Isfet Archives: A Mythic Audio Drama
28 episodes
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Creator: Creative Typo Entertainment
Full cast Urban fantasy Serial Audio Drama
Emily Swanson was a normal barista in a local Chicago cafe when strange things started happening around her. Now, she doesn’t know who to trust or who is trying to take advantage of her. To make things worse, she just might cause the end of the world.
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Format: Audio Drama
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Full cast
Genres: Urban fantasy
Completion status: Partial
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Fri, 09 Dec 2022 17:00:03 +0000
The teaser trailer for Isfet Archives, releasing in January 2023.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 15:00:01 +0000
Emily Swanson is a barista at a locally owned coffee shop in the City of Chicago. What started as a normal day with her boss Sam and two regulars, September and Hastings, erupts into chaos.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Sam is voice by Kris Barsanti.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
With special guest Alex Sexton as Nathan Price.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios. Thank you for listening to our science fiction, supernatural audio drama.
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 15:30:01 +0000
Emily learns more from Hastings and September, and learns about the Chroniclers and Guides. More bizarre events surround Emily for a second day in a row. Detective Bullard works to uncover what is happening with his case.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Sam is voice by Kris Barsanti.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
With special guest Alex Sexton as Nathan Price.
And special guest Helen Edgar as the Contra Operator.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios. Thank you for listening to our science fiction, supernatural audio drama.
Sun, 26 Feb 2023 15:00:01 +0000
Amber gives Emily a ride home from the police station for a relaxing night. Emily has a terrible dream. Emily’s Uber driver ends up being a little more than she ordered.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Amber Lang is voiced by Nari Kwak.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 26 Mar 2023 14:00:02 +0000
Emily tells September and Hastings about Harp, but it only leads to more questions. She begins to believe the two about Anomalies and the chaos that is going on around her. Emily has another bizarre dream.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Sam is voice by Kris Barsanti.
Amber Lang is voiced by Nari Kwak.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 14:00:01 +0000
Emily struggles with the strange dreams, while a bank robbery happens a short distance away. Detective Bullard picks up another case but discovers a weird connection with a previous one.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Amber Lang is voiced by Nari Kwak.
With special guest Glenn Michael Sexton as the other police officer.
And special guest Dee Chauvin as the new reporter.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 28 May 2023 14:00:02 +0000
Emily talks with September and Hastings about the bank robbery, Marcus Baker, and the prospect of finding another Anomaly. Things back at the police station erupt into chaos.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 25 Jun 2023 13:00:02 +0000
Emily and Marcus find themselves in a concerning situation with Harp. September and Hastings decide what they are going to do about Emily.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
With special guest as the Contra Operator.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 23 Jul 2023 14:00:02 +0000
Emily and Marcus try to figure out what to do with Harp. Emily has another strange dream. September and Hastings head out to rescue Emily.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Chronicler Rules and Head of the House voiced by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Listen on Podurama
Sun, 27 Aug 2023 13:00:03 +0000
Chaos erupts in Harp’s cabin when September and Hastings arrive to negotiate. Emily attempts to control her isfet.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Harp is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 24 Sep 2023 10:00:02 +0000
The Season 1 Finale is here!
Emily rides back with September and Hastings and reflects on what just happened and what they should do next. Emily has one more bizarre dream.
Cast in order of appearance:
Emily is Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Chronicler Rules read by Shamas Rodriguez.
And Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Mon, 23 Oct 2023 12:07:07 +0000
Bonus Episode for Sticks Shift Incorporated.
Bonus Ep: Into the Night Anthology
Sun, 26 Nov 2023 11:00:03 +0000
Bonus Episode for Into the Night Anthology.
Sun, 28 Jan 2024 11:00:01 +0000
Six months later, Emily continues to hide out with Hastings, September and Marcus. Emily continues to train with her powers, while Hastings and September begin to come up short with what to do next. Detective Bullard is still caught up on the Baker case and Emily Swanson’s current whereabouts.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the completed episodes of the current season. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Detective Davis is voiced by Glenn Michael Saxton.
Sam is voiced by Kris Barsanti.
Amber Lang is voiced by Nari Kwak.
Narrated by Michael Cole.
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemicc Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 25 Feb 2024 11:00:01 +0000
Emily and Marcus finally have some time away from September and Hastings, and discuss some shared concerns. September and Hastings land in Libya and make their way to the Chronicler HQ. Someone new comes into Emily’s life.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Cricket is voiced by Josh Allen.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemicc Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 24 Mar 2024 10:00:01 +0000
George gets a new lead and discusses it with his partner Davis. Emily and Marcus try to stay warm back at the ranch house as winter settles in. Marcus has a vision. There’s a new player in the game, and it is a Hidden.
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Detective Davis is voiced by Glenn Michael Saxton.
Narrated by Michael Cole.
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemicc Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:00:04 +0000
September and Hastings begin their research in the Chronicler Archives. Detective Bullard follows up with a couple of new leads. Marcus’s last vision becomes a reality.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Amber Lang is voiced by Nari Kwak.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Detective Davis is voiced by Glenn Michael Saxton.
Contra Operator is voiced by Helen Edgar.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
The Shifter is voiced by Stitch Mayo.
Narrated by Michael Cole.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the completed episodes of the current season. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemicc Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 26 May 2024 10:00:03 +0000
September and Hastings continue their research in the restricted archives. New Contra Agents have been assigned to Emily’s case. Emily and Marcus find the location from Marcus’s last vision.
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson.
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang.
September is voiced by Richard Collins.
Chronicler Dean is voiced by Shamas Rodriguez.
Detective George Bullard is voiced by Anthony Kinney.
Agent Natalie is voiced by Sarah Callaham.
Contra Operator is voiced by Helen Edgar.
Victor is voiced by T Alexander Saxton.
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez.
Cricket is voiced by Josh Allen.
Narrated by Michael Cole.
Additional Info:
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and access to the complete season of the show. For the Binge tiers you get the full seasons of new shows on the premiere date if you don't want to wait for weekly episodes. (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production. Special thanks to our executive producer, Nick Mead. Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemicc Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 23 Jun 2024 09:00:08 +0000
Hastings has a chat with Chronicler Dean regarding information in the restricted archives. September has a run in with the Contra. Emily and Marcus get heated about what happened at the motel.
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and for the Binge tier and above, access to the completed episodes through episode 20 (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.
Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 28 Jul 2024 09:00:06 +0000
Marcus and Emily look through the Contra files and find something that terrifies Emily. Bullard gets an unexpected call and then catches his first real break in months. Hastings and September review the books they have found in the restricted archives.
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and for the Binge tier and above, access to the completed episodes through episode 20 (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production. Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Ep18: Cloudy With A Chance of Isfet
Sun, 25 Aug 2024 09:00:05 +0000
Emily had another dream, but it comes with an eerie twist. Agents White and Brown start their search for Detective Bullard.
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and for the Binge tier and above, access to the completed episodes through episode 20 (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production. Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 22 Sep 2024 09:00:06 +0000
Hastings comes to a decision for his next path of studies, just as something major happens at the Chronicler HQ. The shifter has trouble picking up Emily’s trail, while Emily and Marcus run into a little bit of their own trouble.
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and for the Binge tier and above, access to the completed episodes through episode 20 (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production. Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 27 Oct 2024 09:00:06 +0000
September and Hastings travel back to the United States from Libya. Emily conceded to a highway interrogation from Detective Bullard while they travel back to Chicago.
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Support us on Patreon and get ad free episodes, bonus content, and for the Binge tier and above, access to the completed episodes through episode 20 (
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production. Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.Music and ambience brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios and Monumental Studios.
Sun, 24 Nov 2024 11:00:08 +0000
Bullard continues his investigation with Emily, while Marcus grows more suspicious of the detective. September and Hastings return to the on a last-minute flight and discover they have a deadline.
Ep22: The Chaotic Day of Amber Lang
Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:00:12 +0000
Bullard negotiates with Victor and Natalie, while Hastings and September reconnect with Emily. Amber has a therapy session with an Uber driver.
Support us on Patreon and get ad-free episodes, bonus content, and (for the Binge tier and above) access to all of the season 2 episodes
Sun, 26 Jan 2025 10:00:11 +0000
Bullard negotiates with Agents Brown and White when an unexpected visitor arrives. Amber comes home while Emily risks it all.
Please support us on Patreon and get ad-free episodes, bonus content, and (for the Binge tier and above) access to all of the season 2 episodes. (
The cast
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 11:00:07 +0000
The team reunites and attempts to escape the chaos of the apartment complex before Emily’s Isfet brings the whole building down.
Support us on Patreon and get ad-free episodes, bonus content, and (for the Binge tier and above) access to all of the season 2 episodes. (
Cast in order of appearance:
Ep25: The Hunter and The Anomaly
Sun, 23 Mar 2025 09:00:11 +0000
Separated from the group, Emily and Marcus do their best to escape the trap the Contra have set while running from the Shifter, who is chasing them.
Support us on Patreon and get ad-free episodes, bonus content, and (for the Binge tier and above) access to all of the season 2 episodes.
Separated from the group, Emily and Marcus do their best to escape the trap the Contra have set while running from the Shifter, who is chasing them.
Emily Swanson is voiced by Tisha Zang
Hastings is voiced by Adam Culbertson
September is voiced by Richard Collins
Detective Bullard is voiced by Tony Kinney
Marcus Baker is voiced by Nico Rodriguez
Denali the Shifter is voiced by Stitch Mayo
Agent Victor Brown is voiced by T Alexander Saxton
Agent Natalie White is voiced by Sarah Callaham
And Narrated by Michael Cole
Isfet Archives was written by Nico Rodriguez in collaboration with Tisha Zang.
Special thanks to our executive producers, Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault.
Isfet Archives is a Creative Typo Entertainment production.
Music and ambiance are brought to you in part by Epidemic Sound, Dark Fantasy Studios, and Monumental Studios.