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Woman With A Shovel

Crime and Mystery Full cast Serial Audio Drama


Public Defender Sheila Jefferson tries to follow the rules but she's not always successful.

Format: Audio Drama

Continuity: Serial

Voices: Cast

Genres: Crime and Mystery

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How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?

Tue, 03 May 2022 14:30:50 GMT

Sheila and 'Lectron clash over a Knife and some carrot cake...

WOMAN WITH A SHOVEL - video track

Thu, 21 Apr 2022 18:28:27 GMT

Public Defender Sheila Jefferson fights courageously to defend the rights of the downtrodden... She really tries to follow the rules...

Woman With A Shovel - Podcast #12 7/11/21

Sun, 11 Jul 2021 23:23:03 GMT

Evelyn Petersen leads the clean-up of the Homeless Encampment at Parkland college.

Reverend Markson makes her own statement about homelessness.

A manhunt is underway for Calico.

We learn about Congressman Donner's private life.

Haley and Ashley taunt Congressman Donner.

Detective Balthazar investigates Detective Cardona.

Sheila is recruited to run for Congress.

Woman With A Shovel Podcast #11

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 19:12:45 GMT

Haley and Ashley conspire,
The heat is turned up on Evelyn,
The Cops don't like Cardona,
Calico is on the run,
The Homeless encampment is getting some visitors.

On the Run...

Sat, 27 Mar 2021 00:32:41 GMT

A plan to move the Homeless Encampment off the College Campus...
Evelyn gets the report on her Husband's background...
Judge Jenkins finds justice...
Calico hits the road...
Haley gets a phone call...

Woman with A Shovel Podcast #9

Sun, 28 Feb 2021 02:50:40 GMT

Evelyn makes a move

Homeless people are in the crosshairs

Calico is being hunted

We find out more about Ashley

Carlos and Luanna visit Bertie in the hospital 

Tanya goes after Tran

And ‘Lectron wants his knife back.

His name is Lambchop.

Wed, 10 Feb 2021 20:25:01 GMT

Donner tied to missing Intern.  
Calico resolves a payment dispute with a sex-trade customer.
Spaniel has a new Emotional Support Companion Animal... Sheila fights for his rights.
A Homeless encampment has grown up at the deserted Community College campus.
Candidate Evelyn Petersen's daughter is threatened.

Bye-bye Bertie!

Fri, 29 Jan 2021 18:31:18 GMT

Congressman Donner finds himself in the middle of more controversy...

Gerald gets a secret assignment...

A Town Hall Meeting goes off the rails...

The white van suddenly roared to life...

A search Warrant is executed...

Why does the accelerator always get stuck?

Welcome to the Holding Cell

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:38:12 GMT

Blackmail, threats, questions and accusations; Mama's in the slammer; Where's your Intern?

Why do you have a gun in your drawer?

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:54:57 GMT

'Lectron wants his knife back, Sheila's late for court, Tanya flirts with Judge Jenkins, and Evelyn Petersen gains in the polls on Congressman Donner, 

#1 - Welcome to the Pots and Pans Soup Kitchen

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 03:11:15 GMT

Public Defender Sheila Jefferson volunteers serving lunch to the less fortunate at the Pots and Pans Soup Kitchen; a misunderstanding over a piece of cake leads to an altercation and Sheila steps in to restore peace.