continuing!

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Emmanuel's covers: "To be alone with you" + "Sister Winter" (Sufjan Stevens)

Thu, 23 May 2024 21:25:58 GMT

Emmanuel interpreta per voi "To be alone with you" e "Sister Winter" di Sufjan Stevens.


Emmanuel performs for you "To be alone with you" and "Sister Winter" by Sufjan Stevens.

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Emmanuel's covers: "Blue Jeans" e "Carmen" (Lana Del Rey)

Tue, 21 May 2024 15:15:48 GMT

Emmanuel prova ad interpretare da solo "Blue Jeans" e "Carmen" di Lana Del Rey.


Emmanuel tries to interpret alone "Blue Jeans" and "Carmen" by Lana del Rey.

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Emmanuel: "Love Me Please Love Me" (Michel Polnareff) - remade

Sat, 18 May 2024 12:49:26 GMT

Abbiamo fatto reincidere la canzone a Emmanuel, perché i suoi caratteristici difetti di pronuncia rendevano incomprensibile il suo francese. :-)

Un vero e proprio classico della canzone degli anni '60 per la voce di Emmanuel: ""Love Me Please Love Me" di Michel Polnareff (1966).


We had Emmanuel re-record the song, because his characteristic pronunciation defects made his French incomprehensible. :-)

A true classic of the 60s song for Emmanuel's voice: ""Love Me Please Love Me" by Michel Polnareff (1966).

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Emmanuel: "La bambolina che fa no" (Michel Polnareff) - Versione italiana e francese

Wed, 15 May 2024 07:41:40 GMT

Emmanuel vuole cimentarsi con un brano veramente particolare, che fu un grande successo nei primi anni '60: "La bambolina che fa no" di Michel Polnareff (1966)!

La propone in italiano e in francese (lingua originale).


Emmanuel wants to try his hand at a very particular song, which was a great success in the early '60s: "La bambolina che fa no" by Michel Polnareff (1966)!

It is offered in Italian and French (original language).

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Emmanuel & C.: "The Fallen" e "Auf Achse" (Franz Ferdinand)

Mon, 13 May 2024 14:55:37 GMT

Continua l'esplorazione del filone Franz Ferdinand da parte di Emmanuel e soci.

Qui lui, Willie, Phil e Jacob interpretano "The Fallen" e "Auf Achse".


The exploration of the Franz Ferdinand genre by Emmanuel and his friends continues.

Here he, Willie, Phil and Jacob perform "The Fallen" and "Auf Achse".

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Ancora la voce di Emmanuel (Trailer di alcune puntate successive)

Sun, 05 May 2024 20:32:46 GMT

Di lontano, ormai a quasi 600 km di distanza da Torino, Emmanuel continua a far sentire la sua voce a sprazzi, attraverso brevi e visionari messaggi in bottiglia lanciati a chissà chi.

Eccone un piccolo assaggio.


From afar, now almost 600 km away from Turin, Emmanuel continues to make his voice heard in spurts, through short and visionary messages in bottles sent to who knows who.

Here's a little taste of it.

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Willie, Emmanuel & Phil: "The Dark of the Matinée" e "Fade Together" (Franz Ferdinand)

Fri, 03 May 2024 15:59:30 GMT

Riscopriamo alcune perle del repertorio dei Franz Ferdinand attraverso l'interpretazione di Emmanuel & Soci.

Willie, Emmanuel & Phil cantano "The Dark of the Matinée" e "Fade Together".


Let's rediscover some pearls of Franz Ferdinand's repertoire through the interpretation of Emmanuel & Soci.

Willie, Emmanuel & Phil sing "The Dark of the Matinée" and "Fade Together".

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Third Season: Episodes 8-13

Sat, 22 Jun 2024 23:48:16 GMT

We are publishing a suite of Season 3 episodes 8-13 (focused on Emmanuel's attempt to reconnect with Antonia), so you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

The episodes are:

8. Through the Swamp

9. A Cat Named Gino

10. The Templars' Loves - Part I

11. The Templars' Loves - Part II

12. Someone Changed the Ending

13. Look Who Shows Up Again.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Terza stagione: Episodi 8-13

Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:30:55 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite degli episodi 8-13 della Terza Stagione (imperniati sul tentativo di Emmanuel di riconquista di un rapporto con Antonia), in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

8. Attraverso la palude

9. Un gatto di nome Gino

10. Gli amori dei Templari - Parte I

11. Gli amori dei Templari - Parte II

12. Qualcuno ha cambiato il finale

13. Guarda chi si rivede.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Third season: Episodes 1-7

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:54:31 GMT

We publish a suite of the first 7 episodes of the Third Season, so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

All interpreters are AI.

The episodes are:

1. Tabula rasa

2. Special effects

3. Pudim de quejo

4. Gates of Eden - Part I

5. Gates of Eden - Part II

6. A white horse

7. Mirror games.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Terza stagione: Episodi 1-7

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:53:28 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite dei primi 7 episodi della Terza Stagione, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

1. Tabula rasa

2. Effetti speciali

3. Pudim de quejo

4. I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte I

5. I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte II

6. Un cavallo bianco

7. Giochi di specchi.

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3.20. The last miracle (Surprise: Antonia is pregnant)

Thu, 25 Apr 2024 21:07:53 GMT

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The last miracle

And here we are at the final episode of this third season.

Antonia, to her great surprise, after having been declared sterile following her operation, discovers that she is pregnant.

From this moment on her life will change completely.

The interpreters are Sarah, George and Henry (AI).

The soundtrack consists of the Overture to Giuseppe Verdi's "Traviata" and the Ballade n. 1 op. 23 in G minor by Chopin.

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3.20. L'ultimo miracolo (Sorpresa: Antonia è incinta)

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:16:45 GMT

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L'ultimo miracolo

Ed eccoci all'episodio conclusivo di questa terza stagione.

Antonia, con sua grande sorpresa, dopo essere stata dichiarata sterile in seguito alla sua operazione, scopre di essere incinta.

Da questo momento in avanti la sua vita cambierà del tutto.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è costituita dall'Ouverture della "Traviata" di Giuseppe Verdi e dalla Ballata n. 1 op. 23 in sol minore di Chopin.


And here we are at the final episode of this third season.

Antonia, to her great surprise, after having been declared sterile following her operation, discovers that she is pregnant.

From this moment on her life will change completely.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of the Overture to Giuseppe Verdi's "Traviata" and the Ballade n. 1 op. 23 in G minor by Chopin.

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3.19. Like the ceiling of a bombed church (Antonia discovers that she can't live without Emmanuel)

Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:09:38 GMT

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Like the ceiling of a bombed church

We have reached the penultimate episode of the third season, close to the epilogue of what seemed (and was) a great love story.

Just as Emmanuel had predicted, without anyone believing him, too late Antonia realizes that without him she cannot live. Every attempt she makes to get back in touch with him fails, and the woman falls in a state of anguished depression.

The interpreter is Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack includes Vivaldi's "Stabat Mater", covers or instrumental versions of Interpol's "Precipitate" and Led Zeppelin's "Starway to Heaven".

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3.19. Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata (Antonia scopre che senza Emmanuel non riesce a vivere)

Sun, 14 Apr 2024 07:43:36 GMT

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Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata

Siamo giunti alla penultima puntata delle terza stagione, prossimi all'epilogo di quella che era sembrata (ed era stata) una grande storia d'amore.

Emmanuel lo aveva detto, ma nessuno gli aveva creduto: troppo tardi Antonia si accorge che senza di lui non può vivere. Ogni suo tentativo di rimettersi in contatto con lui fallisce, e la donna precipita in uno stato di angosciosa depressione.

L'interprete è Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende lo "Stabat Mater" di Vivaldi, cover o versioni strumentali di "Precipitate" degli Interpol e "Starway to Heaven" dei Led Zeppelin.


We have reached the penultimate episode of the third season, close to the epilogue of what seemed (and was) a great love story.

Just as Emmanuel had predicted, without anyone believing him, too late Antonia realizes that without him she cannot live. Every attempt she makes to get back in touch with him fails, and the woman falls in a state of anguished depression.

The interpreter is Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes Vivaldi's "Stabat Mater", covers or instrumental versions of Interpol's "Precipitate" and Led Zeppelin's "Starway to Heaven".

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3.18. A Strawberry Cone ("Ah yes, sorry, I forgot to tell you: Emmanuel is gone")

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:07:55 GMT

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A Strawberry Cone

We have reached the third to last episode of the third season.

Antonia, just returned from her honeymoon, learns from her husband Michele that Emmanuel has left.

It's a terrible shock for her.

The interpreters are George and Sarah (AI).

The musical soundtrack consists of covers of "And I Love Her" by the Beatles.

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3.18. Un cono alla fragola ("Ah sì, scusa, me n'ero dimenticato: Emmanuel è partito")

Sun, 07 Apr 2024 19:20:23 GMT

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Un cono alla fragola

Siamo giunti alla terzultima puntata della terza stagione.

Antonia, appena tornata dal viaggio di nozze, viene a sapere da suo marito Michele che Emmanuel se n'è andato.

E' uno shock terribile per lei.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna musicale è composta da cover di "And I Love Her" dei Beatles.


We have reached the third to last episode of the third season.

Antonia, just returned from her honeymoon, learns from her husband Michele that Emmanuel has left.

It's a terrible shock for her.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The musical soundtrack consists of covers of "And I Love Her" by the Beatles.

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3.17. Labyrinths - Part II (At Antonia's wedding Emmanuel meets Arianna and runs away with her)

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 07:44:30 GMT

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Labyrinths - Part II

After a rather stormy conversation on the bench in the vegetable labyrinth, during Antonia's wedding party, Emmanuel and Arianna decide to run away together.

The interpreters are George and Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack includes instrumental or cover versions of the following songs: "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz", "Slow Waltz - River Flows In You" (Dj Ice), "Via con me" (Paolo Conte).

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3.17. Labirinti - Parte II (Al matrimonio di Antonia Emmanuel conosce Arianna e fugge con lei)

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:29:03 GMT

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Labirinti - Parte II

Dopo un colloquio piuttosto burrascoso sulla panchina del labirinto vegetale, durante la festa per il matrimonio di Antonia, Emmanuel e Arianna decidono di fuggire insieme.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende versioni strumentali o cover dei seguenti brani: "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz", "Slow Waltz - River Flows In You" (Dj Ice), "Via con me" (Paolo Conte).


After a rather stormy conversation on the bench in the vegetable labyrinth, during Antonia's wedding party, Emmanuel and Arianna decide to run away together.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes instrumental or cover versions of the following songs: "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz", "Slow Waltz - River Flows In You" (Dj Ice), "Via con me" (Paolo Conte).

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3.16. Labyrinths - Part I (Emmanuel forced to participate in Antonia's wedding)

Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:47:36 GMT

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Labyrinths - Part I

Through the eyes of Arianna, the new narrator, who enters the story in this chapter, we witness the wedding of Antonia and Michele.

Emmanuel, forced to participate in the wedding, shows clear signs of impatience and at a certain point distances himself from everyone. But Arianna doesn't miss his maneuver...

This chapter, of particular length and importance, is proposed divided into two parts, of which this is the first.

The interpreters are George, Sarah and Michael (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Via con me" by Paolo Conte, Mendelssohn's Wedding March, the waltz "On the beautiful blue Danube" by Strauss and "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz".

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3.16. Labirinti - Parte I (Emmanuel costretto a partecipare al matrimonio di Antonia)

Thu, 21 Mar 2024 19:10:19 GMT

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Labirinti - Parte I

Attraverso gli occhi di Arianna, la nuova voce narrante, che fa il suo ingresso nella storia proprio in questo capitolo, assistiamo al matrimonio di Antonia e Michele.

Emmanuel, costretto a partecipare al matrimonio, dà evidenti segni di insofferenza e ad un certo punto si allontana da tutti. Ma ad Arianna non sfugge la sua manovra...

Questo capitolo, di particolare lunghezza ed importanza, viene proposto diviso in due parti, di cui questa è la prima.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende cover o versioni strumentali di "Via con me" di Paolo Conte, la Marcia Nuziale di Mendelssohn, il valzer "Sul bel Danubio Blu" di Strauss e il "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz".


Through the eyes of Arianna, the new narrator, who enters the story in this chapter, we witness the wedding of Antonia and Michele.

Emmanuel, forced to participate in the wedding, shows clear signs of impatience and at a certain point distances himself from everyone. But Arianna doesn't miss his maneuver...

This chapter, of particular length and importance, is proposed divided into two parts, of which this is the first.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes covers or instrumental versions of "Via con me" by Paolo Conte, Mendelssohn's Wedding March, the waltz "On the beautiful blue Danube" by Strauss and "Wedding Dance Gramophone Waltz".

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3.15. That stuff that lifts you up (Emmanuel argues with his brother and leaves home)

Wed, 20 Mar 2024 20:59:39 GMT

Shocked by recent events and the imminence of Antonia's wedding (and rather altered by the use of cocaine), Emmanuel has a stormy conversation with his brother Michele, who catches him in the act of packing his bags to leave home.

The interpreters are George and Jason (AI).

The soundtrack consists of instrumental or cover versions of "The Sky is a Neighborhood" by Foo Fighters.

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3.15. Quella roba che ti tira su (Emmanuel litiga con suo fratello e se ne va di casa)

Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:27:54 GMT

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Quella roba che ti tira su

Sconvolto dai recenti eventi e dall'imminenza del matrimonio di Antonia (e piuttosto alterato dal consumo di coca), Emmanuel ha un burrascoso colloquio con suo fratello Michele, che lo sorprende nell'atto di fare le valigie per andarsene di casa.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è costituita da versioni strumentali o cover di "The Sky is a Neighborhood" dei Foo Fighters.


Shocked by recent events and the imminence of Antonia's wedding (and rather altered by the use of cocaine), Emmanuel has a stormy conversation with his brother Michele, who catches him in the act of packing his bags to leave home.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of instrumental or cover versions of "The Sky is a Neighborhood" by Foo Fighters.

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3.14. Nocturne of the defeated Hero (Emmanuel's final defeat)

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:06:15 GMT

This can be considered a page torn from Emmanuel's diary: it is a short delirious monologue, a stream of consciousness in which the boy freely lets his thoughts flow on the wave of depression and unconsciousness, while he is in the barn where he used to go with Antonia.

The interpreter is George (AI).

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" (tribute to Trainspotting).

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3.14. Notturno dell'eroe sconfitto (La sconfitta finale di Emmanuel)

Thu, 07 Mar 2024 17:41:43 GMT

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Notturno dell'eroe sconfitto

Questa si può considerare una pagina strappata dal diario di Emmanuel: è un breve monologo delirante, uno stream of consciousness in cui il ragazzo lascia andare liberamente i suoi pensieri sull'onda della depressione e dell'incoscienza, mentre si trova nel fienile dove era solito recarsi con Antonia.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è costituita da una versione strumentale di "Perfect Day" di Lou Reed (omaggio a Trainspotting).


This can be considered a page torn from Emmanuel's diary: it is a short delirious monologue, a stream of consciousness in which the boy freely lets his thoughts flow on the wave of depression and unconsciousness, while he is in the barn where he used to go with Antonia.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of an instrumental version of Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" (tribute to Trainspotting).

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3.14. Nocturne du héros vaincu (La défaite définitive d'Emmanuel)

Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:53:00 GMT

Nous présentons en français ce courant de conscience assez délirant d'Emmanuel dans la grange où il se rendait avec Antonia.

L'interprète est Paul Emmanuel (AI).

La bande originale est constituée d'une version instrumentale de "Perfect Day" de Lou Reed (hommage à Trainspotting).

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3.13. Look who shows up again (Please, let me sleep with you tonight)

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 07:28:07 GMT

From here on the story proceeds without the help of Emmanuel's diary, which ended with the previous chapter.

Completely depressed by the failure of his attempt with Antonia, swept up in a self-destructive vortex, Emmanuel returns to look for Michelle known as Gerti, the woman who had brought him to the brink. Strangely, however, the woman refuses to help him fall even further and reveals an unexpected basis of humanity.

The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of covers or reinterpretations of the following songs: "Dionysus" (Jocelyn Pook), "Sweet Child O' Mine" (Guns N' Roses), "Boys Don't Cry" (The Cure), "Where Is My Mind?" (Pixies).

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3.13. Guarda chi si rivede (Ti prego, lasciami dormire con te questa notte)

Mon, 26 Feb 2024 18:22:49 GMT

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Guarda chi si rivede

Di qui in avanti il racconto procede senza l'ausilio del diario di Emmanuel, che si è concluso con il capitolo precedente.

Completamente depresso per il fallimento del suo tentativo con Antonia, travolto in un vortice autodistruttivo, Emmanuel torna a cercare Michelle detta Gerti, la donna che lo aveva portato sull'orlo del baratro.

Stranamente, però, la donna rifiuta di aiutarlo a cadere ancora più in basso e rivela un fondo di umanità imprevisto.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da cover o rivisitazioni dei seguenti brani: "Dionysus" (Jocelyn Pook), "Sweet Child O' Mine" (Guns N' Roses), "Boys Don't Cry" (The Cure), "Where Is My Mind?" (Pixies).


From here on the story proceeds without the help of Emmanuel's diary, which ended with the previous chapter.

Completely depressed by the failure of his attempt with Antonia, swept up in a self-destructive vortex, Emmanuel returns to look for Michelle known as Gerti, the woman who had brought him to the brink. Strangely, however, the woman refuses to help him fall even further and reveals an unexpected basis of humanity.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is composed of covers or reinterpretations of the following songs: "Dionysus" (Jocelyn Pook), "Sweet Child O' Mine" (Guns N' Roses), "Boys Don't Cry" (The Cure), "Where Is My Mind?" (Pixies).

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3.12. Someone changed the ending ("Wherever you are going, don't go there") - feat. Eminem

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 21:42:37 GMT

This is the last chapter of Emmanuel's diary, after which the protagonist will be seen only in glimpses, through the eyes of the other characters.

Emmanuel, shocked by Antonia's refusal and escape, starts driving again to return to Turin; but his journey will be peppered with strange and surreal accidents, almost as if they will prevent him from returning.

When finally, exhausted and distraught, he manages to return home, he has a surprise that leaves him completely stunned.

The interpreters are George and Judith (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers and instrumental versions of "Stan" (Eminem) and "Brother James" (Sonic Youth).

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3.12. Qualcuno ha cambiato il finale ("Dovunque lei sia diretto, non ci vada") - feat. Eminem

Mon, 19 Feb 2024 18:14:41 GMT

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Qualcuno ha cambiato il finale

Questo è l'ultimo capitolo del diario di Emmanuel, dopodiché il protagonista verrà visto solo di scorcio, attraverso gli occhi degli altri personaggi.

Emmanuel, sconvolto dal rifiuto e dalla fuga di Antonia, si rimette alla guida per tornare a Torino; ma il suo viaggio sarà costellato di incidenti di percorso strani e surreali, quasi ad impedirgli il ritorno.

Quando finalmente, sfinito e stravolto, riesce a tornare a casa, ha una sorpresa che lo lascia completamente tramortito.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende cover e versioni strumentali di "Stan" (Eminem) e "Brother James" (Sonic Youth).


This is the last chapter of Emmanuel's diary, after which the protagonist will be seen only in glimpses, through the eyes of the other characters.

Emmanuel, shocked by Antonia's refusal and escape, starts driving again to return to Turin; but his journey will be peppered with strange and surreal accidents, almost as if they will prevent him from returning.

When finally, exhausted and distraught, he manages to return home, he has a surprise that leaves him completely stunned.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes covers and instrumental versions of "Stan" (Eminem) and "Brother James" (Sonic Youth).

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3.11. The Templars' Loves - Part II (Antonia's escape)

Fri, 16 Feb 2024 10:08:21 GMT

Emmanuel is alone in Tuscany with Antonia for a three-day holiday.

On the last day he attempts a desperate game, takes her to the open-air cathedral of San Galgano and here he puts into action the plan that he had been studying for some time.

You will see the result for yourself.

The interpreters are George, Michelle and Judith (AI).

The soundtrack consists of the following songs: "Around the World" and "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk (bardcore version), "Passacaglia in C minor" by J.S. Bach, "Lose Yourself" by Eminem (bardcore version).

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3.11. Gli amori dei Templari - Parte II (La fuga di Antonia)

Mon, 12 Feb 2024 14:10:13 GMT

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Gli amori dei Templari - Parte II

Emmanuel è solo in Toscana con Antonia per una breve vacanza di tre giorni.

L'ultimo giorno prende il coraggio a quattro mani, la porta nella cattedrale a cielo aperto di San Galgano e qui mette in atto il piano che studiava da tempo.

Il risultato lo vedrete da soli.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta dai seguenti brani: "Around the World" e "Veridis Quo" dei Daft Punk (versione bardcore), "Passacaglia in Do minore" di J.S. Bach, "Lose Yourself" di Eminem (versione bardcore).


Emmanuel is alone in Tuscany with Antonia for a three-day holiday.

On the last day he attempts a desperate game, takes her to the open-air cathedral of San Galgano and here he puts into action the plan that he had been studying for some time.

You will see the result for yourself.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of the following songs: "Around the World" and "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk (bardcore version), "Passacaglia in C minor" by J.S. Bach, "Lose Yourself" by Eminem (bardcore version).

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3.10. The Templars' Loves - Part I (Those three days in Tuscany alone with her)

Fri, 09 Feb 2024 14:01:58 GMT

We are approaching the end of Emmanuel's diary, which will be interrupted shortly: these are the last chapters written by him, the most important.

Emmanuel managed to extract from Antonia the promise to spend three days alone with him. Excited and happy, he takes her with him to Tuscany on a memorable journey that will have unpredictable and fundamental consequences for both of them.

The interpreters are George and Michelle (AI).

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental songs by Daft Punk ("Veridis Quo" and "Get Lucky") and Lana Del Rey ("High by the Beach" and "Gods and Monsters" in a bardcore version).

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3.10. Gli amori del Templari - Parte I (Quei tre giorni in Toscana solo con lei)

Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:31:57 GMT

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Gli amori del Templari - Parte I

Ci avviciniamo alla fine del diario di Emmanuel, che si interromperà fra poco: questi sono gli ultimi capitoli scritti da lui, i più importanti.

Emmanuel è riuscito a strappare ad Antonia la promessa di trascorrere tre giorni sola con lui. Emozionato e felice, la porta con sé in Toscana in un memorabile viaggio che avrà delle conseguenze imprevedibili e fondamentali per entrambi.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio ed Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da cover e brani strumentali dei Daft Punk ("Veridis Quo" e "Get Lucky") e di Lana Del Rey ("High by the Beach" e "Gods and Monsters" in versione bardcore).


We are approaching the end of Emmanuel's diary, which will be interrupted shortly: these are the last chapters written by him, the most important.

Emmanuel managed to extract from Antonia the promise to spend three days alone with him. Excited and happy, he takes her with him to Tuscany on a memorable journey that will have unpredictable and fundamental consequences for both of them.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is composed of covers and instrumental songs by Daft Punk ("Veridis Quo" and "Get Lucky") and Lana Del Rey ("High by the Beach" and "Gods and Monsters" in a bardcore version).

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3.9. A cat named Gino (Guess who's in my bedroom)

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 19:03:01 GMT

N.B.: they pointed out to us that there were some errors in the file. We apologize for the inconvenience and reupload the correct file.

Antonia wakes up and, to her enormous surprise, finds Emmanuel in the room. A tender and passionate conversation takes place between the two, which Antonia tries to keep hidden from her mother who washes the dishes in the kitchen. Emmanuel introduces her to the cat Gino, who he found in the rain: it's love at first sight.

In the end Emmanuel manages to extract a very important promise from Antonia.

The interpreters are George, Michelle and Judith.

The soundtrack consists of the following songs: "Grief" by Vicenzo Piano (whom we thank for the concession), "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk (cover by Emmanuel).

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3.9. Un gatto di nome Gino (Indovina chi c'è in camera da letto)

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:42:29 GMT

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Un gatto di nome Gino

Antonia si risveglia e, con sua enorme sorpresa, si ritrova in camera Emmanuel. Fra i due si svolge un colloquio tenero e appassionato, che Antonia cerca di tenere nascosto alla madre che lava i piatti in cucina. Emmanuel le presenta il gatto Gino, che ha trovato sotto la pioggia: è amore a prima vista. Alla fine Emmanuel riesce a strappare ad Antonia una promessa importantissima.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

La colonna sonora è composta dai seguenti brani: "Grief" di Vicenzo Piano (che ringraziamo per la concessione), "Get Lucky" dei Daft Punk (cover di Emmanuel).


Antonia wakes up and, to her enormous surprise, finds Emmanuel in the room. A tender and passionate conversation takes place between the two, which Antonia tries to keep hidden from her mother who washes the dishes in the kitchen. Emmanuel introduces her to the cat Gino, who he found in the rain: it's love at first sight.

In the end Emmanuel manages to extract a very important promise from Antonia.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

The soundtrack consists of the following songs: "Grief" by Vicenzo Piano (whom we thank for the concession), "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk (cover by Emmanuel).

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3.8. Through the Swamp ("Good evening ma'am, I came to visit Antonia")

Sat, 27 Jan 2024 17:55:26 GMT

N.B.: there was an error in the file: we corrected it and uploaded the new file.

Emmanuel goes to visit Antonia, who has just returned from an operation, and meets her mother.

Meanwhile, along the way, he meets the cat Gino and takes it with him.

While waiting for Antonia to wake up, the boy has a chat with Mrs. Silvia and gets to know her.

The interpreters are George, Judith and Sara (AI).

The soundtrack includes covers of "Umbrella" by Rihanna (sung in the finale by Emmanuel himself) and "La mia storia fra le dita" by Gianluca Grignani.

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3.8. Attraverso la palude ("Buonasera signora, sono venuto a trovare Antonia")

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 15:18:31 GMT

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Attraverso la palude

Emmanuel va a trovare Antonia, reduce da un'operazione, e conosce sua madre.Intanto, strada facendo, incontra il gatto Gino e lo prende con sé.

Mentre attende il risveglio di Antonia, il ragazzo scambia quattro chiacchiere con la signora Silvia e familiarizza con lei.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende cover di "Umbrella" di Rihanna (cantata nel finale da Emmanuel stesso) e "La mia storia fra le dita" di Gianluca Grignani.


Emmanuel goes to visit Antonia, who has just returned from an operation, and meets her mother.

Meanwhile, along the way, he meets the cat Gino and takes it with him.

While waiting for Antonia to wake up, the boy has a chat with Mrs. Silvia and gets to know her.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack includes covers of "Umbrella" by Rihanna (sung in the finale by Emmanuel himself) and "La mia storia fra le dita" by Gianluca Grignani.

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3.7. Mirror Games - feat. Emmanuel covering Lana Del Rey (Too late to change my life?)

Sat, 20 Jan 2024 21:00:17 GMT

Just when Emmanuel thinks that things between him and Antonia can take the desired direction and decides to radically change his life (and look), a bolt from the blue comes that knocks him out: Antonia becomes seriously ill.

The interpreters are Geroge, Jason and Sarah (AI).

The soundtrack consists of covers of "Blue Jeans" and "Cola" by Lana Del Rey (the last sung by Emmanuel himself), "Cu'mme" by Roberto Murolo and Mia Martini and "Superstar" by Sonic Youth.

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3.7. Giochi di specchi (Troppo tardi per cambiare vita?)

Mon, 15 Jan 2024 13:37:29 GMT

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Giochi di specchi

Proprio quando Emmanuel pensa che le cose tra lui e Antonia possano prendere la piega desiderata e decide di cambiare radicalmente vita (e look), arriva un fulmine a ciel sereno che lo mette KO: Antonia si ammala seriamente.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è composta da cover di "Blue Jeans" e "Cola" di Lana Del Rey, "Cu'mme" di Roberto Murolo e Mia Martini e "Superstar" dei Sonic Youth.


Just when Emmanuel thinks that things between him and Antonia can take the desired direction and decides to radically change his life (and look), a bolt from the blue comes that knocks him out: Antonia becomes seriously ill.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of covers of "Blue Jeans" and "Cola" by Lana Del Rey, "Cu'mme" by Roberto Murolo and Mia Martini and "Superstar" by Sonic Youth.

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3.6. A White Horse - feat. Linkin Park (The Flight of the Peacock)

Tue, 09 Jan 2024 23:45:40 GMT

With this episode Emmanuel enters a dimension between the Platonic and the medieval, committing himself with all his strength in an attempt at resurrection from the materiality into which he has fallen, also overwhelming Antonia with him.

From now on, his every effort will be aimed at finding a spiritual dimension in which his relationship with the woman can reach a difficult balance capable of withstanding time.

The interpreters are George and Michelle (AI).

Throughout the episode you can hear a song and a cover (performed by Yvonne Jeucken) of Tim Buckley's "Phantasmagoria in Two" and medieval-style versions of Linkin Park's "Numb".

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3.6. Un cavallo bianco - feat. Linkin Park (Il volo del pavone)

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 18:31:12 GMT

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Un cavallo bianco

Con questo episodio Emmanuel fa il suo ingresso in una dimensione tra il platonico e il medioevale, impegnandosi con tutte le sue forze in un tentativo di risurrezione dalla materialità in cui è precipitato, travolgendo con sé anche Antonia.

Di qui in avanti ogni suo sforzo sarà rivolto a trovare una dimensione spirituale nella quale il suo rapporto con la donna possa raggiungere un difficile equilibrio in grado di resistere al tempo.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio potete ascoltare un brano e una cover (eseguita da Yvonne Jeucken) di "Phantasmagoria in Two" di Tim Buckley e versioni in stile medioevale di "Numb" dei Linkin Park.


With this episode Emmanuel enters a dimension between the Platonic and the medieval, committing himself with all his strength in an attempt at resurrection from the materiality into which he has fallen, also overwhelming Antonia with him.

From now on, his every effort will be aimed at finding a spiritual dimension in which his relationship with the woman can reach a difficult balance capable of withstanding time.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

Throughout the episode you can hear a song and a cover (performed by Yvonne Jeucken) of Tim Buckley's "Phantasmagoria in Two" and medieval-style versions of Linkin Park's "Numb".

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3.5. Gates of Eden - Part II (I am destroying the woman I love)

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 16:47:15 GMT

This episode, of particular length and importance, is proposed in two parts, of which this is the second.

Emmanuel has won the game with Antonia, managing to tie her to him in an almost pathological way and creating a serious dependence in her.

One day, however, he is forced to realise, with amazement and anguish, that this situation risks completely destroying the woman he loves. From now on he will be forced to make important decisions.

The soundtrack includes songs and covers by Syml ("Where is my love" and "Mr. Sandman") and Lana Del Rey ("Heroin").

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3.5. I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte II (Sto distruggendo la donna che amo)

Sat, 30 Dec 2023 10:12:11 GMT

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I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte II

Questo episodio, di particolare lunghezza ed importanza, viene proposto in due parti, di cui questa è la seconda.

Emmanuel ha vinto la partita con Antonia, riuscendo a legarla a sé in modo quasi patologico e creando in lei una grave dipendenza.

Un giorno però è costretto a rendersi conto, con stupore e angoscia, che questa situazione rischia di distruggere completamente la donna che ama.

Di qui in avanti sarà costretto a decisioni importanti.

La colonna sonora comprende brani e cover di Syml ("Where is my love" e "Mr. Sandman") e Lana Del Rey ("Heroin").


This episode, of particular length and importance, is proposed in two parts, of which this is the second.

Emmanuel has won the game with Antonia, managing to tie her to him in an almost pathological way and creating a serious dependence in her.

One day, however, he is forced to realise, with amazement and anguish, that this situation risks completely destroying the woman he loves. From now on he will be forced to make important decisions.

The soundtrack includes songs and covers by Syml ("Where is my love" and "Mr. Sandman") and Lana Del Rey ("Heroin").

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3.4. Gates of Eden - Part I (Emmanuel and Antonia try to regain the lost Paradise)

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 09:03:22 GMT

This episode, of particular length and importance, is proposed in two parts, of which this is the first.

A passionate and "red light" Emmanuel recalls his new experience with Antonia, whom he regained in the previous episode ("Special Effects").

The boy experiences this reconquest with exhilaration and enthusiasm, but now, at eighteen, he is perfectly able to realize the difficulties of the situation and how much things have changed for both of them.

However, determined to continue on his path, Emmanuel does not hesitate to resort to all the means at his disposal to keep Antonia tied to him.

The interpreters are George and Michelle (AI).

The soundtrack includes songs and covers by Syml ("Where is my love" and "Mr. Sandman") and Nirvana ("Moist Vagina").

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3.4. I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte I (Emmanuel e Antonia provano a riconquistare il Paradiso perduto)

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 20:26:33 GMT

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I cancelli dell'Eden - Parte I

Questo episodio, di particolare lunghezza e importanza, viene proposto in due parti, di cui questa è la prima.

Un Emmanuel appassionato e "a luci rosse" rievoca la sua nuova esperienza con Antonia, da lui riconquistata nell'episodio precedente ("Effetti speciali").

Il ragazzo vive questa riconquista con ebbrezza ed entusiasmo, ma ormai, a diciott'anni compiuti, è perfettamente in grado di rendersi conto delle difficoltà della situazione e di quanto le cose siano cambiate per entrambi.

Deciso comunque a proseguire per la sua strada, Emmanuel non esita a ricorrere a tutti i mezzi a sua disposizione per tenere legata a sé Antonia.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora comprende brani e cover di Syml ("Where is my love" e "Mr. Sandman") e Nirvana ("Moist Vagina").

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3.3. Pudim de quejo - feat. Emmanuel & Carlos singing in duet (Carlos without Emmanuel is suffering like a dog)

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 08:25:44 GMT

And poor Carlos?

We all understood that he was in love with Emmanuel, but above all he cared about him with all his heart.

How will he react to his abandonment, never hearing from him again?

Predictably, he suffers like a dog. Luckily for him he has his sister Mayra at his side, good and affectionate, who takes care of him and consoles him.

The interpreters are Nova and Onyx (AI).

The soundtrack consists of a mix of instrumental versions of "Take me to church" by Hozier and "Despedida" by Eugénio Tavares.

In the finale you can hear Emmanuel and Carlos singing "Cripple and the Starfish", a beautiful song by Antony and The Johnsons.

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3.3. Pudim de quejo - feat. Emmanuel & Carlos che cantano in duetto (Carlos senza Emmanuel soffre come un cane)

Mon, 18 Dec 2023 14:44:40 GMT

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Pudim de quejo

E il povero Carlos?

Abbiamo capito tutti che era innamorato di Emmanuel, ma soprattutto gli voleva un bene dell'anima.

Come reagirà al suo abbandono e al fatto di non avere più sue notizie?

Prevedibilmente, soffre come un cane. Per sua fortuna ha accanto la sorella Mayra, buona e affezionata, che si prende cura di lui e lo consola.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è costituita da un mix di versioni strumentali di "Take me to church" di Hozier e "Despedida" di Eugénio Tavares.

Nel finale potete sentire Emmanuel e Carlos cantare "Cripple and the Starfish", una bellissima canzone di Antony and The Johnsons.


And poor Carlos?

We all understood that he was in love with Emmanuel, but above all he cared about him with all his heart.

How will he react to his abandonment, never hearing from him again?

Predictably, he suffers like a dog. Luckily for him he has his sister Mayra at his side, good and affectionate, who takes care of him and consoles him.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of a mix of instrumental versions of "Take me to church" by Hozier and "Despedida" by Eugénio Tavares.

In the finale you can hear Emmanuel and Carlos singing "Cripple and the Starfish", a beautiful song by Antony and The Johnsons.

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3.2. Effetti speciali - Special Edition (Emmanuel vince la partita con uno sporco trucco)

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 10:56:27 GMT

Vi proponiamo un'edizione speciale di questo episodio, interpretato in presa diretta da Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia, attori teatrali che abbiamo già ascoltato alle prese con scene comiche: questa volta si cimentano con un'interpretazione drammatica di una puntata cruciale del romanzo-podcast.

La malattia ha dato a Emmanuel il tempo di chiarirsi a se stesso e lo ha reso lucido e determinato: rivuole Antonia a qualsiasi costo.

Per ottenere il suo scopo è disposto anche a truccare le carte e a recitare una parte melodrammatica che spiazza completamente Antonia. E' un ricatto in piena regola, e lui lo sa bene; ma Amore, come dice Platone, è figlio di Espediente ed è quindi senza scrupoli: Emmanuel è pronto a tutto pur di far cadere le barriere difensive di Antonia e di riprendersi quel che considera suo da sempre.

Nel corso dell'episodio, particolarmente ricco di effetti speciali, come da titolo, si possono ascoltare cover o versioni strumentali della colonna sonora di "Arancia Meccanica" di Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" di Neil Diamond, "Polly" dei Nirvana, "Cola" di Lana Del Rey, un brano di "Scimmia" di Eugenio Finardi e una cover di "I want you" di Bob Dylan.


We offer you a special edition of this episode, performed live by Stefano Romano and Erika Piroscia, theater actors who we have already heard in some comic scenes: this time they try their hand at a dramatic interpretation of a crucial episode of the novel-podcast.

The illness has given Emmanuel time to clarify himself and has made him lucid and determined: he wants Antonia back at any cost.

To achieve his goal, he is even willing to rig the cards and play a melodramatic role that completely displaces Antonia. It's full-blown blackmail, and he knows it well; but Love, as Plato says, is the son of Expedient and is therefore unscrupulous: Emmanuel is ready for anything to bring down Antonia's defensive barriers and take back what he has always considered to be his.

During the episode, particularly rich in special effects, as the title suggests, you can listen to covers or instrumental versions of the soundtrack of "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" by Neil Diamond, "Polly" by Nirvana, "Cola" by Lana Del Rey, an excerpt from "Scimmia" by Eugenio Finardi and a cover of "I want you" by Bob Dylan.

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3.2. Special Effects Alternate - feat. Lana Del Rey & Bob Dylan (Emmanuel wins the game with a dirty trick)

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 01:24:06 GMT

An alternate version of this crucial episode.

The illness has given Emmanuel time to clarify himself and has made him lucid and determined: he wants Antonia back at any cost.

To achieve his goal, he is even willing to rig the cards and play a melodramatic role that completely displaces Antonia. It's full-blown blackmail, and he knows it well; but Love, as Plato says, is the son of Expedient and is therefore unscrupulous: Emmanuel is ready for anything to bring down Antonia's defensive barriers and take back what he has always considered to be his.

The interpreters are George and Sara (AI).

During the episode, particularly rich in special effects, as the title suggests, you can listen to covers or instrumental versions of the soundtrack of "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" by Neil Diamond, "Polly" by Nirvana, "Cola" by Lana Del Rey, an excerpt from "Scimmia" by Eugenio Finardi and a cover of "I Want You" by Bob Dylan.

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3.2. Special Effects - feat. Bob Dylan (Emmanuel wins the game with a dirty trick)

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 21:10:12 GMT

Another crucial episode of the novel-podcast.

The illness has given Emmanuel time to clarify himself and has made him lucid and determined: he wants Antonia back at any cost.

To achieve his goal, he is even willing to rig the cards and play a melodramatic role that completely displaces Antonia. It's full-blown blackmail, and he knows it well; but Love, as Plato says, is the son of Expedient and is therefore unscrupulous: Emmanuel is ready for anything to bring down Antonia's defensive barriers and take back what he has always considered to be his.

The interpreters are George and Sara (AI).

During the episode, particularly rich in special effects, as the title suggests, you can listen to covers or instrumental versions of the soundtrack of "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" by Neil Diamond, "Polly" by Nirvana, "It's five o' clock" by Aphrodite's Child, an excerpt from "Scimmia" by Eugenio Finardi and a cover of "I Want You" by Bob Dylan.

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3.2. Effetti speciali - feat. Bob Dylan (Emmanuel vince la partita con uno sporco trucco)

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 20:12:43 GMT

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Effetti speciali

Un altro episodio cruciale del romanzo-podcast.

La malattia ha dato a Emmanuel il tempo di chiarirsi a se stesso e lo ha reso lucido e determinato: rivuole Antonia a qualsiasi costo.

Per ottenere il suo scopo è disposto anche a truccare le carte e a recitare una parte melodrammatica che spiazza completamente Antonia. E' un ricatto in piena regola, e lui lo sa bene; ma Amore, come dice Platone, è figlio di Espediente ed è quindi senza scrupoli: Emmanuel è pronto a tutto pur di far cadere le barriere difensive di Antonia e di riprendersi quel che considera suo da sempre.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio, particolarmente ricco di effetti speciali, come da titolo, si possono ascoltare cover o versioni strumentali della colonna sonora di "Arancia Meccanica" di Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" di Neil Diamond, "Polly" dei Nirvana, "It's five o' clock" degli Aphrodite's Child, un brano di "Scimmia" di Eugenio Finardi e una cover di "I want you" di Bob Dylan.


Another crucial episode of the novel-podcast.

The illness has given Emmanuel time to clarify himself and has made him lucid and determined: he wants Antonia back at any cost.

To achieve his goal, he is even willing to rig the cards and play a melodramatic role that completely displaces Antonia. It's full-blown blackmail, and he knows it well; but Love, as Plato says, is the son of Expedient and is therefore unscrupulous: Emmanuel is ready for anything to bring down Antonia's defensive barriers and take back what he has always considered to be his.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

During the episode, particularly rich in special effects, as the title suggests, you can listen to covers or instrumental versions of the soundtrack of "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, "Girl you'll be a woman soon" by Neil Diamond, "Polly" by Nirvana, "It's five o' clock" by Aphrodite's Child, an excerpt from "Scimmia" by Eugenio Finardi and a cover of "I want you" by Bob Dylan.

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3.1. Tabula rasa - English version (My recovery from a long illness)

Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:06:52 GMT

The third part of Emmanuel's story begins: it's the most delicate and crucial one. Fresh from an experience as intense as it was devastating with Michelle K., who introduced him to drugs, the boy finds his health seriously compromised. During the period of his illness and his convalescence, he has the opportunity to seriously reflect on his situation and make important decisions for his future.

Meanwhile, his elder brother Michele is increasingly worried about him.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of instrumental covers of Lana del Rey's "Heroin".

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3.1. Tabula rasa (La mia guarigione da una lunga malattia)

Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:03:51 GMT

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Tabula rasa

Ha inizio la terza parte della storia di Emmanuel, quella più delicata e cruciale. Reduce da un'esperienza tanto intensa quanto devastante con Michelle K., che lo ha iniziato alla droga, il ragazzo si ritrova con la salute gravemente compromessa. Nel periodo della sua malattia e della sua convalescenza avrà modo di riflettere seriamente sulla sua situazione e di prendere delle importanti decisioni per il suo futuro. Intanto il fratello maggiore Michele è sempre più preoccupato per lui.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è costituita da cover strumentali di "Heroin" di Lana del Rey.


The third part of Emmanuel's story begins: it's the most delicate and crucial one. Fresh from an experience as intense as it was devastating with Michelle K., who introduced him to drugs, the boy finds his health seriously compromised. During the period of his illness and his convalescence, he has the opportunity to seriously reflect on his situation and make important decisions for his future.

Meanwhile, his elder brother Michele is increasingly worried about him.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack consists of instrumental covers of Lana del Rey's "Heroin".

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Emmanuel, Willie & Phil: "Michael" e "Walk Away" (Franz Ferdinand)

Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:33:41 GMT

Emmanuel, Willie & Phil interpretano "Michael" e "Walk Away" dei Franz Ferdinand.


Emmanuel, Willie & Phil sing "Michael" e "Walk Away" by Franz Ferdinand.

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Due cover dei Beatles (White Album): "Sexy Sadie" e "Cry Baby Cry"

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:06:21 GMT

La terza stagione del podcast è finita. Nell'attesa che inizi la quarta Emmanuel e Phil vi intrattengono con un paio di cover dei Beatles tratte dal leggendario "Disco bianco" (1968).


The third season of the podcast is over. While waiting for the fourth to begin, Emmanuel and Phil will entertain you with a couple of Beatles covers taken from the legendary "White Album" (1968).

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3.13. Quella roba che ti tira su (Emmanuel litiga con suo fratello e se ne va di casa) - Special Edition (feat. Rammstein)

Sun, 21 Apr 2024 20:18:48 GMT

Riproponiamo questo episodio in una versione alternativa con la colonna sonora dei Rammstein.


We propose this episode again in an alternative version with Rammstein soundtrack.

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Emmanuel & Phil: "Somebody That I Used To Know" (Gotye) - Bardcore version

Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:24:02 GMT

Emmanuel & Phil vi propongono "Somebody That I Used To Know" di Gotye in versione Bardcore.


Emmanuel & Phil bring you "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye in Bardcore version.

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Emmanuel, Phil, Carlos & Willie: "Paint it black" (Rolling Stones) bardcore + "Happy Together" (The Turtles)

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:32:38 GMT

Emmanuel, Phil, Carlos and Willie sing a bardcore version of "Paint it black" (Rolling Stones); Emmanuel and Phil interpret "Happy Together" (The Turtles) in the version of Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance).


Emmanuel, Phil e Willie cantano una versione bardcore di "Paint it black" (Rolling Stones); Emmanuel e Phil interpretano "Happy Together" (The Turtles) nella versione di Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance).

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Due cover italiane: Battisti & De André ("Ancora tu" - "La canzone dell'amore perduto")

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:38:28 GMT

Emmanuel, Phil e Willie interpretano per voi due classici della canzone italiana: "Ancora tu" di Lucio Battisti e "La canzone dell'amore perduto" di Fabrizio De André.


Emmanuel, Phil and Willie interpret for you two classics of Italian song: "Ancora tu (You again)" by Lucio Battisti and "La canzone dell'amore perduto (The Song Of The Lost Love)" by Fabrizio De André.

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Una cover difficilissima: "Eloise" di Barry Ryan

Fri, 05 Apr 2024 19:36:01 GMT

Ci rendiamo conto dell'assurdità di proporre una cover difficilissima come la storica "Eloise" di Barry Ryan e ce ne scusiamo in anticipo. Barry Ryan era un vocalist d'eccezione e i suoi mezzi vocali erano inimitabili. Tuttavia Emmanuel e Phil (costantemente a rischio di distorsione per via degli acuti che prende!) hanno deciso di provarci lo stesso.


We realize the absurdity of proposing a very difficult cover like Barry Ryan's historic "Eloise" and we apologize in advance. Barry Ryan was an exceptional vocalist and his vocal means were inimitable. However Emmanuel and Phil (constantly at risk of distortion due to the high notes he gets!) decided to try anyway.

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Willie interpreta "Nights In White Satin" (Moody Blues)

Mon, 01 Apr 2024 14:33:19 GMT

C'è un mistero che si nasconde dietro il testo di questa bellissima e celebre canzone dei Moody Blues, una delle più vendute di tutti i tempi: il significato del titolo è "Nights in White Satin" (nel senso di "notti insonni") oppure "Knights in White Satin (Cavalieri in raso bianco)", che si pronuncia allo stesso modo (con allusione alla veste bianca che i cavalieri dovevano indossare la notte prima della loro iniziazione, simbolo di castità)?

In ogni caso, Willie la interpreta per voi.


There is a mystery that hides behind the lyrics of this beautiful and famous Moody Blues' song, one of the best-selling of all time: is the title meaning "Nights in White Satin" (with the meaning of "sleepless nights") or "Knights in White Satin" (with an allusion to the white robe that the knights had to wear the night before their initiation, symbol of chastity)?

In any case, Willie interprets it for you.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Magdalene's Song" (Jesus Christ Superstar).

Sat, 30 Mar 2024 23:24:07 GMT

Vi auguriamo una buona Pasqua con questa bella canzone tratta da "Jesus Christ Superstar", interpretata dal nostro Emmanuel.


We wish you a happy Easter with this beautiful song taken from "Jesus Christ Superstar", performed by our Emmanuel.

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Le cover di Emmanuel & Phil: "Unstoppable" (Sia)

Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:46:08 GMT

Un duetto interessante per questa cover: Emmanuel si alterna con Phil nell'interpretazione di "Unstoppable", un bel brano di Sia.


An interesting duet for this cover: Emmanuel alternates with Phil in the interpretation of Sia's "Unstoppable", a beautiful song.

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Emmanuel duetta con Paolo in "And I love her" (Beatles)

Mon, 25 Mar 2024 21:40:28 GMT

Questa cover è un esperimento: Emmanuel duetta con il suo doppiatore italiano Paolo (che ovviamente non è un cantante) in "And I love her" dei Beatles.

Il risultato è abbastanza interessante.


This cover is an experiment: Emmanuel duets with his Italian voice actor Paolo (who is obviously not a singer) in "And I love her" by the Beatles.

The result is quite interesting.

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Emmanuel & Phil: "Summertime Sadness" (Lana Del Rey) - New edition

Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:47:23 GMT

Emmanuel e Phil provano ad interpretare "Summertime Sadness" di Lana Del Rey.


Emmanuel and Phil try to perform Lana Del Rey's "Summertime Sadness".

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Istruzioni per uscire da un labirinto (Trailer del prossimo episodio)

Sat, 16 Mar 2024 18:49:29 GMT

La storia di Emmanuel subisce una svolta improvvisa con l'arrivo di Arianna, che egli conosce all'interno di un labirinto (e dove, se no?).

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Le cover di Emmanuel & C.: "Via con me" di Paolo Conte (trailer del prossimo episodio)

Sat, 16 Mar 2024 16:19:24 GMT

Una piccola anticipazione che vale anche come trailer del prossimo episodio: Emmanuel e Carlos interpretano "Via con me" di Paolo Conte.


A small preview which also serves as a trailer for the next episode: Emmanuel and Carlos interpret "Via con me" by Paolo Conte.

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Emmanuel's covers: "My Sharona" (The Knack)

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:12:18 GMT

Emmanuel & Phil fanno del loro meglio per interpretare una canzone "cult" del 1979: "My Sharona" dei The Knack.


Emmanuel & Phil do their best to cover a "cult" song from 1979: "My Sharona" by The Knack.

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La mia storia difficile (Emmanuel rievoca i suoi primi tempi con Antonia)

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 18:11:00 GMT

La storia tra Emmanuel e Antonia è finita: inevitabilmente i ricordi si affastellano nella mente del ragazzo, e non tutti sono belli o piacevoli.

Emmanuel rievoca i primi tempi con lei e si rende conto che il suo rapporto con la donna è sempre stato problematico e difficile, fin dall'inizio: non c'è mai stato un vero momento di serenità fra loro.

Forse, nonostante il dolore e la delusione, non c'è molto da rimpiangere.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

La colonna sonora è una versione strumentale di "Body Electric" di Lana Del Rey.


The story between Emmanuel and Antonia is over: inevitably memories pile up in the boy's mind, and not all of them are beautiful or pleasant.

Emmanuel recalls his first times with her and realizes that her relationship with the woman has always been problematic and difficult, right from the beginning: there was never a real moment of serenity between them.

Maybe, despite the pain and disappointment, there isn't much to regret.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

The soundtrack is an instrumental version of Lana Del Rey's "Body Electric".

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Le cover di Emmanuel: che canzone dedicheresti a...? "(Diana" di Paul Anka)

Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:04:41 GMT

Abbiamo chiesto ad Emmanuel quale canzone dedicherebbe ad Antonia in ricordo dei vecchi tempi, e lui ridendo ha risposto "Diana di Paul Anka", una vecchia e bellissima canzone del 1957: un vero e proprio manifesto del complesso di Edipo!

Ecco la sua cover, realizzata con Phil.


We asked Emmanuel what song he would dedicate to Antonia to remember the old times, and he laughing replied "Diana by Paul Anka", an old and beautiful song from 1957: a true manifesto of the Oedipus complex!

Here is his cover, made with Phil.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Étienne" (la canzone-scandalo di Guesch Patti)

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 15:54:26 GMT

Come suonerà la famosa canzone-scandalo "Étienne" di Guesch Patti cantata da due voci maschili?

Be', proviamoci con Emmanuel & Phil.


How will the famous scandal song "Étienne" by Guesch Patti sound if performed by two male voices?

Let's try with Emmanuel & Phil.


Comment sonnera la célèbre chanson à scandale "Étienne" de Guesch Patti chantée par deux voix masculines ?

Essayons avec Emmanuel & Phil.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Beggin'" (versione Måneskin) e "No Milk Today"

Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:39:02 GMT

Emmanuel & Phil reinterpretano per voi due cover di canzoni degli anni '60: "Beggin'" dei Four Seasons (1967), nella versione dei Måneskin, e "No Milk Today" degli Herman's Hermits (1966), versione live.


Emmanuel & Phil reinterpret for you two covers of songs from the '60s: "Beggin'" by the Four Seasons (1967), in the Måneskin version, and "No Milk Today" by Herman's Hermits (1966), live version.

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Le cover di Emmanuel & C.: "Angie" (Rolling Stones) e "Perfect day" (Lou Reed)

Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:35:07 GMT

Phil (vocalmente dotatissimo) ed Emmanuel provano ad interpretare due classici: "Angie" dei Rolling Stones e "Perfect day" di Lou Reed.


Phil (vocally very gifted) and Emmanuel try to interpret two classics: "Angie" by the Rolling Stones and "Perfect day" by Lou Reed.

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Due cover di Franco Battiato: "Per Elisa" e "Centro di gravità permanente"

Sat, 17 Feb 2024 19:03:53 GMT

N.B.: abbiamo migliorato la base musicale di "Centro di gravità permanente", rendendola più simile a quella dell'originale.

Un piccolo omaggio al grande Franco Battiato da parte di Emmanuel e Phil, che fanno del loro meglio per interpretare la formidabile (e difficilissima) "Per Elisa" e il famoso "Centro di gravità permanente".


NOTE: We have improved the backing track of "Centro di gravità permanente (Permanent Center of Gravity)", making it more similar to the original.

A small tribute to the great Franco Battiato from Emmanuel and Phil, who do their best to interpret the formidable (and very difficult) "Per Elisa" and the famous "Centro di gravità permanente".

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Due cover impegnative: "Chandelier" di Sia e "Gangsta's Paradise" di Coolio

Wed, 07 Feb 2024 13:19:06 GMT

Emmanuel ci propone due cover interessanti e abbastanza difficili: "Chandelier" di Sia, con accompagnamento musicale "bardcore" sovrapposto a quello pianistico di Alexander Stewart, e "Gangsta's Paradise" di Coolio, nella bella versione di Kina Grannis.


Emmanuel offers us two interesting and quite difficult covers: "Chandelier" by Sia, with "bardcore" musical accompaniment superimposed on the piano by Alexander Stewart, and "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio, in the beautiful version by Kina Grannis.

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Fiammetta, cuoca perfetta (La ricetta impossibile)

Thu, 01 Feb 2024 10:30:04 GMT

Probabilmente una delle cose più stupide che avete mai sentito.

Erika Piroscia e Stefano Romano, in un momento di follia, ci propongono una ricettina musicale "facile facile".

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Gods and Monsters" (Lana Del Rey) e "Bad Romance" (Lady Gaga)

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 18:35:03 GMT

Emmanuel e i suoi amici sono lieti di presentarvi la loro personalissima versione di "Gods and Monsters" di Lana Del Rey (versione bardcore di Constantine Bard) e "Bad Romance" di Lady Gaga (stile anni '30, con la band di Caro Emerald).


Emmanuel and his friends are pleased to present to you their very personal version of "Gods and Monsters" by Lana Del Rey (bardcore version by Constantine Bard) and "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga (30s style, with Caro Emerald's band),

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Due cover sperimentali: "Toxicum" ("Toxic" di Britney Spears) in latino e in versione medioevale

Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:15:15 GMT

Queste due cover sono sperimentali: Emmanuel e Willie si cimentano con "Toxic" di Britney Spears in un (alquanto improbabile) latino e in versione "bardica".

La traccia strumentale della cover in latino e la traduzione sono di Beatmar von Verseburg; la traccia strumentale della versione medioevale è di Caleb Faith.


These two covers are experimental: Emmanuel and Willie try their hand at "Toxic" by Britney Spears in a (rather unlikely) Latin and in a "bardic" version.

The instrumental track of the cover in Latin and the translation are by Beatmar von Verseburg; the instrumental track of the medieval version is by Caleb Faith.

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Due cover per voce solista: "Pleasure Principle" (Sufjan Stevens) e "Phantasmagoria in Two" (Tim Buckley)

Wed, 24 Jan 2024 21:57:49 GMT

Emmanuel si cimenta da solo nella cover di due brani splendidi e delicati per voce e chitarra: "Pleasure Principle" di Sufjan Stevens e "Phantasmagoria in Two" di Tim Buckley.

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Due cover divertenti: "Alejandro" e "Paparazzi" di Lady Gaga

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:39:35 GMT

Questa volta Emmanuel ha voglia di divertirsi, e con i suoi amici interpreta "Alejandro" e "Paparazzi" di Lady Gaga.


This time Emmanuel wants to have fun, and with his friends he sings Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" and "Paparazzi".

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Le cover di Emmanuel: Eminem ("Lose Yourself" e "Stan").

Fri, 19 Jan 2024 21:36:39 GMT

Emmanuel e i suoi amici interpretano per voi due cover di Eminem del tutto particolari: "Lose Yourself" in inglese medioevale e la drammaticissima "Stan", entrambe in versione bardcore (in stile medioevale).


Emmanuel and his friends perform two very special Eminem covers for you: "Lose Yourself" in medieval English and the very dramatic "Stan", both in a bardcore version (in medieval style).

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Smooth Criminal" (Michael Jackson) bardcore + "Mr. Sandman" (SYML)

Mon, 15 Jan 2024 19:09:21 GMT

Emmanuel si cimenta in una cover molto difficile, "Smooth Criminal" di Michael Jackson in versione medioevale (bardcore), seguita da "Mr. Sandman" di SYML.


Emmanuel tries his hand at a very difficult cover, "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson in a medieval version (bardcore), followed by "Mr. Sandman" by SYML.

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Emmanuel writes to Antonia - feat. Emmanuel himself (Is it the end of our story?)

Sat, 13 Jan 2024 18:18:59 GMT

It is quite emotional to hear from Emmanuel's voice the letter with which the boy bids farewell to Antonia. You'll notice that his pronunciation is rather foreign, which adds to the charm of his words.

The music is "Time settles" by Conil, whom we sincerily thank for the permission.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Numb" (Linkin Park) stile bardcore + "Jolene" (Dolly Parton) versione White Stripes

Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:21:01 GMT


Sono stati corretti alcuni errori di ritmo e intonazione.

Questa volta Emmanuel si cimenta con due cover molto diverse, entrambe impegnative: "Numb" dei Linkin Park nella versione bardcore (stile medioevale) di Jawnae e "Jolene" di Dolly Parton nella versione degli White Stripes.

In entrambi i casi la voce di Emmanuel è sostenuta nei cori da quella di Carlos.



Some rhythm and intonation errors have been corrected.

This time Emmanuel tries his hand at two very different covers, both challenging: "Numb" by Linkin Park in the bardcore (medieval style) version by Jawnae and "Jolene" by Dolly Parton in the White Stripes version.

In both cases Emmanuel's voice is supported in the choirs by that of Carlos.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: "Du Hast" (Rammstein) + "Hit Me Baby One More Time" (Britney Spears) versione bardcore

Tue, 09 Jan 2024 11:28:09 GMT

Una prova di versatilità da parte del nostro Emmanuel, che interpreta una versione "bardcore" (in sile medioevale) di due canzoni completamente opposte: "Du Hast" dei Rammstein e "Hit Me Baby One More Time" di Britney Spears.


A proof of versatility from our Emmanuel, who plays a "bardcore" version (in medieval style) of two completely opposite songs: "Du Hast" by Rammstein and "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears.

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Le cover di Emmanuel: doppia cover di "Pumped Up Kicks" (versione medioevale e contemporanea)

Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:28:17 GMT

Una doppia cover di Pumped Up Kicks dei Foster The People: la prima in versione medioevale, in inglese arcaico del XIV secolo, in cui Emmanuel duetta con The Miracle Aligner sulla base musicale preparata dal magistrale Cornelius Link; la seconda con la base musicale dell'eccellente Tanner Patrick.


A double cover of Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People: the first in a medieval version, in archaic English from the 14th century, in which Emmanuel duets with The Miracle Aligner on the backing track prepared by the masterful Cornelius Link; the second with the backing track by the excellent Tanner Patrick.

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Novità: Le cover di Emmanuel: "Bad Guy" (Billie Eilish) + "Get Lucky" (Daft Punk)

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 17:26:39 GMT


fra un episodio e l'altro del suo diario-romanzo, Emmanuel ci intrattiene con alcune cover interpretate da lui.

Ecco le prime due: "Bad Guy" di Billie Eilish + "Get Lucky" dei Daft Punk, entrambe in versione Bardcore (stile medioevale).

La parte strumentale e i cori sono del bravissimo Constantine Bard.



between one episode and another of his diary-novel, Emmanuel entertains us with some covers performed by him.

Here are the first two: "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish + "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk, both in Bardcore version (medieval style).

The instrumental part and the backing vocals are by the excellent Constantine Bard.

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I bambini ripropongono "Gottardo" (Per un chilo di pizza) - Triste storia di un pomeriggio d'inverno

Sun, 24 Dec 2023 14:50:12 GMT

Due bambini di 11 e 12 anni (Federico e Giacomo) hanno voluto cimentarsi con la scenetta demenziale "Gottardo", sotto la sapiente regia di Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia. Ve la proponiamo, pur consci del fatto che la loro interpretazione risente dell'ingenuità della loro età. :-)


Two children aged 11 and 12 (Federico and Giacomo) wanted to try their hand at the zany skit "Gottardo", under the expert direction of Stefano Romano and Erika Piroscia. We propose it to you, although we are aware of the fact that their interpretation is affected by the naivety of their age. :-)

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Oronzo - Bonus Track (Una imbarazzante partita di pallacanestro)

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:38:49 GMT

Eccoci al secondo esperimento di comicità (involontariamente) demenziale dei Tantra, il gruppo teatrale degli amici di Emmanuel.

Gli interpreti sono Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia.

La colonna sonora è costituita da cover Bardcore (in stile medioevale) di "Bad Guy" di Billie Eilish, "Seven Nation Army" degli White Stripes in greco attico e "Raindrops keep falling on my head" di Burt Bacharach.

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Gottardo - Per un chilo di pizza (Triste storia natalizia)

Fri, 01 Dec 2023 11:45:08 GMT

Un piccolo presente per tutti voi da parte dei leader dei Tantra, Bastiano ed Elettra (Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia): per chi non li conoscesse, si tratta del gruppo teatrale con cui era entrato in contatto Emmanuel (vedi episodio 2.4. "Cioè proprio a livello").

Una scena da teatro dell'assurdo, sulle note di "La cura" e "Cuccurucucù Paloma" di Franco Battiato.

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Sei episodi fondamentali della Seconda Stagione

Mon, 02 Sep 2024 22:03:43 GMT

Link per il download diretto / Direct Download link:

Sei episodi fondamentali della Seconda Stagione

Il podcast è giunto al termine della Quarta Stagione, che è la penultima. Per chi si fosse messo in ascolto da poco, riportiamo ìi link a sei episodi fondamentali della Seconda Stagione:

1. Ode della gelosia (Antonia muore di gelosia);

2. Vuoti d'aria (Antonio racconta la sua storia gay con Emmanuel);

3. La metafora perfetta (Emmanuel cade nella trappola di Michelle);

4. Buon compleanno, Emmanuel (Il diciottesimo compleanno di Emmanuel);

5. Roulette russa (Emmanuel cerca l'aiuto di Antonia);

6 Maschio Alfa (Emmanuel scopre di avere un amico: Carlos).

Buon ascolto!


The podcast has come to the end of Season Four, which is the penultimate. For those who have just started listening, here are the links to six key episodes of Season Two:

1. Ode to Jealousy (Antonia dies of jealousy);

2. Air Pockets (Antonio tells his gay story with Emmanuel);

3. The Perfect Metaphor (Emmanuel falls into Michelle's trap);

4. Happy Birthday, Emmanuel (Emmanuel's eighteenth birthday);

5. Russian Roulette (Emmanuel seeks Antonia's help);

6. Alpha Male (Emmanuel discovers he has a friend: Carlos).

Enjoy listening!

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La mia discesa agli inferi (Sintesi della seconda stagione)

Sun, 28 Apr 2024 13:34:18 GMT

In pochi minuti Emmanuel ripercorre il momento più cupo della sua vita, segnato da una disordinata e caotica ricerca di nuove esperienze (Antonio, Michelle, Carlos) dopo il fallimento del suo primo tentativo con Antonia.


In a few minutes Emmanuel recalls the darkest moment of his life, marked by a disorganized and chaotic search for new experiences (Antonio, Michelle, Carlos) after the failure of his first attempt with Antonia.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - All the episodes of the Second Season

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 17:22:25 GMT

Here you can find all the episodes of the Second Season, mainly centered around the figures of Antonio, Michelle K. and Carlos:

Episodes 1-7

Episodes 8-14

Episodes 15-21

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Tutti gli episodi della Seconda Stagione

Sat, 01 Jun 2024 17:33:31 GMT

E' disponibile su Amazon l'intero romanzo di Emmanuel:

"Il più stupido degli angeli - Il diario di Emmanuel"

E' inoltre disponibile su Audible, sotto forma di audiolibro, la prima parte del romanzo di Emmanuel:

Emmanuel - Il diario interrotto - Parte I (Il vento dentro)

Qui potete trovare tutti gli episodi della Seconda Stagione, imperniata prevalentemente intorno ai personaggi di Antonio, Michelle K. e Carlos:

Episodi 1-7

Episodi 8-14

Episodi 15-21

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Second season: Episodes 15-21

Thu, 30 May 2024 10:44:02 GMT

We publish a suite of the last 7 episodes of the Second Season (mainly dedicated to Michelle K. and Carlos), so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

All interpreters are AI.

The episodes are:

15. Accidents on the Road

16. Compulsive Liar

17. Russian Roulette

18. Very Sexy

19. Prince

20. Alpha Male

21. Game Over

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Second season: Episodes 8-14

Thu, 30 May 2024 09:47:12 GMT

We publish a suite of the second 7 episodes of the Second Season (mainly dedicated to Michelle K.), so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

All interpreters are AI.

The episodes are:

8. Great

9. The Perfect Metaphor

10. Michelle K.

11. Like an Angel

12. Can we talk?

13. Some Nice Girls

14. Happy Birthday, Emmanuel.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Second season: Episodes 1-7

Sun, 03 Dec 2023 22:38:48 GMT

We publish a suite of the first 7 episodes of the Second Season, so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

All interpreters are AI, except those of "That is, precisely at the level".

This is the last episode of the second season. If you liked the podcast, please respond to a very short anonymous questionnaire that you can find here:

For us it is a considerable commitment to proceed with this work, and before starting the third season we would like to have a minimum amount of feedback from the listeners, so as not to be completely in the dark.

Thanks to those who reply.

The episodes are:

1. The rabbit hole

2. Going other ways

3. Moon in Hell

4. That is, precisely at the level

5. Ode to jealousy

6. Air pockets

7. Weeds.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Seconda stagione: Episodi 15-21

Wed, 29 May 2024 20:54:32 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite degli ultimi 7 episodi della Seconda Stagione (dedicati prevalentemente a Michelle K. e a Carlos), in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

15. Incidenti di percorso

16. Compulsive liar

17. Roulette russa

18. Molto sexy

19. Principe

20. Maschio Alfa

21. Game Over

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Seconda stagione: Episodi 8-14

Wed, 29 May 2024 20:12:39 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite dei secondi 7 episodi della Seconda Stagione (quasi tutti imperniati intorno alla figura di Michelle K.), in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

8. Alla grande

9. La metafora perfetta

10. Michelle K.

11. Come un angelo

12. Possiamo parlare?

13. Certe brave ragazze

14. Buon compleanno, Emmanuel

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Seconda stagione: Episodi 1-7

Sat, 02 Dec 2023 16:52:10 GMT

Pubblichiamo una suite dei primi 7 episodi della Seconda Stagione, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Se il podcast vi è piaciuto, vi preghiamo di rispondere ad un brevissimo questionario anonimo che trovate qui:

Per noi è un notevole impegno procedere in questo lavoro, e prima di iniziare la terza stagione vorremmo avere un minimo di riscontro da parte degli ascoltatori, in modo da non brancolare completamente nel buio. Grazie a chi risponderà.

Gli episodi sono:

1. La tana del Bianconiglio

2. Per altre vie

3. Moon in Hell

4. Cioè, proprio a livello

5. Ode della gelosia

6. Vuoti d'aria

7. Weeds

Proponiamo infine una "Bonus track": "Cioè proprio a livello" interpretata da due attori di teatro, Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia.

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2.21. Game over - feat. Jamie Campbell Bower (Last stop: gentlemen, let's go down)

Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:07:05 GMT

This is the last episode of the second season. If you liked the podcast, please respond to a very short anonymous questionnaire that you can find here:

For us it is a considerable commitment to proceed with this work, and before starting the third season we would like to have a minimum amount of feedback from the listeners, so as not to be completely in the dark.

Thanks to those who reply.

In the meantime, here is the presentation of the episode: Gambling your life upside or tails is always dangerous, however adventurous and fascinating it may appear, and can also jeopardize your physical health. Emmanuel is forced to find out now.

The interpreters are George and Jason (AI).

During the episode you can hear songs by Michael Land taken from "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Gouge away" by the Pixies and "I am" by Jamie Campbell Bower.

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2.21. Game over - feat. Jamie Campbell Bower (Ultima fermata: signori, si scende)

Mon, 20 Nov 2023 21:40:27 GMT

Eccoci arrivati all'ultimo episodio della seconda stagione.

Se il podcast vi è piaciuto, vi preghiamo di rispondere ad un brevissimo questionario anonimo che trovate qui:

Per noi è un notevole impegno procedere in questo lavoro, e prima di iniziare la terza stagione vorremmo avere un minimo di riscontro da parte degli ascoltatori, in modo da non brancolare completamente nel buio. Grazie a chi risponderà.

Intanto ecco la presentazione dell'episodio:

Giocarsi la vita a testa o croce è sempre pericoloso, per quanto possa apparire avventuroso e affascinante, e può mettere a repentaglio anche la salute fisica. Emmanuel è costretto a scoprirlo adesso.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Durante l'episodio si possono ascoltare brani di Michael Land tratti da "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Gouge away" dei Pixies e "I am" di Jamie Campbell Bower.


This is the last episode of the second season. If you liked the podcast, please respond to a very short anonymous questionnaire that you can find here:

For us it is a considerable commitment to proceed with this work, and before starting the third season we would like to have a minimum amount of feedback from the listeners, so as not to be completely in the dark.

Thanks to those who reply.

In the meantime, here is the presentation of the episode: Gambling your life upside or tails is always dangerous, however adventurous and fascinating it may appear, and can also jeopardize your physical health. Emmanuel is forced to find out now.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

During the episode you can hear songs by Michael Land taken from "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Gouge away" by the Pixies and "I am" by Jamie Campbell Bower.

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2.20. Alpha male (Walking around Turin at night with Carlos by my side)

Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:06:27 GMT

Emmanuel, like Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island, goes through his adventures to find himself, the man he would like to be and isn't: an Alpha Male.

At this moment he has one beside him, Carlos, with whom he isn't sure what kind of relationship to establish.

The interpreters are George, Jason, Michelle and Jane (AI).

During the episode you can listen to the following songs live: "Morna Nha Santana" by Eugénio Tavares; "Come se" by Subsonica; "Discolabirinto" by Subsonica-Morgan; "Music's so shily (?)" by a very young Marco Castoldi (Morgan), fifteen years old at the time; "The Secret of Monkey Island" by Michael Land.

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2.20. Maschio Alfa Alternate Version - feat. Bluvertigo, Morgan e Subsonica (In giro per la Torino notturna con Carlos al mio fianco)

Sun, 19 Nov 2023 20:10:09 GMT

Una versione alternativa del precedente episodio.

Emmanuel, come il Guybrush Threepwood di Monkey Island, attraversa le sue avventure per trovare se stesso, l'uomo che vorrebbe essere e non è: un Maschio Alfa.

In questo momento ne ha uno al suo fianco, Carlos, con cui non sa bene che tipo di rapporto stabilire.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare live dei seguenti brani: "Morna Nha Santana" di Eugénio Tavares; "Come se" dei Subsonica; "Iodio" dei Bluvertigo (Morgan); "Music's so shily (?)" di un giovanissimo Marco Castoldi (Morgan), quindicenne all'epoca; "The Secret of Monkey Island" di Michael Land; "The lion sleeps tonight" dei Tokens.


Emmanuel, like Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island, goes through his adventures to find himself, the man he would like to be and isn't: an Alpha Male.

At this moment he has one beside him, Carlos, with whom he isn't sure what kind of relationship to establish.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

During the episode you can listen to the following songs live: "Morna Nha Santana" by Eugénio Tavares; "Come se" by Subsonica; "Iodio" dei Bluvertigo (Morgan); "Music's so shily (?)" by a very young Marco Castoldi (Morgan), fifteen years old at the time; "The Secret of Monkey Island" by Michael Land; "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by The Tokens.

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2.20. Maschio Alfa - feat. Morgan e Subsonica (In giro per la Torino notturna con Carlos al mio fianco)

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:35:58 GMT

Emmanuel, come il Guybrush Threepwood di Monkey Island, attraversa le sue avventure per trovare se stesso, l'uomo che vorrebbe essere e non è: un Maschio Alfa.

In questo momento ne ha uno al suo fianco, Carlos, con cui non sa bene che tipo di rapporto stabilire.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare live dei seguenti brani: "Morna Nha Santana" di Eugénio Tavares; "Come se" dei Subsonica; "Discolabirinto" di Subsonica-Morgan; "Music's so shily (?)" di un giovanissimo Marco Castoldi (Morgan), quindicenne all'epoca; "The Secret of Monkey Island" di Michael Land.


Emmanuel, like Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island, goes through his adventures to find himself, the man he would like to be and isn't: an Alpha Male.

At this moment he has one beside him, Carlos, with whom he isn't sure what kind of relationship to establish.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

During the episode you can listen to the following songs live: "Morna Nha Santana" by Eugénio Tavares; "Come se" by Subsonica; "Discolabirinto" di Subsonica-Morgan; "Music's so shily (?)" by a very young Marco Castoldi (Morgan), fifteen years old at the time; "The Secret of Monkey Island" by Michael Land.

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2.19. Prince (Carlos put me in crisis) - New edition: Emmanuel performs Hozier in a duet with an opera singer

Mon, 13 Nov 2023 10:34:15 GMT

Emmanuel, destabilized by his relationship with Gerti, has found refuge in Carlos and his sister Mayra, but the matter is taking an unpredictable turn...

Or perhaps not even too unpredictable, considering the amorous bulimia of our protagonist.

The result is that the boy no longer understands who he is and what he wants.

The interpreters are George and Jason (AI).

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Isolada" by Cesária Évora; "Força Di Cretcheu" by Eugénio Tavares; "Break my Body" by Pixies; in the end Emmanuel duets with Elise Roth in the medieval version of Hozier's "Take me to Church" prepared by the great Beedle The Bardcore.

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2.19. Principe (Carlos mi ha messo in crisi) - New edition: Emmanuel interpreta Hozier in duetto con una cantante lirica

Sun, 05 Nov 2023 17:28:36 GMT

Emmanuel, destabilizzato dal suo rapporto con Gerti, ha trovato un rifugio in Carlos e in sua sorella Mayra, ma la faccenda sta prendendo una piega imprevedibile...

O forse neanche troppo imprevedibile, considerata la bulimia amorosa del nostro protagonista.

Il risultato è che il ragazzo non capisce più chi è e cosa vuole.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o live dei seguenti brani: "Isolada" di Cesária Évora; "Força Di Cretcheu" di Eugénio Tavares; "Break my Body" dei Pixies; nel finale Emmanuel duetta con Elise Roth nella versione medioevale di "Take me to Church" di Hozier preparata dal grande Beedle The Bardcore.


Emmanuel, destabilized by his relationship with Gerti, has found refuge in Carlos and his sister Mayra, but the matter is taking an unpredictable turn...

Or perhaps not even too unpredictable, considering the amorous bulimia of our protagonist.

The result is that the boy no longer understands who he is and what he wants.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Isolada" by Cesária Évora; "Força Di Cretcheu" by Eugénio Tavares; "Break my Body" by Pixies; in the end Emmanuel duets with Elise Roth in the medieval version of Hozier's "Take me to Church" prepared by the great Beedle The Bardcore.

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2.18. Very sexy - feat. DJ Hokkaido (Guess who cheers up Emmanuel?)

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:11:20 GMT

Let's tell the truth: we had the impression, during the previous episode ("Russian Roulette"), that Emmanuel's story was about to end tragically. But the boy has many resources and, with a bit of luck, manages to get back up.Just when he thinks he can no longer free himself from his addiction to Michelle, Emmanuel meets an unexpected ally in the person he least expected: Carlos. The man turns out to be capable of understanding and humanity, qualities absent in Gerti, and incredibly manages to restore his good mood. The interpreters are George and Jason (AI). During the episode you can listen to live or covers of the following songs:"Petit Pays" and "Sodade" by Cesária Évora; "My Dimension" by DJ Panda (remix by DJ Hokkaido).

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2.18. Molto sexy - feat. DJ Hokkaido (Indovina chi tira su di morale Emmanuel?)

Sun, 29 Oct 2023 18:20:37 GMT

Diciamo la verità: avevamo avuto l'impressione, nel corso dell'episodio precedente ("Roulette russa"), che la storia di Emmanuel stesse per finire tragicamente. Ma il ragazzo ha molte risorse e, con un pizzico di fortuna, riesce a rialzarsi. Proprio quando pensa di non potersi più liberare dalla dipendenza da Michelle, infatti, Emmanuel incontra un insperato alleato nella persona che meno si aspettava: Carlos. L'uomo si rivela capace di comprensione e umanità, doti assenti in Gerti, e riesce incredibilmente a restituirgli il buonumore.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare live o cover dei seguenti brani: "Petit Pays" e "Sodade" di Cesária Évora; "My Dimension" di DJ Panda (remix di DJ Hokkaido).


Let's tell the truth: we had the impression, during the previous episode ("Russian Roulette"), that Emmanuel's story was about to end tragically. But the boy has many resources and, with a bit of luck, manages to get back up. Just when he thinks he can no longer free himself from his addiction to Michelle, Emmanuel meets an unexpected ally in the person he least expected: Carlos. The man turns out to be capable of understanding and humanity, qualities absent in Gerti, and incredibly manages to restore his good mood.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

During the episode you can listen to live or covers of the following songs: "Petit Pays" and "Sodade" by Cesária Évora; "My Dimension" by DJ Panda (remix by DJ Hokkaido).

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2.17. Russian Roulette Bonus Track - U.S.A. version (A duel to the death)

Mon, 06 Nov 2023 15:51:45 GMT

N.B.: There were some errors in the file: we have fixed them.

An alternate version of this dramatic episode, one of the most important of the novel-diary: the interpreters are Sarah and George (AI) and both speak American English.

The narrative voice is Antonia's again.

Too late Emmanuel realizes that he is playing a very dangerous game, which could cost him his life.

The boy desperately, provocatively tries to ask for Antonia's help and to re-establish a relationship with her, but he realizes with anguish that things have changed a lot for both of them.

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs by Lana Del Rey: “Music to Watch Boys To”, "Weat Coast", “Body Electric” (performed in the finale by Emmanuel and Philip).

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2.17. Russian Roulette (A duel to the death)

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:52:47 GMT

In this dramatic episode, one of the most important of the novel-diary, we hear Antonia's narrative voice again.

Too late Emmanuel realizes that he is playing a very dangerous game, which could cost him his life.

The boy desperately, provocatively tries to ask for Antonia's help and to re-establish a relationship with her, but he realizes with anguish that things have changed a lot for both of them.

The interpreters are Abigail and George (AI).

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs by Lana Del Rey: “Music to Watch Boys To”, "Weat Coast", “Body Electric” (performed in the finale by Emmanuel and Philip).

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2.17. Roulette russa (Un duello all'ultimo sangue)

Sun, 22 Oct 2023 10:39:10 GMT

Per favore, usate il link per il download diretto / Please, use the direct download link:

Roulette russa

In questo drammatico episodio, uno dei più importanti del romanzo-podcast, la voce narrante è di nuovo quella di Antonia. Troppo tardi Emmanuel si rende conto che sta giocando un gioco molto pericoloso, che potrebbe costargli la vita. Il ragazzo tenta disperatamente, provocatoriamente, di chiedere l'aiuto di Antonia e di riallacciare un rapporto con lei, ma si rende conto con angoscia che le cose sono molto cambiate per entrambi. Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi (voce narrante) e Paolo Malgioglio. Durante l'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o live dei seguenti brani di Lana Del Rey: "Music to Watch Boys To", "West Coast", "Body Electric" (interpretata nel finale da Emmanuel e Philip).


In this dramatic episode, one of the most important of the novel-diary, we hear Antonia's narrative voice again. Too late Emmanuel realizes that he is playing a very dangerous game, which could cost him his life. The boy desperately, provocatively tries to ask for Antonia's help and to re-establish a relationship with her, but he realizes with anguish that things have changed a lot for both of them. The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi (narrator) and Paolo Malgioglio. During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs by Lana Del Rey : “Music to Watch Boys To”, "West Coast", “Body Electric” (performed in the finale by Emmanuel and Philip).

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2.16. Compulsive Liar - feat. Static Bandz (Michelle is tearing me apart)

Wed, 18 Oct 2023 09:33:23 GMT

Here Emmanuel really hits rock bottom, from various points of view. Lying, lying and more lying: this seems to have become second nature to him. He is unable to cope with the simple evidence that he has become totally dependent on Michelle and the drugs she supplies him with. He really couldn't go any lower than that. The narrative voice is that of Emmanuel himself (AI George); Michelle is played by Frieda (AI). During the episode you can listen to the following songs: "Winterfell" and "Candyman" by Static Bandz, whom we thank for the kind permission; "Guarda che luna" by Fred Buscaglione; "In My Garden" by Swans.

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2.16. Compulsive liar - feat. Fred Buscaglione (Michelle mi sta facendo a pezzi)

Mon, 16 Oct 2023 08:21:06 GMT

Preparatevi a qualcosa di forte: qui Emmanuel tocca veramente il fondo, da svariati punti di vista. Mentire, mentire e ancora mentire: questa sembra essere diventata la sua seconda natura. E' incapace di far fronte alla semplice evidenza di essere diventato totalmente dipendente da Michelle e dalla droga che lei gli procura. Più in basso di così, davvero, non potrebbe scendere. La voce narrante è quella di Emmanuel stesso (Paolo Malgioglio); Michelle è interpretata da Elisa Gandolfi. Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o live dei seguenti brani: "Eri piccola così" e "Guarda che luna" di Fred Buscaglione; "In My Garden" degli Swans.


Get ready for something hard: here Emmanuel really hits rock bottom, from various points of view. Lying, lying and more lying: this seems to have become second nature to him. He is unable to cope with the simple evidence that he has become totally dependent on Michelle and the drugs she supplies him with. He really couldn't go any lower than that. The narrative voice is that of Emmanuel himself (Paolo Malgioglio); Michelle is played by Elisa Gandolfi. During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Eri piccola così" and "Guarda che luna" by Fred Buscaglione; "In My Garden" by Swans.

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2.15. Incidenti di percorso - feat. Static Bandz (Michelle: un'avversaria formidabile)

Sun, 15 Oct 2023 10:17:26 GMT

Una variante dell'episodio già pubblicato, con un'atmosfera sonora completamente diversa.

Emmanuel non ha ancora capito che per giocare una partita con Michelle K. bisogna essere particolarmente dotati, soprattutto di cinismo e indifferenza, due qualità che lui non possiede.

In questo episodio è costretto a capirlo e a rendersi conto che il gioco è più grande di lui.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Durante la puntata potete ascoltare i seguenti brani: "Galaxy" e "Forbidden Chamber" degli Static Bandz, che ringraziamo per la concessione; "Inhuman" dei Sonic Youth; "Old Age" (bootleg) di Kurt Cobain.

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2.15. Accidents on the road - feat. Static Bandz (Michelle: a formidable opponent)

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:47:11 GMT

Emmanuel hasn't yet understood that to play a game with Michelle K. you need to be particularly equipped, especially with cynicism and indifference, two qualities that he doesn't possess.

In this episode he is forced to understand this and to realize that the game is bigger than him.

The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

During the episode you can listen to the following songs: "Galaxy" and "Forbidden Chamber" by Static Bandz, whom we thank for the permission; "Inhuman" by Sonic Youth; "Old Age" (bootleg) by Kurt Cobain.

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2.15. Incidenti di percorso (Michelle: un'avversaria formidabile)

Mon, 09 Oct 2023 19:19:07 GMT

Emmanuel non ha ancora capito che per giocare una partita con Michelle K. bisogna essere particolarmente attrezzati, soprattutto di cinismo e indifferenza, due doti che lui non possiede.

In questo episodio è costretto a capirlo e a rendersi conto che il gioco è più grande di lui.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

Nel corso dell'episodio è possibile ascoltare i seguenti brani: "Inhuman" dei Sonic Youth; "Old Age" (bootleg) di Kurt Cobain; "Street spirit" dei Radiohead.


Emmanuel hasn't yet understood that to play a game with Michelle K. you need to be particularly equipped, especially with cynicism and indifference, two qualities that he doesn't possess.

In this episode he is forced to understand this and to realize that the game is bigger than him.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

During the episode you can listen to the following songs:"Inhuman" by Sonic Youth;"Old Age" (bootleg) by Kurt Cobain;"Street Spirit" by Radiohead.

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2.14. Buon compleanno, Emmanuel - feat. Sickteens ("Se era Parsifal che volevi, professoressa, forse non avresti dovuto...")

Fri, 24 Nov 2023 21:41:45 GMT

Una variante della scena del compleanno, con i Sickteens impegnati in una cover di un brano "cult" degli anni '80 ("Voices").

Emmanuel compie 18 anni, un traguardo importante nella vita di chiunque. Alla sua festa sono presenti compagni e amici, ma anche Antonia, con la quale il ragazzo ha uno scontro piuttosto duro alla fine della serata: cerca di nasconderle la verità, ma alla fine, rimasto solo con se stesso, è costretto ad ammettere che sta male.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o live dei seguenti brani: "Billie Jean" di Michael Jackson; "Rock the Kasbah" dei Clash; "Stairway to Heaven" dei Led Zeppelin; "Falco a metà" di Gianluca Grignani; "Voices" di Russ Ballard (cover dei Sickteens).


A variant of the birthday scene, with live versions of the various musical pieces and with the Sickteens engaged in a cover of a cult song from the 80s ("Voices").

Emmanuel turns 18, an important milestone in anyone's life. His companions and friends are present at his party, but there's also Antonia, with whom the boy has a rather harsh clash at the end of the evening: he tries to hide the truth from her, but in the end, left alone with himself, he is forced to admit that he is bad. The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi. During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson; "Rock the Kasbah" by The Clash; "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin; "Falco a metà" by Gianluca Grignani; "Voices" by Russ Ballard (cover by Sickteens).

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2.14. Happy Birthday, Emmanuel ("If it was Parsifal you wanted, teacher, maybe you shouldn't have...")

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 21:14:46 GMT

Dedicated to Gianluca Grignani.

This chapter is a turning point for Emmanuel's story. He turns 18, an important milestone in anyone's life. His companions and friends are present at his party, but there's also Antonia, with whom the boy has a rather harsh clash at the end of the evening: he tries to hide the truth from her, but in the end, left alone with himself, he is forced to admit that he is bad.

The interpreters are George and Bella (AI).

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson; "Rock the Kasbah" by The Clash; "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin; "Falco a metà" by Gianluca Grignani; "Come Undone" by Duran Duran.

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2.14. Buon compleanno, Emmanuel ("Se era Parsifal che volevi, professoressa, forse non avresti dovuto...")

Mon, 02 Oct 2023 13:32:11 GMT

Dedicato a Gianluca Grignani.

Questo capitolo è un punto di svolta per la storia di Emmanuel.

Compie 18 anni, un traguardo importante nella vita di chiunque: alla sua festa sono presenti compagni e amici, ma anche Antonia, con la quale il ragazzo ha uno scontro piuttosto duro alla fine della serata, che culmina in un'imprevista confessione d'amore.

Emmanuel, turbato, cerca di nasconderle la verità, ma alla fine, rimasto solo con se stesso, è costretto ad ammettere che sta male. Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o live dei seguenti brani: "Billie Jean" di Michael Jackson; "Rock the Kasbah" dei Clash; "Stairway to Heaven" dei Led Zeppelin; "Falco a metà" di Gianluca Grignani; "Come Undone" dei Duran Duran.


We will re-propose some key episodes of Emmanuel's story, alternating them somewhat randomly.

Let's start with the scene of his eighteenth birthday.


Dedicated to Gianluca Grignani.

This chapter is a turning point for Emmanuel's story. Emmanuel turns 18, an important milestone in anyone's life. His companions and friends are present at his party, but there's also Antonia, with whom the boy has a rather harsh clash at the end of the evening, which culminates in an unexpected confession of love.

He tries to hide the truth from her, but in the end, left alone with himself, he is forced to admit that he is bad. The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

During the episode you can listen to covers or live versions of the following songs: "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson; "Rock the Kasbah" by The Clash; "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin; "Falco a metà" by Gianluca Grignani; "Come Undone" by Duran Duran.

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2.13. Some nice girls (Michelle starts destroying Emmanuel)

Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:38:05 GMT

There are moments in which virile pride suffers very severe blows: it hasn't happened to Emmanuel yet, but Michelle known as Gerti provides in this sense, ruthless and indifferent as always.

The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

During the episode you can hear a cover of "Michelle" by The Beatles and "Gouge Away" by The Pixies (instrumental and live).

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2.13. Certe brave ragazze (Michelle inizia a distruggere Emmanuel)

Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:50:13 GMT

Ci sono momenti in cui l'orgoglio virile subisce colpi durissimi: ad Emmanuel non è ancora successo, ma in tal senso provvede Michelle detta Gerti, spietata e indifferente come sempre. Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio ed Elisa Gandolfi. Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare una cover di "Michelle" dei Beatles e "Gouge Away" dei Pixies (versione strumentale e live).


There are moments in which virile pride suffers very severe blows: it hasn't happened to Emmanuel yet, but Michelle known as Gerti provides in this sense, ruthless and indifferent as always. The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi. During the episode you can hear a cover of "Michelle" by The Beatles and "Gouge Away" by The Pixies (instrumental and live).

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2.12. Can we talk? (My brother notices I'm sick)

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 21:53:01 GMT

Michele, seriously worried about his brother Emmanuel's condition, asks him for a face-to-face conversation. The boy reluctantly accepts, but in the end he realizes that his brother's initiative is dictated by a deep affection towards him.

An affection, despite everything, reciprocated.

The interpreter is George (AI).

The songs used throughout the episode are Infinite Stream's "Autumn Waltz", "Winter Waltz" and "Childhood".

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2.12. Possiamo parlare? (Mio fratello si accorge che sto male)

Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:43:46 GMT

Michele, seriamente preoccupato per le condizioni di suo fratello Emmanuel, gli chiede un colloquio a quattr'occhi. Il ragazzo accetta con riluttanza, ma alla fine si rende conto che l'iniziativa di suo fratello è dettata da un profondo affetto nei suoi confronti.

Un affetto, nonostante tutto, ricambiato.

L'interpete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Le musiche utilizzate nel corso dell'episodio sono "Autumn Waltz" e "Childhood" di Infinite Stream.


Michele, seriously worried about his brother Emmanuel's condition, asks him for a face-to-face conversation. The boy reluctantly accepts, but in the end he realizes that his brother's initiative is dictated by a deep affection towards him.

An affection, despite everything, reciprocated.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

The songs used throughout the episode are Infinite Stream's "Autumn Waltz" and "Childhood".

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2.11. Like an Angel - feat. Emmanuel himself (Michelle and Emmanuel discover the sex of Angels)

Sat, 13 Jan 2024 00:27:12 GMT

An alternate version of this episode, in which Emmanuel himself sings Elliott Smith's "Between The Bars" and his voice is quite different.

The relationship between Emmanuel and Michelle takes a murky and intense turn: it would risk turning into a real love relationship... if only Michelle were capable of loving.

Emmanuel, unfortunately for him, is.

The interpreters are Willie and Frieda (AI).

Covers of the following songs can be heard throughout the episode: Sonic Youth's "Shadow of a doubt" (cover by Black Tape For A Blue Girl), The Beatles' "Michelle" and Elliott Smith's "Between the bars" (cover by Emmanuel) .

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2.11. Like an Angel - feat. Elliott Smith (Michelle and Emmanuel discover the sex of Angels)

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:02:50 GMT

In this episode Emmanuel discovers, thanks to Michelle known as Gerti, that he has considerable chances of success... as a woman! Maybe not exactly the best for him, but still a point in his favor, with a woman like Michelle.

Meanwhile the relationship between him and Michelle takes a murky and intense turn: it would risk turning into a real love relationship... if only Michelle were capable of loving.

Emmanuel, unfortunately for him, is.

The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

Covers of the following songs can be heard throughout the episode: Sonic Youth's "Shadow of a doubt" (cover by Black Tape For A Blue Girl), The Beatles' "Michelle" and Elliott Smith's "Between the bars" (cover by Hudson McVay) .

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2.11. Come un angelo - feat. Elliott Smith (Michelle e Emmanuel scoprono il sesso degli angeli)

Tue, 12 Sep 2023 16:30:53 GMT

In questo episodio Emmanuel scopre, grazie a Michelle detta Gerti, di avere notevoli chance di successo... come donna! Forse non proprio il massimo per lui, ma comunque un punto a suo favore, con una donna come lei.

Intanto il rapporto tra lui e Michelle prende una piega torbida e intensa e rischierebbe di trasformarsi in un vero e proprio rapporto d'amore... se solo Michelle fosse capace di amare. Emmanuel, purtroppo per lui, lo è.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover dei seguenti brani: "Shadow of a doubt" dei Sonic Youth (cover di Black Tape For A Blue Girl), "Michelle" dei Beatles e "Between the bars" di Elliott Smith (cover di Hudson McVay).


Like an Angel.

The relationship between Emmanuel and Michelle takes a murky and intense turn: it would risk turning into a real love relationship... if only Michelle were capable of loving. Emmanuel, unfortunately for him, is.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

Covers of the following songs can be heard throughout the episode: Sonic Youth's "Shadow of a doubt" (cover by Black Tape For A Blue Girl), The Beatles' "Michelle" and Elliott Smith's "Between the bars" (cover by Hudson McVay) .

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2.10. Michelle K. - Alternate Version (What's the point of a painting that can't be seen?)

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:39:28 GMT


The previous version of "Michelle K. - The Cursed Painting" was blocked for copyright infringement, as it used the original version of a couple of songs.

In this edition of the episode there are only alternative versions (copyright free) of the following songs: "Mad World" by Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" by Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" by the Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" by Neil Diamond (cover by Bert Voordeckers).


Emmanuel allows himself to be completely overwhelmed by the perverse and anomalous relationship with Michelle K., without realizing that he is getting himself into quite serious trouble. He does not seem able to understand, even when faced with the evidence of a "cursed" painting, the negativity of the environment to which the woman belongs.

Humiliated by her, he finds a way to take revenge: this deludes him into thinking he can win the game, when in fact he simply won a round.

The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

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2.10. Michelle K. - Versione alternativa (Che senso ha un quadro che non si può vedere?)

Sat, 09 Sep 2023 20:45:41 GMT


Proponiamo una versione alternativa di "Michelle K. - Il quadro maledetto", dato che la precedente è stata bloccata per violazione del copyright, poiché presentava la versione originale di un paio di brani musicali.

In questa edizione dell'episodio sono presenti solo versioni alternative (copyright free) dei seguenti brani: "Mad World" di Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" di Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" degli Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" di Neil Diamond (cover di Bert Voordeckers).


Emmanuel si lascia travolgere completamente dal rapporto perverso e anomalo con Michelle K., senza rendersi conto che si sta cacciando in un guaio piuttosto serio. Non sembra in grado di intuire, neppure scontrandosi con l'evidenza di un quadro "maledetto", la negatività dell'ambiente cui appartiene la donna.

Umiliato da lei, riesce però a trovare il modo di vendicarsi: questo lo illude di poter vincere la partita, quando invece ha semplicemente vinto un round.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.


N.B.: The previous version of "Michelle K. - The Cursed Painting" was blocked for copyright infringement, as it used the original version of a couple of songs.

In this edition of the episode there are only alternative versions (copyright free) of the following songs: "Mad World" by Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" by Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" by the Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" by Neil Diamond (cover by Bert Voordeckers).


Emmanuel allows himself to be completely overwhelmed by the perverse and anomalous relationship with Michelle K., without realizing that he is getting himself into quite serious trouble. He does not seem able to understand, even when faced with the evidence of a "cursed" painting, the negativity of the environment to which the woman belongs.

Humiliated by her, he finds a way to take revenge.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

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2.10. Michelle K. (A forbidden painting and a little revenge)

Thu, 07 Sep 2023 10:16:59 GMT

Emmanuel lets himself be completely overwhelmed by the perverse and anomalous relationship with Michelle K., without realizing that he is getting into quite serious trouble. Even colliding with the evidence of a "cursed" picture, he does not seem able to intuit the negativity of the environment to which the woman belongs. The interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

Covers or alternate versions of the following songs can be heard throughout the episode: "Mad World" by Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" by Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" by the Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" by Neil Diamond (cover by Bert Voordeckers).

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2.10. Michelle K. (Un dipinto proibito e una piccola vendetta)

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 17:00:58 GMT

Emmanuel non sembra rendersi conto che si sta cacciando in un guaio piuttosto serio. Non comprende, neppure scontrandosi con l'evidenza di un quadro "maledetto", la negatività dell'ambiente cui appartiene Michelle K.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o versioni alternative dei seguenti brani: "Mad World" di Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" di Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" degli Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" di Neil Diamond (cover di Bert Voordeckers).


Emmanuel lets himself be completely overwhelmed by the perverse and anomalous relationship with Michelle K., without realizing that he is getting into quite serious trouble. Even colliding with the evidence of a "cursed" picture, he does not seem able to intuit the negativity of the environment to which the woman belongs.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

Covers or alternate versions of the following songs can be heard throughout the episode: "Mad World" by Gary Jules, "Masked Ball" by Jocelyn Pook, "When it's Over" by the Wipers, "Girl You'll be a Woman Soon" by Neil Diamond (cover by Bert Voordeckers).

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2.9. The Perfect Metaphor (The little mouse falls into the trap)

Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:00:40 GMT

Dedicated to Thurston Moore.

What was Emmanuel hiding in the previous episode?

His relationship with Michelle, known as Gerti. A new character, already briefly glimpsed in episode 2.3. "Moon in Hell", where she appeared as a dancer: a woman as fascinating as she is dangerous, who attracts Emmanuel into her network of seduction, drugs and occult interests, typical of esoteric Turin.

A period of delirium of the senses with tragic and disturbing implications begins for the boy.

The Interpreters are George and Frieda (AI).

During the episode you can hear parts of the following songs: "Brother James" and "Junkie's Promise" by Sonic Youth, "Hey" (instrumental version) and "Into the White" by the Pixies, "Sacrifice" by Jocelyn Pook.

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2.9. La metafora perfetta (Il topolino cade in trappola)

Wed, 30 Aug 2023 15:48:22 GMT

Dedicato a Thurston Moore.

Cosa stava nascondendo Emmanuel nell'episodio precedente?

Il suo rapporto con Michelle, detta Gerti. Un nuovo personaggio, già intravisto di scorcio nell'episodio 2.3. "Moon in Hell", dove appariva come ballerina: una donna tanto affascinante quanto pericolosa, che attira Emmanuel nella sua rete fatta di seduzione, droga e interessi occulti, tipici della Torino esoterica.

Inizia per il ragazzo un periodo di delirio dei sensi dai risvolti tragici e inquietanti.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare parti dei seguenti brani: "Brother James" e "Junkie's Promise" dei Sonic Youth, "Hey" (versione strumentale) e "Into the White" dei Pixies, "Sacrifice" di Jocelyn Pook.


What was Emmanuel hiding in the previous episode?

His relationship with Michelle, known as Gerti.

A new character, already briefly glimpsed in episode 2.3. "Moon in Hell", where she appeared as a dancer: a woman as fascinating as she is dangerous, who attracts Emmanuel into her network of seduction, drugs and occult interests, typical of esoteric Turin.

A period of delirium of the senses with tragic and disturbing implications begins for the boy.

The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

During the episode you can hear parts of the following songs: "Brother James" and "Junkie's Promise" by Sonic Youth, "Hey" (Instrumental version) and "Into the White" by the Pixies, "Sacrifice" by Jocelyn Pook.

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2.8. Great (The boy is hiding something from me)

Sat, 26 Aug 2023 07:29:24 GMT

From the voice of the maid Teresa, Antonia (AI Abigail) learns that Emmanuel is with a new girl, who is having a strange, chilling effect on him.Excerpts from Lana Del Rey's "Pretty When You Cry", Thom Yorke's "Suspirium" and Sonic Youth's "Inhuman" can be heard in the episode.

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2.8. Alla grande (Il ragazzo mi sta nascondendo qualcosa)

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 06:36:33 GMT

Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) apprende dalla voce della domestica Teresa che Emmanuel sta con una nuova ragazza, che gli sta facendo un effetto strano e preoccupante.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti da "Pretty When You Cry" di Lana Del Rey, "Suspirium" di Thom Yorke e "Inhuman" dei Sonic Youth.


Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi), from the voice of the maid Teresa, learns that Emmanuel is with a new girl, who is having a strange, chilling effect on him.

Excerpts from Lana Del Rey's "Pretty When You Cry", Thom Yorke's "Suspirium" and Sonic Youth's "Inhuman" can be heard in the episode.

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2.7. Weeds (The bitter taste of failure)

Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:59:58 GMT

What's happening to Emmanuel? After the relationship with Antonio, which lasted only a few weeks, the boy reflects on his umpteenth sentimental failure and finds himself immersed in a chaos from which he doesn't know how to get out. This episode is a sort of confused, at times paranoid stream of consciousness that takes us inside his restless and troubled psyche, which can no longer find a balance point. The narrator is Geroge (AI). The following songs can be heard in the episode:"This is the day" by Captain Beefheart, "Moon in June" by Soft Machine, "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who.

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2.7. Weeds (Il sapore amaro del fallimento)

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 09:00:04 GMT

Finito il rapporto con Antonio, durato solo poche settimane, Emmanuel riflette sul suo ennesimo fallimento sentimentale e si ritrova immerso in un marasma dal quale non sa come uscire.

Questo episodio è una sorta di confuso, a tratti paranoico stream of consciousness che ci porta all'interno della sua psiche inquieta e turbata, che non riesce più a trovare un punto di equilibrio.

Il narratore è Paolo Malgioglio.

Nella puntata si possono ascoltare i seguenti brani: "This is the day" di Captain Beefheart, "Moon in June" dei Soft Machine, "See me, feel me" da "Tommy" degli Who.


What's happening to Emmanuel?

After the relationship with Antonio, which lasted only a few weeks, the boy reflects on his umpteenth sentimental failure and finds himself immersed in a chaos from which he doesn't know how to get out.

This episode is a sort of confused, at times paranoid stream of consciousness that takes us inside his restless and troubled psyche, which can no longer find a balance point.

The narrator is Paolo Malgioglio.

The following songs can be heard in the episode: "This is the day" by Captain Beefheart, "Moon in June" by Soft Machine, "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who.

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2.6. Air Pockets (Antonio tells his story with Emmanuel)

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:42:09 GMT

Finally the story between Emmanuel and Antonio begins, during a school trip to Sicily. It will be destined to last a few weeks, but it will leave a deep mark on both of them.Antonio, deeply fascinated by Emmanuel, doesn't know how to manage such an anomalous relationship, which puts his entire inner world in crisis.Let's listen to the story from the voice of Antonio himself (AI George).The following songs can be heard throughout the episode: "Suspirium" by Thom Yorke, "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who, "This is the day" by Captain Beefheart.

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2.6. Vuoti d'aria (Antonio racconta la sua storia con Emmanuel)

Sat, 12 Aug 2023 16:05:39 GMT

Finalmente ha inizio la storia tra Emmanuel e Antonio, durante una gita scolastica in Sicilia. Sarà destinata a durare poche settimane, ma lascerà un profondo segno in entrambi.

Antonio, profondamente affascinato da Emmanuel, non sa come gestire un rapporto così anomalo, che mette in crisi tutto il suo mondo interiore.

Ascoltiamo il racconto dalla voce dello stesso Antonio (Paolo Malgioglio).

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare i seguenti brani: "Suspirium" di Thom Yorke (versione strumentale), "See me, feel me" tratto da "Tommy" degli Who, "This is the day" di Captain Beefheart.


Finally the story between Emmanuel and Antonio begins, during a school trip to Sicily. It will be destined to last a few weeks, but it will leave a deep mark on both of them.

Antonio, deeply fascinated by Emmanuel, doesn't know how to manage such an anomalous relationship, which puts his entire inner world in crisis.

Let's listen to the story from the voice of Antonio himself (Paolo Malgioglio).

The following songs can be heard throughout the episode: "Suspirium" by Thom Yorke (instrumental version), "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who, "This is the day" by Captain Beefheart.

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2.5. Ode to Jealousy (Come on, admit it, you're dying of jealousy...)

Sun, 06 Aug 2023 19:56:47 GMT

Antonia is back on stage with a new interpreter: Abigail (AI).

How will she be experiencing the end of her relationship with Emmanuel (which she herself provoked)?

Apparently with a lot of difficulty.

Emmanuel, now seventeen, has set out "by other paths", but still cultivates the relationship with her in some indirect way.

Here we see him asking for her help with a difficult Greek test.

The interpreters are Abigail and George (AI).

In the episode you can listen to two splendid pieces by Franz Schubert: "Serenade" and the Trio op. 100 - Andante con moto (made famous by Stanley Kubrick in the wonderful candlelight scene from "Barry Lyndon").

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2.5. Ode della gelosia (Dai, ammettilo che stai morendo di gelosia...)

Sun, 06 Aug 2023 06:58:29 GMT

Torna in scena Antonia. Come starà vivendo la fine del suo rapporto con Emmanuel (da lei stessa provocata)?

A quanto pare con molta difficoltà.

Emmanuel, ormai diciassettenne, si è incamminato "per altre vie", ma coltiva ancora in qualche modo indiretto il rapporto con lei. Qui lo vediamo chiedere il suo aiuto per una difficile interrogazione di greco.

Gli interpreti sono Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare due splendidi brani di Franz Schubert: "Serenade" e il Trio op. 100 - Andante con moto (reso celebre da Stanley Kubrick nella famosa scena a lume di candela di "Barry Lyndon").


Ode to jealousy.

Antonia is back on stage. How will she be experiencing the end of her relationship with Emmanuel (which she herself provoked)?

Apparently with a lot of difficulty.

Emmanuel, now seventeen, has set out "by other paths", but still cultivates the relationship with her in some indirect way. Here we see him asking for her help with a difficult Greek test.

The interpreters are Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio.

In the episode you can listen to two splendid pieces by Franz Schubert: "Serenade" and the Trio op. 100 - Andante con moto (made famous by Stanley Kubrick in the famous candlelight scene from "Barry Lyndon").

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2.4. That is, precisely at the level Special Edition - feat. Adriano Celentano (A bunch of funny hipsters)

Sun, 26 Nov 2023 22:38:30 GMT

A special edition of this episode performed by two theater actors, Stefano Romano (who plays all the male roles) and Erika Piroscia (who gives voice to all the female ones).

Emmanuel is currently engaged (so to speak) in a very casual relationship with Elettra, the leader of Tantras, a theater group whose members are Italian-Americans: one evening he witnesses an Ionesco-style dialogue between the members of the group and reports it to us verbatim.

What emerges is the surreal picture of a group of distraught but funny people.

During the episode you can listen to "Prisencolinensinainciusol" by Adriano Celentano.

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2.4. Cioè proprio a livello - Special Edition bis - feat. Gianni Togni (Una banda di irresisitibili fricchettoni)

Sun, 19 Nov 2023 23:31:05 GMT

Una versione alternativa dell'edizione speciale di questo episodio che ha riscosso un buon successo fra gli ascoltatori del podcast: gli interpreti sono due attori di teatro, Stefano Romano (che interpreta tutti i ruoli maschili) e Erika Piroscia (che dà voce a tutti quelli femminili).

Dopo tanto soffrire per amore, Emmanuel ha voglia di divertirsi.

Attualmente è impegnato (si fa per dire) in un rapporto molto disinvolto con Elettra, la leader dei Tantra (una compagnia teatrale torinese).

Una sera assiste ad un dialogo alla Ionesco fra i membri del gruppo e ce lo riporta alla lettera.

Ne emerge il quadro surreale di un gruppo di stravolti, con cui il protagonista passa spensieratamente il suo tempo per dimenticare il suo malessere, in attesa di capire se il suo rapporto con Antonio (con cui, a differenza che con Elettra, fa sul serio) potrà decollare.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover o versioni strumentali di "Giulia" di Gianni Togni: l'ultima è la cover del Solito Dandy a X Factor.


An alternative version of the special edition of this episode which was very successful among podcast listeners: the performers are two theater actors, Stefano Romano (who plays all the male roles) and Erika Piroscia (who gives voice to all the female ones).

After so much suffering for love, Emmanuel wants to have fun.

He is currently engaged (so to speak) in a very casual relationship with Elettra, the leader of Tantra (a Turin theater company).

One evening he witnesses an Ionesco-style dialogue between the members of the group and reports it to us verbatim.

What emerges is the surreal picture of a group of distraught people, with whom the protagonist carelessly spends his time to forget his discomfort, waiting to understand if his relationship with Antonio (with whom, unlike with Elettra, he is serious) will be able to take off.

During the episode you can listen to covers or instrumental versions of "Giulia" by Gianni Togni: the last is the cover of Solito Dandy on X Factor.

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2.4. Cioè proprio a livello - Special Edition - feat. Franco Battiato (Quattro risate con i Tantra)

Sun, 12 Nov 2023 21:18:09 GMT

Un'edizione speciale di questo episodio che ha riscosso un discreto successo fra gli ascoltatori del podcast: gli interpreti sono due attori di teatro, Stefano Romano (che interpreta tutti i ruoli maschili) e Erika Piroscia (che dà voce a tutti quelli femminili).

Dopo tanto soffrire per amore, Emmanuel ha voglia di divertirsi.

Attualmente è impegnato (si fa per dire) in un rapporto molto disinvolto con Elettra, la leader dei Tantra (una compagnia teatrale torinese).

Una sera assiste ad un dialogo alla Ionesco fra i membri del gruppo e ce lo riporta alla lettera.

Ne emerge il quadro surreale di un gruppo di stravolti, con cui il protagonista passa spensieratamente il suo tempo per dimenticare il suo malessere, in attesa di capire se il suo rapporto con Antonio (con cui, a differenza che con Elettra, fa sul serio) potrà decollare.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e live di "Centro di gravità permanente" e di "Bandiera bianca" di Franco Battiato.


A special edition of this episode which has been quite successful among podcast listeners: the performers are two theater actors, Stefano Romano (who plays all the male roles) and Erika Piroscia (who gives voice to all the female ones).

After so much suffering for love, Emmanuel wants to have fun.

He is currently engaged (so to speak) in a very casual relationship with Elettra, the leader of Tantra (a Turin theater company).

One evening he witnesses an Ionesco-style dialogue between the members of the group and reports it to us verbatim.

What emerges is the surreal picture of a group of distraught people, with whom the protagonist carelessly spends his time to forget his discomfort, waiting to understand if his relationship with Antonio (with whom, unlike with Elettra, he is serious) will be able to take off.

During the episode you can listen to covers and live versions of Franco Battiato's "Centro di Gravità Permanente" and "Bandiera bianca".

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2.4. That is, precisely at the level (Emmanuel has fun with a group of freaks)

Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:34:26 GMT

After so much suffering, Emmanuel wants to have some fun.

He is currently engaged (so to speak) in a very relaxed relationship with Elettra, the leader of Tantras (a theater company in Turin).

One evening he witnesses an Ionesco-like dialogue between the members of the group and reports it to us verbatim.

What emerges is the surreal picture of a group of sympathetic bewildered people, with whom the protagonist spends his time carefree to forget his malaise, waiting to understand if his relationship with Antonio (with whom, unlike with Elettra, he is serious ) will be able to take off.

All the characters are AI.

At the beginning and at the end of the episode you can listen to an Italian "cult" song from the seventies, "Ho visto anche degli zingari felici (I also saw happy gypsies)" by Claudio Lolli, in the original version and in the excellent cover by Luca Carboni and Riccardo Sinigallia.

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2.4. Cioè proprio a livello (Emmanuel si diverte con un gruppo di fricchettoni)

Sat, 29 Jul 2023 16:07:13 GMT

Dopo tanto soffrire per amore, Emmanuel ha voglia di divertirsi.

Attualmente è impegnato (si fa per dire) in un rapporto molto disinvolto con Elettra, la leader dei Tantra (una compagnia teatrale torinese).

Una sera assiste ad un dialogo alla Ionesco fra i membri del gruppo e ce lo riporta alla lettera.

Ne emerge il quadro surreale di un gruppo di stravolti, con cui il protagonista passa spensieratamente il suo tempo per dimenticare il suo malessere, in attesa di capire se il suo rapporto con Antonio (con cui, a differenza che con Elettra, fa sul serio) potrà decollare.

Tutti i personaggi maschili sono interpretati da Paolo Malgioglio, quelli femminili da Elisa Gandolfi.

All'inzio e alla fine dell'episodio si può ascoltare un brano "cult" degli anni Settanta, "Ho visto anche degli zingari felici" di Claudio Lolli, in versione originale e nell'ottima cover di Luca Carboni e Riccardo Sinigallia.


This time Emmanuel wants to have fun.

Engaged (so to speak) in a very nonchalant relationship with Elettra, the leader of the Tantras (a theater company in Turin), he witnesses an Ionesco-like dialogue between the members of the group and reports it to us verbatim. What emerges is the surreal picture of a group of upset people, with whom the protagonist carelessly spends his time forgetting his malaise, waiting to see if his relationship with his friend Antonio will be able to take off.

All the male characters are played by Paolo Malgioglio, the female ones by Elisa Gandolfi.

At the beginning and at the end of the episode you can listen to a "cult" song from the seventies, "Ho visto anche degli zingari felici (I also saw happy gypsies)" by Claudio Lolli, in the original version and in the excellent cover by Luca Carboni and Riccardo Sinigallia.

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2.3. Moon in Hell (Emmanuel sees Michelle K. for the first time )

Tue, 25 Jul 2023 12:49:55 GMT

Guided by his personal Virgil, his friend Antonio, Emmanuel unknowingly begins his descent into the Underworld through the night clubs of alternative Turin. Here he comes into contact with a theater group, the Tantras, and embarks on a very casual relationship with their leader Elettra; meanwhile, in the Hell of the "Divina Commedia" pub, he sees for the first time Michelle, a woman destined to have a great weight in his life. But his attention is directed above all to Antonio, with whom he hopes to be able to start a serious relationship. All performers are AI.

The following live tracks can be heard in the episode:

Joni Mitchell's "California"; Laurie Anderson's "Born, Never Asked"; "Moon in June" by Soft Machine.

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2.3. Moon in Hell (Emmanuel vede Michelle K. per la prima volta)

Sun, 23 Jul 2023 15:56:35 GMT

Un episodio tutto torinese, che susciterà qualche ricordo in chi ha avuto l'occasione di frequentare i Murazzi negli anni '90. Emmanuel e Antonio si muovono attraverso il Doctor Sax, il Macondo, la Divina Commedia, mitici locali cittadini, alcuni dei quali purtroppo non esistono più, mentre dalla scuola di danza del Teatro Nuovo di Torino emerge l'astro nascente di Michelle Kershbaumer.

Guidato dal suo Virgilio personale, l'amico Antonio, Emmanuel inizia inconsapevolmente la sua discesa agli Inferi attraverso questi locali notturni.

Qui entra in contatto con un gruppo teatrale, i Tantra, ed intraprende un rapporto molto superficiale e disinvolto con la loro leader Elettra, rendendosi confusamente conto che sta sbandando e finendo una strada senza via d'uscita; intanto vede per la prima volta Michelle, che lo colpisce profondamente.

Ma per il momento la sua attenzione è rivolta soprattutto ad Antonio, con cui spera di riuscire ad avviare un rapporto serio.

La voce narrante (Emmanuel) è quella di Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare le seguenti tracce live:

"California" di Joni Mitchell; "Born, never asked" di Laurie Anderson; "Moon in June" dei Soft Machine.


An entirely Turinese episode, which will arouse some memories in those who had the opportunity to visit the Murazzi in the 90s. Emmanuel and Antonio move through the Doctor Sax, the Macondo, the Divine Comedy, legendary venues that unfortunately no longer exist, while the rising star of Michelle Kerschbaumer emerges from the dance school of the Teatro Nuovo in Turin.

Guided by his personal Virgil, his friend Antonio, Emmanuel unknowingly begins his descent into Hell through these nightclubs.

Here he comes into contact with a theatrical group, the Tantras, and embarks on a very superficial and casual relationship with their leader Elettra, confusedly realizing that she is skidding and ending up a road with no way out; meanwhile he sees Michelle for the first time, which affects him deeply.

But for the moment his attention is directed above all to Antonio, with whom he hopes to be able to start a serious relationship.

The narrator (Emmanuel) is Paolo Malgioglio.

The following live tracks can be heard in the episode:

Joni Mitchell's "California"; Laurie Anderson's "Born, Never Asked"; "Moon in June" by Soft Machine.

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2.2. Going other ways (And after Antonia, enter Antonio)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:21:34 GMT

Well, we didn't expect a homosexual crush from Emmanuel. Yet it is so.

Forced by Antonia to interrupt their relationship and to go "other ways" (see Episode n. 1.18 "Blackout"), the boy, in the throes of profound bewilderment, finds a point of reference in Antonio, the woman's namesake, a his schoolmate a couple of years older than him, politically engaged and a lover of music like him. In this common passion they will find common ground.

All interpreters are AI.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Hasta siempre commander Che Guevara" by Inti Illimani;

Robert Wyatt's "Las Vegas Tango";

"Venus de Milo" by Television;

Tim Buckley's "Pleasant Street";

Lou Reed's "Heroin";

Captain Beefheart's "Electricity";

"Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones.

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2.2. Per altre vie (E dopo Antonia, entra in scena Antonio)

Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:21:58 GMT

Diciamo la verità: una sbandata in senso omosessuale non ce la aspettavamo da Emmanuel. E invece...

Costretto da Antonia ad interrompere la loro relazione e ad andare "per altre vie" (vedi Episodio n. 1.18 "Blackout"), il ragazzo, in preda ad un profondo smarrimento, trova un punto di riferimento in Antonio, omonimo della donna, un suo compagno di scuola più grande di lui di un paio d'anni, politicamente impegnato ed amante come lui della musica. In questa passione comune troveranno un terreno d'intesa.

La voce è quella di Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti dalle seguenti tracce:

"Hasta siempre comandante Che Guevara" degli Inti Illimani;

"Las Vegas Tango" di Robert Wyatt;

"Venus de Milo" dei Television;

"Pleasant Street" di Tim Buckley;

"Heroin" di Lou Reed;

"Electricity" di Captain Beefheart;

"Gimme Shelter" dei Rolling Stones.

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2.1. The Rabbit Hole (The little mouse doesn't remember how it got trapped)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:17:08 GMT

The second part of the story begins here.

Emmanuel, released from the relationship with Antonia, is literally projected into another universe, where he finds it hard to orient himself and risks committing many serious missteps.

In retrospect, while writing the diary, he wonders how he got into Michelle's trap.

All interpreters are AI.

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2.1. La tana del Bianconiglio (Il topolino non ricorda come sia finito in trappola)

Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:21:43 GMT

Inizia qui la seconda parte della storia.

Emmanuel, uscito dal rapporto con Antonia, si trova letteralmente proiettato in un altro universo, dove stenta ad orientarsi e rischia di commettere molti e gravi passi falsi.

A posteriori, mentre scrive il diario, si domanda come abbia fatto a finire nella trappola di Michelle.

La voce narrante è quella di Paolo Malgioglio.

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2.7. Weeds (English Version) - Bonus track - feat. Eain Moon (A very hard failure)

Sat, 07 Oct 2023 18:06:33 GMT

After the relationship with Antonio, which lasted only a few weeks, the boy reflects on his umpteenth sentimental failure and finds himself immersed in a chaos from which he doesn't know how to get out. This episode is a sort of confused, at times paranoid stream of consciousness that takes us inside his restless and troubled psyche, which can no longer find a balance point. The narrator is Geroge (AI). The following songs can be heard in the episode: "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who and "Resurrection" by Eain Moon, whom we thank for the permission. :-)

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2.7. Weeds - Bonus track - feat. Eain Moon (Un fallimento molto pesante)

Sat, 07 Oct 2023 15:13:25 GMT

Finito il rapporto con Antonio, durato solo poche settimane, il ragazzo riflette sul suo ennesimo fallimento sentimentale e si ritrova immerso in un marasma dal quale non sa come uscire. Questo episodio è una sorta di confuso, a tratti paranoico stream of consciousness che ci porta all'interno della sua psiche inquieta e turbata, che non riesce più a trovare un punto di equilibrio. Il narratore è Paolo Malgioglio. Nella puntata si possono ascoltare i seguenti brani: "See me, feel me" da "Tommy" degli Who e "Resurrection" di Eain Moon, che ringraziamo per il permesso. :-)


After the relationship with Antonio, which lasted only a few weeks, the boy reflects on his umpteenth sentimental failure and finds himself immersed in a chaos from which he doesn't know how to get out. This episode is a sort of confused, at times paranoid stream of consciousness that takes us inside his restless and troubled psyche, which can no longer find a balance point. The narrator is Paolo Malgioglio. The following songs can be heard in the episode: "See me, feel me" from "Tommy" by The Who and "Resurrection" by Eain Moon, whom we thank for the permission. :-)

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Cinque episodi fondamentali della Prima Stagione

Sun, 25 Aug 2024 20:48:26 GMT

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Cinque episodi fondamentali della Prima Stagione

Il podcast si avvia alla conclusione della Quarta Stagione, che è la penultima.

Per chi si fosse messo all'ascolto da poco, riportiamo qui i link a cinque episodi fondamentali della Prima Stagione:

1. It takes two to tango (Emmanuel trova il coraggio di farsi avanti con Antonia, la sua insegnante privata);

2 Certi bravi ragazzi (Frédéric, viziato e annoiato, violenta Antonia per dimostrare la sua superiorità);

3. Terapie alternative (La prima volta di Emmanuel e Antonia, reduce dalla violenza carnale di Frédéric);

4. Doppio fallo (Antonia tradisce Emmanuel con Frédéric e il loro rapporto frana rovinosamente);

5. Blackout (Dopo la morte del suo cane e una lunga parentesi di solitudine, Emmanuel si ritrova solo al buio con Antonia durante una notte terribile).

Buon ascolto!


The podcast is coming to the end of Season Four, which is the penultimate one.

For those who have just started listening, here are the links to five key episodes of Season One:

1. It takes two to tango (Emmanuel finds the courage to come forward with Antonia, his private teacher);

2 Some good guys (Frédéric, spoiled and bored, rapes Antonia to prove his superiority);

3. Alternative therapies (The first time of Emmanuel and Antonia, recovering from Frédéric's rape);

4. Double foul (Antonia cheats on Emmanuel with Frédéric and their relationship collapses disastrously);

5. Blackout (After the death of his dog and a long period of solitude, Emmanuel is left alone in the dark with Antonia during a terrible night).

Enjoy listening!

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1.18. Blackout - Bonus track - feat. Conil (Era una notte buia e tempestosa... e noi eravamo soli in casa)

Sat, 17 Jun 2023 20:08:57 GMT

La prima stagione della storia di Emmanuel si è ufficialmente conclusa con il capitolo 17 ("Nessun decollo"), ma esiste un'appendice che vi proponiamo come "bonus track". Nella drammatica notte del 5 novembre 1994, che precede di poche ore la terribile alluvione del Piemonte, Emmanuel, in preda a una profonda depressione dopo la morte del suo cane Tegame, spera di avere ritrovato un rapporto sereno con Antonia rinunciando al sesso, ma ha l'amara sorpresa di scoprire che per lei le cose stanno ben diversamente: la donna non sembra intenzionata a coltivare il loro rapporto.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio e Elisa Gandolfi.

Nel corso dell'episodio si possono ascoltare una versione strumentale di "Music to Watch Boys" di Lana Del Rey e "Dog Meat Stew" di Conil, che ringraziamo di cuore per l'autorizzazione. :-)

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1.18. Blackout - Bonus track - feat. Conil (It was a dark and stormy night... and we were alone at home)

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 09:39:46 GMT

The first season of Emmanuel's story has officially ended with chapter 17 ("No take off"), but here's an appendix that we offer as a "bonus track".

On the dramatic night of 5 November 1994, which preceded the terrible flood in Piedmont by a few hours, Emmanuel, in the throes of a deep depression after the death of his dog Saucepan, hopes to have found a peaceful relationship with Antonia by giving up sex, but has the bitter surprise to discover that things are not like this for her.

The interpreters are George and Susan, both AI.

Throughout the episode you can listen to an instrumental version of "Music to Watch Boys" by Lana Del Rey and to "Dog Meat Stew" by Conil, which we thank very much for permission. :-)

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1.17. No take off - feat. Genesis (Surviving is not living)

Sun, 11 Jun 2023 09:12:45 GMT

This episode concludes the first part of Emmanuel's diary and the first season of the podcast. His story with Antonia ended in the worst way; the boy tries to distract himself with other girls, but discovers with great surprise the banality of sex with strangers. He enters a period of confusion and depression, which ends with a tragic event for him. After this story, the "old" Emmanuel of moped racing and trips to the river with his dog will no longer exist. If Emmanuel is to survive, he will have to find a new identity.

All performers are AI.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow;

"All that she wants" by Ace of Base;

"Anyway" by Genesis.

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1.17. Nessun decollo - feat. Genesis (Sopravvivere non è vivere)

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:18:01 GMT

La storia di Emmanuel con Antonia si è conclusa nel peggiore dei modi; il ragazzo non è riuscito a perdonarle il suo tradimento e l'ha costretta a rompere il loro rapporto.

Ora tenta di distrarsi con altre ragazze, ma scopre con grande sorpresa la banalità del sesso con estranei. Entra in un periodo di confusione e depressione, che si conclude con un evento per lui tragico.

Dopo questa vicenda, il "vecchio" Emmanuel delle corse in motorino e delle gite al fiume con il suo cane non esisterà più. Se Emmanuel vorrà farcela a sopravvivere, dovrà trovare una nuova identità.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio ed Elisa Gandolfi.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani o cover delle seguenti tracce:

"All I Wanna Do" di Sheryl Crow;

"All that she wants" degli Ace of Base;

"Anyway" dei Genesis.


This episode concludes the first part of Emmanuel's diary and the first season of the podcast (there will still be an 18th episode as a "bonus track").

His story with Antonia ended in the worst way; the boy tries to distract himself with other girls, but discovers with great surprise the banality of sex with strangers. He enters a period of confusion and depression, which ends with a tragic event for him.

After this story, the "old" Emmanuel of moped racing and trips to the river with his dog will no longer exist.If Emmanuel is to survive, he will have to find a new identity. The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow;

"All that she wants" by Ace of Base;

"Anyway" by Genesis.

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1.16. Omnipotence (I did love you once. They say the owl is a baker's daughter)

Sun, 04 Jun 2023 20:44:44 GMT

Antonia's betrayal (see Episode 15 "Double fault") has irreparably damaged the relationship between her and Emmanuel, but their mutual dependence makes them unable to put an end to their relationship, which takes on morbid connotations.

Emmanuel, seized by a fierce thirst for revenge, discovers the demonic side of her, which he did not know he possessed, and experiences all of her power on her, until she blows to pieces.

The narrator is George (AI).

Jeff Buckley's excellent cover of "Forget her" is performed by Henrique Vale.

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1.16. Onnipotenza (Dilexi tum te non tantum ut vulgus amicam...)

Sun, 04 Jun 2023 07:34:52 GMT

Il tradimento di Antonia (vedi Episodio 15 "Doppio fallo") ha irrimediabilmente incrinato il rapporto tra lei e Emmanuel, ma la loro dipendenza reciproca li rende incapaci di mettere fine al loro rapporto, che sta assumendo connotazioni morbose. Emmanuel, preso da una feroce sete di vendetta, scopre il suo lato demoniaco, che non sapeva di possedere, e sperimenta su di lei tutto il suo potere, fino a farla saltare in pezzi.

La voce narrante è quella di Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio).

La cover di "Forget her" di Jeff Buckley è interpretata dal bravissimo Henrique Vale.


Antonia's betrayal (see Episode 15 "Double fault") has irreparably damaged the relationship between her and Emmanuel, but their mutual dependence makes them unable to put an end to their relationship, which takes on morbid connotations.

Emmanuel, seized by a fierce thirst for revenge, discovers the demonic side of her, which he did not know he possessed, and experiences all of her power on her, until she blows to pieces.

The narrative voice is that of Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio).

Jeff Buckley's cover of "Forget her" is performed by the excellent Henrique Vale.

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1.15. Double foul (Antonia's puzzling betrayal)

Tue, 30 May 2023 06:15:46 GMT

A fairly dramatic episode that changes Emmanuel's life, a real psychodrama in which the characters reveal the pathological implications of their personalities: it marks a traumatic turning point in the relationship between Antonia and Emmanuel and causes an incurable fracture in the boy's hypersensitive psyche. Their story, which began a few months ago, is already on its way to an end: the boy reacts with pain and indignation to her betrayal and decides to end it with her, despite suffering a great deal. Antonia realizes too late that she has made an irreparable mistake.

The performers are Susan, George, Eric and Brandon, all AI.

The episode features excerpts from Weezer's "Say it ain't so" and an instrumental cover of the same song by Break of Reality. In the finale you can hear Kurt Cobain's voice singing the same song, which of course is impossible, being Weezer's Blue Album released a few months after his death.

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1.15. Doppio fallo (L'incomprensibile tradimento di Antonia)

Mon, 29 May 2023 08:19:47 GMT

Un episodio drammatico, che cambia la vita di Emmanuel, un vero e proprio psicodramma in cui i personaggi rivelano i risvolti patologici della loro personalità: segna una svolta traumatica nei rapporti fra Antonia ed Emmanuel e determina una frattura insanabile nella psiche ipersensibile del ragazzo. La loro storia, iniziata da pochi mesi, è già avviata alla fine: il ragazzo reagisce con dolore e sdegno ad un suo tradimento e decide di chiudere con lei, pur soffrendone moltissimo. Antonia comprende troppo tardi di avere commesso un errore irreparabile.

Gli interpreti sono, come sempre, Elisa Gandolfi e Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti da "Say it ain't so" degli Weezer e una cover strumentale dello stesso brano dei Break of Reality.

Nel finale potete sentire la voce di Kurt Cobain cantare lo stesso brano, cosa ovviamente impossibile, essendo il Blue Album dei Weezer uscito pochi mesi dopo la sua morte.


A fairly dramatic episode that changes Emmanuel's life, a real psychodrama in which the characters reveal the pathological implications of their personalities: it marks a traumatic turning point in the relationship between Antonia and Emmanuel and causes an incurable fracture in the boy's hypersensitive psyche. Their story, which began a few months ago, is already on its way to an end: the boy reacts with pain and indignation to her betrayal and decides to end it with her, despite suffering a great deal. Antonia realizes too late that she has made an irreparable mistake. The interpreters are, as always, Elisa Gandolfi and Paolo Malgioglio. The episode features excerpts from Weezer's "Say it ain't so" and an instrumental cover of the same song by Break of Reality. In the finale you can hear Kurt Cobain's voice singing the same song, which obviously is impossible, being Weezer's Blue Album released a few months after his death.

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1.14. Countdown (Antonia's time is running out)

Sun, 28 May 2023 19:31:01 GMT

Emmanuel has been sent by his parents to Cambridge for a study holiday. Antonia anxiously awaits his return, but when she sees him again she is incredibly surprised.The narrative voice is that of Antonia (AI Susan). The music of the ending is a remake of a famous song from 1994: try to recognize it yourself.

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1.14. Countdown (Il tempo di Antonia sta per scadere)

Sun, 28 May 2023 19:18:37 GMT

Emmanuel è stato mandato dai suoi a Cambridge per una vacanza di studio. Antonia attende trepidante il suo rientro, ma quando lo rivede rimane incredibilmente sorpresa. La voce narrante è quella di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi). I brani che si ascoltano nell'episodio sono "Stand by me" di Ben E. King e un bizzarro rifacimento di "Buddy Holly" degli Weezer.


Emmanuel has been sent by his parents to Cambridge for a study holiday. Antonia anxiously awaits his return, but when she sees him again she is incredibly surprised. The narrative voice is that of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi). The songs that play in the episode are "Stand by me" by Ben E. King and a bizarre remake of "Buddy Holly" by Weezer.

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1.13. The wind inside (From sex to love)

Sat, 27 May 2023 12:58:24 GMT

The story between Emmanuel and Antonia turns into an overwhelming physical experience, which shocks them both. The boy recalls those unforgettable moments, which coincide with the 1994 soccer World Cup. The performers are George and Susan, both AI.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Soma" by the Smashing Pumpkins;

"Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica.

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1.13. Il vento dentro (Dal sesso all'amore)

Sat, 27 May 2023 12:41:09 GMT

La storia tra Emmanuel e Antonia si trasforma in una travolgente esperienza fisica, che li sconvolge entrambi. Il ragazzo è completamente rapito da quell'esperienza e la vive con tutta la sua ingenua passionalità: resta da capire come reagirà Antonia.

Emmanuel rievoca quei momenti indimenticabili, che coincidono con i Mondiali di calcio del 1994. La voce narrante è quella di Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti dalle seguenti tracce:

"Soma" degli Smashing Pumpkins;

"Nothing Else Matters" dei Metallica.


The story between Emmanuel and Antonia turns into an overwhelming physical experience, which shocks them both. The boy is completely captivated by that experience and lives it with all his naive passion: it remains to be understood how Antonia will react.

Emmanuel recalls those unforgettable moments, which coincide with the 1994 soccer World Cup.

The narrator is Paolo Malgioglio.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Soma" by the Smashing Pumpkins;

"Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica.

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1.12. Alternative therapies (Emmanuel remembers his first time)

Fri, 02 Jun 2023 20:03:18 GMT

In loving memory of Jeff Buckley. For the first time we hear the narrative voice of Emmanuel. It is a crucial moment in his life: Antonia, raped by Frédéric (see episode n. 10), not finding the understanding of her boyfriend Michele, turns to him for help.It will be the beginning of their love story.

The performers are George and Susan (AI).

Excerpts from the following Jeff Buckey live tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Grace", "So real" and "Hallelujah".

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1.12. Terapie alternative (Emmanuel racconta la sua prima volta)

Fri, 26 May 2023 20:08:39 GMT

In loving memory of Jeff Buckley.

Per la prima volta ascoltiamo la voce narrante di Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio), che finora è stato semplicemente un personaggio visto attraverso gli occhi di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi). Ora la vicenda comincia ad essere filtrata attraverso il suo punto di vista.

E' un momento cruciale della sua vita: Antonia, violentata da Frédéric, non trovando la comprensione del fidanzato Michele, si rivolge a lui per aiuto. Sarà l'inizio della loro storia.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti dalle seguenti tracce live di Jeff Buckey:

"Grace", "So real" e "Hallelujah".


12. Alternative therapies.

In loving memory of Jeff Buckley.

For the first time we hear the narrative voice of Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio), who until now has simply been a character seen through the eyes of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi). Now the story begins to be filtered through his point of view.

It is a crucial moment in his life: Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi), raped by Frédéric, not finding the understanding of her boyfriend Michele, turns to him for help. It will be the beginning of their story.

Excerpts from the following Jeff Buckey live tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Grace", "So real" and "Hallelujah".

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1.11. Timing (Antonia doesn't know how to tell Michael the truth)

Tue, 06 Jun 2023 14:56:32 GMT

Antonia has been raped by Frédéric (see episode no. 10) and doesn't know how to tell her boyfriend Michele, who in turn doesn't seem to want to understand. The young man recalls his first meeting with Antonia and reflects on the difficulties of his relationship with her; then the two meet at their usual bar, where a dialogue between the deaf takes place. Antonia can't make herself understood by him and is more alone than ever. The performers are George and Susan (both AI).

In the episode you can hear excerpts from the following live tracks:

"From the Beginning" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer;

"Sparring Partner" by Paolo Conte.

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1.11. Tempisti (Antonia non sa come dire la verità a Michele)

Fri, 26 May 2023 17:56:40 GMT

Antonia è stata violentata da Frédéric e non sa come dirlo a Michele, che a sua volta non sembra voler capire.Il giovane rievoca il suo primo incontro con Antonia e riflette sulle difficoltà del suo rapporto con lei; poi i due s'incontrano al loro solito bar, dove si svolge un dialogo tra sordi.Antonia è più sola che mai .

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio ed Elisa Gandolfi.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani tratti dalle seguenti tracce live:

"From the Beginning" di Emerson, Lake & Palmer;

"Sparring Partner" di Paolo Conte.


11. Timing

Antonia has been raped by Frédéric and doesn't know how to tell Michele, who in turn doesn't seem to want to understand. The young man recalls his first meeting with Antonia and reflects on the difficulties of his relationship with her; then the two meet at their usual bar, where a dialogue between the deaf takes place. Antonia is more alone than ever. The performers are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

In the episode you can hear excerpts from the following live tracks:

"From the Beginning" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer;

"Sparring Partner" by Paolo Conte.

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1.10. Some Good Guys Experimental Edition - feat. new generation AIs (Frédéric, a charming scoundrel, rapes Antonia)

Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:33:04 GMT

This episode is an experiment.

Two new generation AIs, Matt and Kendra, try their hand at interpreting this episode from the first season of the podcast. Maybe we can't (yet) talk about real acting, but their naturalness is surprising.

For those who don't know this episode yet, it's this: Frédéric Valentino suddenly bursts into Antonia's life, a charming young engineer with some mental problems. In episode no. 1.8 ("Frédéric Valentino") the young man had explained his plan to "prove himself" with Antonia, essentially by raping her. Now we see him put his plan into action.

A period of profound internal crisis begins for Antonia, which will unfortunately also involve Emmanuel: the woman will be forced to discover the dark areas of her personality.

In the episode you can listen to covers and songs of the following tracks: Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal"; "Du hast" by Rammstein; Mozart's "Requiem".

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1.10. Certi bravi ragazzi - Special Edition (Frédéric, un'affascinante canaglia, violenta Antonia)

Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:48:37 GMT

Stefano Romano e Erika Piroscia, attori di teatro, reinterpretano per voi questa scena della prima stagione del podcast.

Nella vita di Antonia irrompe improvvisamente Frédéric Valentino, affascinante giovane ingegnere con qualche turba psichica.

Nell'episodio n. 1.8 ("Frédéric Valentino") il giovane aveva esposto il suo progetto di "mettersi alla prova" con Antonia, sostanzialmente stuprandola. Ora lo vediamo mettere in atto il suo piano.

Per Antonia inizia un periodo di profondissima crisi interiore, che coinvolgerà, purtroppo, anche Emmanuel: la donna sarà costretta a scoprire le zone buie della sua personalità.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e brani delle seguenti tracce:

"Smooth criminal" di Michael Jackson; "Du hast" dei Rammstein; "Requiem" di Mozart.


Stefano Romano and Erika Piroscia, theater actors, reinterpret for you this scene from the first season of the podcast.

Frédéric Valentino suddenly bursts into Antonia's life, a charming young engineer with some mental problems. In episode no. 1.8 ("Frédéric Valentino") the young man had explained his plan to "prove himself" with Antonia, essentially by raping her. Now we see him put his plan into action.

A period of profound internal crisis begins for Antonia, which will unfortunately also involve Emmanuel: the woman will be forced to discover the dark areas of her personality.

In the episode you can listen to covers and songs of the following tracks: Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal"; "Du hast" by Rammstein; Mozart's "Requiem".

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1.10. Some Nice Guys (Gentlemen, I'm bored: this evening I'm going to rape Antonia)

Thu, 25 May 2023 18:37:41 GMT

Some men cultivate a great love for luxury objects, aesthetically perfect, ideal status symbols: in the case of Frédéric Valentino it is his black Porsche Carrera (strictly male). Women on the other hand are considered a simple pastime.

Frédéric Valentino is one of these subjects: a charming young engineer with some mental problems, in episode no. 8 ("Frédéric Valentino") had exposed his plan to "prove himself" with Antonia, essentially by raping her. Well, now we see him putting his plan into action.

For Antonia a period of profound inner crisis begins: she will be forced to discover the dark areas of her personality.

All performers are AI.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Rape me" and "Drain You" by Nirvana;

"Requiem" by Mozart.

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1.10. Certi bravi ragazzi (Signori, mi annoio: questa sera violento Antonia)

Thu, 25 May 2023 18:29:08 GMT

Certi uomini coltivano un grande amore per oggetti di lusso, esteticamente perfetti, status-symbol ideali: nel caso di Frédéric Valentino si tratta del suo Porsche Carrera nero (rigorosamente maschio). Le donne invece sono considerate un semplice passatempo.

Frédéric Valentino è uno di questi soggetti: affascinante giovane ingegnere con qualche turba psichica, nell'episodio n. 8 ("Frédéric Valentino") aveva esposto il suo progetto di "mettersi alla prova" con Antonia, sostanzialmente stuprandola. Ebbene, ora lo vediamo mettere in atto il suo piano.

Per Antonia inizia un periodo di profondissima crisi interiore: sarà costretta a scoprire le zone buie della sua personalità.

La voce narrante è quella di Frédéric stesso (Paolo Malgioglio); Antonia è interpretata da Elisa Gandolfi.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e brani delle seguenti tracce:

"Rape me" e "Drain You" dei Nirvana;

"Requiem" di Mozart.


Some men cultivate a great love for luxury objects, aesthetically perfect, ideal status symbols: in the case of Frédéric Valentino it is his black Porsche Carrera (strictly male). Women on the other hand are considered a simple pastime.

Frédéric Valentino is one of these subjects: a charming young engineer with some mental problems, in episode no. 8 ("Frédéric Valentino") had exposed his plan to "prove himself" with Antonia, essentially by raping her. Well, now we see him putting his plan into action.

For Antonia a period of profound inner crisis begins: she will be forced to discover the dark areas of her personality.

The narrative voice is that of Frédéric himself (Paolo Malgioglio); Antonia is played by Elisa Gandolfi.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Rape me" and "Drain You" by Nirvana;

"Requiem" by Mozart.

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1.9. On the other side (I'll keep my promise. And you, Antonia?)

Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:05:00 GMT

This is Emmanuel and Antonia's last meeting at the river, before the story takes an unexpected and somewhat dramatic turn; the story of Emmanuel's dog, Tegame (Saucepan), serves as a sinister premonition.

The narrative voice is that of Bella, Emmanuel is performed by George (both AI).

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1.9. Dall'altra parte - feat. Metallica (Io manterrò la mia promessa. E tu, Antonia?)

Wed, 24 May 2023 14:10:36 GMT

Questo è l'ultimo incontro di Emmanuel e Antonia al fiume, prima che la storia prenda una piega imprevista e alquanto drammatica; la vicenda del cane di Emmanuel, Tegame, funge da sinistra premonizione. La voce narrante è quella di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi).

La colonna sonora è una versione in stile medioevale di "Nothing else matters" dei Metallica.


9. On the other side

This is Emmanuel and Antonia's last meeting at the river, before the story takes an unexpected and somewhat dramatic turn; the story of Emmanuel's dog, Tegame (Saucepan), serves as a sinister premonition.

The narrative voice is that of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi).

The soundtrack is a medieval-style version of "Nothing else matters" by Metallica.

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1.8. Frédéric Valentino (How the idea of raping a girl was born in me)

Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:45:01 GMT

Have you ever wondered what goes through a potential abuser's head the moment he sets eyes on his victim? How does he reason, what strange mechanisms are triggered in his psyche? What alibi does he create to justify his intention? We have the opportunity to hear it from Frédéric Valentino known as Freddy, a character destined to play a crucial role in the story: a charming Italian-Swiss son of a psychiatrist, he is a lucid deranged fully aware of his own psychic pathologies. The interpreter is Eric (AI).

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Farfallina" by Luca Carboni (cover by Red Sprecacenere);

"She's Lost Control" by Joy Division;

"Voices of Angels" by Hildegard von Bingen.

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1.8. Frédéric Valentino (Come è nata in me l'idea di violentare una ragazza)

Wed, 24 May 2023 06:33:15 GMT

Vi siete mai chiesti cosa passi per la testa di un potenziale violentatore nel momento in cui mette gli occhi sulla sua vittima? Come ragiona, quali strani meccanismi scattano nella sua psiche? Quali alibi si crea per giustificare il suo proposito? Abbiamo modo di ascoltarlo da Frédéric Valentino detto Freddy, un personaggio destinato ad avere un ruolo cruciale nella storia: affascinante italo-svizzero figlio di uno psichiatra, è un lucido squilibrato pienamente consapevole delle proprie patologie psichiche.

L'interprete è Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e brani delle seguenti tracce:

"Farfallina di Luca Carboni" (cover di Red Sprecacenere);

"She's Lost Control" dei Joy Division;

"Voci degli Angeli" di Hildegard von Bingen.


Have you ever wondered what goes through a potential abuser's head the moment he sets eyes on his victim? How does he reason, what strange mechanisms are triggered in his psyche? What alibi does he create to justify his intention?

We have the opportunity to hear it from Frédéric Valentino known as Freddy, a character destined to play a crucial role in the story: a charming Italian-Swiss son of a psychiatrist, he is a lucid deranged fully aware of his own psychic pathologies.

The interpreter is Paolo Malgioglio.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Farfallina" by Luca Carboni (cover by Red Sprecacenere);

"She's Lost Control" by Joy Division;

"Voices of Angels" by Hildegard von Bingen.

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1.7. It takes two to tango (I need to find the courage to tell her the truth)

Wed, 31 May 2023 14:52:28 GMT

Let's face it: we had already understood that there is something tender between Emmanuel and Antonia. In this scene the boy uncovers his cards with her.

The performers are Susan and George, both AI.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Lithium" and "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

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1.7. It takes two to tango (Emmanuel si fa avanti con Antonia)

Tue, 23 May 2023 12:47:06 GMT

Ammettiamolo: avevamo già capito che fra Emmanuel e Antonia c'è del tenero. In questa scena il ragazzo scopre le sue carte con lei. Gli interpreti sono, come sempre, Elisa Gandolfi (voce narrante) e Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e brani delle seguenti tracce:

"Lithium" e "Heart-Shaped Box" dei Nirvana.


Let's face it: we had already understood that there is something tender between Emmanuel and Antonia.In this scene the boy uncovers his cards with her.The interpreters are, as always, Elisa Gandolfi (narrator) and Paolo Malgioglio.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Lithium" and "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

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1.6. About Mr. B. (1994, the year of the first B. government)

Sat, 08 Jul 2023 14:46:23 GMT

We are in 1994, a crucial year for Italian politics: on May 10 of that year Silvio Berlusconi launches his first government, in a context of imminent economic crisis of which small Italian entrepreneurs, such as the Kellermans, are deeply concerned. Here we witness a dialogue between Michele, Emmanuel's elder brother, and some of his friends, typical exponents of the middle-upper bourgeoisie of Turin: the judgments they express on behalf of the "Knight" oscillate between doubts and hopes.The narrative voice is the image of Emmanuel reflected in the mirror. All the performers are AI.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"What The World Needs Now" and "I'll Never Fall In Love Again" by Burt Bacharach.

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1.6. A proposito di Mr. B. (1994, l'anno del primo governo B.)

Tue, 23 May 2023 12:35:53 GMT

Siamo nel 1994, un anno cruciale per la politica italiana: il 10 maggio di quell'anno Silvio Berlusconi vara il suo primo governo, in un contesto di crisi economica imminente di cui i piccoli imprenditori italiani, come i Kellermann, sono fortemente preoccupati. Qui assistiamo ad un dialogo fra Michele, il fratello maggiore di Emmanuel, ed alcuni suoi amici, tipici esponenti della borghesia medio-alta torinese: i giudizi che esprimono sul conto del Cavaliere oscillano tra dubbi e speranze.

La voce narrante è l'immagine di Emmanuel riflessa nello specchio (Elisa Gandolfi). Tutti i personaggi maschili sono interpretati da Paolo Malgioglio.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare cover e brani delle seguenti tracce:

"What The World Needs Now" e "I'll Never Fall In Love Again" di Burt Bacharach.


We are in 1994, a crucial year for Italian politics: on May 10 of that year Silvio Berlusconi launches his first government, in a context of imminent economic crisis of which small Italian entrepreneurs, such as the Kellermanns, are deeply concerned. Here we witness a dialogue between Michele, Emmanuel's elder brother, and some of his friends, typical exponents of the middle-upper bourgeoisie of Turin: the judgments they express on behalf of the "Knight" oscillate between doubts and hopes.

The narrative voice is the image of Emmanuel reflected in the mirror (Elisa Gandolfi). All the male characters are played by Paolo Malgioglio.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"What The World Needs Now" and "I'll Never Fall In Love Again" by Burt Bacharach.

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1.5. One day you'll understand (The first great pain and platonic love)

Fri, 30 Jun 2023 19:13:30 GMT

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One day you'll understand

Have you ever heard two AIs talk about Platonic philosophy? Here's your chance to put them to the test: both interpreters of this episode, in fact, are AI.

Through the eyes of Antonia we witness the first moment of real crisis of Emmanuel, coinciding with the death of Kurt Cobain.

Emmanuel seeks solace in Platonic philosophy and talks to Antonia about music and cartoons.

In the episode you can hear live songs and covers of the following tracks:

"Come As You Are" and "Something In The Way" by Nirvana;

"Farfallina" by Luca Carboni (cover by Red Sprecacenere");

"La sedia di lillà" by Alberto Fortis.

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1.5. Un giorno capirai (Il primo grande dolore e l'amore platonico)

Mon, 22 May 2023 16:53:17 GMT

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Un giorno capirai

Attraverso gli occhi di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) assistiamo al primo momento di vera crisi di Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio), coincidente con la morte di Kurt Cobain. Emmanuel cerca conforto nella filosofia platonica e parla con Antonia di musica e di cartoni animati.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani live e cover delle seguenti tracce:

"Come As You Are" e "Something In The Way" dei Nirvana;

"Farfallina" di Luca Carboni (cover di Red Sprecacenere");

"La sedia di lillà" di Alberto Fortis.

... 5.

One day you will understand Through the eyes of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) we witness the first moment of real crisis of Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio), coinciding with the death of Kurt Cobain. Emmanuel seeks solace in Platonic philosophy and talks to Antonia about music and cartoons.

In the episode you can hear live songs and covers of the following tracks:

"Come As You Are" and "Something In The Way" by Nirvana;

"Farfallina" by Luca Carboni (cover by Red Sprecacenere");

"La sedia di lillà" by Alberto Fortis.

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1.4. Active, passive and transitive middle (Emmanuel gets a taste for studying)

Sat, 27 May 2023 16:32:47 GMT

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Active, passive and transitive middle

A back-and-forth dialogue between Emmanuel and Antonia on the banks of the Orco stream near Turin. It is one of the last moments of carefree serenity for the boy, not yet disturbed by the brutality of life. Antonia is deeply fascinated by his naive spontaneity and lets herself be more and more involved in that magical and somewhat unreal atmosphere.The performers are George and Kate, both AI.

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1.4. Attivo, passivo e medio d'interesse (Emmanuel comincia a prendere gusto allo studio)

Mon, 22 May 2023 16:34:10 GMT

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Attivo, passivo e medio d'interesse

Questo episodio è un dialogo a botta e risposta tra Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) e Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) sulle rive del torrente Orco.

E' uno degli ultimi momenti di spensierata serenità per il ragazzo, la cui psiche ipersensibile non è ancora turbata dalla brutalità della vita. Antonia, profondamente affascinata dalla sua ingenua spontaneità, si lascia sempre più coinvolgere in quell'atmosfera magica e un po' irreale.

Nell'episodio si può ascoltare un brano live tratto da "Rape Me" dei Nirvana.



Active, passive and transitive middleWe listen to a back-and-forth dialogue between Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) and Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) on the banks of the Orco torrent. It is one of the last moments of carefree serenity for the boy, whose hypersensitive psyche is not yet troubled by the brutality of life. Antonia, deeply fascinated by his naive spontaneity, becomes increasingly involved in that magical and somewhat unreal atmosphere.

In the episode you can hear a live track taken from the song "Rape Me" by Nirvana.

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1.3. Something grey - feat. DanX2 (Antonia tries to teach Emmanuel a lesson)

Sat, 27 May 2023 09:31:00 GMT

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Something grey

Emmanuel and his dog Tegame (= Saucepan) are at the river with Antonia, who is trying to teach him Greek lessons. The interpeters are two AI: George and Kate.

The songs you can listen to during the episode are "Gray" and "Yesterday's song" by DanX2, which we sincerely thank for the permission granted to us.

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1.3. Qualcosa di grigio (Antonia tenta di far lezione a Emmanuel)

Mon, 22 May 2023 13:01:47 GMT

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Qualcosa di grigio

Emmanuel e il suo cane Tegame sono sulle rive del fiume Po con Antonia, che tenta, senza troppo successo, di fargli lezione di greco. La personalità del ragazzo incuriosisce ed affascina la giovane donna, che non si lascia ingannare dal suo abbigliamento casuale e dimesso e vede in lui una bellezza straordinaria....3. Something grayEmmanuel and his dog Tegame (Saucepan) are on the banks of the Po River with Antonia, who tries, without too much success, to give him a Greek lesson. The boy's personality intrigues and fascinates the young woman, who doesn't let herself be deceived by his casual and modest clothing and sees an extraordinary beauty in him.

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1.2. The riddle of the spinner (Antonia meets Emmanuel)

Fri, 26 May 2023 19:56:36 GMT

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The riddle of the spinner

Antonia, some years later, recounts her first meeting with sixteen-year-old Emmanuel. From what we can guess, quite a shock for her, accustomed to the sleepy quiet of her university work.

All interpreters are AI.

In the episode you can hear a cover of "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

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1.2. L'enigma della filatrice (Antonia conosce Emmanuel)

Mon, 22 May 2023 12:51:49 GMT

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L'enigma della filatrice

La voce narrante è quella di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi), che racconta il suo primo incontro con Emmanuel sedicenne. Da quel che si intuisce, un discreto shock per lei, abituata alla quiete sonnolenta del suo lavoro universitario.

Nell'episodio si può ascoltare una cover di "Heart-Shaped Box" dei Nirvana.


The riddle of the spinner

The narrative voice is that of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi), who recounts her first meeting with sixteen-year-old Emmanuel. From what we can guess, quite a shock for her, accustomed to the sleepy quiet of her university work.

In the episode you can hear a cover of "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

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1.1. Prologue - A letter (Emmanuel writes a letter to Antonia to tell her that he is engaged)

Thu, 25 May 2023 20:59:23 GMT

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Prologue-A letter

Dedicated to Enea C.

After a brief intro that serves as a self-introduction of the protagonist, we hear Emmanuel read the letter he wrote to Antonia in June 1997, by which time he had moved away from her to live in Tuscany with another girl. All the rest of the story will unfold retrospectively. The interpreter is George, AI.

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1.1. Prologo - Una lettera (Emmanuel scrive una lettera ad Antonia per comunicarle che è fidanzato)

Mon, 22 May 2023 12:45:32 GMT

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Prologo-Una lettera

Dedicato a Enea C.

Dopo una breve intro che funge da autopresentazione del protagonista, ascoltiamo dalla viva voce di Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) la lettera che scrive ad Antonia nel giugno del 1997, quando ormai si è allontanato da lei per vivere in Toscana con un'altra ragazza.Tutto il resto della storia si svolgerà retrospettivamente....1. Prologue - A letterAfter a brief intro that serves as a self-introduction of the protagonist, we hear the voice of Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) reading the letter he wrote to Antonia in June 1997, by which time he had moved away from her to live in Tuscany with another girl.All the rest of the story will unfold retrospectively.

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1.17. Nessun decollo - Bonus track - feat. Astromare (Vivere o sopravvivere?)

Sat, 11 Nov 2023 23:07:52 GMT

La storia di Emmanuel con Antonia si è conclusa nel peggiore dei modi; il ragazzo non è riuscito a perdonarle il suo tradimento e l'ha costretta a rompere il loro rapporto.

Ora tenta di distrarsi con altre ragazze, ma scopre con grande sorpresa la banalità del sesso con estranei. Entra in un periodo di confusione e depressione, che si conclude con un evento per lui tragico.

Dopo questa vicenda, il "vecchio" Emmanuel delle corse in motorino e delle gite al fiume con il suo cane non esisterà più. Se Emmanuel vorrà farcela a sopravvivere, dovrà trovare una nuova identità.

Gli interpreti sono Paolo Malgioglio ed Elisa Gandolfi.

Nell'episodio si possono ascoltare brani o cover delle seguenti tracce:

"All I Wanna Do" di Sheryl Crow;

"All that she wants" degli Ace of Base;

"Anyway" dei Genesis live eseguita dagli Astromare.


This episode concludes the first part of Emmanuel's diary and the first season of the podcast (there will still be an 18th episode as a "bonus track").

His story with Antonia ended in the worst way; the boy tries to distract himself with other girls, but discovers with great surprise the banality of sex with strangers. He enters a period of confusion and depression, which ends with a tragic event for him.

After this story, the "old" Emmanuel of moped racing and trips to the river with his dog will no longer exist.If Emmanuel is to survive, he will have to find a new identity. The interpreters are Paolo Malgioglio and Elisa Gandolfi.

Excerpts from the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow;

"All that she wants" by Ace of Base;

"Anyway" by Genesis (live cover by Astromare).

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1.10. Some Good Guys British version - Bonus Track (Frédéric rapes Antonia, but in perfect Englishman style)

Thu, 09 Nov 2023 15:13:48 GMT

What would you think of a rape scene played with perfect British style? We wanted to do the experiment and the result is at times rather comical, undoubtedly lightening up the heavy situation described.

Frédéric, a friend of Michael's, is a charming young engineer with some mental problems who cultivates a great love for luxury objects, aesthetically perfect, ideal status symbols, like his black Porsche Carrera (strictly male). Women on the other hand are a simple pastime for him.

For Antonia a period of profound inner crisis begins: she will be forced to discover the dark areas of her personality.

The performers are Brian and Bella, two AIs who speak UK English.

Covers and excerpts of the following tracks can be heard in the episode:

"Rape me" by Nirvana;

"Requiem" by Mozart.

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1.9. On the other side (Emmanuel keeps his promise) - feat. Led Zeppelin

Thu, 24 Aug 2023 21:25:09 GMT

Emmanuel and Antonia's last meeting at the river, before the story takes an unexpected and somewhat dramatic turn; the story of Emmanuel's dog, Tegame (Saucepan), serves as a sinister premonition.

In this circumstance Antonia is forced to realize that the boy's fortitude is far superior to hers: Emmanuel is able to keep the promise made to her earlier (see episode 1.7. "It takes two to tango").

The narrative voice is that of Antonia (AI Bella).

A cover of Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" can be heard in the background.

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1.9. Dall'altra parte (Emmanuel mantiene la sua promessa) - feat. Led Zeppelin

Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:06:32 GMT

L'ultimo incontro di Emmanuel e Antonia al fiume, prima che la storia prenda una piega imprevista e alquanto drammatica; la vicenda del cane di Emmanuel, Tegame, funge da sinistra premonizione.

In questa circostanza Antonia è costretta a rendersi conto che la forza d'animo del ragazzo è di gran lunga superiore alla sua: Emmanuel è in grado di mantenere la promessa fattale in precedenza (vedi episodio 1.7. "It takes two to tango").

La voce narrante è quella di Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi).

In sottofondo si può ascoltare una cover di "Stairway to Heaven" dei Led Zeppelin.


9. On the other side

Emmanuel and Antonia's last meeting at the river, before the story takes an unexpected and somewhat dramatic turn; the story of Emmanuel's dog, Tegame (Saucepan), serves as a sinister premonition.

In this circumstance Antonia is forced to realize that the boy's fortitude is far superior to hers: Emmanuel is able to keep the promise made to her earlier (see episode 1.7. "It takes two to tango").

The narrative voice is that of Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi).

A cover of Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" can be heard in the background.

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1.4. Active, passive and transitive middle - feat. Dexter Britain (An interrupted lesson)

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 14:42:07 GMT

In this episode we witness a back-and-forth dialogue between Emmanuel and Antonia (both AI) on the banks of the Orco torrent. It is one of the last moments of carefree serenity for the boy, whose hypersensitive psyche is not yet troubled by the brutality of life. Antonia, deeply fascinated by his naive spontaneity, becomes increasingly involved in that magical and somewhat unreal atmosphere.

The song that plays at the beginning and at the end is "Nothing to Fear" by Dexter Britain, whom we thank for the concession.

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1.4. Attivo, passivo e medio d'interesse - feat. Dexter Britain (Una lezione interrotta)

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:52:29 GMT

In questo episodio assistiamo a un dialogo a botta e risposta tra Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) e Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) sulle rive del torrente Orco. E' uno degli ultimi momenti di spensierata serenità per il ragazzo, la cui psiche ipersensibile non è ancora turbata dalla brutalità della vita. Antonia, profondamente affascinata dalla sua ingenua spontaneità, si lascia sempre più coinvolgere in quell'atmosfera magica e un po' irreale.

Il brano che si ascolta all'inizio e alla fine è "Nothing to Fear" di Dexter Britain, che ringraziamo per la concessione.


4. Active, passive and transitive middle

In this episode we witness a back-and-forth dialogue between Emmanuel (Paolo Malgioglio) and Antonia (Elisa Gandolfi) on the banks of the Orco torrent. It is one of the last moments of carefree serenity for the boy, whose hypersensitive psyche is not yet troubled by the brutality of life. Antonia, deeply fascinated by his naive spontaneity, becomes increasingly involved in that magical and somewhat unreal atmosphere.

The song that plays at the beginning and at the end is "Nothing to Fear" by Dexter Britain, whom we thank for the concession.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - First season: Episodes 10-18

Fri, 04 Aug 2023 22:18:31 GMT

We publish here a suite of the second 9 episodes of the First Season, so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.All interpreters are AI.The episodes are:10. Some good guys11. Timing12. Alternative Therapies13. The Wind Inside14. Countdown15. Double fault16. Omnipotence17. No Take Off18. Blackout.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Prima stagione: Episodi 10-18

Thu, 03 Aug 2023 10:27:16 GMT

Dopo la prima parte, pubblichiamo anche la seconda parte della Prima Stagione (episodi 10-18), in modo da poter ascoltare comodamente le puntate una di seguito all'altra.Gli episodi sono:10. Certi bravi ragazzi11. Tempisti12. Terapie alternative13. Il vento dentro14. Countdown15. Doppio fallo16. Onnipotenza17. Nessun decollo18. Blackout.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - First season: Episodes 1-9

Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:36:20 GMT

We publish here a suite of the first 9 episodes of the First Season, so that you can listen to them comfortably one after the other.

All interpreters are AI.

The episodes are:

1. Prologue - A letter

2. The riddle of the spinner

3. Something grey

4. Active, Passive and Transitive Middle

5. One day you'll understand

6. About Mr. B,

7. It takes two to tango

8. Frédéric Valentino

9. On the other side.

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Emmanuel - The broken diary - Prima stagione: Episodi 1-9

Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:00:54 GMT

Pubblichiamo qui una suite dei primi 9 episodi della Prima Stagione, in modo da poterli ascoltare comodamente uno di seguito all'altro.

Gli episodi sono:

1. Prologo - Una lettera

2. L'enigma della filatrice

3. Qualcosa di grigio

4. Attivo, passivo e medio d'interesse

5. Un giorno capirai

6. A proposito di Mr. B,

7. It takes two to tango

8. Frédéric Valentino

9. Dall'altra parte.

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