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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

All Dice Go To Jail

25 episodes

Full cast Fantasy Longform Audio RPG


All Dice Go To Jail is an actual play Dungeons and Dragons style podcast where four board game aficionados get pulled into their current campaign and now must find their way back to the real world.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons

Continuity: Longform

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Fantasy

Completion status: Finished

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One for the History Books

Tue, 17 Oct 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The four generals have been pulled into a new realm of existence where they find those responsible for all the death and conflict in their world. It is up to them to put an end to it and bring the realm together. Listen along as the battle for peace continues!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Fighting Amongst Ourselves

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The four generals have been able to work together ending crisis after crisis throughout the realms until the mysterious voice returns and takes them to face the final challenge. Listen along as Generals Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green try to end the great conflict once and for all!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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History of Conflict

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The four generals continue to play the strange, magic game that appeared in front of them. The talking has been completed and now they must use their actions to solve the challenges ahead.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Changing History

Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The four generals work to address areas of conflict throughout the land to try and unite the 8 tribes and bring peace.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The four generals learn that they can combine and reshape reality to their will. Listen along as they discover exactly what it is that they can do.

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History Lesson

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 17:30:01 GMT

The heroes have made it back to Lord Manchester-Mayfield's estate and they are learning more about the history of the world they now inhabit. Listen along as Alan, Mary, Jessica, and Tom learn how the current world was formed in an effort to find a way home.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Out and About Town

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 17:30:31 GMT

As the players explore the town of Sedgewood they learn some shocking news about the Indigo Arrows and it's lieutenant.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Day Trip to Sedgewood

Tue, 30 May 2023 17:30:14 GMT

After leaving the Brokenclaw warren, our kobold friends agreed to take the team to the nearest settlement. Unfortunately it's at the doorstep of the Chromatic Guard unit Indigo Arrows headquarters. Will they survive their day trip?

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Tribal Kombat

Tue, 16 May 2023 17:30:50 GMT

The heroes have finally reached the main chamber of the Brokenclaw Hatchery and joined their Kobold allies in the fight against the Sludgemaw Goblins. Two teams will enter, one team will leave! Place your bets and listen along to find out who will win!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Get to the Chamber!

Tue, 02 May 2023 17:30:19 GMT

The heroes have successfully defeated the goblins in the kitchen and (mostly) safely navigated the many traps in the Brokenclaw Hatchery. Now they, bruised and hurt but they must go on. What will they do next? Listen along as the players continue the siege and attempt to get to the chamber!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Food Fight

Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:30:46 GMT

We're doing something new with this episode! We're releasing this episode 99.9% unedited (we did have t add out intro and outro). Let us know what you think and if you want to hear more like this.

In this episode we're in Tom's element: the kitchen. Listen along as the heroes continue the siege to restore the Brokenclaw Hatchery to their rightful owners.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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The Siege Continues Part 1

Tue, 04 Apr 2023 17:30:00 GMT

The players have made it past the first challenge and have entered The hatchery alongside their kobold friends. Follow along as they make their way deeper into the building as they attempt to avoid traps, kill goblins, and rescue Brokenclaw eggs.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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The Siege Begins

Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:30:37 GMT

The players and Slider have joined up with the Brokenclaw tribe to free the Brokenclaw's hatchery from the Sludgemaw goblins. They must fight their way into the hatchery to rid it of the goblin menace and rescue any eggs they can, but they discover there's something different about the hatchery itself.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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The Goblin Menace

Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:30:02 GMT

After rescuing Slider and receiving some pretty legendary gifts (recommended curtesy of our friends at odphpod), Slider has agreed to help our heroes navigate the Slickrise Marsh in search of an ancient temple. They come across friends in need and it seems like yet again the focus on returning to our world is put on hold. Listen along to find out what happens next.

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Middleage Druidic Tortle

Tue, 21 Feb 2023 18:30:56 GMT

Alan, Jessica, Tom, and Mary have come across a tortle in the proverbial hot water. Do they rush in and save the day? Do they put him out of his misery and enjoy some tortle soup? Listen along on the next part of our journey!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build!

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Tue, 07 Feb 2023 18:30:11 GMT

The team has finally left the Shifting Hill and entered the Slickrise Marsh. Full of dark damp...marsh and all the slick, slimy, moist things that live in it. What new friends will they make? Listen along and find out! Special bonus the Dice Warden does a terrible accent that's just funny to listen. Enjoy!

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.

It's our 10th Episode! Thank you so much for everyone who has listened along and joined us on this adventure. We generally record a couple episodes ahead, but would love fan input on things they'd like to see and hear about. Join us on our social media platforms and help us world build! 

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!  

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Glimmers Shimmers and Fakes

Tue, 24 Jan 2023 18:30:00 GMT

The players have finally made it to the edge of the Shifting Hills and to the town of Moorton. Despite being daytime in what should be a busy city on the border there are no people and there is no activity. What will they find hiding in broad daylight?

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Venture to the Library

Tue, 10 Jan 2023 18:30:41 GMT

HEADS UP - our Dice Warden's mic was acting up for parts of this episode and his audio is a bit hard to hear at times. We did our best to clean it up, please bear with us. It does get worked out before the next epiode.

In today's episode our heroes say goodbye to Krystryd and their new kobold friends. They were given two special gifts, you'll have to listen to find out -- we don't believe in spoilers. They then make their way to the library and meet a most unusual fellow.

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Tue, 27 Dec 2022 18:30:48 GMT

The conclusion to Episode 6 - Coming of Age. Our players continue their tasks to help their new found kobold friends with the coming of age ceremony - it's Tom and Jessica's turn to try to avoid the kobold beat down. After that the team gets to try their hand at interrogation and we find out the results of the ceremony. Jessica even goes full teacher mode, but enough spoilers just click play already.

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Coming of Age

Tue, 13 Dec 2022 18:30:58 GMT

After spending the night in the Sharpfang tribe's warren, the players wake up to find the sleeping quarters have been abandoned of kobolds. Listen along as the players discover the taste of kobold coffee and find a way to participate in an annual kobold ritual.

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Straight Outta The Warren

Tue, 29 Nov 2022 18:30:29 GMT

After helping Sharpfang Vrarr Div and his fellow hunters defend themselves from the gnome menace Alan, Mary, Tom, and Jessica find themselves invited back to the kobold warren for food, rest, and a chance to get to know their new friends. What's going to happen to our heroes once they enter the warren? There's only one way to find out! 

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Gnome? We Just Met 'Em!

Tue, 15 Nov 2022 18:30:51 GMT

Our heroes left the stone table and began making their way through the Shifting Hills, trying to find a library or librarian who may have the answers to their questions: Where are we? How do we get home? Along they way they get lost and find some new friends...and foes. Listen along as Mary, Tom, Jessica, and Alan try to find out just what is going on and what to do next!

This will contain profanity, simulated violence, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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It's the Final Skill Check

Tue, 01 Nov 2022 17:30:52 GMT

One more skill check, one last roll, will our heroes make it? I DON'T KNOW! Find out in today's episode on All Dice Go To Jail! This episode will contain: Odd References, Death, Profanity, and Humor We've branched out across the web! And you can grow with us by checking out out LinkTree!

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This Could Have Been a Parchment

Tue, 18 Oct 2022 17:30:24 GMT

Where we last saw our Heroes they were captured (Hint: It was the dragon's fault) by the Chromatic Guard! Will they escape? Could this really have been a parchment? Found out in today's episode of All Dice Go To Jail!

This will contain profanity, mentions of death, and (once again) references that show just how old we are!

We've branched out all of the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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Not a Boredgame

Tue, 04 Oct 2022 17:00:25 GMT

Four friends get together for a weekend of gaming, when the game gets all too real and they are pulled into the realm of games! This first episode is a double length episode (Don't worry none of us have read the rules, FAQ, or errata. We were just too nerdy and excited to stop recording).

Potential use of profanity, alcohol use, and obscure references calling out our ages.000.

We've branched out all over the web! And you can grow with us by visiting our LinkTree!

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