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Alta Fabulae

Fantasy Audio RPG


An Actual Play Dungeons & Dragons Podcast. Host Corey leads his friends in this Dungeons & Dragons show. Player's Chris, Ash, Greg, Jay, and Kay do their best to navigate their characters through the plot, staying one step ahead of the bad guys, and derailing the story whenever they can.

Format: Audio RPG

RPG system: Dungeons & Dragons



Genres: Fantasy

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First Day Exams

Mon, 28 Mar 2022 23:31:33 GMT

In the town of Rivercrest, four young heroes start their first year at Mulligan Adventure Academy, a training ground for fledgling adventurers.

Join DM Corey, Ash (Cas), Greg (Gil), Jay (Barzul), and Kay (Loire) as they brave college life to become licensed adventurers! Subscribe to stay up to date!

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Journey's End

Mon, 23 Aug 2021 11:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

The long adventure finally comes to a close. With the Sword of Zariel in hand, the newly reforged Reggie leads the party back to Elturel. It is time. Will the party save the souls of the hell riders? Will they save Elturel? A contract with Zariel was signed and it's time to deliver.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Sword of Zariel

Mon, 16 Aug 2021 04:00:00 GMT

  Welcome to Avernus!

Upon reaching the citadel housing the Sword of Zariel, the party was transported into Lulu's dream to show them the final days of Zariel's fall. They see first hand the destruction wrought by the Demon Lord Yeenoghu and his gnoll worshipers. Will the party survive the dream and be able to finally claim the Sword of Zariel?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Jail Break

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

Interlude Episode! Before reaching the Bleeding Citadel the party is approached by a familiar Eladrin. In this side adventure the invisi-gang (paxi, reggie, and starbuck) go on a side quest to help rebuild Smiler's Defilers.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Bleeding Citadel

Mon, 02 Aug 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

The party has located the Bleeding Citadel, which houses the key to saving Elturel, the Sword of Zariel. Someone or something has dug a series of tunnels through the Scab that is engulfing the Citadel. The party will now need to brave the dark tunnels to reach their goal.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Adamantine Rods

Mon, 26 Jul 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

After learning the location of the crashed flying fortress that houses the nine adamantine rods, the party sets across the burning wastelands of Avernus. Bel has promised to reveal the location of the Sword of Zariel. Are all nine adamantine rods still in the crashed fortress? What is Bel's true goal in assisting the party?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Infernal Wasteland

Mon, 19 Jul 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

The party makes way for Bel's Forge, hoping to learn more about the Sword of Zariel from the former Lord of Avernus. Along the way, their path is cut off by the infamous Chain Devil, Princeps Kovik. The warlord has demanded a toll of soul coins if the party wishes to continue onward. Deception fails and the party decides to speed straight through the blockade. Princeps Kovik is hot on their trail.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Favor for a Favor for a Favor

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

Nothing in life is free, and that is especially true in Avernus. Arriving at the "demon zapper" the party is made an offer. A favor for a favor. It might be one long fetch quest but the promise of a powerful ally keeps the party motivated. Also, Starbuck fights a tree.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Deal

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

The party has promised Ralzala the Dao a vial of titan blood in order to break her contract with Zariel. They promised the titan Uldrak a vial of Tiamat's blood in order to break his curse from Tiamat. By way of these promises and negations the party now stands before Tiamat's chosen champion, Arkhan the Cruel.  The party is ready to cash in on their various promises, however, the most important deal is about to be offered.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Hellrider's Secret

Mon, 28 Jun 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

Following Lulu's vision, the party proceeds to Haruman's Hill. Here, souls of those who betrayed Zariel are impaled on trees of iron, cursed to suffer for eternity. The greatest secret of the Hellriders will be revealed. Will the party's resolve be shaken?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Wandering Emporium

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

The Wandering Emporium offers all the comforts a traveler through Avernus could ever want, for a price. The party finally enjoys a much needed break. Welcome to the shopping episode! It's time to experience the pressures of temptation.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Warlords of Avernus

Mon, 14 Jun 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

It's time to peer into Lulu's memories. Does her forgotten past hold the key to saving Elturel and the souls of its people? The party built up a lot of good will with Mad Maggie, so it's time to traverse the badlands in style.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Fort Knucklebone

Mon, 07 Jun 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

After gliding out into the harsh unforgiving badlands of Avernus, the party must now contend with the very land itself. With the heat beating down on them a distant rumbling approaches. It's time for the party to hitch a ride.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Gideon Lightward

Mon, 31 May 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

Grand Duke Ravengard hasn't returned from his mission to the Graveyard. Worried, the party has agreed to go look for him. A strange miasma hangs in the air when the party arrives. Someone or something has been raising the dead. Can the party find the Grand Duke and stop the gathering undead?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Rat Song

Mon, 24 May 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 Welcome to Avernus!

After clearing the first and second floors of the High Hall, the party descends into the catacombs. Reya and Lulu are guarding the saved NPC's outside while the party hopes to more survivors and Grand Duke Ravengard. Will they arrive in time? 

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The High Hall

Mon, 17 May 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

After clearing the bridge, the party continues east toward the High Hall. Pursuing a rumor that Duke Ulder Ravengard is leadin a resistance against the devil invaders. Is the Duke of Baulder's Gate truly alive? Is there any safe place for the survivors?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Descent into Avernus

Mon, 10 May 2021 04:00:00 GMT

Welcome to Avernus!

Chaisson and all of Elturel's souls are forfeit unless the original demonic contract and can amended or nullified. Resolute in their conviction to help Chaaison, the party has been transported to the first layer of the nine hells. Devils have invaded the city to capture and torture it's populace, all while Elturel is slowly being pulled into the River Styx. Can the party, along with their new hollyphant ally, come to the city's aid?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Opening the Infernal Puzzle Box

Mon, 03 May 2021 04:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

The truth will be revealed! It's time for the party to take the Infernal Puzzle Box to Candlekeep. What secrets does it hold? What is the fate of Elturel and the hellriders? The greatest library in Faerun has the answers the party needs.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Under the Villa

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 11:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

After some technical issues, the party confronts High Overseer of Elturel: Thavius Kreeg. Realizing that Thavius was in cahoots with the Vanthampurs, the party has decided to take him into their custody. It's time to finish the job and bring the devil worshiping Vanthampurs to justice.

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Eldest Brother

Mon, 19 Apr 2021 04:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

The party continues to make their way through the Vanthampur Villa. Starbuck learns some troubling news. Poetry puts her intellect to the test. It's time to confront Thurstwell Vanthampur!

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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The Vanthampur Villa

Mon, 12 Apr 2021 04:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

With Reya in tow, the party makes planes to infiltrate the prestigious Vanthampur Villa. It's not going to be easy dealing with the elder brother, Thurstwell, on his home turf. Between Thurstwell's Imps and a house Cat, will the party finally bring justice to the Vanthampurs?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Low Lantern Eggs and Sleep Special

Mon, 05 Apr 2021 04:00:00 GMT

 The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

The party splits! Chaisson and Poetry leave to stake out the Vanthampur Villa. Meanwhile, Paxi, Reggi, and Starbuck head to the Low Lantern to confront Amrik Vanthampur, Duke Thalamra Vanthampur's middle child. Will things go exactly as planned?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Dungeon of the Dead Three

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 05:00:00 GMT

 The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

Paxi joins the party! The party continues their trek through the Dungeon of the Dead Three. With a combination of stealth, questionable interrogation techniques, and the making of an unlikely ally, the party finally gets some answers. Why are noble families being targeted, who's funding the cults activities, and who is REALLY pulling the stings?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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Bathhouse of the Dead Three

Mon, 22 Mar 2021 22:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

After protecting Tarina from her former "shipmates" she tells the party of a secret tunnel connected to the local bathhouse. Armed with this new lead Poetry, Chaisson, Reggie, and Starbuck decide to investigate. What dark secrets are hiding in the sewers of Baulder's Gate?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

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A Brawl in the Elfsong Tavern

Sun, 14 Mar 2021 03:00:00 GMT

The holy city of Elturel has fallen and Baulder's Gate may be next!

Paxi, Poetry, Chaisson, Reggie, and Starbuck have been forcibly conscripted by the Flaming Fist to put a stop to the Cult of the Dead Three in Baulder's Gate. Will our ragtag group of strangers be able to rout out the cult's goals and discover the sinister truth behind the fall of Elturel?

Join DM Corey as he leads Chris (Paxi), Ash (Poetry), Greg (Chaisson), Jay (Reggie), and Kay (Starbuck) through the bloody and treacherous badlands of BAULDER'S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS

Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound
Complete list of credits here:

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