Notes from the Field Desk
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Creator: John Johnson
Solo Experimental and Surreal Serial Audio Book
Podcast by John Johnson
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Solo
Genres: Experimental and Surreal
Maturity: Young adult
Country of origin: United Kingdom
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Episode 8 - Notes from the Field Desk - Waithood
Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:05:46 +0000
What happens when you aren’t a teenager anymore but you haven’t quite made the transition to adulthood just yet? Listen to the finale of Notes from the Field desk to find out! In this episode we take a trip through Accra’s streets, discuss all the theorists we’ve covered so far and John makes a confession. This episode includes field recordings from my actual research in Ghana including interviews with young Uber drivers from Accra. As I said on my twitter this episode is also a love letter to anthropology! The cast in order of appearance; James McGrail Lucy Hansen Julie Karremans Lexy Matthews Fatimah Momtaz Georgia Armstrong Shajeela Shawkat And Zareef Karim Thank you for listening to Notes from the Field Desk, this episode references; Malinowski, Bronislaw (1922) Argonauts of the Western Pacific Evans-Pritchard, E.E., The Nuer, 1940, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Asad, Talal (1973) Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter Butler, Judith (1990) Gender Trouble Tsing, Anna (2015) The Mushroom at the End of the World Ference, M. (2016). “Together We Can”: Redefining Work in Nairobi’s Urban Transportation Sector. Gaibazzi, P. (2015). The quest for luck: Fate, fortune, work and the unexpected among Gambian Soninke hustlers. Honwana, Alcinda (2012) The Time of Youth: Work, Social Change and politics in Africa. Ntewusu, S. A. (2012). Settling in and holding on: a socio-economic history of northern traders and transporters in Accra's Tudu, 1908-2008. Quayson, A. (2014). Oxford Street, Accra : City life and the itineraries of transnationalism. The sounds were; Hammer on Metal Fence by GammelsMurfen traffic heavy dense boulevard Dakar, Senegal, Africa by Kyles rbh Ouaga traffic scooters by RHumphries agbogbloshie by Ikbenraar Thailand Truck Minibus by Kyles Wind inside car by ra_gun Ghana bus station megaphone by Jakabvalenta Market in Africa by Felix Blume And my own field recordings. Our theme music was dark side of my students » newageisz_tadeusz by miastodzwiekowmaszewski
Episode 7.5 - Notes from the Field Desk - The Proposal
Wed, 14 Jul 2021 11:15:58 +0000
in which John floats another idea for research to Susan. But this time he did some fucking reading. The finale of Notes from the Field Desk releases on July 28th. This episode references Awoonor, Kofi (1972) This Earth, My Brother Oteng-Ababio, M., & Agyemang, E. (2012). Virtue out of necessity? Urbanisation, urban growth and Okada services in Accra, Ghana. And Ntewusu, S. A. (2012). Settling in and holding on: a socio-economic history of northern traders and transporters in Accra's Tudu, 1908-2008. African studies. The music was “dark side of my students.” The sounds are from field recordings in Accra Ghana by me.
Episode 7 - Notes From The Field Desk - Anna Tsing Part 2
Wed, 30 Jun 2021 12:44:39 +0000
John gets haunted, lost and found in the forest. Transcript; Thanks for listening to notes from the field. It was written by me, James McGrail This episode references; Tsing Anna - The Mushroom at the end of the world and Tsing Anna - The Global Situation The follower was played by James Sheehan. All the sounds were all recorded in a forest in Hertfordshire. Our music, as always, was “dark side of my students.” and Madam Wahalla beat. Visit us on twitter instagram and soundcloud at notes from TFD for full links!
Episode 6 - Notes from the Field Desk - Anna Tsing Part 1
Wed, 16 Jun 2021 11:28:07 +0000
In which John buys a mushroom to try and understand capitalism. Transcript; This episode references "The Mushroom at the End of the World" By Anna Tsing The sounds were; Tsukiji market by Marec OimachiExcelsiorCafe120 by Markeystar Huge thank you to Kerry Candaele for use of his audio for the auction scene. His Youtube is; I really recommend checking out the trailer for his documentary Ivotopia. Our theme music as always was Dark side of my students; Additional music Something is Going On by Godmode
Episode 5 - Notes From The Field Desk - Butler
Wed, 02 Jun 2021 10:41:22 +0000
In which John learns about the waves of feminism. Although he thinks he has a pretty good grasp already. Transcript; This episode was written and stars Julie Karremans and James McGrail. Supervisor Susan was played by Lucy Hansen This episode references; Butler, Judith - Gender Trouble Crenshaw, Kimberlé - On Intersectionality de Beauvoir, Simone - The Second Sex hooks, bell - Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center The music was; Madam Wahala Beat by Nana Kwabena. As always our theme music was dark side of my students.
Episode 4 - Notes from the Field Desk - Clifford Geertz
Wed, 19 May 2021 10:30:33 +0000
In which John goes to Bali, watches a cock fight and has an epiphany. Transcript; Thank you for listening to notes from the field desk. Follow us on twitter and Instagram @notesfromtfd This episode references; Geertz, Clifford - notes from a balinese cockfight Geertz, Clifford - The interpretation of Cultures Geertz, Clifford - Islam observed Nader, Laura - review of after the fact by clifford geertz And comedian Stewart Lee in conversation at oxford Brookes University The sounds were; Madam Wahala Beat by Nana Kwabena Something is Going On by Godmode Decision by the tower of light and June songbirds You can find these sounds on youtube creator sounds. As always our theme music was dark side of my students.
Episode 3 - Notes From the Field Desk - Talal Asad
Wed, 05 May 2021 09:42:56 +0000
In which John heads to the airport intent on making amends and gets schooled about Talal Asad. Transcript; Thank you for listening to notes from the field desk - this episode was written by Fatimah Ahktar and me. Lucy Hansen was supervisor Susan Our artwork was by Julie Karremans Our music was “dark side of my students” Asad, Talal The Kababish Arabs 1970 Asad, Talal Genealogies of Religion 1993 Asad, Talal Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter 1973 Asad Talal Autobiographical Reflections on Anthropology and Religion 2020 Gellner, Ernest Muslim Society 1981 Acclivity - Dubai Departures Astounded - Christopher J Astbury Switzerland Airport departure lounge Zurich International Polymorpheva - London Heathrow Airport Mario1298 - Waiting for passengers at the airport background. For full Links visit us on Soundcloud, twitter and instagram at notesfromTFD
Episode 2 - Notes from the Field Desk - E.E. Evans-Pritchard
Wed, 21 Apr 2021 11:07:10 +0000
In which John gets diverted to South Sudan and attacked by cows. Transcript - This was notes from the field desk written by me James McGrail. This episode references Evans-Pritchard, E.E., The Nuer, 1940, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Lentin, A. (2004). Racial states, anti-racist responses. Picking holes in 'Culture' and 'Human Rights'. European Journal of Social Theory 7(4): 427-443. Pocock, D. (1975). Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard 1902–1973: An appreciation. Africa, 45(3) Visweswaran, Kamala (1998) Race and the Culture of Anthropology, American Anthropologist 100/1: 70-83.
Episode 1 - Notes from the Field Desk - Malinowski
Wed, 07 Apr 2021 11:03:35 +0000
Transcript - This was notes from the field desk written by me James McGrail. This episode references Clifford, James (1983) On Ethnographic Authority in Representations, No. 2 (Spring, 1983) Dahl, Roald (1988) Matilda published by Jonathan Cape Malinowski, Bronislaw (1922) Argonauts of the Western Pacific Routledge Malinowski, Bronislaw (1948) Magic, Science and Religion Waveland Press Malinowski, Bronislaw (1967) with introduction by Firth, Raymond (1989) A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term Stanford University Press Tylor, Edward Burnett (1871) Primitive Culture published by the Cambridge University Press Young, Michael W. (2004) Malinowski: Odyssey of an Anthropologist 1884-1920 Yale University Press The sounds were all taken from Freesound. If you can donate to them you totally should, I would not have been able to make this podcast without it. The sounds were; Water Lap by snog Sand slidding out of shovel slowly by XfiXy8 Tropical Ocean Waves » Mau U Mae Beach Waves by tombenedict Tropical Island by rich wise The theme music was dark side of my students, posted by Mia Stodzwiekow created by Tadeusz Maszewski
Episode 0.5 - Trailer - Notes from the Field Desk
Wed, 31 Mar 2021 12:28:33 +0000
Episode 0.5 - Trailer - In which I float the idea for the show. 7 days to Episode 1. The countdown begins. Music The theme music was dark side of my students, posted by Mia Stodzwiekow created by Tadeusz Maszewski