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Burnt Cook Book Party

Fantasy, Comedy Full cast Longform Audio RPG


A Pathfinder actual play TIMELOOPING show featuring an original campaign, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer.

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Published biweekly on Thursdays. Email us at Follow us at on Twitter at BCBParty, or on Tumblr at BCBParty.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Pathfinder

Continuity: Longform

Voices: Cast

Genres: Fantasy, Comedy

Framing device:

Maturity: All audience

Creator demographics: / Female / LGBTQ+ / Neurodivergent

Character demographics:

Content warnings (creator selected):

Country of origin: United States

Transcript details:

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Ep. 70 - It's my first time watching this show

Thu, 04 Jul 2024 11:00:04 GMT

Aren't you excited to get back into the action we left at the end of Episode 68? WELL, hold onto your patience for just a few minutes longer, because this episode opens with a betrayal. But after that, we join the gang once again as they explore Molni's temple and attempt to piece together what happened while they were away at Janni's wedding.

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Molni - Demigod of Gavelyne, a 10-ft tall catfolk with a lion's mane.

Dylan - A bad boy capybara and follower of Patty. He rolled better than Janni on massaging during Patty's reality TV show.

Nerissa/Celeste - Also known as Freya? She was once a Shadowend student on Commander Sylrona's squad, and also seen in the Pink Kingdom, where she encourage Janni to revert back to Janni Innaj.

Pink Knight - A fey creature that has successfully entrapped Janni, whose name he believes is Tommi, in a wedding pact.

Abraham and Nevin - Time-loop-based clones of each other and members of Courting a Criminal. Formerly Shadowend cadets. They are Patty's magical support.

A weird squirrel - Denizen of the Whispering Woods, loves to bury creatures up to their neck to hibernate them.

Nalea - A paladin of Gavelyne and the owner of The Divine Pawladin. She guided the gang through the Whispering Woods to Molni's temple.

Mala - A catfolk worshipper of Molni and priestess of his temple in the Whispering Woods.

Diane O'Nychus - a deinonychus summoned by Janni Innaj.

Zayden - A ferret and the clear pick of winner for Courting a Criminal.

Xitrix - Chaotic evil god. His domains include artifice, fire, and madness. The Doomweapon is/was Xitrix's demigod, as was/is Janni Innaj.

Orim - Janni Brightchild's master. They are the leader of Gavelyne clerics called The Sirocco.

Hybdall - Chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space. Often depicted with four arms. Patty is his new demigod, following the death of Gafanrit.

Bysshod - Current demigod of Ebnir, a sea monster.

Highmage Wynhorn - A divine judge of the Tribunal in the Court of the Archmage.

Marrow Rondeau - A Kaelf who testified against Chairman Naga in his trial.

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin, just a little guy. In the modern timeline, he has no shadow and cannot cast magic.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 69 - A Generous Addition

Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:00:51 GMT

It's our most scientific episode yet! In a lovely interlude from the tense main-story drama, Tetra returns home to visit its parent-clone Tripla and check in on the jungle. At a lovely remembrance party for Tetra's sibling-clone Hemi, it reunites with local friends Inanna Bananabean, Tad LePole, and Bobo Bonobo.

Join the BCBP Patreon at and visit our merch shop at!

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Madame Ogavia - A publisher of gossip rags and a member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac. In this time loop, the team defeated her in combat and took her prisoner, sending her to Gyiha to keep her out of play.

Dominus Peddledream - President of the corrupt Errosian Resettlement Office (ERO) and former target of RAID.

Oliss: A grippli who formed his own guild after being kicked out of the Mealnor Hunters Guild. Sells eleflutes on the black market.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 68 - Demigod honeymoon period

Thu, 06 Jun 2024 11:00:29 GMT

This ship is on a collision course with a rainbow hydra! Seven heads, no waiting. Patty puts her little rat foot down on her disciples being sacrificed to feed it, which doesn't leave them many options. Boatswain Astra fills out her role, Janni is on board for defeating giant monsters as a public service, and Zelf checks his recipe book for Hydra pie.

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Captain Voidbeard - A monochrome leprechaun pirate, with a corncob pipe peg leg.

Roy, Gee, and Biv - Voidbeard's loyal crewmates.

Genbu - Janni's giant tortoise friend, known for swallowing creatures whole.

Mala - A catfolk worshipper of Molni and priestess of his temple in the Whispering Woods.

Nalea - A paladin of Gavelyne and the owner of The Divine Pawladin, a cat cafe in Faenelin that serves wonderful cat-themed treats.

Castien Grefiel - A fellow Shadowend student and a paladin of Gavelyne. He is on Commander Windstar's squad.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 67 - Gargling Rainbow

Thu, 23 May 2024 11:00:43 GMT

High seas and HIGH STAKES as the team battles some leprechauns! Patty and Janni finally get a chance to demo their new combo moves, which has made them ridiculously powerful. Zelf shows off his swashbuckling moves. And Astra once again sacrifices herself for FASHION. It is NOT WORTH IT.

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Captain Voidbeard - A monochrome leprechaun pirate, with a corncob pipe peg leg.

Roy, Gee, and Biv - Voidbeard's loyal crewmates

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 66 - Rainbowtude

Thu, 09 May 2024 11:00:15 GMT

The gang battles against the Monarch and the court of the Pink Knight, and as per usual they're more in danger from themselves and their own incompetence than any outside force. This time, though, there are real stakes - Manny's been injured too! But don't worry, there are worse things than falling damage...

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Magenta Monarch - A Massive pink orchid mantis. Unlikely to be actual royalty.

Carnation and Rose - Two members of the Pink Knight's court. They have been peppering the team with arrows in this combat.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Wed, 08 May 2024 15:41:47 GMT

Ep. 65 - Like cake in the rain

Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:00:08 GMT

Weddings bells... or alarm bells? One of those is going to wake Janni up this episode! Patty is not on board with Janni's marriage to the Pink Prince, Astra is misty-eyed about romance but trying to stay focused on Janni's well-being, and Zelf's just here for the food. But what does Janni want? Is he a blushing bride, or is he just that color because he's an ifrit??

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Pink Knight/Pink Prince - A fey creature that has successfully entrapped Janni, whose name he believes is Tommi, in a wedding pact.

Nerissa/Celeste - A fellow Shadowend student on Commander Sylrona's squad. She encourage Janni to revert back to Janni Innaj.

Carnation and Rose - Two members of the Pink Knight's court.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 64 - Cassandra Stiffpeaks' author notes

Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:00:46 GMT

Listen, the whole first half of this episode is us reading a single Justin artifact and it's pretty unhinged. After that, the team tries to troubleshoot Janni's curse and beddy-bye issues, while Patty continues to work on finding her fourth demigod domain, but sometimes your domain has to find you first!

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Glorihan - A goth mage raised in Faenelin. A Shadowend student in past timeloops. Was hunted as an anomaly in other loops.

Cassandra Stiffpeaks - a romance author who specializes in demigod erotica. The party took a bunch of her books, purely for research purposes.

Ebnir - Lawful evil god, whose emblem is a trident.

Bysshod - Current demigod of Ebnir, a sea monster. Cassandra's notes imply that Bysshod has been killed, and a new demigod summoned, in many former time loops.

Pink Knight - A fey creature that has successfully entrapped Janni, whose name he believes is Tommi, in a wedding pact.

Nerissa - A fellow Shadowend student on Commander Sylrona's squad. She was at the Pink Palace using the name "Celeste."

Rabual the Generous - a mystical wish-granting being that lives in the sewer. He swapped Duke Marth and Paris France's minds, and put Janni's mind in the body of catfolk to talk to Molni.

Xitrix - Chaotic evil god. His domains include artifice, fire, and madness. The Doomweapon is/was Xitrix's demigod, as was/is Janni Innaj.

And presenting Patty Hurt's new followers:

Zayden - A ferret and the clear pick of winner for Courting a Criminal. He is Patty's hype man and hubris representation.

Gentry Til - A potential suitor of Patty Hurts from Courting a Criminal and, in previous loops, The Dentist. He is Patty's liberation support and business manager.

Abraham and Nieven - Time-loop-based clones of each other and members of Courting a Criminal. Formerly Shadowend cadets. They are Patty's magical support.

Dylan - A muscular bad boy capybara and contestant on Courting a Criminal. He is Patty's fighter support.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 63 - Good job, kitty boy

Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:00:58 GMT

Zelf and Astra have a totally normal conversation about their relationship and teamwork. But that's just a low part in an AWESOME, BADASS Patty Hurts training montage! Janni helps her out as best he can with the weight of the Pink Knight's ring on his finger. Will the Pink Knight let him out of the pact? Does this count as an escalation or de-escalation of Zelf and Astra's relationship? What will Patty Hurt's full demigod powers be? As we always say, if I had the answer, I wouldn't be the dancer!

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Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Nalea - A paladin of Gavelyne and the owner of The Divine Pawladin, a cat cafe in Faenelin that serves wonderful cat-themed treats.

Udon, Matcha, Mochi, Tofu - The four Cat Siths that guard the Temple of Molni.

Gavelyn - The lawful good god of sun, light, and air. Molni is her demigod.

Molni - Demigod of Gavelyne, a 10-ft tall catfolk with a lion's mane.

Mala - A catfolk worshipper of Molni and priestess of his temple in the Whispering Woods.

Gyiha - Former regent of Olvadell, currently a fortune teller with the Yrisol Traveling Circus. A friend of Bovil's, she is aware of the timeloops and is a powerful caster.

Madam Ogavia - A publisher of gossip rags who had stolen Gyiha's powerful implements. A member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac.

Pink Knight - A fey creature that has successfully entrapped Janni, whose name he believes is Tommi, in a wedding pact.

Prismatic Seven - The colors of the rainbow, who have overthrown the Pink Kingdom and kicked them out of the rainbow. Hard to say if this one is real or a fever dream.

Carnation and Rose - Two members of the Pink Knight's court.

Nerissa - A fellow Shadowend student on Commander Sylrona's squad. A talented martial artist.

Janni Innaj - An evil demigod that is in some way residing in Janni Brightchild's subconsciousness.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 62 - All doors open for Patty Hurts

Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:00:30 GMT

Welcome to the Temple of Molni! Well-guarded, full of traps and adorable cats, and some of those overlap a little. Patty gets a chance to flex her demigod powers, Janni finally reunites with his most sacred bro, Astra finds a familiar whiskered face, and Zelf continues to keep an eye on the team's actual goals, thank god.

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Nalea - A paladin of Gavelyne and the owner of The Divine Pawladin, a cat cafe in Faenelin that serves wonderful cat-themed treats.

Udon, Matcha, Mochi - Cat sith who guard the Temple of Molni.

Molni - Demigod of Gavelyne, a lawful good god. He is a 10-ft tall catfolk with a lion's mane.

Pink Prince - A fey creature original disguised or cursed to appear as a frog.

Mala - A catfolk worshipper of Molni and priestess of his temple in the Whispering Woods.

Ebnir - Lawful evil god, whose emblem is a trident.

Aureo Fortuna - A tired tuxedo cat and sleeper member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac.

Aurea Fortuna - A beautiful black cat woman with luck-based powers who is part of the Thieves Guild. The team briefly battled her in Episode 20.

Saint Spira - Yris' demigod, empowered during the Great War. She founded Shadowend, where our heroes originally gathered.

Ternio - Demigod of Idon; an enormous three-headed pug.

Elarinya - The bee-lady demigod of Vydonna, the lawful neutral god.

Algalash - Demigod of Salenas, the chaotic good god.

Gafanrit - Demigod of Hybdall, the chaotic neutral god. A four-armed oread (rock person).

Headmistress Nerixina - Headmistress of Faenalin Academy and a member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac.

Bysshod - Demigod of Ebnir, a sea monster.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 61 - Nefaerious

Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:00:31 GMT

The team finally - perhaps inevitably - enters the Whispering Woods. Everything starts super normal and stays normal the full time! All the precautions and warnings and preparations the team did to combat the fey trickery works super well and nobody does or licks anything stupid and immediately falls into a trap. We have to give it to Justin this time, no amount of in-game preparation can stop us from trapping ourselves.

Join the BCBP Patreon at Voting on the alternate PC poll is open now to members!

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Nalea - A paladin of Gavelyne and the owner of The Divine Pawladin, a cat cafe in Faenelin that serves wonderful cat-themed treats.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 60 - The UUs

Thu, 15 Feb 2024 12:00:59 GMT

After chatting a little longer with Gyiha, the team does more exploratory snooping by visiting the Phirel household and checking out Glorihan's burnt magic room. The team touches base about what threads they most want to follow up on - checking on Molni and the crystal god-killing sword? Wait to hear from Glorihan? Take some time out to print first-editions of Cassandra Stiffpeak's demigod smut? How will they CHOSE?

Check out Big Game Hunger at

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Here is the information for our PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Headmistress Nerixina (mentioned) - Headmistress of Faenalin Academy and a powerful summoner with large clockwork panther. A member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac, who want to destroy the demigods.

Gyiha - Former regent of Olvadell, currently a fortune teller with the Yrisol Traveling Circus. A friend of Bovil's, she is aware of the timeloops and is a powerful caster.

Madam Ogavia (mentioned) - A publisher of gossip rags and stolen books who claimed, lyingly, to be the former regent of Olvadel. A member of the Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac.

Glorihan Phirel (mentioned) - A goth mage raised in Faenelin. A Shadowend student in past timeloops. Was hunted as an anomaly in other loops.

Ansel Phirel (mentioned) - A poetical necromancer raised in Faenelin. A Faenelin dropout in past timeloops.

Pearl Pervalur (mentioned) - A Shadowend student obsessed with Patty Hurts. Like Glorihan, she was considered and hunted as an anomaly in other loops.

Pahpa Phirel - The Phirel patriarch.

Algalash - Demigod of Salenas, the chaotic good god. He is a Treant summoned during the Reskarus War, who resides in a dryad community in the Whispering Woods.

Ternio - The demigod of Idon, the neutral good god.

Elarinya - The bee-lady demigod of Vydonna, the lawful neutral god. In a former loop, the group found her in a mausoleum in Mealnor.

Bysshod - Demigod of Ebnir, the lawful evil god. She is a sea monster.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 59 - Pancakes Within Pancakes

Thu, 01 Feb 2024 12:00:33 GMT

It's never too late for sneaky secret meetings from the last loop to come back to haunt the team! Following Patty's upsetting reveal at the end of last episode, the team takes a few moments to center themselves. They install a shadow government, return Smol to Faenalin, and strategize about next steps with Gyiha. What new secret will they learn this episode that totally shifts the whole paradigm of this whole show? Tune in to find out!

Here is the information for our PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

NPCs in this episode:

Madame Ogavia - A publisher of gossip rags and stolen books who claimed, lyingly, to be the former regent of Olvadel.

Headmistress Nerixina - Headmistress of Faenalin Academy and a powerful summoner with a large clockwork panther.

Bysshod - Ebnir's demigod, a large sea monster that has destroyed cities. In the first time loop, Ebnir cultists massacred people at a blitz ball game in order to open the leylines, after which Bysshod was spotted off the coast of Birwine.

Ebnir - Lawful evil god of the sea, death, evil, and magic. His emblem is a trident.

Hybdall - Chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space. Often depicted with four arms. Patty might have been awakened as his new demigod, following the death of Gafanrit, the four-armed rock person who carried a broadsword with a crystal shaft.

Yris - The neutral goddess of beginnings, for whom the planet is named.

Spira - Yris' demigod, empowered during the Great War. She founded Shadowend, where our heroes originally gathered.

Ternio - Demigod of Idon, the lawful good god. A tri-part pug, made of Gamwir and two additional unknown gnomes.

Tapas - A member of the Gore-met Goblins.

Gyiha - Former regent of Olvadell, currently a fortune teller with the Yrisol Traveling Circus. A friend of Bovil's, she is aware of the timeloops and is a powerful caster.

Vydonna - Lawful neutral god of the unseen, often depicted as a gorgon.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 58 - Friends to Gongs

Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:00:18 GMT

Another dinner party means another chance to succeed at a dinner party! Janni, Astra, and Patty "Unproblematic Queen" Hurts enjoy another travel-based philosophical question about the nature of good and evil. The girls unanimously decide to not tell Janni about Janni Innaj, while Astra works hard to convince the team to do an evil-team loop. Janni encourages Manny to be a better pet-parent and Zoblin-Zelf prepares another beautiful menu.

Check out Rolling with Difficulty, a hilarious D&D 5E podcast set in Planescape! Their RSS feed is here, and their YouTube account here!

PO Box address:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Manny Meadowsweet - Zoblin/Zelf's manservant and apprentice.

Gumball - Manny's pet baby disenchanteater.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 57 - Faresmell

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 12:00:09 GMT

Madame Ogavia is none too pleased with the team and is making her displeasure known, with bad painful magic. But just because she can fly and teleport and manifest 4 arms and has the power of three gods doesn't mean she's going to absolutely pulverize the team, right? Right? RIGHT????

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Here is the information for our PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Madame Ogavia - A publisher, mostly of gossip rags about Patty Hurts and a ripped-off copy of Train your Brain Gremlins. The team has recently stolen a lot of stuff from her house, which was then lit on fire.

Hybdall - Chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space. Often depicted with four arms.

Vydonna - Lawful neutral god of stealth. Often depicted as a gorgon.

Ebnir - Lawful evil god of evil, death, law, magic, and the sea. Often depicted with a trident.

Gyiha - Former regent of Olvadell, currently a fortune teller with Yrisol Traveling Circus. Ogavia has stolen her staff and accompanying magic stones.

Ministry of the Fleeting Zodiac - A group that is aware of the timeloops and is actively hunting other people who are aware of it. They also seem to be attempting to kill all the demigods and gods. The prime minister is a masked figure with a crystal sword, joined by an old elven woman with a clockwork jaguar and a tuxedo catfolk.

Nerixina - Headmistress of Faenalin Academy for the last 500-600 years.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Listen to Justin and Jenna on Big Game Hunger

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 19:30:31 GMT

Jenna Stoeber, the voice of Astra Blep, has a new podcast called Big Game Hunger! Every week, she and a guest take three random prompts and make the big next game. This week, the illustrious GM and worldbuilder Justin Green himself came on the show! Together they make a truly wild game called "Chansey Boofy Tangrowth."

Listen on Apple Podcasts here and on Spotify here.

Find Big Game Hunger at or search for it on your podcast app. When you see an icon of a melting Sonic the Hedgehog novelty ice cream treat, you're in the right place.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 56 - Using Time Loops for Fun & Profit

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:00:41 GMT

The team uncover more of Ogavia's horrible secrets, including the introduction of a new favorite NPC! But they quickly overstay their welcome, so after filling their pockets with anything worthwhile that Ogavia owned and failing a bunch of perception checks, they attempt to slip out unnoticed!

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Here is the information for our PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Cassandra Stiffpeaks - A romance author who specializes in god and demigod-based erotica. A ghost, and a fan of Janni Innaj.

Madam Ogavia - A publisher, mostly of gossip rags about Patty Hurts and a ripped-off copy of Train your Brain Gremlins.

Kakaw (mentioned) - An Owl woman who wrote a book about planets, which Ogavia has the rights to but won't publish.

Raj Quilltwist (mentioned) - A man who loves puzzles and wrote a book of them, which was stolen by Ogavia (and, presumably, Astra)

Merabeth Tinbarrel (mentioned) - Traveled with Tetra, Janni as Tommi, and Toots Cappellini and was present for Ovaldell's destruction. She struggled with an uncontrollable wild shape, including the shape of a peacock.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 55 - Trash talking queen

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 12:00:52 GMT

Patty and Janni have successfully made contact with a goblinized Zelf, while Tetra and Astra ride in gaudy comfort on Madam Ogavia's megaboat. They all convene in Thune but once again - dare I say, predictably? - become distracted from their overarching team-reuniting goal in order to have tea with a longstanding enemy. Will they ever let Paul give up Tetra? At what point is it just a member of the team??

Here is the information for our PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address, please enter the PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

4455 Ridgewood Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Madam Ogavia - A publisher, mostly of gossip rags about Patty Hurts and a ripped-off copy of Train your Brain Gremlins.

Phasia - Ogavia's business manager

The Doomweapon - Demigod of the chaotic evil god Xitrix. It destroyed Olvadell, and is currently encased in an ice dome.

Gyiha - The former regent of Olvadell, currently a fortune teller with the Yrisol Traveling Circus. A friend of Bovil's, she is aware of the timeloops and is a powerful caster.

Kakaw - An Owl woman who wrote a book about planets, which Ogavia has the rights to but won't publish.

Raj Quilltwist - A man who loves puzzles and wrote a book of them, which was stolen by Ogavia (and, presumably, Astra)

Ternio the Cerberus (mentioned) - A three-headed pug, the demigod of Idon, the neutral good god.

Merabeth Tinbarrel - Traveled with Tetra, Janni as Tommi, and Toots Cappellini and was present for Ovaldell's destruction. She strugged with an uncontrollable wild shape, including the shape of a peacock.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 54 - The Exceptional Astra

Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:00:21 GMT

Astra and Tetra are hot on the trail of Zelf, and go to the docks to charter a ship. Unable to keep their noses in their own business, they find a majestic ship - belonging to professional publisher and amateur botherer of Patty and Astra, Madame Ogavia! What memories lie in wait for our team on this mega-yacht? Totally normal ones, I bet!

PO Box:

Jenna Stoeber

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

If you require a physical street address to send a package, please include PO Box 2636 in second address line, and send to:

Jenna Stoeber

4455 Ridgewood Ave

PO Box 2636

Saint Louis, MO 63116

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Ogavia - A publisher, mostly of gossip rags about Patty Hurts and a ripped-off copy of Train your Brain Gremlins.

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin. He has no shadow. He tried to get Zelf to sneak him into the catastrophic Blitz game in Faenalin but Zelf didn't do it.

Adrienne Mistmourn - Shadowend Commander of the Wizard Squad, which includes Glorihan, Abraham, Nieven, and Caeda.

Filbert - A Faenalin Academy student and known Mummy's boy.

Haku - A Faenalin Academy student, an old mischievous kitsune.

Fantasmic Fabian - A Faenalin Academy student and stage magician, with his familiar Bartolomew Cucumber.

The Little Stranger - A spectral cat-like figure that haunts Astra, causing misfortune.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 53 - F2G

Thu, 09 Nov 2023 13:32:34 GMT

For the first time on this show, Patty and Janni return to the site of a former encounter - one that didn't end too well! Last time they visited the Gore-met Goblin camp, they didn't speak the language and ended up defeating the head goblin Kruddit, burning down the camp, and stealing the Disenchanteaters. Now that they know all of the pitfalls of the Gore-met Goblins, they're certain to have an easier encounter this time! Good luck, Patty and Janni!

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Kruddit - Leader of the Gore-met Goblins, who worship Xitrix, the chaotic evil god.

Diane O'Nychus - a deinonychus summoned by Janni Innaj.

Tapas - A member of the Gore-met Goblins.

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin. He has no shadow or magic. He has been kidnapped by the Gore-met Goblins.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Time Loop Rules

Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:17:01 GMT

Instead of doing a more straight-forward "Previously On" today, here is a compilation of everything the party learned about the time loops in season 1. 

Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Patreon Preview: Haunted Picnic Society, Part 1

Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:35:19 GMT

Happy Halloween, to those who celebrate. And a happy Haunted Picnic to the rest! We just dropped part 1 of a one-shot episode called The Haunted Picnic Society for our Patreon subscribers. Paul Luetkemeyer is your PM and worldbuilder, Justin joins in as a familiar face, and the rest of us double-down on our respective bits.

In this story, the team takes a break to share some food and weave a spooky ghost story. Part 1 is out now; Part 2 will be dropping soon. If you want to listen to the full episode - or any of the other Patreon-exclusive one-shots! - you can do so immediately at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 52 - Gourd Play

Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:00:57 GMT

Today, on To Court a Criminal, we learn the truth about Patty Hurt's dead-end, loveless lifestyle. The cadre of hopeful suitors must face the truth that Patty Hurts might not be as squeaky clean as she lead them to believe. Can love redeem this beautiful ratfolk-- before it's too late? Tune in on biweekly Thursdays to learn the truth.... on To Court a Criminal!

Feeling run down, logy, and a little too horny? Sounds like you need some OohMoo Milk to perk you up and calm you down! Guaranteed fresh and wholesome, OooMoo Milk is produced only by totally unaroused cows who are not at all into being milked. You'll taste the difference! Try OohMoo today, now in Chaste Chocolate and Self-denying Strawberry.

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

DJ Halloumi - A high-end DJ inspired by Hybdall's chaotic power.

Gentry Til - Elven noble from Mealnor. In previous timeloops, he assumed the secret identity of The Dentist.

Barnaby Hurts - Patty father. A serious ratfolk in a three-piece suit.

Philippa Hurts - Patty's mother. A slender elegant ratfolk with a beautiful massive hat.

Rachelf Meadowsweet - Manny's mother, a painter and lover of gourds.

Dominus Peddledream - President of the corrupt Errosian Resettlement Office (ERO) and former target of RAID.

Plumpy (mentioned) - A former member of RAID under Patty's command. Likely in Bitterhold Dungeon following an attempt to bomb Peddledream at a spa.

Patty's Agent - A sturgeon.

Posthumous Blep - Astra's mother, a half elf who loves her a lot.

Smol Blep (mentioned) - Astra's cousin, who has suffered from some kind of curse that eliminated his magic and shadow.

Astra's Uncle - Implied to be not very competent.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 51 - Burnt Smell Book Party

Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:02:12 GMT

He was a boy, she was a ratfolk. Can I make it any more obvious? He was a fiery ifrit paladin, she was a potential succubus. What more can I say?

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Genbu - A massive desert tortoise and friend of Janni's.

Betti Burninghand - A former Brightchild, like Janni. Lost her hand and has replaced it with a flame version.

Mrs. Gravelchins - Petting zoo vore grandma.

Zayden - A ferret and the clear pick of winner for Courting a Criminal.

Dylan - A bad boy capybara.

Gentry Til - Elven noble from Mealnor. In previous timeloops, he assumed the secret identity of The Dentist.

Abraham - A nobleman and childhood friend of Patty, along with his timeloop-induced duplicate, Nieven. Insists he's the original.

Nieven - A nobleman and childhood friend of Patty, along with his timeloop-induced duplicate, Abraham. Insists he's the original.

Orim (mentioned) - Janni Brightchild's master. They are the leader of Gavelyne clerics called The Sirocco.

Hybdall (mentioned) - Chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space. Gafanrit is his demigod. Appears to be dead in this timeloop.

Gavelyne (mentioned) - Lawful good god of sun, light, and air. Molni is her demigod.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 50 - Welcome to Faenalin

Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:00:33 GMT

Astra Blep lives a life like many others in Faenalin; a little bit spooky, a little bit magical, a little bit cat-adjacent. Her days are filled with simple joys and mild annoyances. She wants for little. Despite her good fortune, she does not believe in fate - but it seems, somehow, that fate believes in her.

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Gyiha - The former regent of Olvadell who became a circus fortune teller after its destruction. A friend of Bovil Flaskforge's, she has had possession of the journal in previous time loops.

Tetra - A corpse flower floreid who desires to open a spa. It knows Janni from the long past, while escorting Aredus to retrieve a crown in Ovadell.

Posthumous Blep - Astra's mother, a half elf who loves her a lot.

Scritch Blep - Astra's father, a half elf who is a little more standoffish but ultimately proud of her.

Glorihan Phirel - A goth mage raised in Faenalin. A Shadowend cadet in past timeloops. Is believed to die in every timeloop.

Ansel Phirel - A poetical necromancer raised in Faenalin. Expelled from the local magic academy.

Smol Blep (mentioned) - Astra's cousin, who has suffered from some kind of curse that eliminated his magic and shadow.

Hybdall (mentioned) - Chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space. Gafanrit is his demigod.

Ogavia (mentioned) - A publisher, mostly of gossip rags about Patty Hurts and a ripped-off copy of Train Your Brain Gremlins.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

A Very Special Thank You

Thu, 28 Sep 2023 11:00:29 GMT

Time to catch up on BCBP! Because there's no new episode this week. Unless you're a Patreon subscriber - then you've got a Burnt Cook Book Party Party waiting for you! Instead we take a moment to thank you, and make some predictions about the next loop.

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 49 - My teammates are already gone

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:00:48 GMT

The promise of BCBPVP fulfilled. Janni and Astra square off against Zelf, Patty, Smol, and Castien. Who will double down and who will flee? For once the answer might surprise you!

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Chairman Naga (mentioned) - A world famous battle chef, and Zelf's former master. Formerly known as Julienne Carotte. Dead as of this moment, but may have faked his death.

Castien Grefiel - A fellow Shadowend student and a paladin of Gavelyne. He is on Commander Windstar's squad

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin. He has no shadow. He tried to get Zelf to sneak him into the catastrophic Blitz game in Faenelin but Zelf didn't do it.

Orim - Janni Brightchild's master. They are the leader of Gavelyne clerics called The Sirocco. When the team fought Captain Ironeye in Newhaven, she said Orim had told her to kill Janni.

Nerissa - A fellow Shadowend student on Commander Sylrona's squad. A talented martial artist.

Bovil Flashforge (mentioned) - Advisor to the Janni Squad at Shadowend. Keeps an extensive diary about the timeloop, currently in the team's possession. Believes he is destined to be the next demigod of Hybdall.

Hybdall (mentioned) - A four-armed chaotic neutral god of chaos, travel, and space.

Molni - Catfolk demigod of Gavelyn. Janni Brightchild's soul is in a catfolk with Molni.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 48 - Statistically horny for battle

Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:00:30 GMT

Having finally disembarked from the train, the team gathers together to do what they can for Gentry Til, then moves on to Nan Tahrum. The team engages in some mild, breezy conversation about theology, morality, action and consequence. Just typical lighthearted D&D stuff!

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Gentry/The Dentist - Mealnor's signature superhero, and a huge fan of Patty. Was poisoned and strapped to some bombs on the train by Bruler.

Diane O'Nychus - a deinonychus summoned by Janni Innaj.

Castien Grefiel - A fellow Shadowend student and a paladin of Gavelyne. He is on Commander Windstar's squad. Patty hates him, Zelf likes him, no word on Janni Innaj and Astra's thoughts.

Grog - A fellow Shadowend student on Urgon's team. A loyal Reskarian.

Gretta - A fellow Shadowend student on Urgon's team. A loyal Reskarian and might be secret Reskarus royalty.

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin. He has no shadow, and attempted to get Zelf to sneak him into the catastrophic Blitz game in Faenelin.

Bovil Flaskforge (mentioned) - Advisor to the Janni Squad at Shadowend. Keeps an extensive diary about the timeloop, currently in the team's possession. Believes he is destined to be the next demigod of Hybdall.

General Rachiel Windstar (mentioned) - Commander of the Paladin Squad. Fought in the Great War with the Royal Birwine Army. Janni tipped her off about Molni being in danger.

Ifell Tor (mentioned) - A fellow Shadowend student, on Windstar's team with Castien. A paladin of Gavelyne.

Mallow (mentioned) - A fellow Shadowend student, on Warsoul's team. A Triad Blitz player.

Brohok (mentioned) - A fellow Shadowend student, on Warsoul's team. He was caught in Patty's cartoon ankle noose during the Arrowpeak competition.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 47 - Manny-handling

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:00:07 GMT

Following the dramatic conclusion of last episode, the team must rally against the Black Market Boys. But as the battle wears on, more civilians become wrapped up in the action - including Manny and the eleflute! As the train barrels along, on fire and loaded with bombs, each team member must decide to either double down on their combat, or bail!


Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs mentioned in this episode:

Manny Meadowsweet - Zelf's apprentice and a perfect sweet boy.

The Dentist - Mealnor's signature superhero, and a huge fan of Patty. Secret identity of Gentry Til.

Sniprit - Black market vendor from Newhaven and follower of Xitrix. He tricked Janni into delivering a cursed item; Janni then burned down his shop

Zalvot - Leader of the Thieves Guild. Astra convinced him to let the team go, with the understanding that they'd help Tommi Embereyes track down Pearl and Glorihan.

The Fairy Godfather and the Tooth Fairies - Fae gangsters. They stole Astra Blep's canines while in Mealnor, to try to convince her to capture the Dentist for them.

Tudgrack - Found a piece of meteorite that Bovil was searching for, to become the demigod of Hybdall. The team stole his meteorite.

Rare Monster Vendor - Black market vendor from Newhaven. Zelf bought Piccolo the Eleflute from him, and Patty released a bunch of his animals.

Bruler - Supplied bombs to RAID. Formerly a huge fan of Patty Hurts, but then he tried to kill her so she rigged him with a Saw-style explosive jacket.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 46 - The Black Market Boys

Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:00:00 GMT

Training Day on the Battle Boose! The team has been divided into separate train cars, each packed with enemies with personal vendettas. Astra faces off against Zalvot and the Fairy Godfather, Janni against cursed item merchant Sniprit, Zelf against the Rare Animal Merchant and Tudgrack the foolish meteorite owner they duped, and Patty against BOMBS. Will Patty save The Dentist before time runs out? Should we feel bad for whoever fights Janni Innaj? Will Astra finally be forced to throw a punch?

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs mentioned in this episode:

The Dentist - Mealnor's signature superhero, and a huge fan of Patty. Secret identity of Gentry Til.

Sniprit - Black market vendor from Newhaven and follower of Xitrix. He tricked Janni into delivering a cursed item; Janni then burned down his shop

Zalvot - Leader of the Thieves Guild. Astra convinced him to let the team go, with the understanding that they'd help Tommi Embereyes track down Pearl and Glorihan.

The Fairy Godfather and the Tooth Fairies - Fae gangsters. They stole Astra Blep's canines while in Mealnor, to try to convince her to capture the Dentist for them.

Tudgrack - Found a piece of meteorite that Bovil was searching for, to become the demigod of Hybdall. The team stole his meteorite.

Rare Monster Vendor - Black market vendor from Newhaven. Zelf bought Piccolo the Eleflute from him, and Patty released a bunch of his animals.

Bruler - Supplied bombs to RAID. Formerly a huge fan of Patty Hurts, but then he tried to kill her so she rigged him with a Saw-style explosive jacket.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 45.b - a POST-episode-45 recap

Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:52:29 GMT

Listen to this AFTER episode 45, if you want more context. If you don't know what I mean, then you probably haven't listened to episode 45 yet! Go do that first!

This episode offers backstory on the characters that appear at the end of episode 45, who you might only vaguely (or not at all) remember from early in this season.

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A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game masterJustin Green, hosts Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 45 - Consequence Debt

Thu, 20 Jul 2023 11:00:31 GMT

Justin dangles several very convincing plot hooks, but the team manages to avoid most of them.... until they don't! Can Zelf figure out what's happening at the Vilnit estate before they have to leave? Will Patty be able to resist involving herself in a labor dispute? How many giant lollipops CAN Astra source? Also Janni Innaj is still here, messing up the moral pH balance of the group!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, hosts Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs mentioned in this episode:

Alok Vilnit - A young noble afflicted with a vampiric influence.

Aeyrin Starsinger - Shadowend cadet in Valentine's squad, and an acting rival of Patty Hurts.

Shyla - Shadowend cadet in Valentine's squad, also known as an ASMR Bard.

Wyn Marth - believed to be the Beast of Mealnor

Xitrix - Chaotic evil god

Dominus Peddledream - President of the Errosian Resettlement Office (ERO), a group that was supposed to be helping refugees find housing but which ended up serving mainly the wealthiest Errosians displace the local Reskarian population. Rarely seen publicly, he was attacked by Patty and the members of RAID during a blessing ceremony, which resulted in their imprisonment.

Smol Blep - Astra's cousin. He has no shadow, and attempted to get Zelf to sneak him into the catastrophic Blitz game in Faenelin.

Pahpa Phirel - Glorihan and Ansel's father. He has no shadow, and seemed to be vary wary, perhaps even afraid, of Astra.

The Dentist - Mealnor's signature superhero, and a huge fan of Patty. Secret identity of Gentry Til.




Sniprit - Black market vendor from Newhaven and follower of Xitrix. He tricked Janni into delivering a cursed item; Janni then burned down his shop

Zalvot - Leader of the Thieves Guild. Astra convinced him to let the team go, with the understanding that they'd help Tommi Embereyes track down Pearl and Glorihan.

Tudgrack - Found a piece of meteorite that Bovil was searching for, to become the demigod of Hybdall. The team stole his meteorite.

Rare Monster Vendor - Black market vendor from Newhaven. Zelf bought Piccolo the Eleflute from him, and Patty released a bunch of his animals.

Bruler - Supplied bombs to RAID. Formerly a huge fan of Patty Hurts, but then he tried to kill her so she rigged him with a Saw-style explosive jacket.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 44 - Janni innaJ

Thu, 06 Jul 2023 11:00:41 GMT

Patty, Zelf and Astra have some time spiders to take care of! And with their tank Janni out of commission, how will they manage? Who will get turned into Capri Sun and experience a moment in their past? And just what DOES that time goo taste like? Listen in real time as not just the character but the actual players themselves spiral of the events of their own show!

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A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game masterJustin Green, hosts Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Sound edited by Akshay Balakrishnan. Produced by Jenna Stoeber.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Molni - the catfolk demigod of Gavelyne

Rabual the Generous - a mystical wish-granting being that lives in the sewer. He swapped Duke Marth and Paris France's minds, and put Janni's mind in the body of catfolk to talk to Molni.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 43 - What's your Rabual score?

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 11:00:56 GMT

Bantaro reveals a terrible lie he has told and it's so terrible the Janni Squad doesn't even really grapple with it. Just add it to the heap! Janni's brain is in a worse state that usual, and the gang decides to do something about it instead of ignoring it and hoping it goes away. They teeter on the edge of breaking up, but don't worry, they make a much worse choice instead! Onto Rabual the Generous!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

NPCs in this episode:

Bantaro Valentine - Shadowend Commander specializing in music and performance.

Taft Warsoul (mentioned) - Shadowend Commander specializing in combat and dungeoneering.

Rachiel Windstar (mentioned) - Shadowend Commander of the Paladin Squad (Castien's squad).

Bovil Flashforge (mentioned) - Advisor to the Janni Squad at Shadowend. Keeps an extensive diary about the timeloop, currently in the team's possession. Believes he is destined to be the next demigod of Hybdall.

Berl Stanton (mentioned) - A Winterguard lieutenant. Prince Erling claims that Stanton escaped and killed Gamwir, but Taft knows this isn't true.

Rabual the Generous - a mystical wish-granting being that lives in the sewer. He swapped Duke Marth and Paris France's minds.

Paris France - A Reskarian ratfolk who dreamed of being a chef. Swapped bodies with the now-deceased Duke Marth. Soul currently residing in Janni.

Sasha (mentioned) - Patty befriended her, using the fake named Maddy, during the team's arc in Faenalin. Currently incarcerated at Bitterhold Dungeon because of her connection to Patty.

Molni - The catfolk demigod of Gavelyne.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 42 - Backhand of Good Luck

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 11:00:26 GMT

Zelf must step up - not only to solve this brand new murder, but to finish this most epic magical meal. Janni isn't looking so good, and it's not just food poisoning. Patty is hot on the trail of a secret identity, and Zelf is too. That's right, there are TWO dramatic reveals this episode! Can Zelf save the day? If not, can Janni? Also featuring our first (but probably not last???) solo side recording with Justin and a lone PC.

NPCs in this episode:

Paltra Mimosa - A suspect. Brunch noble, runs the artisanal poptart shop.

Grist Caskchill - A suspect. Practices Dwarven ale magic.

High Chef Chiffonade - Former instructor of Chairman Naga and leader of Birwine, created the Kaelf Garden Program. The Chairman eventually ate him and stole his recipes.

Bovil Flaskforge - Advisor to the Janni Squad at Shadowend. Keeps an extensive diary about the timeloop, currently in the team's possession. Believes he is destined to be the next demigod of Hybdall.

Count Vilnit - Rules over Mealnor. Father to Alok, a part-time vampire. The team is staying at his house while investigating his grandfather's missing fingers, which can impart magical cooking knowledge.

Bantaro Valentine - Shadowend Commander specializing in music and performance.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer.

Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 41 - Janni confuses the crostinis

Thu, 25 May 2023 11:00:10 GMT

God, I hope you like puns. MY GOD, I HOPE you LIKE puns. And food perverts. This episode has a lot of both! The team finally attends the opening of Duke Marth's hot new restaurant, Marth by Marth. Zelf and Patty subtly interrogate the suspects behind the theft of High Chef Vilnit's missing fingers - which could unlock immense cooking knowledge, if eaten. Astra unsubtly interrogates basically nobody, and Janni is also there. It's CLUE meets RATATOUILLE meets BCBP!

NPCs in this episode:

Bokus Dore - A suspect. Co-apprentice with Zelf under the Chairman.

Gentry Til - A suspect. One half of the couple that runs the restaurant for pets. Interviewed by Janni and Astra about their experience with the Beast of Mealnor.

Paltra Mimosa - A suspect. Brunch noble, runs the artisanal poptart shop.

Grist Caskchill - A suspect. Practices Dwarven ale magic.

Wyn Marth - Son of Duke Marth. Identified by the team as the Beast of Mealnor.

Prince Erling - Formerly spoke to Patty (and Astra) about tracking down Gamwir.

Gratin - Formerly an apprentice of the Chairman. Killed by the Beast of Mealnor or someone pretending to be him.

Camilla Marth - Daughter of Duke Marth. Dating Prince Erling.

Bantaro Valentine - Shadowend Commander specializing in music and performance.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Patreon Preview: "What's your star sign?" character question

Thu, 18 May 2023 11:00:20 GMT

This is a sample of a patreon-exclusive character question, released bi-weekly (on episode off-weeks). Enjoy the backlog of questions now by going to!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 40 - The Nine Senses

Thu, 11 May 2023 11:00:26 GMT

Zelf continues on his side quest to try to uncover more Chairman Naga secrets. Janni offers moral support and advice to a delirious Bantaro Valentine, one of their commanders at Shadowend. Taft Warsoul is MAD at Bantaro, and that is terrible news because THEY are ROOMMATES. Naclas, the Guildmaster of the hunter's guild, comes for a visit. Slide up a stool and pour yourself a big bowl of Caltrops Crunch! It softens in milk to an edible texture!

NPCs in this episode:

Bantaro Valentine - Shadowend Commander specializing in music and performance.

Taft Warsoul (mentioned) - Shadowend Commander specializing in combat and dungeoneering.

Naclas - Guildmaster of the Hunter's Guild in Mealnor.

Julienne Carotte - Helped the flashback heroes break into Olvadell palace, and until recently was Zelf's cooking teacher under the name Chairman Naga.

High Chef Chiffonade - Former instructor of Carotte and leader of Birwine, created the Kaelf Garden Program.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 39 - For Dignity! For Justice! For RAID!

Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:00:11 GMT

Do NOT put on that crown! I'm warning you too, listener! Patty and The Dentist split from the party for a high-stakes side adventure... which means, of course, a deep delve into Patty's dubious RAID-based past. Chet is here to put the GERBIL in MANifesto -- and wait, who's this group of rag-tag comrades under Patty's guidance? Plumpy, Tux, and Gabby, three characters that exist mainly to convince you the main characters are actually competent.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 39.a - a pre-episode-39 recap

Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:00:40 GMT

This is just a quick recap of the season thus far. Meant to be listen to after episode 38 and before episode 39! Entirely optional, no new content, so something to clarify where the team is at right now.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 38 - Sticky teamwork

Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:00:21 GMT

The team continues to get caught up - in conspiracies, in secret identities, in gold tornados. Will Ten-Face's inherently chaotic nature help or hinder the party? Will Billy Warhead live up to his name? What's with all the sticky teamwork? Plus, enjoy some highly regional local midwest talk!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 37 - Slutty Little Vest

Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:00:38 GMT

The team delves deep in a crypt, searching for the culprits who have made off with a dessicated finger, hoping to suckle its knowledge of magical cooking right out the tip! That probably doesn't make a lot of sense to you if you're not fully caught up in the show, but there's no better time to catch up. This one has a hottie in a slutty little vest!!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 36 - More than enough teeth for everyone

Thu, 16 Mar 2023 13:30:41 GMT

Zelf uses weird magic to make some weird dreams. Patty tries her best to keep the team safe from the truth about the world outside their bubble. Janni and Astra are on the HUNT for the Beast of Mealnor, but it may be too late!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Patreon Preview: Sea Monster Boat Race, Episode 1

Thu, 09 Mar 2023 12:00:43 GMT

This is a clip from the first episode of the Patreon exclusive mini series, Sea Monster Boat Races, released in December. This three-episode arc is NOT canon, but it's set in the same universe and features some familiar characters. Jenna is the GM and Justin gets to play in the mud as a character along with the rest of the crew! Listen to the full, over-three-hours-of-content series by signing up for our Patreon right now! Only $5 a month!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 35 - Unusual Body Stuff

Thu, 02 Mar 2023 12:00:22 GMT

Highly recommended going into this episode with some candy on-hand. Astra reveals the EXCITING information she discovered in the last episode - that Alok is a VAMPIRE! (And maybe stole her teeth?) The team does their level best to confront him in a non-intense way, to predictable results. But really, this is all a distraction to keep ASTRA from finding her TEETH.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Thu, 16 Feb 2023 12:00:18 GMT

The team recovers emotionally from the will reading and subsequence bequethals, then meets some familiar faces from Arrowpeak! They even manage to weasel their way into staying the night at a MUCH nicer crash pad. Surely they won't do anything to mess that up!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 33 - Dentistry trigger warning

Thu, 02 Feb 2023 12:00:04 GMT

Mealnor has so much to offer! Fine dining, gossip, some horrible little fairies sticking their horrible little fingers where they SHOULD NOT BE. We get more context on some familiar people, and some threads from the past are rewoven into the present.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 33.a - a pre-episode-33 recap

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 12:00:36 GMT

This is just a quick recap of the season thus far. Meant to be listen to after episode 32 and before episode 33! Entirely optional, no new content, just a lot of horrifying Zelf content taken out of context.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 32 - Licking the lollipop of crime

Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:00:17 GMT

Mealnor! If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere! But the heat is still on from Faenlin, and Janni has split from the group to check on things back in Shadowend, and to do some unrelated light carpentry. What will he miss while he's away? And just how many fanboys does Patty have?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 31 - Janni-shaped container

Thu, 05 Jan 2023 12:00:23 GMT

We're back in present day in Faenalin! But for how long? As little time as Astra can manage! The team gets a pile of loot and sorts through it for a dozen new quest lines. It's a shame they have NO TIME to complete any of them! Will the team escape Faenalin? Will ANYONE?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 30 - Toots doesn't know you people

Thu, 15 Dec 2022 16:35:41 GMT

The BATTLE for the CROWN is on! Who will survive this three-part one-shot? Who will place the crown on their head first? Will it be overshadowed immediately by a new terror? MAYBE!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 29 - Team Buffalo or Team Puma

Thu, 08 Dec 2022 12:00:30 GMT

Part 2 of this flashback. For once the team isn't hasty, but they are.... heisty?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 28 - Extraneous Knobs

Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:10:53 GMT

The gang comes together to defeat a serpent who attacks their boat, which was really uncalled for. A blood mage needs help unraveling his dreams, and another man needs help with his quest for immortality. But what about our party's needs, hmm? Who's going to help US?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 28.a - pre-episode-28 recap

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 16:25:59 GMT

This is just a quick recap of the season thus far. Meant to be listen to after episode 27 and before episode 28! Entirely optional, no new content.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 27 - Snoodeling

Thu, 10 Nov 2022 12:00:25 GMT

The Climaxtic Blitz Ball Batttle against Ansel concludes! Arguably it already had but now it's REALLY done and the team can mop up. Will Zelf recover from that hell-energy dump? What truth lies buried in Janni's addled brain pan? Find out some of these things and not other of these things in this episode!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 26 - Accidental Pervert Territory

Thu, 27 Oct 2022 11:00:32 GMT

The Climaxtic Blitz Ball Battle against Ansel continues! The team has done a great job managing the crowd and the zombies and now it's time to track down the nerd at the center of things. Will the gang escalate things out of control? Or desecalate them, also out of control?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 25 - Infamous Blep wiles

Thu, 13 Oct 2022 11:00:19 GMT

The Climaxtic Blitz Ball Battle against Ansel begins! Will our heroes use caution and reason, putting their well-worn battle skills to the test? Or will they falter at the first moment and send the situation spiraling out of control? You'll never guess!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 24 - Haunted Mutton

Thu, 29 Sep 2022 10:00:16 GMT

Patty and Janni befriend some goblins, and Zelf and Astra befriend a sheep. Simple, straightforward tasks!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 23 - Infernal mouths make strange bedfellows

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 10:00:05 GMT

The team makes the very thoughtful and well-reasoned choice to split up. Patty and Janni are on their way to a goblin camp, and Zelf and Astra follow up on some leads to the Academy. I sure hope J+P don't immediately set everything on fire and that Z+A aren't terminally passive aggressive!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 23.a - A pre-episode 23 recap

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 15:00:36 GMT

A quick summary of the story thus far! Meant to be listened before episode 23.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 22 - BCBPvP

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:00:22 GMT

Oh no, Janni! What happens to our goo-ified friend? Will Zelf eat the time spider webbing? Patty makes more friends, as she always does! Astra also makes more friends, but in cagey Astra style.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 21 - Found family plots

Thu, 18 Aug 2022 10:00:22 GMT

Reunited! And it feels so okay. After all they've been through, it's finally time to evolve the team's relationship. From roommates.... to friends? Astra and Zelf have a totally friendly stand off and the team visits the Divine Pawladin!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 20 - I will join a sorority tomorrow

Thu, 04 Aug 2022 10:00:16 GMT

The worst group split so far! Janni's in handcuffs, Patty's stealthily exploring on foot, and Zelf and Astra lie low in Astra's apartment. Patty befriends some students with her natural charm, Janni leverages his alignment, and the whole cast goes the entire episode without saying BEADS?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 19 - Group snoop

Thu, 21 Jul 2022 10:00:23 GMT

The gang is on the lukewarm trail of Ansel as he flees into Faenalin. They track him to Court of the Archmage and, I'm gunna level with you, the group gets a lot farther than either I or Justin thought we would.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 18 - Reverse gore

Thu, 07 Jul 2022 10:00:49 GMT

Hello, traveler. Welcome to Thune. Welcome to the Church of Hibdal. You may pray.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 17 - That's not being a bro

Thu, 23 Jun 2022 10:00:55 GMT

The party reconvenes at Shadowend and then immediately splits up to conduct their own investigations. The team tries to earn Mistmourn's trust but they get distracted before they can manage that.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 16 - The Great Mealnor Bake Off

Thu, 09 Jun 2022 10:00:20 GMT

Another dinner party! What would go wrong?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 15 - Like a drowned rat

Thu, 26 May 2022 13:43:00 GMT

The thrilling conclusion of a most epic battle! An important ally is found and yet the party is no better off than before. Did Tommi betray the team? Is Pearl still alive? Will Patty ever re-emerge from the ocean?

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A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 14 - Sunk cost fallacy

Thu, 12 May 2022 10:00:14 GMT

Several opponents have fallen at the hands of our brave jerks, but the worst is yet to come - how will the team tangle with the bulky and powerful MECH? Will Glorihan be saved? Will Baby Angel live to see adultangelhood?

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A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 13 - Walk with purpose

Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:00:05 GMT

Having finally reconvened amongst themselves, and with the other Shadowend cadets, the team heads towards the rainy docks. What is Ironeye's devious plan? Will they defeat Kihu, the Winterguard Commander with no regard for human life? Is Tommi going to betray them NOW or LATER?

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 12 - Grapes for an Eleflute

Thu, 14 Apr 2022 10:00:40 GMT

Janni investigates Bovil's health, Patty (and Astra) receive a pitch from a Prince, and Zelf wastes his culinary gifts on an unsophisticated eleflute. Introducing Dimtup! A sure to be beloved new NPC!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 11 - The Party of Pure Chaos

Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:00:02 GMT

The thrilling conclusion to Patty vs Brueler! Does she escape his dastardly grasp? Will the rest of the gang willing walk into the depths of the thieves guild? Does the party EVER REUNITE? All this and much more in this week's episode of Burnt Cook Book Party!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 10 - Fire sale at the cursed item shop

Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:00:40 GMT

The gang continues to split the part as Patty and Astra make a run for it, and Janni and Zelf make a run for it slightly later and in a different direction. The team square off against a mysterious black cat woman, overlapping layers of gas, and their inability to not get lured like lambs into dangerous situations.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 9 - Responsibly sourced eleflute

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 18:56:00 GMT

The gang braves the black market on a mission to save time itself! And then immediately gets distracted by their own personal interests. Also there's a gerbie.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 8 - Baby Angel

Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:00:06 GMT

The gang sort-of comes to terms with the time loop, hatches a plan, and does a makeover. Did you know BABY ANGEL is in this episode?! OMG he's soooo cool!!

BTW an image of the map (as discussed early in this episode) can be found on our Twitter, @BCBparty.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 7 - The Dinner Party

Thu, 03 Feb 2022 11:00:50 GMT

This is the Dinner Party episode. That is all.

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A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 6 - Who knows who's coming back

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 10:30:47 GMT

The necromancer is investigated, deals for meals made, and the group's leader Bovil turns up sober. But absolutely NONE OF THAT MATTERS because of what's in BOVIL'S JOURNAL.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 5 - Garden variety zombie

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 10:00:07 GMT

The gang re-delves Arrowpeak Dungeon to retrieve some roots and loots! Patty basks in the mob she fomented, Zelf makes use of his hot hands, Janni gets sloppy, and Astra's going to need a nap. Lessons learned: sometimes when you touch grass, it touches back!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 4 - Cartoon Ankle Noose

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 10:00:27 GMT

The Little Stranger causes trouble, the gang enters Arrowpeak Dungeon, and they meet their first COMBAT. Everybody gets a hand on the flag, but this is a dungeon not a relay!

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 3 - Bread Map

Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:02:45 GMT

The party makes plans for the Arrowpeak competition, using all of their cooking, cartography, and charming skills. Janni helps too, probably.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 2 - Janni Squad

Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:01:20 GMT

Bets are made, trysts overheard, and mentors sobered up. We see our party's personal connections to the endangered island of Newhaven.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

NPCs in this episode:

Valkanth Ventori - Head commander of Shadowend.

Pearl Pervalur - A Shadowend student obsessed with Patty Hurts.

Glorihan Phirel - A goth Shadowend student, on Mistmourn's squad. From Faenalin, the same city as Astra.

Bovil Flashforge - The team's commander at Shadowend and an astronomer.


Adrienne Mistmourn - Shadowend Commander of the Wizard Squad, which includes Glorihan, Abraaham, Nieven, and Caeda.

Inspector Nipip - A paladin and divine health inspector from Mealnor, Zelf's hometown.

Gorwin Clove - Shadowend Commander of the Druid Squad, specializing in nature classes.

Urgon - Shadowend Commander of the Crafter squad, training students in alchemy and crafting.

Taft Warsoul - Shadowend Commander of the Bro Squad, focusing on battle and dungeon diving.

Nerissa Endove - A Shadowend student training with Commander Sylrona

Bantaro - Shadowend Commander of the Bard Squad, an expert pianist and musician.

Soora Sylrona - Shadowend Commander of the Rogue Squad, master of spycraft.

Harvel Glasscannon - A Shadowend student rumored to be the reincarnation of Aredus, the Archmage of Errosia. He is a wizard but is in hiding on a Paladin squad.

Aredus (mentioned) - Now-deceased Archmage of Errosia during the Great War.

Reskarus Anti-Imperialism Defenders (RAID) - Patty's former squad of revolutionaries. Formed in reaction to the creation of the Triad Nations.

Chet Gerbilla - Leader of RAID, a stout gerbil

Hemmifer Twistroot - Friend of Patty, a RAID member.

Bruler - An anarchemist affiliated with RAID but not a part of it. He's into Patty, but who isn't.

Orim - A Brightsoul missionary and Janni's master.

Gamwir - Janni saved his life at the Battle of Vedogzon, which Janni cannot remember.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ep. 1 - Welcome to Shadowend

Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:00:42 GMT

Our party arrives at Shadowend, the prestigious military academy, and learn the grim truth about why they have been gathered. We met our player characters, Astra Blep, Janni Brightchild, Patty Hurts, and Zelf (with manservant Manny). Friends and enemies made (with some overlap), cakes sliced, and not a single lie told, wow! What a good foot to start on.

Join the BCBP Patreon at

Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of host Jenna Stoeber, game master Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at, or find us on Tumblr @BCBparty or Twitter @BCBparty.

NPCs mentioned in this episode:

Bovil Flashforge - The team's commander at Shadowend.

Aeyrin Starsinger - A shadowend student under Bantaro Valentine who has competed with Patty for acting roles.

Spira Adven - Demigod of Yris, founder of Shadowend.

And introducing:

Castien Grefiel - A fellow Shadowend student and a paladin of Gavelyne. He is on Commander Windstar's squad

Rachiel Windstar - Shadowend Commander, former General in the Birwine Army. Leads a team of paladins, including Castien.

Pearl Pervalur - A Shadowend student obsessed with Patty Hurts.

Manny Meadowsweet - Zelf's manservant and apprentice, studying to be a magical chef.

Glorihan Phirel - A goth Shadowend student, on Mistmourn's squad.

Abraham and Nieven - A Shadowend student in Mistmourn's squad. Both Abraham and Nieven claim to be the real, singular Abraham Nieven.

Valkanth Ventori - Head commander of Shadowend.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Mon, 06 Dec 2021 04:33:43 GMT

A D&D real play show featuring an original Pathfinder campaign where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war... and prevent a time loop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, Jenna Stoeber, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer.

Join our Patreon at

A time-loop comedy real-play show featuring an original campaign, based on Pathfinder, where four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race against time to prevent a war. Featuring the talents of game master Jenna Stoeber, Justin Green, Caitlin Stayduhar, Andrew Hansen, and Paul Luetkemeyer. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BCBparty.

Support us on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.