Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Wild Animals

Comedy Single-voiced Serial Audio Drama


A lone interviewer armed only with his trusty tape recorder is challenged with seeking out bizarre and eccentric animals with the sole purpose of getting an inkling into their daily lives. But, will they be so welcoming? Will they hurl pebbles at him and make him sniff an old sock? Will they throw a plate of corn beef in his face and tell their children to laugh at him until their hips hurt? Come join The Interviewer as you enter a world full of surrealism and chaos blended into a ball and spat out by a badger with an allergy towards chaos.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Single

Genres: Comedy

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S1 Ep 6 Part 1 - Sea Turtle Bay

Thu, 27 Oct 2022 00:45:10 GMT

In Part 1 of 2 of our finale, our humble interviewer is back for another assignment. This time, he finds himself in the far-away isolated island of 'Sea Turtle Bay'. There are some friendly turtles on this island... and some not so friendly turtles... Will our humble interviewer be caught in a jam, maybe? Or will he manage to complete his assignment without a scratch on his knee? Why not put your ear close to your audio device and find out...

Follow us on Instagram for more updates : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

S1 Ep 6 Part 2 - Sea Turtle Bay Strikes Again!

Thu, 27 Oct 2022 00:44:50 GMT

A continuation of our humble Interviewer's journey on Sea Turtle Bay. Where did we leave off? Well, you should have remembered, now shouldn't you? Nevertheless, there's a recap in case you've forgotten... But, be prepared... as our humble interviewer's world may about to be turned upside down...

Follow us on : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

S1 Ep 5 - The City of Humans

Wed, 19 Oct 2022 23:31:18 GMT

The Interviewer is back for another assignment from Mr. Oats. Although, not exactly the type of assignment he was expecting... Chaos and mayhem jabs at his kneecaps, as he traverses his beloved land, The City of Humans.... a much more animalistic wasteland than you would expect it to be...

Follow us on Instagram for more updates : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

S1 Ep 4 - Owl's Peak

Thu, 13 Oct 2022 02:43:07 GMT

Dare you peek round the corner into Owl's Peak? What ever will you find... Well, amongst our humble Interviewer, you'll happen to stumble across a charismatic booze-obsessed local, a mysterious stranger with an eagerness for initiating drinking games with a slimy twist and a mysterious drifter's dark secret... all to be revealed...

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S1 Ep 2 - The City of Rats

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 04:00:50 GMT

The chaotic City of Rats. Eager to pounce at any crumb left in the crevices of the train seats, they are somewhat conflicted on the arrival of a human in their land…

Follow us on Instagram for more updates : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

S1 Ep1 - Capybara Island

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 04:00:50 GMT

The interviewer finds himself travelling to Capybara Island, an infested wasteland full of these humungous rodents. Cuddly they may seem, but they possess some very odd habits…

Follow us on Instagram for more updates : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

S1 Ep 3 - Crow Cavern

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 04:00:01 GMT

Have a peak into Crow Cavern. Dark, dishevelled and mysterious… Some come out alive. Some come out pretending they’re still alive. But, for what reason would The Interviewer want to step foot inside the boundaries of a crow’s lair?

Follow us on Instagram for more updates : Wild Animals Podcast (@wildanimalspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

Season 1 Trailer

Thu, 29 Sep 2022 04:00:00 GMT

A little inkling into what these Wild Animals are upto.

Hello there.

Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:26:53 GMT

Hello there, friends.