The Creature Report
33 episodes
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Creator: Val Petrone
Full cast Horror Serial Audio Drama
An improv podcast about spotting new monsters & reporting their mythos to you. Guests, ghouls, & good times hosted by senior anchor Val Petrone. Produced with Paper Boat Productions.
Format: Audio Drama
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Improvised
Voices: Full cast
Genres: Horror, Comedy
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Sun, 24 Oct 2021 18:31:59 GMT
See you next week, Anchor.
The Creature Report Documentation & Archival Assistant!
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>TCR-VPAL 27_AdditionalNotes
>TCR-VPAL 28_AdditionalNotes
>The Creature Report: Episode 29, Utopic Dormihi - ARCHIVE ONLY 10/02
Content warning: implied missing persons throughout episode
Written By Val Petrone & Em Murphy
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Em Murphy as Kyle Culkin
Sound FX found on
Sun, 10 Oct 2021 06:23:43 GMT
Something is coming, something is leaving.
Some things stay the same.
But Anchor, dear, why don't you come near?
Let us begin our game.
The Creature Report Documentation & Archival Assistant!
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>Footage & Recording
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Content warning: implied kidnapping/missing persons throughout episode
In order of appearance:
Additional sound effects and voices provided by
tiy qeibfws gun,
The Creature Report: Episode 28, Selina
Sat, 18 Sep 2021 19:37:01 GMT
After the past few weeks of airing unintentional audio, we're back to posting INTENTIONAL episodes! That's right! No more personal notes being leaked, we hope! Either way, this week we're SO excited to meet Selina, our first ever creature AND guest combo (that we knew about before going into the interview)! Tune in as Selina tells us all about life in the swamp, her cousin Sylyna the troll, and what it's like to motivational speak on being a rejected Pokemon design. Plus, do we hear wedding bells for this creature and one of our camera men? Tune in to find out!
Content Warnings:
Conversations about vaccines, hard drugs, the government, and cartoonish animal cruelty
Madeline Maye as Selina
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Sound FX found on
The Creature Report Training Video!
Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:02:26 GMT
The Creature Report Documentation & Archival Assistant!
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>TCR-VPAL 23_AdditionalNotes
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>TCR-VPAL 27_AdditionalNotes
CW: random/jarring audio glitches throughout, implied paranoia
written by Nova Wolfharder
performed by:
Mae Murphy as Mae
Tim Woerner as the Intern
Val Petrone as Anchor Val
Training video music by Arthur Vale
rap beat & sound effects from
The Creature Report: Episode 27, Panic! In The Jar
Mon, 23 Aug 2021 02:12:40 GMT
What's wet, hungry, and made entirely out of either many, MANY tongues or one LARGE tongue? It's this week's Creature Report creature! We're joined today by Constance Community College student and local little guy Mincus Von Smurdlehoff as we explore Constance's Jar Museum and learn a thing or two about what Panic! At the Disco and Jonathan Frakes have been up to in the past few years (spoiler: it's not great news!). Hell, we might even get a roomba reference IF you're lucky.
Content Warnings:
slight body horror, mention of Brendon Urie
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Andy Randolph as Mincus Von Smurdlehoff
Sound FX found on
36.150893664496635 -95.99267550070147 36.10292499634998 -95.97540469540479
36.13368231023964 -95.93994189355078 36.161146838480484 -95.9051818088947 36.141080694170014 -95.88625249540375 36.09102929671055 -95.92178839540514 36.10525815759564 -95.8506074088962
Sat, 14 Aug 2021 01:00:00 GMT
The Creature Report Documentation & Archival Assistant!
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(written and performed by Val Petrone)
The Creature Report: Episode 26, Twinky
Sat, 07 Aug 2021 03:00:00 GMT
Sneaking into places where you shouldn't be going? Not always great-- but today, we're heading to a house that is more than open to let my guest and I go bump in the night. That's right! New Creature Report, with expert of ghost hunting, colin jost'busting, podcasting, and arting, Martin Legosi Graves! Join us as we enter in the house of Martin's boss, decipher if this creature is actually a duck, and finally know what it means for your hungry, hungry eyes to be bigger than your stomach.
ALSO, not a creature nor a joke, Marty is saving up for TOP SURGERY! So PLEASE help out if you can at Marty's fund, which can be found at Every little bit helps!
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Marty L Graves as Ghxstbuster Martin Legosi Graves
Sound FX found on
He xnt'qd cdbhogdqhmf sghr sgzs ldzmr xnt rgntkc cnmzsd sn Lzqsx'r sno rtqfdqx etmc! H lhfgs ad zm zkk rddhmf dmshsx sgzs Uzk gzr mn hcdz zants, ats sgzs cndrm's ldzm H cnm's rtoonqs sqzmr qhfgsr! gssor://fnetmc.ld/3796aa2a
The Creature Report: Episode 25, Thorenguard
Sat, 17 Jul 2021 06:14:41 GMT
Out for a day in the park, you'll never know who you'll find- or what you'll find! Take Thorenguard, for example. Thorenguard was minding her own business when suddenly, approaching them came anchor Val Petrone and, guest of the episode and the official creature therapist of Creature Report, Jess Lynne! Get to know our new friend with us as we talk what might legs be (conceptually), how those eyelashes get to look so good, and one (or two) of the many misogynistic men of the 90s (and no, it's not Dame Judi Dench).
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Jess Lynne as Creature Report therapist Jess Lynne
Sound FX found on
Park ambience:
Content warnings
-brief discussion of gross bodily fluids (mucus)
Kds'r vzsbg rnldsghmf snfdsgdq, qdonqsdq.
Ld, zmc xnt, zmc gdq, zmc sgd sgdl.
Kds'r rhs snfdsgdq.
Kds'r knnj snfdsgdq.
Rnnm, qdonqsdq. Rnnm, khrsdmdq.
Sgd cduhk'r hm sgd cdszhkr.
The Creature Report: Episode 24, Tender Angel
Mon, 12 Jul 2021 04:36:28 GMT
Did you leave out the chickie tendos again? Great- now we know where they went, at least. This week, we're analyzing the Tender Angel, a beautiful creature with *checks notes* translucent wings, eats with it's backside, and a huge donger. Thankfully, we're not in this alone, as we're joined with one of the leading experts of the crypto-field, codename Professor Einstein Erudition! So join Val, the Professor, Tender Angel, and Bjork for a fun night time hang in the kitchen!
Val Petrone as Anchor Val Petrone
Aron Brown as Professor Einstein Erudition
with special guests....
Mae Murphy as Mae/The Tender Angel (catchphrase only)
Leo Garcia as Bjorkish (singing)
Sound FX found on
Nighttime ambience:
Content warnings
-discussion of genitalia (in a lighthearted manner)
Pcnmprcp, mf pcnmpr-
Qmml ctcpwmlc ugjj ilmu
Wmsp qcapcrq ugjj zc pctcyjcb
Dpmk jmle, jmle yem.
bm wms ctcl pckckzcp, bcyp pcnmprcp
The Creature Report: Episode 23, New Stepdad
Sat, 19 Jun 2021 04:36:47 GMT
A smoky bar, 7 ft tall people, and a creature who almost could be Billy Joel, if Billy Joel's eyes were shaped like Massachusetts (both in eye shape and in pupil). Welcome back to a regular episode of Creature Report, featuring our friend looking for a new friend, codename Conrad Growler (cool name, right?). Join Conrad and I as we introduce ourselves to a big, beefy, POSSIBLY many armed possibly not many armed New Stepdad. Happy Father's day?
Content Warnings: though no explicit nature occurs in this episode, there is conversation of shitty parental figures in this episode.
All sounds used in this episode can be found on
Zlkoxa txp illhfkd clo pljblkb ql cfdeq efp pqbm axa fk xii qeb ofdeq mixzbp.
Sxi fp illhfkd clo xkptbop fk xii qeb tolkd lkbp.
Zebzh pljbqefkd vlr'ob cxjfifxo tfqe, obmloqbo.
Qoxfk vlro yoxfk.
The Creature Report: Episode 22, Jim....or is it Tim? the Intern
Sat, 05 Jun 2021 03:16:06 GMT
As we escaped the clutches of Qwerty last week, we take a lil break from creatures to let you meet our new intern! This is a recording from the Intern's first day we accidentally took, but it had some great stuff regarding creature exploration and how we do things here at the Creature Report studios! Great thanks to newest member of the team....uh....Tim? no no, wait. Jim. Jim the intern.
Content Warnings: though no explicit nature occurs in this episode, we will be talking about HR compliancy/safety in a light manner.
All sounds used in this episode can be found on
-.-. .... .. .-.. -.. .... --- --- -.. / - --- -.-- ... --..-- / -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. .... --- --- -.. / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... .-.-.- / .-- .... .- - .----. ... / --- -. / - .... .- - / - .-. .- .. -. .. -. --. / ...- .. -.. . --- / -- -.-- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ..--..
The Creature Report: Episode 21, Qwerty
Sat, 22 May 2021 03:15:11 GMT
In a world of felt creation,
imagination is our play station.
Folks, friends, and pals all invited
to the place where dreams are ignited
welcome young and old unto
a place of magic Szechuan Avenue!
......but somethings wrong, isn't it?
The Creature Report: Episode 20, MegaFraiser
Sat, 08 May 2021 06:13:54 GMT
Things are getting Weird around here on this weeks Creature Report. Weirder than usual, that is. This week we meet Ash Delaney, from “the Department of Transportation”, in a Barnes and Noble while discussing Jordans, beach balls, and ultimately our assimilation within the one true being that is simply known as: MegaFraiser.
Content Warnings: hypnotic, drug-induced psychosis
Love Ash and want more fun, spooky, goofy, and good content? Check out some more of Ash and their adventures with Hal Bishop over at
All sound fx found on
Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey Stop Juliett Oscar India November Tango Hotel Echo Mike Echo Golf Alfa Foxtrot Romeo Alfa India Sierra Echo Romeo Stop Charlie Oscar Mike
The Creature Report: Episode 19, Replaced Jeff
Sat, 24 Apr 2021 02:38:46 GMT
After a bit of a hiatus, we're back and more monsterous than ever with PODCASTING'S OWN JEFF STORMER!!!! I know, we could hardly contain our excitement either. With Jeff, we meet up with a viscous sort of friend with a large body, brass knuckles for snacks, and an interest not only in Bruce Springsteen, but....well......Podcasting's Own Jeff Stormer! (who doesnt, though). Content warning, dear listeners and viewers, for light and fun horror based on doppelgangers and mimics.
All sfx done by Jeff Stormer & utilized from
The Creature Report: Episode 18, Molieye, The Thunderchaser
Sat, 20 Mar 2021 05:04:48 GMT
What has different eyes for different partners, is Beyoncé’s least favorite creature, knows the name of Zeus' penis, and has a huge crush on Chester Arthur? Well, find out tonight on a new Creature Report with Val Petrone and tonight’s guest, the magical, mystical, multifaceted creature handler and podcaster with a few godlike tendencies, JV Hampton-VanSant.
Also a clip from Batman Forever. It's free use.
Uzadv gx lzw ygvk, qgm'dd zsnw lg skkmew. Tml vwwh af lzwaj zwsjl kgewlzafy tayywj vgwk tdgge.....qgm'dd kww al kggf. Ow'dd sdd kww al kggf. sfv A hjsq lg lzw ygvk al oadd fgl dwsv lg vgge.
The Creature Report: Episode 17, Arby
Sun, 14 Mar 2021 04:05:45 GMT
Be kind today, we're approaching what some call "a gay little man that fucks good", as we meet up with friend of the show Arthur (no last name) and ......Arthur....or, Arthur and Arby. We figure it out by the end, we promise. So get your smoochin' lips ready, because this creature won't leave until the pact is sealed, and keep an eye on the curly fries.
Sound FX
The Creature Report: Episode 16, Mombo
Sat, 06 Mar 2021 03:58:36 GMT
In quite the pickle tonight, viewers and listeners- or maybe, quite the chocolate orange? We get on the hunt for Miibo and find something a little different, all in the backyard Val's place- Joined with us today is local chocolatier and coffee crafter Emery Crumb, who is looking for a lost friend in all the right places.
Sound FX
Mombo crunch:
Additional SFX: Val Petrone
Sxesebqjui, sevvuui, qdt vkdae fefi jee. Ijybb medtuhydw mxo yj'i xuhu jxqj Cyyre vbum.
The Creature Report: Episode 15, Wigglesworth
Sun, 28 Feb 2021 04:00:00 GMT
We've got the purrrrfect creature for you today, viewers and listeners- all thanks to the help of podcasting powerhouse and audio wizard Ryan Boelter and his amazing audio prowess. Come join us in an abandoned amusement park where birds sing, cats meow, and Wigglesworth judges our taste in 80s rock and pop music.
Sound FX found on
Additional SFX: Val Petrone
L afcctyr ncplefcp slepd 80d cznv, jpe azfc dzxp dfrlc lyo hlens zfe qzc te'd ......olynp
The Creature Report: Episode 14, The Not Daniel
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 05:36:18 GMT
Tonight, viewers and listeners, we’re meeting up with my old friend from set- Glormph the Amorphous Blob to meet a friend of his whose abundance of video game skills and just right amount of boobs will have you saying “wait, is this creature going to rip off my entire arm?”. Venture into this apartment complex with us as we meet Daniel---er, not Daniel.
Sound FX:
Glormph noise:
City Ambience:
Additional SFX: Val Petrone
wh hccy am ofa pih w fsufsk wh ghfcbusf, bck am ofag tssz hsb hwasg zcbusf.
The Creature Report: Episode 13, Sporty Roach
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 06:57:06 GMT
Happy Valentine’s Day, viewers and listeners. Tonight we have treats galore for you as we meet Sporty Roach, a creature whose interest in LARPing as an athletic person takes us to the community center pool and the local pizzaria. Joining us on this venture is the cute and pretty— I mean, clever and proficient former college turned newscaster Mitt Brinkman.
Sound FX credit
Tentacle effect :
Additional FX : Val Petrone
Unccl Inyragvar'f Qnl, fjrrgurnegf. Ybir vf arire jung vg frrzf.
The Creature Report: Episode 12, Chip
Sat, 06 Feb 2021 04:00:00 GMT
It's been a while, hasn't it......
The Creature Report: Episode 11, Roomie
Fri, 05 Feb 2021 18:00:00 GMT
It's been a long backlog, listeners and viewers. So here's the last one from Halloween: Tonight, instead of hitting the bars or partying, we're staying in with out guest anchor Ghosty and their new roommate, Roomie. Join us for talks about ghost hunting videos, living pet rocks, and definitely not Val getting sucked into the fifth dimension underneath Ghosty's couch. q
The Creature Report: Episode 10, Charles
Fri, 05 Feb 2021 05:00:00 GMT
Grab your candy corn and divorce lawyer- the Creature Report sets out on a stakeout! Parked across the street from a spooky house, we're joined in tonights creature watch by none other than Addison Peacock! (No, not that Addison Peacock. A ghost who lives in the car with no relation to Addison Peacock, we swear). Will we find a spooky friend? Or perhaps a vile foe? Grab your penny candies and tune in to find out! y
The Creature Report: Episode 9, Scottye Moore
Thu, 04 Feb 2021 17:00:00 GMT
Today we're greeted and co-anchored by Creature Report SUPERFAN Scottye Moore. Though we'll say the creature that they brought us too was a bit underwhelming, the emotions ran high and we wound up realizing that maybe the Creature Report was the friends you made along the way....or at least, the fans with a few personalities and bodily changes. a
The Creature Report: Episode 8, Tartarus
Thu, 04 Feb 2021 04:00:00 GMT
Lions and tigers and bears and creatures and monsters and cryptids, oh my! We're going out into the woods today with artist, performer, and creature psychic extraordinaire Krem Zaroogian! Here we meet a hot sort of cryptid with glitches, tentacles, and a pipe that would make most stoners cringe on sight. t
The Creature Report: Episode 7, Stick
Wed, 03 Feb 2021 04:42:31 GMT
Hitting the park today, meeting our new leggy, large, and legalist creature, Stick! Or, it's named Stick by our guest today, a whip-smart talking dog with a taste for biscuits and the unusual, our puppy pal Piper! Join me and my coanchor for dream reading, language discussion, and a Popeyes chicken sandwich. q
The Creature Report: Episode 6, This Is Not A Ghost
Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:23:51 GMT
Join just Val, and whatever this thing is. It's just Not A Ghost. y
The Creature Report: Episode 5, A Nameless, Dimensionful Creature
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 06:13:22 GMT
We're going to the museum this episode of the Creature Report, meeting a creature we can see so many (69) sides of. Join Val Petrone and today's guest anchor, actress, podcast, and true dream of a being Alice Kyra, as we connect with a nameless, dimensionful creature who protects lgbt+ folks and screams psychically about stra--straig--oh, just tune in. a
The Creature Report: Episode 4, Beak Face
Sun, 31 Jan 2021 05:43:29 GMT
TW; themes of unreality
We're back, friends and foes, with another episode of Creature Report. Tonight, we dive into an abandoned(?) mall and come face to faceless with Beak Face. The mononymous, fabulous monster match maker and clown killer Nova gives us some monster dating tips while they join us for this reality bending creature. o
The Creature Report: Episode 3, Gargorls
Sat, 30 Jan 2021 06:03:36 GMT
Okay....let's get this one over with. Today's Creature Report might be a bit....underwhelming? Sorry about that; the monster is cool! The guest is....well....Alex Flanigan, FORMERLY of Cryptid Keeper. Let's get this show on the road, nothing to see here, except a psychic polyamorous gargoyle. x
The Creature Report: Episode 2, Rosy
Fri, 29 Jan 2021 05:26:13 GMT
Things are getting a little rosy here on Creature Report number 2! We're joined by night cryptojournalist Mae Murphy for wild things that go bump in the night in a Chuck E C-- I mean, a Childrens Entertainment Venue. Lots of teeth? Christian rock? Mysterious ringing? All that and more, when you tune in! q
The Creature Report: Episode 1, The Twinkle Pink Star Juice
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 05:34:34 GMT
Breaking news! We head to the office to catch a brand new monster with 34 peepers peeled all around. Join senior anchor Val Petrone, and todays guest anchor author, educator, and podcaster @AidanChaser- Chase to meet the gooshiest corporate cog of a monster on the premiere episode of: the Creature Report. i