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Creator: David Collins-Rivera
Solo Science fiction Serial Audio Book
Hundreds of years from now, when vast supernations have arisen across the galaxy, a professional gunner wanders the stars, floating from job-to-job. Ejoq Dosantos makes friends and enemies; he finds comfort and tragedy; and invariably, he uncovers more than his share of danger. A galaxy in motion requires a man in motion, and Ejoq never stops moving! Stardrifter is a space opera series by David Collins-Rivera, that encompasses novels, short stories, audiobooks, podcasts, and even a tabletop role-playing game! Check out my website for Stardrifter and a whole lot more:
Format: Audio Book
Continuity: Serial
Writing: Scripted
Voices: Solo
Narrator: First Person
Genres: Science fiction, Space opera, Adventure
Soundscape: Sound effects
Maturity: Young adult
Country of origin: United States
Completion status: Partial
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All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 25
Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:21:00 -0700
Final chapter!
Ejoq and company, hurt by an attack, and fearing another, flee the highdock with all haste. Has the raider escaped? Does it know that its sworn enemies are near? If so, why hasn't it finished them off yet?
The thrilling first half of an epic tale of war and revenge concludes!
Look for All He Surveys: Volume 02, beginning in Summer 2024!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 24
Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:20:58 -0700
Ejoq and his bodyguards have been discovered sneaking around, whom, exactly? Are these clean-cut, professional men really the bloodthirsty killers they've been looking for? And with the only escape route cut-off, is a safe exit now even possible?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 23
Fri, 24 Nov 2023 00:52:00 -0700
Ejoq and his bodyguards sneak aboard an off-limits space station in search of the elusive raider ship. It all depends on timing and luck...two things that are suddenly in short supply!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 22
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 00:52:27 -0700
While searching for the mysterious pirate ship, Ejoq and his squad hear news of some early engagements by Circle and Cadre forces, prompting a reassessment of their goals. But when a long-awaited clue finally surfaces, all doubts go out the airlock, and a dangerous plan is put into play!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 21
Thu, 02 Nov 2023 01:24:57 -0700
Conducting raids on enemy bases, Ejoq's squadron is here, there, and everywhere. But when a final assault requires the personal touch, Ejoq finds himself in a tiny, essentially unarmed vessel, staring down the barrels of a whole lot of guns!
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 17:13:05 -0700
A Stardrifter Short-Short Story
Opal City Station is a medium size ring-shaped space colony in the Alliance. Though there's nothing all that special about it, OCS is home to hard workers, layabouts, dreamers, lowlifes, villains, and heroes. Just regular people, living a life in outer space.
Niku is a teenager boy with an eye for the ladies. When he finally sees one that makes his heart stop, he learns a quick lesson about what it means to really want something, and what it sometimes takes to be worthy of it.
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 20
Sun, 08 Oct 2023 10:08:19 -0700
Ejoq is recovering from the factory mission, but not everyone is happy about his success. Or maybe they are, and just wish he wasn't involved! Angry family. Angry friends. What's a wandering misanthrope to do?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 19
Tue, 19 Sep 2023 19:53:39 -0700
Ejoq is recovering from the successful mission against the factory. But not everyone is happy about that. Or rather, they're mostly unhappy with him!
Sanderson Simm and the Eccentric Orbit
Fri, 01 Sep 2023 06:56:00 -0700
Glimpses of Opal City
A Stardrifter Short-Short Story
Opal City Station is a medium size ring-shaped space colony in the Alliance. Though there's nothing all that special about it, OCS is home to hard workers, layabouts, dreamers, lowlifes, villains, and heroes. Just regular people, living a life in outer space.
Sanderson Simm races space drones in a highly competitive amateur league. He's been an avid member of his community for years, but has yet to claim his place among the best. Today will be different. Today Sanderson Simm will do anything, including break the law, to gain First Place, and be recognized for who he is. Today is the day he wins!
A quick tale, told in be-bop prose poetry style.
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 18
Sun, 20 Aug 2023 21:13:20 -0700
Ejoq, being Ejoq, makes a new enemy who's supposed to be a friend! Military build-up is happening on both sides of the conflict, so the time for childish petulance is long past. But with Ejoq being Ejoq, is that even possible?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 17
Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:21:02 -0700
The escort has arrived! Or has it? Shady warships, blunt messages, and a strange sense of urgency makes the situation rather tense. A lot of bad things could happen now, and really only a single good one. To Ejoq and his allies, those are definitely not attractive odds!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 16
Fri, 26 May 2023 19:26:17 -0700
Arriving in the middle of nowhere, things are quiet and safe. There's plenty of time right now to get to know each other. Plenty of time for Ejoq to make a bad impression!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 15
Thu, 27 Apr 2023 19:55:22 -0700
Safe at last! Except that the most intimidating confrontation of all looms ahead: a meeting with the new Patriarch of family Vernes!
(This is a revised version of the chapter, fixing some audio issues. Sorry for that!)
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 14
Fri, 07 Apr 2023 23:07:43 -0700
Help finally arrives, and Ejoq and the others are able to take a breath. New friends and new plans are made, but the greatest and scariest question of all still looms ahead: what will the Vernes say when they find out they're now at war?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 13
Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:51:16 -0700
Ejoq and his charges have made it aboard the freighter Josephina, and they're climbing out of the star system's gravity well. Nothing can stop them now...right?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 12
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:31:11 -0700
Ejoq comes face-to-face with the enchanting and diabolical Lady Treisol! Compliments follow, as well as veiled threats; but a chase through the streets brings the most important question of all to the fore: how do you escape from someone who controls everything around you?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 11
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:11:05 -0700
Ejoq makes a decision, and takes a bold step. Whatever happens next, there will be no going back!
(Sorry, folks! Got this one mixed up with Chapter 12. And since I inadvertently published 12 in this chapter's place the other day, I guess I may as well go ahead and publish 12 as well; this time where it's supposed to be.)
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 10
Sat, 31 Dec 2022 21:47:56 -0700
Ejoq confides in a local detective, hoping for insight and information. A shocking development, however, changes everything, and an old acquaintance reaches out from the past!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Episode 09
Mon, 19 Dec 2022 13:25:40 -0700
New star system, new cops, but the same old questions. Ejoq starts seeing a pattern, and it's not pretty!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 08
Mon, 05 Dec 2022 11:41:47 -0700
The police have made their inquiries, and they're monstrous. Back on the ship, Ejoq finds that everyone thinks they know who he is, and what he's doing here. They're all wrong, of course, but...what if they're not?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 07
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 22:28:13 -0700
The police are at the hatch now. They want answers, and they're going to get them...any way they see fit!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 06
Wed, 16 Nov 2022 18:13:41 -0700
In the aftermath of violence, Ejoq finds he has much too much time to think about what happened and why. Others wonder about this, too, including what he really had to do with it all!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 05
Thu, 03 Nov 2022 22:39:30 -0700
A violent attack leaves behind death, injury, and shock, as well as an unanswerable question: why?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 04
Fri, 28 Oct 2022 21:19:44 -0700
Ejoq helps make a special delivery from the galley, and it's one he'll never forget!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 03
Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:19:57 -0700
The new Chef arrives, and everyone is on edge. What could it mean? And why does it matter so much to the mysterious Fouzels?
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 02
Sat, 01 Oct 2022 07:10:59 -0700
An accident and injury leave Ejoq wondering if this cruise could possibly get any worse?!
All He Surveys: Volume 01, Chapter 01
Sat, 01 Oct 2022 06:51:05 -0700
The industry is changing. Ejoq is after a fresh start, but he's finding the transition from wandering gunner to kitchen apprentice a bit of a challenge!
Voice From The Void 13: Artificial Gravity
Mon, 10 Jan 2022 22:01:54 -0700
Fundamental to power generation, star travel, manufacturing, and so much more, artificial gravity is the cornerstone technology of Stardrifter. It underpins industry and recreation, and has prompted advancements in nearly every aspect of human endeavor. But not all uses of this tech have been necessarily positive, nor has every application been successful. Check out this latest episode of "Voice From The Void", and learn all about the technology that created the future!
Voice From The Void 12: Corporatespace
Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:04:41 -0700
A massive over-arching conglomeration of corporations, interstellar limited liability companies, businesses, and services, Corporatespace is all about the bottom line. But behind all the money hustle is a supernation of people, who live their lives, and pursue their dreams just like everyone else. How can a profit-obsessed region of space possibly work, and why would anyone want to live there?
Check out this episode of Voice From The Void, and find out!
Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:57:37 -0700
A Stardrifter short story.
Zimon lives rough, near the outer hull of a space colony, and far from the general population. No real home, no real comfort; for him and his companions, hope, prospects, and dignity are rare and fleeting.
But a young stranger who enters their midst shatters the quiet desperation of Zimon's endless night, and very quickly, the pain and suffering of a lifetime rises to the surface, and a dark lesson is taught, in the Playground.
Tue, 30 Mar 2021 08:26:46 -0700
A space opera podcast fiction series, and so much more!
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 10:32:30 -0700
A Stardrifter short story.
Stuck in a rut, Lacey works on her family starship, ferrying cargo and passengers to long-familiar ports. A strange passenger offers her a bit of perspective, though, about her life, herself, and even her future. A quiet tale about finding satisfaction and comfort in the cold depths of space.
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:55:05 -0700
A Stardrifter short story.
A wealthy young man gets kidnapped, but is he truly the victim? What is real and what is presumption? And how will a harrowing night prove to be the key to a woman's freedom? A tale about hope, fear, and the politics of love.
Voice From The Void 11: Frontierspace
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:32:44 -0700
For centuries, people have been moving into the black in search of fortune, freedom, and opportunity. What might be out there these days, waiting in the great unknown, far beyond the borders of the Big Four supernations?
Voice From The Void 10: Supermaterials
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:30:58 -0700
In the future, there are substances that nearly defy imagination: invulnerable metals; liquid computer cores; biodegradable plastics that can stop bullets. Check out these materials, and others, in this latest episode!
Voice From The Void 09: Spaceboats
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:29:32 -0700
What use do slower-than-light vessels have in an age of faster-then-light space travel? What use does the galaxy have for cargo boats, personnel carriers, and large warboats? Check out this episode for the all the answers!
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:28:02 -0700
Even in the future, money makes the world go around. All the worlds, in fact! Empires thrive, and fleets of commercial vessels starjump between the stars, because of money. What form does it take by Ejoq's time? And how did that form come about?
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:26:06 -0700
How do you feed hundreds of billions of people scattered through the far reaches of outer space? What sort of infrastructure do you need to make sure food is grown and delivered to all your citizens? Check out this episode and find out!
Voice From The Void 06: Genesculpting
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:24:17 -0700
The manipulation of the human genome has been raised to a fine art by Ejoq's time. Medicine has reached new heights, but not everything has changed for the better. Listen and learn about genetic engineering in the future!
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:22:30 -0700
What's Earth like these days? Is it a techno-wonderland, ecological mess, or something else entirely? Take a look at the future of our planet, and the special place it holds among the star-spanning nations of the galaxy!
Voice From The Void 04: Space Stations
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:21:05 -0700
A look at artificial environments in space. What kinds are there? How many people live in them? Are they safe? The future is full of people, and they all need somewhere to be; a lot of them are on space stations.
Voice From The Void 03: Starjump
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:17:47 -0700
An in-depth examination of the future technology of starjump, including how it works, how it came about, and what the implications for human society have been.
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:15:50 -0700
A close look at the Alliance of Independent Nations: a complex, chaotic collection of independent states, held together by an elected body, an Executive branch, a huge bureaucracy, and a space-born military second to none.
Voice From The Void 01: Overview
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:13:46 -0700
An overview of the Stardrifter series, including the books and stories available right now; a feature about the future setting of the series, including speculations about time, and what the four major nations are.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 23:41:37 -0700
Evany and her partner are the owners of Diamond Hard Security, specializing in High Risk and Return missions. Soldiers of fortune, their latest mission goes perfectly...for a while.
Stalked by a military hunter/killer pack in a remote Corporatespace star system, their tiny ship, A Daydream of Josephina, must find it's way back to the Alliance. A simple data grab would never warrant such a desperate response, but here it is anyway.
Something isn't right, and Evany has to figure it out before Corporate Team soldiers get them all in their sites!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 19:30:30 -0700
That darned cargo boat is no closer, but it's only one problem the crew of Sheila have to contend with now.
Injuries! Unannounced schedule changes! Regulations so new no one has even heard of them! And an AI with a very big digital chip on his shoulder!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:31:52 -0700
Artificial intelligence takes many forms in the future. Some AI's are friendly, some are hostile. Some are philosophical, some are pragmatic.
And some are just plain jerks.
A manufacturing error at a massive automated factory sends the crew of the small personnel boat, Sheila, rocketing out after a robotic cargo vessel, hoping to stop it before its load of faulty mechanical parts gets shipped out. The company will be on the hook if they can't catch it. It's a liability nightmare!
Oh, and if any people use those parts? They might, you know, die.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:27:37 -0700
A Stardrifter short story. Cree "Oiler" Huunan, life-long spacer and liquid cargo handing specialist, is about to be sprung from jail, his mandatory forty-eight hours for public drunkenness being nearly up. But what awaits such a man, when he's lost everything...home, job, and the love of his life? A short tale about having a place in the world, and knowing who and what that makes you.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:20:15 -0700
The story ends with a big wind up, and one last secret!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:18:21 -0700
Darkness falls, and so does Ejoq!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:16:56 -0700
Truth and lies, and whatever's in between!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:15:14 -0700
Colliding worlds reveal a nasty surprise!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:12:22 -0700
An alley attack and an ally who might!!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:09:55 -0700
A compromise, a game, a relationship, and a bribe!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:08:37 -0700
A new job leads to confessions and a startling deduction!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:07:13 -0700
The aftermath of violence dredges up some very unwelcome memories!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:05:21 -0700
Being the life of the party just might be the death of Ejoq!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:03:12 -0700
It's the stony lonesome for Ejoq!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:01:51 -0700
Assassins, lovers, and friends!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:58:07 -0700
There are changes afoot on the space station, and someone is paying a bit too much attention to Ejoq!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:48:35 -0700
Deeper, and deeper, and deeper still!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:46:13 -0700
Crashing the party is not much fun!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:45:02 -0700
Reinforcements have arrived (and that's not a good thing)!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:43:43 -0700
A secret EVA brings opportunity and danger!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:42:30 -0700
A clash of priorities leads to violence!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:39:26 -0700
Precision, silent running, and a startling revelation!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:38:01 -0700
It's a lot of bad news, and some very perilous decisions!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:35:48 -0700
A little bit of breathing space goes a long way, especially in vacuum!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:33:58 -0700
Danger in the dark! And it's getting awfully hot in the deep cold of space!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:31:34 -0700
An amazing demonstration leads to some very unwelcome attention!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:29:58 -0700
Assessment of the facts brings a whole different light to the mystery of 216-11B!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:28:28 -0700
A disagreement about the course of the mission reveals the biggest secret in the galaxy!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:26:38 -0700
Ejoq and the crew arrive in star system 216-11B aboard the advanced stealthship Shady Lady. Things are busy here, with a huge space station no one knew about, and dozens of vessels coming and going. And is that a Corporatespace warship guarding things?!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:10:49 -0700
Ejoq is hired for a covert mission over the border. The money is nice, and everyone says it's a great opportunity. So what if it might be a little dangerous...?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:03:28 -0700
Soul and Gaieny are faced with armed mercenaries unfolding a dangerous plan! Things just might fall apart for the superhauler Bellewind, unless these two young technicians can keep cool heads, and come up with a plan of their own!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:00:54 -0700
It's starting to look like the trouble with Bellewind has a human and very treacherous cause. Soul and Gaieny have to decide if they can trust the one person they're able to talk with, because time is running short, and the ship is heading for disaster!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:53:26 -0700
Soul Kawarri is an Artificial Gravity/Inertial Dampener Technician aboard the massive cargo superhauler Bellewind, and he's about to have an interesting day! Teaming up with a wild-haired electronics expert, he's only got a few minutes to confront bizarre system-wide glitches, a raving lunatic on the radio, and mysterious footsteps echoing in the darkness!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:48:39 -0700
Max and the gang do their best to get the 4TH STREET DINER ready for a big inspection, but nothing they do may make any difference at all! Chili with crackers, enemies with ambition, and nanobots with a twist! Get yourself a coffee and danish while you can still can!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:46:57 -0700
CARBORNARI'S ups the ante, with vandalism and outright sabotage! Add to that, a comprehensive and mandatory inspection of the DINER, and Max is feeling the heat! Is it time for him to get out of the kitchen?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:45:25 -0700
After a bit of a tussle with the owners and employees of CARBORNARI'S RISORANTE ITALIANO across the street, Max learns that the fix is in! He and his crew of 4TH STREET DINER misfits have to come up with a plan to win the licensing slot fast, or lose everything!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:43:47 -0700
The 4TH STREET DINER, on Souza Station, finds itself in a food war with an Italian eatery across the street, and tempers are flaring! With a diabolical power couple making their move, and a hired thug pushing people around, Max Bru'llo finds himself battling for the very survival of his restaurant!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:40:58 -0700
10-year old Trapper has gotten separated from his kindly neighbor during a crisis, and might just miss the last shuttle out. But when he meets someone who needs more help than he does, he finds himself at the center of a whole lot of action! A very short dramatized tale (with sound effects and such), about gaining a little perspective when you need it the most.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:33:32 -0700
The story concludes.
Ejoq tries to put his life back together -- but between mysterious visitors, damaged friendships, and disturbing memories, can he even survive survival?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:30:58 -0700
Ejoq isn't recovering well. There are complications, and his problems are getting in the way. But no worries, Fleet has just the solution...and he'll never be the same again!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:27:54 -0700
Ejoq wakes up in a strange place. What's happened? Where is everyone? And why do they keep asking about somebody named Alan Small...?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:26:23 -0700
Time's up, and Grizzelda has a choice to make: deal with the treacherous Alan Small, or trust in the justice of two enemy nation states. A dark secret from the past will determine everything, and a deadly machine will strike!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:24:30 -0700
The crew of Grizzelda come up with a bold plan, but time is short -- and the traffic is a killer!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:22:48 -0700
Hemmed in on both sides, the crew of Grizzelda make frantic plans. The situation couldn't possibly get worse. Or could it?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:21:20 -0700
Back in space, a clean escape for the crew of Grizzelda is within reach at last...until an enemy makes a bold move, and the entire game turns on its head!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:19:28 -0700
With just one desperate chance to escape from Barlow, Ejoq and friends navigate across the planet's face. But between cold revenge and secret military strikes, they may not live long enough to travel anywhere!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:17:36 -0700
Ejoq and his friends reach the end of the line, but a new battle is just beginning, and uneasy allies have become bitter enemies!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:15:47 -0700
Ejoq and his companions have made it to their destination at last, but their final few steps may prove to be exactly that!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:13:57 -0700
Ejoq and his companions are in the mountains of Barlow, where the peace and quiet have taken on a decidedly sinister aspect!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:12:30 -0700
Ejoq and company are on the trail of a mystery, but getting out of Finery could prove to be difficult. In fact, it might be downright deadly!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:10:17 -0700
Ejoq meets up with Alan Small, and together, they hatch a bold plan of rescue...but is the price for his help too high?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:08:24 -0700
The celebration continues...but for Ejoq, the nightmare is just beginning!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:06:59 -0700
The city of Finery is celebrating, because the Revolution is over! (Or is it?) Ejoq finds himself among thousands of revelers, and waits for the elusive Alan Small!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:04:51 -0700
The Revolution has won (mostly), and Ejoq wanders the city of Finery. Hoping to find some clues and assemble plans for escape, he reaches out to a dangerous man...and proposes a very desperate bargain!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:02:45 -0700
Ejoq makes a new friend, and new plans. With the world falling apart, what could possibly be the right move?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:01:13 -0700
Ejoq is injured, and needs somewhere to rest. A quiet, empty factory seems like just the place...unless, of course, he's not really alone in there!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:59:19 -0700
Ejoq witnesses some Revolutionary justice, and barely makes it away himself. The new order is looking for change...and they don't care who stands in their way!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:54:43 -0700
Ejoq makes it back to the city of Finery, but there's nothing fine about it now that the Revolution is in full swing!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:52:35 -0700
Time is running out for Ejoq's genteel friends, and maybe for himself! But what's the next move, and where on Barlow can anyone possibly find safety?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:51:00 -0700
Ejoq has a private meeting with the most powerful men on Barlow. Plans, schemes, and wheels within wheels...but what, exactly, is going on with the mysterious Alan Small?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:49:17 -0700
Ejoq enters the lion's den -- a formal dinner with members of Barlow's Elite class! Caught between fancy desserts and tremendous honors, he finds gratitude and secrets in abundance...and a powerful man with an agenda all his own!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:47:37 -0700
Ejoq is the guest of House Vernes. All seems safe and quiet, but hidden loyalties abound, and not everyone is happy to be there. In fact, some of them seem downright furious!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:46:07 -0700
With some kids in tow, Ejoq must escape the city of Finery before combat in the streets catches up with them. But where can they possibly go...?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:44:21 -0700
Having escaped one conflict, Ejoq finds himself in curious company. The city of Finery is burning, and the Revolution is on the rise!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:42:37 -0700
Ejoq finds himself wandering in an alien city at night. Between new, young allies, and frenzied rioters, there's no clear path, and plenty of danger!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:40:48 -0700
Ejoq finds a warm, quiet place to rest, which is just the thing he needs -- until he finds out exactly why it's so quiet!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:39:10 -0700
Ejoq is on the ground, while the planet is in revolt! Without allies, resources, or any idea where to go, how can he rescue his shipmates? How can he even rescue himself?!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:37:48 -0700
Ejoq and his companions have barely escaped from the highdock, and a difficult spacewalk back to the ship is yet ahead. But with crew mates still missing, and answers unknown, would it really be such a bad idea to have another look around...?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:35:57 -0700
Ejoq and a shipmate sneak aboard the Barlow highdock, looking for their missing companions. But between terrified new friends, and some deadly new enemies, they may not survive long enough to find anything!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:34:03 -0700
Ejoq dons his spacesuit to do a little recon. Can he find Grizzelda's missing people without getting shot? Can he even make it to the station without getting lost?!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:32:27 -0700
There's trouble aboard ship, and trouble on-station -- while some of Grizzelda's own go missing! With blood on the deck, and hatred in the air, Ejoq makes a dangerous decision!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:30:31 -0700
A moment of levity aboard ship does little to help Ejoq's sense of isolation. Everyone is happy, and everyone loves everyone. Right?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:28:21 -0700
Life aboard the ship is growing complicated, while the planet Barlow looks like a powder keg with a burning fuse. Is even the orbiting highdock safe?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:26:35 -0700
The planet Barlow looms, and things are looking sketchy there -- but is the real danger outside the ship...or inside?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:24:23 -0700
Ejoq is making progress with Gunnery, but not everyone seems pleased...while the ship reveals itself to have a very expensive problem!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:22:55 -0700
Ejoq works hard to pull Gunnery online -- but maybe he should work harder making friends!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:21:15 -0700
Ejoq meets the passengers and crew, and learns a few surprising details about Grizzelda's past!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 15:19:23 -0700
Ejoq has an interview, and gets hired aboard the tramp freighter, Grizzelda, as a replacement gunner. It's just a milk-run to the planet why is everyone so upset?
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 14:46:18 -0700
A funny man has a stark reminder of his serious past, and is forced to examine the choices he made.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:50:54 -0700
An emergency wake-up from cryogenic sleep drops Ejoq in the middle of trouble. With a wicked freeze-tube hangover, a boat packed to the bulkheads with passengers (yet strangely empty), and a shady crew that knows far more than they're telling, he has to hit the deck running -- or, at least, shuffling -- before a trio of armed vessels, waiting in ambush, cuts them all to pieces!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:46:06 -0700
A Stardrifter short story.
A sixteen year old girl, living on a space station with her aunt and uncle, finds herself at the crossroads of her life. A coming-of-age tale, set among the stars.
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:28:07 -0700
The story concludes with friends who might be enemies, and enemies who are definitely enemies. Everything is what it looks like, which means nothing is what it seems!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:24:51 -0700
The crew faces unknown odds, and the middle of nowhere is starting to get crowded. They have just one chance to save a strangely quiet merchant ship...and only half-a-chance to save themselves!
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:22:50 -0700
A crew of oddballs assigned to picket duty in a remote star system find their junker of a gunboat falling apart at the seams. Between bad pay, an idiot captain, and some rapidly-failing equipment, things couldn't possibly get worse. Right?