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Slanted Dice

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Creator: A Dungeons And Dragons Podcast


Slanted Dice is an Actual Play Dungeons And Dragons Podcast based on the 5th Edition of DND. Follow along as we nerdy group of friends and our chaotic bunch of heroes create our own adventure in the home-brew world of Revélya. Support this podcast:





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Creamy Eyes | Episode 77 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 14 Apr 2024 10:14:32 GMT

The Undecided make their way north-east towards the Reghed Glacier and find themselves being tracked by an uninvited Stalker...

Episode Image: "Watcher on the hills" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Untrusty Relations | Episode 76 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 14 Apr 2024 09:54:54 GMT

Our adventuring party gathers their bearings and compares notes on Ythrin, the pieces of Tiamat and what their ultimate goal is together with Velynne - only to find out they might not be after the same thing after all...

Episode Image: "The brothers have fallen" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Figures in the Night | Episode 75 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 14 Apr 2024 09:31:39 GMT

The Undecided's rest is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the Empire's Mage Hunters from the Arcane Brotherhood who successfully tracked down our group. But they are not to give up without a fight - a battle in the snow ensues...

Episode Image: "Mage Hunter" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Lucky Liar | Episode 74 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:37:05 GMT

Our group finally stops in Lonelywood for some good deserved rest, meets some new faces and shares story or two too much - a feat they will utterly regret as we will learn soon...

Episode Image: "Dana's Embrace" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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A Final Warning | Episode 73 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:27:11 GMT

Our party is let off the hook by the Frostmaiden, promising to not further meddle with their quarry but ultimately they have their own plans...

Episode Image: "A Final Warning" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Brittle Maiden | Episode 72 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:18:53 GMT

The Undecided face off against The Frostmaiden once more and are forced to leave two of their friends behind...

Episode Image: "The Brittle Maiden" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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A Small Sacrifice | Episode 71 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:13:05 GMT

The Undecided face a tough decision while facing the Frostmaiden's last trial...

Episode Image: "Tribesmen" generated with ChatGPT


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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From Our Midst | Episode 70 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:35:55 GMT

The Undecided brave another test of The Frostmaiden and some return...changed forever.

Episode Image: "Among Us" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Survivor's Guilt | Episode 69 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:28:31 GMT

Our group of heroes embarks on the first of Auril's trials - making sure a helpless boy survives the oncoming chill of the night...

Episode Image: "The Boy Who Lived" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Frozen Tomb | Episode 68 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:07:46 GMT

The Undecided uncover the original inhabitant of the frozen fortress and pay their their own way.

Episode Image: "The Queen's Sarcophagus" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Chicken Bits and Undead Dudes | Episode 67 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:44:49 GMT

Our party fends off a swarm of Ice Piercers and delves deeper to uncover the secrets of Auril's Abode...

Episode Image: "Ice Mephit" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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I Am Become Death | Episode 66 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 12 Mar 2023 08:24:54 GMT

The Undecided try and talk their way through a sticky situation and attempt to recuperate in the harsh climate of Auril's Abode...

Episode Image: "Frost Giant" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Bird of Prey | Episode 65 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 12 Mar 2023 08:07:15 GMT

The Undecided face off against one of Auril's mightiest allies and try venturing further into the center of the Isle of Solstice...

Episode Image: "Ice Roc" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Sea of Moving Ice | Episode 64 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 13 Feb 2023 14:09:34 GMT

Our characters meet their new contact and set out across the Sea of Moving Ice, to find Auril's Abode and end this eternal winter...

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Episode Image: "Isle of Solstice" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Frozen Secrets | Episode 63 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 05 Feb 2023 10:21:44 GMT

The Undecided gather new intel and embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of a lost city in ice in this week's episode...

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Episode Image: "Lonelywood" generated with Midjourney AI


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Cold Crone | Episode 62 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 21 Jan 2023 12:54:22 GMT

In our latest episode, 'The Undecided' braves an icy storm and battles the Cold Crone. But just as victory seemed within reach, the Frost Maiden does something unexpected...tune in to find out where this mysterious goddess leads us next!

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Episode Image: "D&D Icewind Dale: Rime of The Frostmaiden" © by Tyler Jacobson & Wizards of The Coast


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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In the Fangs of Frost | Episode 61 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 09 Jan 2023 17:12:20 GMT

The Undecided experience the terrible tragedy in the wake of the construct's attack and make for the return to Bryn Shander, only to be surprised by an even mightier foe on the plains near the Dwarven Valley...

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Episode Image: "Icewind Dale - Rime of the Frostmaiden DnD Campaign" © by André Cézar over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Battle Above The Skies | Episode 60 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:43:00 GMT

Our party catches up to the Chardalyn Dragon and stands their ground against a colossal foe - a battle that culminates in an epic clash high in the frozen skies above Icewind Dale

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Episode Image: "Ice Dragon" © by Yu Chao Cheng over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Long Night | Episode 59 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 09:19:44 GMT

The Undecided make a new friend and find their prey: A Chardalyn Dragon on the verge of destroying all of ten-towns...

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Episode Image: "Black Dragon" © by Pedro Sena over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Undecided Finally Decide | Episode 58 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 29 Aug 2022 15:52:44 GMT

Our adventuring group returns to Bryn Shander and learns of an imminent threat that forces them to agree on an urgent decision...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Viking Mead Hall--Vikings concept art for History Dose" © by Joseph Feely over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Thanks for the Lay | Episode 57 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 15 Aug 2022 14:51:37 GMT

The Undecided return to the famed hospitality of Dougan's Hole, to lick their wounds, reconvene and make some new questionable experiences...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Possessed old lady Demon Concept" © by Marcus Whinney over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Snowfall | Episode 56 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 16 Jul 2022 10:31:48 GMT

Our adventurers finally come face to face with Sephek Kaltro, who ambushes the party and unveils some of the Frostmaiden's power...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "ICE BLADE" © by Aleksandr Sivkov over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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How I Met Your Mother | Episode 55 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 19 Jun 2022 10:44:43 GMT

The Undecided's Hunt leads them to an icy Frost Giant abode that houses a chilling monster...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "George R.R. Martin - In the House of the Worm" © by Michael Michera over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Giant's Bane | Episode 54 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 12 Jun 2022 09:01:55 GMT

Our party fends off a brutal onslaught of Frost Giants and flees the scene while trying to track down their prey - which ultimately leads them to the creepy outskirts of Dougan's Hole...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "The Theft Of Thor's Hammer - Frost Giant land** © by Shyam Sukumar over at 


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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In the Footsteps of Giants | Episode 53 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 04 Jun 2022 10:28:59 GMT

The Undecided deal with a nightly incident in the Bryn Shander holding cells, embark upon a new adventure to the south and come face to face with one of Icewind Dale's most ferocious creatures...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Encounter with the frost giant" © by Mircea Nicula over at  


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Middle-Earth: Shady Encounters & Dark Endings | Episode 4 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 15 May 2022 09:20:21 GMT

Our adventuring party finds the root of all evil in Breeland which leads to a final parting of ways...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Vintage Room" © by Matija Masek over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Middle-Earth: Heed No Nightly Noises...Or Should You? | Episode 3 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 02 May 2022 10:33:54 GMT

Our adventure takes a surprising turn as our party solves the mystery behind Hayward's Farm which has them heading out further into the Breeland...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Vintage Room" © by Matija Masek over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Witch Hunt | Episode 52 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 16 Apr 2022 11:35:21 GMT

After finding some peculiar loot and securing the lost iron ingot shipment, The Undecided return to Bryn Shander only to find themselves in the midst of a local murder investigation...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "City square" © by Viktoria Likhodeeva over at  


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Middle-Earth: Wee Folk & Breefolk | Episode 2 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 09 Apr 2022 11:10:55 GMT

We have started a new One-Shot with the Adventures in Middle-Earth System! Our Party enters The Prancing Pony and finds not only new acquaintances, but also sinister rumors revolving around Breeland...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Vintage Room" © by Matija Masek over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Middle-Earth: Venture into Breeland | Episode 1 - Slanted Dice

Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:27:55 GMT

We have started a new One-Shot with the Adventures in Middle-Earth System! Our merry band of heroes arrives at the outskirts of Bree on a chance meeting which transforms into a night of destiny...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Vintage Room" © by Matija Masek over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Between Fangs and Hail | Episode 51 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 20 Mar 2022 10:29:30 GMT

Our adventuring party finds themselves at the mercy of the elements while hunting down the gnolls that stole the lost iron shipment, which leads to an epic battle - snow storm included!

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Frostgrave Gnolls" © by Dmitry Burmak over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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In Pursuit | Episode 50 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 13 Mar 2022 15:55:29 GMT

The Undecided brave the cold wilds of Icewind Dale as they embark on a search for a lost shipment of iron ingots...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Scary Spooky Gnolls" © by Francisco Chinchilla over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Barn Dealings | Episode 49 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 13:56:14 GMT

Our party is ambushed in a barn on the outskirts of Bryn Shander and is forced to deal with both, killers and potential allies in their search for information...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Winter Night Environment" © by Sairaj Joil over at  


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Bryn Shander Beginnings | Episode 48 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 26 Feb 2022 15:59:05 GMT

The Undecided arrive in Bryn Shander, gathering new information while spotting new opportunities as well as odd curiosities...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: Ol'Bitey © by Wizards of The Coast from the official Icewind Dale adventure module


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Bird of Prey | Episode 47 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 13 Feb 2022 09:40:55 GMT

The Party faces off against a monstrous foe on their path to Bryn Shander...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: UE4 Winter Environment © by Alen Vejzovic over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Wall of White | Episode 46 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 12:10:52 GMT

Our group embarks towards Bryn Shander but is surprised by a dangerous blizzard that not only almost splits up the group but also harbors something menacing within its icy winds...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "RDT Winter Scene" by Christoph Schindelar @


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Tallying in Targos | Episode 45 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 29 Jan 2022 11:08:01 GMT

The Undecided arrive in Targos and make some new discoveries there, which will urge them to make a choice on what road to take on next...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Tavern Interior" by Terry Hess @


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Displaced | Episode 44 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 10:20:58 GMT

Our group braves the wilderness of Icewind Dale on their way to Targos and runs into an unexpected ambush...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: UE4 Winter Environment © by Alen Vejzovic over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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A Case for Dogs | Episode 43 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 15 Jan 2022 10:25:12 GMT

The Undecided are informed of the troubles in Ten-Towns, only to find themselves with a plethora of local problems they can choose to help with if they want to explore Icewind Dale...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: 维京村 © by Yangcai Hai over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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In Winter's Grip | Episode 42 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 08 Jan 2022 10:10:39 GMT

Our party finds themselves in Icewind Dale after a portal travel gone awry. Among heavy snowfall in the blackest of nights, they make their way to the nearby town of Bremen to reconvene what the current plan and goal are...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Winter Village" © by T.L Theiss over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Fireside Chat #1: Branwulf & Thiala - Slanted Dice

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 08:40:58 GMT

In celebration of you, dear listener, and also in our Christmas spirit, we've decided to do a little something special for you: Our first Fireside Chat! We've been collecting some questions from you and have created our first little interview session next to our hearth with both Branwulf and Thiala.


Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Family Found | Episode 41 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 19 Dec 2021 10:52:34 GMT

Blackwater and his companions finally catch up to Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard and make a gruesome discovery which forces the group to face a hard choice...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Fire Swamp" © by Matt R Martin over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Thing in The Dark | Episode 40 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:27:15 GMT

The Undecided dig deeper into the Ossuary of the cemetery and come face to face with a Fade...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Cathedrale" © by Gary Sanchez over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Warden | Episode 39 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 04 Dec 2021 11:11:51 GMT

Our merry crew fights their way through the cemetery and stumbles across the source of the undead in the area...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Graveyard Scene" © by Darren Benton over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Dead of Elturel's Gate | Episode 38 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 27 Nov 2021 10:20:31 GMT

Our hopeful party stumbles across specters, shadows and worse as they approach the cemetery chapel of Elturel's Gate in search of Fosco and Elaine Blackbrew...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Cemetery" © by Ivan Mikhalenko over at and


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

Vigil among Candles | Episode 37 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 21 Nov 2021 10:13:59 GMT

The Undecided find the last group of survivors in Elturel's Gate and finally get a new lead on Blackwater's missing parents...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "The Crypt" © by Harid Taskin over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Daeliuz Torzalan | Episode 36 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 12 Nov 2021 12:27:16 GMT

The Undecided snuff out some of the undead remnants of the High Hall's catacombs and make a new acquaintance along the way...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "The Crypt" © by Harid Taskin over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Seeds of Laughter | Episode 35 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 05 Nov 2021 17:24:29 GMT

Our group stumbles upon a cackling surprise rooted deep within the catacombs of High Hall...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Some of our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Crypt" © by Antonio Neves over at


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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Frightful Corridors | Episode 34 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 30 Oct 2021 12:30:02 GMT

The Undecided make their way into the catacombs beneath High Hall and have a horrifying encounter that leaves its mark...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Cathedral" © by Constantine Marin over at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Blood on the Flagstone | Episode 33 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 23 Oct 2021 11:22:44 GMT

Our troupe of heroes faces the white-winged fiend protecting the cathedral and realize that devils in Avernus are pretty hard to take down...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Cathedral" © by Nicolas Mendoza over at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Heresy at High Hall | Episode 32 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 17 Oct 2021 08:18:31 GMT

The Undecided make it to High Hall and come face to face with the powerful fiend leading the attack on the cathedral...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Monument" © by Arthur Juan over at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Ruins of a City | Episode 31 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:50:00 GMT

Our party is ambushed on the streets of Elturel's Gate and try to survive the onslaught of fiendish forces while the ruins of The High Hall tower above them...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Escape" © by James Combridge over at

Twitter: @jamescombridge




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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Bridge Fiend | Episode 30 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 25 Sep 2021 08:36:13 GMT

As The Undecided fight their way through the ruins of Elturel's Gate, they are faced with a difficult choice to make to get past a powerful entity blocking them from reaching the High Hall...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Hellrider" © by Kaitlyn Spong over at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Basement Stories | Episode 29 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 18 Sep 2021 10:10:38 GMT

As The Undecided make their way through the ruins of what was once Elturel, they stop to rescue a couple of survivors and answer a call for help - only to find a grim turn of events...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Tavern" © by Michael Thurston at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Into The Mouth Of Hell | Episode 28 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 11 Sep 2021 12:14:58 GMT

Our party takes Aethel Leonin up on her offer and finally make their way to Avernus, the first layer of The Nine Hells. There, they finally uncover what fate had befallen the two cities of Elturel and Horgrim's Gate...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Fire Giants Citadel" © by Miloš Radojkić at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Discord | Episode 27 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 05 Sep 2021 11:10:25 GMT

Upon meeting a new party of interest, our heroes venture into the catacombs of Candlekeep to retrieve a famed 'tuning key' that will hopefully help them in unlocking their path to Avernus to find Blackwater's missing parents...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Ritual Circle" © by Craig Balfour at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Veil Lifted | Episode 26 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 21 Aug 2021 11:41:36 GMT

Recovering from their loss, The Undecided make their way to Candlekeep to unravel the mystery about the local happenings and some also find out more about themselves...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Relighting World: Library" © by Sergei Panin at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Rage's End | Episode 25 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 15 Aug 2021 07:00:36 GMT

The hour is dark as our party is surprised by an Orc ambush on their way to Candlekeep and one of them falls...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: Made with RPGscenery



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Consequences | Episode 24 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 08 Aug 2021 07:26:46 GMT

After an arduous journey at sea, our party of The Undecided finally arrive at Horgrim's Gate - only to be met with a shocking revelation that changes plans all around...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "The Shadowed Crow" © by David Nicholls at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Parley | Episode 23 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 01 Aug 2021 08:17:15 GMT

After a clash with the Scarlet Brotherhood, our pirate party overthrows a ship and makes new plans for the mission ahead. Some goodbyes are said and some go their separate ways...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Davy's chase" © by Ivo Brankovikj at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Battle upon the Waves | Episode 22 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 25 Jul 2021 12:03:39 GMT

The Undecided make their way towards Revelya, crossing the Azure Sea once more in the hopes of finding Blackwater's missing parents. However, things turn sour as the hunters suddenly become the hunted upon the waves...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "There be pirates!" © by Danny Kundzinsh at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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A Matter of Family | Episode 21 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 18 Jul 2021 16:16:15 GMT

Making their way back to Saltmarsh, our party decides on where the next leg of the journey will take them but upon their arrival, they find an old family matter unresolved, which changes things...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Siren" © by Amir Khan at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Swamp Thing | Episode 20 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 10 Jul 2021 10:28:32 GMT

Trying to find their way back from the hag's lair, our party wakes up without their possessions and is determined to take them back - even if that means venturing into the heart of the Hool Marshes themselves...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "A Feast" © by David Honz at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Witch of the Wood | Episode 19 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 03 Jul 2021 13:29:34 GMT

The party of The Undecided finally meets with Granny Nightshade, the ancient Hag of the Dreadwood - an encounter that leaves some with even more questions, others with an unbreakable pact and one of them paying the ultimate sacrifice...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "The Raven Hag" © by Juan Angel at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Brink of Death | Episode 18 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 19:23:43 GMT

Our heroes' rest is interrupted by an attack of unnatural creatures that have spilled over from the plane of The Fade. A bitter fight to the very end ensues...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes, which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Netflix Castlevania Background - Big Tree" © by Sylvain Sarrailh at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Anchor Tree | Episode 17 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 15:01:24 GMT

Heading into the Dreadwood, our party tries to find out what happened to both, the Earl of Burle and one of their own after the last Skirmish with the Lycans, pushing onward into the darkness of these foul woods...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "THE WEALD" © by Leif Heanzo at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Tooth & Claw | Episode 16 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 12 Jun 2021 14:05:13 GMT

With Burle being under siege by a pack of Lycans and worse, our heroes take up arms to defend the city upon a stormy battlefield...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "Zombie Werewolf!" © by Jason Martin at



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Check out our friends over at Snyder's Return for another great Dungeons & Dragons Podcast including insightful interviews with great - they do some awesome work!

The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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The Bells of Burle | Episode 15 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 14:43:17 GMT

Our heroes arrive in Burle and find that the hometown of Blackwater's parents is in a less fortunate state than anybody could've predicted...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend: 

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well! 

Episode Image: "Esoteric order of Dagon" © by Guillem H. Pongiluppi at



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Check out our friends over at Snyder's Return for another great Dungeons & Dragons Podcast including insightful interviews with great - they do some awesome work!

The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Vigilance | Episode 14 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 28 May 2021 15:14:35 GMT

Our heroes venture forth into unknown lands, the small inland town of Burle being their goal. Still debating on how to deal with the curse of an ancient hag, they find themselves in quite the pickle after gaining more attention of the local...people.

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend: 

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well! 

Episode Image: "Swamp Tree" © by Nelson Bern at



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Check out our friends over at Snyder's Return for another great Dungeons & Dragons Podcast including insightful interviews with great - they do some awesome work!

The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Dark Revelations | Episode 13 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 21 May 2021 16:45:50 GMT

After falling ill with the Hool Fever herself, Blackwater's mother reveals a dark secret she has kept over the years and the only solution to curing the rest of The Undecided from their fate - the group acts and immediately prepares to journey further inland towards The Dreadwood to deal with a dangerous hag called Granny Nightshade... 

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend: 

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well! 

Episode Image: "Still Life with Candle and Vase" © by Nalini Sabapathy at - she also sells prints of her art! Simply message her on her Artstation profile ;)



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Check out our friends over at Snyder's Return for another great Dungeons & Dragons Podcast including insightful interviews with great - they do some awesome work!

The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Meet The Cast | Episode 0-2 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 15 May 2021 08:46:26 GMT

Hello and welcome to Slanted Dice - an Actual Play Dungeons & Dragons Podcast based on the 5th edition of D&D.

We are a group of friends that has decided to share their fun of playing everyone's favorite role-playing game with the world, and we're now bringing you the adventures of Frion, Branwulf, Thiala, Kadair and Blackwater from our table to your ears! In this first "session 0", we want to give you a quick overview of the player characters you'll be meeting in our story! 

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!



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Music used in this podcast: Songs from the Technomage game soundtrack from Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software (active 1993 - 2007).

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The Art of Imbibement | Episode 12 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 15 May 2021 08:42:40 GMT

The Undecided make their way to a local tavern to partake in a drinking contest in an attempt to win back a generous sum of gold the crew of The Indecision has lost - drinking, displays of constitution and wits galore this week!

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Our animated backgrounds and battlemaps are made with the amazing tool that is RPGscenery - be sure to check out their site as well!

Episode Image: "The Tavern" © by Michael Thurston at



OR support us by simply leaving a review!


Check out our friends over at Snyder's Return for another great Dungeons & Dragons Podcast including insightful interviews with great - they do some awesome work!

The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Boots and Crackers | Episode 11 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 08 May 2021 08:49:46 GMT

After their return to Saltmarsh, The Undecided find a member of their crew robbed of their money due to a gambling problem - and are keen on winning it back the very same evening. After stocking up on some provisions and getting rid of some newly acquired loot, that is.

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Netflix Castlevania Background: Tavern" © by Sylvain Sarrailh at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Great Balls of Fire | Episode 10 - Slanted Dice

Fri, 30 Apr 2021 17:17:58 GMT

Clashing into the main smuggling operation led by the enchanter Sanbalét, The Undecided light up the place, pay off a new recruit to their crew and head back to Saltmarsh to try and find a way to cure themselves of the dangerous Hool Fever.

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Inferno" © by Dimitrije Miljus at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Knives in the Dark | Episode 9 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 24 Apr 2021 10:05:40 GMT

Making their way through trapped hallways and an ambush, our party finds the true workings behind the supposedly "Haunted" House!

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Haunted 'Doll' House (Scale Model)" © by Sam Delfanti at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Ancient Secrets Uncovered | Episode 8 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 18 Apr 2021 08:50:26 GMT

The Undecided head deeper into the bowels of the Haunted House, uncovering ancient knowledge and coming face to face with a dark entity.

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Haunted House" © by Daniele Montella at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Raccoons or Hooks? | Episode 7 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 10 Apr 2021 10:10:09 GMT

Our party of The Undecided start exploring the Haunted House and make a new friend along the way - also, Blackwater is afraid of heights and spiders...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Haunted House - Realtime Environment Project" © by Pierre Lacasse at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Intervention | Episode 6 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 03 Apr 2021 16:18:10 GMT

Our party of The Undecided fight for survival within the Hool Marshes - plagued by the locals and the Hool Fever, make a shocking discovery on the outskirts of the Haunted House and have a sit-down with one of their own after yet another near death experience...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "CROCO" © by Andrey Ryzhov at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Rumors of the Swamp | Episode 5 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 27 Mar 2021 14:44:10 GMT

The Undecided gather new intel on the Haunted House rumors by meeting Anders Solmor, then make their way into the Hool Marshes, getting lost along the way and making even more gruesome discoveries lurking within the dangerous swamp.

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes which are released each weekend:

Episode Image: "Symbiosis" © by Piotr Foksowicz at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Welcome to Saltmarsh | Episode 4 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 20 Mar 2021 16:21:52 GMT

With a new name for the ship - "The Indecision" - and calling themselves "The Undecided" from now on, the adventuring group finally arrives in Saltmarsh after an arduous journey. Taking their first steps on Dreadparish Isle, they make new friends in the local tavern, take part in a family reunion and experience a nightmare that shakes the core of at least one party member... 

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:

Episode Image: "Innsmouth" © by Richard Wright at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Screeches in the Night | Episode 3 - Slanted Dice

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 14:05:15 GMT

Gathering the Dragon's hoard, the party returns to the Endurance and sets sail to the dangerous Kirin Reef, only to find an ambush waiting there in the dead of night...

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:

Episode Image: "harpie" © by Britney Winthrope at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Bark and Scale | Episode 2 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 07 Mar 2021 17:43:54 GMT

Exploring an unknown island, our party is caught by a local centaur tribe. To win their favor (and lives), they are forced to come to an agreement with the tribe's leader and are tasked with driving off an unknown creature that has made its lair on the northern side of the island and has been causing harm to the local inhabitants for a while now...  

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:

Episode Image: "Wild Dragon" © by George Evangelista at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Distant Shores | Episode 1 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 28 Feb 2021 20:50:20 GMT

Our heroes embark towards an unknown horizon with their new ship "The Endurance" and a hopeful crew aboard. Will they find what they are looking for across the Azure Sea and will they be able to escape the war-torn Revelýa for good?

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:

Episode Image: "Landscape with ship" © by Sergey Vasnev at



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The Music used within this podcast belongs to both copyrighted artists that were nice enough to give their permission for use and tracks licensed under Creative Commons:

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Introduction | Episode 0-1 - Slanted Dice

Sun, 28 Feb 2021 17:54:11 GMT

Hello and welcome to Slanted Dice - an Actual Play Dungeons & Dragons Podcast based on the 5th edition of D&D. 

We are a group of friends that has decided to share their fun of playing everyone's favorite role-playing game with the world, and we're now bringing you the adventures of Frion, Branwulf, Thiala, Kadair and Blackwater from our table to your ears!
In this first "session 0", we want to give you a quick overview of the world our characters are playing in as well as the story that has happened so far... 

Be sure to follow us and keep up to date with our episodes each weekend:



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Music used in this episode: Songs from the Technomage game soundtrack from Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software (active 1993 - 2007).

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