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A library of fiction podcasts, including audio dramas, books and RPG actual plays.

The Cartographer

2 episodes

Solo Fantasy Serial Audio Book


A fantasy audio drama set in the mythical land of Farentha, The Cartographer follows the adventures of Vallahar, a young wilderness guide who has been tasked with leading three outsiders through his homelands.

Format: Audio Book

Continuity: Serial

Writing: Scripted

Voices: Solo

Genres: Fantasy

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The Cartographer - Trailer

Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:16:04 -0500

Hear snippets from the first episode of the podcast to get a sense for the world and the storytelling. 

Direct MP3 link

Chapter 1 - The Skybreaker

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 06:00:00 -0500

Our hero Vallahar rushes to meet his charges, a team of mercenaries that he has been tasked with guiding across the treacherous bluffs of the Farenthala mountain range. These mercenaries seek out a dangerous target: A skybreaker.

Direct MP3 link