7th Star to the Right
112 episodes
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Creator: Geoff Hegg
Full cast Science fiction Longform Audio RPG
A sci-fi actual play podcast using the Stars Without Numbers system. After a cataclysmic event known as ”The Scream”, the human empire crumbled. It is only now, 600 years later, that the skies are full of starships again with interplanetary communications and trade. Join our adventurers as they try to survive in the Imeall Mor sector making ends meat in an indifferent universe. Space bears, crystal goblins, psychic humans, and forgotten ancient treasures are just a few things they might find in ”7th Star to the Right”! Questions or Comments? Email us at 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com!
Format: Audio RPG
RPG system: Stars Without Number
Continuity: Longform
Writing: Improvised
Voices: Full cast
Genres: Science fiction
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Tue, 15 Jun 2021 17:18:03 -0400
Welcome to the first episode of our Stars Without Number Podcast! Today our heroes find themselves with a mission: find a stolen starship and return it to its rightful owner. An easy mission with no strings attached. How hard could that be?
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:05:00 -0400
Our heroes have found the missing Blue Robin, and it's currently being held by the Green Trading Company. Alix, in all his glory, Karen'ed (is that a word?) the party's way into the warehouse, but what will they do when they are finally confronted by Steve the guard?
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:10:00 -0400
Our intrepid heroes, having successfully stolen the stolen ship, have found some interesting things on board. Drugs and what appears to be a stasis pod. What have the Green Nebula Trading and/or Beholder Collective been up to? And what, or who, is waiting to be uncovered in this week's episode?
Episode 4 - Are You Gonna Be My Gal?
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:15:00 -0400
Silence meets our adventurers when they get out of meta-dimensional space. Wary of their ex-employers, they make their way towards Gal where they find some unlikely friends in a predicament.
Episode 5 - The Bad News Ursim
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:20:00 -0400
A level up helps distract our heroes from the scene around them, as they help Delia and Atlas salvage the attacked caravan. Making their way into Ragged Springs they come across a new friend and some bad news.
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:25:00 -0400
After that poorly timed news report our heroes are officially on the run, but who in the bar, if anyone, heard the story and were able to put 2 and 2 together? What does Claire have to say about Eriko Watanabe claiming to be her mother? Either way, time is short and it's time to leave Ragged Springs.
Episode 7 - Nona Your Business
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:30:00 -0400
Off to Glazov 5 to meet the Paragon Freelancers! But there are still secrets within the group that need to be worked through on the voyage. What is the source of Claire's discomfort of Nona? And why does she seem even paler than usual?
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:35:00 -0400
The party finds out that there are a lot of colorful characters in the Paragon Freelancers; cybernetically enhanced humans, ancient Torqs, and space pandas---Oh my! Claire needs some medical assistance, but the resident doctor is missing and the Paragon Freelancers seem to keep some secrets close to the chest.
Episode 9 - Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:40:00 -0400
Having found the Elevator and learned what lurks beneath, our party finds themselves on the business end of a platoon of robots. A plan is hatched for unlocking the secrets of the Glazov 5 station, and preparations are made for the journey into its depths.
Episode 10 - In Space No One Can Hear You Bork
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:45:00 -0400
Having put together a plan of action, our party journeys into the depths of the Glazov 5 station. What forgotten treasures and hidden dangers lie in wait for them in the darkness below? A horde of credits? Powerful forgotten stims? Killer robots?...It's probably robots.
Episode 11 - I'm Grave Robbin' Here!
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:50:00 -0400
Sometimes being elbow-deep in the chest of ruined Heavy War Machine pays off with getting it up and running again. Sometimes the Heavy War Machine is not happy that it was awoken from its hundred years slumber. In this episode Nona is on the business end of one of her people, Micah makes a lot of noise breaking down a metal door, Alix regrets all of the decisions that lead him to this point, and Tony is just happy to be included.
Episode 12 - Death by Exposition (and maybe that bomb we found)
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:55:00 -0400
Having completely investigated and looted the 2nd ring of Glazov 5, our intrepid heroes take a session to relax from the stress of imminent death. Nona scours through Kyle Reed's documents and dataslab, Micah asks about a group working with the Children of Silence, and Alix is made uncomfortable by a dog and a bomb. Will they be ready for what lies deeper in the space station?
Episode 13 - Shoots and Ladders
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 19:00:00 -0400
It's time for the final step of liberating Glazov 5 from its robot infestation. Our party gathers intel and supplies to prepare for the final descent into the bowels of the derelict space station. Time to crack this proverbial nut...or, more accurately, proverbial grape.
Episode 14 - My Life as a Teenage Space Station
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 19:05:00 -0400
Nona has now met the sister, Quinn, she never knew she had. But there's just one problem, Quinn is the Glazov 5 space station. The very same station that the Paragon Freelancers are hoping to inhabit. Can an uneasy peace be found between these two parties or will the threat of a True AI cause the Paragon Clan to act?
Episode 15 - I Guess We Have To Kill Tony
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 12:00:00 -0400
Starting off this episode our party finds themselves needing to keep Claire's secret from getting out into the open as she nears giving another prophecy, but who is that voice coming around the corner? And why do I have a natural dislike of their general presence? Oh no. Will our adventurers finally need to "take care of" Tony as he has learned too much? Can they convince him that what he heard meant nothing? Or could they find they have made an unlikely ally?...Hmm, no. I guess we have to kill Tony.
Meta Dimensional Talk - Episode 1
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 12:00:00 -0400
We do something a bit different this episode where we talk about how the campaign is going. What the players like and don't like, what is working for the campaign, and theories about where the story is going to go. If this is something that piqued your curiosity, then join us for the first "Meta Dimensional Talk"! -- otherwise the next episode will be uploaded along with this one, so you don't miss out on that campaign goodness.
Episode 16 - Orsiame Where the Wind Comes Sweepin' Down the Plain
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 12:01:00 -0400
The gang has left Glazov 5 with their new destination being the planet of Orsiame in the Magalca System, and they now have about 8 days to spend by themselves during transit. Micah and Claire start training, Nona buffs out those nasty bumps in the body from hitting that guy with the hover bikes, and Alix starts drinking way too much coffee. What fun new adventures await them on Orsiame and the city of Brees?
Wed, 21 Jul 2021 12:00:00 -0400
Bad news awaits the party when the arrive at Brees. Vaughn has been captured and is being charged with the attempted assassination of the Cassian general Hunter Cayne and continued attempts to reach the rest of Micah's group has been met with silence. The party starts their investigation into what happened to while Micah was away, while a mysterious figure appears to be following them from the shadows.
Episode 18 - So You Come to Me on the Day of My Daughter's Wedding
Wed, 04 Aug 2021 22:13:09 -0400
The group has no where else to look for help in order to save Micah's friends other than turn to Cyril Sharpclaws, the leader of a gang of Ursim in the underbelly of Brees. Alix doesn't like the idea of working with him and Nona doesn't want to leave her precious hovercycles behind, but sometimes you just have to do the unthinkable in order to get things done. So it's time to meet the bear-man to make a deal with the devil and hope you can get out of it with you soul intact.
Wed, 18 Aug 2021 22:37:33 -0400
With only hours left before Micah's cell is moved, now is the time to act. Escorted by some dirty cops in the pocket of Cyril Sharpclaws, the group is able to get inside the building to find Micah's friends. But what obstacles will they have to overcome in order to get everyone in and out? Will Nona finally get her Baby Driver moment? And what sinister favor might Cyril be looking for when it's all done? It's time for a heist with a little planning and a whole lot of improv!
Episode 20 - Dancing with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
Wed, 01 Sep 2021 10:16:00 -0400
Heist complete! There were some close calls, but Zuri and Micah successfully extract the other member of McRaven's group and it looks like they are going to get out scot-free with the Breesian Police none the wiser. It was pretty easy...perhaps too easy. Join us for our next session of 7th Star where Alix sees a relic from his past and Nona comes to terms with losing a loved one.
Wed, 15 Sep 2021 13:00:00 -0400
After a thrilling car chase and some quick thinking with a hovercycle and a doctor's bag from Alix, our party has successfully escaped capture for now. But, in all of the excitement Claire is missing! She ran towards the hideout at Alix's direction after a close encounter with Natalya Cayne and some Silence Operatives. Where did she go? Is she lost? Did the the Children of the Silence, or worse the Beholder Collective find her? Does our party have a particular set of skills that make them a nightmare for people like the possible kidnappers? Hopefully some answers can be found on this weeks episode of 7th Star to the Right: Tooken.
Episode 22 - Gunfight at the B.E.A.R Corral
Wed, 29 Sep 2021 17:00:00 -0400
Cyril has taken things just a bit too far. Kidnapping Claire and forcing the team to do his dirty work? We knew he was a bad guy, he is the head of an Ursim Mafia after all, but he didn't have to be such a jerk about it. So what is our party to do? Help him with his drug empire and try to find this chemist? Take back Claire and skip town? Burn down his house? Hm, we might be onto something with that last one.
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 12:00:00 -0400
With Claire safely out of harms way and the Sharpclaws' safe house ablaze, our heroes make their way to the tunnel ports of Brees hoping for safe and easy passage out of the city. Were Zuri and Isis successful in their rescue/arson attempt? Can our party trust the smuggler Freya and Kynon found to smuggle them out of the city? Will there finally be a chance to breathe after this very long stressful day? Who is Captain Smokey? All this and more in 7th Star Episode 23: We're on a Boat!
Episode 24 - Pancakes and Planning
Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham (group name pending) discuss what they are going to do over some pancakes after a 24 hours the day prior. How will the group get their Starship back? Will they go after Vaughn, Dorian Gray, or the Xe'thra Group? Has Claire never never had pancakes before? Before the group can act on anything another member of the Acolytes of the End shows up to discuss important matters, the mysterious Devas Jina.
Episode 25 - Nona, Put on the Red Light
Wed, 10 Nov 2021 12:00:00 -0500
Most of the party is safe and sound on the Calvin Estate, but they are missing two important members: The Phoenix and the good boy Argos. It's time for the group to head back to Brees to pick up their parked starship, and there is someone waiting when they return. In this session Nona tries to talk her way out of suspicion, Micah performs power yoga on the side of a cliff, Alix and Claire discuss if the red light is how someone would start the ship should something happen to their pilot.
Episode 26 - Are You Calvin or Out?
Wed, 24 Nov 2021 12:00:00 -0500
With the Phoenix back home nice and safe it's time to figure out the next steps for tracking down Dorian Gray in the city of Jade. What is their connection to "the word"? And why were they meeting with both sides of this Orsimian Civil War? Before those questions could be answered though a new visitor knocks on the door to deliver a mysterious package.
Episode 27 - The Next Spire Over
Wed, 08 Dec 2021 12:00:00 -0500
Our adventurers, aboard the "Are You Calvin or Out?", make their way towards the city of Jade in search of the mysterious Dorian Gray. They arrive to find a city with two stories among the spires, one of extravagance and debauchery and another of industry and poverty. Ornery Torqs, criminal upstarts, and puzzling crime scenes are just a few things that can be found...the next spire over!
Episode 28 - I Always Feel Like Somebody‘s Watching Me
Wed, 22 Dec 2021 12:00:00 -0500
Having found the scene of the "assassination" the Phoenix Pham finds themselves poking holes in the prevailing story. In search for more answers they seek out Arcas, the Ursim foreman, who has a different story than the rest of the workers at the warehouses. What really happened that night? Who was this mysterious 4th party that all of the evidence points to? And why does it feel like somebody is watching the party?
Episode 29 - Welcome to the Dorian Gray Initiative
Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:00:00 -0500
We find our intrepid heroes in a moment of crisis: someone or something currently has the party under surveillance before the meet between Zip and Dorian Gray goes down. They could try and lose whatever is following them and risk burning the one lead they have to the mysterious Dorian Gray, or they could ignore the feeling, proceed with the meet, and hope whatever is watching does not escalate. Time is running out and the Phoenix Pham need to make a choice!
Episode 30 - We Didn’t Start the Flame War
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:00:00 -0500
With one of the pretech beacons Dorian Gray gives to prospective clients taken from the hands of Goro Sato, the Dorian Gray wannabe, the Phoenix Pham prepare for their eventual meet. What secrets might they finally learn? What actually happened that night of the supposed assassination? Why did Dorian Gray get a Cassian General and Rebel Leader to meet? And who gave Nona access to the internet forums?
Episode 31 - These Scythes Are Made for Slicing
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 12:00:00 -0500
The BFB (Big Flesh Beast) is here and it appears to be quite upset. Our heroes have to make a choice and quickly: Do they stand and fight? Or do they run from this amalgamation of flesh? A beast that ambushed and took down two generals and a renowned spy is something to not take lightly. Will the Phoenix Pham, joined by Dorian Gray, be able escape from this encounter alive?
Episode 32 - Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist
Wed, 16 Feb 2022 12:00:00 -0500
After Micah and Claire shared a dream and a prophecy, the Phoenix Pham has a lead on where some Silence documents can be found. Before they do that though, it's time to meet the playboy billionaire, Jordan Donahue. Just what kind of man is he? Owner of a highly successful shipping company yet close confidant of the infamous Dorian Gary. A partying womanizer and also a trader of secrets. He seems to be eager to help the party with wanting almost nothing in return. Just what is his angle?
In other news we are planning on doing another Meta Talk episode where we talk about the show itself and how we think it's going. We now have an email account, "7thstarpodcast@gmail.com", so please send in any questions you have and would like us to answer!
Episode 33 - Warehouse Revelations
Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:00:00 -0500
Having just received a concerning call from Arcas regarding the Flesh Beast and a "friend" in another Donahue Warehouse, the Phoenix Pham hurry their way to him. Can our adventures can learn a thing or two about these mysterious beings and possibly even stop whatever they have planned? One thing is for sure, they will learn more about what these creatures are about in episode 33 - "Warehouse Revelations".
In other news we are planning on doing another Meta Talk episode where we talk about the show itself and how we think it's going. We now have an email account, 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com, so please send in any questions you have and would like us to answer!
Episode 34 - Lost But Not Forgotten
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Having just survived (and arguably winning) a second encounter with the Flesh Beast and two of its friend, our heroes have an opportunity to take a breather and recollect themselves but only for so long. Their next destination is the irradiated Westfell Isle, in hopes that there might be some damning evidence of the Children of Silence's tyranny but not before Claire asks for a small favor.
This is the final episode before our next Meta Talk episode will be recorded. Please send any questions that you would like us to answer to our email address, 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com!
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes find themselves on an island that seems to be more lively than they were originally lead to believe. Now is the time for action as the plant-denizens of this island come alive to ward off these trespassers! What sort of creatures are these and where did they come from? What research was being performed here? And what additional horrors lie further in this abandoned lab?
Episode 36 - Wastin’ Away Again in Sporanitaville
Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:00:00 -0400
We find the Phoenix Pham at a literal crossroad. In one direction they have a mob of Sporans closing in on their hallway, in another a door covered in vines with the bodies of several Sporans littering the walk up to it, and in the last direction "Cold Storage" which could have anything behind it's doors -- it could even have more Sporans! As our heroes venture deeper into this abandoned lab what other plant-based horrors will they discover?
Meta Dimensional Talk - Episode 2
Wed, 27 Apr 2022 12:00:00 -0400
This episode we take a step back to answer some questions from the audience! We gain some insight to the train of thought of some of our PCs, share some behind the scenes processes for creating the podcast, and align the characters to gaslight, gatekeep, and girlboss. Our email is always open, so if you didn't get the chance to send in something feel free to email us at 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com! It might make it into the next Meta Dimensional Talk.
Episode 37 - Dorian Gray Lends a Hand
Wed, 27 Apr 2022 12:30:00 -0400
Coming face to face with a feral psychic is a very dangerous situation, and the Phoenix Pham have to make a choice. With the possibility of incriminating evidence of the current Orsimian Chancellorship just across the room, what will our heroes do? Run? Fight? Or perhaps try to reason with this lost soul? Only one way to find out, listening to Episode 37 - Dorian Gray Lends a Hand!
Episode 38 - Do You Hear the People Sing?
Wed, 11 May 2022 12:00:00 -0400
The signs of unrest are already stirring when our party returns to Jade with the "Orchid Dossier" in tow: withdrawal frenzies, supermarket rushes, halted construction. What will happen once the proverbial Sporan is out of the bag? Not wanting to dwell too long on the answer to that question, our heroes prepare for one last errand before leaving Orsiame.
Episode 39 - Eddy the Manically Depressed Robot
Wed, 25 May 2022 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham searches one of Dr. Samantha Calvin's many labs in hopes that Nona might learn more about where she came from and what she is missing and find Eddy. Eddy has been alone for quite a long time, and there's only so much loneliness one virtual intelligence can take.
Episode 40 - The Phoenix Tales Volume 1
Wed, 08 Jun 2022 12:00:00 -0400
As our heroes fly through space in-between they find themselves with a lot of time on their hands. A dinner made by Claire, a heart to heart with Nona, some yoga with Micah. Just another trip through metadimensional space on their way to Glazov 5.
Episode 41 - Old Friends in New Spaces
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Our party finds themselves witnessing an unexpected reunion between Arcas and Rhodana. How do these two Ursim know each other? And did they part on good terms? After the situation resolves the Phoenix Pham explores Glazov 5 to see what has happened since they left nearly a month prior and reconnect with an old acquaintance.
Episode 42 - Prepare for Trouble and Make It Double
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Aaron Vershin has finally found the location of our heroes after weeks of searching. What will come of this confrontation? Will Glazov 5 and the Phoenix be pushed into a battle of starships? Will he demand the return of Claire? And who is that person on the ship with him? Listen to how the Phoenix Pham deals with these unexpected visitors in Episode 42 - Prepare for Trouble and Make It Double!
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes find themselves landing in the city of Nova Voxis on the planet of Phistos and greeted by a familiar name but unfamiliar face. Arcas gratefully takes his leave into the megafactory to find his lost comrades. Is this the last we've seen of Arcas? What new adventures await the Phoenix Pham out in the Phistosen Wastes? And what's that billowing smoke that is rising above the outer wall?
Episode 44 - Like Tears in Rain
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 12:00:00 -0400
At the end of last episode the Phoenix Pham finds Dr. Lucius Leggett working on what appears to be a True AI core. Another scientist interested in True AI, but is he to be trusted? What new mysteries about this pretech art has he been able to uncover? And what stories have been lost in time (like tears in rain) when the core of this being shattered? Perhaps only time will tell...or a little trip into the Phistosen Wastes.
Episode 45 - Don’t Cry, It’s Only Phistosen Wastesland
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Time to step out into the Phistosen Wastes! It's an alien, unforgiving land where most of the local fauna has never seen a group of humans. What secrets will the Phoenix Pham find? Will they be able to protect the excitable Dr. Lucius Leggett? And what was that movement out in the swamp?
Episode 46 - The Right to Bear Arms
Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:00:00 -0400
After returning from a successful trip into the Phistosen Wastes, the Phoenix Pham arrives to find Nova Voxis in a state of turmoil. A large crowd has formed around two figures, and one is a familiar face. What has happened in the time our heroes was gone? Why has a fight broken out in the safe haven of Nova Voxis? And who is that very large bear?
Episode 47 - Barrington ’Barry’ Bear’s Bearing
Wed, 14 Sep 2022 12:00:00 -0400
After getting a couple of drinks in them Alix and Micah with the assistance of Arcas and Nona find themselves back at the "Pressure Barrel" for a clandestine meeting with Selene Firefang. What information will she be able to give them? Is it a trap to lure them out of hiding? And where in the world is Barrington 'Barry' Bear?
Episode 48 - Lilacs on the South Side of Camp
Wed, 28 Sep 2022 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes followed Barrington 'Barry' Bear's bearing and find him in a berry bush. While he's happy to see Arcas he has some not so great news, Picledes has left for the encampment where Mahri currently is. Now the Phoenix Pham has to come up with some plan in order to see her without dying by Space Bear IronThor's mighty glaive. How will that accomplish that task? Find out on this weeks episode: "Episode 48 - Lilacs on the South Side of Camp"!
Episode 49 - A Murder of Welps
Wed, 12 Oct 2022 12:00:00 -0400
As the Phoenix Pham enters quest two on the road to ingratiating themselves with Nova Voxis, they find themselves on a little convoy to the great Phistosen Lake. There they find a veritable garden of eden with a lush forest overflowing into the road to the lake, a stark contrast to the barren and alien Phistosen Wastes. But when they arrive at their destination they find more than just trees and a large body of water. What's that up in the sky?
Wed, 26 Oct 2022 12:00:00 -0400
We find the Phoenix Pham waist deep in the corpses of their fallen foes... literally, as Nona rummages through the remains of an ex-Wyrm. In each head of the fallen creatures our heroes, find the same long, silver devices that were found by Aleta in the first smoker attack. Something nefarious is brewing on Phistos, but more importantly will Micah get laid tonight?
Episode 51 - I Guess We Have to Kill Leggett Too
Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:00:00 -0500
Oh no! EDI-246 seems to have let the proverbial cat out of the bag after letting Dr. Lucius Leggett know that at one point Eddy was the assistant to Dr. Samantha Calvin. Perhaps the Phoenix Pham can get this to work in their favor though? Maybe Leggett knows something that our heroes don't yet as they continue their search for Nona's missing piece? But more likely, it's time to add Leggett to the same "kill list" as Tony.
Episode 52 - We Need to Talk About Wickliffe
Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:00:00 -0500
Aleta and crew have come to discuss an offer with the Phoenix Pham that would leave them 40,000 credits richer. That's more money than they have been offered for any job on Phistos so far, but what is the job? And what are the dangers that await our heroes? Well to answer those question first, we need to talk about Wickliffe.
Episode 53 - Three Demo Charges, Two Hunted Ursim, and a ”Marked for Death” NPC
Wed, 07 Dec 2022 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham has arrived in the Firefang encampment outside of Wickliffe to discuss the plan of action for infiltration. Tensions are high as Picledes recognizes some of our heroes and requests Aleta for their removal. Will Picledes request have any sway? And how many demo charges will our heroes need? And how many days from retirement is Redd now?
Episode 54 - Let Sleeping Dragons Lie
Wed, 21 Dec 2022 12:00:00 -0500
Having decided on an attack and retreat action plan for delving into the depths of Wickliffe, our heroes are dropped off by Volker outside the mouth of the cave system that should intersect with Wickliffe's mines. What dangers await the Phoenix Pham in this cave? Does Wickliffe know they are coming? And what's up with those animal markings on the mouth of the cave?
Episode 55 - Drone 2, I Choose You!
Wed, 04 Jan 2023 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham find themselves in a predicament. The path forward has a mountain of rubble in the way, and while they do have a few demo charges to clear it...only a room away are two large Wyrms. How will our heroes clear the way? What nastiness awaits them on the other side? And is robot super effective against weary miner?
Wed, 18 Jan 2023 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham has found the heart of this mining operation, with various Wickliffe employees milling about and loading the mined ore onto various conveyors. Above this bustling mining operation sits a makeshift foreman's office, its lights turned on. Who is currently staying in that building? Is it a non-mind controlled member of Wickliffe? And what is that viscous goo coming from the corner?
Episode 57 - Ammunition Is Stored in the Balls
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 12:00:00 -0500
With one Restikov kin down it sounds like there are still a few lurking about, one of which is trying to reach his currently tied up brother. How will the Phoenix Pham deal with this new nuisance? Has their infiltration of Wickliffe finally been uncovered? And if one has a cybernetic weapon that is a part of their body, where is the ammunition stored?
Episode 58 - Sister From Another Mister
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham are riding the elevator up to the Mining Hub of Wickliffe, where they hope to find the core and open the front doors to let the full assault of Wickliffe to begin. What will they find in the underbelly of Wickliffe? More human rights violations or grotesque technology? Will they learn more about the fall of the city? And do you hear all that metallic skittering or is that just me?
Wed, 01 Mar 2023 12:00:00 -0500
Nona, through her connection to Wickliffe, feels another mind controlling the instruments and machines of Wickliffe. It reaches out moving instruments in a deliberate pattern to spell out "Sister?". Who is this other entity and where are they located? Are they friend or foe? Before the answer to those questions can be found the Phoenix Pham get a call from Aleta. There's been an addendum added to the plan and our heroes must rush to their next goal before it's too late!
Episode 60 - King of the Castle (Get Down You Dirty Rascals)
Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:00:00 -0400
After disposing of the Restikov daughter, there is no one standing between the Phoenix Pham and their new goal: Wilhelm. To confront him they must ride the elevator to the top floor of Wickliffe, only then might they be able to put a stop to this madness once and for all. What awaits our heroes on the top floor? Will they be able to stop Wilhelm? And will they finally be able to rest after this arduous (but lucrative) mission?
Episode 61 - It Was Panda-monium
Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Wilhelm is dead at the Phoenix Pham's feet, but somehow things don't feel finished. Our heroes are victorious and are preparing to reap the rewards of their labors, but there are so many open questions. With Wilhelm's ambitions, why would he take his own life? Who was this bigger threat he was talking about? And what happened to Picledes?
Episode 62 - Alix Spills His Guts and Also His Secrets
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Well that was one bad dream that Alix would like to forget, but unfortunately for him it was one he shared with his fellow Phoenix crew mates. How will Micah react to this revelation? Will Alix be able to keep down his breakfast? And will Nona understand what's going on?...No, the answer to that last one is definitely "no".
Episode 63 - Red Wine for Redd
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Nursing the wounds opened by an impromptu dream walk and prophecy, our heroes meet to investigate the throne room of Wilhelm Restikov and discuss next steps. Who was controlling Wilhelm Restikov? What is their end game? And do they have anything to do with the entity in the wastes? Before these questions can be answered though, it's time to celebrate our very own "Marked for Death" NPC's retirement!
Wed, 10 May 2023 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham all just had a shared hallucination, those things from the Warehouse in Jade are back...what were those things again? Nona needs to spring into action as the only salient person against this threat. Are they actually here on Phistos? What would they come here for? And dear lord, Micah, how much Brainwave can you take?
Episode 65 - And Lo I Saw a Rider on a Pale Horse
Wed, 24 May 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Metadimensional Episode Alert: If you would like to submit questions for the Metadimensional Episode, please make sure you send your questions to 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com before June 7th!
With the Phoenix Pham fulfilled with pies, drugs, and hanky panky (maybe that was just Micah) we find our heroes traveling out into the wastes, in search of the mysterious True AI that talked to Nona in Wickliffe. What might they hope to find at those coordinates? Is this True AI involved in Wickliffe's thwarted schemes? And why do I hear hooves?
Episode 66 - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
Wed, 07 Jun 2023 12:00:00 -0400
A shot rings out and Dr. Lucius Leggett falls to the ground. Our heroes must spring into action before they are next. Where did that shot come from? Is Deacon here? What does he want? It doesn't matter. All that matters is getting inside this door and out of immediate danger, but what do those markings on the wall mean? And why do I get the unsettling feeling that I'm being watched? Oh no. Perhaps death by Deacon was the better option...
Episode 67 - Abra Abracadabra, I Want to Reach Out and Grab Ya
Wed, 21 Jun 2023 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham has found themselves out of the frying pan and into the fire, having walked into the obsidian hall's of Terra's madness (too much?) in order to find cover from the scope of Deacon's rifle. Upon entering the "Blood Room"TM, our heroes are accosted by 4 mechanical arms -- likely the same ones that have caught wild animals for Terra's mind control experiments. How will they fare against this new threat? What became of the animals that entered this room to be worked on? And what fresh new horrors await further inside?
Episode 68 - You Will Be Baked, and Then There Will Be Cake
Wed, 05 Jul 2023 12:00:00 -0400
We find our intrepid heroes recovering from back to back threats on their lives. As the Phoenix Pham licks their wounds, Terra returns to talk with them once more. What might she be planning? Is there some common ground that the two groups can find or is she completely irredeemable? And what was that low rumble in the distance?...uh oh, our heroes are now on a timer.
Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Standing in front of Nona is her bogeyman. He's tried to kill her before, and he's likely to try again. Why does he do what he does? Why are now Terra and Nona in his crosshairs? And why does he look like Dr. Kyle Reed? So many questions. How will Nona and the Phoenix Pham confront this evil? Find out in "Episode 69 (nice.) - Two Become One"!
Episode 70 - Picledes the Terra-ble
Wed, 02 Aug 2023 12:00:00 -0400
This is it. The Phistosen showdown we've all been waiting for. The Phoenix Pham vs. Terra fused into the lifeless body of Picledes. This will be our group's biggest challenge yet, the mind of a True AI and the body of a war machine. What tricks does our team have up their sleeves? Will it be enough to stop this menance? And will all of our intrepid heroes still be standing when the dust settles?
Meta Dimensional Talk - Episode 3
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:00:00 -0400
This episode we take a step back to answer some questions from the audience! We learn what the podcast members think about the Phistos arc and where their character's character development is. Our email is always open, so if you didn't get the chance to send in something feel free to email us at 7thstarpodcast@gmail.com! It might make it into the next Meta Dimensional Talk.
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:01:00 -0400
Conflict, shouting, gunshots, a flash of blue violet, and then...nothing. Nona finds herself in a strangely familiar place. She was meant to be doing something, but she feels at peace here. Will she ever want to leave? Could she leave even if she wanted to? And what became of Terra and the Phoenix Pham?
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham has recovered from their harrowing fight with Terra. They've disposed of her tower and removed her from the fallen Picledes. Now it's time to turn her on and give her an ultimatum. While she mulls over the answer, our heroes return to Phistos for goodbyes and one more to do item: clipping Alix and Claire.
Episode 73 - A Choice, a Thing? A Fork in the Road
Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Well it's about time the Phoenix Pham hits the ole dusty trail. Phistos has been fun (and emotionally scarring), but it's time to head on to Dimos. Just a last few loose ends to tie: making Lasagna, getting Dr. Leggett out of his contract, booty calling Volker just one last time. Certainly no time to discuss that prophecy. Nope. They all seem to say "this thing will happen, or it won't. Or maybe a third option? (that's the right one)".
Episode 74 - The Phoenix Tales Volume 2
Wed, 27 Sep 2023 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham is traveling to Dimos to seek out Drikt, the creator of Terra and friend of Dr. Samantha Calvin. But there are two days of travel between Phistos and Dimos, so what are our intrepid heroes going to get up to? Having fun fireside chats with an unbraked AI, trying to convince Claire to not kill Terra, and writing academic papers to get the attention of Deacon...you know the guy that tried to kill them that one time. Welcome to Volume 2 of the Phoenix Tales!
Episode 75 - I Dreamed a Dream (of Chris Rock Angel)
Wed, 11 Oct 2023 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham find themselves in a situation that is both familiar and strange. Once again they have been pulled into the dreamscape of Claire as she sleeps, but we have a new visitor -- the Shibboleth that appears as a granite angel. We all know him as Chris. Chris seems to have some not so great plans for Claire, and our heroes have something to say about that. What does Chris hope to achieve by invading Claire's mind? How will our heroes stop him? And against a creature we know can charm people, are you sure it's a good idea to turn into a Gundam?
Episode 76 - I Guess We Have to Save Tony
Wed, 25 Oct 2023 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes have finally arrived at Dimos hoping to talk to (and maybe confront) Drikt. They find themselves greeted with a less than welcoming crew. There is an unease in the air, and the Torq in charge, Ruby Flux, asks the Phoenix Pham to come with him. What has happened in Gemena? Are our heroes going to be able to meet Drikt? And why is the Laughing Devil in the starport?
Episode 77 - I’m Sorry, My Responses Are Limited
Wed, 08 Nov 2023 12:00:00 -0500
Strange things are afoot at Drikt's Workshop, and our heroes find themselves in a predicament. Do they save Tony by trying to solve this murder? Or just let him die and keep his sweet Wakizashi? No, you're right they should save him. While investigating Drikt's abode, Micah comes across a hologram of Drikt. What knowledge does it hold? Why did Drikt make it? And Is it aware how it's creator died and why they started to crystallize early?...That detective, is the right question.
Wed, 22 Nov 2023 12:00:00 -0500
Something is fishy in Dimos. Our heroes are finding that the story that Flux is telling around Drikt's death is filled with holes. Tony doesn't seem to be their man, so who is? Who would have the motive to kill Drikt? And how did they do it? One way or another though, it's time to let our Le'Boy go.
Wed, 06 Dec 2023 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham find themselves in a clean and powered city devoid of any life...unless you count nanites or the husks they parade around as people. With a beacon in tow to hold back the nanite fog that shrouds the city, our heroes venture into the deserted metropolis. What haunted mockery of life has the god planned this time? Will they find the knowledge that they are after in the Lab and Library? And will they get there before the beacon runs out of juice?
Episode 80 - Build-a-Drone Workshop
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 12:00:00 -0500
On their journey into Neo Opus, The Phoenix Pham has entered the NexaSphere Center and found Drikt's Cybernetic Clinic. Stop #1 on gaining pre-scream knowledge of True AI research and the mysterious "Travelers". What wonders and/or horrors await them in the lab of the late Torq? What new information will they unlock? And what was that noise? Did you hear that?
Episode 81 - Holohaven Presents ”Perry Hotter and the Prisoner of Asskaban”
Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham find themselves with some time on their hand and a completely working VR entertainment center. While they are on a mission to obtain some ancient long-forgotten knowledge regarding "The Travelers", it would be a waste not to see what's up right?
Episode 82 - Zombies vs the Monorail
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham find themselves on a Monorail platform surrounded by the once denizens of Neo Opus. With the train getting there in just a matter of moments, our heroes just need to stave off the horde to catch their ride. Will they be able to withstand the nanobot onslaught? Will it even be a challenge with Micah ragdolling the zombies? And why is that one glowing?
Episode 83 - Travelers Origins
Wed, 31 Jan 2024 12:00:00 -0500
We find our heroes in a deserted library searching for information that might tie Tony, Claire, and Jordan Donahue all together -- the Travelers. Who were they? What is their connections to Tony and Claire's powers? And why does Jordan Donahue want to find information regarding them? While our intrepid heroes begin their search, the energy left in their beacon is ever dwindling.
Episode 84 - Captain Nexa, the First Experiment
Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham plans a smash and grab at the GeneMorph labs, with Micah daintily floating over an EMP grenade and our heroes ready to take out the few nanite zombies stationed in the lab. Being careful for the first time in their lives they intend to leave after their newest bounty. But, will our heroes run out without diving just a bit deeper? What lies in the secured labs? And will our heroes be able to resist Micah's pleas of "let's go just a little deeper? No...no they will not.
Episode 85 - The Shopping Dead
Wed, 28 Feb 2024 12:00:00 -0500
As our heroes watch their quarry get erased from existence by the ever-present nanite cloud surrounding them, they turn their eyes towards the display on their dwindling power supply. With 50% of their power left, it's time to leave Neo Opus. Just a quick subway ride and a walk through the mall and the Phoenix Pham is home free...wait, where's all that shuffling coming from?
Episode 86 - It's Raining Dead, Hallelujah It's Raining Dead
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham find themselves between a rock and a hard place. With their dwindling battery supplies, they have to get out of the city, but standing between them and their ride is a shambling horde of nanite Zombies. Our heroes will have to move quick and aim true in order to safely get through this horde. Will Micah be able to navigate the psychic zombie? Will Dr. Leggett be alright pushing the books? Is anyone going to use that cool sword they just got? Also...did anyone else hear that splat?
Episode 87 - Nothing Can Kill a Podcast Like Too Much Exposition
Wed, 27 Mar 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham leave Dimos for Glazov 5, where they will regather themselves before another trek to Orisiame. How will our heroes spend their downtime as they travel from the Poona Vatya to the Metanar system? Read through the treasures they found in the Neo Opus libraries? Listen to the radio for newscasts? Even more exposition? Whoa there, Little Sally. Everything in its time. You're too young to understand it now, but nothing can kill a podcast like too much exposition.
Episode 88 - Drops of Metanar by Train
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes find themselves back at the home base of the Paragon Freelancers: Glazov 5. They have a decent to do list to get through and the first of which is to get Dr. Leggett to meet Quinn and then get him a job. While our heroes take a momentary breath to sort out a few things, Micah is starting to grow restless. The countdown to the coronation has begun! Will the Phoenix Pham make it in time? Will Leggett bomb his interview and be left homeless? And were we able to edit out that train...no? Welp.
Episode 89 - Meet the (Space) Parents
Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:00:00 -0400
One more night on Glazov 5 before heading off to Magalca system and Orsiame. Our heroes wait on the decision for Dr. Leggett's interview and wait for Claire to return from hanging out with Dani. What are Dani's intentions with their (space) daughter? What kind of a person is she? Like, is she cool? And does Claire think she's pretty?
Episode 90 - The Old Man and the Sea
Wed, 08 May 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes get ever closer to reaching Orsiame, bent on rescuing Vaughn McRaven before the coronation and the execution. Will the Phoenix Pham get there in time? How does the Civil War fit into the Shibboleth's plans? And who is this old man and why are my ears bleeding?
Episode 91 - Hopscotchin' Through Hot Waters
Wed, 22 May 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham have safely arrived at the Calvin Estate and are poised to make their way with Captain Dusty 'Subtlety' Smokey to Ostea -- the last holdout of the Children of the Silence. With the Captain and Nona on deck and Micah, Alix, and Claire hidden in barrels our heroes begin the last leg of the journey to save Vaughn McRaven. Will they arrive in time? What awaits them in the last Children of Silence stronghold? And what was the code word for jumping out of the barrels again?
Episode 92 - I Identify as a Threat
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes have blown past a checkpoint and find themselves chased by a couple of Silence Operative boats with a mysterious figure on board. The Phoenix Pham just need to lose this tail and they will meet up once again with Isis and maybe even Dorian Gray? Will our heroes escape with every one, even Captain Dusty "Danger Subtlety" Smokey, alive? Who is that mysterious Inquisitor? And wait, how many pounds of explosive does he have on this boat?
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes have finally discovered the truth, that Dorian Gray and Jordan Donahue are one and the same. As they contemplate what this revelation means, Isis and the rest of the crew start to discuss next steps to breakout Vaughn, but something still seems screwy with Devas. What is the magnet man hiding? Will our heroes be able to successfully save Micah's substitute father figure? Or will he fall at the new Chancellor's coronation? Only one way to find out, by going straight into Helk itself.
Episode 94 - Mission Very Possible
Wed, 03 Jul 2024 12:00:00 -0400
We find our intrepid heroes planning a heist of a Silence Operations base. While not being known as the "stealthy types", this task has been given to them and the reward is solid information on the transport carrying the McRaven. Will the Phoenix Pham find their way through the base without arising suspicion? What obstacles will they have to navigate? And what kind of callsigns are Wyvern and Goose?
Episode 95 - Sometimes the Dice Want to Tell a Story
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham are in a sticky situation. They have the data they came for, but now some Inquisitors stand in their way and one of them is Micah's sister Skye. Will our heroes be able to complete their perfect infiltration? Will the still be able to ambush McRaven's prison transfer? And, most importantly, will Micah be able to keep her cool?
Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes have finally started preparing for the event we have all been waiting for: bringing back the McRaven. The information is good and now it's just a matter of getting folks in the right positions and making one decisive strike. What lies in store for the Phoenix Pham on this ambush? Can the McRaven actually be saved? And who is that that just teleported in with Zuri right in the middle of our dinner? He seems like a drama bitch.
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The Phoenix Pham are prepped and ready to ambush this convoy. The plan is set, the team is in place, and the convoy is approaching. With a cocktail of drugs in their system, will our heroes be able to rescue the McRaven along with the other political prisoners? Will Micah and Skye confront one another? And does this make us pirates?
Episode 98 - The McRaven is Back
Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:00:00 -0400
The ambush is underway! We find our heroes, full of drugs and hope, taking on a cargo ship brimming with enemies. Micah has made her way under deck while Alix and Nona aim to control the upper deck. Is this it? The fabled return of the McRaven? Will our heroes escape unscathed or will they lose a friend or two along the way? And who is the sixth prisoner?
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Our heroes have triumphed over Goose's trap and were able to save all of the hostages. It's time to finally take stock about what to do next. What will the Phoenix Pham learn from talking to a coherent Vaughn McRaven? Will Devas still be creepy doing that thing he does? And will Micah and Skye be able to reconcile their differences? No? Oh...generally these questions are rhetorical.
Episode 100 - Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Wed, 25 Sep 2024 12:00:00 -0400
We find our intrepid heroes between missions. The Phoenix Pham, with the semi-competent help of the Acolytes of the End, rescued Vaughn McRaven and several more political prisoners, striking a blow to the Children of the Silence and the Chancellorship. One last mission to take: stopping the coronation and toppling the Chancellorship. Can our heroes trust Devas and his crew? Will Skye be able to provide vital information for this final mission? And what is that, that Titus is mumbling about?
Wed, 09 Oct 2024 12:00:00 -0400
Tragedy strikes our heroes in a sudden and terrible way. What will they do now? What will become of the Phoenix Pham? And who is cutting the onions?
I've seen fire and I've seen rain I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend But I always thought that I'd see you again
Episode 102 - The Man of Many Knives
Wed, 23 Oct 2024 12:00:00 -0400
With our heroes just starting to come to terms with their grief, they find themselves needing to move, to do something, anything. With the coronation only days away there is still some work to be done, so it's time to head to Principa to prepare for the coup that will take down the Chancellorship. What tasks does Vaughn have planned? What state with the Phoenix Pham find the city in? And who is that man and why does he have that many knives?
Episode 103 - Leave the Gun, Take the Honey
Wed, 06 Nov 2024 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham find themselves at the business end of a not too happy bear. Cyril Sharpclaws is back for revenge! How will our heroes fare in this ambush? How prepared is Cyril for this fight? And does the Ursim mafia prefer cannolis or honey?
Episode 104 - Only You Can Be Forest Fires
Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham finds themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place: running from Cyril and letting him get the last laugh or facing down a small army of Ursim. With the newcomer Marcus, our heroes might just stand a chance against this onslaught of Sharpclaws. I guess there is only one way to find out. Will our heroes survive the conga line of bears? Where has Carter Greer gone? And who is going to pay for that kitchen fire?
Episode 105 - Calm Before the Storm
Wed, 04 Dec 2024 12:00:00 -0500
With Cyril Sharpclaws defeated once and for all our heroes make their way back to Vaughn and the rest of the crew. With just a few days left before the coronation, the Phoenix Pham find themselves with some free time. How will they these last few peaceful hours? Where does Marcus now fit with the rest of the crew? And why is Nona asking "God" yes or no questions?
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 12:00:00 -0500
*Queue Heist Music* Alright Phoenix Pham, here's the plan. We're going to...oh what? There's some things you want to discuss first? Alright. In this episode we find our heroes preparing for the coronation. Micah tries to talk to Vaughn about Zuri while Nona and Claire try to (poorly) talk Marcus into being clipped. With the day of the coronation fast approaching, do our heroes know where they stand?
Episode 107 - Somebodies That We Used to Know
Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:00:00 -0500
The day has arrived: the new Chancellor's coronation. The Phoenix Pham and friends are ready for the day's festivities to begin. Will today be the day the Chancellorship finally falls? What will come of Zuri and their relationship with Vaughn's crew? And who was that NPC again?
Episode 108 - Coup, There It Is!
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 12:00:00 -0500
The Phoenix Pham spring into action as Eli West calls for the fall of the Chancellorship. With mayhem breaking loose in the concourse the first task for our heroes is to get the civilians clear of the danger and then to secure the media tower nearby. What obstacles will our heroes face in these first few moments of chaos? How will the organized forces of the Orphans of the Orchid and Acolytes of the End fair against those loyal to the Chancellorship? And is anyone else a little nervous about where that tank's cannon is pointed?
Episode 109 - No Stairway, Denied!
Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:00:00 -0500
After turning a GravTank into a very expensive paperweight, we find our intrepid heroes making their way to the secret staircase into the palace. Time is of the essence as the race to the basement begins! What obstacles will the Phoenix Pham face? Will they be able to find this secret staircase? And did you also hear that explosion?