Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K
A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Tales From Terra

20 episodes

Full cast Urban fantasy Longform Audio RPG


An actual-play podcast that uses the ttrpg Terra Magia as both system and setting. Playing through pre-built campaigns that you can acquire and play yourself. Our first campaign is Monarchs and Murderers! A murder mystery in the city state of Ascensions Keep.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Terra Magia

Continuity: Longform

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Urban fantasy, Adventure

Maturity: Mature

Creator demographics: / BAME/BIMPOC / LGBTQ+

Country of origin: United States

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 17: A Titan Is Born

Mon, 06 Feb 2023 23:53:33 GMT

-Find us- 


Lycus: Twitter - 

Hannah - 

Music and Sound FX:   TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)  Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)  The following assets are courtesy of Earthquake with Debris, Crowd Panic 2, Crash Glass Smash 4, Electricity 8, Laser Burst Descend, Surgery Squishes 2, Wind Storm 4, Wing Flaps, Monster Wings Flap 3, Sci Fi Energy Beam 2, Laser Shot Synth 49, Sci Fi Energy Beam 1, Sci Fi Energy Beam 3, Magic Transition 9, Sci Fi Rumble Space, Punch 24, Jail Door Cell 6, Gun Submachine Gun 131, Ice Crackles Freeze 1, Splash Water 28, Walk Wade Deep, Supernatural Storm 3, Ripping Growl 12, SFX Waterfall, Rock Impact, Rock Impact 39, Mechanical Move, Battle Mix 3, Sci Fi Ambience 4, Time Waive Ripple, Sonic Boom, Fairy Dust 2, Sci Fi Magnetic 2, Sci Fi Rumble Space

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 16: The Dinner Bell

Mon, 06 Feb 2023 23:13:02 GMT

The night has finally arrived and the teams gets to work unraveling the mysteries that are all around them.  

CW This is a mature rated actual play with graphic descriptions of violence and body horror. Strong language and adult themes, viewer discretion is advised.  -Find us-
Lycus: Twitter -
Hannah -

Music and Sound FX:   TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)  Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)  The following assets are courtesy of  Siren Composite, Crowd Panic 2, Magic Transition 9, Electricity 8, Sci Fi Energy Beam 1, Meaty Thud, Sci Fi Energy Beam 4, Grunt 2, Body Fall 19, Deck of Cards 4, Monster Werewolf 4, Sci Fi Magnetic 2, Laser Burst Descend 1, Cards Flip Card 2, Sci Fi Energy Beam 1, Sci Fi Energy Beam 2, Sci Fi Energy Beam 3, Hammer of Justice Whoosh, Laser Shot Synth 49, Explosion Dynamite 3, Earthquake with Debris, Multimedia 793, Multimedia 841, Rock Impact

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 15: Defend The Block

Thu, 30 Jun 2022 16:59:26 GMT

The battle in the tea shop spills into the streets and Nana gets to unleash her real power.

-CW- This is a mature rated actual play with graphic descriptions of violence and body horror. Strong language and adult themes, viewer discretion is advised.

  --Find us--

Lycus: Twitter -

Hannah -   Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The  following assets are courtesy of 

Surgery Squishes 2, Surgery Squishes 4, Flesh Rip Tear 4, Bone Break 8,  Monster Werewolf 4, Magic Transition 9, Tentacle Slime 3, Rock Impact,  Rock Debris Spill 2, Rock Crack, Crash Wood Debris 36, Crash Junk Debris  3, Crash Glass Smash 3, Crash Debris Metal 7, Crowd Panic 2, Power Up  High Tech 2, Electric Arc 7, Ripping Growl 12, Monster Groan 17, Thunder  Clap 13, Thunder Clap 10, Supernatural Storm 3, Force Field Energy 3,  Zombie Dog Snarls 4, Elephant Roars 2, Hit Burst Dark 1, Sci Fi Energy  Beam 1, Sci Fi Energy Beam 2, Sci Fi Energy Beam 3, Sci Fi Energy Beam  4, Sci Fi Energy Beam 5, Explosions 4, Car Drop 10, Creature Monster,  Water Pour Liquid 1, Water Spill Splash 3, Magnet Attract 1, Sci Fi  Drone 9, Laser Burst Descend 1, Hammer of Justice, Impact LFE Rumble 24,  Explosion Car

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 14: Tea Time With Nanna

Wed, 15 Jun 2022 21:45:37 GMT

The detectives take a moment to collect their thoughts and breath at the safest place in the whole city, Nanna's tea shop. Unfortunately that quiet moment doesn't last long.

Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Body Fall 19, Rope Pull Heavy 2, Boots Jump 2, Sneakers 5, Impact Debris Dust 3, Jump Swish, Dowel Swishes 10, Pop Airy 158, Cracky Punch 16, Impact Glass 1, Footsteps Wood 36, Tea Pot Pick Up 2, Water Pour Liquid 3, Tea Pot Set Down 1, Tea Cup Set Down 3, Water Bubbles Loop, Tentacle Slime 3, Pot Pick Up 2, Pot Set Down 3, Transmission Burst 2, Pulse Descend, Water Spill Splash 3, Sauna Pour Water, Magic Transition 9, Secret Passage Way 3, Power Up High Tech 2, Electricity 8, Electric Arc 7, Crash Metal 48, Crash Wood Debris 38, Crash Debris Metal 7, Crash Glass Smash 3, Crash Window Shatter, Crash Wood Debris 36, Crash Metal 5, Sci Fi Magnetic 2, Magnet Attract 1, PE Mechanical 4, Hammer of Justice, Monster Snarl 49, Zombie Snarl Growl 1, Wind Freeze, Tentacle Slime 3, Hit Burst Dark, Sci Fi Drone 9, Sizzle 2, Sci Fi Energy Beam 5, Ice Crack 3, Fire Hose Empty Water, Tear Gas 1, Impact Watermelon 2, Splat Debris, Splat Hit Juicy 3 Splat Hit Juicy 2, Splat Crunch, Impact Splat Orange 1, Impact Human Splat, Impact Splat Juicy, Impact Splat Crunch, Impact Splat Wet 1, Impact Splat Wet 2, Laser Burst Descend 1, Sci Fi Energy Beam 3, Sci Fi Energy Beam 4, Surgery Squishes 2, Dimension Portal 2, Rock Crack.

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 13: Truth On The Horizon

Thu, 19 May 2022 07:08:46 GMT

Our detectives take the long suffering damsel to the tavern and prepare for the final leg of their adventure!  

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Music and Sound FX:  

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!) 

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!) 

The following assets are courtesy of  Multimedia 841, Multimedia 793

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 12: Ghosts of The Past

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 08:19:42 GMT

The detectives face a strange foe and encounter a chilling truth.    

Music and Sound FX:  

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)  

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)   

The following assets are courtesy of Electric  Arcing 18, Magnet Attract 1, Electricity 8, Laser Shot Synth 49, Impact  LFE Rumble 24, Angel Sparkle 6, SUV Start Idle Off 12, Car Away 1

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 11: A Road Trip Through Hell

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 07:44:25 GMT

Its a long road to solve this case and unfortunately the detectives have run into a bit of a speed bump as mino-centaurians have started their assault on their car. Will they survive? Will they get their security deposit back?! Tune in and find out. 

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Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Traffic Car Interior

Gun Machine Gun 365

Monster Growl 1

Tire Squeal

Sci Fi Magnetic 2

Auto Drive Off Fast 1

Auto Drive Off Fast 2

Auto Drive Away Fast

Ford GT500 KR 4

Ford GT500 KR 3

Car Defrost Button

SUV Trunk Open 3

Earthquake with Debris

Slingshot Firing Snap

Grenade Explosion 14

Hit Burst Dark 1

Wind Freeze

Rock Crack

Rock Impact

Laser Burst Descend 1

Car Drop 10

Power Up High Tech 2

Car Drop 1

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Monarchs and Murderers EP10: Meet The Crowes

Wed, 30 Mar 2022 08:21:24 GMT

The detectives get political and meet with the up and coming politician  Howard Crowe, learning of a potential dark truth of the princess!  Hopefully they can uncover the truth.

Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Scream Male 25

Door Wood Kick Hard

Bubble Surface 2

Wing Flaps

Monster Wings Flap 3

Zombie Dog Snarls 4

Flesh Rip Tear 4

Bone Break 8

Weapon Throw 8

Wine Glass Break

Water Spill Splash 3

Acid Burn Sizzle 7

Badger Intense

Wolf Howl Bay

Sword Impact Human

Cannon Fire 1

Cannon Fire 2

Cannon Fire Single

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Monarchs and Murderers EP9: A Night at the Museum

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 21:26:37 GMT

A college visit ends with murder in the museum just as expected! They learn nefarious truths about the powers that be!

Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Bell Ding

Wind Freeze

Sci Fi Energy Beam 5

Gunshot Battle 7

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 8: Secrets of a Princess

Fri, 04 Feb 2022 21:52:50 GMT

Our detectives meet once again with the princess to discuss their finding and unravel the mysteries before them.  Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 7: There's something about Mary

Wed, 26 Jan 2022 20:35:49 GMT

The detectives find there way into Mary's home and encounter even more secrets plus an invisible foe.  

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Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Explosions 4

Fire Building Ext 1

Car Crash

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 6: Sister Sister

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 18:02:09 GMT

Our detectives get into a dangerous battle with a new kind of adversary that really gives them a run for their money.

Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Laser Burst Descend

Electricity 8

Sci Fi Magnetic 2

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Monarchs and Murderers EP 5: Kyion

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:58:26 GMT

Max's sister reaches out for help and the detectives encounter a truly overwhelming force.  

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  Music and Sound FX:
TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)
Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)
The following assets are courtesy of
   PREL Static Dark 1

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 4: A Slimy Encounter

Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:19:04 GMT

Our detectives face down the horrific Vessler that was sent after them by the mysterious murderer that lurks in the shadows. 

Find us on: 


Music and Sound FX:   

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)  

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)  

The following assets are courtesy of Electricity 8 Sci Fi Magnetic 2 Magnet Attract 1 Door Unlock 4 Worm Crawl 15 Sword Draw 2 Electric Arcing 18 Whoosh Metallic Buzz Laser Burst Descend Drone Synth Eerie 2 Sci-Fi Scanner 10

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Murderers And Monarch Ep 3: The Doll in the Daycare

Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:13:25 GMT

Our daring detectives finally encounter their first murder scene and  even contact the killer! Watch them stumble through the clues and  encounter a true monstrosity! 

Find us here:



Get the game for yourself here:Itch:

Music and Sound FX:  

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!) 

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)  

The following assets are courtesy of 

Fire Burst Zombie

 Dog Snarls 4

 Electricity 8 

Electric Arcing 18

 Drone Synth Eerie 2

 Monster Growl 1

 Worm Crawl 15

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 2: One Man's Treasure

Wed, 10 Nov 2021 10:04:57 GMT

Taking care of some loose ends before starting the biggest case of their  lives the detectives go to retrieve a precious family heirloom for an  important ally.

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Get the game for yourself here:Itch:

Music and Sound FX:

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Zombie Dog Snarls 4 

Earthquake With Debris 

Train Pass By 9 New York City Subway 

Door Whoosh 

Metallic Buzz 

Sci Fi Magnetic 2 

Magnet Attract 1 

Laser Burst Descend 1

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep 1: The Case Begins

Wed, 27 Oct 2021 06:00:00 GMT

The heroes encounter a princess and are sent on a mission to unravel the mysteries behind a serial killer and their threat on the princess' life.

Music and Sound FX: 

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

The following assets are courtesy of

Zombie Dog Snarls 4

Drone Synth Eerie 2

Monster Growl 1

Fire Burst

Fire Building Ext 1

Door Knock Door 1

Cash Register Open 5

PREL Static Dark 1

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Get the game for yourself here:Itch:

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Monarch and Murderers | Character Creation

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 08:15:55 GMT

Hannah and David work with the incredible, handsome, and uber intelligent  creator of Terra Magia to create the heroes of the Monarchs and Murderers campaign.  

Music and Sound FX:   

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)   
Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)  

Find us here:  

Get the game for yourself here:

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Monarchs and Murderers | World Building With James D'Amato

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 08:15:29 GMT

James D'Amato walks me through an exercise in his The Ultimate RPG Game Master's Worldbuilding Guide to help me create the core factions for our first campaign, Monarchs and Murderers.

Find James on twitter :

Find The Ultimate RPG Game Master's Worldbuilding Guide here:

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Get the game for yourself here:Itch:

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Monarchs and Murderers Ep0: The Start of Something Special

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 08:14:54 GMT

Episode 0 of our first campaign Monarchs and Murderers! In this episode we get to see a brief glimpse into the past as we watch our heroes meet for the first time.

Music and Sound FX: 

TableTop Audio (Support them on Patreon!)

Monument Studios (Subscribe on YouTube!)

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Get the game for yourself here:Itch:

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