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Yesterday's Heroes

Single-voiced Superhero Serial Audio Drama


Yesterday's Heroes is an alternate history podcast that tells the story of the Good Samaritans of America, the world's first and only team of superheroes. Covering a period of time from the 1930s to the 1980s, this program charts the rise and fall of this fictional group of heroes as they face the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Space Race. If you like comics, history, and/or the history of comics, then this is the program for you.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Single

Genres: Superhero, Alt history

Framing device: Show within a show

Completion status: Partial

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Episode #13: How Few Remain

Mon, 02 May 2022 13:00:06 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we examined the life and career of Sgt. Wilmer Thomas III, the first Black superhero. Today – in our series finale – we shall cover the last turbulent decade of the GSA... and what came next. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #12: Prince Claw

Mon, 18 Apr 2022 13:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we ran through the lives and careers of the three other survivors of the Diomedes Cohort: Minute-Man, Starbolt, and the Human Shield. Today we finally turn our attention to a man who deserves his own podcast and more: Sgt. Wilmer Thomas III, a.k.a. Prince Claw the Man Lion... the world's first Black superhero. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #11: The Other Guys

Mon, 04 Apr 2022 13:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we reviewed the changes Julian Shannon made to the institutions of American superheroics, from the Good Samaritans of America to the Dixie Contract. Today, we will take a quick look at the lives and careers of the three other survivors of the Diomedes Cohort: Minute-Man, Starbolt, and the Human Shield. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #10: Secret Origins

Mon, 21 Mar 2022 13:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we covered the rise and tragic fall of Titus Olson, a.k.a. Black Thunder. Today, we will cover how that death transformed the Society of American Mystery Men into the Good Samaritans of America. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #9: Black Thunder

Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we introduced April Lincoln, leading lady of the Savannah Songbirds and the Silver Eagle's first wife, as well as the loose network of cadets, enhancement drugs, and agents known as Operation: Octopus. Today, we tell the story of Titus Olson, and how his tragic death at the hands of America's superhuman community effectively created the Good Samaritans of America. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #8: The Eagle and the Songbird

Tue, 22 Feb 2022 07:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we followed the Silver Eagle as he traveled the country in his great big debut tour in 1958. Today, we will take a closer look at Lt. Greene's trip to Atlanta, where he would meet April Lincoln, a talented singer who would soon become his better half. Plus, we will finally get around to introducing Operation: Octopus. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #7: On the Road

Mon, 07 Feb 2022 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, Friedrich Wilhelm Gruene, now Lt. Derek Greene, finally made his big debut as the Silver Eagle. Today, we will follow the Silver Eagle and his entourage as they travel the country in a massive, expensive, and historic tour. We will also quickly introduce the brains behind Rockbridge Comics: Sarah Zane. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Bonus Episode #2: International Men of Mystery

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Yesterday's Heroes: Bonus Edition. This week, our little podcast goes international as we follow up with one of the questions from last week's Q&A: "Were there superheroes outside the United States?" As always, thank you for tuning in. We hope you enjoy this slightly different kind of program.

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Bonus Episode #1: Q&A

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Yesterday's Heroes: Bonus Edition. This week, we're taking a quick break from the narrative to answer some questions from the audience. As always, thank you for tuning in. We hope you enjoy this slightly different kind of program.

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Episode #6: The Silver Eagle

Mon, 13 Dec 2021 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we introduced J. Andrew Loomis, the eccentric founder of modern vigilantism. Today, we can finally tie our various threads together – the Diomedes Program, the Society of American Mystery Men, etc. – as Friedrich Gruene, the son of a Utica grocer, becomes Lt. Derek Greene, the Silver Eagle. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #5: American Psychosis

Mon, 29 Nov 2021 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we covered the career of Dr. Elroy Finch, the story of human enhancement from Vitamin-X to the Diomedes Program, and the deeply traumatic physical transformation that America's first generation of superhumans endured. Today, we will turn our attention away from the Diomedes Cohort and toward the Society of American Mystery Men and its founder, the one and only J. Andrew Loomis. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #4: Science Fiction/Science Fact

Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we covered Friedrich Gruene's service in the Korean War, his friendship with fellow Marine Levi Satlow, and his fateful decision to join the Diomedes Program. Today, we finally get to talk about the Diomedes Programs – with all its thorns and roses – and about the controversial scientist who turned men into demigods, Dr. Elroy Finch. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #3: Frozen Conflict

Mon, 01 Nov 2021 13:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we covered the life of Friedrich Wilhelm Gruene, the future Silver Eagle, from his birth in 1933 to the death of his father in 1950. Today, we follow Friedrich into the US Marine Corps, where he will meet his lifelong friend Levi Satlow, and where he will experience absolute hell in the bloodiest months of the Korean War. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #2: The Silent Generation

Mon, 18 Oct 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome back to Yesterday's Heroes. Last time, we introduced Lt. Derek Greene, the world's first successfully enhanced human being and the legendary Silver Eagle. But before he was the Silver Eagle, and even before he was Derek Greene, he was Friedrich Wilhelm Gruene, the unassuming son of Utica grocer. Today, we will get to know the young man who would one day lead the Good Samaritans of America. As always, we hope you enjoy the program, and thank you for listening.

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Episode #1: First in Flight

Mon, 04 Oct 2021 23:10:11 GMT

Welcome to the first episode of Yesterday's Heroes: a history of the Good Samaritans of America in 10-minute pieces. Today, we ask the question: "Who was the first superhero?" We hope you enjoy it, and thank you for listening.

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