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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

The Thief

12 episodes

Fantasy Audio Book


The Thief is an immersive, fully cast, low-fantasy mystery kicked off by the catalytic arrest of a City Watchman, whose obsession with the disappearance a Lady-in-Waiting is left to the only person he trusts: an undermarket draw-latch called Symphony. The Thief is a Dungeons and Dragons Actual Play edited to within an inch of its life: fully cast, fully immersive. Created by Michael Schofield Played by Sisi Wei Voices by Kristian Byrne, Patrik Deraković-Rakas, S. Kaiya J, Jeremy Roman, Patricia Wires, Charles Villard, Isabela Duffles, Vincent Hughes.

Format: Audio Book

Genres: Fantasy

Completion status: Partial

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A Huddle-close Yarn • An Interlude

Tue, 31 Dec 2024 16:18:35 GMT

“A Huddle-close Yarn” is an interlude — a kind of tide-me-over — between seasons of The Thief.

Listen or read the story entirely out of context: it is spoiler free, and it doesn’t require having listened to the first season.

The Thief is a labor of love. Refer just one rogue and earn your way into the fyrd.

A full transcript is available.


Written and produced by Michael Schofield
Performed by Emily Morse-Lee (BlueSky, YouTube)
Music by ⁠Tabletop Audio⁠ (see usage statements).

The Thief is produced by the fyrd: our thegns Nandi K, Amzylee, Trei Brundrett, Andy McLellan, Eudico, Rebekah Monson, Andy Priestner, Mike Atchley, Patrick Myers, and Cordelia Black.

You can join the fyrd and help me make this stuff through Substack or Patreon.

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Gilded, Courtly Cage • Teaser

Sun, 03 Mar 2024 02:49:45 GMT

I am in the script-making part of the next season of The Thief, so there’s not much creative exhaust that makes for a neat update. Instead, how about a new teaser? Here is a letter found in Wirwen Osgard’s things.



Written and produced by Michael Schofield
Voices in order of appearance: Micah Schroeder is Gisela, Michael Schofield is Subprior.
Music by ⁠Tabletop Audio⁠ (see usage statements). About The Thief "The Thief" is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play, with just one player -- Sisi Wei -- and a full cast of NPCs, supported with soundscapes.

The original world is grim, and it is unlikely the thief will survive.


Behind the scenes: ⁠⁠

Support for just $2 per episode: ⁠⁠

Thief Companion Podcast: ⁠⁠

Youtube: ⁠⁠

Tiktok: ⁠⁠

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Unlikely to Survive • Trailer

Tue, 06 Feb 2024 02:57:00 GMT

"The Thief" is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play, with just one player -- Sisi Wei -- and a full cast of NPCs, supported with soundscapes.

The original world is grim, and it is unlikely the thief will survive.


Behind the scenes:

Support for just $2 per episode:

Thief Companion Podcast:



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"Thief" • Chapter Four :: Season Finale

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:14:00 GMT

A house like the Merchants never sleeps for long.


Written and produced by Michael Schofield. Played by Sisi Wei. Sound design by Michael Schofield.

Hector is Jeremy Roman

Lady Merchant is Patricia Wires

Nora is Patricia Wires

Anna Braithwaite as Her Lady's Maid

Fletcher Noman as Valet 1 and Guard 1


Medieval Harp 2 by _Blacksmith_

2 Violins Dark Ambient, Slow Minimalist Emotional Cello, Dark Documentary Piano by Orchestralis 


The Thief is made possible with the support of patrons we call "the Fyrd." Our thegns Trei Brundrett and Andy McLellan, our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Mike Atchley, and Patrick Myers. 

I appreciate your kind reviews and your word of mouth.

This is the last episode of the year. But "the fyrd" musters still during this intermission and if you join us for free at I'll be continuing the -- for now -- exclusive stories of The Friar and Byrnharrow

"The Thief" will return. 

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Night Callers • Chaper Three :: Part Two

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 09:01:00 GMT

Symphony's audience with Lady Merchant concludes, and she spends her first fortuitous night in Merchant's Row.


Written and produced by Michael Schofield. Played by Sisi Wei. Sound design by Michael Schofield.

Cast, in order of appearance:

  • Patricia Wires as both Lady Merchant and Nora
  • Charles Villard as both Marley Osgard and the lovesick Godwin
  • Anna Braithwaite as Her Lady's Maid
  • Fletcher Noman as Doorman
  • Isabela Duffles of the Night-calling Polewick
  • Jeremy Roman as Hector

The licensed music you heard that I just love was Celtic Harp and respectively Medieval Harps 1 & 2 by a Blacksmith; and The Way It Was and Lore And Myths by Crypt of Insomnia.

The Thief is made possible with the support of patrons we call "the Fyrd." Our thegns Trei Brundrett and Andy McLellan, and our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Mike Atchley, and Andy Priestner. 

Help make The Thief for just $2 per episode on ⁠⁠.



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Good Impressions • Chapter Three :: Part One

Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:01:00 GMT

Symphony, as Asta Evansdottir, manages an audience with the belle dame Lady Merchant herself. She has only this one chance to get in through the front door.

Support our story, gain early access to new unpublished audio dramas in the same world, and find a free transcript for this episode alongside its highest quality version of the audio on


Written and produced by Michael Schofield. Played by Sisi Wei. Sound design by Michael Schofield.

Cast, in order of appearance:

  • Patrik Derakovic-Rakas as Drypoint
  • Kristian Byrne as the announcer
  • Sisi Wei as Symphony
  • Fletcher Noman as Gatekeeper
  • Logan Riensmith as Wagon-loader
  • Jeremy Roman as Albret Solly
  • Patricia Wires as Nora
  • Vincent Hughes as Messenger
  • Patricia Wires as Lady Merchant
  • Anna Braithwaite as Her Lady's Maid

The Thief is made possible with the support of patrons we call "the Fyrd." Our thegns Trei Brundrett and Andy McLellan, and our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Mike Atchley, and Andy Priestner. And with the support of our freepeoples, who help spread the word on social: SC Tadsen (@sctadsen), Patrik Derakovic-Rakas (@drpatrikva), Kris the Deserted GM (@desertedgm), Rusty Rayne (@rustyrayne), and Nathan from the AARPG Podcast (

Help make The Thief for just $2 per episode on

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Doppleganger • Chapter Two :: Part Two

Mon, 20 Mar 2023 16:55:00 GMT

Symphony can’t get in with Merchant’s Row without some proof of - competency. So, she drops-in on an old friend. A transcript is published for free alongside the highest quality version of the audio on


Written and produced by Michael Schofield. Played by Sisi Wei. Dialogue editing by Brianna Jean. Sound design by Michael Schofield.

Cast, in order of appearance:

  • Sisi Wei as Symphony

  • Kristian Byrne as the announcer

  • Charles Villard as Haldwen

  • Patricia Wires as Isobel Hart

  • Patrik Derakovic-Rakas as both Tailor’s Apprentice and Drypoint

The Thief is produced by the Fyrd. Our thegns Trei Brundrett and Andy McLellan, and our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Mike Atchley, and Andy Priestner.

Join these heroes and join the fyrd and help me make more stories about the legacy of Caledoran at

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The First Stone • Chapter Two :: Part One

Mon, 20 Mar 2023 07:03:08 GMT

For the first time we really see Symphony's neighborhood, Lorim's Hill, as she -- against Haldwen's warning -- starts looking under the rocks for clues about Eleanor Merchant and Lord Cagwen. A transcript is available on

Written and produced by Michael Schofield
Played by Sisi Wei
Dialogue editing by Brianna Jean
Cast, in order of appearance:

  • Kristian Byrne as the announcer
  • Michael Schofield as the storyteller and Old Gossip
  • Sisi Wei as Symphony
  • Patricia Wires as Regal Gossip, Shrewed Gossip, and Isobel Hart
  • Charles Villard as Haldwen. 

The Thief is produced by the fyrd. Our thegns Trei Brundrett and Andy McLellan, and our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Mike Atchley, Andy Priestner, and Joshua Simpson.

Special thanks to the hérd, who answered the call to help bring The Thief to new ears.

  • S. Kaiya J. creates strange and contemplative tabletop RPGs at
  • Isabela Duffles is our village's artist at, and she's working with me right now on a comic called Swán.
  • A very special thanks to Brigette Metzler, who wants to point out the volunteer-run ResearchOps community, a global community dedicated to scaling the impact and the craft of user research at You can sponsor the running of the 15,000-person-strong community on Patreon.
  • Super special thanks to Sean Tadsen, who I see help signal-boost The Thief all the time. He streams every Friday on Twitch at
  • Thanks to Emil, who is part of Double DM Podcast at Ya'll are so prolific; I have no idea how you do it.
  • And Adam Yauhasz, or Brim, or Razahhh. Voice actor and streamer over at - with three H's.
  • And thanks to Bad Heroes, a fantasy actual play podcast about hapless adventurers hunting deadly curses in a realm bound to Hell. You can find them at

Join these heroes and join the fyrd and help me make more stories about the legacy of Caledoran at

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Whistledown • Chapter One :: Part Two

Sun, 19 Feb 2023 16:10:56 GMT

Osment is carted away by the haldaen, but Symphony pursues, clambering through scaffolding and roof-spanning clotheslines - only for him to leave her nothing but a gossip pamphlet. Why?

Content warning: this episode is tame.

Written and produced by Michael Schofield
Played by Sisi Wei
Dialog Editing by Brianna Jean
Voices in order of appearance: Kristian Byrne, Patrik Deraković-Rakas

The music you heard was Gateway to the Fjords by Crypt of Insomnia, Mystic Desert by J Blanks, and some sad vocals by Orchestral.

The Thief is produced by the fyrd. Our thegns Trei Brundrett, and Andy McLellan, and our spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Andy Priestner, Joshua Simpson, Kevin Wilson, and Mike Atchley.

You can join the Fyrd help me make more stories about the Aendhrin and the legacy of Caledoran at

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Rogue Bazaar • Chapter One :: Part One

Mon, 03 Oct 2022 07:00:09 GMT

We meet Symphony again months after paying Bafford a visit. It's time to meet an old friend in the anonymity provided by a crowd.

Written and produced by Michael Schofield
Played by Sisi Wei
Voices in order of appearance: Kristian Byrne, Patrik Deraković-Rakas, Jeremy Roman, S. Kaiya J., and Elliot Schofield
Music by iCentury, Crypt of Insomnia, and Tabletop Audio (see usage statements).

The Thief is produced by the Fyrd: our thegn Trei Brundrett, spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Andy Priestner, Joshua Simpson, Kevin Wilson, and Mike Atchley.

You can join the Fyrd help me make more stories about the Aendhrin and the legacy of Caledoran at

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Da Capo • Prologue :: Part Two

Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:32:54 GMT

The thief stalks from Lorim's Hill to the rathaus in an old forum called "the den," and her story just gets started.

Written and produced by Michael Schofield Played by Sisi Wei Voices by Kristian Byrne, @strawberrio, and Patrik Deraković-Rakas. Music by Will Savino, Tabletop Audio, and Ivan Duch (see usage statements).

This episode was produced by our fyrd: our thegn Trei Brundrett, and spear-throwers: Rebekah Monson, Laura Spears, Andy Priestner, Joshua Simpson, and Kevin Wilson. 

You can join the Fyrd for free and help me make more stories about the Aendhrin and the legacy of Caledoran at

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First Note • Prologue :: Part One

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 05:28:51 GMT

From her modest perch in Lorim's Hill, the thief steals into the night. 

Credits: Written and produced by Michael Schofield Played by Sisi Wei Voices by Kristian Byrne, @strawberrio, Chris Croll, and Patrik Deraković-Rakas.
Music by Tabletop Audio and Ivan Duch (see usage statements).
We couldn't come to you without the support of our Fyrd. Our spear throwers: Laura Spears, Andy Priestner, Joshua Simpson, and Kevin Wilson; our friends at Wunderpop: Unique AF Apparel for the Girls, Theys, Gays, and Allies; our freepeople: Jack Kellum from Gods and Gamemasters, Bill Helman, Vladyslav Dembik, and Counterspell Culture.

Support indie fiction at

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