Saga of the Nine: Origins | Dystopian Audiobook
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Creator: Kawika Miles
Solo Dystopia Serial Audio Book
In an unnamed dystopian future, the world is united in the Nine's global Government. A shocking discovery of illegal, historical documents by Jax, a lowly mill worker, opens his eyes to the possibilities the old world yielded as he looks upon the ruins of Area Thirty-Eight. The year is 2036 and the USA is in a Cold Civil War. On the verge of collapse from an underground radical organization known as The Ordean Reich, young veteran Mica Rouge joins an off the books intelligence agency to inspire forgotten American ideals. Follow the intertwining fates of Jax and Mica in a war across time.
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Solo
Genres: Dystopia, Science fiction
Completion status: Finished
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Twenty-Three & Epilogue | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:05:00 GMT
Chapter 23 and the closing epilogue of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The final fight for Area Thirty-Eight is underway. With no army and no plan, Jax, Renn, Connor, and Dan face impossible odds. Even if they do succeed in taking the Thirty-Eighth Area in the North American Union, it will only be the beginning in the fight against the Nine.
"No matter how hard one contests against abject deceits, with the Fabian strategy of constant, mundane pressure, propagandized distortions still weave themselves within the truth."
"Closing her eyes, an idea is sparked in Ann's mind that miracles are not impossible events. If they were, nobody would talk about them. They only border fiction because unbelievers cannot accept perfectly timed events meeting individual needs--that the will of something greater looks after our interests whether we understand or accept it."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Twenty-Two | Dystopian Audiobook
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 22:09:37 GMT
Chapter 22 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The purge of the remaining Americans has begun. Mica flees to Aila's side before rushing off to rescue Dan. All goes awry, and as Mica tries to make it back to his wife and to be born son, Jax, tragedy hits, the DIA a now crumbling scene.
"It’s a purge. No matter how many times Sullivan tried to refute the conspiracy theories about the Denver International Airport, they were all true. The engineers specifically designed it as an underground trap with the sole purpose of genocide for its occupants."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Twenty-One | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:05:22 GMT
Chapter 21 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Mica and his team attend the first Gathering within Area Thirty-Eight, and in an effort to apprehend the Area Leader, betrayal begins to crumble the Division.
"It’s the same pattern as any Marxist, socialist, communist movement. This isn’t simply a political ideology, but rather a world shaping, dynamic power and class shifting movement. Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, the National Socialist German Workers party, the Communist Party of Kampuchea in the Cambodian Civil War, Romania in the wake of World War II, Zimbabwe in the 1980s, and even the Democratic Socialists of the United States in the late 2010s and early 2020s, all were movements that hijacked political systems for fascistic power grabs. All were also abject failures, and it wasn’t until the Children of the Ordean Reich took their turn that this destructive world view worked on a global scale."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 25 Oct 2023 06:05:53 GMT
Chapter 20 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Jax awakens to a startling discovery, and while unconscious, the Encampment has taken a drastic turn and is more divided than ever.
"This war is nothing more than a power struggle between extreme ends, the pendulum swinging from one radical to another... Radicalism is humanity's endless loop of self-correction."
"He's seen it a hundred times within the PPA and has read about it countless more. Division creates confusion, and confusion primes the pump for a power vacuum, and it's here where opportunists graciously show their faces. If there is one thing Rhett is willing to bet whatever life he has left on, it's that Kai will try something before this all comes to an end."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Nineteen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 11 Oct 2023 06:05:24 GMT
Chapter 19 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The resistance to the Nine is underway with the Division now headquartered in Denver. While the unofficial story offered Carter and his team comfort, its guise to the truth has just endangered what remains of the United States.
"It's the 'spirit of the law' they say. North Korea, China, Russia, those citizens all followed the spirit of their law too. The theft of individual liberties will always be under the guise of collective safety."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Eighteen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 27 Sep 2023 06:05:11 GMT
Chapter 18 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. With Rhett now apart of the Encampment, things turn for the worst as an unseen mole brings the wrath of Caspian down on the Raiders.
"Reflecting on the day of his first kills, Rhett can't help but connect them to the night he reluctantly held Kip on stage, allowing for Caspian to brutally murder the man under false pretenses. He also can't help but advocate for the opportunity to better the future of humankind. Rhett understands the sacrifices that must be made in order to bring to pass a greater good. That's not where the conflict within him lies. It comes from the subjective nature of "good." For years his parents--the Nine-- have defined it as "collective progression of their country." That collective pursuit under their definition completely disregards what is good for any individual--what is needed for a singular citizen. Kip...the reason for his death was a necessary lie to help propagate The Government's narrative n their ambitions to create their perfect, unified society."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Seventeen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:05:19 GMT
Chapter 17 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The tables have turned on Jax as he is now the one in captivity. While Renn and Mari fight back at the Encampment, an unexpected ally comes to Jax's aid.
"The masses squandered this knowledge! When the nation of the world had unlimited information at their fingertips. how did they use it? They indulged in lusts and insignificant content that had little to absolutely no value... They let the gift they were given rot. Instead of envisioning a brighter future, they died in front of their flickering screens, molding in their chairs rather than shaping the world in their hands."
"The truth of your father will betray you, just like you friend Jude and his girlfriend have."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 06:05:05 GMT
Chapter 16 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The Minutemen have fled to Colorado, putting distance between themselves and the nation's capital. In a tragic announcement, what they fought for has all been for naught as the Nine reveal themselves for the first time.
"The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful; this child will grow up in an America that Mica and Aila were not born in, and these histories of the world will help him navigate the unprecedented future."
"Two plus two will always equal four, no matter how much we want it to equal five or more... If he wanted the summation of two and two to equal five or more, he had to fundamentally change all concepts of natural law - which he tried, and broke himself in the attempt."
Continuum: Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Part III: Origins, Fifteen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 06:05:14 GMT
Part 3, Chapter 15 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Caspian's escaped and the only option is to get him back. However, catastrophe hits and rather, the Raider Encampment is in more danger than ever.
"His controlled rage towards the Raiders is how he's been able to infiltrate as deep as he has - it's how he's been able to sabotage Jax emotionally."
"All this for a plate of food."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Fourteen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 02 Aug 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 14 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Mica and Aila are married and for three months, Reuben G. White has been in the White House. For three months he has held the highest office in the free world, and for three months, the Ordean Reich has been silent. However, that silence is not forever...
"White teamed with the Division, battling the Reich for nearly a decade, meeting them on countless battlefields. From the political arena to legitimate firefights, it makes it that much more of a mystery that the moment he's elected, they go incognito."
"Ever since AP American History, the story of Jacqueline Kennedy holding her husband's lifeless body in her arms broke her heart. How terrible that must have been for a woman to endure. Now, in this moment, she can truly empathize with that great American."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Thirteen | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 19 Jul 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 13 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Life is routine within the Raider Encampment. They're training harder, they have supplies coming in on a regular basis, and their better equipped to fight. However, having been imprisoned for forty-eight days, Caspian is now ready to escape.
"Standing with the two torn halves of the thick jacket in each hand, Caspian drops them to the dirt, standing over his prisoner, waiting for his spy to come back."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 05 Jul 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 12 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Election day for Reuben White has come, and not only does the weight of his engagement to Aila weigh on Mica's mind, he finally finds out what Carter and the Division have been hiding inside the campaign office behind the ominous wall.
"If you control the story, you control the culture. If you control the culture, then you control politics, and if you control politics, you have control over a nation."
"Basic propaganda! The mass shifting of public opinions."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 21 Jun 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 11 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Earning their place with the Raiders, Jax, Conner, and Renn make a bold move in attacking the heart of Area Thirty-Eight while at the same time, making a direct threat to the Nine.
"The cogs within the machine have each taken their turn in stealing her virtue, her sanity, and at times her will to live. From the moment she's taken her first breath, Renn has unwillingly been an asset of the Nine."
"He can't dispel Caspian's horrendous acts from his mind, but he can try to leverage them against the history he now knows."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 07 Jun 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 10 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Governor White's presidential campaign is in full swing, and while this would be good news for the country, Mica's suspicions of Carter begin to rise as both Mica and Aila are attacked.
"True change comes by what you build, not from what you're able to destroy."
"The court of public opinion promotes a culture of privilege and argues against penitent individuals time and time again, presuming everyone's guilt before proven innocent... the religious dogma feeds off guilt, projecting and using it to obtain power as they maximize the reach of their shame."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 24 May 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Chapter 9 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Jax is no longer safe in Area Thirty-Eight and with things beyond his control put into motion, he has only one choice: find the Raiders or die by the PPA's hand.
"Renn created a self-fulfilling prophecy that the longer they wait, the more they jeopardize the box falling into the wrong hands. Where speed was once their perceived enemy, it is now their greatest ally."
"...ideological and physiological weakness in subordinates makes them easier to control. Unarmed and mentally ill-equipped slaves are much more compliant than the armed, knowledgeable citizen."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Part II: Amidst Violent Chaos, Eight | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 10 May 2023 06:05:00 GMT
Part 2, Chapter 8 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Mica has been given a new assignment to protect the only man many think can save the United States from falling to the Ordean Reich...
"When you look at the world through a fundamentally flawed lens, you'll never have truth revealed to you."
"This guy is so idealistic it's crazy, but a little hopeful insanity might just be what this country needs."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Bonus | My Interview with Kate Delaney
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:05:00 GMT
A behind the scenes listen to what went into writing the dystopian novel, Saga of the Nine: Origins.
Kate Delaney is an award winning National broadcast personality of America Tonight who has interviewed over 16,000 people in twenty-years in her radio and television career. She picked up a Television Emmy for her special report on the AIDS epidemic in New Mexico and several Golden Mics for a series on immigration. Kate has broadcast everywhere from the slums of Guayaquil, Ecuador to a whale-watching boat in Maui, Hawaii. America Tonight also broadcasts from Washington, D.C. every year taking the conversation to the Capitol, talking to the lawmakers about the issues that concern listeners.
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This is War: Escape by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 06:01:21 GMT
Chapter 7 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Jax and Kip open the box and what they find not only puts their lives in jeopardy, but threatens the very existence of the Nine and their Government...
"Would his death have meaning... he would like to think his would, but what value is there in a life if no one takes to heart the actions of your existence?"
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 29 Mar 2023 06:01:53 GMT
Chapter 6 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Mica faces the void of Kim's violent, tragic death while beginning his work within the Minutemen Division. In his new life as a Minutemen Agent, his secret is quickly uncovered by the unlikeliest of people...
"Where does the elimination of democratic processes stop that modernity has pioneered?"
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 15 Mar 2023 06:01:14 GMT
Chapter 5 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. In another day in Area Thirty-Eight, standardized life quickly turns around as Jax and Kip discover an unknown secret.
"This is no fleeting thought, and if she's willing to collude and conspire, then it must be done right. There is no room for half-measures."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:01:40 GMT
Chapter 4 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Kim has threatened the Ordean Reich by exposing their workings to the world. They've warned her to keep silent, do they follow through on their threat?
"There are more honorable things bodily pain and anguish can be used towards than personal accolade."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 07:01:52 GMT
Chapter 3 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. The Gathering, the malicious assembly of the Area Leader of Thirty-Eight, Caspian Stone. Having taken fancy for the beautiful woman in the PPA, Jax's heart drops upon discovering her true identity.
"All they have is the sickening feeling within their stomachs to testify against the truly evil and barbaric acts..."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:03:00 GMT
Chapter 2 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. In the year 2036, young veteran, Mica Rouge finds himself stuck between two worlds: that of the underground fighting arena and the hidden conspiracy of the Ordean Reich his girlfriend Kim has uncovered.
"From the open market to the black, if the people want a fight, they'll get it and not a single government entity or regulation can stop that, even with their or-the-good-of-the-people bullshit."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Part I: The Gathering, One | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:02:00 GMT
Part 1, Chapter 1 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Nothing much happens in Area Thirty-Eight for Jax and Kip other than the day to day oppression from the Nine's police force, the PPA. However, a new pretty face is introduced, the only problem is, she is part of the oligarchy.
"Everyone knows who the enemy is, but not one of them has the sack to do anything about it."
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, this dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book. Don't forget to like and share!
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Prologue | Dystopian Audiobook
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:01:16 GMT
Prologue of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. This dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author.
Ranked as a top 100 dystopian podcast on Feedspot, click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book.
Intro and outro music: Audiomachine
Saga of the Nine: Origins - Trailer 2 | Dystopian Audiobook
Thu, 26 Jan 2023 18:27:51 GMT
In this new American dystopian novel, follow the past in a Cold American Civil War, and the present of an unknown dystopian future in Area Thirty-Eight, following the fates of both Jax and Mica being intertwined in a war across time against the Nine's oligarchy.
"The law states: one, no disrespectful acts towards the Nine or The Government which upholds them. Two, praise the Nine by our actions and with our words. Lastly, live, work, and if needs be die, so that the Nine and their Government may continue to prosper and bless."
-Law of the Nine-
Music: Audiomachine