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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

Misfits and Misadventures with Blank

14 episodes

Full cast Fantasy Longform Audio RPG


A collection of DnD campaigns with Blankish as a Dungeon Master and other fun things.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons

Continuity: Longform

Writing: Improvised

Voices: Full cast

Genres: Fantasy

Soundscape: Music

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire Analysis

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 01:28:07 GMT

Please watch the movie before listening, it won't make much sense if you haven't.

Blank, Lio, and Kain discuss how the music, the cinematography, the small metaphors, and more create the story of a Portrait of a Lady on fire. The importance of how they portray the love story in the time that it takes place and how women of different classes are presented is also delved into.

Enjoy our thoughts of this French sapphic time piece.

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Birates Episode 14: Casino Mines

Fri, 02 Dec 2022 03:02:55 GMT

The party, in search of Olin Ironhide, visits a casino hidden in an abandon mine shaft and find some certainly 'underground' secrets.

Again, you can find the announcement for the Birates campaign at the end of the last episode or on my twitter

Follow for updates!
Instagram: name.blankish
Twitter: name_blank1e

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Birates Episode 13: A Splintered Path

Thu, 24 Nov 2022 18:22:37 GMT

In this episode, the party traverses a pathway used for human trafficking and meet an unexpected foe.

The other half of this episode was lost and we will not be filling in the gaps. Listen until the end for an important announcement about the podcast.

Follow for updates!
Instagram: name.blankish
Twitter: name_blank1e

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Birates Episode 12: Quest Hunting

Mon, 23 May 2022 17:49:02 GMT

The party enters a bar in search for a quest. When they cannot find a sufficient one on the public quest board, they attempt to enter the back room for something more interesting. Interesting it was when they uncovered something far deeper going on in this bar.

I apologize for the inconsistency and bad quality but life goes on. Again this is an older recording so keep in mind that some things said might not be as relevant anymore. Thank you all for your support and enjoy the podcast!

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Birates Episode 10 and 11: Troubled Towns

Sun, 08 May 2022 02:20:38 GMT

The party starts traveling to the trading post of Leonessen and find some trouble on the way. In the towns and cities they visit, they uncover corrupted details beneath the pretty surface. In search for leads and new equipment, they also see a familiar face.

As said in the beginning, we took a very long unplanned hiatus for many personal reasons but we should be back a bit more consistently hopefully. The uploads also depend on the amount of homework I have and work so I have no promises. Please keep in mind that the episode 11 recording is quite old so that's why some of the jokes are less relevant. Thank you for your patience with us, we never said we were anything professional.

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Birates Episode 9: The Murder of King Oberon

Wed, 08 Dec 2021 23:01:26 GMT

The party arrive at the Council of Leonesson and meet with Queen Cynthia. Together they uncover the truth behind King Oberon, Cynthia's late husband's death and Charlotte's role in it. Charlotte also has secret "business" to attend to.

At this point, I guess the new schedule will be every Wednesday but once I am fully caught up on episodes it will convert to every other Wednesday because that is how often we play. Also, thank you all so much for the recent attention on the podcast! I posted on my story about it but I would like to send out my thanks again. I am so happy that people enjoy this and we will continue to improve the podcast as time goes on.

Follow for updates!
Instagram: name.blankish
Twitter: name_blank1e

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Birates Episode 8: Preparing For a New Adventure

Thu, 02 Dec 2021 01:30:19 GMT

The crew meanders around the ship, completing their duties and preparing to arrive at a new island. Charlotte and Ceu revel in their past and brace themselves for the interactions they will have to face.

This is the shortest episode thus far! Again I am very sorry the uploads are not consistent. I have school and am not always able to edit. I will be trying to get it as consistent as I can.

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Birates Episode 7: Search For Answers

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 16:11:24 GMT

The party takes a break after finally being rescued after almost dying the on island they were stranded on. They speak to Ruby about what the future holds. They also go exploring around the ship and try to find answers.

Throughout about half of this episode we had a dog that we found outside with no owner and no collar running around my house so she wasn't just left on the streets. Because of this, we got distracted a lot trying to take care of her and find her owner so sorry about the weird cuts and progression of the story. 

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Birates Episode 5 and 6: Secrets and Abandon

Sun, 17 Oct 2021 05:45:19 GMT

The party finds secrets beneath the capital building of Elias that leads to something that was never meant to be found. They later get stranded and have to survive until Ruby makes it to them.

Note: I'm very sorry about the delays in uploads, I am in school and do not have a lot of time to edit. Also, the recording of episode 5 was lost so we did a retelling in the beginning of the podcast. During the portion with episode 6, we got distracted a lot so there's a lot of cuts and talking over each other so I apologize. Thank you for listening!

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A talk about Hamilton

Sun, 03 Oct 2021 17:28:50 GMT

Yeah this was for an assignment, and it’s partially our views of Hamilton and if you want to hear more please make sure to share and comment

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Birates Episode 4: Investigating Elias

Tue, 31 Aug 2021 15:58:38 GMT

The party splits up to go to the outskirts of the city to find information about the attacks on the city. While walking around Elias, they encounter many interesting interactions with the townspeople. Céu feels a strange connection to this area and can't quite put her finger on what it is.

Editor Blank note: Hello! I am glad to say I can get back to putting podcasts up. Since I hadn't been able to get a podcast up in a while I thought I'd just put this one up whenever I got it finished. If all goes according to planned, I should get the next one up this Saturday at 5:00 pm EST. Thank you everyone for listening!

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Birates Episode Three: The Underwater City of Elias

Sat, 07 Aug 2021 21:00:00 GMT

The ship gets a visit from a merchant from the Floating City of Merchants. Later, they get a few more surprise visitors - this time from the Underwater City of Elias. They ask for help from some of Ruby's crew and the party is tasked to visit the city and help. Editor Blank note: I've noticed each episode so far I've misspelled something or wrote something wrong in general lol

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Birates Episode Two: The Bag of Everything

Sat, 31 Jul 2021 21:24:16 GMT

Charlotte, Estrossa, Ultaira, Cecil, Allistar, and Céu meet more of the crew and get to work. Along the way, they begin to uncover secrets and forgotten mysteries of Ruby Graham's ship.

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Birates Episode One

Sun, 11 Jul 2021 06:00:00 GMT

On the first episode of the podcast, each of the members introduce their characters and make their impressions on each other and the crew of the rebel pirate ship they have been invited on by Captain Ruby Graham.

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