Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

Cyberpunk: Tales from the Oasis

Cyberpunk Audio RPG


We are a real-play cyberpunk podcast, set in a brand-new futuristic setting: The Oasis. Come join our four edgerunners on their adventures from Night City to this mysterious desert jewel - and discover the secrets of The Oasis. New episodes every week! Check out our website at - And also check out our ---EXCLUSIVE--- Patreon subscriber benefits at We are entirely listener supported, so any bit helps!

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system:



Genres: Cyberpunk

Framing device:


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Character demographics:

Content warnings (creator selected):

Country of origin:

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Episode 1: Prologue

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 02:45:09 -0500

Welcome to the world of Cyberpunk: Tales from the Oasis! This is our very first episode - and we're excited to have you along for the journey! Buckle up, and get ready to leave Night City - it's gonna be a bumpy ride...


Episode 2: The Arrival

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 03:09:38 -0500

The roads leading to the Oasis are dangerous - in the last episode our luxury transport vehicle only narrowly avoided a serious confrontation with would-be hijackers.

The intrigue around this Oasis place continues to mount, as the party sets off on the last leg of their journey. What awaits them at their destination?


Find out in this episode of Tales From the Oasis - The Arrival.


Episode 3: The Welcome Committee

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 03:15:15 -0500

Getting arrested is one of the worst things that can happen to edgerunners such as ISO, Mavis, Reed and Sedoy. Society generally doesn't look kindly on people that carve their own path through the systems of beuracracy, and the inside of a jail cell is not a particularly unfamiliar site for any of our characters.

The party waits, unsure and anxious about what will happen when the far door opens back up again.


This is Episode 3 - The Welcome Committee.


Episode 4 - Trickle Down

Sat, 03 Jul 2021 00:11:05 -0500

As our characters ponder the bizarre interviews they just gave, a million questions swirl through their minds. Though, for ISO, one thought rises above the rest - the person on the vidscreen in the waiting room. Her audio is muted, but whatever she's talking about seems important.  Could this be his first Oasis story? And how could he insert himself into the middle of whatever was going on? This is Episode 4 - Trickle Down.


Episode 5 - Raising the Steaks Pt. 1

Sat, 10 Jul 2021 16:45:10 -0500

The city around ISO, Mavis, and Reed feels strangely familiar and alien at the same time. The usual sounds and smells an early evening metropolis seem... different in the dusty night air of the Oasis.

Piercing through the faint smog, the moon casts an eerie blue light on the buildings and vidscreens surrounding them.

Neon signs flicker to life as a couple of food carts set up shop nearby. The Oasis night life is beginning to stir as they head to the "steak" house for a meeting.


Episode 6 - Raising the Steaks Pt. 2

Sat, 17 Jul 2021 12:08:56 -0500

The elevator chimes rhythmically as it slowly ascends the dull metal tower on the outskirts of the Oasis.

Inside, Sedoy, catches her reflection on the sheen of the glass and steel interior. She notices a few spots of Charles' blood on her face, and absentmindedly wipes them away before checking her agent for messages from her new friends.

Nothing. That's odd.

2 floors remaining.

She hopes this isn't a trap.

1 floor remaining...

Episode 7 - Nova-Soviet Roulette

Sat, 24 Jul 2021 19:29:14 -0500

The stench of fresh blood permeates the air around the VIP table of Flaming's Real Steakhouse. Cries for help from the tweakers echo unanswered around the penthouse dining hall.

The three remaining Brokebacks stand confidently beside their seats, eyeing the ruthless efficiency of their recent mercenary hires with barely concealed amusement. One of them shifts his cowboy boot slightly, out of the way of the steadily growing pool of blood underneath Reed's victim.

Episode 8 - The Daily Grind

Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:17:14 -0500

Reed stands alone in his bathroom, shoulders hunched over the sink. The water hisses quietly into the metal basin as he studies his reflection.

He scoops water into his hands and splashes it on his face, rubbing away the patches of dried blood with the slow, practiced demeanor of someone who has done this many times before.

He inspects his face again, nods to himself, and sighs.

Only one more thing to do before he can finally sleep.

Episode 9 - What Is Your Problem?

Sat, 07 Aug 2021 17:43:31 -0500

In the basement server room of the Trickle Down Hydroponics station, one of the guards peers over Sedoy's shoulder with interest as she roots around inside the central control server. The guard shifts his foot slightly, causing the nearby pressure sensitive LED tile to light up.


After a moment of digging, Sedoy's eyes fly open, and with a sharp gesture she yanks a hunk of wires and circuit boards out from the dark metal frame, holding it triumphantly above her head.

Episode 10 - The Rock Show

Sun, 15 Aug 2021 19:22:54 -0500

Iso and Reed exit their rooms, give each other a quick nod, and quietly decend the stairs outside their apartment building. The two figures walk away from the lone tower into the rapidly setting sun towards the so called 'Nomad's Paradise'.


Meanwhile, back in the apartment complex, Mavis and Sedoy prepare themselves for their first Oasis Rock show...


And the meeting with their mysterious new superstar client.

Episode 11 - Bombs and Burning Buildings

Sat, 21 Aug 2021 14:49:33 -0500

Rows of UltraBrite LEDs mounted on the ceiling of the Meat Grinder come to life suddenly, bathing the club in a disorienting burst of harsh artificial light. The club erupts with jeers and booing, as the drunken patrons head towards the exits and begin stumbling out onto the street and into the cool night air of the Oasis. Outside on the corner, several small arguments and skirmishes break out as the crowd from the Rock Show decide on the next venue upon which to inflict their unstructured adolescent rage.

Episode 12 - The Technicalities of Terrorism

Mon, 13 Sep 2021 11:58:25 -0500

The sleeping form of Reed lies sprawled on the ground, empty bottle in one hand and several more scattered about the floor next to him. He opens his eyes and blinks slowly.

As he tries lift his hand to shade his vision from the harsh sunlight emanating from his window, Reed's attention is drawn to one of the small pile of bottles. His heavy pistol has been posed amongst the glass and synth-plastic containers, as if the remains of his drunken bender were used as props for an album cover of an edgy indie punk band.

For reasons that currently escape Reed's alcohol-soaked brain, the words 'Mars Sazerac' are scrawled across the barrel. He blinks. He blinks again. His brow furrows as he reaches slowly towards the familiar firearm, which he grasps and weighs it in his hands.

Reed looks through his bedroom doorway, and towards his front door, slightly ajar.  Perhaps Mavis remembers what happened.

Episode 13 - Solving Problems With Sedoy

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:16:28 -0500

A large, black SUV waits in the shadow of Oasis Apartment Building 72-BCB. Inside the empty vehicle, a lone computer display bolted to the center front console reads 'Waiting for Passenger - Sedoy. 136 passengers in queue'.

After a moment, the door flies open with an impatient swing, and a few moments later, Sedoy slides into the SUV.

[Welcome Sedoy. You are [3 and a half] hours late. Is everything okay?] "Is that right? What time is it?" [It is currently 11:32 AM] "I am half-hour early, what are you talking about? Dumb car."

The door shuts automatically, and with a soft hum the electric motor comes to life as the luxury vehicle speeds away through the harsh desert sun. 

Episode 14 - Crashing and Burning

Fri, 01 Oct 2021 23:22:50 -0500

With a crunch, ISO flips over the front of the handlebars of his new motorbike, as he's flung unceremoniously into the air. Time seems to slow to a crawl as he tumbles head over heels towards a row of abandoned nomad motorbikes. He feels his grapple arm snap as it slams into the roof of an old, rusted sedan. ISO barely has enough time mid-flight to process the loss of his enhanced arm before he crashes clumsily into the row of rusty motor bikes - which in-turn then collapse on top of *him* forming a tangled heap of handlebars, wheels, and one extremely unlucky Media.

Episode 15 - Ferocity on the Streets! - The Ballad of Raven Darkblood

Thu, 07 Oct 2021 10:42:23 -0500

A black cloaked figure stands in the middle of the intersection, directly in front of the sleek automated vehicle containing Sedoy.

The traffic indicator in front of her car turns green, and the vehicles on the opposite side of the road begin to move. The cloaked figure, however, remains motionless - their expression and appearance concealed by a long dark hood.


There's an awkward pause as the left rear window of the automated vehicle rolls down slowly. Sedoy's head comes into view, leaning out the window with confused expression on her face.

She studies this strange character for a moment, but before she can make sense of what she's looking at, a small explosion pops the front end of her car several feet into the air. She slams her head against the top of the window frame, and as the car violently crashes back down to the street, her jaw smashes into the door. 

Halo ‘n‘ Horns - The Scott Yung Story pt. 1

Thu, 21 Oct 2021 06:00:00 -0500

Hello listeners! This week, instead of our regularly scheduled program, we're bringing you a special segment that I call 'Short Stories from the Oasis'. In these segments, we play a one-off session of some lesser known tabletop games and use it as an opportunity to explore some part of the Oasis that you wouldn't normally get to see! This week we're playing Halo 'n' Horns - A One Page Comedy RPG by Connie Chang (@byConnieChang on Twitter). Connie is the GM behind Transplanar RPG, an all-trans POC-led D&D show about broken heroes trying to save a broken world. You can find out more about that group on Twitter as well, under the handle @TransplanarRPG. You can also find Halo 'n' Horns, as well as other things Connie has made, at ! Visitors to Scott Yung's Discount Cybernetics will quickly learn that Scott loves to talk about his products. He'll go on and on about this cybernetic limb, or that neural enhancement, but one thing he's never straightforward about is where he gets his product from. But.. if you manage to find him after he's had a few drinks, and when he's feeling particularly talkative, he may tell you the story... Of how Scott Yung founded Scott Yung's Discount Cybernetics. (This is part one of a two-part standalone series)

Halo ‘n‘ Horns - The Scott Yung Story pt. 2

Thu, 21 Oct 2021 06:01:00 -0500

Hello listeners! This episode is part two of a two part standalone series, so if you haven't heard part 1, go back one episode! The game we're playing is called Halo 'n' Horns - A One Page Comedy RPG by Connie Chang (@byConnieChang on Twitter). Connie is the GM behind Transplanar RPG, an all-trans POC-led D&D show about broken heroes trying to save a broken world! You can find out more about that group on Twitter as well, under the handle @TransplanarRPG. You can also find Halo 'n' Horns, as well as other things Connie has made, at !

Episode 16 - Oasis.Wave

Thu, 04 Nov 2021 09:01:00 -0500

Warning! Priority Transmission from the Oasis! The vidscreen on the back wall flashes an ominous warning symbol over a bright red background, bathing Sedoy's apartment in an eerie artificial glow.

Sedoy leans against her kitchen table and studies the screen.

She wipes a small chunk of partially digested kibble off of her lips, and swallows several times in an unsuccessful attempt to clear the taste of vomit from her mouth.

The screen flashes again, and when it comes back, the text beneath the warning symbol has been replaced by two simple words: "Stand By."

Episode 17 - Ellipses

Sat, 12 Feb 2022 17:16:42 -0600

Sharp bursts of pain shoot through the arms, legs and feet of ISO, as he slowly tries to push himself upright. After a few half-hearted, painful attempts at readjusting, he leans back and rests his head on a convenient pillow propped up against the armrest of the couch. Less than 10 feet away, Sedoy and Reed sit at Mavis' living room table. Sedoy taps her fingers on the cheap plastic. Mavis catches her eye, and with a quick gesture, yanks the pillow out from under his head, and tosses it aside. He groans in pain as his head thunks against the frame of the armrest. This is Episode 17 - Ellipses.

Neon Nights in the Oasis - Episode 1

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:02:56 -0500

You collapse into your bunk, exhausted after the long day's work, and begin and scrolling through your agent, looking for some new flashy content to take your mind off the day - when suddenly you stumble upon something that catches your eye. It's a retro '2D film', recommended to you by your agent, called 'Neon Nights in the Oasis'.

From the looks of it, it's some old Callum Industries propaganda film... Claims it's the 'True Story' about some guy named Dennis, and how he 'Saved the Oasis'.

You roll your eyes, load the video, and settle back into your bunk. These old corpo propaganda films are usually worth a watch... If just for the production value alone. The title slams into the screen of your agent, startling you a bit:

"This is...

Neon Nights... In the Oasis"

Neon Nights in the Oasis 2 - Deconstruction

Mon, 27 Jun 2022 09:26:00 -0500

Dennis Thurgood, Oasis Citizen of the Year, looks on admiringly as his boss Dexter, and his good friend Sputnik, exchange the former's credit chips for the latter's 'goods and services'. In this particular case the 'good' being exchanged is a freshly decapitated head, and the 'service' Sputnik is providing could, technically, be classified as Private Security..? After the money has been exchanged, and the head tossed into the limousine's built-in swimming pool, Dennis notices several spots of blood on his bosses' vehicle. He uses the hem of his shirt to wipe it up, when he notices sudden movement in on the sheer reflective coat of this extra-stretch limousine... FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! Only On... Neon Nights... In the Oasis Episode 2 - Deconstruction

Behind the Mirage - Combat Music - Sounds of a Corporate Dystopia ft. Jen

Mon, 11 Jul 2022 22:47:53 -0500

'Behind the Mirage' is a series of bonus episodes where Artemis the Narrator and a co-host will dive into our creative process and talk about what goes into making a 'Tales From The Oasis' episode! In the debut episode of this series, Artemis and Jen (who plays Mavis) give a glimpse into our extensive library of combat music, and talk about how we select music, what makes a good 'combat music' track, and how we license our music for podcast distribution! Check out the 'Combat Mix' sister episode to this one for a 'no commentary' version of this playlist, a great set of beats to put on when you need to get in that Cyberpunk Mood.

Artist Song Timecode Dollshade Let the Reaper Wild (Closing song) 00:00 Blue BMX Knuckle Sandwich 03:30 Music High Court (MHC) Extinct 08:40 Veter Today You Will Win 12:45 Ian Edson Touch of Malice 16:40 MHC feat. WHZLY & TMRRW End of our lives 22:15 The Complete Fiction Tear it all Down 27:10 Rags and Riches Blood runs cold 32:45 Brad Hill The Destroyer 36:30 Freekill More 40:20 Saint James Tribal Tales 47:00 Veter Adrenaline (Intro song) 52:45

If you'd like to use any of this music in your own projects, check out the amazing music licensing site Audiio - the platform that we use to get so many awesome tunes! (Use code PRO70 when going to to get 70% off Audiio Pro!) Editor's note: We were not paid upfront by or asked to promote them, we're just fans of the product! However, if you go to Audiio via our affiliate link and use code 'PRO70', you can save a bunch of money (70%!) on Audiio Pro, get awesome fully licensed music to use in your projects, and Audiio will throw us a few credit chips for each person we send their way. Everybody wins!

Behind the Mirage - Combat Mix (no commentary)

Mon, 11 Jul 2022 22:52:37 -0500

A Cyberpunk Combat Music mix featuring songs from Cyberpunk: Tales From The Oasis - Something to put on when you need to get in that Cyberpunk Mood. Songs in order:

  1. Dollshade - Let the Reaper Wild (Closing song)
  2. Blue BMX - Knuckle Sandwich
  3. Music High Court (MHC) - Extinct
  4. Veter- Today you will win
  5. Ian Edson - Touch of Malice
  6. MHC feat. WHZLY & TMRRW - End of our lives
  7. The Complete Fiction - Tear it all Down
  8. Rags and Riches - Blood runs cold
  9. Brad Hill - The Destroyer
  10. Freekill - More
  11. Saint James - Tribal Tales
  12. Veter - Adrenaline (Intro song)

If you'd like to use any of this music in your own projects, check out the amazing music licensing site Audiio - the platform that we use to get so many awesome tunes! (Use code PRO70 when going to to get 70% off Audiio Pro!)

Editor's note: We were not paid upfront by or asked to promote them, we're just fans of the product!

However, if you go to Audiio via our affiliate link and use code 'PRO70', you can save a bunch of money (70%!) on Audiio Pro, get awesome fully licensed music to use in your projects, and Audiio will throw us a few credit chips for each person we send their way. Everybody wins!

Neon Nights in the Oasis 3 - The Part of the Movie with the Twist at the End

Mon, 18 Jul 2022 03:51:32 -0500

Welcome back… to the final episode of Neon Nights in the Oasis! This is Episode 3: The part of the Movie with the Twist at the end! This is probably the longest episode we’ve ever put together, so strap in, because this brief intermission ends shortly. FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! Only On... Neon Nights... In the Oasis Episode 3 - The Part of the Movie with the Twist at the End

Episode 18 - Rude Awakening

Mon, 25 Jul 2022 17:24:07 -0500

Mavis shuts the door to her apartment quietly, so as not to disturb ISO as he slips into a medically-induced hallucinogenic fog. She walks down the stairs, grumbling about the price of medical supplies and cursing that stupid media and his stupid motorcycle. At the bottom of the stairs, she stops for a moment and glances up in the direction of her temporary apartment.


She stares off into the distance for a few seconds, calculating something, and then chuckles to herself and steps out into the cool evening air of the Oasis.


A nice, strong psychadelic trip is exactly what ISO needs right now. And that is her professional medical opinion. This is Episode 18 - Rude Awakening


Episode 19 - Street-level P.lexiglass Reflections

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0500

Sedoy blinks wearily at the outline of the Nomad standing in her doorway. Reed, glowering impatiently, stares at her as she rummages through the pile of electronics and schematics scattered about her living room table. Underneath a pile of synthetic insulation, she finds what she's looking for - an AirHypo, with 'Boost XL' printed on the side. She examines the airhypo, and shakes it a bit. Empty. Her back to Reed, she sighs. With Herculean amounts of effort, she puts on a friendly, polite smile and turns back to Reed: "Do... you have any Boost?" This is Episode 19 - Street-level P.lexiglass Reflections!

Episode 20 - The B-Team

Mon, 08 Aug 2022 05:04:59 -0500

ISO winces in pain as he hobbles along the sidewalk.  He's only a half-step behind Reed, but still - only barely able to keep up.

As he walks, he feels his freshly-mended bones and tissue straining against the tight bandages. A sharp stabbing hits him suddenly in the side, and he stumbles slightly, trying to mask his reaction to the pain.

Reed glares sharply at him, and ISO returns the glance with a sheepish grin. As Reed turns his scowl forward again, ISO stretches a bit, testing the limits of his movement - and he wonders whether or not he can last a full day as a Corpo Bodyguard. This is Episode 20 - The B-Team Producer's note: Thanks for sticking with us through 20 episodes! You've spread the word about the Oasis, and we appreciate your efforts - stay tuned after the episode for a special word from the Oasis Advertising Network!


Episode 21 - Non-Negotiable

Mon, 05 Sep 2022 04:20:00 -0500

Producer's Note: Apologies for the unplanned break, Artemis caught a breakthrough case COVID and has been slowly recovering over the past month.

Iso, Reed, and their edgy companion turn away from the police cruisers speeding down the street, and are startled to discover that their Blue Chip Boss-for-a-day has just finishing packing up the water regulator installation equipment that took the three of them almost ten minutes to unload.

They trudge back to the work vehicle and pile into it. ISO gingerly fans himself with his injured hand, and Reed cranks the sputtering Air Conditioning and points the fan directly at his face. He stares at himself in the drivers side mirror and silently hopes that this terrible gig will end up being worth the effort.

Episode 22 - Thermo-Deregulation

Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:23:32 -0500

Mavis gingerly taps the side of her apartment vidscreen - and then presses a few of the faceplate buttons for good measure.

Unfortunately, her ability to mend flesh and cybernetics doesn't extend to vidscreens, and the electronics whine painfully before clicking off. 

Mavis sighs, and makes a mental note to order a replacement screen on Reed's tab before collapsing back onto the couch. 

Episode 23 - Surgical Precision

Tue, 04 Oct 2022 16:50:00 -0500

The borrowed Vidscreen goes dark in Mavis' apartment. Sedoy flinches in her chair, as Mavis moves involuntarily - forgetting for a moment about the surgery she was performing just a few minutes ago. Mavis clears her throat, breaching the awkward silence: "I... operated on Lexi Patel yesterday."

Episode 24 - Reed, The Room

Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:20:00 -0500

Sedoy flexes her arm, testing out the new addition of her invention - the Cyberian Cooler. She glances at Mavis, a concerned look crossing her stern face for a brief moment - and then instructs her base-level internal operating system to power up the cooling equipment.

As the fans in her arm begin to lightly hum, she watches as the Environment Temperature Differential on her Biomon and her Central Nervous Thermoregulation signals begin to drop slowly, each in sync with the other. She sighs a heavy exhale of relief - the cyberwear seems to be functioning within expected parameters. 

Episode 25 - Halfway to 5-0

Mon, 07 Nov 2022 11:22:32 -0600

While Mavis and Reed fight through the crowds of desperate people searching for Cyberwear parts... Our story today starts on a much quieter scene - in the apartment of Sedoy. ISO, growing increasingly starved for interaction, lounges on Sedoy's couch scrolling through the datapools on his Agent. There isn't much to look at. His usual Night City datapools are inaccessible today for 'maintanence', and his Oasis datapool collection is still frustratingly slim. 

Episode 26 - Once More Into the Flames

Mon, 19 Dec 2022 04:20:00 -0600

'...You best pick up the phone when I call, or you should lose this number'. The words from Nico, their Fixer, bounce around in ISO's head, as Sedoy gathers up the last of her things. She flits around her desk, organizing and arranging her workbench with near-manic energy from her recently injested Synth***. ISO rolls his eyes, he glances at his agent, checking the time. Their last gig from Nico didn't go as well as it could have, so he waits patiently for Sedoy to finish up... whatever she's doing.

Episode 27 - The Golden Opportunity

Tue, 07 Mar 2023 04:20:00 -0600

High above the smoke and flames of the Oasis corpo housing district, Reed sits in the pilot seat of a Trauma Team Heavy Aerial Assault vehicle. He closes his eyes, and steadies his breath, focusing on the datastream flooding his neural link. The advanced thermal cameras run a full sweep, peeling back the walls of their client Oscar Christiansan’s penthouse apartment, and feeding that data directly into Reed’s sensory inputs. Reed feels his neural implant getting warmer - something under his scalp begins to itch. 8 targets. Two with military cyberwear. Readying weapons.

Episode 28 - The View from the Edge

Tue, 25 Apr 2023 04:20:00 -0500

In the dimly lit dining area of Oscar Christiansan’s heavily fortified penthouse, Mavis and ISO stand wearily in front of a cold metal blast door, their bodies battered, bruised, and creaking from over-exertion. Mavis steadies herself against the polished metal of Oscar’s safe room, her breath ragged and adrenaline still coursing through her veins. The sharp smell of gunpowder and blood fills her nose as she takes a deep breath, and the sensory reminders kick-start something inside Mavis’ memory...

Episode 29 - Circling Back

Tue, 02 May 2023 04:20:00 -0500

The skyline of the Oasis burns, as the Trauma Team Heavy Aerial Assault Vehicle slices through the chaos. Within the vehicle, the relative silence weighs heavy on the party. Mavis cradles her broken arm, struggling for each breath, and wincing as their vehicle is battered by the high wind. She stares out the window, her eyes unfocused, as she recalls the events of the past hour in her head...

Episode 30 - Call from Beyond

Tue, 09 May 2023 04:20:00 -0500

ISO’s ragged breathing fills the empty silence in Reed’s apartment as the phonecall with Medtech concludes. Sedoy cracks a slight smile to herself, satisfied with her work. She nods towards Mavis, who returns a frustrated scowl. Sedoy averts her eyes, and turns to give Mavis some space - immediately making plans...

Episode 31 - Recovery Root

Tue, 16 May 2023 04:20:00 -0500

The oppressive desert heat seeps through the cracks in the insulation of the downtown Oasis apartments as the sun rises on the first day of the Wave. Each member of our group has isolated in their room, struggling (with various degrees of success) to find comfort from their recently-installed CallumTech Airfresh Window Units. ISO lies motionless in Mavis’ crudely constructed recovery ward, his recording chip tucked safely away, back into the camera in his shoulder.

Behind the Mirage II - Orchestrating an Oasis of Audio feat. Paul

Tue, 23 May 2023 19:59:04 -0500

‘Behind the Mirage’ is a series of bonus episodes where Artemis the Narrator and a co-host will dive into our creative process and talk about what goes into making a ‘Tales From The Oasis’ episode! In our second episode of this series, Artemis and Paul (our editor since Episode 17!) chat about how the episodes get made, how the editing and the series has evolved throughout Season One, and what exactly is 'Oasis' Cyberpunk? Once you're done with the episode, why not... Check out some of the other stuff Paul works on!

Check out the Ableton Live tutorial by Tomas George - Recommended by Paul! Check out the Logic Pro tutorial by Tomas George - Recommended by Paul! Also - like the music we picked? Wondering where we get so many great tunes? Well, in case you didn't write it down while you were listening, we use the amazing music licensing site Audiio - it makes it simple and easy for us to get licensed music that sounds great, and lets us focus on just creating the show! We've been fans of Audiio for a while, and recommend them 100% if you're looking for killer music that won't wipe your balance - in fact, if you go to Audiio via our affiliate link and use code 'PRO70', you can save a bunch of money (70%!) on Audiio Pro, get awesome fully licensed music to use in your projects, and Audiio will throw us a few credit chips for each person we send their way. So what are you waiting for, 'choom? Check 'em out, and use PRO70 + our affiliate link if you want a big discount on making your projects sound preeeeeeem!

Episode 32 - Open Door Policy

Fri, 16 Jun 2023 04:20:00 -0500

In this first of this three part special, Jen (Mavis) is taking over as host and MC for Artemis! All three parts (Episodes 32, 33, and 34) are out now!!



ISO’s eyes are fixed to his agent’s screen, as he sees it change to “CALL ENDED” before he even hangs up. June Gold’s glibness during their call, coupled with how quick she was to hang up the phone, sets off alarm bells in his still anesthesia-ridden head. 

Something seems wrong. 

He just can’t quite figure what that thing might be.



Produced by Starling Ronan

Episode 33 -- The Eye of the Beholden

Fri, 16 Jun 2023 04:20:00 -0500

In this second episode of our three part special, Jamie (Reed) is taking over the roll of MC and host for Artemis!

Spoilers ahead -- be sure to give Episode 32 a listen first!!



The Oasis night air feels like a heavy fog threatening to envelop Reed as he stands on the edge of the apartment building’s roof; his face gone starkly pale while contemplating the implications of what he sees.

A noise breaks through the haze of Reed’s consciousness. He hears a Russian accent calling something that sounds like his name, followed by some other words, swallowed by the smoke in the air, and he turns to face the sound, the faces of Mavis, Iso, and Sedoy come into focus.



Produced by Starling Ronan



Episode 34 - You Have My Word

Fri, 16 Jun 2023 04:20:00 -0500

In this finale of our three part "Beholden" special, Andrea is filling in for Artemis as host and MC!

Spoilers ahead -- make sure to listen to episode 32 and 33 first! 



Sedoy, having just had her brilliant plan to shoot through the floor fail hears a muffled growl of something loud and menacing but mostly unintelligible. 

The only word she catches is “eliminated” – with this, she contemplates sending another text to Gabriel to ask him for help laying low. Maybe she could just run back to her apartment, grab her backpack, and leave Mavis, Reed, and ISO to deal with this. 

Momentarily weighing her odds of success and her guilt over leaving her friends, she shakes her head and thinks better of it.



Produced by Starling Ronan


Episode 35 - Location Scouting

Wed, 28 Jun 2023 04:20:00 -0500

ISO struggles in vain with the restraints of the tangle-foot carpet, as Reed’s slashes into the reaching tendrils. The combined scuffle does an excellent job of muffling the faint hum of an Oasis PD drone hovering into the room behind Sedoy. The near-unheard sound sparks something in her subconscious, drawing forth memories of the past few days - she reflects, temporarily, on the simpler times… when the biggest problems she had to worry about were finding water filters… or a building the group could burn down to satiate that pyromaniacal rockstar’s creative ambitions.


She snaps out of her recollections a moment too late. Before she has any chance to react…


Episode 36 - Out of the Frying Pan

Tue, 18 Jul 2023 04:20:00 -0500

Reed, Sedoy, Mavis, and ISO stand frozen in place in their apartment lobby, not wanting to make any sudden movements and risk the wrath of the three Oasis PD-branded Very Heavy Pistols trained on their heads. ISO opens his mouth as if to speak, and then closes it a second later with a frown. He tries again, reaching deep to summon some sort of explanation, something he could say that will get them to the other side of this room, and to the relative freedom of the city streets… but for the first time in his life... ISO finds himself at a loss for words.

Episode 37 - Into the Fire

Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:10:29 -0500

The soft steps of a pair of sleek, matte-cream-leather high top athletic shoes echoes down a side hallway in the Trickle Down Hydroponics Tower. There’s a beep, as one of the security doors opens, and then a few seconds later, closes again, and locks.


Entering into the main lobby, the figure occupying these shoes… pauses - an open office door catching their eye.

Episode 38 - No Refusal, Non-Compliance

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 04:20:00 -0500

Reed finds himself in a dark room, handcuffed to a table that has been welded to the ground. Four hours go by - Reed tries to make himself comfortable, and get some rest.

Episode 39 - Reconnecting...

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 04:19:00 -0500

Charlene directs her internal agent to connect her to an encrypted line. Through a chevron overlaid on her vision, she goes over the plans one more time, ensuring every obstacle has been considered and accounted for. After flipping through a few different pages, and cross-referencing some details, she is finally satisfied with her prep work. Charlene relaxes a bit, clears her vision overlays, and cracks a rare, genuine smile as she looks out at her view of the Oasis streets. Her agent hums away for a few more seconds, before a small alert appears, notifying Charlene that the encrypted connection has been established. She takes a moment, clears her thoughts, and begins carefully transcribing her message...

Episode 40 - Static

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 04:20:00 -0500

[This description intentionally left blank]

Episode 41 - Connection Lost

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 04:22:00 -0500

The Lawyer in the fashionable suit chuckles to himself, as he straightens his cuffs. Like rats in a cage. He always enjoyed this part. -------- After the episode, be sure to visit this link to show your support for Tales from the Oasis!

Behind the Mirage III - Finale Cast Commentary ft. Andrea, Jamie and Jen

Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:42:41 -0600

‘Behind the Mirage’ is a series of bonus episodes where Artemis the Narrator and one or more co-hosts will dive into our creative process and give some behind-the-scenes looks into what goes into making a ‘Tales From The Oasis’ episode!


In this episode wrapping up Season 1 of Tales from the Oasis, Artemis is joined by several cast members, as they enjoy and discuss an early cut of the final two episodes of Season 1.

Behind the Mirage - Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission Kit Review and Analysis

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 19:52:41 -0500

In this special ‘Behind the Mirage’ episode, Artemis the Narrator and Andrea (who plays Sedoy in Season 1), dive into the upcoming Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit (Release Date: June 21, 2024). We talk about our first impressions, thoughts, and an analysis of the kit from the perspective of folks already familiar with Cyberpunk: RED. Spoilers for the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Anime series! Minor spoilers for the end of Season One of Tales from the Oasis. No spoilers for the included mission 'The Jacket'.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: The Jacket - Episode 1

Sun, 23 Jun 2024 03:41:40 -0500

Welcome to our first-ever Tale that doesn't from the Oasis! In this short miniseries, Jamie, Jay, and Jen play through Artemis the Narrator's interpretation of 'The Jacket' - the mission module included in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit. Join us as we dive, for the first time ever...

..into the world of Night City. Warning: Spoilers for the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Anime! Starring: - Jamie (He/They) as Goblin the Netrunner (They/Them) - Jay (She/Her) as Insurance the Medtech (She/They) - Jen (She/They) as Grub the Solo (He/Him) - Artemis (He/Him) as the Narrator (any)