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The Dicey Gnoll


Just a group of friends playing Dungeons and Dragons. We want to share our adventures with all of you and hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Please feel free to leave a comment or tweet us @TheDiceyGnoll or interact with us on Facebook, we would love to hear from you. Excuse us as we bumble through the technical difficulties and enjoy the show! Support this podcast:

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 68

Sun, 11 Sep 2022 22:12:21 GMT

Following the aftermath of Flosa's attack, the party tries to find survivors inside the castle.  Seiravis must begin looking to the future of Brynthia and the empire

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 67

Sun, 28 Aug 2022 22:05:23 GMT

With Flosa crashing into the castle and Seiravis making a last-ditch effort to distract his uncle the party must make a quick escape or be crushed as the castle begins to fall around them.

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Bousian Chronicles EP 66

Sun, 28 Aug 2022 21:36:11 GMT

With Nathis stopping the fight our friends are forced to either put away their weapons or follow the evil wizard to his throne room.  While the rest of the group looks to Seiravis he looks for a way to turn this to his advantage.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 65

Sun, 21 Aug 2022 23:20:16 GMT

Well, it didn't take long for things to go sideways inside the castle.  While Seiravis searches his uncle's study for the name of the demon, Laena is approached by a guard.  Will she play it cool or panic.

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Bousian Chronicles EP 64

Sun, 21 Aug 2022 22:54:10 GMT

After taking advantage of the time difference in the Feywild, Seiravis presents Laena with the fruits of his labor.  The party then readies themselves to finally infiltrate Brynthia.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 63

Sun, 07 Aug 2022 23:15:32 GMT

Deciding to make use of their extra time, the group searches for items or magics that could help them in their endeavors.  Seiravis decides to beg the help of their allies to create something for his longtime companion.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 62

Sun, 07 Aug 2022 23:01:07 GMT

After talking to Autumn in the Feywild about getting back to Brynthia,  our friends must decide how to proceed.  Thanks to time flowing differently the party suddenly has more time to prepare than they had originally thought.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 61

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 01:05:58 GMT

Promises of a treaty that includes a tithe of sorts convinced Flosa to turn toward Brynthia.  Seiravis, concerned on how to get his people to safety, struggles with a solution to cover the distance in three days.  Thankfully a suggestion from Laena may not only get them there on time, but also give the party a chance to prepare.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 60

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 00:15:24 GMT

Very concerned at what Seiravis might have unleashed in an uncarefully worded message the party travels out to meet an ancient dragon named Flosa.  Will Seiravis be able to convince it that the danger his uncle presents is worth preventing or has his biting remark landed them in a battle with this dangerous foe.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 59

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 00:09:56 GMT

Having successfully cured the sickness brought about from the plague demon, the party decide it is time to move on towards Hontas.  Talliah is excited by the prospect of travelling to her hometown.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 58

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 00:19:36 GMT

As Seiravis and Nylamine work with the people in town to cure the plague, Talliah and Laena decide to spend their time shopping and playing cards.  Well at least some of the party has priorities.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 57

Sun, 03 Jul 2022 17:15:50 GMT

Reaching Huranas to find its people suffering from a plague, Nylamine and Seiravis use their divine powers to help cure a town leaders loved one.  Laena and Talliah occupy themselves with cards.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 56

Sun, 03 Jul 2022 17:00:42 GMT

After a close call putting down some sort of plague demon Laena and Nylamine struggle with last wounds from the fight.  Hoping that Huranas is not too much farther the group presses further through the swamp.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 55

Sun, 26 Jun 2022 17:15:43 GMT

Arriving in the swampy wilds of Lacria the party struggle to find civilization.  The situation grows more dire as waves of decay seem to be destroying all life and bloated boil covered bodies begin to appear along their path.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 54

Sun, 26 Jun 2022 17:00:13 GMT

After retrieving the glass from the puzzle room Seiravis, troubled by his mother's partial recovery, decides he should return to Brynthia to possibly restore her.  Laena, Talliah, and Nylamine agree to go with him.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 53

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 23:51:31 GMT

After solving the puzzle of patience created by Autumn and Phelon,  Seiravis returns to the house in the Feywild to learn more of his mother's condition.  Inner turmoil begins effecting his decisions.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 52

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 23:34:14 GMT

After visiting the non magical city of Mikin, Talliah and friends fidn and activate a portal back to the Feywild.  Looking for proof of Morphius' intentions.  Whatever that means.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 51

Mon, 06 Jun 2022 00:56:09 GMT

After leaving to find the city of Mikin and a passage back to the feywild,  Talliah and friends are accompanied by a tree friend.  Escorting them within sight of the smoking city the party leaves their new friend to see why there is so much smoke.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 50

Mon, 30 May 2022 20:35:37 GMT

After travelling into the eastern Boricumia,  the party finally meets the fabled Phelon.  After a brief exchange the group is sent to obtain proof that Morphius is still good natured.  Which obviously means traveling back to Autumn in the Fey Wild.  With little more information they set out toward Mikin and a long forgotten portal.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 49

Thu, 26 May 2022 01:05:49 GMT

After returning to Pedio to find Nylamine awake and well, the party must continue their quest to stop Nathis and his plans.  With only the direction of somewhere east to go on they prepare to find Phaylon.  Of course, they can't do any of that before back tracking and seeing just what happened to Nylamine while she was under Selunes care.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 48

Mon, 16 May 2022 00:38:19 GMT

Exhausted from their travels Laena, Talliah, and Seiravis hope that Nylamine's curse has been lifted.  After defeating the coven of night hags the three turn back towards Pedio hoping to save a lone sole up a tree and return to their friend.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 47

Sun, 08 May 2022 18:54:50 GMT

With Nylamine out of commission our party go on a mission to bring the curious healer back to consciousness.  With Selune herself guiding Seiravis the party back tracks (yet again) to find the frog like creature that has cursed Nylamine.

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Bousian Chronicle Ep 46

Mon, 25 Apr 2022 00:14:37 GMT

There and back again... and again... and again.  Our heroes just can't seem to get out of this neck of the woods.  Atleast they can't possibly have anything else that will drag them back once they reach Pedio.  No absolutely nothing will lead them astray this time.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 45

Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:42:29 GMT

Returning to the material plane and meeting with Fenn, our friends must decide how to proceed with stopping Nathis from bringing a "True Den Mother."  They surely won't waste time on the proper ways to eat a sausage or how to pronounce duergar and drow.  No our adventurers are most definitely focused on the task at hand.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 44

Mon, 11 Apr 2022 23:15:42 GMT

After slowing the plans of Nathis and closing the portal to the Fey Wild,  Seiravis urges the group to press towards finding the elusive Phelon.  In hopes of reaching him before his uncle can.  With the mysterious medallions in play and only the vague direction of east to go on.  The group must first find their way back to the material plane.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 43

Mon, 04 Apr 2022 02:06:24 GMT

Reeling from the plans of his uncle, Seiravis is brought face to face with his demons.  Laena, Talliah and Nylamine rush forward in hopes of saving Seiravis before it is too late.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 42

Sun, 27 Mar 2022 21:36:58 GMT

Life, the universe, and everything.  Well maybe not for our friends as they travel towards a clandestine meeting with Nathis.  Hoping for long awaited answers Seiravis will face his uncle alone to finally see which side he is on.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 41

Sun, 20 Mar 2022 21:35:03 GMT

After days spent unravelling the mysteries of the underground passages outside of Pedio our tired group is left with yet more problems than answers.  Luckily a last minute use of a sending stone reveals Nathis to be connected in some way.  Perhaps Seiravis can find out more of what is going on by finally following up with his uncle.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 40

Sun, 13 Mar 2022 14:40:25 GMT

Flaming horses, half dragons, and nearly scrambled eggs aside our party is exhausted.  Laena looking rather beat up seems rather pensive as tempers flare amongst the rest of the party about how to deal with this strange foreboding egg.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 39

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 22:33:20 GMT

Tired, exhausted, and grumpy our friends have still not managed to find a bath.  The mystery of the tunnels outside of Pedio continue to entice the group to press on in search of answers.  Coming upon a group of drunken opportunists a chance for more gold peeks Seiravis' interest as Talliah is upset with yet another set of ruined armor.  And she just got this one!!

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Bousian Chronicles EP 38

Sun, 27 Feb 2022 19:12:06 GMT

Tensions are high after Michael's betrayal.  The mysterious tunnels the group have found themselves in seem to leave more questions than answers.  If only they can hold it together long enough to find their way out.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 37

Tue, 22 Feb 2022 00:49:54 GMT

All he wanted was a nice bath.  Just a fluffy bed and a nice hot bath.  Yet it looks like this night will be spent chasing after new friends to see where they have run off to.  Laena will not rest till they find Michael, and that means the rest of the group will not rest either.  Seiravis is not pleased.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 36

Sun, 13 Feb 2022 21:47:49 GMT

After an evening of festivities, the group decide to explore Pedio.  Seiravis gets tied up with copying his spells into a new book as the rest of the party go shopping.  Easy day in town no trouble in sight.  Yeah, they will probably screw it up somehow.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 35

Sun, 06 Feb 2022 17:11:10 GMT

Finally, the entire party returns to Pedio.  With Talliah's sister seemingly leaving a cryptic message and a laundry list of other pressing matters to handle our friends have some choices ahead of them.  Yet decision making is obviously not their strong point as they decide to put off adulting for an evening of dancing!!

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 34

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 19:28:49 GMT

Party reunited!! Laena safe and sound after a month away from the group.  After exchanging stories the party decides to finish with the challenge and return to Pedio to catch their breath.  Maybe some rest will help them figure out which direction they should go next.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 33

Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:48:38 GMT

A spur of the moment mission sends a tired Seiravis and company out to stop a group seemingly intent on hunting Simics.  Meanwhile, Laena has been practicing using her new appendages and making new friends.  As the group draws closer to reuniting will the crisis be averted or will blood be shed.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep 32

Sun, 16 Jan 2022 17:04:30 GMT

After returning from the Shadowfell to find themselves in Pedio, Talliah Seiravis and Nylamine take a moment to get their bearings.  Nyla goes looking for a dashing leonin as Talliah and Seiravis head toward the school.  Once there Seiravis is made an offer that could unveil what Laena has been doing for the past month.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Thirty One

Sun, 09 Jan 2022 22:23:30 GMT

Rumble in the Shadowfell!!  Talliah, Nylamine, and Seiravis have managed to find their way into the dark realm once again.  Did Fen really not know what he was asking them to transport or was there ulterior motives at play.  To find out our friends will need to survive a death match and hope a lich keeps its word.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Thirty

Mon, 20 Dec 2021 00:16:43 GMT

It has been a long couple of days for our companions.  Villagers to rescue, Orcs to stop, and of course demons to slay has not left a lot of time for self care!!  Looking forward to an easy trip to Pedio, Seiravis and company prepare to finally travel to the capitol city.  What could possibly go wrong.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Nine

Tue, 14 Dec 2021 00:12:46 GMT

Troubled by the revelation that the orcs may be trying to bring forth some terrible being from another plane, Talliah, Seiravis. and Nylamine prepare to hunt down the source of the attacks.  Hoping that with a little luck they can end the menace once and for all.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Eight

Sun, 05 Dec 2021 22:51:24 GMT

After separating from Laena the group discovers that not all is right in Vintia.  After talking with the guards outside of town Talliah, Nylamine, and Seiravis leave the village hoping to put a stop to the orc menace once and for all.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Seven

Mon, 22 Nov 2021 00:54:42 GMT

After a hard few days dealing with fae bug monsters and marauding orcs our friends decide to return to Vintia feeling assured that Lavontus is safe.  Upon arrival Laena receives a surprise and a difficult decision that could help her understand the recent changes.  At the cost of leaving Seiravis behind.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Six

Mon, 15 Nov 2021 02:05:06 GMT

Orcs abound as our band of adventures manage to save the captives from Lavontis.  Well most of the captives.  returning to town will be a struggle, but hopefully there is coin at the end of this tunnel.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Five

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 17:18:34 GMT

Returning from Vermillion our friends are hopeful for a bit of rest after a stressfull trip into the mines.  Those hopes are dashed quickly as smoke rises in the sky indicating everything might not be well in Lavontis.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Four

Mon, 01 Nov 2021 22:19:33 GMT

Happy Halloween!! What better way to celebrate than exploring an abandoned mining village and discovering what happened to all the missing people.  Yeah Seiravis thought there were better ways to celebrate also after a rough night of sleep.  The group decide to venture into the mine to look for possible survivors.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Three

Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:28:53 GMT

Prize fighting and clothes shopping wouldn't be complete without pastries.  Seiravis and Laena confound Talliah with their love of sweet treats.  Finally deciding to go forward with helping Lucas, our friends make their way to the abandoned mining town to find some strange inhabitants.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty Two

Sun, 17 Oct 2021 23:37:38 GMT

With a few clues about the combine our adventurers decide to earn a little money taking a job in Lavontas.  Laena still unsure about her transformation and Seiravis unsettled about things in Brynthia, maybe something ahead will get their spirits up.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty one

Sun, 10 Oct 2021 22:19:45 GMT

Dealing with Laena's transformation, the group struggles with decisions on what to do next.  Seiravis discovers not all is well in his home town.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twenty

Sun, 03 Oct 2021 20:37:57 GMT

After traveling back to the tabxi village with Arctic, our friends make their way further into the mountains in search of a shadowy monster.  After a very close encounter with several shadows the group barely cought their breath before Laena fell over in pain bursting tentacles from her back.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Nineteen

Sun, 19 Sep 2021 22:22:59 GMT

Finding out that Laena is cursed has the group questioning their next move.  Do they hunt down shadow creatures in the mountians for a secretive group, or do they search for missing people in a nearby town.  At this point they can only hope to generate enough gold to pay someone to help them.  If such a person could be found.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Seventeen

Fri, 27 Aug 2021 01:41:44 GMT

Vintia at last!! Our Group of adventureres finally meet Victoria and learn that Mel should be in town within the next day or two.  Meetings are arranged and then more meetings as Seiravis surprisingly finds a familiar secretive group.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Sixteen

Fri, 27 Aug 2021 01:13:29 GMT

Separated from Dai'Nathiere our adventurers are divided on how to proceed.  With each of the group having their own thoughts they begrudgingly agree to press on to Vintia to see the Elder monks request through.  Talking rabbits, eight legged lizards, and one legged tabaxi make for an interesting encounter before the group are led to a small settlement for a ride into Vintia.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Fifteen

Fri, 27 Aug 2021 00:37:10 GMT

Deciding to follow the somewhat shady advice of Azophius the group decide to investigate a cave before deciding on their next course of action.  Warned of a dangerous silver beast they proceed cautiously.  Yet nothing could prepare them for what they would find or the heart warming moment between it and Seiravis.  An altar to a dark goddess surrounded by familiar runes leaves the group with more questions.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Fourteen

Fri, 27 Aug 2021 00:23:13 GMT

Once again headed to Higler our friends find themselves assaulted by a small group from the Luthian Empire.  Battered and barely surviving the encounter,  Seiravis asks the group if maybe it would be safer to head back than move forward.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Thirteen

Thu, 26 Aug 2021 01:54:48 GMT

Exploring the spooky castles leads our adventurers on a ghost hunt and a goose chase before landing them into the Shadowfell.  Will the group continue on or will Seiravis face his fears and go back in search of his lost father.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Twelve

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:30:40 GMT

The elusive Raven with the book turns out to be not very elusive.  Finding a map showing a nearby mansion the group decide to investigate, and Seiravis finds something he has been looking for.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Eleven

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:16:02 GMT

Having tamed or killed the threatening goblins our friends finally leave Higler on their way to Boricumia. Or are they??

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Bousian Chronicles EP Ten

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:01:53 GMT

Reaching Higler and meeting up with Elrilla and company our friends decided to help defend some swamp farmers.  Nylamine decides to train goblins to be productive members of society as the adventurers rush into the swamp to stop the abductions for good.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Eight

Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:52:16 GMT

So many dead!! Is it a plot by a neighboring country or did the DM kill off Npc's so he doesn't have to do voices.  After this meal Nyla won't be the only one cooking her own dinner!

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Seven

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 02:00:00 GMT

After making a deal to stop the rampaging books our friends find themselves attacked on the road to Paiju.  Things were looking pretty rough until a strange paladin comes to the rescue. Thankful for the assist our group welcomes the stranger, until things turn deadly resulting in Nylamine running off alone.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Six

Thu, 19 Aug 2021 01:42:03 GMT

Facing down wererats, werejackals, and burnt rats our adventurers stay the course hot on the trail of the mystery of the books.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Five

Tue, 17 Aug 2021 01:16:22 GMT

Holy Grumpy monks!! Things got heated between Seiravis and the head of security.  Our group might miss out on a free meal thanks to some rash decisions. Yet they are still hot on the trail of some goo books.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Four

Tue, 17 Aug 2021 01:03:24 GMT

Our group manages to survive an attack on the high seas, salted crackers, and an attack by a goo book.  What could they possibly get up to next.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Three

Tue, 17 Aug 2021 00:53:31 GMT

After arriving in Brynthia our adventurers spent a short time exploring the sights of the surprisingly crowded town.  Seiravis was asked by his uncle to make a trip to the empires capitol city of Paiju to attend a meeting.  Shortly after the group left harbor on the ship, Laena watched in horror as one crew member stabbed another.

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Bousian Chronicles Ep Two

Mon, 16 Aug 2021 00:27:24 GMT

Seiravis, Nylamine, Laena, and Talliah make their way to the city of Brynthia.

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