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Creator: James D'Amato, Tyler Davis, Liz Anderson, Johnny O'Mara, Nathan Blades


Fantasy Full cast Longform Audio RPG


Skyjacks follows the adventures of the crew of The Uhuru– the most notorious sky pirates in the world of Spéir. Captain Orimar Vale (Nathan Blades) is the most feared and respected corsair in the sky. In a world of cursed seas, wild seasons, and capricious luminaries he has more enemies than anyone can count. Unfortunately for his crew, he is dead. Only his council Jonnit Kessler (Tyler Davis,) Gable (Liz Anderson,) Dref Wormwood (John Patrick Coan,) and Travis Matagot (Johnny O’Mara) know the truth. Set in a folktale-punk world inspired by the music of The Decemberists, Illimat, folklore, and classic adventure fiction– Skyjacks explores anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and queer themes. It's hilarious, gripping, and earnest. This streamlined feed is the best way to start and catch up with the show. It cuts dated announcements from midrolls and post-rolls from originally aired episodes and includes recaps between arcs. You can always jump ahead to the original Campaign: Skyjacks feed which has almost 200 episodes!

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system:

Continuity: Longform

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fantasy

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Episode 26: Denial: The Tale of Alistair Youngblood

Thu, 16 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

Gable and Jonnit struggle to weigh the bids from parties interested in buying featherweave and the captain. Meanwhile, Dref and Travis are confronted by Tiberius Youngblood who appears to have a more personal interest in the Uhuru than the crew realized. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: An underage character orders a drink (but doe not drink), home invasion, violence, eye-based violence, death. Like serious death that goes beyond what we have done on the show so far. Hydrate and prepare to cry. Dear Uhuru: Nostalgia CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 25: Bargaining

Wed, 15 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The thrilling conclusion to the race as the Uhuru Crew desperately tries to build up points in Aur Pióra. Once things wind down Gable and Jonnit prepare for their meeting with The Broker and potential buyers. Dref decides to hang back and study for The Show and Trevis helpfully offers to drink while he does it. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Violence, mild teasing, bird drinking Dear Uhuru: Jokes about all of the draining terrible stuff we see on twitter. CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 24: Bird Jockying

Tue, 14 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The race continues and Gable is here to pull off sick bird stunts, but they might have bitten off more than they can chew. Travis and Jonnit are eager to please the crowd as Dref and the rest of the crew work to cheat and subsequently cover up their cheating. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: More good clean bird racin' Dear Uhuru: Body image insults (an NPG has "big nasty muscles") CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 23: The Race

Mon, 13 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The race begins! Travis and Jonnit are confident in their birds and ready to impress. Meanwhile, Gable and Dref will do anything to see their idiot children succeed. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: We race birds in this one, I didn't see anything bad. Dear Uhuru: Reference to strokes CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 22: The Black Market

Fri, 10 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

Travis, Jonnit, and Gable head to the bird stables to rent a griffin for the race. While they're at the stables Gable finally meets up with Hildred Gastaur who wants to show her gratitude in a way they weren't expecting... CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Bird death (it's a different bird) Dear Uhuru: We mention Ethan Hawke (I don’t know if he did anything) CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 21: The Nest

Thu, 09 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

While Dref studies in the hotel room like a good boy Jonnit, Gable, and Travis head to the black market to do some shopping and the reference desk for some snooping. Travis gets more than he bargained for and Gable tries to fight some natural urges. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Brief non-canonical mention of slavery Dear Uhuru: Reference to Lennie from Of Mice and Men (in terms of strength and animals) CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 20: I’ll Make a Brid Riding Man Out of You

Wed, 08 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

Thanks to their bizarre contract with The Broker our heroes have just a day to prepare for the race which opens Aur Pióra. Can Dref help his companions: a charismatic idiot, a career layabout, and an actual child learn the obscenely complicated rules? Will Gable be able to condition Jonnit and Travis with a cross fit crash course? Who's got big piss energy? CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Brief mention of the possibility of underage drinking, bad (French?) accent Dear Uhuru: irresponsible HR policy CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 19: The Uhuru Checks In

Tue, 07 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The crew checks in to the unbelievably swanky hotel they got thanks to The Broker. Dref opts to say in and study for The Race. The rest of the crew spends their evening showing us some unique takes on "keeping a reasonably low profile." CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Reference to possible underage drinking, reference to cockfighting, extremely forward flirting Dear Uhuru: Dref gets cartoonishly high CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Sign up for the mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 18: The Broker

Mon, 06 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The Skyjacks lose their ace negotiator to an ill-timed transformation when The Broker requests a night meeting. Unloading the stolen cargo may cost them more than expected. Unless, of course, they accept one simple condition… CONTENT NOTE Main Show: There is none listed for this episode CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join our mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 17: The Librarian

Fri, 03 May 2024 05:00:00 -0000

Weaving through the crowded streets of pre-festival Burza Nyth, Travis leads the Skyjacks to an old acquaintance. Relieving themselves of their woven wares is simple in theory. But don't count on simple when it comes to this crew. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Attempted physical violence, the threat of gun violence, overly long and self-indulgent guest interlude Post Show: Non-canonical incest mentioned CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join our mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 16: Burza Nyth

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The Uhuru docks at a new port with hopes of selling the massive cache of feather weave they stole from The Civility. Burza Nyth is a free metropolis that entertains commerce from Red Feather, privateer, and corsair vessels alike. Of course, being welcome is not the same as being safe. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Reference to hair relaxer Dear Uhuru: Sex jokes Post Show: Dick Spiders CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join our mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Skyjacks Summary Arc 2: Shankhill

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 05:00:00 -0000

A summary of the events of episodes 13-15. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 15: Ghost Stories

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The Uhuru docks with Shankhill and is immediately placed on edge because they can't find anyone. While Gable, Jonnit, and Travis explore the town Dref tries to keep the crew calm while they speculate about what might have happened. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Ghost stories, drowning, dismemberment, drinking CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join our mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 14: Limping to Port

Fri, 19 Apr 2024 05:00:00 -0000

The Uhuru sails for Shankhill as Dref tries to help Gable establish their connection with the feather they have recently acquired. Jonnit and Travis work to settle into their new roles. Sailing is anything but smooth. CONTENT NOTE disorientation, vertigo, blood CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join our mailing list! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Skyjacks Summary Arc 1: Death to Civility

Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:32:00 -0000

A summary of the events of the first arc of Campaign: Skyjacks. Listen and jump right into Arc 2 staring at episode 14! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 13: Into the Maelstrom

Wed, 22 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

The Uhuru sets sail for a port where they can find supplies. Dref tries to help Gable grapple with hazy memories while Jonnit and Travis learn about their potential new responsibilities from Spit. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Disorientation, vertigo, triggered memories. Dear Uhuru: Masturbation jokes CAST James D'Amato......... GM Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler Liz Anderson.............. Gable Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood Casey Toney............... Editor Arne Parrott................ Music Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 12: Wager and Spoils

Tue, 21 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Travis attempts to win the crew a larger share of the featherweave they retrieved from The Civility. Dref sleeps while Gable notices something unusual about the captain. Meanwhile, the crew discusses what our heroes mean for the ship. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Reference to underage drinking (no actual drinking but a mention that it happened in the past) Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 11: Secret and Okus

Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Dref has to deal with Wendel's reaction to the procedure he performed while Wendel was unconscious. Tavis and Jonnit show Gable the feather they found and discover something nobody was expecting. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Some description of injuries, 46:30 extremely brief reference to underage drinking. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 10: Blasphemy and Bounty

Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Dref attends to the desperately wounded Gable and Wendle. In doing so he learns a long-kept secret. Meanwhile, Tavis and Jonnit explore the plunder they took from The Civility. Jonnit has difficulty convincing his friend of the value of something they found. Main Show: Brief reference to dry heaving, description of wound treatment Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 9: Death to Civility

Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Dref has to escape after making what we can all agree was a pretty spectacular mistake for him personally. Travis and Jonnit face an angry crew and a leap of faith. Gable, Wendell, and Nodoze fight for their lives against Fishhook. When all seems lost, Gable must reconcile with who they are. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Scars, partial nudity, dismemberment Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 8: Falling and Drowning

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

The battle continues as the sun starts to rise. Travis struggles to keep from falling out of the ship while he transforms leaving Jonnit to defend their plunder from Red Feather soldiers. Dref miscalculates what happens when you use a man to stop a machine, while Gable continues to cross swords with Franz Fishhook. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Violence, gore, vivid and awful descriptions of drowning Dear Uhuru: Description of a pustule. Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 7: Bloody Listing

Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Gable's battle begins on the deck of The Civility as Jonnit and Travis work to move the cargo out of the bay doors, while Dref and the Captain try to sabotage the rudder. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: real nasty violence Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 6: Spiked Cannons and Fishhooks

Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

Jonnit and Travis move to spike the cannons on the second level of The Civility, but with the crew sleeping they must take great pains to avoid being caught. Meanwhile, Gable and Dref make their way over for Gable's decidedly less subtle landing party. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: baby boy does a murder Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 5: Assault on Civility

Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0000

With plans laid, it's time for our crew to board The Civility. It's up to Jonnit and Travis to disable enemy cannons without being noticed. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: violence, a baby teen does a murder, substance use (minimal, fantasy) Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 4: Best Laid Plans

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:00:00 -0000

With the crew ready to take a risk by attacking The Civility, our heroes must put together a plan of attack. Even with the element of surprise a battle with such a large ship could be costly. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: underage drinking Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 3: Sport and Sway

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:34:40 -0000

We learn something pretty significant about Travis and Dref gets grossed out. Jonnit and Gable try to convince the crew to agree to help them rob The Civility. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: underage drinking Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 2: Wolf's Tooth

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:34:17 -0000

The crew negotiates with Sonja. They have to smooth over the captain's romantic transgressions and secure work for themselves all without letting everyone know he's dead. What they don't know is that working with Sonja might get them killed too. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: fake gay relationship Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 1: We Begin in the Clouds

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:33:45 -0000

Meet the crew of The Uhuru, a skyship under the banner of the notorious captain Orimar Vale. His name is feared by Red Feather and privateer captains alike. However, his council: Jonnit Kessler, Travis Matagot, Dref Wormwood, and Gable share a secret about him that no one else knows... CONTENT NOTE Main Show: brief and creepy surgical scene on a corpse, jokes about hypothetical necrophilia Join Our Mailing List Support Us on Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tales From Spéir: The Church of the Slain God

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:33:27 -0000

In a world that was lost to itself– suffering under wild seasons and cruel seas– people turned their worship to a dead god. This is the church they built. It grips like bones. Join Our Mailing List Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tales From Spéir: The Luminaries

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:33:04 -0000

To learn about the forces that shape the world of Spéir is not to hear one tale, but a thousand. Whether you call them god, spirit, fate, or curse– all the Luminaries move and dress in stories. Join Our Mailing List Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tales From Spéir: Corsairs

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:32:41 -0000

Many would have you call them brigands and thieves, but there is more those who fly outside the banner of The Red Feather Syndicate then they would have you know. Join Our Mailing List Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tales From Spéir: The Mariner

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:32:12 -0000

The Mariner is no myth. I ain't seen him, but don't need to see to know what's true. Gather up to learn of the most foul and hateful creature on Spéir. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tales From Spéir: Skyjacks

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:31:22 -0000

Welcome aboard! Our world has cursed seas, wild seasons that flow out of order, birds large enough to ride, and flying ships. You must have some curiosity to settle. Lucky for you, this old Ariner has had enough drink needed to tell a tale. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit