And the Heavens Burn, A Norse Mythology-based fantasy series
97 episodes
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Creator: Matt Bishop
Solo Fantasy Serial Audio Book
Welcome to And the Heavens Burn (AtHB), a narrated fantasy series based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. Kinsmen Die is the first book in my series. It retells and adapts some of the major events in Norse mythology through the lens of six main characters:
In Kinsmen Die, Frigg, Almother of Gladsheim, fears that her son Baldr, afflicted by a strange malady, is dying – which should be impossible since Frigg used ancient magics to make her son immune to all harm. As Baldr’s condition worsens, Frigg summons her husband Odin, Alfather and master of magics, back from his wanderings. On the eve of Odin’s return, however, the Jotunn attack an Aesir town thus breaking the forty-year peace between Aesir and Jotunn.
These events initiate a search for answers. Odin sends his son Vidar to learn how and why the Jotunn attacked. Through mystical and mundane means, Odin strives to figure out what affliction ails Baldr. Frigg learns of a witch’s plot against herself.
Meanwhile, Loki agrees to help the Jotunn in their renewed war against the Aesir. Their plans help further his own plan of revenge against Odin and everything he holds dear. But, Loki must tread carefully. If he is exposed then he loses all hope of freeing his three children and avenging his dead wife.
Everything you’ll hear is based on my interpretation of the two main source materials of Norse mythology – the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, along with a stack of books that discuss the myths … and another stack of academic articles that do the same.
Kinsmen Die has 93 chapters; that story is now complete. Dark Grows the Sun, the second book in this series, is about half that. I will begin publishing the chapter by chapter narration of DGtS in October 2024.
You can find me online here.
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Solo
Genres: Fantasy, Historical
Completion status: Partial
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Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 93 (the final chapter!): Frigg stays strong
Tue, 09 Jul 2024 10:01:02 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 93 — the final chapter — of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Frigg. The last time we were with her was Chapter 88, when her son Hodr killed his brother, Baldr, right before her eyes.
Let’s rejoin her, now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 92: Loki sees serpents
Tue, 02 Jul 2024 10:00:53 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 92 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Loki. The last time we were with him was Chapter 47, when he’d been with the Skrymir in the tunnels and caves deep below Utgard.
Let’s rejoin him, now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 91: Odin...cause I'm a wanderer
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:01:09 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 91 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Odin. The last time we were with him, he’d been cursed by the dead witch Angrboda such that he became, to an extent, the disguise he’d taken — that of the Wanderer — to deceive her.
Let’s rejoin him, now.
Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 90: Vaft cradles a new hope
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:00:25 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 90 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. The last time we were with him, he’d been badly wounded in a fight with Freyja.
Let’s rejoin him, now.
I used Google Gemini for this week's show art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 89: Vidar digs deep
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 10:00:26 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 89 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Vidar. The last time we were with him, he’d reached an agreement with his fylgja and was kicking butt in an attempt to break thru the Jotunn warband, reinforced by snow bears, to reach the doorway back to Asgard.
Let’s rejoin him, now.
I used Google Gemini for this weeks' show art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 88: Frigg is stumped
Tue, 04 Jun 2024 10:00:53 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 88 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Frigg.
The last time we were with Frigg, she’d just welcomed her son Hodr back to Gladsheim. Then, she re-took her place on the platform where the jarls sit in the great hall. Let’s rejoin her, now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 87: Hodr is stumped
Tue, 28 May 2024 10:00:46 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 87 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Hodr. The last time we were with Hodr, he’d ended up in the family reunion he’d intended but had tried to postpone. Turns out that his father, Odin, isn’t home after all, so Hodr goes into the Midwinter feast alongside his sister Hermod. Let’s rejoin him, now.
I created this week's episode art with Google Gemini.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 86: Vidar opens a can of...
Tue, 21 May 2024 10:00:56 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 86 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 84 where he embraced the strength provided to him by his fylgja.
Let’s rejoin him now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 85: Hodr gets burned
Tue, 14 May 2024 10:01:26 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 85 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Hodr Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 83 in Hodr and his friend, the smith Lopt, stood in line outside the Great Hall of Gladsheim waiting to get in. Hodr had second thoughts about meeting his father and family on this night, Midwinter, so he decided to leave and come back another day. Lopt agreed.
Let’s rejoin them now.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 84: Vidar takes matters into his own hands
Tue, 07 May 2024 10:00:27 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 84 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 81 in which he’d struck a bargain with the spirit within him. He loosed her bonds in return for her direct help in killing the matron snow bear who’d torn through Vidar’s warband and nearly killed Vidar himself.
With his fylgja’s assistance, the matron snow bear was easily dispatched — though Vidar suffered some wounds in the process. And, many of his warriors were hurt or killed.
So, let’s rejoin Vidar now.
I used Google Gemini to generate this week's show art. It is an approximation of Vidar's fylgja.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 83: Hodr grins and bears it
Tue, 30 Apr 2024 10:00:49 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 83 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Hodr, the son of Odin and Frigg.
We were last with Hodr in Ch 80, which showed him arriving in Gladsheim with the smith Lopt. You’ll recall that Hodr has gone to Gladsheim to speak with Odin about two relationships: Hodr’s dalliance with Alara and the fruit of Yggdrasil, which prolongs his life.
Let’s rejoin Hodr now.
I used Google Gemini to create this week's episode art. It is an approximation of Gladsheim's Great Hall.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 82: Frigg grins and bears it
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:01:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 82 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Frigg, the wife of Odin and Almother of Gladsheim.
As readers we’ve learned quite a bit more than Frigg has since we last saw her in Chapter 77.
And yet Frigg has learned a few things, too. First, through her visions she believes that her son Baldr’s life is threatened. Frigg and Odin learned that the mistletoe in which they’d hidden Baldr’s spirit—this is what makes him invulnerable—was vandalized and taken.
Frigg believes that the witch Yelena was responsible for doing that. But she doesn’t know why or if Yelena was acting under her own initiative…for some reason…or another’s. Frigg, and Odin, also believe that Loki and perhaps Angrboda are involved in the plot on Baldr’s life. Odin left to summon Angrboda’s spirit and get answers. We know how that went — Odin was cursed by Angrboda and we last saw him wandering off into the wild forest near the Gjoll.
We also know, from much earlier chapters, that Loki does intend to murder Baldr during Midwinter and that the Jotunn plan to attack Gladsheim about a month after Midwinter. However, Angrboda told Odin that Hodr would be the one to kill Baldr. So there’s some confusion here as to what will actually happen.
With that short summary out of the way, let’s rejoin Frigg.
I used Google Gemini to create this episode's art. It is an approximation of Gladsheim.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 81: Vidar grins and bears it
Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:01:27 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 81 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 79 where he, and his warband, got their asses kicked first by a pack of snow bears and then the snow bear matron.
If you recall, Vidar’s second-in-command, Garilon, suspected that the snow bears were dominated by Jotunn shaman. As readers, we know this is what happened because way back in Ch 33 we were with Vafthrudnir when he, the shaman Kali, were with the warband Helveg when those snow bears were dominated.
Let’s rejoin Vidar now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 80: Hodr arrives home
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 10:02:03 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 80 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with blind Hodr Odinsson for a very short chapter. We last saw Hodr in Ch 70 as he traveled back to Gladsheim in the company of the smith, Lopt. The smith had given Hodr a magic spear which unexpectedly restored Hodr’s sight…at least to an extent. Lopt is the one whose horse trampled Hodr — and would’ve killed him had Hodr not eaten Yggdrasil’s fruit.
Hodr has returned to Gladsheim to patch things up with his father. Hodr also wants to marry a woman named Alara. Alara does not want to eat Yggdrasil’s fruit…and Hodr’s not sure if he wants to give that fruit up for Alara. So, he has a decision to make.
Let’s rejoin him now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 79: Vidar can't bear it
Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:01:25 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 79 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 74 when he and his small warband, having emerged from the magical doorway the Jotunn used to attack Hals, explored the surrounding area and surveilled unknown Jotunn activities at a frozen lake in a remote part of Utgard.
Readers know what the Jotunn are doing — they are taking Jotunn, who’d been magically preserved in a way we weren’t told — out of that frozen lake and then bringing them into a stone-home inside the cliff near the lake where they are awakened. Those Jotunn warriors will form the backbone of the army that will attack Gladsheim after Midwinter…and after Loki kills Baldr. Readers have learned all of this through the viewpoints of Loki and Vafthrudnir.
In Ch 74, Vidar couldn’t get close enough to see what the Jotunn were doing at the lake. He also believes that his presence was discovered by Jotunn shamans.
So with that short summary, let’s rejoin Vidar.
I used Google Gemini to create the art for this episode. I didn't go crazy with the prompting.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 78: Odin... get back, witch!
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:00:48 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 78 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Odin who, the last time we saw him, had taken the shape of a dead man named Wayfarer. Odin took this disguise so that the dead witch Angrboda, whom he summoned, would not recognize him — because she hates Odin for what he did to her and her children. Odin wants to speak with Angrboda because he believes she might know and perhaps be directly involved in what is happening to Baldr. Remember that Baldr cannot be hurt because his spirit was placed in mistletoe and hidden. But, someone had found that mistletoe and cut out its heart which is why Baldr is having those deathly dreams. Frigg is also having visions of a dead Baldr speaking to her from a burning ship.
In the last chapter, the Wayfarer and Yelena struck a deal — he would tell her the story of his death. In return, she would truthfully answer his questions regarding Baldr. Let’s rejoin them now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 77: Frigg... all along the watchtower
Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:00:40 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 77 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Frigg who we’d last seen surviving the attack of the witch Yelena. The witch killed the baresark Gulfinn and then, having shapeshifted, escaped from Gladsheim’s main hall.
Let’s rejoin her now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 76: Odin casts "speak with dead"
Tue, 12 Mar 2024 10:01:32 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 76 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Odin who we’d last seen disguising himself as a dead warrior he’d plucked from the Ship of the Dead. Odin had ridden to where Loki’s dead wife, the witch Angrboda was buried.
Why Angrboda? Because Odin found his uncle, Mimir, trapped inside Angrboda’s house. And in that house he discovered the remnants of an old ritual that appeared to involve her children — Fenrir the wolf, Jorm the serpent, and Hel. Then, Odin unearthed a memory of Loki threatening him, his family and everything he’d built.
So, Odin thinks that Loki and Angrboda are somehow involved in what’s happening to Baldr. That’s why Odin is here.
But remember what we’ve learned in Frigg’s chapters — that a witch named Yelena may have been involved in damaging Baldr’s mistletoe.
With that recap out of the way, let’s rejoin Odin.
I used Canva's AI (based on Stable Diffusion) to generate this week's episode art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 75: Vafthrudnir has a snack
Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:00:34 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 75 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vafthrudnir for a very short chapter. We last saw Vaft in Ch 73 when he brought his apprentice, Kali, into the Gap to lay claim to one of the disir — the one that had been released when the witch Yelena killed the baresark Gulfinn. Vaft had kept Freyja busy while his apprentice fought Freyja’s priest — and when he was distracted by Kali’s success, Freyja stabbed Vaft in the belly.
I used Google Gemini, for lack of a better option, to create this week’s episode art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 74: Vidar on the ridge
Tue, 27 Feb 2024 11:00:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 74 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 65 when he and his small warband emerged from the mines beneath Hálsberg into the snowy wastes of Utgard. They had tracked the surviving few Jotunn warriors who’d been part of the war band that had destroyed the town of Háls. This led Vidar to discover the doorway that joined Asgard with Utgard. That doorway allowed the Jotunn to traverse a great distance with a single step. As readers, we know that many other such doorways are scattered throughout the realms.
So, let’s now rejoin Vidar as he treads lightly through Utgard.
I used Google Gemini, for lack of a better option, to create this week’s episode art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 73: Vaft falls into the Gap
Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:00:28 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 73 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vafthrudnir, the high shaman of the Jotunn. We last saw Vaft in Ch 66 when he reported to his friend, the Skrymir — who is the High Chief of the Jotunn — that Thor had destroyed the town of Akrton in retaliation for the Jotunn destroying the town of Hals.
In that chapter, the Skrymir told Vaft that Vidar the son of Odin, was on his way to one of the frozen lakes in Utgard. As readers we last saw those frozen lakes referenced in two of Loki’s chapters: 42 and 47.
Vaft revealed that the “work” undertaken at those lakes represented a second major secret held by the Jotunn — if you recall, the Jotunn were hauling comatose bodies out of the frozen lake and then in the bowels of the secret cavern that Loki entered there were many campfires. And the Skrymir said there were many such caverns scattered across Utgard. The Skrymir also alluded to needing supplies.
Chapter 66 ended with Vaft agreeing to spin the black ships of smoke and ash that Jotunn use to travel quickly across the snowy wastes of Utgard.
In this chapter Vaft is woken by an unexpected death.
I used Google Gemini to generate this week's episode art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 72: Frigg's toil and trouble
Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:01:04 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 72 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Frigg. Here's a quick summary of the key events in Frigg's last few chapters. Frigg was called to adjudicate a murder. Harald had apparently murdered his ex-wife Bera. We met Harald and Bera, along with Bera's sister, Yelena, way back in chapter 23. Turns out that Yelena's husband, Klakki, believes that Yelena was a witch. Based on what Klakki said, Frigg also believes that Yelena was involved in cutting out the heart of Baldr's mistletoe...which is why Baldr is having the deathly dreams. Frigg's last chapter ended with her issuing a few orders designed, we think, to keep Yelena in the dark and confront her.
I used Google Gemini to create some art for this week's episode. It is a representation of Yelena based on descriptions of her in the text and some additional customization based on this week's chapter
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online..
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 71: Odin is hounded by the dead
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:01:28 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 71 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Odin. Last time, Odin stopped beside the river of death…the Gjoll…to harvest and refine witchthread. That’s the power source for one of the types of magic he knows…seidr.
Much like we found his son, Hodr, on the road…we now find Odin on the road…but a very different one.
I used Google Gemini to create this week's episode art.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 70: Hodr heads home
Tue, 30 Jan 2024 11:01:24 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 70 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
There are 23 chapters left in the book. We’re nearly there.
Just as blind Hodr, the son of Odin and Frigg, is nearly back in Gladsheim. When we last were with him, he left his fiancee Alara in Ifington. He had been given a magic spear by the smith Lopt. When Hodr holds that spear, he can see again.
Hodr told Alara about the spear and offered to share the fruit of Yggdrasil with her. It would keep them both young for as long as they ate it. Alara refused the offer.
So, Hodr has to choose between continued life…and eventual death…with Alara or a long life without her.
He decided to return to Gladsheim and patch things up with his family and maybe ask his father to give the fruits to everyone in Alara’s family.
That’s where we find him now…on the road again.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 69: Frigg goes out on a limb
Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:01:32 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 69 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Frigg. In her last chapter, Frigg presided over a murder inquiry. A young man, Harald, was accused of raping and murdering his ex-wife, Bera. Frigg had presided over their divorce.
Harald’s brother-in-law, Klakki, had intervened too late in the grisly event. Klakki’s wife Yelena — who we met during the divorce — was present in the immediate aftermath of the Harald’s ugly deed and she also testified against him.
Klakki had been wounded by Harald and was taken to be healed by Frigg’s son Baldr. Frigg halted the trial proceedings and went to speak privately with Klakki to get his side of the story.
That’s where we find her now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 68: Odin goes for a spin
Tue, 16 Jan 2024 11:01:25 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 68 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Odin. Several chapter ago, Odin left Gladsheim…and his wife, Frigg, to get answers from the dead witch Angrboda…who was Loki’s first wife.
Why Angrboda? Because Odin found his uncle, Mimir, trapped inside Angrboda’s house. And in that house he discovered the remnants of an old ritual that appeared to involve her children — Fenrir the wolf, Jorm the serpent, and Hel. Upon returning to his body, Odin unearthed a memory of Loki threatening him, his family and everything he’d built. So, Odin decided he’d been blind and, naturally, cut out his own eye and, using the rune magic he seized when he’d hung upon Yggdrasil, bound his eye to the pool in Mimir’s glade.
So in this chapter we find Odin making a pit stop on his journey to raise Angrboda from the dead.
Let’s stop in with him at the Circle K now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 67: Frigg...murder most foul
Tue, 09 Jan 2024 11:01:04 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 67 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Frigg. Frigg discovered that the heart of the mistletoe into which they had placed her son Baldr’s spirit had been cut out. That was why he was dying as he slept and only waking when the sun … or when he drank his own elixir, distilled from the revitalizing fruit of the great tree Yggdrasil. It also seems that these dreams have gotten worse. Odin witnessed one and used his magic to hopefully stabilize Baldr until he could get more answers.
Frigg also dragged Odin’s unconscious body out of Mimir’s glade where he’d cut his eye out. After that, she and Odin discussed the possibility of who might be behind the attack on Baldr and thanks to a memory Odin surfaced, she and Odin believe that Loki might have done it…they just can’t figure out how, since they were careful in the keeping of that secret. There’s also the Jotunn’s attack on Hals … and the retribution Odin asked Thor to carry out.
And with all this other stuff going on, as Almother, Frigg’s also been dealing with the administration of Gladsheim. Much of that has been handled off-camera, as it were, but now that stuff takes center stage.
Let’s rejoin her now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 66: the lake!
Tue, 02 Jan 2024 11:00:36 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 66 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. The last time we were with him, Vaft had a front-row seat to the Thor’s destruction of a Jotunn town — which is Odin’s promised retribution for the Jotunn destroying Háls. Let’s rejoin him now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 65: Vidar...walking in a winter wonderland
Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:00:45 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 65 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Vidar.
If you recall, Vidar had pursued several Jotunn warriors through the mines beneath the mountains north of Hals. Those Jotunn were the last of the warbands that had destroyed Hals.
Vidar never caught those warriors, but he did find the magic doorway through which they came — directly from Utgard, or so Vidar has theorized.
Let’s rejoin him now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 64: Odin...these boots were made for walking
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 11:00:27 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 64 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Odin. Having cut out his eye, Odin has now received expert medical care from his son, Baldr, and a new golden eye from Baldr’s wife, Nanna.
Over the course of the last few chapters, Odin has come to realize that his mind has been tampered with and the culprit is either Loki or maybe the spirit beneath the well. He intends to find out who did it.
Let’s rejoin Odin now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 63: blind can he be?
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:00:19 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 63 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Hodr. Hodr received a magical spear from Lopt. While holding the spear, Hodr can again see—not perfectly, but enough for it to potentially change his life.
Let’s rejoin him now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 62: Odin eyes a new solution
Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:00:20 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 62 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Odin. His last few chapters have dealt with him cutting out his eye so that he may see more clearly — what’s happening to his son Baldr, how Loki is (or is not) involved in what’s going on with Baldr, how Loki is (or is not) involved in the attack on Hals — which Vidar Odinsson is still investigating — and what may eventually happen for the Aesir as a people.
Readers know from Loki’s chapters that he is involved with the Jotunn…that he is planning to murder Baldr during the Midwinter celebration…and that the Jotunn are planning to attack Gladsheim shortly thereafter.
Readers also know that the Jotunn have discovered doorways that allow them to step from one place to another instantly. Vidar discovered one of those doorways. And readers know that there is one doorway inside Gladsheim’s walls and at least one other nearby — we know this because the Skrymir allowed Loki to see a map of where those doorways are.
There is also a mystery happening — Mimir, Odin’s uncle, discovered a ritual in Angrboda’s broken down house. Angrboda is Loki’s first wife. Together they had three children: Hel, Jorm and Fenrir. Readers don’t know what that ritual involved other than an apparent invocation directed toward a fang.
Readers have also learned that the Norns — who we’ve met — told Odin and Frigg that Baldr would die if he wasn’t protected. That’s why they hid his spirit in the mistletoe — which somebody figured out despite Odin and Frigg keeping that secret for a very long time. We saw that somebody cut out the heart of the mistletoe and took it away. What’s left on the tree where it grew was just enough to fool the casual eye that the entire plant remained.
The Norns also prophesied that the “monstrous children” of Angrboda and Loki would bring doom to the Aesir. That is why Odin decided to kill them…but according to the memory Odin discovered while staring into the pool of water near Mimir, Loki may have intervened and stopped him.
But, upon reflection — see what I did there! — Odin’s not entirely sure he can trust that memory because the water trickling down Yggdrasil and flowing over Mimir is the same water that feeds the Well of Urdr. And it was from that Well that a spirit arose and attacked him…for reasons that Odin doesn’t quite know, but he suspects that that spirit wanted to possess his body.
So, hopefully that recap makes sense. But whether it does or not, it’s time to rejoin Odin.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 61: Hodr...and the eyes have it?
Tue, 28 Nov 2023 11:00:21 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 61 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re back with Hodr. It’s been quite a few chapters since we were with him. Hodr spoke with the smith Lopt — that was the dude whose horse trampled Hodr. Lopt apologized and it seems he figured out that Hodr was the original Hodr — defender of the Old Bridge. This interaction awakened memories in Hodr of the man he’d been and brought this choice he appears faced with into focus.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 60: Vaft...thunder and lightning very very frightening!
Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:00:21 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 60 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text. Last week was the one year anniversary of this podcast. Thank you for continuing to listen! There are 93 chapters in Kinsmen Die, so we’re nearly there. As you might expect, events will start coming to a head now. This week, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. It’s been quite a while since we were with him — he’d been with the apprentice shaman Kali and then he’d gone through the doorway that Beli and the warband Helveg found within the snow bear nest.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 59: Frigg...and the eyes have it!
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 11:00:25 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 59 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
We’re back with Frigg in this chapter. She had left the wounded Odin to go fetch Sleipnir which is Odin’s horse. Remember that Odin used a shaper -- basically a magic wand — that to open a tunnel through Yggdrasil’s root to access the glade in which Mimir’s Well is located.
That is where we find her now.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 58: Odin eyes his future
Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:00:41 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 58 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
We’re back with Odin in this chapter. While rescuing his uncle Mimir from a trap in the spirit world, Odin was badly wounded by a draugr. Last chapter we were with Frigg; she and Mimir conversed while Odin lay mostly unconscious nearby — though he was awake long enough to say he would raise Angrboda from the dead to get answers from her about the weird ritual in her house—which is where Mimir was trapped. At the end of the last chapter Frigg left to fetch Sleipnir so that she could get Odin back to Baldr for more thorough healing. So, Odin is awake now and kinda not happy.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 57: Frigg binds Odin's wounds...again
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 10:00:21 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 57 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Frigg and Odin discovered that the "heart" of Baldr's mistletoe had been cut out and removed. When Baldr was born, Frigg and Odin had placed Baldr's spirit into that mistletoe by means of an ancient Jotunn blood magic. They did this because the Norns had told Odin that Baldr would die. By placing Baldr's spirit in the mistletoe, they made him impervious to all harm. Odin's hypothesis is that Baldr is "dying" at night b/c the mistletoe has been messed with. They don't know who did it or why, which is why Frigg and Odin rode down to visit Mimir. Mimir, it turns out, wasn't all there -- and not just b/c he's just a head w/o a body. Odin followed Mimir's trail into the spirit realm where he found Mimir held prisoner. Odin freed Mimir but not without getting wounded. While this was going on, Frigg was basically twiddling her thumbs and dreaming of the day she and Odin can leave Gladsheim behind and sail off into the sunset. This is where we find her.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 56: Vidar's way is barred
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 10:00:48 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 56 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.Vidar, Garilon, and the war band with them tracked the Jotunn warband into the mines beneath the mountains near the town of Hals which had been sacked. He was expecting to find their secret staging ground for that attack.What Vidar is doing is part of the larger mystery — for the Aesir — of how the Jotunn got to Hals in the first place as that town is way on the other side of Asgard from where Utgard connects. That’s why Odin and Frigg and the others focused in on the trade route that runs from Jotunheim, the main city in Utgard, to Ifington (which is where Hodr is) and then to Gladsheim, the main city in Asgard. That route is hundreds of miles long and runs through populated areas.Readers know, from the conversations between Skrymir and Loki, and Skrymir and Vafthrudnir, how the Jotunn got to Hals — through a doorway. Readers have also seen what those doorways look like, through Vafthrudnir and that attack on the snow bear nest.So in this chapter, Vidar catches up to where everybody else is. Let’s get started.1
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 55: Hodr remembers the man he was
Tue, 17 Oct 2023 10:00:46 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 55 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Hodr. Last time we were with him, he had enjoyed his first night outside the way house where he lives with his girlfriend, Alara. He is visited by Geri, one of Odin’s wolves, who had brought a fresh fruit from Yggdrasil’s boughs. Hodr was strongly temped to eat of the fruit but smoke blown into his face discouraged him. He appears to be faced with a choice.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 54: Odin dances with the dead in the pale moonlight
Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:01:08 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 54 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Odin. These events pick up right after Frigg’s chapter last week. So, let’s get right to the action. Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.You can find me online at: show's public site is here: source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: source for my reading from the Havamol is here:’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 53: Frigg and the apple of her eye
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 10:00:47 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 53 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Frigg. Her last chapter was tumultuous — Baldr had another of his dreams and Odin was able to save him. This chapter moves that plot line forward.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 52: Hodr and the lone wolf
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 10:01:26 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 52 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Hodr Odinsson. It’s been quite a few chapters since we were with him. He had been trampled by a horse and had his skull cracked open. The only reason he survived is that a couple days prior to being trampled he’d eaten a year-old Yggdrasil fruit. In this chapter, we’re back with the still-recuperating Hodr.Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.You can find me online at: show's public site is here: source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: source for my reading from the Havamol is here:’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 51: Frigg flies to Baldr's side
Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:00:28 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 51 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Frigg. The last time we were with her, she was visiting some newly built longships along the river. She was attacked by the Sons of Muspell who set fire to the ships. Frigg’s daughter Hermod chased after them. Frigg’s son Baldr got Frigg to safety and then braved the flames of a burning ship to rescue a child. Frigg thought her vision of Baldr on a burning ship was coming true but it did not. We rejoin her now the morning after those events.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 50: Odin's calm before the storm
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 10:00:24 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 50 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Odin. It’s been a few chapters since we with him, but a lot’s happened. He’d sent the envoy away with a threat — either the Skyrmir tells me which Jotunn tribe destroyed Hals or I send Thor against you. We know from Loki’s chapter that the Skrymir will not divulge that info. So, let’s see how Odin handles rejection.We rejoin him now.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 49: Vidar and one big pile of...
Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:00:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 49 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week we’re back with Vidar. It’s been quite a long time since his last chapter — episode 35. In that chapter, he and his war band, along with some Einherjar, attacked the Jotunn rearguard at the mining camp in the mountains near Hals. Vidar made a couple tactical errors when assaulting the Jotunn, but he and his war band prevailed. We rejoin him now.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help!
And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com. You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 48: Frigg...and it burns burns burns
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 10:01:21 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 48 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Until this chapter, Frigg has been with Odin talking about things that had happened and then dealing with the Jotunn envoy. Events in this chapter are a little different, so let’s get to ‘em.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 47: The Skrymir, Loki and the Doorways
Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:00:21 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 47 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
In the last Loki chapter, he was with the Skrymir who had asked him to proceed with Loki’s plan — the murder of Odin and Frigg’s son, Baldr — even though the Jotunn would not attack at the same time. After some thought, Loki decided to go ahead with the murder, which he views as an act of revenge, even though it jeopardizes phase two of his plan — because if he can’t escape after the murder, then he can’t free his three children Hel, Fenrir and Jorm. And that is where we rejoin Loki.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 46: Odin breaks the envoy's brain
Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:01:02 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 46 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Back in Chapters 43 and 44, Odin and Frigg had been discussing all of the various events we’ve witnessed as well as some new ones — like the emergence of a “fifth column” so to speak among the Aesir called the Sons of Muspell. Ch 44, also broached the subject of Odin’s abdication from Asgard’s throne in favor of their son Baldr. In Ch 43, the Jotunn envoy asked Odin and Frigg to wait for him since he wanted to speak with his boss, the Skrymir. That angered Odin, but Frigg smoothed it over. In Ch 44, the envoy arrived and was ready to speak with Odin and Frigg.
That is where we pick up the story. So, let’s get to it.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter.
Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 45: Loki breaks his own brain
Tue, 08 Aug 2023 10:00:33 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 45 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re with Loki as he continues his conversation with the Skrymir, the high chief of the Jotunn.In the previous Loki chapter — episode 42 — we learned that Loki’s nefarious plot is to murder Baldr, the son of Odin. Also recall that Baldr is having weird dreams in which he becomes corpse-like at night and it’s only the rising sun that restores him. The book opened with that event. Also, Frigg is having some visions that suggest Baldr may actually die. Recall, too, that Baldr’s death is impossible thanks to magic Frigg and Odin used when he was born and also thanks to their continued sacrifice — every winter they only eat half of their Yggdrasil fruit. They put their other halves in a bag. We haven’t yet seen what they do with them.
Loki had planned to murder Baldr on Midwinter. The Jotunn had also planned to attack Gladsheim on Midwinter — coordinated strikes. But now, the Skrymir said they’re NOT going to attack…but they still want Loki to go ahead with his plan.
And that is where we rejoin them.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 44: Frigg breaks Odin's brain
Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:00:54 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 44 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
This week, we’re with Frigg as she continues the conversation she has with Odin.In the last chapter they were discussing recent events and how Odin would have to deal with Saglund, the Einherjar hersir. This chapter expands on that a little bit, Frigg advances her personal goals, and there’s a bit more backstory and world building going on.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here:
The source for my reading from the Havamol is here:
Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 43: Odin's got a friend in me
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:01:11 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 43 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
In chapter 39, we were with the Jotunn warband Helveg as it descended into a huge cave beneath...or within...a glacier. Using a device that looks like a divining rod, they found a doorway to another place. Vaft went through it -- and stayed on the other side.
In chapter 40, we were with Frigg who tended to her wounded husband, Odin, after he sought counsel with the taciturn Norns and then fought a mysterious water spirit. This was the preamble to the council of Aesir at Ithavoll. There were a lot of white moths fluttering around.
In Chapter 41, we were with Odin at the council. Everyone at the magical fruits, the more you eat the more you...uh...get younger. But, Odin and Frigg only ate half of their fruits while Odin dropped one into a bag and sent Geri away with it. Ignoring all the white moths, the council discussed Baldr's dreams -- the reason Odin was summoned back in the first place. Odin said he would figure it out with giving specifics. They also discussed the attack on Hals -- the how's and why's. Nobody could figure it out. But we did learn a bit more about the world and how much Odin hates the Jotunn. Next the discussed the broken, scorched "device" that Vidar had been working on. They thought that maybe it was that stick that prompted the attack.
In Chapter 42, we were with Loki. Turns out, he's been around since Odin descended along Yggdrasil to Ithavoll. Loki left the council in moth form, then he transformed into an owl…and then he passed through a doorway, which was a pool of water, on one of Yggdrasil’s branches, and reached Utgard. He then paused to think a bit and then went to meet the Skrymir of the Jotunn. As a reminder, Loki's two sons Vali and Narfi are with Helveg. Loki watched "the work" occurring -- sleeping Jotunn being dragged out of the frozen lake and brought into the nearby cave. He then saw many Jotunn in a huge cave far below Utgard just kinda chillin and waiting for orders. We learned, also, Loki's nefarious plan: Murder Baldr. Why? We're still not entirely sure, but it sounds like revenge. Loki expected the Skrymir to say that the Jotunn would NOT attack when they'd promised...which kinda ruined Loki's plan...but he did not expect the Skrymir to ask him to proceed with Baldr's murder...which would also ruin Loki's plan because, as Odin says in the Havamal, only the live man catches the cow.
This week, we're back with Odin.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter.
Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 42: Flight of the Moth
Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:00:24 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 42 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 41: Odin and the council of Aesir jarls
Tue, 11 Jul 2023 10:00:41 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 41 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Odin, husband of Frigg, father of Baldr, Hodr, Hermod, Thor and Vidar. We’ve been bouncing between the points of view of Odin and Frigg, first as Odin spoke the Norns and then fought with the spirit from the well.
We were in Frigg’s POV for some of that fight and then again with Frigg for the aftermath as she met with some of the jarls and, with Idunn’s apples, tended to Odin’s wounds.
In this chapter we’re with Odin for the council of the Aesir jarls.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 40: Frigg tends to wounds
Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:00:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 40 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Frigg, Odin’s wife and mother of Baldr and Hodr. Last time we were with her, she’d been brutally attacked by Odin. He was not himself at the time; he’d been fighting a spirit that came up from Urdrbrunnar — Urdr’s Well. That same spirit, while it beat the crap out of Odin and drove him into a battle fury — took a few moments to speak directly with Frigg.
In this chapter, Frigg deals with the aftermath of that encounter and we meet some new Aesir.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter.
Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 39: Vaft goes through the looking glass
Tue, 27 Jun 2023 10:01:05 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 39 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Vafthrudnir, the High Shaman of the Jotunn. Last time we were with him, Vaft was with the Jotunn warband Helveg which is led by Beli. Vaft and two other shaman — Steinfastr and Kali — had “dominated” a troop of snow bears. Vaft and the war band were also there to investigate a phenomenon that one of Helveg’s scouts had discovered. We’re about to learn what that was.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 38: Hodr Dreams of Blue Skies
Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:00:41 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 38 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Hodr Odinsson. Last time we were with him, he’d been trampled by a horse. Remember that Hodr is blind. He lost his sight when a snow bear spat venom into his face during the Last War with the Jotunn. He’s been living in Ifington, a city in the northern part of Asgard, with his girlfriend Alara. She runs a way house — an inn that caters to merchants transporting goods.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com. You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 37: Frigg has poor timing
Tue, 13 Jun 2023 10:01:05 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 37 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Frigg. It’s been quite a few chapters since we’ve been inside Frigg’s head. We’d last seen her having an argument slash discussion with her husband, Odin, over various things: the sickness that comes over Baldr at night, the Jotunn attack on Hals, Odin leaving her alone to rule Gladsheim for so long.
The events in this chapter are basically the morning after Odin returned home to Gladsheim from helping Vidar. So although there’s been quite a few chapters, the actual time in-the-book isn’t all that much.
So, let’s join Frigg on her way down to Ithavoll.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 36: Odin takes a bath
Tue, 06 Jun 2023 10:01:25 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 36 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Odin. We’d last left him speaking with the Norns at the base of Yggdrasil. It had been a frustrating conversation for him. The Norns had refused to answer his questions so, when he finally lost his cool and got uppity, they used magic to knock him ass over teakettle. And that’s where we find him now…boiling over.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 35: Vidar is the pits
Tue, 30 May 2023 10:01:07 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 35 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We’d last left him about to attack some Jotunn who’d occupied the mining camp in the mountains above Hals. In one of the earliest chapters, one of the miners had recounted the attack on his workers on the road up to that camp. After that attack, the Jotunn had rolled on down the mountain and sacked Hals but not before they’d sent a messenger for help — which is what brought Vidar and his warband to Hals, followed by Odin, Baldr and some Einherjar.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 34: Odin, Yggdrasil and the Norns
Tue, 23 May 2023 10:00:18 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 34 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Odin. We’d last left him in his longhouse talking to his wife Frigg as they argued about various things — his long absence from Gladsheim and how that left Frigg ruling alone, something that she’s heartily sick of. They also discussed the Jotunn and their unprovoked attack on Hals which Vidar is now investigating.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Sources used in this episode:HovamolVoluspaLarrington Translation: Poetic EddaDictionary of Northern MythologyNorse Mythology for Smart PeopleWhere to Find Matt BishopYou can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 33: Vaftilocks and dah 7 bears
Tue, 16 May 2023 10:00:33 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 33 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time along with some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. We’d last left him in company with Helveg as they were about to attack a snow bear nest.Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter.
Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 32: Vidar goes hunting
Tue, 09 May 2023 10:00:23 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 32 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time with mini recaps and/or excursions into the myths I’ve referenced in the text.
Today, we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. Since it’s been a few chapters since we were him let me explain…no, there is too much, let me sum up.Vidar is the jarl of a district named Vithi. One of the towns in that district, Hals, had been attacked by the Jotunn and burned to the ground. Vidar fought the Jotunn and killed them all…in so doing he was completely taken over by the disir, the spirit, inside him.
That spirit makes Vidar a baresark. Luckily his father, Odin, arrived and saved Vidar. Once he recovered, thanks to his half-brother Baldr, Vidar convinced his father to let him figure out how the Jotunn had gotten all the way to Hals undetected.And that is where we find Vidar in this chapter.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.You can find me online at: show's public site is here:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 31: Vaft goes hunting, bears...
Tue, 02 May 2023 10:00:43 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 31 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. As I mentioned in the last episode,
I’m now providing mini-recaps & dives into the myths I’ve referenced in the text rather than producing dedicated recap episodes every 10-ish chapters as had been my original plan. As Al Swearengen said in Deadwood: “Announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh.”
Today, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. When last we were with him, he’d been talking with the Skrymir about a nefarious plot involving Loki…and in that chapter, the Skrymir ordered Vafthrudnir to join the war band Helveg … which is where we find him now.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
My post about the Elivagr:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 30: Odin and Frigg by the pale moonlight
Tue, 25 Apr 2023 10:00:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 30 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Rather than produce recap episodes every 10-ish chapters as had been my plan — just not enough time right now — I’ve started incorporating more commentary after each chapter. There’ll be a good bit of this episode..
Today, we’re back with Odin as he sneaks into the longhouse he shares with his wife, Frigg. It’s the first time he’s been there in twenty winters.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
References: Some of the material cited in this weeks' podcast is thanks to Norse Mythology for Smart People.
You can find me online at:
The show's public site is here:
Thanks for listening!
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 29: Frigg knows well the doom of all
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 10:00:27 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 29 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Today, we’re back with Frigg. We last saw her sitting in judgement over a divorce. In this chapter she’s in Gladsheim’s main hall awaiting word of what’s happened in the west with the Jotunn’s attack on Hals.Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 28: Odin's quick respite at Eagle's Home
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:01:20 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 28 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.Today, we’re back with Odin for a very short interlude beside a tree. The last time we were with him, he agreed to let Vidar try to figure out why, and how, the Jotunn had attacked Hals.Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 27: Hodr...those hooves were made for galloping
Tue, 04 Apr 2023 10:01:20 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 27 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Today, we’re back with Hodr. The last time we were with him, he served drinks and chatted with various folks in the way house owned and run by Alara.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 26: Vidar walks his own path
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:00:54 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 26 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.Today, we’re back with Vidar. The last time we were with him, he’d just been questioned by his half-brother Baldr regarding the attack on Hals. We also get to see Odin from Vidar’s perspective and we dive a little deeper into what makes Vidar tick.Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 25: Vaft dives deep down
Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:00:57 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 25 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Today, we’re back with Vafthrudnir. The last time we were with him, he’d met with his childhood friend the Skrymir, high chief of the Jotunn. In that meeting they discussed their nefarious plans for the Aesir.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 23: Vidar ... waking up is hard to do
Tue, 14 Mar 2023 10:01:13 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 24 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
In this chapter we’re back with Vidar who, if you recall, had lost control of the spirit bound to him. Odin had arrived and brought that spirit back under control.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 23: Frigg ... breaking up is hard to do
Tue, 07 Mar 2023 11:00:47 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 23 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Before we roll into Chapter 23, in which we’re back with Frigg, here’s a quick summary of what’s gone before.
The Jotunn attacked the town of Hals which is west of Gladsheim. Vidar was on hand to deal with the trouble…and then proceeded to get himself into deeper trouble.
Baldr, the son of Frigg and Odin, is having terrible dreams which render him corpse-like come morning. Frigg summoned her husband Odin back from his wanderings to figure out what was going on. And, Frigg’s visions of the future have returned — she’s not liking what she sees.
No sooner was he back home than Odin rode back out to help his son Vidar repel the Jotunn. Or so he thought. When he arrived, he had to save Vidar from the spirit — the disir — which had possessed him.
Hodr Odinsson is serving drinks in a pub and talking to merchants. It’s not clear what’s going on there but I promise clarity will gallop in.
Vafthrudnir, high shaman of the Jotunn, met with the Skrymir, high chief of the Jotunn, and his childhood. They have a nefarious plot concocted which involves Loki and stealing supplies from the Aesir.
Finally, we met Loki, his second wife Sigyn, and their two sons, Vali and Narfi. We don’t know what they’re up to, but it does not involve fiery hot magma or, sadly, sharks with frickin lasers.
And on that note, we now join Frigg, the Almother of Gladsheim.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 22: Nobody knows like Hodr's nose knows
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:00:39 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 22 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Before we roll into Chapter 22, in which we're back with Hodr Odinsson, here’s a quick summary of what’s gone before.
Vidar Odinsson fought Jotunn warriors outside the town of Hals — which the Jotunn had burned down. Vidar then lost control of his fylgja — his familiar — which possessed him.
Odin, after being gone for twenty winters, returned home at the behest of his wife Frigg. A few hours later, he rode out again to help his son Vidar — but not quite in the way he’d expected. It was by Odin’s magic that Vidar was saved from the fylgja…of course it was Odin’s magic that bound the fylgja to Vidar in the first place.
Frigg summoned Odin back because their son, Baldr, has been having bad dreams which have worsened to the point where he’s nearly dead come morning. She hoped that Odin would figure out the problem and heal him. Frigg ability to see the future has also returned and, so far, she’s not liking what she’s seeing.
We’ve also met blind Hodr Odinsson and his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, Alara. It’s not entirely clear what’s going on with them just yet…but clarity will gallop in soon enough.
And then there’s clever Loki, father of Vali and Narfi, husband of Sigyn. At least that’s his second wife. Loki’s up to something too, but we’re not quite sure what.
In the last chapter we met Vafthrudnir, high shaman of the Jotunn. He had apparently been watching the battle outside Hals — remember those circling hawks? — before returning to Jotunheim to meet the chiefs of the major Jotunn clans and then have a confab with the Skrymir — high chief of the Jotunn — to discuss their nefarious plans, which involve Loki.
There was a lot packed into that chapter — let me know what you think of it, and Vaft, by rating and/or reviewing the podcast or by sending me an email.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 21: Don't fear the Weaver
Tue, 21 Feb 2023 11:01:08 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 21 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Before we roll into Chapter 21, here’s a quick summary of what’s gone before:
Vidar Odinsson fought Jotunn warriors outside the town of Hals — which the Jotunn had burned down. Vidar then lost control of his fylgja — his familiar — which possessed him.
Odin, after being going for twenty winters, returned home at the behest of his wife Frigg. A few hours later, he rode out again to help his son Vidar — but not quite in the way he’d expected. It was by Odin’s magic that Vidar was saved from the fylgja…of course it was Odin’s magic that bound the fylgja to Vidar in the first place.
Frigg summoned Odin back because their son, Baldr, has been having bad dreams which have worsened to the point where he’s nearly dead come morning. She hoped that Odin would figure out the problem and heal him. Frigg ability to see the future has also returned and, so far, she’s not liking what she’s seeing.
We’ve also met blind Hodr Odinsson and his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, Alara. It’s not entirely clear what’s going on with them just yet…but clarity will gallop in soon enough.
And then there’s clever Loki, father of Vali and Narfi, husband of Sigyn. At least that’s his second wife. Loki’s up to something too, but we’re not quite sure what.
In this chapter we meet Vafthrudnir.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 20: Odin gets spiritual
Tue, 14 Feb 2023 11:00:23 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 20 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Before we roll into Chapter 20, here’s a quick summary of what’s gone before:
In Chapter 16, we were with Hodr — the son of Frigg and Odin — as he mucked out some stables and remembered the man, the warrior, he’d been.
In Chapter 17, Frigg pulled double duty — damage control for her husband and as a Mom to Hermod.
In Chapter 18, Vidar engaged the enemy…without and within…and it didn’t go well for him.
In Chapter 19, Loki said goodbye to his wife and sons. Whatever they’re doing, they appear to have all taken sides against the Aesir.
In this chapter, we’re back with Odin as he arrives at the battlefield outside Háls.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 19: Loki ... gives a hoot
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 11:00:26 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 19 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, or so, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Before we roll into Chapter 19, here’s a quick summary of what’s gone before:
In Chapter 16, we were with Hodr — the son of Frigg and Odin — as he mucked out some stables and remembered the man, the warrior, he’d been.
In Chapter 17, Frigg pulled double duty — damage control for her husband and as a Mom to Hermod.
In Chapter 18, Vidar engaged the enemy…without and within…and it didn’t go well for him.
In this Chapter, we’re back with Loki as he says goodbye to his family.
Thanks for listening!
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 18: Vidar ... the wrong night to quit thinking
Tue, 31 Jan 2023 11:00:13 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 18 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Chapter 16: We were with Hodr as he mucked out stables and remembered the man, the warrior, he’d been.
Chapter 17: Frigg was pulling double duty in this chapter — damage control for her husband and as Mom to Hermod.
In this chapter, we’re with Vidar who’s charging a Jotunn warband.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 17: Frigg pulls double duty
Tue, 24 Jan 2023 11:00:13 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 17 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN or so chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
In Chapter 16, we were with Hodr — the son of Frigg and Odin — as he mucked out some stables and remembered the man, the warrior, he’d been.
When we last left Frigg (in chapter 8) she’d just had a vision of Baldr burning up aboard a fiery ship. In this chapter, she’s with her daughter, Hermod.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 16: Hodr labors...not quite like Hercules
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 11:00:34 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 16 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every TEN chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
When we last left Hodr Odinsson, he had just returned home to his girlfriend Alara and, rather than help her in the way house, he’d been sent to muck out the stables. Which is where we join him now.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die: The THIRD Recap Episode + Mythic Elements
Tue, 10 Jan 2023 11:00:19 GMT
Welcome to the THIRD RECAP EPISODE of the Kinsmen Die podcast home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast, I read my first book, Kinsmen Die, chapter by chapter. Every five episodes I recap the prior chapters — this episode covers chapters 11 through 15 ,
So, if you’ve happened to start with this episode, then I suggest going back to the beginning. The episodes aren’t too long so it won’t take that forever to catch up.
Here’s a summary of the major plot developments. This is organized very loosely by POV character.
Baldr, the son of Frigg and Odin, is having mysterious, bad dreams which cause him to sometimes become “corpse like” when he sleeps.
To help her solve the mystery of the dreams plaguing Baldr, Frigg summoned her husband Odin back from his western wanderings.
At roughly the same time in the story, a town named Hals in Vidar Odinsson’s district was sacked by the Jotunn.
Vidar is on scene to render aid and defend the townsfolk. He summoned helped from Gladsheim.
Odin had arrived home at roughly the same time as this attack on Vithi. After some discussion with Frigg, and after Frigg’s ability to see the future returns, Odin decides to ride to his son’s aid.
Hodr, son of Odin and Frigg and brother to Baldr and half-brother of Vidar and Thor, is with his “significant other” Alara in a large town called Ifington. Quite how Hodr plays into the story is as yet unclear, but it may have something to do with his reluctance to return and speak with his father.
We’ve also met Loki Laufeyson, his wife Sigyn, and his two sons Vali and Narfi. Loki in particular appears to be up to something, but we don’t know what. Yet.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 15: Vidar's headed toward a spirited conflict
Tue, 03 Jan 2023 11:00:18 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 15 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every five chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Here’s a quick summary of where we’re at:
Chapter 11: Loki conversed with himself beside the Franangr. He’s up to something with Ygg’s return — Odin’s return — has potentially disrupted.
Chapter 12: Hodr sat and conversed with a woman named Alara; they appear to be in an intimate relationship.
Chapter 13: Vidar and his war band were attacked by the Jotunn. Vidar used magic — seidr — taught to him by his father.
Chapter 14: Odin and Baldr, along with the Einherjar, rode through the city of Gladsheim and headed out to aid Vidar.
And, in this chapter we’re back with Vidar who seems to be headed toward a spirited conflict.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 14: Odin rides to Vidar's aid
Wed, 28 Dec 2022 11:00:12 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 14 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every five chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Chapter 11: Loki conversed with himself beside the Franangr. He’s up to something with Ygg’s return — Odin’s return — has potentially disrupted.
Chapter 12: Hodr sat and conversed with a woman named Alara; they appear to be in an intimate relationship.
Chapter 13: Vidar and his war band were attacked by the Jotunn. Vidar used magic — seidr — taught to him by his father.
In this chapter we’re back with Odin. When we last left him, he was getting ready to ride out to Vidar’s aid.
Sources used during the Havamal discussion:
The Kodratoff translation:
The Carolyne Larrington and Jackson Crawford translations are both available on Amazon and with other booksellers.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 13: Vidar plays dodge the spear
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 11:00:12 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 13 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every five chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
In Chapter 11, we were with Loki as he, himself with himself, beside the Franangr.
In Chapter 12, Hodr Odinsson had returned home and shared a meal with his significant other, Alara. Not that the Norse used that term, of course.
In this chapter we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. When we last left him, he’d just been scolded by the town elders. They were a bit unhappy with how little he remembered about them or their town.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 12: Hodr's angst
Wed, 21 Dec 2022 11:00:14 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 12 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every five chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
In the last episode, we were with Loki as he spoke, himself to himself, on the banks of the Franangr.
In this episode we return to Hodr who chats quietly with a young woman named Alara.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 11: Loki's pain lies on the riverside
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 11:00:26 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 11 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. In this episode we return to Loki who’s having a quiet riverside moment by himself.
In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. Every five chapters, I recap the key plot points and provide some insight into the myths I’ve referenced in the book as well as some of the creative choices I’ve made along the way.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die: The Second Recap Episode + Mythic Elements
Thu, 15 Dec 2022 03:06:20 GMT
Welcome to the SECOND RECAP EPISODE of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this podcast, I read my first book, Kinsmen Die, chapter by chapter. Every five episodes I recap the prior chapters…which is going to get more complicated as time goes on.
So, if you’ve happened to start with this episode, then do what Vizzini said and go back to the beginning...because in this episode I recap the major plot points of Chapter 6 through 10 and discuss the mythic elements I referenced in those chapters.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 10: When Odin rides out, his wolves run ahead
Tue, 13 Dec 2022 11:00:26 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this chapter, we’re back with Odin as he takes action to help his son.
The recent story so far...
CHAPTER 6: We spent more time with Vidar who’s realized that maybe staring off into space and acting weird is perhaps not the best way to win friends and influence people.
CHAPTER 7: Odin knows now that his son Vidar called for help, but he doesn’t know why — because Heimdall, the eyes and ears of the Aesir — was a bit less than helpful.
CHAPTER 8: In the myths, Frigg can see the doom of all men and women … but here we learn that her visions which have been gone for a long time and are only now returning.
CHAPTER 9: Vidar demonstrated his inexperience as a leader and that after many years of perhaps avoiding that responsibility events may now require him to put up or shut up. He also confirmed that it was indeed the Jotunn who attacked Hals, burned it down, and sent many of its residents fleeing.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 9: Vidar gets dissed
Thu, 08 Dec 2022 05:00:13 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this chapter, we're back with Vidar as he deals with getting shoved even further out of his comfort zone.
The recent story so far...
CHAPTER 6: We spent more time with Vidar who’s realized that maybe staring off into space and acting weird is perhaps not the best way to win friends and influence people.
CHAPTER 7: Odin knows now that his son Vidar called for help, but he doesn’t know why — because Heimdall, the eyes and ears of the Aesir — was a bit less than helpful.
CHAPTER 8: In the myths, Frigg can see the doom of all men and women … but here we learn that her visions which have been gone for a long time and are only now returning.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH8: Frigg's Night Gets Worse
Wed, 07 Dec 2022 05:00:23 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this chapter, we’re back with Frigg who is not happy that Odin’s going to ride off westward after arriving home not 5 seconds earlier. And then, her night gets worse.
The story so far:
CHAPTER 6: We spent more time with Vidar who’s realized that maybe staring off into space and acting weird is perhaps not the best way to win friends and influence people.
CHAPTER 7: Odin knows now that his son Vidar called for help, but he doesn’t know why — because Heimdall, the eyes and ears of the Aesir — was a bit less than helpful.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH7: Odin Gets Pissed
Wed, 30 Nov 2022 05:00:24 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In CHAPTER 6 we left Vidar fumbling awkwardly through an interaction with the leaders of Hals who’d, it seemed, lost everything. In this chapter we’ll meet Odin who is kinda pissed that Heimdall is, well, pissed.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die Ch 6: Vidar's EQ is lower than his IQ
Wed, 30 Nov 2022 20:36:03 GMT
Welcome to CHAPTER 6 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. I’ve written two novels – Kinsmen Die and Dark Grows the Sun. They are the first two books in my series called And the Heavens Burn.
In this episode, we're back with Vidar Odinsson. When we left Jarl Vidar, he and his warriors had ridden through the night to render aid to the townsfolk under his protection. Their town, Hals, had been sacked and burned by unknown forces — possibly the Jotunn with whom Vidar’s people, the Aesir, have been at peace for many years. In this chapter we’ll also see that emotional intelligence is just as critical as being a wily coyote.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH5R: Ch 1-5 Recap + Mythic Elements
Wed, 23 Nov 2022 05:01:14 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this episode I summarize the major plot developments in the first 5 chapters of his novel. I also discuss the mythic influences I wove into those chapters and, to some extent, my overall novel.
The story so far:
In CHAPTER 1, we met Frigg, the Almother, wife of Odin and mother of three: Baldr, Hodr and Hermod.
In CHAPTER 2, we met Vidar Odinsson who arrived outside the town of Hals which had apparently been sacked by the Jotunn.
In CHAPTER 3, we met Odin, the Alfather, who chatted awkwardly with his wife, Frigg, and then had an altercation with his cousin, Heimdall.
In CHAPTER 4, we met blind Hodr, son of Odin and Frigg, as he ate, and was made young again by Yggdrasil’s fruit.
In CHAPTER 5, we met Loki Laufeyson enjoying some time at home with his wife and two sons.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH5: Loki -- at least he gets one good meal
Wed, 16 Nov 2022 05:00:37 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this chapter, we meet Loki Laufeyson who, while enjoying some time at home with his wife and two sons, is interrupted by some britches-soiling news.
The story so far:
CHAPTER 1: We met Frigg, the Almother, wife of Odin and mother of three, who rushed to the side of her sick son, Baldr.
CHAPTER 2: We met Vidar Odinsson who arrived outside the town of Hals which had apparently been sacked by the Jotunn.
CHAPTER 3: We met Odin, the Alfather, who chatted awkwardly with his wife, Frigg, and then had an altercation with his cousin, Heimdall.
CHAPTER 4: We met blind Hodr, son of Odin and Frigg, whose youth was returned upon eating one of Yggdrasil's fruits.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH4: Hodr ... apples for all my friends!
Wed, 16 Nov 2022 05:00:37 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this chapter, we meet Hodr, son of Odin and Frigg, who pauses when crossing a bridge to enjoy a delicious snack.
The story so far:
CHAPTER 1: We met Frigg, the Almother, wife of Odin and mother of three, who rushed to the side of her sick son, Baldr.
CHAPTER 2: We met Vidar Odinsson who arrived outside the town of Hals which had apparently been sacked by the Jotunn.
CHAPTER 3: We met Odin, the Alfather, who chatted awkwardly with his wife, Frigg, and then had an altercation with his cousin, Heimdall.
Please visit the podcast's public site for the episode transcript, which includes the entire chapter. Please review and/or share the show -- it is a huge help! And, please feel free to contact me: mattbishopwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH3: Odin catches up with his wife
Tue, 08 Nov 2022 06:00:22 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In CHAPTER 1, we met Frigg who rushed to the side of her sick son, Baldr while in CHAPTER 2 we met Vidar Odinsson who arrived outside the town of Hals which had apparently been sacked by the Jotunn. In this chapter we will meet Odin the Alfather himself who chats awkwardly with his wife and then gets into it with a drunk.
Where to find me:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH2: Vidar -- sack the sackers!
Tue, 08 Nov 2022 06:00:17 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In CHAPTER 1, we met Frigg, the Almother, wife of Odin and mother of three: Baldr, Hodr and Hermod. In this chapter we will meet Vidar Odinsson -- a young warrior who may soon find himself in a heap of trouble.
Where to find me:
Norse Myth -- (AtHB) Kinsmen Die CH1: Frigg rushes to her sick son
Tue, 08 Nov 2022 06:00:17 GMT
Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
In this episode, the first chapter of Kinsmen Die, we meet Frigg, the Almother, wife of Odin and mother of three: Baldr, Hodr and Hermod, as she rushes to the side of her ailing son.
Where to find me:
And the Heavens Burn (AtHB), A Norse Mythology-based fantasy series
Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:54:56 GMT
Welcome to And the Heavens Burn (AtHB), a narrated fantasy series based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.
Kinsmen Die is the first book in my series. It retells and adapts some of the major events in Norse mythology through the lens of six main characters:
In Kinsmen Die, Frigg, Almother of Gladsheim, fears that her son Baldr, afflicted by a strange malady, is dying – which should be impossible since Frigg used ancient magics to make her son immune to all harm. As Baldr’s condition worsens, Frigg summons her husband Odin, Alfather and master of magics, back from his wanderings. On the eve of Odin’s return, however, the Jotunn attack an Aesir town thus breaking the forty-year peace between Aesir and Jotunn.
These events initiate a search for answers. Odin sends his son Vidar to learn how and why the Jotunn attacked. Through mystical and mundane means, Odin strives to figure out what affliction ails Baldr. Frigg learns of a witch’s plot against herself.
Meanwhile, Loki agrees to help the Jotunn in their renewed war against the Aesir. Their plans help further his own plan of revenge against Odin and everything he holds dear. But, Loki must tread carefully. If he is exposed then he loses all hope of freeing his three children and avenging his dead wife.
Everything you’ll hear is based on my interpretation of the two main source materials – the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, along with a stack of books that discuss the myths … and another stack of academic articles that do the same.
Kinsmen Die has 93 chapters — and that story is now complete. Please note that this trailer replaces the original trailer and that over the last 18 months of recording and publishing I’ve made some format changes.
The most substantial is this: I’d intended to create recap and commentary episodes every 5 chapters or so. I stopped doing that because it grew burdensome. Instead, I added that commentary at the end of almost every episode. I’ve left those original episodes in the feed for those listeners who are interested.
I’ve also renamed the series from Kinsmen Die to And the Heavens Burn. Since I just made that change now, each intro to the podcast episodes…since everything is already recorded and published…won’t reflect that change. I hope you won’t find that jarring.
I made that change b/c I will publish the narration of the second book in this series, Dark Grows the Sun, in this same feed. That series will begin in October 2024.
I will leave you with verses 77 and 78 from the Havamal, the Sayings of the High One, Odin — Alfather, Sigfather, Valfather, the Terrible Walker, Blaze Eye and Evil Doer, Masked One and the Lord of the Dead, the Hanged One, the Slain God, the Spear God and Wand Wielder, the Raven God, the Battle Wolf, and perhaps above all, the Mad One, the Frenzied, Furious God.
77. Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
But a noble name will never die,
If good renown one gets.
78. Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing now that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.
Thanks for listening & I hope you enjoy the book!