Audio Fiction Dot C O Dot U K

The Talkback Tapes

Multigenre Full cast Anthology Audio Drama


A place for strange Audiobooks and Radioplays. Also on Youtube.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Anthology

Voices: Cast

Genres: Multigenre

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Unforgiven Original Soundtrack

Sat, 02 Sep 2023 19:50:18 GMT

This OST was created by Aybars Savat for the radio play "Unforgiven"


Fri, 01 Sep 2023 02:02:08 GMT

A reoccurring thunderstorm serves as a painful reminder of David's history. Throughout his years, he has only found himself growing more haunted - and even hunted - by past mistakes. Running out of time, David plans to confess to his crimes and accept whatever punishment is deemed just - before it's too late. ~ I am a little unsatisfied with the dynamic range on this audio, but still overall it's probably the best sounding thing I've ever made. I especially love how the cigarette sounds when wearing headphones, and of course who can resist the sound of heavy rain on a hard roof. ~Credits~ ~Cast~ Operator/Secretary - Stephen Thompson David Vandermeer - Plain Yogurt Detective Phillips - ItsMeTera ~Music~ Original Score - Aybars Savat ~Crew~ Written - Alec Preissler Album Art - Alec Preissler Audio Editing - Alec Preissler


Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:06:41 GMT

Elliot is a directionless office worker, whose days are dull, and filled with dissatisfaction. As Elliot navigates his mundane existence, a mysterious bird enters his life, seemingly with a mission to guide Elliot towards a better life. As Elliot becomes more entwined with the bird, he must make a choice between staying on the path his life has been on or making a dramatic change.



Narrator - Nick Mortimer

Elliot - Austin Rodgers

Bird - Macy Ernst


Allégro - Emmit Fenn.R


Written by Alec Preissler

Audio Editing by Alec Preissler

Enjoy The Show

Fri, 15 Jul 2022 04:00:16 GMT

In an increasing bleak and stressful world, entertainment works as an easily accessible escape from reality. Unfortunately for Howard, in order to find reprieve he'll have to face his biggest challenge yet. 

This Radio play is alright I suppose. The stories are always so much better in my head, oh well.   

Credits:  Narrator - Michael Robinson ( 

Howard - Kaiden Griffiths  

Ticket Clerk - Carlie Dejesus  

Concession Worker - Isabele Savage 

Additional Voices - Alec Preissler, Andy Scheier, Carlie Dejesus, Isabele Savage, Jacob Prentice, Jake Sturkenboom 

Written by: Alec Preissler 

Audio Editing: Alec Preissler 

Album Art: Alec Preissler

A Review of Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) Original Soundtrack

Fri, 20 May 2022 23:24:39 GMT

This OST was created by Spencer Barret for the Audiobook "A Review of Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)" You can find him @spantar on Instagram

A Review of Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 02:53:29 GMT

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) is the newest release in the longtime beloved Microsoft Flight Simulator Franchise. This 2020 release, brought to life by developer Asobo Studio, is by far the most technologically advanced and sophisticated game in the series. An immersive experience that can take over simulation fans, and aviation enthusiasts, and even casual gamers. Listen to my full review to hear my experience with this ambitious title. 

I thought "The Machine Made Paperclips" couldn't be topped, but It seems I was mistaken. I think the added soundtrack that comes with my audiobooks (thanks again to @spantar) really sells the story. Or maybe I just like having something to cover up my shabby audio editing.  


Narrator: Bennett Taylor 

Written by: Alec Preissler

Audio Editing: Alec Preissler 

Album Art: Alec Preissler

Music: Spencer Barrett (@spantar on Instagram)

The Machine Made Paperclips Original Soundtrack

Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:45:53 GMT

This OST was created by Spencer Barret for the Audiobook "The Machine Made Paperclips" You can find him @spantar on Instagram

The Machine Made Paperclips

Sun, 26 Sep 2021 03:23:51 GMT

Paperclips are an important, yet underappreciated tool of the modern workforce. With eleven billion paperclips manufactured yearly, ensuring their construction operates smoothly is a monumental task. But what happens when technical innovation surpasses regulation, and software is given total control?   


 I've always been a huge fan of the game "Universal Paperclips" so I figured an adaptation would be a fun project. This project turned out way better than I thought it would. Not only did Blake Anthony killed it with the narration, but I managed to rope my friend Spencer into creating an original score for the project. Everything fits together perfectly, I doubt I'll be surpassing this level of quality for some time.        

 ~Credits~ Narrator: Blake Anthony  

Written by: Alec Preissler 

Audio Editing: Alec Preissler 

Album Art: Alec Preissler 

Music: Spencer Barrett

The Past Was Behind Him

Sun, 07 Mar 2021 07:51:36 GMT

After discovering a mysterious cassette tape, a grieving widower finds himself clinging desperately to the echoes of the past. But as the tape plays on, it is soon revealed that he is not the only one seeking answers.


Phillip Wright - Bennett Taylor

Agent 1 - Aiden Kerr  

Olivia - Maura Stephens 

Agent 2 - Brendan Curran   

Written by: Alec Preissler 

Audio Editing and Foley: Alec Preissler 

Album Art: Alec Preissler

Midnight Oil

Sun, 07 Mar 2021 07:46:56 GMT

After a long day's work, a weary Driver begins his commute home. On the way, his fate's cross path with a eerie figure. The more they talk, the more the Driver connects with him until a decision has to be made.


Narrator - Alec Preissler 

Driver - Kaiden Griffiths  

Hitchhiker - Aiden Kerr  

Written by: Alec Preissler 

Audio Editing and Foley: Alec Preissler

Album Art: Alec Preissler

Viable Candidate

Sun, 07 Mar 2021 07:27:08 GMT

The current job market can be a tough thing to navigate. Lewis knows this better than anyone, as day after day he receives near identical phone calls informing him of their hiring decisions. This is one such phone call.

Partygoer - Riley King
Lewis - Alec Preissler
Stephen - Kaiden Griffiths  

Written by: Alec Preissler
Audio Editing and Foley: Alec Preissler
Album Art: Alec Preissler