Deep down
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Creator: Raquel Couto Antelo
Single-voiced Thriller and Psychological Serial Audio Book
A tsunami floods A Coruña, that’s why all the population has to move to the metropolitan area, leaving the prior A Coruña abandoned; to make the few people remaining there leave their homes government decrees zero zone and they cancel all the supplies. However, this few people gets by with colourful small business that attract tourism and recovering things that had been left there under the water. Xiana belongs to this last group and she earns a life with the resources the new situation offers. One day seeking for customers she bumps "by chance" into Ramón, an old boyfriend.
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Voices: Single
Genres: Thriller and Psychological
Completion status: Finished
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Deep down: chapters from 41 to 51
Wed, 06 Apr 2022 18:33:50 GMT
Collection of the last ten chapters of the novel Deep down, without interruptions. You can download the novel for free in:
Chapter 51. The sea always goes back to its place
Wed, 06 Apr 2022 17:32:15 GMT
This is the last chapter of the novel Deep down, and I'm not writting not even a small advance of its content, and that counting I'm of those that likes to know how the story ends to gess if it's worthwhile. What I am doing is thank you for listening the previus fifty chapters, or, or that you are going to listen to them if you have looked the end up in the book and you think it's going to be worthwhile. (You can download the novel for free in:
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 16:29:26 GMT
Xiana, Salva and Carlos land on the Lorbé Harbour while they see the boat that brought them there dissapearing into the dark of the night, putting an end to the story of the treasure, to the annoyance of the conspiracy, to the sillyness of Little Venice and to everything that had to end; and, even though, she hopes to find Ramón sitting on her couch.
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:53:58 GMT
Andrés run as fast as he can taking advantage of Carlos being distracted with Xiana and Salva. When Carlos notices he is missing he starts to walk along the hangar following a steps sound he hears at the end of a corridor. Xiana and Salva go after them, without realizing that it is darker and darker, that they don't know what is awaiting them inside and that they can't find the way out, already.
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 11:07:38 GMT
Carlos drags Andrés by the neck and at gunpoint to the folding helicopters hangar, to take the money his father in law told him. And, despite Carlos warnings, Xiana and Salva go after them and when they go into the hangar they see Carlos walking in circles, looking to the ceiling desperate.
Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:35:16 GMT
Xiana wakes up on her flat floor in front of Sandra, Salva, Paco, Alberto, Andrés and Alicia. Apart from the happy surprise of seeing Sandra again after a few days without hearing from her and the shame of waking up naked in front of so many people, she is going to get a great fright.
Chapter 46. Reaching rock bottom
Wed, 02 Mar 2022 16:44:14 GMT
After giving the deeds to the Councillor they go to Xiana's place, she is suspicious about Ramón's attitude, she thinks he suspects something about the deeds she stole from him, but, in fact, the thing doesn't go that way.
Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:54:41 GMT
On the way from Argimiro's place to the meeting point to give the deeds to the councillor, Xiana feels the power of the deeds and falls into the temptation of stealing three of them, taking advantage of Ramón being focus in arriving on time. The problem is going to be finding where to hide them so Ramón doesn't notice.
Wed, 16 Feb 2022 18:06:38 GMT
Once Ramón "realizes" the deeds are fake they come back to Argimiro's place, he goes in enrage and threatens them with destroying their most valuable possesion if they don't give them the real ones.
Chapter 43. Argimiro disconnection
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 18:05:57 GMT
Xiana and Ramón come back with the folder of the deeds Argimiro gave them. They stop at Ramón's hotel so he can choose a few deeds. Ramón tells Xiana to keep those deeds while he delivers the folder with the rest to the Councillor. Just for fun, already at her place, Xiana takes a look at the deeds Ramón took.
Chapter 42. Argimiro’s connection
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:36:48 GMT
Argimiro was a civil servant of the lifelong dull civil servants, with upright man’s reputation because he never took part in any of the Town Council intrigues. That's why the councillors think of him to lend a hand with the deeds thing, laying within his hand reach an opportunity he has never dreamt.
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 18:34:13 GMT
Xiana and Ramón wake up in the Dike, the wood disappeared and the tide is lowering. Ramón talks with the councilor to guess the identity of her accomplice and they agree to meet to talk about the deeds.
Deep down: chapters from 31 to 40
Thu, 20 Jan 2022 18:25:06 GMT
Collection of the ten chapters of the novel Deep down, without interruptions.
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 17:53:13 GMT
The councilor knows he left the cat out of the bag with his son in law and phones Andrés to see how the thing is going on. Andrés is on the hangar supervising the unload of the briefcases, then Ramón arrives and starts to open them compulsevely.
Chapter 39. Weaving the fabric
Wed, 12 Jan 2022 17:50:37 GMT
Carlos calls Salva to try to obtain some information and get the money before his father in law. Salva thinks he wants to talk about his case and insists to meet that very night. They meet at a bar and, after a few drinks, Salva ends up telling him the whole story.
Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:18:04 GMT
Xiana y Ramón walk through the wood without course, only guided by the tide and they end up in a crag at the end of the Dike because Ramón is tired of walking and he's afraid of drowning, of course, telling Xiana there are more things in life than money won't help his survival.
Chapter 37. What did you say I said?
Wed, 29 Dec 2021 20:02:45 GMT
Alberto goes all the way to Xiana's place thinking how to skive off the issue. Luckily, when they are in front of the crepes stall, and about to launch the plan, a couple of tourists that Andrés likes appear and they both end leaving with them, avoiding having to keep Salva "busy"; although they have to come back to finish the job.
Chapter 36. What do you say you said?
Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:33:58 GMT
Alberto doesn't agree with the plan Ramón draws to take the money once Xiana brings it up from the depths, and doesn't agree even more with the idea Ramón tells him of having to keep Salva "busy" while he takes care of Xiana.
Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:54:27 GMT
Xiana and Ramón go into the wood that grew of the seed of a Metrosideros excelsa that lived in the former Méndez Núñez Gardens. She does it taking advantage of the panic face Ramón has, as a coercion to make him confess all he has to confess, without realizing she neither has experience enough walking around that area.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021 18:15:12 GMT
María, Josefa y Carme face together the unfair treatment their departments receive in favour of the Town Planning, and they decide to devise a plan to take advantage of the operation they suspect the Council is weaving with the tsunami thing.
Deep down: chapters from 21 to 30
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:06:38 GMT
Collection of the ten chapters of the novel Deep down, without interruptions.
Deep down: chapters from 11 to 20
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:00:36 GMT
Collection of the ten chapters of the novel Deep down, without interruptions.
Deep down: chapters from 1 to 10
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 17:52:49 GMT
Collection of the ten first chapters of the novel Deep down, without interruptions.
Chapter 33. The story (Part two)
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 16:51:45 GMT
Ramón keeps on telling the motivation of the people involved in the story and the origen of the money stored in the Universal Savings Bank safe; and, also, talks about the content of one particular briefcase which is the main goal of the Councillor and that Xiana didn't rescue in her first attempt. When he insistes her to go down again and she ends up reproaching him he had left abandoned on a bench in the middle of nowhere.
Chapter 32. The story (Part one)
Wed, 24 Nov 2021 18:20:53 GMT
According to Ramón, when Andrés contacts him for the treasure thing he feels homesickness and he decides to come, more for fun than for believing the story was real. When the plan is ongoing and they had just contact Xiana, he receives a call from the central, the one here.
Wed, 17 Nov 2021 20:38:28 GMT
From the other side of the phone there is Alicia's mother, Xiana listens to the whole story of desperate mother that doesn't knows anything about her daughter and learns that Alicia and Andrés are really close. At Andrés' place she can hear the telly, but nobody opens the door and, as she is bored and she doesn't have anything better to do, she decides to go the Ramón's hotel. At the reception they tell her they gave him a note with a date at five in the afternoon at the central shops.
Chapter 30. I am into the washing machine
Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:28:19 GMT
Xiana tells Ramón she is neither his servant, nor she is going to be happy without a share of the treasure. Ramón tries to threaten her but, in the end, he kisses her. Xiana wants to phone Sandra to tell her everything but recalls she doesn't have the cell, so she decides to go to her place.
Chapter 29. Deep down. Second attempt (Part four)
Wed, 03 Nov 2021 19:45:54 GMT
Xiana runs away from the folding helicopter's place leaving Salva alone in front of the "danger". At home she gets ready to go back to the Ramón's hotel, although she doesn't need to go there because when she opens the door out he is already there about to ring the bell.
Chapter 28. Deep down. Second attempt (Part three)
Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:26:42 GMT
Salva, once he gets over the anger for Xiana dissapperance, and splitting his sides with the helipcopter thing, tells her, showing somekind of distrust, that they thought it was her who took care of the briefcases; when they realize the money has been stolen, they decided to pay Ramón a visit and ask for an explanation.
Chapter 27. Deep down. Second attempt (Part two)
Wed, 20 Oct 2021 16:29:33 GMT
Xiana wants to phone Salva but she realizes she doesn't have her purse with her, the only thing left is going back home. When she arrives she sees the street empty and in silence, she thinks that Sandra and Alicia will be at her place, but as nobody answers the doorbell she has to break the entrance door, and her flat's door as well.
Chapter 26. Deep down. Second attempt (Part one)
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:56:56 GMT
Xiana can't refuse Ramóns invitation to a drink without revealing that the crepe stall hides the suitcases, so she agrees to go with him. Not knowing how she wakes up alone in a bench by the sea, still at night.
Wed, 06 Oct 2021 18:00:24 GMT
Carlos can't sleep in his first night at his bachelor's flat and thinks about calling his father in law to tell he suspects Alicia has an affair. His father in law agrees to meet him, not realizing he is in not very good conditions after his visit to the Venus, and he ends up confessing he is going to get the famous treasure of the leyend.
Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:18:33 GMT
The sucess of the stuffed crepes business didn't give them time to even think how to hide the briefcases. And Ramón doesn't leave the stall for a single second and Xiana, that doesn't believe in coincidences, tries hard to keep the cover.
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 19:50:41 GMT
The idea Xiana and Salva had to take up the tables doesn't work, the tables are too heavy to the dragging motor, although Xiana takes a while to find it out because Alicia catches her attention asking, almost demanding she finds a place for her to spend the night.
Wed, 15 Sep 2021 20:24:10 GMT
Xiana, Sandra and Salva decided to take out the suitcases using as support the tables Xiana liked so much. It wasn't that hard, the hard thing came when they finished and became aware of how big and heavy the parcels they had made were, and even harder when they arrived at Xiana's place
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 20:14:58 GMT
Alicia, before the pictures Andrés shows her, decides to leave Carlos. The news take him by surprise but, after a few minutes, he sees the bright side of the freedom new civil status offers him.
Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:51:51 GMT
Alicia decides to tell her mother she contacted Andrés again, but Carlos presence stops her and the only thing she can do is wait for Andrés to call her with the results of the investigation she ordered.
Chapter 19. No rubbish bag, please
Wed, 25 Aug 2021 17:32:47 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana gets to open the big strongroom of the former Universal Savings Bank head office and the amazing content she finds in, and what she, Salva and Sandra intend to do with it.
Chapter 18. This card is priceless
Wed, 18 Aug 2021 16:56:31 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana, Sandra and Salva come back to the former Universal Savings Bank head office, with the intention of checking if its sistem works with the card they had already wangled.
Chapter 17. Blue eyes actor’s face
Wed, 11 Aug 2021 17:13:07 GMT
This chapter tells how Sandra and Xiana go to the Universal Savings Bank's head office to find out when the next lecture will take place, with the aim of wangling and try to open the strong room again.
Chapter 16. Apart and that’s that
Wed, 04 Aug 2021 19:34:31 GMT
This chapter tells how Alicia convinces Andrés to help her investigate if her husband is cheating on her, as she suspects; but their first meeting in years awakes, more in Andrés than in Alicia, a lust they thought forgoten.
Chapter 15. Artificial intelligence, Natural intelligence
Wed, 28 Jul 2021 17:39:59 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana and Sandra decide to go to the Universal Savings Bank to check when the next lecture will take place, with the goal of "adquiring" a card like the one Sandra had described. At the same time Alicia decides to put an end to the uncertainty that overflies her relationship with Carlos, so she thinks about asking Andrés for help.
Wed, 21 Jul 2021 18:29:11 GMT
This chapter tells the arrival at the surface of Xiana after his first attempt of going down to the Universal Savings Bank's basement. Once she takes a breath, tells Sandra, Salva and Paco what she saw down there. Her story doesn't convince them, and to make things worse, when she gets to dry land, she finds Ramón and Alberto with an angry face.
Wed, 14 Jul 2021 17:14:41 GMT
This chapter tells Xiana's first time in the TV Show Glamorous Heart. She didn't attend because she liked to, but by Sandra's insistance and, as she suspected, the interview began kindly but ended up bringing to light her most dubious past.
Chapter 12. Deep down. First attempt
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 18:27:17 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana goes step by step to the basement of the Universal Savings Bank, finding yet, intact scenes, preserved; thing that, according to her is usual. But when she reaches the end of the going down, what she finds, certainly, is not the usual, or at least not what she expects.
Chapter 11. Three are a crowd, four are bloody marvellous
Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:37:39 GMT
This chapter tells how Paco steps, for the first time, into the zero zone hand in hand with Xiana, Salva and Sandra; to be precise, hand in hand with Sandra, because he was so shocked that didn't have other option than grab her to feel protected by her, just for that, not because any other reason.
Chapter 10. With no glamour, but with heart
Wed, 23 Jun 2021 17:33:59 GMT
This chapter tells how Paco changes sides dragged by the unavoidable force of his heart, while the Marchioness of Ripipí gives explanations of his son's life to the journalist Aría Canciño.
Chapter 9. In Venus Veritas (Part two)
Fri, 18 Jun 2021 18:55:26 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana and Salva confirm that Andrés knew something, in fact, about the treasure and the implication of Ramón and his friends in the plot, and also, that all men are pigs, all of them without exception.
Chapter 8. In Venus Veritas (Part one)
Wed, 09 Jun 2021 17:34:01 GMT
This chapter tells how Xiana finds out something about Salva she didn't know, while they dive into the most sordid part of Andrés life trying to confirm if, in fact, as Salva suspected, knew something about the treasure.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:30:52 GMT
This chapter tells the judgement Salva had for that errand Andrés had left him stranded, the first time Sandra met Carlos and gives one possible answer to Andrés doubts in Chapter 5 about why they hadn’t gone for the Universal Savings Bank' money before or why they wanted to go then.
Chapter 6. With the water on the heel
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:28:48 GMT
This chapter tells the arrival at A Coruña of Paco, Alberto and Ramón and the shocking Paco's first contact with the sea, a foreing enviroment for him until then.
Chapter 5. Paco's mistake (Part two)
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:25:01 GMT
This chapter tells how Andrés conspires with Ramón, Paco and Alberto to make Xiana, our main character, go down for the famous tresure of the Universal Savings Bank.
Chapter 4. Paco’s mistake (Part one)
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:23:24 GMT
This chapter tells the first Andrés' professional steps and how he knitted a web of contacts and influences using his lack of ethics and dubious moral.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:21:47 GMT
This chapter tells what does Xiana in her spare time, and brings to light the interest that leads Ramón and his friends to invite Xiana to sit down and talk about the Universal Savings Bank treasure.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:20:11 GMT
This chapter tells the beginning of the legend of the treasure. The arrival of the tsunami that would flood the city had been confirmed and, as the city was evacuated in a rush, they had to leave lots of things behind.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021 18:17:58 GMT
This chapter tells de meeting, casual or not, between Xiana end Ramón after a long time, but, don't worry, becuase before you'll have the preparations to get to know all the characters so the don't catch you by surprise.